…I really am beginning to think that I have been the victim of a long drawn out joke.
Who actually perpetuated this – and continues to perpetuate this joke is on “my list” – if only I could find the jerk responsible for this debacle. I am pretty sure it’s the same bozo who has been “waiting it out” for years…
…of all the people they could have sent to me – they sent Richard C. Hoagland – a rascal to be sure.
There have been several comments as to why I choose Richard. I am going to state, for the record – I did not choose him. He was chosen by NASA – or – rather – folks who are in NASA but also hold positions in the MIL-SPEC / SPACE INTELLIGENCE. So, I did not call on him – he just sort of showed up rather unexpected one day. The story of poor ‘ol 1st LT Hogland and his “welcome party” will not be rehashed here.
They could have sent Charlie Frost , who is an excellent “webisode” individual who would excel if he got a haircut…
They could have sent the man, a Veteran brother, who has two speeds: Walk & Kill…
It’s the silly little details that we need to pay attention to.
I find it ironic that Hogland is withholding information, not only from me, but from all of you as well. Hoagland has been a member of our small unit for over a decade, and yet, he refuses to acknowledge those facts. The ironic part of it all – is that for the first time in a long time NASA/TPTB are pissed that Hogland hasn’t crap’ed all the fun filled facts we gave him and he wont get off the pot either. I think that Hoggie is withholding all these juicy facts for two reasons. One – he’s busy referencing his facts to prove what has happened to him – and – two – he likes it.
I would to.
Now we need to move on to the recent radio appearance by LT Hoagland where he has cited “unknown sources” for his “revelations”. Here are the links courtesy of long time poster/reader “The Gort”:
Part 1/4:
Part 2/4:
Part 3/4:
Part 4/4:
Hoggie had about 40 mins to sell his wares – which to me came off as him just running with the blog sphere of influence – and not crediting us for getting the information and disseminating it.
George Norry(GN) and Richard Hoagland(RH) stated out by stating that the mars rover has in effect had condensation thick enough to essentially wash the solar panels off. Possible. I like the idea of walking up behind it and sponging the dust off and then hiding behind a hill until it wanders off again…
GN and RH get into the whole satellite thing again, stating that the numerical value of the satellite – “33” – makes it a ritual happening and that this is in fact – not an accident – that the math alone involved makes an accident impossible. Granted – I’ll give him that. Of course, RH nails it on the head – which this is a deliberate act, and that this really is a war. No kidding – I have been saying that we have been up to this sort of activity for years…
GN and RH then get off into goof-ball land stating that the satellite collision and the two nuclear subs crashing into each other are related and that someone is messing with the guidance systems using “torsion” science. Balderdash. There are much simpler ways… The subs crashing into each other? – Sounds like a cover story to me – but what do I know?
RH then gets a little out there when he states that he thinks that the Masons and Illuminati are threatening the President to stay toe in step with what has already been planned. Totally disagree and wish he wouldn’t spread that sort of ridiculousness on the airwaves. That makes the masons sound like pirates and brigands… …yeah … completely unlike us… …but… …this goes to far – because I seriously doubt – after choosing him and giving him the nod that they would turn around and put the collar on him. Couldn’t happen to “Renegade”… …not on my watch at least.
Then at last we get into some meat when Hoggie states that the financial mess is do to “What’s coming”. Finally! Then we divide 2012 the movie over the 2012 special Hoggie in which shows some skin in and we get a result = Media Involvement … Which I stated years ago – would start – and happen – years ago…
GN and RH also mention the seed bank already in existence – and the one they want to place on the moon… …got news for ‘em – they are a buck short and 4 decades late on that idea…
RH wants us to follow the money – hell I have been saying that for years...
RH mentions that there is some sort of counter force of hope [hello!] and that he knows this due to the fact that the President’s first act of biz was to open up the FOIA rules. Where he is getting the idea that some of this information is privatized – I have no idea. I have never actually heard the words privatized and FOIA in the same sentence – let alone – in the same context.
Civil Service Individuals can elect to have their own documents purged – or retained. Those documents can be withheld from the FOIA for the reason/classification of National Security, regardless of the consent of the individual. This is usually done by Executive order – and it takes one to revoke one. Interesting – isn’t it?
So that’s about it on all that.
The point that I am trying to make is – I feel like Hoagland has been riding the SWORD coat tails … for far too long. Hoagland had a few things going for him before I showed up on the blogs – such as his writing on the connections related to the Masons.
Since I started commenting on the blogs – Hoaglands tagline seems to be – repeat what I say but in a slightly different way. Like the military masons in space (yours truly) – he shows up on the radio and says – look! new book – all about the military masons in space… …I say – yo’ that storm is not natural – Richard says – hey that storm is not natural… …the list of my gripes is long and distinguished – and I will not post the long list of “WTF”’s.
The biggest WTF moment is the famed “Need to know” response to me asking him – just shortly before he bolted behind Bara – if he had any involvement with SFTG:SWORD… …Time and time again – I have made the basis for much if not ALL of Richards talking points. He has referred time and time again to unnamed resources – well guess what – if it ain’t me – its partly me and everyone else here and at Sinking’s truth bar and lounge. I have grown very tired of sitting around with my thumb up my ass waiting for Hoagland to stop prancing around like a civilian – holding all the keys to the information he wants. Its god dam pathetic. If the rest of the C2C crowd knew about me and the “tale of the three … errr … two blogs” – they would be DEMANDING an explanation from LT Hoagland.
Now – at this point – so short of time to deal with this bullshit anymore – Richard needs to shit or get off the pot. He needs to either come out and publicly state(like on C2C or something) that he has never had any involvement with HHMSS/US – or – tell the truth as he knows it. He needs to publicly go one way or the other.
Its called resigning…
Who actually perpetuated this – and continues to perpetuate this joke is on “my list” – if only I could find the jerk responsible for this debacle. I am pretty sure it’s the same bozo who has been “waiting it out” for years…

I mean – why?
Why … him …?
Insert wavy line image distortion here as I think back…
…In those days – I was not a big fan of a pet project one of my soldiers was working on – which he proudly called “Project: Disclosure”. This fantastic piece of well written direction if you will came from the same soldier who busted my bawls to get more info about the damm “chem.-trials”. Since the projects conception, I have slowly come around to the idea. That’s right – I hated the idea of telling anyone, anything that we where doing – or planned to do on the long term. I was an owl in that aspect. Now, apparently – I would be called a rooster. I was a lurker on the TEM website and eventually with the advent of the fabled blog become a full fledged cock-a-doodle-do truth reaching fool…
…a fool indeed.

The question still remains – the more I think about it – as to … …WHY HIM? I mean – NASA hates the rascal. He’s not a “team player” apparently. Apparently – he went rebel/rouge in 1987… …and they have had a certain amount of animosity about him ever since. Certainly they had enough malice [or where mischievous enough] to send him into a lions den unarmed and unprepared.
I have thought often – they must not really dislike him – or why did they send him to me and my group. They could have sent any individual to handle the whole “P.R.” works for this little silly side project.
I have thought often – they must not really dislike him – or why did they send him to me and my group. They could have sent any individual to handle the whole “P.R.” works for this little silly side project.
They could have sent Charlie Frost , who is an excellent “webisode” individual who would excel if he got a haircut…
They could have sent the man, a Veteran brother, who has two speeds: Walk & Kill…
…apparently he is to busy trying to start a revolution …
Heck – they could have sent a real bad-ass whose name incites giggles from all the girls…
I tried to get this guy , but they shot him before my invitation could be delivered.
I would have taken any of the five listed here, that is, of course, wishful thinking…
…out of all the options of who they can send – they send Richard Hoagland.
Why … him?
Considering the fact that Hoggie is outwardly despised by NASA, even going as far as lying about him as of late – and I mean blatant completely off the wall lies.
So, what’s the deal? Was “Project:Disclosure” doomed to fail – on purpose – from the very beginning? Was my attitude at the time we asked to have a Public Relations face for SFTG:SWORD / M33 the responsible factor in who they chose to send? Was it some sort of joke? I did not know Hoagland except by face – and only knew him then in passing as one of the only civilians talking about the stuff out there – and even then, as now – he still hasn’t filled some holes in his theory. If only NASA would give him the data – he could fill those holes. One of those holes is the D&M Pyramid, which in fact – is a pentagram – if only Hoggie would turn the fracking map due north instead of what he has now. But I regress…
Why in the hell would TPTB send this mild mannered rascal to the Lions Den ?
Heck – they could have sent a real bad-ass whose name incites giggles from all the girls…
I tried to get this guy , but they shot him before my invitation could be delivered.
I would have taken any of the five listed here, that is, of course, wishful thinking…
…out of all the options of who they can send – they send Richard Hoagland.

Why … him?
Considering the fact that Hoggie is outwardly despised by NASA, even going as far as lying about him as of late – and I mean blatant completely off the wall lies.
So, what’s the deal? Was “Project:Disclosure” doomed to fail – on purpose – from the very beginning? Was my attitude at the time we asked to have a Public Relations face for SFTG:SWORD / M33 the responsible factor in who they chose to send? Was it some sort of joke? I did not know Hoagland except by face – and only knew him then in passing as one of the only civilians talking about the stuff out there – and even then, as now – he still hasn’t filled some holes in his theory. If only NASA would give him the data – he could fill those holes. One of those holes is the D&M Pyramid, which in fact – is a pentagram – if only Hoggie would turn the fracking map due north instead of what he has now. But I regress…
Why in the hell would TPTB send this mild mannered rascal to the Lions Den ?
The “something more” I’m looking for – is still escaping me.

I find it ironic that Hogland is withholding information, not only from me, but from all of you as well. Hoagland has been a member of our small unit for over a decade, and yet, he refuses to acknowledge those facts. The ironic part of it all – is that for the first time in a long time NASA/TPTB are pissed that Hogland hasn’t crap’ed all the fun filled facts we gave him and he wont get off the pot either. I think that Hoggie is withholding all these juicy facts for two reasons. One – he’s busy referencing his facts to prove what has happened to him – and – two – he likes it.
I would to.
Now we need to move on to the recent radio appearance by LT Hoagland where he has cited “unknown sources” for his “revelations”. Here are the links courtesy of long time poster/reader “The Gort”:
Part 1/4:
Part 2/4:
Part 3/4:
Part 4/4:

George Norry(GN) and Richard Hoagland(RH) stated out by stating that the mars rover has in effect had condensation thick enough to essentially wash the solar panels off. Possible. I like the idea of walking up behind it and sponging the dust off and then hiding behind a hill until it wanders off again…
GN and RH get into the whole satellite thing again, stating that the numerical value of the satellite – “33” – makes it a ritual happening and that this is in fact – not an accident – that the math alone involved makes an accident impossible. Granted – I’ll give him that. Of course, RH nails it on the head – which this is a deliberate act, and that this really is a war. No kidding – I have been saying that we have been up to this sort of activity for years…
GN and RH then get off into goof-ball land stating that the satellite collision and the two nuclear subs crashing into each other are related and that someone is messing with the guidance systems using “torsion” science. Balderdash. There are much simpler ways… The subs crashing into each other? – Sounds like a cover story to me – but what do I know?
RH then gets a little out there when he states that he thinks that the Masons and Illuminati are threatening the President to stay toe in step with what has already been planned. Totally disagree and wish he wouldn’t spread that sort of ridiculousness on the airwaves. That makes the masons sound like pirates and brigands… …yeah … completely unlike us… …but… …this goes to far – because I seriously doubt – after choosing him and giving him the nod that they would turn around and put the collar on him. Couldn’t happen to “Renegade”… …not on my watch at least.

GN and RH also mention the seed bank already in existence – and the one they want to place on the moon… …got news for ‘em – they are a buck short and 4 decades late on that idea…
RH wants us to follow the money – hell I have been saying that for years...
RH mentions that there is some sort of counter force of hope [hello!] and that he knows this due to the fact that the President’s first act of biz was to open up the FOIA rules. Where he is getting the idea that some of this information is privatized – I have no idea. I have never actually heard the words privatized and FOIA in the same sentence – let alone – in the same context.
Civil Service Individuals can elect to have their own documents purged – or retained. Those documents can be withheld from the FOIA for the reason/classification of National Security, regardless of the consent of the individual. This is usually done by Executive order – and it takes one to revoke one. Interesting – isn’t it?
So that’s about it on all that.

Since I started commenting on the blogs – Hoaglands tagline seems to be – repeat what I say but in a slightly different way. Like the military masons in space (yours truly) – he shows up on the radio and says – look! new book – all about the military masons in space… …I say – yo’ that storm is not natural – Richard says – hey that storm is not natural… …the list of my gripes is long and distinguished – and I will not post the long list of “WTF”’s.
The biggest WTF moment is the famed “Need to know” response to me asking him – just shortly before he bolted behind Bara – if he had any involvement with SFTG:SWORD… …Time and time again – I have made the basis for much if not ALL of Richards talking points. He has referred time and time again to unnamed resources – well guess what – if it ain’t me – its partly me and everyone else here and at Sinking’s truth bar and lounge. I have grown very tired of sitting around with my thumb up my ass waiting for Hoagland to stop prancing around like a civilian – holding all the keys to the information he wants. Its god dam pathetic. If the rest of the C2C crowd knew about me and the “tale of the three … errr … two blogs” – they would be DEMANDING an explanation from LT Hoagland.

Its called resigning…
1 – 200 of 271 Newer› Newest»Hoagie was on C2C with George Noory last night (3-25-09 Wed.) briefly during the first hour.
He announced he has been signed by NBC to be co-producer of the 2012 special to air in the Fall.
Hoagie was plugging his appearance at the 2012 Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland (DC area) this weekend. (see TEM website)
NBC will be there taping for possible fodder for the special.
Hoagie said at this conference he will tell and show new evidence about "what the government knows about what is coming in 2012 and when they knew it."
He mentioned the year 1947...
Maybe the stars are starting to align (inferior conjuction of the Venus and the sun on the 28th) ...
Awesome construct Sword. I have one anecdote just a bit off topic to share. My uncle served as a tail gunner on one of those whopping big helicopters in Viet Nam 1965-66. His wife (my mother's sister) and their 2 kids came to live with us in Northern Ontario. Every couple of weeks, Dot would receive a packet of letters and sometimes pix from my uncle. The pix showed real shit going on but no carnage. The letters were mostly blacked out.
Sword, loved your comment about sneaking out with a wet sponge to wipe the solar panel on the mars rovers.
Nice to know they are "sponge-worthy." LOL
I can almost hear RCH saying,"it's as if someone on Mars wiped the dust off the solar panel during the Martian night..."
Seems like he did say something like that early in the rover mission (five years ago) the first time the dust mysteriously disappeared from the solar panel...
BTW, your guys are supposed to be whiz-bang mechanical engineers...
could they fix the broken wheel on the one rover so it doesn't have to drive backward all the time?
That would be a feet.
Or how 'bout just tossing it in the back of a duece-and-a-half one night and hauling it over to Cydonia? Surprise!
Well it would seem as your saying that Richard is not talking as he was mandated to.
Obviously he is not beholden to higher authority that might be requiring a continuing oath of secrecy.
Plagiarizing you, or at least taking his cues NOW from your comments has got to be infuriating. One could wonder then why the heck have bothered with him then? I know I know, you needed someone media savvy and perhaps able to handle the public eye.
Here is my meager hunch.
From listening to his recent somewhat casual interview on The Consciousness Media Network, I am drawn to wonder if he is orchestrating something even bigger than just the disclosure of 'the program' ie you guys M33.
The big 'illness' of the ages is the false separation between the common, scientific materialism and the ordinary religions.
