Love it - leave it - you have no choice... ...it surrounds you - and you cannot escape its touch or effect...
Media is, and should be defined as: "an intervening agency, means, or instrument”...
Media, is the plural form of a word borrowed directly from Latin.
Media is the primary means of communication our government relies on, - radio - television - newspapers - and magazines - that reach and influence our people widely, and methodically.
Media, is the plural form of a word borrowed directly from Latin.
Media is the primary means of communication our government relies on, - radio - television - newspapers - and magazines - that reach and influence our people widely, and methodically.
It is - without argument - the primary means in which a government - or other bodies of people - use to sway opinions for whatever purpose they have in mind. (..."wining hearts and minds")
Long before I was "a man", like other young men, had toys - MY G.I. Joes did not fight the communists - they fought terrorist’s ... ... hmmm...
Why is it that MY generation wasn't subtlety taught to fight the "Evil Empire"? I mean - wasn't that the national threat during my adolesance? How did they know that threat would be "wraped up" - and a new one presented decades before?
What am I getting at? Everything you read, listen to, or see - is designed to make you think the way the "real" author wants you to think. It is really no secret or vast revelation to which I am speaking to my intended audience - but I just thought I would mention it again.
Why is it that MY generation wasn't subtlety taught to fight the "Evil Empire"? I mean - wasn't that the national threat during my adolesance? How did they know that threat would be "wraped up" - and a new one presented decades before?
What am I getting at? Everything you read, listen to, or see - is designed to make you think the way the "real" author wants you to think. It is really no secret or vast revelation to which I am speaking to my intended audience - but I just thought I would mention it again.
Read the first 117 pages of Clancy’s "Red Storm Rising" - you'll find out how the "Soviet" government got there people in a fever to go to war. I couldn't help but to think of our own government and how the war in Iran - oops - I mean Iraq got started. But I regress - what I feel about the true goal of Iraq is not for right now - latter.

We have been up there - for quite sometime...
Remember – who wrote it and why and then who was the intended audience. Not everything written or presented the media is designed to sway us into thoughts and opinions – but them (TPTB) as well …
Like my good friend said – There is ... more than one pyramid …
1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»This post sucks...
...but - its better than nothing.
Media: City in eastern PA, a western suburb of Philadelphia
Medea: Gr. myth. a sorceress who helped Jason get the Golden Fleece, and later, when deserted by him, killed her own children.
Media: ancient kingdom in the part of SW Asia that is now thw NW part of Iran. Capial: Ecbatana. Home of the Medes.
Nice blog, Sword, short and sweet.
Who uses a Commodore 64? :)
Then there was Marshall McCluhan's famous book, The Medium is the Massage. ...
how about commodore vic-20 ? LOL
read the book Storming Intrepid waaaay long ago.
if you needed media monkeys why not use one in my banner which includes ABC and CBS...???
Guess this was short HJ "quickie"...
FYI...it wasn't better than nothing.
Just shows the more "sloppiness" I see leaking from TOP, DOD, CIC, DARPA and SWORD proper...imho.
Sword: I have every right to spew an opinion or in this case a little rant from my personally veiled seeking and expectation but you really don't owe me anything. Sorry for trip'n on you. What the heck do I know. I guess some of us here are invested in this at this stage after four years or so and want to see it come to light...
Thanks for the new Blog.
Richard Hoagland's Secret Space Programmes from the Sept 2009 Liverpool "Beyond Knowledge" conference
Special Cut, lenghth 35:57
(have not watched yet)
Gort - One Step Beyond - Thanks for the link
RCH has a knack for being "Johnny On the Spot"
The Lords of Light Fly High Tonight! ;-)
Good stuff guys...Thanks.
Meangreen: I noted a few points in that TIME article "Fixing NASA".
While insisting that it faces no immediate crisis, the Air Force deeply regrets its overreliance on the shuttle. "We have learned a lot, the hard way, from the Challenger mess," admits one general. "It was wrong to mix both civilian and military payloads in that unreliable, complicated system." Air Force Major General Donald Kutyna, a member of the Rogers commission, has estimated that even if shuttles resume operation next summer and make an improbable 18 flights a year, there will be a defense-payload backlog of some 45 needed flights by 1992.
.....In hopes of stimulating similar long-term thinking and national commitment, the Paine commission produced a glossy, colorfully illustrated 211-page report that implicitly dismisses the worries about America's current space failures as the product of small minds and faint hearts. Calling the solar system "our extended home," the document urges the U.S. to take logical, sequential steps toward colonizing space over the next 50 years.
.....Yet another craft, a kind of space truck, would also be created to move crews and material from space stations to geosynchronous orbits (22,300 miles up) and the moon.
In this futuristic concept, the first space station would be expanded into a spaceport. Other such ports would be deployed in more distant orbits, including one some 35,000 miles from the moon, where the gravitational pull of the earth is canceled by that of the lunar body. This base would provide the jumping-off point for manned flights to Mars. Eventually, two "cycling spaceships" would be in continual operation.
ion--> I like that reference to "Lagrange Points"! ;)
While this TIME article is from way back in "Sunday, Jun. 24, 2001", the Paine Commission's report which was bi-partisan and broad-based was from 1986.
That's 24 years ago. We are now half way through their original 50 year timeline.
This summed up things rather well Seven generations: a re-evaluation of the Paine Report
Many concepts are advocated in practical detail within its pages that have not advanced much since that time, due to the afore-mentioned nature of space politics. These include earth observation and environmental monitoring, public-private sector cooperation (we are just now seeing COTS be haltingly implemented), development of space enterprise, reusable vehicles, self-replicating factories, closed-loop life support systems, lunar and asteroid resource utilization, tethers for transportation and power generation, solar power satellites, and many other innovations. It contains a detailed economical phased approach to space development that will lead to sustainable development and many benefits flowing back to Earth.
Wooooah Gort! Richard is finally beginning to roll out the bigger picture(bug pun!)
and the MoonW.A.View part seven is sure to follow as the theme of Saturn enters the 'lime light'.
DO NOT MISS THAT VIDEO gang. It will melt your mind.
sorry-(big pun!)
NO video allowed! At least for us "freshmen" - here at this school.
Can't wait untill I am issued one of those "Lecterns"... mmmmm... Lectern...
ION - no worries.
We needed something else to harp on...
Once I can get of campus and I have my lectern and camera rolling along - I am going to do a big blogg issue on what I have been doing recently and the surrounding I have been placed.
It's quite a place up here N/NW - detached from what would be considered "main-stream" living - people are open about there "allegiances" and orginazational affilations.
There is some sort of large bunker here - and I want to investigate.
Also there are some sort of tunnel system here I have been clued in on - and I want to investigate that as well.
I also think you folk would be interested in the "graphhitee" that lingers - I was told by a resident hippe that there actually sign posts to groups that meet to discuss varying topics - such as energy and air farming - and substinace food - known as the "Karma Farm" ...
While I am not surrounded by enimies - I am a relitive outsider here - and I can feel the oned eyed stare from folks...
In this colliegate enviroment I am being thrown ALL kinds of information, classes, forums, think tanks - brain stroming sessions - and homework - which I should be doing now - but I am doing this instead - least my following ... the "Magnificent Seven" throw the hammer down again and tell me in not so few words to get off my ass and get back to the blogg...
You men have been a blessing.
While I haven't had the chance to check - we - still get more hits and more blogg entries than Bara and Sunking - sometimes combined...
Keep up the good work...
On that matter - this blogg entry DOES suck - my previous work has been much better, far more informitive and interesting than this stuff I was thinking about here recently and literly threw up yesterday.
Hang in there fellas, something really good is coming along.
With that in mind, someone, please, keep some links to the video and audio stuff I miss - especially this last junk from good ol' rich - who disappered without so much as a wave...
...a run down of what it is - what was said would be great...
... as you know me - I am certainly interested in MWAV #7 hint hint that was dropped.
Anyway - back to the front...
Can someone tell me where Cydonia would be in this picture?:
Sword, Robert could probably do a better job of teeling you where Cydonia is, but it is about 39 degrees north and about 12 degrees west.
