Monday, September 21, 2009

Media ...

Love it - leave it - you have no choice... surrounds you - and you cannot escape its touch or effect...
Media is, and should be defined as: "an intervening agency, means, or instrument”...
Media, is the plural form of a word borrowed directly from Latin.
Media is the primary means of communication our government relies on, - radio - television - newspapers - and magazines - that reach and influence our people widely, and methodically.

It is - without argument - the primary means in which a government - or other bodies of people - use to sway opinions for whatever purpose they have in mind. (..."wining hearts and minds")

For ONE example:
Long before I was "a man", like other young men, had toys - MY G.I. Joes did not fight the communists - they fought terrorist’s ... ... hmmm...
Why is it that MY generation wasn't subtlety taught to fight the "Evil Empire"? I mean - wasn't that the national threat during my adolesance? How did they know that threat would be "wraped up" - and a new one presented decades before?
What am I getting at? Everything you read, listen to, or see - is designed to make you think the way the "real" author wants you to think. It is really no secret or vast revelation to which I am speaking to my intended audience - but I just thought I would mention it again.
Read the first 117 pages of Clancy’s "Red Storm Rising" - you'll find out how the "Soviet" government got there people in a fever to go to war. I couldn't help but to think of our own government and how the war in Iran - oops - I mean Iraq got started. But I regress - what I feel about the true goal of Iraq is not for right now - latter.

Also - I read an interesting "new" book (new to me anyway) published in 1989 called "Storming Intrepid" - the buy-line: Someone tries to "pirate" a space shuttle full of SDI goodies... ...I really recommend it - not because it is good - but because hidden in it are some interesting tidbits that further verify what I have been saying all along.
We have been up there - for quite sometime...
Remember – who wrote it and why and then who was the intended audience. Not everything written or presented the media is designed to sway us into thoughts and opinions – but them (TPTB) as well …
Like my good friend said – There is ... more than one pyramid


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Gort said...

UFO over Dealey Plaza?

The photo is not of the motorcade, and was taken about 90 minutes after JFK was shot.

RCH talked about this on C2C tonite
(Sunday, 29 NOV 2009)


HHMSS Sword said...

Lots of meteors in the media...

Anyway - back from the break.
Whats happening now?

Remmeber that tactical war game I was talking about that I used to play as a kid? It started as this:

The vast majority of HD or HT and a portion of the "fun" pushing pulling scalar technology we have been discussing comes from understadning things like this:

This is all of it - or is it?

Canadian Funny money:

This needs NO title:

Where is cydonia in this pic?

Nothing much happening - except wide spread media reports of shit falling from teh sky...
Kinda makes you wonder...


HHMSS Sword said...

Media media media media
Is anyone getting the message now?

Mystery plane is photographed - next gen stealth?

Remember the Russian sat that crashed into CNN's sat - the one I made an entire blog post about? The debris is about to crash into the space station - butthe article fails to mention that.



HHMSS Sword said...

The lack of posts are disturbing (insert vader breath)...

That was close:

Lo0ks like someone iS going to m0ve it by hand...

Just beacuse your the type of guys who like this sort of thing:

And for every action there is a similar reverse action:

Space Kruiser + UAV + THIS = SUAVe


SSL4000G said...

This was a from the same site. Eeww!


IonTruO2 said...

Sword: Much input, thanks.
saw this: in The Day The Solar Wind Disappeared

In parallel with the polar rain event, Earth's magnetosphere swelled to five to six times its normal size. NASA's Wind, IMP-8, and Lunar Prospector spacecraft, the Russian INTERBALL satellite and the Japanese Geotail satellite observed the most distant bow shock ever recorded by satellites. Earth's bow shock is the shock front where the solar wind slams into the sunward edge of the magnetosphere.

Hello!? 'Shields up Spock' and turn down that lumens eh.

IonTruO2 said...

word ward: What's that? sunward

IonTruO2 said...

from transcript of David Wilcock on Coast.

(fyi: the whole article is rich with disclosure)

Below-Brief portion that makes allusion to the program that includes Sword's crew and many others:


DW: Now bear in mind, it gets smaller and smaller. We’re literally talking about only some 90 people who know most of what’s going on [and are in positions of control and influence here on Earth]. Then there’s a subset within those people of maybe another 15 to 25, and they’re the ones who really know what’s going on.

But they’re only the managers on Earth, working with many other people who have since moved off-planet -- and are involved in ships that are in space, bases on other planets and bases under the ground.

There’s tons and tons of people that are working in these other programs
-- many tens of thousands of people that are no longer in any type of conventional society as we would think of it. They were born here and are working in these other programs. And they’re working with other human beings.

IonTruO2 said...

A quote from Sword's link re: X37

"But you don't need to send a Mack truck into space when a Toyota Celica will do."

HHMSS Sword said...

Yeah - saw that solar wind thingy - thought I posted about it. The Solar winds issue is BIG. It is a major componet of everything considered "black".
Basically - a natural observeable phenomenom that unlocked a vasy portionof the "fun" stuff...