All the competition and struggle that progressed through time to the current scientific condescension and negation toward religion is an old old conflict that didn't know when to stop. Efforts to dominate 'over and against' perpetuating the schism and obscuring and disassociating from our inherent unity.
Adi Da had written much along these lines previously as well. (maybe Richard plagerized/rebranded that too?) ;)
I wonder if Richard, with his emphasis on this descriptive he is using called Hyper Dimensional Physics is working a clever strategy to 'heal' the separation and ongoing misunderstanding of the scien.tifics and the spiritualists.
Through the scientific model he is attempting to show there is 'no difference'
....a convergence of understanding that teaches and also satisfies the currently domineering rigid scientific materialist mentality. The schools of thought at the current common levels are not really 'at odds' and one is not exclusive of the other.
This speaks exactly to your Blog comment: One of those holes is the D&M Pyramid, which in fact – is a pentagram – if only Hoggie would turn the fracking map due north instead of what he has now.
AND thus, ...a religious term...TO REPENT or RE.PENT, alludes to the process of a restoration, of the knowledge of oneness, or re.member.ing, of the Divine Math or Symbol expression of the Source.
The Tetrahedron, The Dodec-icosa, The Pentagram, The Five Pointed Star, The Merkabah: are all the same 'thing'.
You see?
I think he is working out a bigger mandate, that encompasses and includes 'a coming out' of the space community. People like you and M33, coming out from behind 'the shroud or veil'.
But most important in the Human program is 'one pointedness' to the Source Divine. A Divine remembering for the broken knowledge schools. To re.pent.
We are past the Satellite Blog, but for those interested here is a compelling article giving a good look at the struggles going on above now.
html: From Venus to Mars
The European Union’s steps towards
the militarization of space
pdf: http://www.space4peace.org/eurospace/Venus%20to%20Mars%20EU%20Space%20Report.pdf
Lots of insight....or lack thereof. ;)
...and Sword, for all that Richard fails to say, I too have found your silence about Venus over time rather curious. Nudges here and there, even a Venus beer...and nada nothing big zero no reply. Oh ya you once let out Niburu's orbit as Pentagramal but how about the key Earth/Venus one? Was it 'off topic', need to know, outside your scope? Oh well, just a little friendly chiding. :P
...maybe there was a hyper-dimensional copyright? lol
Lambert Dolphin hooked up with Hoagland long ago, they are both Masons.
"Dr. Dolphin was captivated by Hoagland's idea of a 'Martian Sphinx' - the Face - and , in 1983, was instrumental in helping Hoagland set up the Independent Mars Investigation Project under the aegis of SRI [Stanford Research Institute]."
Tom Hanks Looks Towards Outer Space For ‘Major Matt Mason’ ;-)
Lets all email Nory... ...?
In case anyone cared - here is C2C on you tube:
Here is a brief appearance by Hoagie the same night the satellite collision occurred. It was just put up yesterday (Mar 27)
Iridum 33 and Csmos 2251 collision
The take is a little different from the Feb. 23 as far as who is behind it.
Streaking lights, explosions reported all along coast
Read the comments below the article, some are pretty funny,
Object about the size of a refrigerator... hmmm... Sword, did someone up there toss out a refrigrator? :)
Sword - When did Hoagland 1st "get with" the Soviets?
This is from a "Compuserve Chat with Hoagland about Mars Face" - 1989:
"I can tell you this (as background to some of that material, which relates to past dealings we've had with the Soviets on this issue. Last January, one of our team -- Dr. Brian O'Leary a former scientist-astronaut went personally to Moscow with the pictures. His mission: to try to get Sagdeev and others to take new images with the Phobos spacecraft."
V Shaped Craft
America's OTHER Space Program ;-)
Gort -
Luv the "sponge worthy" reference there. Any Seinfeld reference is greatly appreciated.
Also, regarding that link you provided about the lights and explosions, here is the Navy exp:
Russian debris huh? Hmmm....
So Hoagie is one of you (LT)??
Oh the crazy web that has been spun.
You ARE new.
Hoggie was sworn in - giving the 33rd breifing - and even whent through the "Symbology 101" Course that I had orginally presented to
the men earilier...
He received a third "breifing" - can't remeber very well what that was - oh yeah - the asshole trying to break into his hotel room with a loaded pistol... ...which lead to him crashing out on the couch in my 60 gunners hosue - above the basement "office"...
I'm pretty sure the little jerk remebers that as well...
Sword -
Thanks for the info. Yes I am new, and there is a lot of info to retain here, as well as FSHOD, along with all my book learnin' from college, HS, etc, so please excuse my ignorance. I do appreciate it, and sorry to the others who are hip to it all, for rehashing old info, not meant to derail the topic.
On to IONS comment:
"Here is my meager hunch.
From listening to his recent somewhat casual interview on The Consciousness Media Network, I am drawn to wonder if he is orchestrating something even bigger than just the disclosure of 'the program' ie you guys M33."
---Sword Sayz:
yeah - I am begining to think that good fortune is follow 'ol Rich around.
Now I MAY not have had any hand in it directly - but his NBC special is not for want of its own mystery - and LACK of disclosure for him as well.
Stacking domonioes so that they all fall in line - thats Richards motives here.
At a time I figured it was money - now - I think it is all about reinstating his good name. It's called legacy - and he wants one - while he's alive - so he can look NASAin the face and serve them crow - buffet style.
Don't blame him.
Just need for him to stop dragging his feet and go one way or the other.
Doc - dont worry about it
So Hoagland is doing a 'saving Face' combined with a back flip combo 'coming about Face, and then finishing with the high difficulty front dive hyperdimensional Face to Face ending in a Janiculum duality tri-facta? bahahahaha!! lol
hoboy-I need some sleep.
Doc, from your link above:
Blame 'space junk' for those flashes and booms
Because the flashes were not green followed by trains of blue and red,[Geoff] Chester[, spokesman for the Naval Observatory,] says they were not fireballs, as he and NASA Solar System Ambassador Greg Redfern previously speculated.
[end excerpt...]
Whew...NASA Solar System Ambassador! We're not worthy!
Anyone know the last time the Russians or Soviets launched a spacecraft such that the debris from the "rocket booster" or even the upper stages came crashing down in a fairly well populated part of the U.S. Eastern seaboard, or any other populated landmass?
My BS Meter is pegging on this story.
According to the caption of the photo on the sidebar, the Soyus-FG rocket booster with Soyus TMA-14 spacecraft...blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Thursday, March 26, 2009
The "booster" should fall safely in the ocean or a desert before the upper stages are in orbit. Not three days later. Right?
Just spit it out Gort. Debris field is finding gravity without sunspots pushing the envelope and bringing down the casualties. It's hard to report that one of your satellites has had a problem when you didn't tell us you had that satellite up there.
It took me a few hours but I eventually deleted every post I ever made at Hoagie's blog. He let us down big time. I'm never surprised by his altitude.
I havn't read todays comments - but I heard this down the line and then found a link - interesting read:
ericswan said...
It took me a few hours but I eventually deleted every post I ever made at Hoagie's blog. He let us down big time. I'm never surprised by his altitude.
Thats cold blooded...
From the combined testimony of many different sources, including those I have interviewed myself who have largely avoided publicity, we now can identify at least five major factions at work here:
1. Faction 1A: The Rothschild-based "Illuminati." Overthrew traditional European royalty and seized control of much of European power and finance. Also controls the American Federal Reserve. Historically has controlled and managed the ‘left’ in American politics, through the Democratic Party. Almost exclusively Caucasian, with a heavy mystery-school / Masonic / secret society focus, and a Luciferian belief system.
Lucifer is the wronged good guy in their system, not Satan or the Devil. They fought savagely and desperately for Hillary to win the election, including having Lady de Rothschild publicly go on television to denounce Obama — even to the point of defecting to McCain!
The Illuminati had believed in Hillary’s victory strongly enough to write in a woman president to this year’s episodes of "24." They also put in a very strong death threat against Obama by having an African-American president who was then assassinated on the show, prior to the female president taking office. Is it any wonder Obama didn’t offer Hillary the vice-presidential slot, but gave her a position to quell the opposition?
This group does have a certain amount of ET-derived technologies and treaties with negative ETs such as the Annunaki, but have far less use and development of these technologies than the rival New World Order faction.
Though they planned on engineering a "planned economic collapse that would make the Great Depression look like a Sunday School picnic," they have been utterly brutalized by the real-world effects of what has happened once the plug was pulled. War is very messy and almost never goes as you planned, and they are now desperate to stop the bleeding.
Their companies — the big banks, brokerage houses, insurance giants and the like — have been savagely weakened and / or bankrupted by this collapse. They are desperate for the latest round of bailout monies to stay afloat. Yet Obama’s administration is forcing them to give up nothing short of their firstborn, and submit to drastic regulations, if they wish their companies to survive in any form.
2. Faction 1B: The Rockefeller-based "New World Order." The Neo-Con / Fundamentalist Christian / Republican Right in America.
Though it is the inheritor of the German tradition from World War II, it schizoidally functions as Fundamentalist Christian, and is sympathetic to their cause. In the deeper sense it is only a recent "offshoot" of the Illuminati, and has even greater sympathy with their occultist perspective. Also calls themselves the "Brotherhood of Death" thanks to their history with the Skull and Bones secret society.
Israel has a heavy influence in this group, but this is primarily through blackmail and other forms of coercion. That alliance has already shown signs of splintering in recent months.
The New World Order faction fought savagely to have McCain / Palin win the Presidential election, threatening full-scale race war and revolution by how bitter the attacks against Obama were waged, including the Reverend Wright footage and fanning the flames of interracial unrest. Responsible for planning and controlling 9/11 to cement their economic and political power shortly after rigging the 2000 election to install George W. Bush as President.
This faction controls a great deal of back-engineered ET technology, and thus can do a great deal of damage. Had they won the election, we almost certainly would be in a dramatically expanded war at this point, with attacks against Iran threatening to cascade into a wider regional conflict in the Middle East and eventually, they had hoped, into the next world war. This is their classic ploy to save the economy while reducing population, and thus "saving the world", at the same time.
The Twin Towers could not have been brought down with so little remaining debris, at free-fall speed, without the advanced technologies this group has at work — including the conventional demolition tools as well as mini-nkes and top-secret disintegration beam capabilities to destroy the support columns and vaporize all the concrete into dust, which in turn blanketed the entire city and was unfortunately radio-active.
They are now very seriously on the ropes, their political power all but destroyed, and sliding further and further down by the day. Their acts are becoming ever-increasingly transparent and desperate as a result, and action cannot be taken swiftly enough to expose and nullify their influence.
As Benjamin Fulford has indicated — and I agree — this is the group that must be stopped first and foremost. Their loss of the Presidential election has already gone a long way towards sealing their defeat.
This group was very likely responsible for the recent airline disaster I wrote about, where two women met with Obama about re-opening 9/11 hearings, and their plane went down in flames a week later. No one in the anti-Obama conspiracy crowd has mentioned my article or realized this connection themselves, though it is very obvious that this was no ordinary plane crash.
This group, more than any of the other factions, completely owns and controls a major corporate news network — none other than that bastion of "Fair and Balanced Media," Fox.
3. "Faction 2": The true historic Knight Templars and Davidic Bloodlines. Traditional royal families and their offshoots, most of whom have been deposed and wiped out by the Illuminati long ago, and / or replaced with rival Illuminati families who then claimed their own royalty. The Knight Templar group was also infiltrated by the Illuminati faction and taken over, though Faction 2 claims to have preserved their original traditions.
This group has historically been called the "White Hats" or the "Good Guys" amidst the secret factions. I have learned a substantial amount about them through my discussions with Rayelan Allan, whose husband Gunther was very high-ranking in the group, as was she, for having been born into it herself — though he had far more contact with them than she did.
"Faction 2" used to lump the Illuminati and New World Order groups together as "Faction One," and apparently the NWO faction was overtly in cooperation with the Rothschild / Illuminati faction up until as late as 1996, when a top Rothschild was found assassinated and it was apparently a Rockefeller reprisal for a similar high-level assassination from the 1970s. (I will share this data in a future article.)
Hence these were not categorized as separate groups by Faction 2. What we now call the New World Order was, at the time, simply called the "East Coast Elite" within Faction One.
The reality on the ground is that Faction 2 has had to use similar ‘tradecraft’ and dirty tricks as the Illuminati / NWO factions in order to avoid being wiped out by them, as individuals and as nations. Until Rayelan’s testimony came along I did not have sufficient information to really know if this group even existed, but I haven’t even begun to summarize everything I’ve learned from her. It will be substantial.
In her own way she is as valuable as a Henry Deacon or a Benjamin Fulford in terms of scope and complexity of what she brings to the table. I am encouraged to find out that this group really does exist — my readings mentioned them in the late 1990s — and they appear to have humanity’s best interests at heart, though I do not agree with everything I have heard about them and their approach. I am open to learning more.
They are far and away the most deeply involved of all the groups in advanced secret projects and technologies, and this is because they have apparently preserved this heritage all along. Most likely this is also something that only the people at the top of the organization are aware of, for the sake of security.
Ever since the times of Atlantis they have had stargate technology, advanced UFO-style flying craft and other such technology. They have been the insider group most consistently pushing for disclosure and trying to reveal the truth at a speed that humanity can tolerate.
Henry Deacon has had jobs working for all the above factions at various times, and in his work with the Faction 2 / Templar elements he was told that they have always had these technologies, kept in secret. They never pushed any negative teachings on him at these assignments — nothing about genocide, Luciferian philosophy or the like. Henry laughed when I tried to pin down a date for when they came into possession of these technologies.
According to Rayelan, Faction 2 was behind the King of Bavaria bringing down Weishaupt’s Illuminati in the 1700s. They are also the true American Founding Fathers, the original group that created the American Revolution to throw off Illuminati control. They obviously are putting out movies that expose the Illuminati agenda and / or reveal inside information.
This would include 2001, 2010, Eyes Wide Shut (which cost Kubrick his life,) Contact, the first Tomb Raider movie, the Lord of the Rings series, the Narnia series as well as the entire Star Wars series of George Lucas. The Star Wars "prequels" in particular were very relevant to real-world issues amongst these warring inside factions.
It appears that Obama’s candidacy has been supported by this group, though at this point we have no concrete evidence to support the idea. Richard Hoagland points out compelling suggestions of this collaboration in his recent conference footage, "The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama."
4. The New International Group — Russia / Asian Secret Societies faction. Thanks to Benjamin Fulford, who used to be the primary Asian commentator for Forbes Magazine, we know that the Asian countries have largely thrown off the Illuminati and NWO, and Russia is now completely free of these influences. India is another major player in this group, along with many other smaller countries including much of South America.
This group is not occult in nature, nor does it seem to have any spiritual philosophy per se, other than "Do No Harm." En masse, they have so quickly grown into an economic power that we have silently gone from the Group of Eight nations, or "G8," to the Group of Twenty, or "G20" that is meeting right now. Is it not ironic how there has been virtually NO discussion of this in the Western mainstream media?
This group now has the financial muscle to shut down the others completely, but that is not what they want. They are pushing for a much fairer and saner world financial system, and are very likely going to get their wish.Obama’s administration is almost certainly aware of them and cooperating with them to some degree.
This Russian / Asian faction has the full use of all the advanced "torsion field" technologies developed by the Russians, largely in secret, over the last century. It is very likely that they are aware of and have worked with the Templar "white hat" Faction 2, and certainly have worked with the last group, the Middle East faction.
5. The Middle East / Order of Assassins faction. There is a great secret tradition in the Middle East as well, which is most greatly realized in the secret Sufi traditions. This group apparently does not posssess much advanced technology, but does retain the ancient magical traditions.