In the picture you linked, I think it is along the coast very close to the bright white area representing the glint of the sun on the water. Cydonia is said to be in a transitional zone between cratered area to south and smooth, lower altitude area to the north. Some say at one time there were oceans on Mars and Cydonia was a coastal city.
BTW, the gist of RCH video is there is a large old artificial structure, a ringworld, if you will, at the outer edge of Saturn's B ring, which just showed up in recent photos from Cassini probe, when the sun was at a very low angle to the rings (Saturn's equinox, which occurs every 15 years). There is no natural explanation for what is in the pictures he showed.
Sword, in keeping with the synchronicity of your most recent blogg (the toys you played with growing up... and how there are different outlets for getting the message out to the intended audiance) RCH compared this newly discoverd structure to a "Ringworld" and mentioned that kids now-a-days who grow up playing video games may be quite familiar with the ringworld concept from "Halo."
RCH theorized that the structure (which is located 1.95 Saturn radii from the center of Saturn) may have been part of an ancient effort to turn Saturn into a hyperdimensional or torsion physics machine, that would effect time and space and everything in the solar system.
He got into a little bit of Joseph Farrels book on the Nazi Bell project, which was confirmed by documents released from former Eastern Bloc countries after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In a related audio (british radio interview) recorded immediately after the 3.5 hour presentaion in liverpool, RCH said he was going to spend about a week in the UK taking measurements at various "monuments."
So Larry Niven gets ripped of by Microsoft through the Halo game and then Richard couldn't even reffernace the original source.
I can't say anything about the artifical ring. It would be a first to me.
Nothing was passed down through the Massonic order regarding this...
...I find it highly unlikely.
Sword, Richard did show a picture of the cover of Ringworld by Larry Niven and maybe mentioned it, as well as another picture or artist's conception of an interior shot of a ringworld, not sure what the the source.
the picture Richard was showing was only a segment of an arc of some weird structure. He didn't know if it went completely around Saturn or not. However, having now read the wikipedia article on Ringworld, it seems unlikely the structure is an entire ring. An entire ring would be naturally unstable and would require some kind of stabilisation system. It would then seem unlikely an ancient ring structure would have an ongoing stabilization system.
'Tis a mystery.
Gort - That "shot" of HALO(ringworld) is from the original HALO game that you reference as "artist's conception of an interior".
The story line gets interesting in the later games - "Ark of the Covenant"
The Future Is The Past ;-)
Sword, Tks
The object in the orbit of Saturn from the pictures had a fairly distinct 'length'. I didn't get the giant leap to a complete circumference ringworld premise from Richard. Frankly the images he was showing other than seeming to have some curvature, reminded me of Bob Dean's ship near the Moon at about 8 miles long to ones 1250mile long ships imaged near Saturn.
Hoagland in the video does suggest that 'NASA' knew about some of this before, as they chose to name their biggest and most powerful rocket 'The Saturn'.
Just found this:
Cigar Ship
a supportive Hubble Shot of a giant cylindrical object in the rings of Saturn.
infrared of a Saturn object
And then then there is the post I made a while ago about what they are calling The Propellers
Further: Here is a bi-line from August2009--Revelations In Saturn's Rings Continue As Equinox Approaches
Thanks to a special play of sunlight and shadow as Saturn continues its march towards its August 11 equinox, recent images captured by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft are revealing new three-dimensional objects and structures in the planet’s otherwise flat rings.
final thought: I think the curving interior shot you saw in Hoagland's presentation was from colony design studies that were done pertaining to Lagrange L5 a number of years ago. They had some elaborate designs for colonies that would house 10,000 and would be in ring format around a central hub. (sorry can't dig up the link)
Hints from the knowers.
Album Art from the famous 'Brothers Hildebrandt'
For a progressive band called Starcastle, from the 70's. The album was called Citadel.
Starcastle Citadel
HHMSS Sword said "So Larry Niven gets ripped of by Microsoft through the Halo game and then Richard couldn't even reffernace the original source.
I can't say anything about the artifical ring. It would be a first to me.
Nothing was passed down through the Massonic order regarding this.
I find it highly unlikely."
RCH DID reference his source as Gort points out and and if your "Masonic" lore is lacking in RingWorld dynamics then that is one more NAIL in the dead coffin I've wrapped your Masonic Brother-Hoods' having humanities best interest at heart in.
More like the rich elitist criminal gang of American-Buccaneers that committed genocide on the American Indian population of North America, is continuing the slaughter today in the current Muslem Crusade from Iraq to the Indian, Chinese and Russian border lines.
9-11, the murder of JFK, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea et al lay at the doorstep of the murdering elite you claim to be a proud brother of.
"Not only do we have a right to know, we have a duty to know what our Government is doing in our name. If there's a criticsm to be made today, it's that the press isn't doing enough to put the pressure on the government to provide information."
Walter Cronkite - On the 3-28-02 Media Matters Show on PBS.
"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety". - Ben Franklin
Robert - Wasn't Ben Franklin a Mason?
Long ago I knew not to rely(No bail out here!) on anyone - Not having a Father will do that!
You Gotta Roll With the Punches :-)
RCH mentioned a secret magickal group in Germany called the Brotherhood of Saturn.
(loosely affiliated with --and based on some of the teachings of-- Aliester Crowley, who was affiliated with Jack Parsons, founder of JPL)
One of our days of the week is named after Saturn. So, does that mean somebody knew something in the past about this mysterious thing at Saturn?
But, I think one of the implications early on in the Liverpool video excerpt is about the planetary simulator software and the timing and aiming of the cassini cameras to catch this object at right moment in Saturn's equinox to get the lighting and shadows to see the detail, and that the mission was planned a number of years ago.
Much like the mission that captured the diamond-shaped comet/asteroid Steins apparently had some foreknowledge that such a weird structure would be there (enough to have the narrow angle camera go into "safe mode" just at the flyby... lol), this cassini mission seems to be showing something that was previously known by someone, only this time they are letting us see some of it.
Drip, drip.
There was a recent Saturn equinox picture (taken by cassini) of an object poking through the F ring.
Somebody at the imaging group relased the picture such that the object poking through at a slant forms a 19.5 degree angle with the
bottom of the picture.
(link later) --wasn't that an old TV show host: Art Linklater? haha
Lots of good stuff.
Can't wait to see the video.
Maybe finally we are going to get the part seven I have been asking for ...
... proably wont be what I am looking for ...
Just checking in...
Front page of the "Phoenix Gazzet" - Water on mars - Recent past was very wet.
The even include a photo of a recent crater that had a lot of ice until it evaporated away...
Closer ... closer ...
Sword, Tks for being here.
I'm not sure if the object Richard is showing in the rings of Saturn is a 'ringworld'. At this point the section they are showing appears to have a distinct length. While it looks like it has curvature, or better said it follows an arc, I'm intuiting it is exactly that an ARK.
Previously posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:02:00 AM
They refer to the Hill in some works as "Arx Janiculensis" or "Arx Ianiculensis".....which means essentially "original fortress' or "first fortress".
Might this also mean 'an original or first stable place"?
Interestingly it was called the City of Janus too, but I did find this small secondary reference to it sometimes had a meaning apparently as The "Gate".
Soooo, as Hoagland draws attention now to an object of huge magnitude nicely sitting in resonant orbit in a ring of Saturn and he speaks of his notion that they were practicing Hyper-Dimensional Physics with Saturn, then I wonder more and more about Arc's/Arx/Ark's and Gate's?
Words often are the same as they sound.
And what do you know I decide to check an author I suspect is writing veiled truth, Stephen Baxter...and his newest book this Fall...just happens to be called...ARK.
Here is my thinking outside the box(or the tilted spinning Icosahedron) ;) :
Pointing to work previously from Dan Winter, it has been said that we are "Deep Space Nine" in the Galaxy and with the sudden double movie bills coming out both with the same number pointers, I wonder.
What I wonder out loud is if Saturn itself is the 'StarGate'/wormhole and things(traffic-shipping), don't open up again until after the key period of Coherent Catastrophism?