Now - on DW - is he STILL saying that there's aliens?

Todays episode of link-o-polozo:

Beacuse ION is down with the monks:

I get real tired when they present this as "new" and "cutting edge" - we where fucking with this ten years ago:

I'm sure this website does OTHER stuff as well:

Wait - hide behind the hill! Dont touch it yet!

A tribute to the worlds first "astonut"

So nothing in the MEDIA blogg post has warped your mind yet?
Try this on for size:

That is all...

IonTruO2 said...

Sword: that solar wind thingy :
Yes, I was extracting from your link that distinctive nugget showcasing to me an example of the shielding potential.

Further from your link re: Wingsuits I rather liked the video at Wired of the ‘HULC’ Super-Strength Gear that was linked at the bottom of the article.

HHMSS Sword said...

Todays check in...
Nothing happenin'

Have a great weekend.

MeanGreen said...

Looks like ESA has one up on NASA this time!
"A third spacecraft, the European Space Agency's Mars Express has occasionally acted as a communications relay for the Mars rovers."

Thanks for links ;-)

Did anyone catch this back in 2006?

This must have been where they got the idea for human forklift in the Aliens movie.

Dark Side of the Moon ;-)

HHMSS Sword said...

Checking back in from the weekend...
Yeah - the first thing I noticed was her big ... nevermind.


I'd like to hire this kid:

They call this WISE - I call it a front for something else:

This one gets eben better:

It's ALMOST like they are coming out and telling us ... what I have been saying all along ...

I'll throw my Kennedy link out into teh mix - :


IonTruO2 said...

Hi Sword, Tks.

from you link:

In the article they said:
The STEREO probes closest approach to the bottoms of the gravitational wells comes in Sept-Oct. 2009.

So, its Dec 8th, and we haven't heard a whole lot of news from them.

Keep in mind: Early next year, two European space telescopes, named Herschel and Planck, which were launched on May 14, will reach L2, the Lagrange point between L4 and L5.

So, much like India's impulse to disclose with the Moon water data, I hope they(ESA) will be the nudge that gets NASA/STEREO/Navy to offer up any good finds they might be holding onto...just a little long. ;)

My point being, they have already passed deep through the bottom of L4 and L5. What did they find?

OK SWORD...Here is one for you from that same link above: "By early 2011, on Super Bowl Sunday, the two spacecraft will be 180 degrees apart and able, for the first time, to provide a view of the entire sun, front and back simultaneously," Kaiser said.

My My, that is a timely positioning!?! ;)

..and just in case I had a doubt about that possibility: Thompson said the STEREO mission will serve as "a test bed for a possible future space weather mission to be parked at L5."

MeanGreen said...

WISE - A cover job for sure:
“It’s really a mission to survey everything that’s out there,’’ Wright said.

That "out there" should read "here on earth"!

INTELLIGENCE given unto us from the past from UFO DIARIES, that was meant for us in the future to find & follow it's intelligence to discover these artifacts today!

Incident at Indian Point Reactor Complex, N. Y. 1984
Maybe Dr. J. Allen Hynek left us a clue in NIGHT SIEGE

Put on your boots it is getting DEEP!
Some of you may remember the 1988 national broadcast of UFO COVER-UP LIVE ;-)

HHMSS Sword said...

Thanks for the video links...
ahem ...

Yeah ION, lots of fun stuff at the "La-la Range" ... The milltary has a nickname for everything.

Like I said - theres alot of information coming out that it baffles the mind - we didnt have this much public sector push to get knowlege out there for years - now all the sudden - everything.

My current favorite - the air cannon luanching methoad that SWORD, DARPA, MIL-FACT, CIA, NSA have been useing for YEAR.S ...
But what do I KNOW?

Whats happening now...

Solar power my @$$:

To think this is all we have up there is ridiculas...

I guess hoggie was right:

WTF is with the hexagonal crater motiff in saturn orbit?

Desktop wallpaper of the week:

Diala lama - animal lama - no this is better (for ION):

Thats it for today.
I might divulge from the norm on teh next blog post. Maybe it will be a fun exercise who knows.
Here's teh scoop.
I have a leather bound drawing tablet case with a egyption hyroglphs on both sides - more like some sort of motiff - its interesting. It was passed on to me from a LT.
What I want to do is have it scanned and see if we can figure out what the hell the scene is and what the hyro's say?
Anyone game?


Gort said...

I liked Fulford's post from 12/02

this part:
The Western countries will be increasingly marginalized and cut off from the global flow of trade until they stop their endless, mindless war-mongering. However, once the West purges its body politic of the evil cabal that infected it, it will use its still superior technical and scientific might for the greater good of humanity and the planet. The uncorking of all the suppressed scientific knowledge will trigger the start of an age of wonder and discovery.

Also, since we do not know what is out there in the universe, the West’s superior military ability will be used to protect the planet in the case of any emergencies.

Soon, we are all going to be living on a much nicer planet.
[end excerpt]

I hope so. Just heard on the news Los Angeles schoool district is laying off some 5,000 employees including 1,400 teachers. That's sad.