Other factions have been fascinated by the Sufi wisdom and have sought to implement it. This group was also historically responsible for the Order of Assassins, and their research into political murders was implemented by the other groups due to its extreme effectiveness.
This group has been both the "good guy" and the "bad guy" over the generations, and the closest they came to worldwide power was through the Ottoman Empire. They have a substantial financial stake in world affairs thanks to their control of the oil economy. Last year’s drop in oil prices was partially designed by the New World Order faction to destroy their political influence by bankrupting them, but it appears to have completely failed.
This group has historically cooperated with the New World Order and the Illuminati to varying degrees, and for a time had access to Looking Glass technology, allowing them a window into the future. They now appear to have largely, if not completely turned against both of these groups.
They now seem to be increasingly sympathetic with the New International Group and may well have already formalized some sort of treaty with them. Again, they will push for a new, saner, fairer and more regulated financial system that stops these grandiose abuses from occurring. We can also expect much more cooperation with the Obama administration.
What say ye Sword?
That's a good summary Tacodog. Tks.
Do you mind if I post it at F-Shod for the crew there? Its quite relevant and some may not visit here.
These cosmic forces are completely in balance. Even if Obama were a positive force in the universe, the negative forces stacked against him would reduce his effectiveness to "null".
Guess I am with these kats:
"Faction 2": The true historic Knight Templars and Davidic Bloodlines
Overall - a good write and a good read.
Nice to see you around Taco - Nice to see you around...
The question of the day is then - staying on blogg topic - where in the hell does ol' Rich fall into?
Here's why I ask.
Lets think about this.
I have stated for quite sometime now that MEDIA - in all its forms - will be a crucial factor in this "awakening" of the population in general.
I have stated from the begining that MEDIA is KEY.
Guess what - think back - it has been key.
Think about the general media - not only what we are receiving over the air waves of television adn radio - but through the web as well - everything seems to be pointing twords the stars.
Now we got ol' Rich - he's been hitting the media pretty hard now hasn't he?
All the sudden - Rich has got a NBC special? In regards to 2012?
Its like I lay the cobble and rich takes the road brick by brick...
Look folks - things are bigger than they appear - this topic is proably better for a fresh blogg topic...
Again - where is ol' Rich falling into - which group above? Has he sold out? He's changed networks - has he changed hats?
Completely off topic:
I have been following this for quite sometime. A long time ago - it was mentioned that Tilman was NOT shot by a 40 cal - but in fact - the body recovered was shot point blank range by a nato 5.56 round (M-16 / M-4 caliber bullet)...
We KNOW the "goons" exsisted that could have pulled this off.
I KNOW what lengths WE will go through for good men...
When I first heard of teh mystery surrounding his death - I thought - gee - where is he NOW and what is he REALLY doing.
Now I ask you this my friends - was it a closed coffin at the funeral? -and if it wasn't- how hard would it be to create a life like wax dummy?
Why would Tilman fake his own death -AND- where ... would ... he ... goooooo ..... .... ....
All makes sense.
Now remember what Gort asked you about.
....- has he changed hats?
When one 'understands' and is truly 'awakening', the play of this grand illusion has no more relevance. There is no hat he could change that would matter a wit.
I say that, ...as I think he has grown to understand fundamental Now...
... and in that one comes 'face to face' with the living consciousness itself and I assure you from there, there is no forgetting and there becomes no useful avoidance.
Dr. Van, A little off topic... do you think Microsoft stole the name for the new Windows operating system from George Costansa? Named it after Mickey Mantle's number? LOL
It could have been "Windows 2012," but no, it's just plain "7."
Although 7 is an important hyperdimensionl number....
Ion, are you talking about when I asked Sword about the object(s) falling on the East Coast? ;)
No, sorry Gort. In light of the idea that Tilman was 'acquired' for higher service. ;) Was there not someone else that was serious about Sword Unit?
Completely off topic but I KNOW you guys would like this:
...and your point is Sword?
I guess my point would best be expressed in a new blog entry...
Or well ( get it!), I guess we can be a little more patient and await your next effort. Thanks for the teaser.
I know, weak comment and bad humour for the 33rd.
I'll aim higher.
When I add up my b-day numerology I get a 3+3=6. When I look at my birth certificate, I see three crosses and a church. The crosses are the northern cross, the swastika and the cross of St. George. My name is red and white. My crosses are white on black (skies), red on white (background) and (Swastika, Ontario), black on white. Taken together, the three crosses are represented by the flag of the templars where the red cross is superimposed over a northern black background and a southern white background . An anagram in my name is East, South, West And North. At the time of my conception, my mother lived a few miles east of Swastika and my father lived a few miles south of Swastika. My middle initial is G.
One last detail and I will leave you all alone. I managed to fail 5 times. Grades 7,9,11, and 3 and 4 years at university.
Sword - you are not the only one he has scammed from.
DICK Hoagland has been pulling from "unnamed resources"(rip'em off Rich) for quite sometime:
Face on Mars
Subsurface Ocean on Europa
And the list goes on...
It is about time the DICK Re"Gifted"! ;-)
meangreen!!! comes in both barrels blaz'n.
And to think Hoagland was also part of the legal plagiarism case against Dan Winter.
That ultimately discredited and 'paralyzed' the guy and caused him to leave the country.
That guy was the real deal and routinely credited other sources and researchers. And from what I had seen he was light years beyond the scope of Stan Tennen's little area of knowledge that we was somehow attempting to have a copy right to. As if that were even possible to have ownership over sacred knowledge.
Loved this in your first link meangreen:
Tobias Owen was the first one who held the picture of this face in his hands. He showed it Gerry Soffen, which then presented the Mars pictures to the press with the words: "Oh, my God, look at this! Gee whiz, isn’t that weird!"
The first complete image P-17384 of the "Mars Face" by NASA/JPL.
In the next room, in the meantime, a whole slant of journalists and press people had collected in order to receive the first "live data" from Mars. There were people from every land of the world. Gerry Soffen got up in front of the press and showed them this quirky face and said: "Isn’t it peculiar what tricks of lighting and shadows can do? When we took a picture a few hours later it all went away; it was just a trick, just the way the light fell on it." Somebody made a joke: "The head is telling us where to land." All the reporters present accepted the opinion of the Viking Mission expert. The present press people believed the words from Gerry Soffen. He was a very open scientist and in such a way, nobody moved his words into doubt. No further questions were also put there.
Another scientist, Dr. Harold Masursky, of the US Geological Survey Center, in Flagstaff, Arizona, has made in the news paper "Science News" of August 7, 1976 the funny statement about this face-like structure: "This is the guy that built all of Lowell’s canals." And that was it! Hardly a newspaper, hardly a reporter issued anythging in the next few weeks and months about this peculiarity on Mars. The NASA had meanwhile placed the picture with the number P-17384 (35A72) into the files on July 31, 1976.
Ahhhh the ego/self is a very persistent thing!
I remember a comment by the teacher Guru Adi DA when he said about this time (something to the effect of..) "Lets all lose Face together"
Dammm - its getting very cold out there from what I can see.
The original cats are starting to scracth there heads - wondering...
...geee - that Sword jerk - IS right!
We got folk eraseing all there postings on his blogg - AND NOW - we have folk comming out over here and stateing - FLAT OUT - that Hoggie is playing both sides - like a double agent.
Crap - thats what he is - a double agent - now isn't he?
This is getting ugly...
Yes indeed, still sitting at the 'doorway' keeping the threshold...watching the signs...wondering where have all the good people gone?
I read in the Keys of Enoch a prophetic statement that 'in this time, the pure will purify themselves and the wicked will act wickedly'.
SWORD: Can't comment rightly on Hoagy...I really don't know enough.
But I do know 'that Sword jerk' seems to be speaking the truth in a straight up fashion.
How special and sadly unique these days.
Saw this prophetic comment in The Terra Papers, from a Native American Grandfather, back sometime near 1966.
Man will soon be surrounded with images of asteroids and fiery comets.
Black pigs will be seen everywhere as will Angel figures.
Dinosaurs will becomes children's heroes and violence will be the foundation of their play.
New airborne diseases, immune to existing treatments, will surface.
NASA will be rendered weak and impotent, if not terminated.
A Galactic war of conquest rages over our heads...Earth...and Man...is the prize.
Cosmic Hand Reaches for the - MeanGreen! ;-)
Sword - some of the your bitch'in about Rich sounds like the type of stuff MarsRevealer was shouting about a few years ago.
Is this the TEAM(his own) Hoagland pissed off?
Check this linkage! ;-)
Wow - this is some juicy stuff...
Meangreen is throwing it out there!
Lets all email Nory ...
[Proably one of the lurkers]
...Nasa is weak and impotent.
They dont have a director - and have not had one - for ... quite ... sometime...
Hey, whuzzup wit everbody dissin Hoagy?
This blogg is gettin weird.
Doesn't anyone have any patience any more?
Hoagy a double-oh secret agent?
(and Eric, I can't believe you took the time to delete all your comments from the Captain's Blog...
That's crazy! LOL)
Gort - it is time to Wake Up! ;-)
So, NASA doesn't have a public Director, and their ship is about to be defunct retired in short time, whats your thought?
..cue the Navy marching band and roll out the tug boat heavy hauler-Kruzer Class. Ya, the one they've been driv'n since 98 and voila we already have a dozen made.
Gosh I hate feeling like a mushroom. lol
As to the Hoagy Roast. I just don't know enough to pile on.
Nothing is what it seems and even all this could be a great piece of fiction.
For Gort:
Well - at this point - I can't tell if Hoggie has gone of the rez or if he is just trying to sell more books...
...proably sell more books...
He needs to figure out where his heads at. Eventually - we will be coming out ourselves. Hogland can ride that wave as a brother - OR - he can wait it out and we can publicly call him out with the photographs we have of him WITH US.
Look - he's not a bad guy - BUT - with his perpencity for NOT giving us the whole truth has become troubling.
I don't know if he went off the rez or not... ...but the clock is ticking...
IonTruO2 said...
So, NASA doesn't have a public Director, and their ship is about to be defunct retired in short time, whats your thought?
Who needs nasa?
IF the largest secrect societies on the face of the planet are right - why would we need a "Public" space program?
Who cares about NASA when we got MIL-FACT?
Who needs a space bus when I have a space tank?
Cowinkie - dink?
I'll call a truce on Hoggie if he could give us a nugget of truth - not the - "Oh gosh - well - gee ... ...that need to know..." - bullshit I have been dealing with for years.
I hear you.
But certainly they cant in general have an invisible recruitment path. If they are 'scouting' through the undergrads etc, it seems prudent to have a public 'face.t' ;) (ala NASA)
A 'farm league', whereby post grads etc. play out some engineering projects. None the less challenging, but still a venue to review them for 'advancement'.
So, perhaps this might play out with a certain dissolution or just absorption into the new face(as it really already IS), that you guys disclose.
Watch how quickly the public forgets common NASA. In a blink, I'm sure. AND ohhh looka that really nice technology 'we' have 'now'! AND the talking heads will make much of it. AND the masses will have suddenly taken a near instant step forward and so very far away from the illusion, that the lynch mob will probably stay home. AND it won't matter because the big players in the whole debacle part of the bigger story, will be old and near death anyway. Hard target.
I have to say that the CBC never ceases to amaze. On today's news, a story on CIA torture in undisclosed renditions, had medical personnel (doctors) at several of the different tortures going on. In one case, a doctor monitored life signs while a prisoner was waterboarded. In another, a doctor took measurements of a one-legged man's single leg to see how much it had swelled over a three day stint of forced standing.
Speaking again to the topic of Sword's upcoming mission...and the apparent 'threat' of the incoming debris field, I was contemplating the project I had found called "The Shield Defense". It was a four fold plan of Earth Defense that may or may not already be in place. ;)
The key Sentry's and Scouts were to located in orbit of Venus. Mainly because of our pentagonal relationship of Sun orbit 'with' her, she precedes us.
Which gives us a great early warning post there, for as Sword has disclosed, whatever is due to come around the back of the Sun and 'bombard' Earth.
One would then wonder, where is Venus at Dec, 2012?
Found this today: "Venus will transit the Sun on June 6, 2012, while the Mayan Long Count calendar will end on December 21, 2012. Those are both very significant dates that you should pay close attention to!"
How about a visual of perhaps where she is at the now well known juncture of Dec 21, 2012?
V6 is Venus location at that exact date of Dec 21, 2012, following her 'transit' earlier at June the 6th.
Six orbital locations from now til Dec21,2012
Ion -
- Your so smarvy.
SO! The planet Venus will actually NOT be directly behind the sun on 2012 - yet - it will be just off to the side - with full view of the "backside" of the sun...
...excellant! From a tactical point of view - this is a perfect postion to relay video/audio/data...
...now... ...this "blanked out" section of the sky that was linked here before... ...what portion of the sky is this in? ...
...is the "north" of your link ION straight up on teh image?
...Does anyone smell what I got cookin?
Oh - back on blogg topic...
Yeah! Hogland smells like old army socks... Yeah!
From a tactical point of view - this is a perfect position to relay video/audio/data...
Yes sir, play by play...take it to broadcast! That's a unity-maker.
Ok have to ponder your hint.
I would guess, yes, that the top of the image could be called 'north'.
...and back to Hoagland. God help me he will probably say now that V6 is at 19.5 degrees seeing that it is the corner of that downward tetrahedron!! ;) ....damn and I'm still trying to play the overpriced winter oil bill.
I was wondering why we had not heard from Robert, but it looks like he will be home soon - he takes a kick'in and keeps on tick'in! ;-)
OK, Sword and Ion, I got out the handy dandy RedShift2, installed it (again), ran the date ahead to December 21, 2012 11:11am GMT (the time of day doesn't really matter that much for what you wanted to know) and took a look at the Right Ascension of Venus and of the Earth, from a heliocentric view.
Right Ascension (RA) is the equivalent in this case of the longitude of the sun measured east of the "zero point," (the intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator.)
So anyway, the angle between the Earth-sun line and the Venus-sun line is 122.375 degrees (very close to the tetrahedral 120 degrees) and obviously more than a right angle of 90 degrees, so if you subtract 90 degrees, you get get the angle venus is beyond the line perpendicular to the earth-sun line, which works out to 32.375 degrees (32 and 3/8 degrees).
In other words, Venus will be "behind the sun" by 32 degrees.
And get this: The Sun-Saturn line will be almost straight out from the Sun-Venus line.
Saturn will be "behind the Sun" by 32.8833333333... degrees. (or rounded to 33 degrees)
Saturn will have Venus' back.
Gives a new meaning to a "moon with a view." ;)
Sword, the "blanked out" portion of the sky linked before was very near the belt of Orion. Pretty much on the intersection of a line running south from Orion's torch and a line running through the belt stars.
Dec 21, 2012 (as viewed from the Sun)the Earth will appear in the torch-flame of Orion.
Earth and Orion will be on the same side of the sun.
On Ion's diagram of v1-v6, the view is from "above" or "North" of the solar system.
said: The Sun-Saturn line will be almost straight out from the Sun-Venus line.
Saturn will be "behind the Sun" by 32.8833333333... degrees. (or rounded to 33 degrees)
Saturn will have Venus' back.
Now that is a Bingo!
..and answering an old question from way back. (Where will Iapetus be..at Dec 21 2012?)
ok guys, here is a thought that comes up.
I remember reading about the five planet alignment of about May 2000. They spoke about the 'gravitational' intensification that occurs with these direct line ups to the Sun.