A lot of 'objects' parked in the orbit of Saturn.
just thinking.
Please don't miss reading THE COSMIC WINTER by two Astronomers. I'm half way through and it has been very 'eye opening'. This is the only source I found, otherwise your paying$350-$600 for it as a used book.
From the Hill of Janus="Arx Janiculensis" to the 'Moon' called Janus, if it mean's "original fortress' or "first fortress" then one can wonder further...original/first fortress ...from where? hmmmmm
Now where is Wayne Herschel's book?...rummage rummage.
If I may indulge in a little more supportive evidence to Sword's disclosure of a notable coming debris field or better said period of intensification.
We review the theoretical and observational evidence that, on timescales relevant to mankind, the prime collision hazard is posed by temporally correlated impacts (coherent catastrophism, t ~ 10 2 10 4 yr) rather than random ones (stochastic catastrophism, t ~ 10 5 10 8 yr). The mechanism whereby coherent incursions into and through the terrestrial atmosphere occur is described as being the result of giant cometary bodies arriving in orbits with perihelia in the inner solar system. Hierarchical fragmentation of such large (100 km-plus) bodies due to thermal stresses near perihelion, collisions in the asteroid belt, or passages through the Jovian Roche radius results in numerous ~kilometre-sized objects being left in short-period orbits, and appearing in telescopic searches as Apollo-type asteroids. Many more smaller objects, in the 10 100 metre size range and only recently observed, by the Spacewatch team, are expected to be in replenished clusters in particular orbits as a result of continuing disintegrations of large, differentiated, cometary objects. Gravitational perturbations by Jupiter bring these clusters around to have a node at 1 in a cyclic fashion, leading to impacts at certain times of year every few years during active periods lasting a few centuries, such periods being separated by intervals of a few millennia. Furthermore, fragmentations within the hierarchy result in significant bombardment commensurabilities ( t ~ 10 10 2 yr) during active periods occurring at random intervals ( t ~ 10 2 10 3 yr). It appears that the Earth has been subject to such impacts since the break-up of such a comet ~2×10 4 years ago; currently we are not passing through a high-risk epoch, although some phenomena originating in the products of this break-up have been observed in the 20th century. This most recent hierarchical disintegration, associated with four well-known meteor showers and termed the Taurid Complex, is now recognized as resulting in a dozen apparently asteroidal objects almost 10% of the discovered Apollo population as well as Comet P/Encke. A substantial asteroidal remnant of the Taurid progenitor may still be present in resonance with Jupiter. The implications of the existence of any asteroidal or meteoroidal cluster due to the progenitor are briefly discussed.
!! We emphasize finally the relative importance of active and inactive comets in the cratering record, pointing out the potentially significant contribution by disintegrating large comets to the population of inactive Earth-crossers.
Stephen Baxter's book cover: ARK
My question to the Bloggers here is this:
Is the future predestined, or is it open to 'change'?
Do you believe there are special 'agents' of change?
How might change be manifest by those agents?
Do you think you are capable of manifesting change?
...and the honors for no. 33 goes to The Fool.
"If you have the faith of a mustard seed..."
something about telling a mountain to go jump in a lake. LOL
LPACTV: The History of the German Space Pioneers
VonBraun's Golden Path-twisted to DOD
to secrecy...
profits higher making killing machines and outlawing reproductive lives of women for making bullit n bomb targets...or making aerospace craft and exploration machines for exploiting the H3 on the Moon, asteroids, etc...?
DARPA secrecy will be the END of humanity.
Why is the NASA and the MEDIA all worked up about the LCROSS hitting the SOUTH pole when there is MORE WATER AT NORTH POLE. It's on their OWN maps for crying out loud. So in your face like 9-11 was.
Choose your DOD dollars...
For someone who dosen't really like me ( I suppose ) - sure wanted that coveted 33 spot!
Anyway - is the future predestined?
I certainly dont think so - at least that is what Sword Proper is learning.
Are we agents of that change - of course! Sometimes we are agents of change - we just don't know it...
...sort of the "butterfly effect"...
Yes ION - it is true there are more verifications of this "Coming Cataclysm" surfacing.
The biggest one to date I would say was that linmk to "Google Sky's" mysterious blacked out infrared object. I STILL have not had the time to figure out where exactley that is - and where its coming from. Also - who found it and why...
You'll notice that Hoggie and shipmate are staying on the path - but are in a diffrent lane trying to get there own spin/original stuff out there. Certainloy someine has mentioned to them by now that there media message has reflected closely for some time now what I/US (meaning you guys) have been produceing...
Case in point - Bara latest post regarding Niberu.
I stated teh object(s) would look liek a comet - and not nescerliy a "bright" object this time around - complete opposite of the last time humanity saw it (Star of David/Bethlahem). There where indipendant (though not many) articles supporting that ideal.
This idea that Niberu is a Brown dwarf is - well - nuts! Teh gravity alone would send this solor system haywire many eons ago.
This perks me as silly for several reasons...
Masonic lore states - not a star - but a "winged" planet - also relatedt o massonic lore - this planet is no longer a planet - but a debris field. "Teh son god was angered and unleased its wraited upon it "destroying" it.
Stars - by there nature are immense gravity wells - even a small brown dwarf would have more gravitational effect than that of a planet the same size.
Do I have hard scientific data to back all this up - hell no - I'm taking my lunch hour up adn I dont have the time to do all that.
More evidance - historical - points to a planet - or broken planet now - than a brown dwarf star.
That theroy is kah-putz...
Structures in the ring of Saturn?
First time I would have heard of it. I'm not "the" athourity on the matter - but there is absolutly nothing in my teachings or readings that would bring ANY sort of evidance to this theroy.
I'd love to see that data - but I am not yet out of plebeian status and at this point - Its going to be after the first of teh years before I am back up to "full force" of being able to review all this data - see the video's etc, etc, etc ...
Is it possible?
Sure - anythings possible.
Hell - we have a ancient "air-craft carrier" turned ark floating around saturn, an entire planet that has an entire society scattered dead and (somewhat) lifeless in orbit - and a moon with enough SIMIAN built infrastructure ...
...that the possiblity of perhaps an attempted structure/device is clearly NOT out of the question.
I still stand firm however that I have never heard about it and find it unlikely...
DARPA is NOT going to blow up the world, Rob. I've worked withthese guys - sure there the mad sceintists we all like to stero-type, but clearly - to me - they are not trying to destroy humanity. I mean - who would pay for all the research for the fun stuff?
ION - keep at it with the "portals" idea you have running. You might be surprized by what you find...
More fun stuff:
No comment...
I like #26:
ha-ha - ohhhh boy...
I still will not asl for directions when I travel:
Heres that merteroite issue I was talking about before...
We call this "JR Varsity":
Thats enough of that...
This is interesting:
I guess I am not the only one censored on Bara's blogg...
...looks like some good reads.
I should check my email more often.
DARPA and the MASONIC "TOP"s decided to spend the top 1% of the elite running these decisions to make war rather than space exploration.
They made their move into the open with the assassination of JFK and it's cover-up ALL engineered by the elite and Prescot Bush and his son George Sr were DIRECTLY involved.
Von Braun didn't want more war, Alistair Crowley, Bush, Rockefeller, Mellon, and others had other ideas...continuation of a right wing military intelligence corporate control of American politics and thus it's people and "illusion" of freedoms, choices, and real 'news'.
Truthspeak 1984 was born and put into place loooong before that year.
Run along...don't want to be late for your next "class".
Pack your P & J 's?
Sword, wow, what an enormous dump to take on us. lol.
It will take a while to sifte threw...
Tks Sword! Much to ponder.
Just a quick chime in, here.
Patterns: 1934 Meteors Rain About Plane
OAKLAND Flying head-on into a great shower of meteors at an altitude of 7,000 feet, some of which exploded with sufficient force to rock the machine, a New York-San Francisco airplane provided its passengers and crew today [Sept. 28] with a sensation which probably has never entered within the range of human experience. The plane was above Solando, Cal., at Dawn when it encountered a deafening hiss. Realizing that it was a fireball, the pilot, Archie Anderson, swerved the plane just in time to avoid a collision as a meteor plunged to earth in a trail of fire.