Somehow we've got the priorities scrambled.


HHMSS Sword said...

Thats sad - but what are the options - there are none...
...I guess no one wants to change the blogg post to the mystery of the eygptian motiff on my leather bound drawing pad case handed down from me from a LT around here who is ALSO a mason...

Todays episode of whats happening now...

Rememeber that I was saying that understanding the powers that ARE in the north? That understanding teh natural realtionship of the solar winds lead to some fantastic scientific brakethroughs? Check this out. Maybe I am get'en yall ready for something...

More (with video):

Funny, am I just making this stuff up and then the internet substaniats me - or do I REALLY know whats going on and I am nudge nudgeing you folk in the right direction. It's laughble.
So - keep tunning in - I got L.O.D.E.S. more...

Latest DARPA fun:

I got snow around town recently, it looks liek this:

More of teh movie RICH is pining for:
Disney's John Carter of Mars - Official Casting Call and Plot Details

Read more:

Anyway - got to run.


IonTruO2 said...

holy hotseat! anyone game? he said.

Sure, lets go there!

(geesh..pushy fella when he is on fire. lol. I'm still chasing a dozen new links and spinoffs.)

Let's see if we can figure out what the hell the scene is and what the hyro's say?

IonTruO2 said...

How about some Masonic humour?!

Newfoundland Taxi

Oh, I'm still laughing.

Ok, how about just how hot Canadian girls are?

stick handling

IonTruO2 said...

Get it?! TAXI 695-tree tree tree tree ==3333

baa ha ha ha.

IonTruO2 said...

What I would REALLY like to know Sword, is why much of the Google format language here keeps coming up in "Albanian"?

What's up with that?

Anybody see the dates for posts as "10 dhjetor 2009 6.04PD"??

IonTruO2 said...

I'm secure, I don't know, maybe the Albanian IT experts have hijacked Bell Canada?! lol

See! Even the sign in here, only for Sword's Blog Comments, no others, says "Emri i shfrytëzuesit"?!?!
..and then says "password" normal.


HHMSS Sword said...

I dont know how that got changed around - and it happens intermitently.
Could be one of two things, well three things.
1 - Someone has the admin rights and I forgot all about it and ergo is screwing with us
2 - its me
3 - its TPTB letting me know they can pull the plug whenever they want...

Anyway - looks like we have ONE blogg poster who is interested in the leather drawing case... ...anyone else?
Keep in mind - unless is super awsome info - we need to keep THAT blog ON TOPIC.

I'm super surprised that NO ONE is biting at the northern light show I posted - this IS BIG NEWS...

But, I degress, back to media...

More hexagonal motiff from Saturn:

And more w/video:

The Russians say it was there rocket that created the illuminated spiral in the sky - emmm could be...


And more:

Even more:

annnnndddd more:

he stuff that I have seen like this is more vertical and less tight of teh spiral. I dont think its a missile test gone bad. I think those crazy russians are up to something else. Like weatehr control...
...and the missle test gone bad is just a cover. When have teh russians admited that anything has gone wrong - ever?

In Soviet Russia, missile tests you!

That seems about it.
I am going to scan the image of the leather case - if I dont get a yea or nay I will just go ahead and change the blogg topic to that.


HHMSS Sword said...

Alllright - if the date comments change again I'll look into fuckery...


Dr.VanNostren said...

In Soviet Russia, missile tests you!

That's gold Jerry, gold!

I'm down to take a swipe at the Egyptian stuff.

Reagarding the weather mod, well, Norway has their own HAARP

That spiral looks like something out of a cartoon.


IonTruO2 said...

The Norway story blew me away! I've been posting it everywhere. Missile!?! horse poop.

I posted at Universetoday that I thought it was an earth defense test. Likely something like HAARP, just more directed and focused. HAARP has produced some beautiful visuals in the past too, just not so specific like this one.

THANKS Dr VanNostren for that input!! I was mostly guessing(intuit), very cool.

SWORD, Thanks for fixing that crazy anomaly. It's been like that for my sign in for a good while. hmmmm.

Ya, lets go Eqyptian. It seems to be the topic these days, especially with the underground caverns coming to the forefront now, no thanks to that arrogant Haw.ass. lol

Lets decode. (do you already know? or do you want some help to crack it?)

Gort said...

I don't know how long it will go as a topic, but I'm intersted in the Egyptian as visual information. There is at least one at dark mission blog who may be able to actually read it.

But maybe it's topical to the season. the three wize guys, the star, the manger, the Flight into Egypt....


HHMSS Sword said...

Damm old WANG's - lost a good post due to processor lock...

...ohhhh welll...

Anyway - looks like I have an appointment to have that thing scanned.
Teaser - an arch made of "lighting bolts" - interesting.

No update of what happining now.
New blog post post soon so post your ideas of this media blitzkrieg I have been throwing-up before time runds out.


HHMSS Sword said...

I lied - here's an update I knew Wayne would love:


SSL4000G said...

Thanks for thinking of me sword! Off to read the new post. :)


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