I recall, Sword made a comment a while back specific to the word "alignment'. With so many alignments at this time, it lacked a little context, but now I wonder if in the adage 'alignment of the spheres', this current premise we tuned into is exactly what Sword was talking about.
Why? Because I think the alignments of Venus and Saturn at 33 degrees would provide "an assist' in the endeavour to push the asteroids into the sun. Kind of like a tail wind when riding a bike I would figure.
Gort-Do you see any other additional planets in alignment at that position?
I'm still laughing. 33 degrees...that is hilarious.
So we didn't even have to drive Iapetus over, she got a free ride to just the right position(as Sword said long ago).
As well Sword suggested, Iapetus was able to be re-booted/fixed up/bootstrapped and made ready to participate. Its technology, not so challenging.
I would say mainly because "there is nothing new under the Sun"(old saying Father used use). ;)
Cyclically, the technology's, amongst everything else, repeat just like so-called history.
Hey Sword,
My Dad took a 'Sword'(F86) to 62,000 feet(undeclared) to top a storm, I'd love to serve the 'higher-good' as well.
If you really need civi's, I'll hold a camera! lol
Please don't let this be The Biggest Story Never Told.
Being a 'rock hound' since I could walk, I am so proud you guys are going after your comrade-the Geologist.
You want to halt the mob that will want to lynch 'NASA' and the jackals, after the truth really comes out?
Make this whole story the Real hero's tale as it happens. No more fake hero's and Hollywood variations.
Gort/Sword- I am a little lost on the 'blanked out portion of the sky' linked before.
Can someone clarify that for me?
IonTruO2 said:
Gort-Do you see any other additional planets in alignment at that position?
Gort sez:
Mercury is about 37 degrees "behind the sun" as viewed from earth in the same general area as Venus
I'll find the link to the "blanked out"... later. It was in a comment by Robert in the previous blogg and it was a reference to "Planet X" located on Google Sky.
(Robert was a little irritated.)
I hope my "brother" Bob is doing well.
Here Sword:
A little humour: The Ship Deck
Ship Deck
Been away for a bit and come back to find the blog at full speed. I haven't read all of the discussions yet, but I didn't see anyone mention the hidden skulls in the images that Sword used for the blog. Are they a hidden message to RH that he's a marked man or am I reading it wrong?
I thought the hidden skulls had to do with the "Jolly Roger."
Very nice optical illusions.
Thanks Clamytoe, hadn't really given that much notice.
Perhaps it could also mean 'termination'.....kind of like the last two key phrases...DEMANDING and explanation...and resigning..
Very true Ion. Could also go along with the disclaimer that he's a pirate.
Google Sky Virgo Anomaly at:
13h 47m 55.0s -8 29' 47.3" ;-)
RE: Blog. Seems to me the Buccaneers are not toooo happy with Hoagland and are calling for some explaining or resigning. (forgive my earlier typos)
I wonder how untethered is he, if he is working for Unit Sword M33? Civi or not, he still has authorities over him and accountability each step. No?
Its "disclosure' process not covert ops, so I can't figure on such compartmentalization where Hoagy goes all solo with no 'check ins' and capt Sword like 'tune ups'.
I can see why Sword would be 'frustrated' as the fireballs are becoming regular and the Kreutz-sungrazer comet discoveries are pouring in.
from Wiki
There are also signs that another cluster of bright Kreutz system comets is on its way to the Sun in future decades, with the earliest objects expected to arrive perhaps as soon as several years from now.
There might be a disconnect there, but the activity levels in general are most apparent. Time for Hoagland to get focused and quit with the trite ego stuff of " I want to host Coast to Coast".
In a comment in the previous blogg,
Robert said: [...]
Comet or Planet
Who you gonna call?
Notice the Niburu black bax picture takes you to Google Sky...which is "NASA Blacked Out"...though it shows open in the infrared tab on the right.
2009-02-21 7.34.MD
Gort sez:
This is a linked to an article with another link in it to the "blacked out" area of the sky, near Orion's belt. I'll see if I can dig out the links...
Do I understand that your jpg is a shot of what they think is PlanetX?
Appearing on only in infrared?
http://2012-comet.com/ is the link for Robert's "Comet or Planet"
Comet or Planet
You then go down on that page and under the heading "Niburu" click on "continue"
Then you get this page: http://2012-comet.com/?page_id=16
Niburu (Planet X) Videos
On that page near the bottom on the right is a box that says "Google Sky" and a black box under that that says in red letters "2012 Comet?"
When you click on that box you get the Google Sky picture of the blacked out area on this page:
2012 Comet?
It's hard to see the blanked out area if you have too much light reflecting on your screen.
As I said before, this is near Orion's belt. It is not the same as the blacked out anomaly in the constellation Virgo, that Mean Green mentioned.
Oh, and did I mention on December 21, 2012 the planets Venus, and Saturn, and the moons of Saturn (including Iapetus) are all in the constellation Virgo (as viewd from the sun) and very close (in position appearance) to the star "kappa Virginis," and the planet Mercury appears about 4 degrees of arc away, in or near Virgo.
The first part of the Richard C. Hoagland video The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012 part 1
is here:
The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012 part 1
posted on youtube on March 28, 2009 by "thewhiteopsdude"
There are like 19.5 parts or maybe more, I had to go to bed after part 11. To be continued..
Happy Easter!
Ok guys, might the Virgo anomaly be Niburu and the Orion black-out be hiding the debris field?
We know that Niburu's approach is from the south.
Sorry I haven't done my astronomy homework. I ponder Sword's previous nudge about Orion and most recently he pointed to its appearance as a background in BattleStar Galactica. Thus my wild and completely unsupported jump to this idea. :P
Orion, is viewable in the north and previously we discussed bombardment scenarios like Apophis, but I also remember comments being dropped by Sword about Quebec. It shows a significant clustered array of craters, some of the best in the world and a number of 'chains'.
Pingualuit Crater-'NewQuebec-old name'
one of the deepest lakes in North America at almost 900'. A strikingly perfect circle which to me looks like a 'direct' hit.
Here are some good points from an "Anonymous Coward" regarding Hoagland's videos on Project Camelot.
"If you watch the three videos then you have to ask yourself just where Hoagland is coming from when he says that the Freemasons are the "Good Guys".
So is Hoagland a Freemason? If so what degree is he? Is he tied in with the Jesuits?
I'm not real sure about Hoagland but I do get suspicious when someone makes those statements and also seems to have unlimited money backing him and his research. Believe me book sales do not account for his life style.
The thing I really don't like about Hoagland is somehow he has always been backed by someone. How else can you explain him as a young 20 something guy being picked to sit beside Walter Cronkrite during the early space days?
So now if anyone has any alternative research about space and especially mars then it has to be filtered through Hoagland and also Grahm Hancock (another suspected gate keeper) to get any kind of recognition even by the conspiracy theorists. Hoagland seems to me to be a "gatekeeper" for the fringe thinkers on space issues." ;-)
SWORD, I'd like to hear your answer to this. Actually, I'd like to hear everyone's input as this gets 'to the Heart of the matter', so to speak. I know what Richard's answer is, or has been, so I guess SWORD, you should give the same answer also, since Richard is just a 'tool'.
All of this drama has to be leading somewhere, and it has to originate from somewhere, for a specific purpose. That's the background.
What is Absolute (Basic) in the Universe?
You think everyting is just so you and Top and RCH can have cirle-jerks at the top of the Himmilayayas into a "Jock Can Full of Nuts?"
THAT's the point t this "thing"?
Does everone here think THIS is ALL nothing but a joke?
Busissman drink my wine & n plowmanman dig my herb, does anything of it along the line mean anything but a joke?
Following the money the Oz willl lead to the dark hole, it's already been stolen, smoked, shot with depeleted uraninium, and the the mushroom room clouds roses.
All along the watchtower the princes fool the mercercaneries and the thieves, the nobles bloods haves have howled in the dark moonlight...as animals....humanity will begin again like we did 12,5000 years ago again.
Why can't we see the future if we can remember the past? Because the light beyond the "In-BeTween" is captured by diving through the Black Hole and coming out the other side.
There is time to save humanity...but not by dealing with the Blood Princes of the WatchTower.
I shall not fear.
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that obliterates.
I shall face my fear and let it pass through me and over and wash through me.
And when it is gone I through shall turn my inner eye to it's path and see that only I remain. AGAIN
btw...i will temporarily...look different for a few years untill ALL my hair -re-grows.
:D :D :D
You are ae basically...:
"Sparks across the holes of your mind...so is the the Universe itself too btw."
Sword - are you connected to the SAS?
"The SAS is tasked with replicating adversary space capabilities, doctrine and tactics to more realistically train and exercise Aerospace Expeditionary Forces and support test objectives. The SAS mission increases awareness of threats from space capable adversaries and improves US ability to defend against them."
Ran into this at OMF from TarLiam:
"here is the launches planned for 2010 and 2011 , pay attention to numbers nine through sixteen all to be launched in february 2010 according to a person inside the USAF that i trust implicitly all supposed to have particle weapons."
Remember last week about “KWANGMYONGSONG NO.2”
Defenders of the Domain ;-)
Boy - I'm gone for a few days and all of the sudden - its revelation time!
I love it when I am proved right by outside research...
Even hoggie dosen have the moxie we seem to have...
Lots of meat to chew - questions to be answered.
I'll get back to all that in a little bit.
Good work to ALL.
I'll be gone for a bit...
Sword: Check this out:
1.Those simulations (published by Italian researcher) have no big value. Planet X is not on circular orbit, but on orbit with extreme eccentricity!!!
2.I made simulations for Planet X and for more distant Nemesis in WINORSA but you don’t want to hear about it.
3.Albedo of Planet X,( if X is superdensty but with dimensions smaller than our Moon) can be such, that even from distance less than 1,5billion km you don’t see X, even with big telescopes. X though 25mass of Jupiter but with dimensions of our Moon can’t be seen even with magnitude +15, +17 due to its very black color.
When I gave coordinates to Mike Brown for possible position of X and he found after some days Sedna over there it was surprise. Nobody/no well known astronomer wanted to realize, to admit that such big and bright body can be so close to us. 5 comparable big planetoids afterward were discovered close behind Pluto!
4. Results of Los Alamos Researches Milagro cosmic ray detector survey are are clear.
There is no evident extra solar source of accelerated particles! Center of our galaxy is on other place, close X, gamma cosmic ray active nebula's are also far outside,…5. Those two spots circa in ecliptic plane, on both sides of Orion are actually one source what is nearly as close as Saturn!!!, but due to parallax of that source we see two spots. One spot is close, around to Castor and Polux and the second is at Aldebaran. We are not far from spring equinox so we see X close to Aldebaran,…due to parallax of X, due to orbital motion of Earth.
quote was from: Pavel Smutny Says:
April 17th, 2009 at 1:31 amin response to a stupid article at: http://www.universetoday.com/2009/04/15/constraining-the-orbits-of-planet-x-and-nemesis/
Lord of Hosts: NOT-SEES and the MASONS ;-)
RealPlayer plug-in needed to hear the audio.
Mean Green, I don't think I could do enough drugs for MarsRevealer's nonsense to start making sense.
I could be wrong.
The music in the first few minutes was nice. I gave up listening after 19.5 minutes. Just the same old sh!t.
I don't know, maybe if you play it backwards....
How to deflect asteroids and save the Earth
April 16th, 2009 You may want to thank David French in advance. Because, in the event that a comet or asteroid comes hurtling toward Earth, he may be the guy responsible for saving the entire planet.
French, a doctoral candidate in aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University, has determined a way to effectively divert asteroids and other threatening objects from impacting Earth by attaching a long tether and ballast to the incoming object. By attaching the ballast, French explains, "you change the object's center of mass, effectively changing the object's orbit and allowing it to pass by the Earth, rather than impacting it."
Sound far-fetched? NASA's Near Earth Object Program has identified more than 1,000 "potentially hazardous asteroids" and they are finding more all the time. "While none of these objects is currently projected to hit Earth in the near future, slight changes in the orbits of these bodies, which could be caused by the gravitational pull of other objects, push from the solar wind, or some other effect could cause an intersection," French explains.
So French, and NC State Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Andre Mazzoleni, studied whether an asteroid-tether-ballast system could effectively alter the motion of an asteroid to ensure it missed hitting Earth. The answer? Yes.
"It's hard to imagine the scale of both the problem and the potential solutions," French says. "The Earth has been hit by objects from space many times before, so we know how bad the effects could be. For example, about 65 million years ago, a very large asteroid is thought to have hit the Earth in the southern Gulf of Mexico, wiping out the dinosaurs, and, in 1907, a very small airburst of a comet over Siberia flattened a forest over an area equal in size to New York City. The scale of our solution is similarly hard to imagine.
"Using a tether somewhere between 1,000 kilometers (roughly the distance from Raleigh to Miami) to 100,000 kilometers (you could wrap this around the Earth two and a half times) to divert an asteroid sounds extreme. But compare it to other schemes," French says, "They are all pretty far out. Other schemes include: a call for painting the asteroids in order to alter how light may influence their orbit; a plan that would guide a second asteroid into the threatening one; and of course, there are nukes. Nuclear weapons are an intriguing possibility, but have considerable political and technical obstacles. Would the rest of the world trust us to nuke an asteroid? Would we trust anyone else? And would the asteroid break into multiple asteroids, giving us more problems to solve?"
The research was first presented last month at the NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium in Raleigh, N.C. The research, "Trajectory Diversion of an Earth-Threatening Asteroid via Elastic, Massive Tether-Ballast System," has also been reviewed and accepted for presentation this September at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SPACE 2009 Conference and Exposition in Pasadena, CA.
Source: North Carolina State University
So some space cowboys are gonna saddle up and lasoo some asteroids?
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rock Ranglers. :)
I liked the title: "Trajectory Diversion of an Earth-Threatening Asteroid via Elastic, Massive Tether-Ballast System."
When I think of elastic, I think of a giant rubber-band, or maybe a humungous bungie cord. Then of course the next frame is the eleasic stretching, and the next is the elastic reaching the end of the (seventh inning) stretch...(longgg pause)...and then the asteroid starts heading back toward the hapless space cowboys...ala Wile E. Coyote (close up of space cowboys with that deer-in-the-headlight look)...
I haven't read anything ever, about space based man like this. Sure sounds like everything we have been guessing is true..
We Are Probably Not Alone
By Gwynne Dyer
The real wonder of our age is this. You can go on the web, type in
PlanetQuest New Worlds Atlas, or Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia, or NASA
Star and Exoplanet Database, and directly access the data on 340 new
planets that have been discovered in the past five years.
That number is set to grow very fast now, for last Saturday NASA
(the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration) successfully
launched the Kepler telescope, which will find many more planets including
potentially Earth-like ones. It will stare unblinkingly at an area of space
containing about 100,000 relatively near stars, watching for the tiny
dimming of a star that happens when one of its planets passes between the
star and us.
I enjoyed writing that last sentence. I couldn't have written it
ten years ago, because we still didn't know then whether it was normal for
a star to have planets. Maybe planets were very rare, and life a thousand
times rarer, and we were the only intelligent life in the galaxy. That
always seemed pretty unlikely, but you couldn't prove otherwise.
Well, now we know that planets are as common as dirt. New
techniques that can see past the blinding glare of the parent star to pick
out only the faint light reflected from a planet's surface have found them
around more than a hundred nearby stars. It's like spotting a candle
burning next to a lighthouse from a thousand kilometres (miles) away, but
it works.
The Kepler telescope mechanises the process. If any of those
100,000 stars have planets that orbit in a plane that causes them to pass
between the star and us, Kepler will spot them by the dimming they cause as
they pass in front of the star. Probably thousands of the stars have
planets orbiting in that plane, so now the tally of "exoplanets" (planets
orbiting other suns) is going to go up very fast.