September 28th 2009-current.
Meteorite strikes Indian village
BHUBANESWAR, India -- Two people have been injured and several homes badly damaged by a suspected meteorite crashing into a village in eastern India, reports said Sunday.
Sounds like a good size!
and posted at 3:03pm at Meteorite News
Fireball as "Bright as the Sun" Seen 29SEP09
"Pacific" Fireball as "Bright as the Sun" Seen
Distant event on horizon occured at 0226 hrs., the morning of Sept. 28,
Will marshal the Sentinel facts & measures and post composite with movie.
Could be over the Pacific Ocean off the North Coast of California at the
maximum range of this station.
(No evidence that this Bolide had spin or rotation too....)
What comes around...goes around. say it with me people...Periodicity!
Lets remember as the light show intensifies, that in the Harvard-Abstract I mentioned called Coherent Catastrophism, they said this: currently we are not passing through a high-risk epoch, although some phenomena originating in the products of this break-up have been observed in the 20th century.
This, to me suggests they have even more detailed knowledge to make such a specific point. hmmmmmm
sorry: link to the 1934 report.
Winged Planet???
Rob ...
They have been doing both - that is war and space exploration.
In fact - its been the millitary - and Sword Proper since the 30's...
Yeah - lots happening with stuff falling from the sky. - Even on mars apprently.
Yes indeed. Got your hint on that recent impact at Mars. tks
RE: Hitler's Escape
A well done piece of research.
A pdf here: Operation Winnie The Pooh
South Korean Special Forces practicing en masse
The LCROSS Impact Clock!
Top of the Rock ;-)
Wow, A Sammy Hagar fan. For Sure.
Winds of Change ;)
Ok fast forward, there is better old rock'n Scorpions but this one speaks to our plight.
ION - thats funny.
more stuff...
Other junk:
Metor Strike, Didnt we just have a SUE-NOM-NAY? :
Just finished the book Icehenge by Kim Stanly Robinson:
Interesting to those of us who got started with Military tactics and such - our favorite table top "game" called EPIC will get a awsome(?) movie...
Speaking of moives - my favorite movie of all time is getting a remake:
Gotta run
Mucho grassy ass! Tks.
Funny indeed...the stuff coming through.
here I am... in the land of the morning star
Wayne aught to like this:
A gift for ION:
...Sup Sword?
Think we can all play nicely;
only 7 of em...
Lots of good stuff there Jas...
...unfourtunetly - I just done have the time right now to perruse it all. The link is here - so I can get back to it...
Good to hear from you again - been a long time.
ya :)-~
1L&P bro
They have a ways to go to catch up, eh? ;)
Good to see ya sword! And you jas! Always following along, life is keeping me jammed up. :|
Thanks Sword.
Truth be, that is actually a comic book Hero of some years.
Killer asteroid hunter suffers from poor vision
"When we switched the telescope on two years ago we had terrible-looking images. We could get sort-of round stars in the middle of the field, but they were big and fuzzy. But the stars at ends of the field looked like telephone handles or big bananas,"
"The main culprit now seems to be a set of joints..."
I thought joints were supposed to help vision problems, eh Jason? :)
BTW this is a 1.4-billion-pixel digital camera.
ya true dat
Hi ion, ((back to you)))
and Gort! Always reading, not always having something to say.
Looks liek wayne got thebase 60 post.
Interesting article:
Other junk:
My new truck:
What I feel like happens 90% of the time:
That is all...
Meet The Martians ª§£
Hoggie with a Stoggie.
Just 'Cos You Got The Power ;-)
Thanks Sword. Appreciate your contributions.
Ya Motorhead! I sold many of those albums back in the day(91), when I managed a record store. Funny too, the volume we moved, considering one would never hear it on the radio. lol
re: Meet the Martians-and many faces
Lets face it, there are many facets to the story. ;)
As the 'friendly Giant' used to say "look up...way up".
One might think That is a stogy with Hoagie, but it sure looks like a J to me. ...and I distinctly see some red eye. lol
Sword, once talked about the size of the Space Shuttles being much bigger than one would generally think. I agree, as I have often thought of it as fairly 'small', maybe as I see a lot of pictures of it from quite far away.
Here is a shot that gives some better perspective with a guy standing on the wing next to the payload bay.
hot link of it
The Buran is even bigger.
Espesically the one we stole.
emeber when I said that the current navy time line for space travel is Mars:3 months - Saturn 6months? (round trip) - check out teh civillian sector...
The Buran was bigger? Didn't know that.
re: VASIMR Plasma Rocket
Now publicly, Mars is do-able in hardly a month instead of six...and cheaper fuel use. I love it.
It gets crazier.
I haven't been up in a decade - American technology moves a hell of alot quickier than any realizes...
...this post on media will have an adendum - for this reason which is a question:
Have you seen the full length trailer for the 2012 movie opening Nov 12?
Beacuse you cant light a smoke/doobie in space:
Bombing the NAZIS:
Annnnnndddddd they FINALY get around to getting the "Secret Space" programs preffered launch meathod into the public domain:
(Keyword there is PUBLIC DOMIAIN)
Beacuse irony is fun:
Its an outrage!
Enough is enough.
Soviet Buran Space Shuttle •¢€
re: VASIMR Plasma Rocket - Isn't that TECH about 50 years old!?!
If you are "limited" to 24 beers a day - Make sure this is the one!!!
Get on your Bad Motor Scooter and RIDE ;-)
Yes - it is.
The dynamic lunar exosphere: clues from sodium:
"The distribution of sodium about the Moon is highly non-thermal, implying contributions from the energetic sources: photon- stimulated desorption, impact vaporization, and ion sputtering."
Must have heated up in that crater! Probably a big mud puddle now.
Wake Up ;-)
Checking in:
We bombed the moon. Lets see the Nazis launch and invasion now!
No pictures:
What are they hideing?
Oh wait heres the photo:
Boardoom at work:
My new truck side view.
AND - how hard to turn this thing into a moon/mars vehicle - not as hard as you think!
Yeah we could/do live there:
More water is there places to go - keep "water-rich material" in mind when you trhink about where this is and WHY its there:
Lets keep those links of hoglands Saturn Ring thingy handy.
All ya'll have a good weekend - I'm off post this weekend in search of broads and beer...
Tomato-tomaaato, Nazi-Nasa
Do you think 'they' mighta known we were coming to drop something on them? Not exactly a surprise attack. ;)
I think EL-Cross was more than that.
Funny ion, I just implied the same sentiment over at FSHOD.
I've been looking for more articles on the LCross impact. There doesn't seem to be much out there.
I saw an article that describes two differing podcast reports and the usual MSM stuff rehashed on alt sites.
Anybody finding anything? Or is this issue suffering from instant kaboshing?
The most I got was that there was supossed to be LIVE footage - and it didn't happen - maybe there where hideing secondary explozzions...
...just kidding - theres no one there and nothing important built at the poles.
Thought you guys would like this:
Cool pic sword.
Ok so, if our NASA friends 'made an impression' with the Apollo 14 Saturn booster at a more latitudinal oriented location and generated a 'moonquake' that rang for 3 more hours and provided specific data about the Moon's 'interior' structure, then one can only consider the fuller image and detail they must have been able to derive from an impact at the Moon South Pole resonating through longitudinally?
Does this become the L CROSS? hmmm
In space and women, perhaps size doesn't matter and for an impact to be useful, it is about velocity. We've seen this in impact crater knowledge on Earth. Its how fast something crashes in and not the largeness of the meteor.
-->The Apollo impact velocity was at 9,144 kph (5,682 mph.)
-->The Centaur hit with a velocity of about 9,000 kph (5,592 mph.)
Further, I ponder the value of the South Pole Impact. We already know other bodies have distinct and mysterious vortexes at their poles and the most curious ones seem to be at the South Poles.
Examples like Saturn's Hexagonal 'storms' and the north eye
Couple that with Venus and her double vortex with a Dark Vortex over South Pole(masked here) and one starts to see a why the South Pole's might be a focal point.