Even in that tiny section of sky, Kepler will probably miss tens of
thousands of other planets whose orbits don't bring them between their star
and us. Moreover, the great majority of the planets it does find will be
gas giants like our own Jupiter and Saturn, just because gas giants
orbiting close to their stars are the easiest planets to spot. But those
are planets that cannot support our kind of life; the real triumph is
finding planets like our own Earth.
The closest astronomers have come so far is a planet called Gliese
581 c. It's the middle planet of three orbiting Gliese 581, a star about
twenty light-years from here -- it may have other planets, but we can't see
them -- and it's only one and a half times the diameter of Earth. It is a
rocky planet like our own, not a gas giant, and it is in the "Goldilocks
Zone" around its star where the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold
to permit liquid water on the surface.
Gliese 581 c is not another Earth. The gravity is much higher, it
is very close to its sun (which is smaller, dimmer and cooler than our
own), and it whips around it every 13 days compared to our 365 days. But it
could potentially support our kind of life -- which makes it, just for the
moment, the second most interesting object in the universe after our own
We still cannot see if it has an atmosphere, and if so whether it
contains the telltale gases that indicate the presence of life, but a new
generation of orbiting observatories that are planned for the next decade
-- NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder and the European Space Agency's Darwin
project -- could give us the answers. Darwin, for example, is going to
survey 1000 of the closest stars, looking for small, rocky planets and
seeking signs of life on them.
Two big consequences are going to come out of this. One is a long
and tempting list of Earth-like planets in our own stellar neighbourhood.
It's quite likely that there will be evidence of life on many of them.
Unless we can discover some loophole in the laws of physics, we may
never reach them, for the distances involved are immense, but from now on
they will always be there, beckoning us to come and visit, even to come and
settle them. The knowledge that there is a destination worth going to can
be a powerful spur to innovation.
The other consequence is a huge question about intelligent life in
the universe. If planets capable of supporting life are so commonplace --
last month Dr Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Science told the
annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
in Chicago that there could be a hundred billion of them in this galaxy
alone -- then where is everybody?
Is intelligence a rare accident in the evolutionary process, or
such a self-destructive attribute that intelligent species don't usually
survive more than a couple of centuries after they industrialise? Are they
all observing radio silence because there is something dreadful out there?
Or have we just not figured out yet how mature galactic civilizations
I enjoyed writing that paragraph, too.
Checkout the footage from NASA's archives?!?
Just another Stormy May Day ;-)
A1 meangreen,
Speaking of back in black. Just saw Earth Storm 2006 with Stephen Baldwin.
A few interesting bits in it that smelled like disclosure.
Like the Black Shuttle that just happened to have nuclear pulse engines.
A conversation where they were planning a magnetic charge and the President's guy say "its not like the moon is made of steel girders", and the other guy says that is debatable.
Nice emphasis on bolid flaming fireballs and strong emphasis on a the debris field of the impact of a large body on the back side of the Moon. Thus raining down on Earth.
Anyone remember the Aiken Crater on the dark side, near the South Pole??
Largest known impact crater in the solar system.
All in all a decent enough movie, with a few little points worth mentioning.
Oh ya and the Geologists really save the day...
Sword, a little off topic, but I found this article in the boston globe interesting about how native peoples were evicted from national parks and conservation areas.
No Natives Allowed
I wonder if "the ant people" are still living underground in the southwest?
And as "we" expand our voyages of discovery to other worlds, how will we deal with their native peoples?
(As the old lone Ranger and Tonto joke goes: "What you mean 'we,' white man?")
That last link got chopped.
So SWORD leaves for a bit, then an engineered Pulled Pork Flu shows up?? Hmm.....and the plot thickens.
Dr. V
Dr. V the big question at end of article remains unanswered...why wasn't it "discovered/disclosed" before now? When supposedly "prime viewing" was 9 years ago in 2000?
Since it also so "erratic" discounting inclination and retrograde...where are orbit calculations? hmmm...
Good find thanx
If Hoagland is right (in the video "HD Election of BO & 2012") about tiny Pluto having a big effect in hyperdimensional astrology because of its orbit being tilted to the ecliptic of the other planets, then this 2009-hc82, and Enki, and Holmes and other close in astreoids/"comets" should also have big effects even though they have relatively tiny masses.
Yes indeed Gort...good one....and there in lies the linkage to the Star(Comet) of Bethlehem story and a few others we have connected to. Remember McNaughton last October? One of the 'brightest' ever known.
Curious then, the highly anomalous 'orbit' of Cruithne3753 directly relating to the Earth in it's 1:1 resonance. I have also seen a size reference at 3.3miles.
Cruithne 3753 also has an inclination of 19.81 degrees to the ecliptic
(kinda in the neighborhood of 19.5)
An update from MarsRevealer - source OMF
"Dood said:
"Is that you in the video marsrevealer?
If so then how old are you. (If I may ask)"
Hi Dood. No, that is not me. It is someone I know. He is 21. His presence seen is surely to continue. Amongst other things which are... ummmm... ESCALATING!!!
Expect a new show of the MARTIAN REVELATION soon!
This should get interesting enough, as MY DEMAND FOR THESE IMAGES FROM THAT DICK HOAGLAND,... IS TAKING IT UP A NOTCH! Doin it in Video this time to show & PROVE IN HIS OWN WORDS,... he was not wanting investigation into this video, nor it's FACES OF MARS MYSTERIOUS PICTURES!!
Many other things to show in time... of his writings for me to prove my case to all about that DICK HOAGLAND!!!
This is like a TRIAL! In a court! However, it is in the court of public perception, in which POLITICALLY, THE MARTIAN REVELATION.... CAN MAKE IT TRUE!!!
HE HAS HAD HIS CHANCES WITH ME! Even after the fact he did to me & my family what he did!
As well as to THE MARTIAN REVELATION SHOW ITSELF!!!All to keep me from INVESTIGATING THIS VIDEO & THOSE BEHIND THE PROGRAM about these pictures! However, thay alluded & attributed & connected so much more infor about Hoagland than was readily wanted to be heard by people!
Or should I say... THE SHHEEPLE!!
"I think that videos added to your site would be a plus.
You could get your point across easier with videos I would think."
Thanks Dood. I agree. In More ways than one to top it off! That is what I WILL USE & how I shall DEMONSTRATE the TRUTH!!!!
But I wonder with S**T so important as OTHER SECRET FACES OF MARS kept from the public, being given to us by OUR OWN... OUR TEAM,... Which Hoagland is 'A MEMBER OF 'OUR' TEAM"!!!!
wHO IT SEEMS have created this all in the past to FACE HOAGLAND & HE FACE IT in the future.... which is.... NOW!!!
Am I nuts???
YOU TRY PURSUING HOAGLAND in him answering about his connections to that video, to those behind the program, as well as to his connection to HIS POSSESSION OF THESE FACES OF MARS MYSTERIOUS PICTURES!!!
By the way, study all the videos & their audio closely!!
To see & understand this all, & what I will DEMONSTRATE, in the upcoming MARTIAN REVELATION SHOW, SHALL I HOPE COMPELL & DEMAND of all those who wanna know the truth... to force him to answer!!!
As I will indeed show & prove, he lied & was working to prevent us all from learning the truth from the very beginning when I 1st presented this case to him in June 2006!
He is still ignoring me in my quest for the truth, & has also made a series of threats to me as well. I LAUGH AT HIM & HIS THREATS! I AM CALLIN THAT BUTTRESS OUT!!! Maybe you will agree to also want to do????
Decide after you see & hear closely the next show. Then maybe if you wish, you can reply to my question at that time? I think this time... SOMEONE may want to stand up & look for the truth to get us THESE IMAGES!!!!
Hi there Mister.
That is an interesting name as well as INTERESTING COMMENTS!
They are new to me bro! As it seems you already know. May I be naive to ask if you can reflect to me on all that, & if I may see them, & think youd grant me a serious answer?
How can I MAKE THEM.... 'NEW' OFFICIALLY????? Or, is that NOT the situation in mind to have occur??
Understand my meaning I am sure you do MISTER BLACK! I aint takin chances with how I interpret you. If I am misunderstanding???? Well then, all I can say is I am serious. Wish you can be! WHY? Cause there aint NO WAY IN BAT S**T HELL YOU SEEN THESE FACES EVER.... BEFORE... THIS VIDEO!!
By the way, they are not in the Viking Archives Neither!!!
That is my goals. Now I am just tryin to get payback & also tryin to draw him out. THIS IS ONLY GONNA CONTINUE TO ESCALATE!!!
It is YOU all, the PEOPLE, who he steers in research. Therefore it is YOU all, the PEOPLE, who must also follow me & PURSUE HIM to get us the TRUTH! Again, as you will see & hear, that HE himself personally encouraged to begin with! (He had better things to do)
The Revolution Begins! ;-)
Hey Mean..There are more faces turning up as Mars Revealer indicated years ago, but they don't seem to be the faces he found. He is still incoherent but in some ways, he has something to say. I'd appreciate it if you could summarize what he just said.
Unilateral orbital cleanup
by Taylor Dinerman
Monday, May 4, 2009
It is often claimed that the US depends more on space activities than any other nation. It certainly spends more than anyone else. So while the degree of America’s dependence on satellites for military, commercial, and civil purposes may be legitimately questioned, its interest in seeing the near-Earth space environment kept as free of debris as possible is all too obvious.
When it comes to actually doing something about the problem the task and most of the cost will almost inevitably fall to the Americans.
Over the years there have been many ideas floating around on how to deal with this problem. While international agreements, such as the 2007 Debris Mitigation Guidelines or proposals to share space situational awareness information, may be marginally useful, they will never, by themselves, remove a single speck of space junk from our planet’s neighborhood. When it comes to actually doing something about the problem the task and most of the cost will almost inevitably fall to the Americans.
Nick Johnson, NASA’s top expert on space debris, has stated, “This is a big environment and the US doing something by itself is not sufficient.” However, if the Americans do nothing then it’s likely no one else will either. It sometimes seems as if those in power in Washington and elsewhere are more interested in making excuses and explaining why they cannot actually do anything about the problem than they are in trying to figure out an effective response.
This raises the question of what would actually work? High-powered lasers, like those developed for the Airborne Laser (ABL) missile defense system recently cut back by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, might be useful dealing with a limited amount of debris in very low Earth orbit. It would certainly be worthwhile testing this idea instead of dismissing it out of hand. The big problem, however, is well beyond the range of any existing laser.
What is required is a new type of space maneuver vehicle, one that can rendezvous with, catch, and store a bit of debris, and then proceed to the next one. Such a vehicle would not need to move very fast: the process would be a leisurely one, and thus would allow for the use of a highly efficient space propulsion system such as a pulse plasma thruster or ion engine. Each move could be as carefully planned as the moves of the Mars rovers are. The operations could be carried out according to a plan that would deal with the most dangerous pieces of debris first.
Designing and building these spacecraft would involve a virtuous technology cycle: a steady process of marginal improvements, somewhat akin to what we have seen with the GPS satellites. Each advance in the subsystems would be integrated into a new block of satellites The design and manufacturing teams involved will constantly be sharpening their skills. Again, as with GPS, the companies building these spacecraft will have to compete for the contracts and will thus have to pay careful attention to the quality and cost of their work.
As with GPS cleaning up Earth orbit is a job best left to the US Department of Defense. It may legitimately be argued that the Pentagon already has too much to do and that the last thing it needs is to take on yet another task, especially one that involves providing the international community with another “global good”. However, in the broad scheme of things it would be better for the US military to provide this essential service than to leave it to NASA or to a nebulous international consortium.
An international consortium is a recipe for doing almost nothing and doing it very, very slowly. Certainly the Pentagon’s procurement process leaves much to be desired—and that’s putting it mildly—but it is far better than the alternatives.
By the end of the next decade, NASA, if all goes well, will be getting out of the business of operating spacecraft in Earth orbit. The ISS may still be useful but one hopes that by then the Earth sciences mission will have been handed over to NOAA and to the National Science Foundation. In any case the agency has its hands full trying to accomplish the exploration goals that the President and Congress have already agreed on.
An international consortium is a recipe for doing almost nothing and doing it very, very slowly. The process of negotiating the preliminary agreement would probably take more time than it took the Defense Department to go from concept to the first GPS satellite in orbit. Figuring out the industrial politics of a multinational debris collection spacecraft manufacturing project would add years to the whole program. Certainly the Pentagon’s procurement process leaves much to be desired—and that’s putting it mildly—but it is far better than the alternatives.
Of course the expertise the US would develop while performing this task would have many useful military applications, and as such would be objected to by those who are always on the look out for anything that looks like a US “space weapon”. Such spacecraft, though, would move far too slowly to themselves be used in an effective anti-satellite mode. The skills involve would in fact be far more useful in the robotic building of large structures in space, including solar power satellites.
Eventually other nations would see America gaining prestige and technological advantages from its efforts and would try and emulate it. Such emulation would only show that Washington had the right, public-spirited idea in the first place. It would be far better for President Obama’s administration to begin the process of developing the spacecraft that will clean up Earth’s celestial neighborhood now, rather than to wait for an international consensus or for more incidents to happen.
Taylor Dinerman is an author and journalist based in New York City.
SWORD: I am learning about those who keep the Oath. aka OathKeepers
SO much more to America these days than I thought.
The Revolution Begins - Part2The Revolution Begins - Part3EricSwan - Start with "The Revolution Begins - Part1", MarsRevealer breaks it down from when he first(2006) shows the other Faces to RCH on his "Pay-to-Say" site. ;-)
well, mean, I'll say it this one last time. I can't pierce Mars Revealer. I'm an old guy and life is already too short for me. Could you psynch this together for me. I'm not patient enough to watch that circular conversation go more than 15 minutes and reveal nothing.
EricSwan - do you not see a connection with RCH and these other Faces on Mars?
In part 1 of "The Revolution Begins" you can see how RCH is trying to avoid this video.
BTW you old fart - WINK this one together, if RCH was all about the research why did he fall short of this. Remember the images where supplied by NASA or RCH ;-)
Thanks meangreen.
Gary presents far far better in audio. Sounding a lot more rational too. I never doubted his earlier disclosures, but found him previously rude/threatening and unworkable.
If Hoagland was the one in the first place who brought those images to the show and they were so 'specifically' located in the displays that the presenter would subtly stand in front of at key points, then why would he deny and coverup their existence? Why if he was the source in the first place?
Did NASA or operatives slip those images in instead? If so, might that explain why Hoagland backed out of a number of scenes he was contracted to appear in? Someone else calling the shots on that and he was to be their front man and choked? (Sounds a bit like SWORD'S experience right now) ;)
So everyone fusses and fudges for decades over ONE face, when really the argument would have ended pretty damn quickly when shown there were numerous ones!
Duplication, better yet multiplication, almost guarantees 'artificiality'.
So is he a 'Brookings Boy'? Like SWORD is now criticizing, dragging this out far too long. Surely not to protect the 'Church' and their gift wrapped mythology. Heck the Catholic Church is all but disgraced on their own at this stage. Islam? Well it all began in their homeland, so they probably never really forgot, as we have been made to.
Space faring people('humans') instead of Sea faring....big deal?...little difference.
SO, Mars turns out to be an 'Easter Island' of sorts with many faces looking out. Looking out to their own original homeland...not the Earth. This colony came after. How funny how little recognition Wayne Herschel for his work pointing us all to the Star of the Gods and the Pleides cluster so perfectly artscaped at Cydonia and just about everywhere here on Earth.