From those first notions I found a few details that give some small idea.
I thought this kind of speaks to my earlier muse about 'effects' an impact there might have.
Not unlike the material we found years ago whereby they were refining the knowledge of how to activate and de-activate comets:
"The winds decrease with height, and the atmosphere is sinking, compressing and heating over the South Pole," said Dr. Richard Achterberg, a member of Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer team at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Saturn's 'warm polar vortex' is NOT 'the first to ever be discovered.' Professor F. W. Taylor reported the Venusian vortex in 1990. The Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) discovered a warm 'giant vortex of surprisingly complex structure and behaviour located in the middle atmosphere at the north pole of the planet, with a similar feature presumed to exist at the south pole also.'"
Venus hot dipole at poles
Terra-forming lessons 101? I don't know but I get the feeling they are more than just imaging the inner Moon.
ION said:
In space and women, perhaps size doesn't matter and for an impact to be useful, it is about velocity.
Bwahhhhh hhaaaaa hhhaaaa
Any day now...
...they call it plan B when really its plan A
God Bless America:
More mars please:
Bleh - slow day...
Hey wow...is that an Orion like layout?! hmmmm?
In the article this speaks to my earlier post:
Planetary magnetic fields are created by massive molten metal currents within the planet's core. A flowing current creates a magnetic field, even when the current is massive volumes of charged liquid metal moving under the influence of temperature gradients (convection) - in fact, especially then. But magnetic analysis of Martian sites by Berkeley researchers show that ---the red planet's protective field was switched off--- half a billion years ago, and now some scientists say they know why.
John Hopkins University scientists have calculated that a period of massive asteroid impacts, known to have happened around the same time, could not only have massively impacted on the surface Deep Impact-style (with all the atmospheric alteration and great-big-crater-making that entails) but added enough energy to the planet to heat up the outer layers of the planet.
Without the huge temperature difference between the core and mantle, the mega-magnetic dynamo convection currents would be switched off - and unable to start up again when things cooled down.
OK so we already no about the cycles of bombardment, and as we then consider the Moon, one can well remember the single largest impact crater known in the Solar System is where?...you guessed it on the far South Pole of the Moon. THE AIKEN CRATER.
I don't know if we have found the ON SWITCH yet, but I do know they sure are having a good look at the inner structure of the Moon with this latest effort.
oops link to the quote:
Was Mars' Missing Magnentic Field Zapped from Space?
ION - In ref to the mars article you posted.
I am certian that that is a cowinkie-dinky...
...but one never knows.
Heard about this from a freind, hope you guys like it. Now you to can have disclosure n your own home!
Heres a great story/link to the past events. Remember when the Blogg was BANG and Rich was HARPing on weather modifications and I said that we SWORD where the opposing force and using our own technology, primarly microwaves from space?
Heres an article on teh TYPE of technology and great picture of its effect. The image alone should bring back memories of yester year...
Wallpaper poluzhaa:
Should be doing homework...
The russians are even in on the weather modification:
Finally into the public sector:
You guys bitch that the blogg is dead and I have the last four posts!
FUK EW! - Ghazuntight -
After argueing over what killed the dinos - now where agureing where:
Why cant it be both or MORE... ...
I want to belive as well...
The Andromenda pic
No one still has this figured out:
WTF is this?
The moon makes its own water:
Here is some info on the two spherical satellites.
My guess would be that they are used to monitor(for reconnaissance of) objects in LEO.
Latest info on the LCROSS scene.
NASA found the plume, all they had to do was White Wash It ;-)
Don't let it all go Up In Smoke!
IS dead? No.. WAS dead.
You were MIA and a handful of us 'amigos', were full on.
Now, I am feeling you again,.. and your presence is appreciated..really. Your contributions are valued Sword..that's why we homey's are hanging here even through the periodic drift. ;)
Keep on bro...its double Birthday weekend here and three different family occasion's, so I am away from the laptop til maybe the later hours(EDT) and then its a crap shoot if toddler stays sleeping these last few weeks.
ALL GOOD. But I have to say this topic range(here) just won't go away or fade for me. Almost curious how 'stuff' is coming up for me almost daily...and not by a means of seeking or dwelling in these themes. Inspired, intuitive, I don't know, but as I witness subject arising, it seems odd how it goes.
Thanks for the links...need a little time to ponder/grok. Cheers
What is this? Can no one put together more than a sentence? ..or speak their thoughts? tragic.
Laser gunship hits moving ground target?!?
"In a case of what goes down must also go up, Boeing is also working on a Humvee-mounted laser weapon that has shown it can shoot down an unmanned aerial vehicle."
Shot Down in Flames ;-)
Heres my check in links:
Saturn and its moons - except the important one:
Plants, planets, planets everywhere:
Tiny people:
Top left corner of this image:
While where at it - WHY is the president looking at a new moon/mars rover?
And just before they put the encasement on it and stuff it in teh launch tube..
Ive been wondering this myself (for ION):
Thanks I'll be here all week.
Any idea who that might be in the upper left corner. Very in the shadows like.
Sword, :P
Yes....well....while that is a funny thing to appear in that Google search I will say that, 'if you did own one' you would always have Good beer and of course some of the finest bud in the whole world. (Forget the Cannabis Cup results, it got political, like figure skating judging.) Oh ya and real health care.
Wait a minute that just sounded like a sales pitch. Oh well, I already think you've partied up here anyway. Watch out for those Assiniboine gals and BC babes.
Wayne - Massonic "handler" ... ?
ION - yeah - maybe I have "already" partied in the up crowd.
That new mars imagegee is great - and a great theroy. I can buy it.
With that being said - I'd love a little help with my new blog post.
I need a image of the cydonia area with north being north or clearly represented on the image. Of course having teh image rotated so that up is north would serfice as well.
Speciafically I would like to see the face with "up" north and the so called D&M pyrimd with "up" as north as well.
Thanks to any who have it and it can be e-mailed to me.
Why am I constantly stuck in the middle?
Things you see in alaska:
LEARN youngster where the TRUTH LIES and you shall find your true direction with intention.
Or you expect RCH to hand it to you on a platter?
You might ask...does HE even KNOW where true North is in Cydonia?
For someone who supposed to be "sheparding" the 'mutinious flock' through the coming troubles your lack of knowledge about many things...including direction shows a CLEAR lack of preparation or "special" knowledge.
Wouldn't a "real" Mason KNOW N-S-E-W?
Dunno...seems to me they would.
You don't seem to really have a clue about Cydonia and it's axis.
After classes one must get glasses.
Robert, aren't you like the Cydonia(&Dune) 'master'? Help the guy out, he needs a graphic. ;)
US scientist charged with attempted spying for Israel.
Fire It Up ;-)
The early message: Xmas 79
Here Come The Flood
The Gabriel I knew: Jetzt Kommt Die Flut
Gee thanks for all teh video links considering I cant view them.
The issue with the graphic Robert isn't that I dont know where true north is on the map - I need a map rotated teh correct direction.
It has been my stance for awhile now, and no one has really picked up on it correctly - that hogies view of the map has always been presented as it was taken - that is - skewed to an angle.
Rotaing the image will allow me to express ideas and views that would be harder for my readers to understand with it tilted.
Anyway - if anyone has this correct north representation that would be great. I have no ability at teh momment for my own graphic editing.
Link love:
In soviet russia space explores YOU!
Skynet just around teh corner:
My classes are slightly diffrent:
Sword, go to this page
and look at the pictures from ESA Mars Express, courtesy of Dr. G. Neukum.
2nd picture is a map showing location. (North is up)
3rd picture is 1976 Viking photo
4th and 5th photos are with North to the right and a marking arrow in lower right corner.(west is up)
The face is below the center of the picture in both.
9th picture is a more close up picture of the face area, again with north to the right.
I may be able to rotate and email to you later tonight, since you don't have editing capability right now. Just thought you could go ahead and be forming your thoughts on this.
I think Neukum is the only primary source who published the photos with a north arrow on them.