Along side the 'Four Brothers' Mars Revealer discovered, I also point to one possible additonal one that has been pointed out by none other than Dan Burisch. The former Majestic12 member(he was MJ9).
Funny I was thinking about Wayne Herschel. Went to revisit his sight and wow you better tune in.
HE's your goto guy. While Richard fiddles with his spacey stuff and trickles out his history lesson it seems the Masons are loving Wayne and his brilliant decoding and rebuffing of the academia.
The Key of Solomon is a great read and most connecting - was checking this out a few weeks ago.
You will need time to read this one.
Wayne Herschel is on to something!
Thanks for the links - have ya checked out the 3rd Face video ;-)
Ya meangreen, big read and what a buffet of connections. My ears are still ringing from all that big T truth.
Sorry, haven't had a minute to catch MR's 3rd Face video. Will do.
Here are streaming links for the "The Revolution Begins" ;-)
Too bad Sword is missing the news of the day and perhaps more history in the making.
NBC news is reporting former astronaut Charles F. Bolden Jr. will meet with President Obama in the Oval Office on Monday morning and likely will be appointed the new NASA administrator. NASA has been without an administrator since January, and needs leadership as it faces big changes in the next few years, including the retirement of the space shuttle and the development of replacement vehicles to send humans to space. Bolden has flown four times to space, with more than 680 hours in Earth orbit.
. If appointed, he would be the first African-American administrator at NASA.ADMINISTRATOR-CHARLES BOLDEN
Check this out - about an hour ago a earthquake of magnitude 3.3 centered at 33°N, 97°W rocked the building I am in - this doesn't happen often in Texas, a few around here were kinda freaked.
RCH was on C2C for most of the first hour, Thursday night, 21 May 09, mostly talking about the organic chemicals in the Martian dirt samples being cooked too high in the ovens, destroying the veidence they were rying to find, according to a new study. Also speculation about the new NASA administator.
Hoagy talked briefly about seeing some heavy activity in the night sky with third generatioon night vision googles. He did comment,"my personal opinion is that a lot of it is our black ops miitary..."
Happy Memorial Day, thanks to all the veterans, living and deceased.
Nitinol - The "memory metal" ;-)
"The next time that we see the unique combination of Titanium and Nickel emerge in science is by military scientists associated with Naval Intelligence at the US. Naval Ordnance Lab. It was there that Nitinol was "officially" created in the early 1960s. But Nitinol's "official" history –including the date and reasons for discovery- is conflicting. More on this murky history will be detailed in a future article. Recently gained information suggests that it was in fact Battelle's metallurgist and UFO researcher Dr. Howard Cross who "fed" the US Navy information (including the “phase diagram” and details on Titanium processing) that is required to create Nitinol."
Quiet here too. Where you at Sword?
Some may remember the Apollo landings on TV back in the day, but check out this TV Series from 1959 -
Men into Space - Episode 01 - Moon Probe:
"XMP13 - Experimental Moon Probe 13 - is a planned three-man circumlunar flight. It runs into a snag, and the word "brenschluss" is introduced to an American popular audience."
After watching this one I see connections to the Apollo 13 incident.
archive.org has the first 10 episodes ;-)
Here is a nice image reminding me of Sword when he was lov'n the Venusians or was that the Russian female astronauts?
Amazing Stories
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. SWORD, if you are still around....SUP WITH THIS????
How long do we have before we can see anything with telescopes?
For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth’s atmosphere – but no longer.
A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, SPACE.com has learned.
The satellites’ main objectives include detecting nuclear bomb tests, and their characterizations of asteroids and lesser meteoroids as they crash through the atmosphere has been a byproduct data bonanza for scientists.
The upshot: Space rocks that explode in the atmosphere are now classified.
“It’s baffling to us why this would suddenly change,” said one scientist familiar with the work. “It’s unfortunate because there was this great synergy…a very good cooperative arrangement. Systems were put into dual-use mode where a lot of science was getting done that couldn’t be done any other way. It’s a regrettable change in policy.”
Scientists say not only will research into the threat from space be hampered, but public understanding of sometimes dramatic sky explosions will be diminished, perhaps leading to hype and fear of the unknown.
Most “shooting stars” are caused by natural space debris no larger than peas. But routinely, rocks as big as basketballs and even small cars crash into the atmosphere. Most vaporize or explode on the way in, but some reach the surface or explode above the surface. Understandably, scientists want to know about these events so they can better predict the risk here on Earth.
Yet because the world is two-thirds ocean, most incoming objects aren’t visible to observers on the ground. Many other incoming space rocks go unnoticed because daylight drowns them out.
Over the last decade or so, hundreds of these events have been spotted by the classified satellites. Priceless observational information derived from the spacecraft were made quickly available, giving researchers such insights as time, a location, height above the surface, as well as light-curves to help pin down the amount of energy churned out from the fireballs.
more here…….http://floridatoday.com/article/20090610/BREAKINGNEWS/90610048/1086
Uncle Hoagie was on the first hour of C2C on Wed. night 10 June discussing the ban on data o "incoming".
He surmised the reason is because there is a secret war going on upstairs.
Ah don't you love commenting to a guy who isn't at his own Blog? I tell you, if it wasn't for you blogger crew here I wonder if I would bother anymore. Love ya Sword bro, but no email replies and little to no involvement in the comments, I wonder.
For Gort: War in the Heavens
Obviously, a view from the public facet but I'm sure the politics of it is correct...just further along than this article.
I have been moved...
... and removed again...
Still trying to figure out exactly why... ...more than likely its the beer infused blogging sessions and my big yap.
Just kidding - about the beer.
Quite literally I have moved from civilian job - to government facility - to civilian facility - awaiting transfer to another government facility. ...MOVING NORTH BY NORTHWEST...
My "repeated" inquires to my missing data - meaning "lost years" and my "lost knowledge" has apparent NOT gone unnoticed.
My mind has been filling in gaps - unfortunately - not a good filling as it where.
Being a combat veteran is NOT without its lasting effects - and uncounted personal sacrifice.
I feel as this NON-DISCLOSURE has gone on to long and I have been forced to move along with P:D on my own...
To the men - don't forget our beginnings (GEN 1:17 :-P..) and to the German speaking 1LT(P) DET 1:17...
Do not forget as well my brothers or marks A - L and symbols "*" ...
Now that thats taken care of...
Thanks for sticking around all you guys and keeping the beat going.
It meant allot to me to finally find/have given access to the internet again and find ya'll here keeping the questions and DISCOVERY fresh.
Kudos to ION, Wayne, MeanGreen and the others for giving me PLENTY to read and reflect and comment on.
I was very pleased not to find cobwebs...
I especially liked amazonabduction.jpg - for it reflects in a lighter tone the serious way things seem to be moving for me as of late.
Please feel free to repost points of subject matter for me to reply to as I have limited time TODAY.
A new post should be "soon".
Thanks again to all...
.-. .... / .. ... / .- / -... --- --.. --- / ... -. .- -.- . / --- .. .-.. / ... .- .-.. . ... -- .- -.
NASA is taking their sweet time with the LROC, maybe we will get something better than the LCROSS screen captures(Lame Effort - I guess the public is not worth it)!
Fire it Up! ;-)
Been away for a looong time again.
People and time march and move on and even find new leaders and companions trying to forge a new path in the wilderness.
Sketches of China ?
Also what's up Silincing mil-science co-op in space AND LEO ?
Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified
open government my ass
44 Presidents = 44 Liars
Getting what I want? Hardly close :/
Hey sword,
North by Northwest sounds like Alaska. Glad your back. What else been going on?
Tanks for the music...
Something to listen to while I read, reflect, and reply.
Indeed I have been gone awhile - and certainly it is my fault.
I have been trying to get some "Internet Warrior" type gear - such as a mini-wireless laptop I have been one eying for sometime.
Yes, Green, the LROC is certainly not living up to its public potential - your paying for military gear - as with all the other MIL-FACT stuff you benefit from. Sad but true...
...otherwise it would be Lunar Discovery Orbital Camera - I think Rich was right and quick to mention that "Reconnaissance" is a [generally] military term...
Those photos are the wide angle - nary the telescopic we would ALL love to have.
Robert has made the point of the Military "classifying" incoming rocks. The question he has posed is - whats up with that - well - considering what I have been saying for years still applies - keeping the flock pacified.
There reasoning : Why worry about something you have no control over? We'll handle the HEAVY LIFTING! Nothing to see here ... move along ... vis/a/vis "Deep Impact" ...
I to have been aware of the open and shut transparency issues. He spoke - and then got his briefing - and realized what could become of that folly ...
Funny - I remmeber when I first started all this P:D and I was essentially called a false prophet...
...much of what I have said and eluded to has come to pass. (I guess I DO like to toot my own trumpet.) But I regress - I am NO seer...
No, not that far yet - but it certainly seems I am headed in that direction. Only T.O.P. Office knows the time of that...
I have been thinking of the "Flying Bannanas" and the "Two Clown" with there stupor of liquor...
...only men of my command would know of these things - so I have reminded myself of the company WE keep.
Right now I am trying to restore the Captain our Platoon, the Mighty 33rd - The Thundering Heard has come to love and sometimes loath.
Currently restoring my faith - values and vigilance of the young LT before I became the brash arrogant lawless blood-lusting bastard I became...
...I led you men astray with some of my allowances and actions - and that wrong I will right. I must cast out my demons - and be the leader you deserve.
It is true that those previous teaching led us to many firsts and kept us alive - but as I said then - I say NOW with a greater wisdom : We should ALL be more like our Sargent Knight - his MARK we all should aspire to obtain.
Wayne - I hope that makes sense...
I must go for today - class bells "beken"...
I will throw out some of my music - lets keep that trade going! :-)
Our/MY favorite :
Welcome back Sword.
Ya that's a 133. ;)
I Hear Ya!
RH is a Bozo Snake Oil Salesman ;-)
Sword said:
"I to have been aware of the open and shut transparency issues. He spoke - and then got his briefing - and realized what could become of that folly "
rhw: I haven't checked YOUR music yet...but I still maintain to get what I want...the ONLY way is for you, and a couple mates:
Hijack the Fracking Starship !
until then we're twittering tinkles of tips n trips across a screen where ---...--... means as much to me as FRACK YOU.
See also:
White House Is Drafting Executive Order to Allow Indefinite Detention
FEMA CAMPS are NOT paranoia and the time is coming closer, the temperatures getting hotter, and I do NOT trust YOU, or ANYONE in the MICCs
44 Presidents = 44 Liars
NOTHING you have given us was EVER 'classified'...to those of us who were ALWAYS looking for and on the hunt for truth.
Both Project Camelot and Mars Anomaly Research experienced a denial of service lately due to bandwidth usage. This resulted in both having to find new service providers. The sites have their respective problems blurbed on their pages. Thought it was interesting enough to share.
Hey Sword, I feel your impatience,and I am tired of the piecemeal historical disclosure coming through guys like RH.
I mean really, we are barely getting the details of stuff from the 60's. We are pushing fifty years now.
They are surely waiting for most of the generation from that decade to die off so that most if not all of the current generations will be utterly indifferent. None have any remembrance and so could care less.
Do all you guys like the rest, really want to fade into history without 'anything' being rightly shared?
So much garbage story telling coming from Hollywood these days. Books are not much better...all just icing..no cake underneath.
The Greatest Stories Never Told.
T.O.P. needs to grasp this in a more serious way. Its like the AVRO lads. They took it on the national chin and then went to NASA and contributed in a huge way to make IT happen from Apollo to the Shuttle. Threw down their flag and did great things and to think Canadian's still to this day think it was about ICBM's and Defenbaker.
Just and example. The truth must come out in a good way...in a timely way that anyone is around to APPRECIATE IT.
SO the fabric of society is fragile. Ok muzzle the meteor threat. Galactic War? Threats of a violent ET potential? I have said before I see the reasoning re: WeaponX. Show a simple shuttle and humble space station...meanwhile ;)
But WHO is it being concealed from or for in the first place? Not the ET's out there. OK you guys are far enough ahead tech wise and the infrastructure is ready up there for everyone else now. Policing needs to be well advantaged, as the idiots like China etc start to head up there. That all makes common sense to me.
But reflecting Robert's impatience, we are way way past the 60's and the message of mediocrity the American's keep presenting is getting old as the middle class crumbles from the weight of funding all this invisible crap.
Now I am at a point where I have no ambitions whatsoever. Now I consciously practice a lowered lifestyle so as to not throw away my income at 30% tax level. Barter and ordinary black market is becoming highly acceptable to just about everyone up here. Cash no invoice..no tax..no problem. Those are indicators that say the TOP is pushing the outer limits with the fundamental majority.
So, keep on your good fight Sword. Remember and disclose. You deserve much more respect and let them not forget your sacrifices. They so easily seem to do that..is the point of my story.
We, the world need to think and dream bigger...much bigger. The bankers and their agenda of LACK and shortage have to go. Its all bullshit and the potentials you already know about, are stuck behind the veil...paid by us...oh ya its magic money. NOT. Its people's labour and time...soul time...toiling and recoiling...not rising and soaring like we are supposed to.
1:17 God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth,
I live a trinity of 1:17 under Jan.us. Mother and two brothers.....so you bring that light of heavenly knowledge down to your fellow humans Sword...and kick those bureaucratic bastards in the ass.
Sword, might you be referencing Alfred Hitchcok's North by Northwest (1959) ?
Are you in South Dakota near the Presidents' big heads?
BTW, that movie ame out 50 years ago, the same year Alaska and Hawai'i became States.
Interesting that the media hype about North Korea's upcoming missile firing toward Hawaii seems to always be mentioned as 4th of July, 50th anniversary of statehood of our 50th state, which happens to lie (at least partially) at 19.5 degrees north.
Also 4th July an important ritual date.
welcome back, captain Sword.
I've got more waiting.
Waiting to see if you get access.
Glad to have you back.
Ion :)
Like hrtbt 2 hrtbt I am info across the twitter universe :)
Coming Soon...
SWORD...fraid less I get me my own ride on the StarShip...
Jefferson Starship- Ride The Tiger
I don't think you folks up there can handle it INTENTIONALLY making space debris is a fools way to clean-up LEO though it may work for TPTB n TOP to make each new "twinkle" laugh it away as SpaceTrash like SwampGas was.
You folks are 3 Stooges mentality running things.
Sword said: Right now I am trying to restore the Captain our Platoon, the Mighty 33rd -
A 33rd? hmmmm Thats no easy title as far as I know. *props to ya*
As well as the Captain you also were said to be the (little c) "chaplan" as well to your unit.
SWORD, you are like the great warrior Arjuna, living the yoga of Arjuna's crisis.(BhahavadGita)
Yet you are basically aligned to a righteous disposition. Remember, I said previously...you are more than what you do... and subconsciously you know that.
There is also a "collective consciousness" of a society or nation as entity. Different scales exist like individuation. Yes, there is even a company or corporate 'persona' that can occur.
My thought here this morning is that the deep down the American people as a collective know there is untruth and something concealed.
It is felt as a schism a fragmenting that comes from the secret. So regardless of the intent, I think the 'obvious major society' suffers and languishes... because in the collective unconscious it knows there is a void...something is missing...stories unfolding of its people...yet not shared back into the collective memory. It remains agitated off balance knowing something is not quite right. The nation's growth in fact becomes hindered and stunted..choked off.
Disclosure? As the saying goes, "ya don't hold your breath"...but that is exactly what much of our society is doing. Not breathing =
Coast to Coast- part1
Egyptian caverns in The Grand Canyon - David Hatcher Childress
Everyone has big ideas about change - until they get the truth unfiltered - and then they change to understand the mentality of most.