I believe RCH talked about how the face used to be at a different latitude and was oriented with North straight up (above the cental vertical axis of the face) before the "Planet V" exploded. But at least these photos show the orientation of the face on Mars now.
Thanks for teh input Gort.
Looking for the so called D&M represented with North as North correctly.
Hoggie is wrong about the cydonia region being built pre-V explosion. When you really think about you would realize why.
Link love:
The re-entry roll
Been waiting for this one - surprised NO one has brought it up - considering there is so much stuff going on about the moon...
...maybe Robert did - I dunno:
There are more than just this one hole as well... - perfectly round as well...
If you havnt figured it out yet - I am figureing that there will be a major annocement soon to go back to the moon.
Then again maybe not:
Sword that link love sucked.
Just watched "I Know What I Saw". Thought I'd share the link, sorry it's not hot.
NASA's smoking gun part 2 is up on the www.enterprisemission.com about LCROSS's hidden mission.
Sword, the "skylight" story you linked above appears the end of Hoagie's paper as "This just in..."
Funny thing....
Gee Skylights? Sounds just like the ones on Mars.
...and this in Hoagland's article:
LCROSS' secret lunar mission turns out to be, in fact, designed -- from the beginning -- as nothing less than "an official, clandestine, NASA multi-sensor search for ... and scientific characterization of ... artificial ruins on the Moon"
This objective, of course, being deliberately complimentary to the primary "hidden mission" (again ...) of its companion lunar spacecraft--
(What did you think the "reconnaissance" part of "LRO" really stands for ...?)
Yup, it starts to come together.
The L Cross brings the readings from the Latitudinal impacts that gave them much information about the interior 'structure' of the Moon and now a project to gain greater resolution from the longitudinal correlation.
They have the X and the Y which = the Z.
...I joked that we where bombing the Nazis. I "know" that the moon is fulol of structures on and in teh moon. I have not been breifed as to what's on the south and north - but based of of what I already know I would say the north and the south poles of the moon would hold observitories - large observitories... ...radar facilites, and other scientific stuff. Most of the other infrastructure everywhere else.
Now, hoggie's been on the moon case for quite a bit. Did you link steal (again) - maybe.
TPTB can't hold out much longer - some sort of annocement - about SWORD proper, the moon and then US - MUST come soon.
Link love - that hopefully dosent suck.
Oh, sorry guys - where where a bit premature on that whole 2012 thing - looks like its December 23, 2220...
Monsters are coming out of the deep - again:
Canadians - again:
In cased you didn't know - the sun has become VERY active once again...
The Shuttle is NOT going to be replaced - however we will be sending the Ares rocket for future moon missions:
Oh and WHO is Ares? Only the god of war and bloodlust. (I couldn't make this up if I tried):
Now, if that dosen't make Wayne happy - they should take my wings away - all three sets...
...anyone got that graphic yet?
These were all cool sword. The dog out the window was what sucked.
More link love:
You didn't here this on the local news did you?
First - this is bullshit - maiden voyage my ass - but at least it is going into the public sector finally:
More on our bloodlust rocket:
Enough for today.
My My, this kind of sounds like something other than nature, making the save.
Goalies perhaps? (Sword) ;)
from 'someone's' link:
On 8 October an asteroid detonated high in the atmosphere above South Sulawesi, Indonesia, releasing about as much energy as 50,000 tons of TNT.
"That's about three times more powerful than the atomic bomb that leveled Hiroshima, making it one of the largest asteroid explosions ever observed."
"15 to 20 kilometres above Earth's surface, says astronomer Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada."
Anyone think maybe this little unseen sneaker got 'zapped'?
Funny they title the article Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defenses
I think NOT.
They imply we have defenses.... and then what?.....assume it just suddenly blew up.... with three times the power of the bomb over Hiroshima?
What hole? They took it out, nicely way out at 15 to 20 kilometers.
Now where is that Sword described weapons platform or that trillion dollar 'satellite'? hmmmmm mutter mutter rummage rummage.
Since this was in JUST the video section:
"Asteroid attack: Putting Earth's defences to the test
A massive rock will strike the planet in 72 hours. Would we prepare or panic? The US air force tried to find out"
I think like the military cut OFF data from the scientific community if you remember. If you forget which article in MCSP pointed this out simply search MCSP for military asteroid data gone.
That should bring it up, if not re-post or email me.
SWORD proper and TOPS are NOT going to 'save' anyone's ass but thereselves AND the elite. We underclass don't have tickets to get off this rock...never will have and to me...the quicker we realize bullshit for bullshit the better off we'll be.
Christ Robert...
...I'll put you and your ol' lady on one of teh arks myself - I'll kick off the plumber and his wife. Instead of having someone to deal with everyone elses shit we'll just deal with yours.
I really think the administration is in overdrive right now to bring as MUCH as they can into the public sector while at teh same time secrectly reading themselves for the "Big Bang".
I have been showing you guys all the "fun" stuff for months/years while all the time singing Media! Media!...
...I do appreciate the (small) following of responders and take pride in the fact that we do have quite a few reader/non-posters "lurking" around.
With that being said - I am quite surprized that we dont have a greater involvement of the "layman".
Of course - "THEY" said this would happen - the general public would not listen. Project:Disclosure - the brain child of so called truth laid out in a plan over ten years ago - has come to bust.
Am I dishartened? Perhaps.
Things certainly have changed over the years though. When I said mason, it was like screaming witch in Salem. Certainly I have had my story picked through - doubted and denied. It has remained a constant although that much of what I have said brings resonance to the overall motiff which is learning and understand the truth.
Understanding the truth is something I have had difficulties with myself and bring this understanding to others has proved difficult as well, just read above to understand.
So things of note:
Robert had an excellant print about the drip drip coming from teh administration considering disclosure of water on the primary systems that we would like to colonize - soon. That being of course the Moon and Mars - however - another "planet" Europa has also been in the news.
The objects found around Enceladus that ION brought into light. I am pretty certain thats the "Fleet" that I *know* is out there. Although I could be wrong as nothing was mentioned to me the sheer numbers. I had assumed a squadron or so - but considering the MIL-Factories might of sheer production capabilities I wouldn't be surprized.
The "dark spot" in google's sky/star map. I simply didn't have the time to see if thats in the direction we expect our debris field to be coming from. Of course - figureing out what that is and where is will be AROUND 2012 is something that perhaps only R.H. can figure out. I am certainly highly interested in this "object"...
Where going to the moon and then Mars - its specific not only in teh adminstrations deeds but there words. Irregardless of the preparations of fortold mytological doom - the way has been made. They didn't relate JFK to Obama for some other political reasons - THEY made the relation based of of the great space push JFK made himself - now - the new CIC will do the same. If no one can see that and agree - I'm sorry but its happening now.
There is absolutly no other reason for us to be bunker busting and prepareing a multitude of personell both military and sceintific to be going.
So, we have metor strikes being recorded hitiing the pacific area and being reported by media. Not only that - but now they are calling it a "deffensable natural phenomonon". I still say that the big tzunamna was a meteor strike AND that those involved should be ashamed for allowing it to happen for "research/data gathering" reasons.
Then theres the mars issue.
I guess that graphic will have to wait. It is just a mussing perhaps and not worth the time to get you all talking again about Mars - not when there is so much other good stuff going on.
And well - here I sit. Trying to get myself ready. Nothing is more unpleasent than a mental evaulation by a orthodox jew. Maybe a *complete* physical exam is more uncomfortable.
Link love:
In ref to to link about the eaten shark I submit to you this idea - Is it REALLY dead?
More moon skylight public sector nuttiness:
But wait theres more! More? Thats right - we go tteh same damm thing on mars:
Oh - that is sooo 1956:
More "secret" space plane:
Check out the front cover of this bad boy (not for dial up readers):
If I dont include at least one Canada link:
I'm with this guy:
My pleb status ends in a month and a haff. Soon - I will be posting better posts. Now how bout that graphic? Anyone?
Who gets the 117 comment?