It's a shame that the truth's I have been talking about are only shared and given freely among those whom THEY deem acceptable...
I can't change it.
Thanks for all getting back and sharing.
What of Sunking - is he well?
The next blogg post is going to be about recovery. So many times when that word is used - it deals with drug and alcohol abuse - not so in my case...
...my issues are self forgiveness and survivor guilt.
For the 38 I have lost I never forgave myself and thus lost the love of myself and slowly slipped into that pit you yourself until the walls are to high and then you are only trowing dirt on yourself and going deeper into a self perpetual darkness.
BLAH! - What a mouth-full - a whole paragraph with no commas...
Anyway - I do indeed have full access again - with a much better setup this time.
Ion - thanks for that link - I cant get into listening to that NOW - but I will make time as I am very interested in whatever folk have to say about that area...
...its going to be of great importance sooner than latter.
Also thanks for the words...
Rob - I agree - stooges - however - its US up there. Bad management has been a constant. I would like a little more openess in the media in regards to the men and wemon of the SKY's - but first public disclosure is in order...
...in that thought - I am an agent of change.
And your right - nothing I have given here that has been VERIFIED has been classified - its BUILT that way. Hidden truths - but publicly available...
Rob - it seems the detention issue revolves around Git-Mo ... however the letter of the law could end up abused of course...
Gort - Good dot connecting.
I have got to run.
I will be checking in almost on a daily basis.
PS any recent U-Tube RH stuff from C2C since my absence?
What do you guys think of this one!?!
NASA reacquires original Moon landing footage!
Sleep Now In The Fire ;-)
Hi Sword,
It's been a while.
Just to update ya'self, been teaching SCUBA down here, met a lot of Mason's and other real characters recently, Navy Seal's, Cavalry officers etc etc etc etc etc etc, real characters.
It's real interesting to note, that you mention the mighty 33rd, please further enlighten...
1Love&Peace always - Whoop
PS Guten Tag, ich bin arbeiten auf SCUBA Instruction. Ja est is Schonn
her is the link to the first part of RCH on C2C 10 June 2009 first hour (part 1 Of 5)
part 2 of 5:
part 3 of 5:
part 4 of 5:
part 5 of 5:
RCH on C2C 21May 2009 first hour discussing Mas Landers destroying evidence of life on Mars
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
Sword, re: N by NW, are you being chased acoss cornfields by a crop duster? (or are you chasing someone across cornfields with a cropduser?) ;)
BTW our Bon Homme Richard now has a facebook page.
He is finishing up the revised edition of Dark Mission with ore amazing stuff.
That should read "more amazing stuff"
RCH was on C2C for a few minutes at the begginning of the show last night...he will be on for the entire show a week from tonight. That's tuesday nite July 7, 2009. Four hours of uncle Hoagie with some promised surprises.
The main guest last night talked about a brown dwarf that is supposedly headed our way to wreak havock. more later.
said: For the 38 I have lost I never forgave myself
Wow that is still the wound.
You survived the event? You were to continue living. Yet you came back didn't you? ...to avenge them and resolve the Drug Lords..once and for all. ...And isn't that what occurred?
All kinds of forces were at play. Great energies involved in a moment like that, that you must realize you are not the center of it, or really its cause....but it does seem you were instrumental in the outcome in the end. You also have said that was the first use of the Space Assets? ..and not the stuff of the known Space Command?
Pardon me if I've recalled wrong, but it seems the sacrifices were not in vane. Whilst it seemed disastrous...did it not become so very much more?
These remarks of mine seem so shallow, not knowing really that story. So all I can speak to, is a bit from the outside. Horrors of grief I can hardly image. But it is a repetitive experience for you at this stage. An Activity that haunts now. That activity can be seen as it is or as just that.
The self judgment is somewhat automated.
The details and nuances of the subject as memory, ride with it but are not IT.
The self-judgment..that is what is going on by itself. Seeing it is freeing it.
Project Camelot has a new report coming from another whistleblower.
Here's a blurb:
'Among the many things Dr Peterson spoke about at length was his strong, informed belief that there will be a melt-down of the global economy - and US infrastructure - within months; that Obama is planning to disclose the reality of ET contact by the end of the year; and that most, but not all, of the ET visitors are friendly.'
There's an update today going a bit more in depth and they state the report should be up within a few days.
Sounds interesting.
jasgrave333 said...
It's real interesting to note, that you mention the mighty 33rd, please further enlighten...
Good to hear from you brother. It truly has been long.
I am happy to hear you are doing well.
Certainly we are all characters - so far removed from the norm - living the "life" as it where...
...stick with these characters and perhaps you will become a bird of those feathers.
The very original name for my platoon when it was formed was "M-33" - or - "The Mighty 33rd" - Part of "The thundering heard." ... 1-17th infantry Battalion [KJV:Philippians 1:17 - For the gospel, I am set for its defense.] While of course I was already a officer of the Sword - they where not at that time. M33 existed a short time on paper until finally, through my own delay - we became Special Forces Task Group : Sword [SFTG:Sword]...
While we STILL have trials to face - we - the M33 platoon - is still considered full fledged members of the Sword Militia [or ... Order of the Sword] based in the Northern tip of Alaska.
Great link - theres more to that story than meets the eye - obviously.
"Reacquires"...? - sounds like there getting ready to spill some beans.
Ion said
You also have said that was the first use of the Space Assets? ..and not the stuff of the known Space Command?
Yet you came back didn't you? ...to avenge them and resolve the Drug Lords..once and for all. ...And isn't that what occurred?
Not the first to use the space assets, which where already in place long before my story takes place - SFTG:Sword was the fist Army INFANTRY platoon "combat in effect". I grudgingly admit that the US Marines came first through the NAVY - and of there deeds I have no knowledge other that the fact they brawl very well and have my respect.
Yes, ION, if "resolving" would be the correct word. I liken it to crushing a few dung roaches only to have them come back stronger and in greater number. In my mind - the issue is still unresolved. I feel still in my unmerciful mind that we should have been as Joshua and crushed them completely as Jericho...
KJV Joshua 6:21 "And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."
...my ordered targets where absolute and there could not be deviation from them...
Thirty seven men - in my mind died in a vain attempt to stop a great evil. I have felt that I should have martyred myself and should lie among them.
People in my counsel now-a-days say that this is called survivors guilt ...
... so lets add that to the litany of issues that I must face before I am allowed to lead again...
Thank you for the links - I have time between classes at the moment to listen to these links - but now I have them and you have saved me the time of searching for them.
I am not referencing Hitchcock's movie at all - nary in any way. Its a allusion to where I am now and hopefully where I am headed. I can say now before my next blog update that the Government is finally doing right by me - and perhaps it can be said that I am doing right by them... ...finally...
Now I have allot of stuff to read and listen to before I update this blogg SPACE... ...soon...
For the men:
Remmber the days we sang and played music while going to a from our battles?
I certianly do.
Those memories fill my heart with joy and gladness - for it was then that we moved as one flesh - one heart - one spirit...
..With utmost respect..I am addressing your comment understanding that you avenged the 38th... and survived the hit attempts. These were bad ass adversaries. They had a SAM. You weren't on that Chinook(?). But the enemy was found and utterly destroyed....an accomplishment that proved your unit was "men to be respected, warriors among warriors, killers among killers. Men among boys...".
Reputations I am sure that set the bar for many a combat unit since.
U.S. Marines launch assault in Afghan valley
What does it take to do this? hmmmm. Bloody business it is...and it takes a legacy like yours to generate courage for new ventures just like this.
"Thousands of U.S. Marines stormed into an Afghan river valley by helicopter and land on Thursday, launching the biggest military offensive of Barack Obama's presidency with an assault deep in Taliban territory.
Operation River Liberty, which the Marines call simply "the decisive op," is intended to seize virtually the entire lower Helmand River valley, heartland of the Taliban insurgency and the world's biggest heroin producing region."
Here is a reminder Sword: you once said: "Through this darkening period I think I have finally comes to grips with who I am - and what I do. Which is the impossible, done silently, without recognition...without praise. But, as I have told the men before, seek out not the praise of any mortal man - but that praise of our holy father. You are guardian angels of small children, they will never see you, meet you, or know of you - but your actions will save them, none the less..."
..your words of a moment of your clarity Sword.
...and then you graduated to confronting a 'different kind of ship'. Russian and Chinese Shuttles filled with malevolent intent.
Such pain in your memory Sword, yet so much good in your works. Remember what is ahead at the end of this 'darkening'. Remember the Geologist and the chance to save the whole damn the world. How meaningful is that?
From killing to saving...priceless.
excuse typo: the chance to save the whole damn world.
....What do you know the Mission is actually called.
operation called Khanjar, which translates as "Strike of the Sword."
What a coincidence
4000 Marines acting at once in a DesiciveOp, could well fit a descriptive like 'thundering herd'.
Looking forward to next post sword. Lots of changes going on for all I feel.
IonTruO2 said...
....What do you know the Mission is actually called: Operation Khanjar, which translates as "Strike of the Sword."
What a coincidence
What a cowinky dink indeed...
ooops - clicked when I shouldn't have...
Yes Wayne - I to am looking forward to the next post. Sometimes you just have to mill through your head what needs to be said.
Happy fourth freinds.
I happen to be in the cultural center of my state. With a small town flavor - I am healing here. Last night was a street band playing ALL of our favorite war tunes (AC/DC and the like) and a fire danceing breathing troop of actors and performers in between sets.
Its things like that and the fact that there are many other arts being practiced right on the street on a daily basis - bands playing various music every night on the famous courthouse lawns - hippes roaming the streets giving out food - things of this nature.
I'm starting to remember what I fought for all those years...
...I am feeling renewed.
Gort - thanks for the links - I was able to fit in those first parts 1/5...
...thanks again - took some notes for the upcoming post.
I'm wondering about many things!
By Borys Kit
July 2, 2009, 02:12 AM ET
Universal has won a four-studio bidding war to pick up the film rights to the classic Atari video game "Asteroids." Matthew Lopez will write the script for the feature adaptation, which will be produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura.
In "Asteroids," initially released as an arcade game in 1979, a player controlled a triangular space ship in an asteroid field. The object was to shoot and destroy the hulking masses of rock and the occasional flying saucer while avoiding smashing into both.
Considering the 'debris field' for a moment:
As you have alluded previously it would seem the field is typical of a comet. We have previously looked at a number of massive comets on record with multiple tails and noted that the vast majority (87%) of current comets are from 'one source' or so-called 'super-comet'. Most comets being called Kreutz Sun-Grazers.
If I consider for a moment this note below about the Leonids Meteor 'Shower':
This is the time the earth encountered the densest portion of the debris field. This portion of the debris field is in the order of 200,000 kilometers wide meaning the earth would take approximately 2 hours to traverse this field.
My question is Sword: Do you know the size of the expected field and subsequently how long it would take Earth to traverse it?
Further to that:
The part of Earth where dawn is breaking is always at the leading edge of our planet's plunge along its orbital path around the Sun. This part of the planet tends to "catch" oncoming meteors left by a comet, whereas the other side of Earth, where it is dusk or late evening, outruns the debris. For that reason, the hours between midnight and dawn are typically the best time to watch a meteor shower.
Earth visual gif: Earth passes through debris from comet
Sword: Can you say which part of the Earth is 'at Dawn' when the Earth passes through the debris field?
Tonite on "Coast":
Lunar News & Secret Space Program
George Noory
Richard C. Hoagland
C2C science advisor, Richard C. Hoagland will discuss how the current NASA return to the Moon has already led to a major new confirmation of the "lunar dome model." He'll also share evidence for the existence of a "secret space program."
B There or B Square!
Looks like I will be square - and will have to wait until it shows up on u-tube...
...please keep me posted Gort.
Funny how I show back up - and then shortly after - more about what I ORIGINALLY BROUGHT UP - pre-Hoagland's bringing up the discussion...
ION - I am going to have to get back to you on that topic.
Maybe not...
... assume that the original debris field started out a planet roughly the same size as mars - and then "broken" up - and then "cooked" as it passed by and "angered" the Sun God...
...I would say roughly 2.5 times larger than original size at this time. Certainly it has grown and shrunk with its "strange" (yet monumentally reproduced) orbit. I would have to point references in Sumerian lore that I just don't have access to at the present moment. While I have stated that it would be LIKE a comet - a majority [leading and trailing edges] of it would be "dark".
However - based off of ancient observations and multitudes of translations - and hypothesis's - it will reappear such as "A Comet" [vis-a-vis: The Star of David]...
...what portion of the earth will be first - that is - facing the lords wraith as it where - is STILL - even among US - up for debate.
The exact timing is certainly a dice roll - and we all know the Holy Father does not play dice.
Keep in mind - based of of ancient calculations - the FINAL orbit will be stretching out this debris into a fan/shot-gun type "spray" as it where...
Thus: "...only the father above knows of the time..."
Working on the second part of the audio Gort sent me...
Second part did really have anything I would like to comment on.
New post - "Soon"
Gort - WHEN - do you think I can get those audio clips from C2C - any time line?
Looks cool to me:
RCH has a new article on TEM about LRO and domes. Have a feeling part 2 will be a while as his ad above the article says he is presenting same at some conference in NM.
What you think sword?
RCH was only on for the last three hours of Coast last night.
He spun some good yarns, but contrary to the advertised spiel, he did not go much into evidence of a secet space program, althogh he did make several mentions of his "speculations" about a secret space program that were interesting.
He sent the final manuscript of the revised second edition of Dark Mission to the printer within the last day or two. It contains new photographs and new material leaked recently. He said he has been getting a lot of new info sent to him since he started his Facebook page.
I imagine the audio of last night's show wll be up in a week of two... I'll keep checking.
TheWhiteOpsDude seems to be be about two weeks behind on posts to utoob.
RCH did mention in passing that right now there may be people (from the secret space program) "crawling around in he cracks of Iapetus."...
Oh, also the RCH 2012 special for NBC for November is now in "post production," and they are hoping it will be a part one of a series....
Also toward the end of the show RCH speculated that the planned October 9 crash of th LCROSS mission into the permanently dark crater on the south pole of the moon may be a cover event timed for a scuttling of a secret base there before the Russians, Chinese, Indians, Japanese and whoever gets to poking around up there.
Scuttling = my word. I thought I would put it in Pirate terms. I think RCH said "nuke." :)
you said: RCH did mention in passing that right now there may be people (from the secret space program) "crawling around in he cracks of Iapetus."...
HELLO! Did I hear yet another Sword affirmation.
uh huh ya we heard that story from Sword a long time back. RCH is go'n Pirate plagiarizing again. yuk yuk yuk.
Personally I think they are impacting the moon as an acoustic strategy to map the internal structure, more. They know it tends to ring so why not continue with a Deep Impact method...and 'bang a gong'.
from Thomas Merton: book "When The Trees Say Nothing"
pg 96
1 Riches! The comet. I went out and though there was mist I saw it as it first began to appear. Later it became more definite and quite bright (what I am seeing is the reflection of the comet's tail for it is now past the sun). A most beautiful and moving thing this great spear in the sky pointing down the horizon where the sun will not appear yet for an hour and half. As I watched, under the oaks, with acorns dropping around me, the bell rang in church for the preface and consecration. Three meteorites flashed across the sky in fifteen minutes. Two army transports growled and blinked across the comet's path, and the stag cried out in the dark field beyond my hedge. Riches! I recited Psalm 18, coeli enarrant {let the heavens proclaim}--with joy.
Profound the reading that can just pop up and be so poignant.
( Hope some of you have an idea just who Thomas Merton is.)
Sword -
What are you all doing up in the great state of Alaska?
Hoagie hypes the nuclear attack on the Moscow Sea..
brother and brothers (and sisters),
ya grown feathes and allready soaring above the known altitude for far-see'ers...
A character born bro...
1Love&Peace always...
J (whoop)
Lieben bruder... Ja est ist schwerig aeber alles schonn
Things have been happening fast for me last couple of days.
I have taken a job on the "Civillian" Side building/designing Geodesic domes... [putting off "duty"]
...specifically ones that can fit into small packages...
...sort of bang for buck.
Guess what the first quarter course starts with:
...Buckminster Fuller...!
Geee --- where could I build one of these...
Seriously - this is what I am doing on the "outside" at the momment.
IonTruO2 said...
Gort: vis-a-vis RCH "crawling around in he cracks of Iapetus."...
IonTruO2 said...
HELLO! Did I hear yet another Sword affirmation.
uh huh ya we heard that story from Sword a long time back. RCH is go'n Pirate plagiarizing again. yuk yuk yuk.
Thank you.
Now someone send a link to Nory...
Wayne said...
RCH has a new article on TEM about LRO and domes.
What you think sword?
Lara -fracking- Croft!?
Has he lost his ever-loving mind?
His method has increasingly become:
- look! AND BEHOLD! -
...its only $19.95...
What happened to the hard hitting fact filled articles that we came to love? Now its buy-buy-buy...
It's so hard to find good help these days...
...but I regress - no one told him he couldn't cash in his chips.
As for the article - as short as it is - lacks the meat and potatoes I have in the past come to expect - this my friends - is an empty plate.
Either he's incredibly clever in how he is going to "come out" with MVAV 7 and all the other good revelations I have been screaming for him to deliver...
- or -
...he's taking it all to the bank for deposit...
- or -
Gort - thanks for the heads up.
I am going to be busy with schooling - and working in my new field trying to catch up...
...but all be listening.
Jas - stay toasted my friend.
It's alot of work but here goes. Rayelan had a guest on her show today that was teleported to Mars in 1981 twice and I believe he was 9 years old at the time as he is 47 now. The program was 3 hours long and the guest was from exopolitics.
I had to drive my daughter to work and missed most of it. When I got back the guest was talking about his first trip to Mars and that Martians and earthings occupy the planet with very limited vegetation and not much water. The terrestrial type fauna consist of diosaurs and in particular, the pleisosaur which hunts men and martians for food. The faces on Mars are actually portals of escape which are not recognized by the lizards (dinos) but are a refuge for men an martians to the underground. On his second outing, he and his human guide were being hunted by a pleisosaur and managed to evade the beast by jumping through the eye sockets of the face on Mars.
On his second outing, he and his human guide were being hunted by a pleisosaur and managed to evade the beast by jumping through the eye sockets of the face on Mars.
My B.S. meter is pegging again.
Just a note to re-enforce comments you made way back at "All About Everything Else" 2008-12-04.
you said:Then, we get into the giggity-giggity…
Interplanetary internet … ? … Yep – I said it.
Now to me – this snip from the article is worth its weight in Spanish Doubloons:
“DTN… was developed a decade ago by NASA engineers…”
So, we have had it in use for …wha...? how long? Sort of like the F-117, which we have had in use in the sky a decade before we ever admitted that we had them at all… …How long has the gov’ment actually been using this technology?
I’m pretty dam certain that this technology has been in use for quite sometime – AND – is in use – RIGHT NOW…
The true aim of this technology I am pretty sure is for “future” astronauts to be able to write and post there own bloggs, be it on the International Space Station, or the upcoming moon and Mars missions. NASA and the MIL-FACT is trying to up the image of the Space Command for one simple purpose – funding. With the old school voter latterly passing away – the new school, internet/technology savvy taxpayer/voter is going to expect more than grainy images in black and white…
Its this kind of move by the MIL-FACT to get in gear with technology that other, smaller, military divisions are already using/implementing - that gives me a real stiffy…
Yahoo had a front page story detailing the Blogging intent etc but I can't find it now.
That said, here is one of the latest.
Soon astronauts can Tweet, Google from Outer Space
Friday, July 10, 2009,11:52 [IST]
and one last thought: With all these BGR hints Sword keeps making.
Ya! no substance. He got muszzled. careless talk crapI do feel I can remind some of our crew here of his one good historical leak(as a 'toy'),dating back to the Second World War where they first implemented the BGR premise on the battlefield.
Its curious he really wants to tell us more...from hints at the "All About Everything Else" Blog 2008-12-04 where leaks "Then the MIL-FACT gets crazy with exploding bowling balls – I’m not kidding…
There is of course something I have wanted mounted on our BGR’s for a long time as RPG and other ground based missile like projectiles can definitely kill us…"
as well further back(2008-10-07): SWORD is limited - limited in the sense that we are limited to what can be done at a certain given time, TOP wants action - I want action - YET - SWORD ... ...that is SFTG: : SWORD is in “slumber” mode” - while “SWORD : BGR” is preparing for inevitable actions in Iran and the skeleton crew (SWORD:SC) is busy enough with there duties just holding the FORT down... ... ...
Maybe with the second installment of "Transformers" having come out and a few other cues, he will be able to give us some more 'dots' to connect?
Now having said all that with a little review, I really don't give a shit about robots but I am asking you(Sword) to stay 'engaged'.
Gort I agree with you re: BS meter overload. But I then wonder what was Sword saying with this picture referenced as 'a favorite story of Hoaglands'?
saving the best for last
from: All About Everything Else 2008-12-04
Sword: fyi: Thomas Merton= Trappist Monk
Revered the world over and a bit of a 'rebel' you would like.
Earlier note was perhaps an incoming 'nudge' for you to check out his writings. ;)
Ion my BS meter has been pegged for awhile on a LOT n MOST of what is being fed my agile inquiring mind.
Sword is reportedly "learning" how to build geometric domes...hint...ask an Eskimo.
Planet X is coming and the Sun's north pole became it's south magnetic pole was already announced on my birthday back in 2001.
Sun Does a Flip
The current magnetic pole of Earth is sguiggling a LOT lately and looks to become a bit complicated soon.
Move link 1
Move Link 2
So I think the pricks in the MICC...DARPA/SWORD et all are going to go under-ground and also off-planet for those who HAVE and the havenots will either fry or drown with the rest of life on Planet Earth.
I think they've wasted too much time on SECRECY and POWER to readily solve the problem before now.
But I KNOW there IS "justice" under the eyes of the LORD of the UNIVERSE and from HIM/HER there is no hidding the brutal truths of who you were and what you've done or left undone because:
"To know what one ought to do is not enough." - Dune
Hijack the Starship
Sword..If you got something to say, why not Rayelan..
Hey folks. The one guy who endorses her strongly is David Willcock.
Her recent discussion on the Kolbrin bible and Niburu is covered at another website...www.zetatalk.com.
As time is short, I wil conclude by saying thank you all for your contributions. Ion, a special thanx for your post at fshod which is tracking for me, and Robert, appreciate your links and your knowledge.
Eye eye Robert.
Someone once asked: "are you a man.ion?...or a minion?"
While I admire 'Sword's' effort here, and I will say he sure has rebelled more than a few times, he is still beholden.
He is not the TOP or anything close. There is obviously so much above him. ie: space NAVY and AIR FORCE etc.
Certainly they had a means to 'listen' "through him" which has served some of us to communicate up the line. FWIW.
Thus, example Robert swings a few at the messenger while knowing it is really the message that gets through. Sword is tough. ;)
Results? Who rightly knows.
But I have experienced some positively strange correlations and I do feel people like David Wilcock, Wayne Herschel and a few others are the Truth speakers.
Many of the rest are mid level realizers and demonstrating their limits. (Buy Now! just $19.95 but wait here comes the second edition book and dvd! Stay Tuned. Armageddon this morning-news at 11:00pm )
Sword: once spoke his tradition, he once spoke of the temple(or first fortress) at Iapetus. We touched on a guild of righteous Warriors. Now all we hear about is the means and things of War. We touched on the 'Lion', the star, Janus......ah yes so much left unsaid. Whats up with that? Just meanderings of a Blogger friend? ..or some great threads being sidelined by the TOP just when Sword gets some momentum.
Here is something that just came up for me speaking of Janus and Gort and eric's notions of spacial points and local tunings etc.
Interesting Gort. tks.
Further to that thought about Janus, I had found there was also a key hill called The Hill of Janus in ancient Rome which had a variation called Janiculum in Latin. But alternatively it was also called "Ianiculensis". They refer to the Hill in some works as "Arx Janiculensis" or "Arx Ianiculensis".....which means essentially "original fortress' or "first fortress".
Might this also mean 'an original or first stable place"?
Interestingly it was called the City of Janus too, but I did find this small secondary reference to it sometimes had a meaning apparently as the "Gate".
Almost unnoticed in the article, I find that an interesting term.
hmmmm (The Gate)
My thought thread here is that once our higher spiritual Orders understood directly what this place really is here , then they started to directly participate in its stability in various ways. Order Making practices intended to shore up the domain and maintain.
I have studied a number of true spatial masters who work on problem regions or places in the world where energy lines have been disrupted or corrupted(ie Nazi alterations). It seems only logical that there would be those who are active on the next larger scales, be it global or local solar system.
Gardening at its finest!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:02:00 AM
What a great seed that was and guess where it went? No where...just a tickle and a few further progressions in my own profound process of realization.
This is no particular criticism of Sword himself...but it does point to someone yanking his chain. Too many redirects.
ericswan I think we are on to something deeper here in regards to the 'alignments' and 'impacts' they make...down here. The veils will thin and those who know must 'get up and bar the door' (famous poem). Via spiritual tradition & methods and harmoniously via technological methods they are preparing to 'hold the fort'. I remember a piece Dan Winter once wrote where he made some interesting details as to the reason for the Pentagon being located exactly where it is. A primary node. ..more later.
Been a little behind following the space news. Funny how 'subject' arises. hmmm
July 9th. Universe Today Weekly-Where in the Universe Challenge.
What do you know....its Saturn's Moon Janus...hmmm
Illuminated by both the Sun and Saturn. Talk about the 'two faces of illumination'.
Hoagland's appearance on Coast to Coast AM on July 7, 2009 is now up on the utoob, tks to thewhiteopsdude.
It is at least 12 parts. The first part is here:
Lunar and NASA Secrets - part 1
(generally the following episode is the first "related video")
Thanks Gort! Listened this morning.
Another supportive reference point was Richard speaking about the 'robot head' found on the Moon(ala C3PO) and possibly brought back.
What was relevant to Sword previous disclosure was Richard's comment about the technology being not that far off our own current technology.
Anyone remember back when Sword was talking about efforts at Iapetus to get it operational again for the debris field mission?...and that the technology wasn't that different from our own?
Wow - allot to deal with...
...that is respond to...
IonTruO2 said...
Soon astronauts can Tweet, Google from Outer Space
That technology has been going on for sometime. The data pipeline existed before - it was just plugging it in appropriately. Some private "dis-organizations" have been doing it on there own for quite awhile.
Sword: once spoke his tradition, he once spoke of the temple(or first fortress) at Iapetus. We touched on a guild of righteous Warriors. Now all we hear about is the means and things of War. We touched on the 'Lion', the star, Janus......ah yes so much left unsaid. Whats up with that?
Oh, no, I can get back to that - certainly.
However - lets not forget that the MAIN ENTRANCE - not the back door mind you - has the gigantic bust of a full faced helmeted warrior holding a sword [or at least it was] above his head triumphantly.
The ways and means of war is the bread and butter of SWORD - has been since time immemorial.
...which means essentially "original fortress' or "first fortress".
Soooo... ... :-) ... "Gateway to the first fortress"?
...talking about efforts at Iapetus... ...and that the technology wasn't that different from our own?
Think about it - WE built it[ ...a long long time ago in a solar system far far away... ]
Also - a lever is a lever. A gear is a gear - a MAGNET is a MAGNET.
But I then wonder what was Sword saying with this picture referenced as 'a favorite story of Hoaglands'?
I am fairly certain that in that blogg entry - that reference was to the FACT that the studio PIXAR has been picked to do a movie - you know - what was it - cant remember at the moment - "barshroms : Mars" something like that...
...I said to watch the media...
Gort said...
Hoagland's appearance on Coast to Coast AM on July 7, 2009 is now up on the utoob, tks to thewhiteopsdude.
Listening now - lots of great points - lots of "meat and potatoes " - finally ...
...I just don't have the time devoted to it at the moment.
Looks like the next blogg post is going to be large and meaty - my notes are getting very long - I am certain that once I have a chance to REALLY devote my time to what I call : "Whats up Hoagland" [i like that] ...
...the new blogg post will be completed...
Robert - when we evacuate en-mass - where would they go? - where will they live?
I'm a lover and a fighter...
...warrior and Samaritan...
a duel edge SWORD...
Peace brothers...
Sword..if we're out there terra forming, who's here doing it to us?
quoting Adam Trombly..
Trombly: I know that there’s an alien agenda because my father wrote this in his journals. He said he had discovered that the U.S. government had become involved in its implementation. He went further to say that this alien agenda, in his opinion, was contrary to the good of the human species and the planet.
He believed that a sector of the military/industrial complex was involved in a program, basically, to transform our atmosphere, which is benign to our species and other Earth species, into one that is greatly reduced in terms of its oxygen content.
So this is a force which doesn’t have good intentions for us. It is a force that would gladly exterminate us. And yet human beings act as agents for this force. The “human” species is exterminating itself, by its own hands.
My father spoke of alien agendas in his most secret thoughts. This was not something he spoke of in public. He would never have given this interview, I’ll tell you that much.
said: "Whats up Hoagland" [i like that] ...
Better yet..why not "Watts Up Hoagland"?
Looks like a slow blogg weekend...
...trying to digest some more of the latest Hoagland airing...
Check this out:
Just saw Transformers...
Saw the patch of a Sword...amongst many other points.
Sword Kind of interesting to see the walking path of the astronauts...EVEN WITH THE F'ING TRAGICALLY BAD IMAGES.
Holy crap they really think the public are morons releasing such low grade black and white images from what 3kms out?!
I guess everyone has forgotten just how capable the TWO Viking crafts were with their imaging back in the freak'n 70's.
Man that pisses me off. 2009 and it is even worse now than ever before.
Hoagland really told it in his recent interview on Coast about the notion these 'people' have that we the public are somehow 'not smart enough' or bright enough to grasp the 'higher knowledge'. The Hubris is outstanding and makes me want to Zen Slap these dolts. Oh well, perhaps they will get their own rude awakening soon enough. They need some humble pie.
Listen if I speak in my field of work, lets say Oriental Carpets and Persian Rugs, one would think 'man that guy is so smart and really know things' but really anyone speaking in an area of their own study and knowledge benefits from the focus of that perspective. The ignorance of this group in their thinking they are somehow 'above' us and also free to use our moneys freely to pursue their whimsy will be the folly of their ways. What's that term? "Privileged Information"? I say exactly it is a privilege to know that information...not a right.
There is no secrets they have that are exclusive or somehow reserved for a contrived level of stature. The vetting has been shown to not be thorough or authentic. ...Again too much politics and room for the ego's games..just wrapped in some secret society layer. Same crap, different pool.
As it is somehow said George Bush junior was apparently a 33rd whatever, I laugh as it has been clearly shown by many guru teachers of the world that the finest devotees are found in the ordinary. Not the exclusionary or a something standing apart from the rest. The finest realizers let alone the students of advanced real knowledge all arose in the midst. In the midst of some traditions, not because of them but in spite of the them. The cultishness permeates any organization that encircles a central point...and that is all of them.
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