I'll admit you have one tough nut to crack with me, and gaining my trust to believe anything you say as brutal truths being somehow "new". I've subscribed, read in library, books, journals, papers, in many disciplines through the years and I'm 57. Count double that rate the nearly 10 years I was a teacher at CCC where they had NO internet for students so I built an Intra-net. Something the computer people, and other computer teachers didn't bother doing for lack of knowledge or their were just plain lazy asses.
I knew about the X-37 in an Aviation Week article when the funding was approved. I knew ABOUT the 'concept' even before that from same source. I was at CCC those days so getting 'pay to see' information was easy for me then...oh to have a University Account now. hehehe
If you didn't notice Gort gave you links to various Ares FACE images. Reason I didn't jump in because to give the final result does NOT teach you about the HISTORY and CONTROVERSY in determining "True North". Quite alengthy history and even today the MGS MOC data is NOT in the PDS in a now "Normal Internationally Accepted" set of grid lines.
You can pull the Ares Face from the Cydonia Anomoalies Archive Image Map. It is as true and close as can be.
What do you hope to prove with the co-ordinates that MANY researchers have ALREADY laid out many of the geometery and mathmatical relationships?
As for the "Masons" being the repository of knowledge handed down generation to generation in some grand design to keep freedom and christ alive...like ya said they've let a few blocks get through. The mil sats are looking at Earth...their heads are up their collective asses...and ANY "fleet" that is 'out there' isn't ours.
While I believe there IS a "Secret Space Program" I just think it is a whole lot smaller than anyone envisions. It COULD have been bigger with civilians and colonists by now...but it's easier to spend military DOD money on destruction than CONSTRUCTION of space fairing civilization.
Sword, I forgot to tell you yesterday, "You've got mail."
The test rocket was scrubbed Tuesday, they will try again Weds. morning.
I found it interesting the second stage and crew capsule mock-ups loaded with the same weight as the real upper parts would weigh, and then the first stage will be retrieved by parachute, but the mock-up second stage and crew capsule will free fall into the ocean. adios! A ready-made ship-wreck on the sea floor for the fish to swim in.
Or recover through an unannonced recovery mission...
Robert thanks for the input and going through that page I see you have already made the corelation I was intending to make - perhaps it is good to bring it up again. Also, long before the public sector media made refferance to the "port holes" on the moon and mars - you did. So that kudos goes to you as well.
Gort - that email will work.
I have to figue out what I want to do with it now, since Robert has perviously made the point already, but gain - proably a good time to bring it up.
Linky links:
Eliminate transportation routes:
Just add light sabers:
Metor shower?
Bloodlust rocket was a go:
Dont belive me? Watch this!:
I've got time to read R.H. new type so I got to run.
Why does all of this seem like data mining for entertainment???
Ze Furher is on ze Moon!
The Dr.
A historical comment of yours...from the record:
you said:
This location is the most holy of holy to me – and my men. To call it sacred is an understatement. The fact being IonTruO2, this is where WE – Unit Sword started eons upon eons ago. It is in my minds eye – OUR golden chalice from which we shall drink.
IonTruO2, you want to NOAH (he he – love it) what I really think of Iapetus?
Our peoples came from afar (most possibly the Orion system) and settled in this system. Iapetus was the base from which all other things became possible. The earth was seeded as a long term colonization project (food farm), Mars was settled as a base because our people where used to lower gravity than earth or the planet V. Then the Solar system had its calamity and our peoples where crippled. The Ark known to us as Iapetus was either damaged beyond repair or the peoples simply didn’t have the manpower or the skill to make it functional again. They left by other means to return home
We will make the repairs – and we will inherit the stars.
Hard to type with tears… …
Originally remarked to, by me at Wed May 17, 08:33:00 PM 2006
Russia develops design for spaceship with nuclear engine
Cool link Dr. Van - Thanks
The NK-33
Meteorite falls in northern Latvia - Dr. Doom is near
"According to media reports, the meteorite fell near a residential house on the outskirts of Mazsalaca town in the Valmiera district of Latvia, leaving a crater of some 20 meters (66 feet) in diameter and 10 meters (33 feet) deep."
Get DUSTED ;-)
Green - That crater has since been "debunked" - someone(s) dug it with a shovel - AND - any impact of that strength would have done significant collateral damage.
If I can find the link I'll post it.
ION - looks like someone wants to have the next blog post on SWORD primary objective #2...
...I'll think about that.
Bloodlust Ares pic gallery:
Oops we broke it:
Broke it again:
Note Atlas, minmas's defined crater, Tethys - and what? to be countinued? Bahhh...
"The heart of the Emdrive is a resonant, tapered cavity filled with microwaves. I was informed that the publicity was very unwelcome, especially any suggestion that there might be a military application. "
More kinky linky:
This has nothing to do with space/sci - but that never stopped me before:
Planets - planets - everywhere:
Enough - have a great weekend...
First Moon "Skylight" Found -- Could House Lunar Base?
More info on the "skylight" in the Marius Hills on the moon in this National geographic article. Includes "sources" links at end of article.
Published October 26.
Maybe we should send the Super Mario Brothers to explore the pipes... errr tubes... beneath the Marius Hills. :)
For the first time in at least a year or so, you have spoken with some conversational candor. Tks.
(I was getting tired of the one line snippets from everyone. :) )
I have to address some of your remarks.
You said: Of course - "THEY" said this would happen - the general public would not listen. Project:Disclosure - the brain child of so called truth laid out in a plan over ten years ago - has come to bust. Am I dishartened? Perhaps.
Firstly I would like to say the 'other' team(owls or roosters) is doing their job very well and throwing up so much static and untruth that one would wonder how any of you disclosure people could succeed? Really, there is so much bullshit now, and woowoo labeling that common public will totally miss the real story which is really just a whisper against the big budget efforts of the others. This has become a Fear Feast and everyone is now perfectly distracted and twittering over this damn Swine Flu fiasco amongst others.
Now obviously Richard is disclosing across a few areas and trying to weave the story together so it all converges at the right time. You had previously said that you guys chose our little shady corner of the web to engage and reveal. Even a Blog is still amongst a multitude of subjects swirling about, so I wonder to what extent your unit really wanted this to magnify to?
Your gesture was admirable considering Richard's drop-out from the The Captain's Blog effort. You continued with us and contributed directly beginning in Drydock.
I have said before that I think your disclosure was Kaiboshed along the way. You are here now and have posted some excellent Blogs, but they lack the greater context of your fuller disclosure. A little too much fragmentation. So anyone tuning into 'this 'Blog, might not "get" where your coming from. Just too much back story.....they wouldn't know about.
You started with 3 Blog posts and began with tale that included the story of 3 Wise Men. You have told your tale over 3 different Blogs. (ya see that! ;) )
So, like a good tv show frag'd with endless 'commercial interruptions' and a story line sliced up too much for people to stay with it, I suggest that has been the hickup of your effort at the Blog level and not so much a factor of public disinterest and non response or lack of growing notice.
How many times did TOP move you?! ...at least 3...that I can recall.
So, you lost momentum numerous times not to mention the number of times they(TOP) choked and censored you or at least put a governor on your choice of info to release.
I'm just trying to here to decode the situation as I see it. The media links are definitely showing pattern and growing with detail. I wonder at that media level if they are too slow and maybe a little too late, but hey, I say don't stop.
Richard will still play his end game and may come out big enough for the giant sleeping lion to awake and notice something other than the daily distraction being spoon fed in America.
Ok so, they roll out the knowledge. I have clearly observed the pacing of the water theme amongst others, re space, but much of it is still too darn subtle and merely suggestive.
The ARKS: Watching the crowd here with regards to H1N1 vaccinations in the nation's capital, even if there was ARKS to take people from here, I wouldn't be running with the mob to that effort!!!
My time is my time. The insanity is percolating and I will simply endeavour to be the calm 'i' in the storm...however it plays out. My skills are my own and my child is now my only purpose for remaining in this form anyway.
One thing came to mind Sword re your effort:
Merge your previous Blog efforts into one and then the basics might flow together a little better.
While I realize some of the meat and potatoes of your effort still sits tucked away in comments from your earliest appearance, the Blog efforts had good substance.
I am almost finished doing just that, and can post the grand combined Blog whenever you give the go ahead. (currently titled M33 Unit-SWORD)
Yet another walk down memory lane:
Snippets from the historical public record of SWORD. (from:Sun Jun 18, 07:30:00 PM 2006)
Sword said...
I'll let someone else do BGR.
Tell you what else is nuts - what the human soul has the will to do - if given the correct opportunity.
The whole "Fire from the Sky" article seems to be making rounds.
Believable - sure. Who wrote it?
Seems to me like an agency put together this paper.
There are at least three different writing tones that I can figure within it.
Seems to me like it was written by many authors telling the same story and then latter edited to represent "one" who seems to know.
This is the private NASA telling of there under funded mishaps against a militarized from the begining "nofunded" communist super power.
The private NASA could say the same thing - only longer, older, and with far more deaths than anyone cares to admit.
The space supremacy race will be refought after the stars crossing - whomever wins that race - rules supreme... ...forever.
(bold by iontruo2)
Sun Jun 18, 07:30:00 PM 2006
Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defences
October 26,2009
by David Shiga
New Scientist
As the US government ponders a strategy to deal with threatening asteroids, a dramatic explosion over Indonesia has underscored how blind we still are to hurtling space rocks.
On October 8 an asteroid detonated high in the atmosphere above South Sulawesi, Indonesia, releasing about as much energy as 50,000 tons of TNT, according to a NASA estimate released on Friday. That's about three times more powerful than the atomic bomb that levelled Hiroshima, making it one of the largest asteroid explosions ever observed.
However, the blast caused no damage on the ground because of the high altitude, 15 to 20 kilometres above Earth's surface, says astronomer Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada.
Brown and Elizabeth Silber, also of UWO, estimated the explosion energy from infrasound waves that rippled halfway around the world and were recorded by an international network of instruments that listens for nuclear explosions.
The explosion was heard by witnesses in Indonesia. Video images of the sky following the event show a dust trail characteristic of an exploding asteroid.
Sudden impact
The amount of energy released suggests the object was about 10 metres across, the researchers say. Such objects are thought to hit Earth about once per decade.
No telescope spotted the asteroid ahead of its impact. That is not surprising, given that only a tiny fraction of asteroids smaller than 100 metres across have been catalogued, says Tim Spahr, director of the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Yet objects as small as 20 or 30 metres across may be capable of doing damage on the ground, he says.
"If you want to find the smallest objects you have to build more, larger telescopes," says Spahr. "A survey that finds all of the 20-metre objects will cost probably multiple billions of dollars."
The US Office of Science and Technology Policy, which advises the White House, must develop a policy to address the asteroid hazard by October 2010 under a deadline imposed by 2008 legislation. It is likely to be influenced by a report from the National Research Council on the asteroid problem, which is expected by year's end.
Who ya gonna call?
Asteroid busters!
Check out these paintings at this link, http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=159338
I am not sure of how to interpret them but they are definitely depicting inner earth scenes along with visitors to earth as well as "possibilities"?
Fortress Moon
October 14, 2009
Bombing Area 52
Fortress Moon
The traditional Moon Hoax crowd says it's because there's nothing up there, because we never went. I say it's because there's a lot more up there than they want us to know, because we never stopped going. The moon is military property, and like all military property there's a lot of it they won't let us see. It's Area 52.
[end excerpt...]
satire or truth (or both)? :)
No. 133 unless someone else posted .
good post of article.
see 2009-10-27 6.20.PD where I spoke of it too.
Very interesting Wayne!!! I have copied all the pics to have a closer look. I wonder how old the 'son' is who created these images?
Just checking in...
...excellant posts from everyone.
Seems no one took a real close look at the SATURN MOONS I mentioned.
Awhile back I mentioned that IF teh MWAV was a "carrier" that serveral *destroyers* would accompany it. Go back to the link and LOOK at these moons...
ION - your right - lots of back story - to much in fact. But - whatys one to do? Can my life and teh lives of all my predessors be summed up in one tag line? I think not.
R.H. is trying to weave a story - and like I said he is proably stacking the dominoes with an extra book BEFORE he spills the beans of his envolvement and his affiliation with SWORD.
Case in point - NO one was pushing the Military in space issue untill I showed up. Surely R.H. had posted some "Masonic" data in the past - but that didn't start untill AFTER he had met with SFTG:SWORD (not SWORD proper).
Where dopes that leave us...?
I have considered doing something U-tubish. Preamble-ish. Story-ish. But I am waiting to get off this pleabian status and either be issued one of those ever yummy tablet PC's the team leaders are getting - or just go get my own out of lack of paiteance. Maybe that would solve the "I don't get it factor"...
Anyway - thats going to take alot of work. Lots of images - and lots of *music* and lots of voice overs...
...I'll proably bust my ass - and then Robert will poop it ...
Contemplating a new blog entry - perhaps will wait untill I view the 2012 movie coming out...
More on MEDIA:
Remeber that campy television show called V?
Its premise as I can remember was that Aliens showed up and their freindly (HOorayy!) - but as it turns out tehre actually lizards who are stealing all our natural resources and want to eat us (boooo!)...
Where in human concious do we have reptilian's cruising around the borders of space? Remenants of planet X?
Linky Winky:
Swine Flu at its earlist level:
More holes found on planets:
WE had this tech years ago...
AND we had this years ago as well - the cicillian side is SO repressed tecnologicaly:
In case you missed teh last one - ION will liek this with all the falling sky research he has done:
MORE openly artifical weather. So whens teh GOV going to start telling people that they have had this capabilty for the last +-10 years?
Hmmmm - more than meets the eye - trust me:
Thats all for today folks.
I got the feeling he wasn't that old. Definitely not nearing adult Somehow 12 is in my mind. Not certain. Hope things are well with everyone.
Reason I "poop" on your shit because much of it IS fracking shit.
Virtual Reality goes to the 1950's
VR Goggles
I had a pair AND the VR games with a Commodore 64 in the mid 1980's.
"Never try to teach an old person to suck eggs"
You yurself said you are "awakening" and don't recall your youth or mission, someone (dad or mom) or limiting your web access for flvs, mp3s, video, and other multi-media you have to admit is infantile.
If you're a young "man' with a job...you have enough money, living in a "military space camp" as you say and don't have $300 for even a web computer from Best Buy?
Ohhhh...wait...you're not allowed "off base". You're on TOPS "leash" and can't get access to real docs, files, images WITH ancillary data for verification of YOU and YOUR story.
If I wasn't so informed I'd be sorrier for you and those here who REALLYbelieve you are part of the DOD in "some" way.
Just what I needed in the morning...
...a double helping of cranky old fuck with a side of spite.
emmmm - thats good!
After thinking about it - you becoming a lot like some of the other weirdo's we have had around here. One minute completely usefull and contributing to the space - the next going completely off the wall with insults - your post above being just one example of what I have to deal with.
I am in fact in A school, a goverment ran school for "old timmers" like myself - a warrior retraning if you will - and have taken alot of time away from what I am supposed to be doing to give you guys some fun links and keep abreast of the ongoing "disclosure"...
...but you insult me every chance you can - regardless of how much I try to remain light hearted about it - your still just an old mean dog that needs to be put down.
With that being said - go over the OTHER angry old man blog - Sunkings.
I have banned you from here.
When Robert arrives:
More tech already in use by the mil:
interesting beyond interesting...
...pay attention to our favorite moon - and be amazed by what you don't see:
There just coming out and telling us that the intelligance agencies are / and have been / involved:
"Three test pilots. Two flight surgeons. One molecular biologist. A flight controller, a Pentagon staffer and a CIA intelligence officer. These are the nine people chosen by NASA to be America’s next astronauts."
My "boot-camp" is slightly diffrent.
Robert - is it that time of the month again!
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly ;-)
R.H. is trying to weave(CODE) a story!?!
Wouldn't you like to be an AVATAR?
Looks like that HALO movie(with the District 9 and AVATAR effects worked out) will coming soon.
Don't let your mind go Post Toastee ;-)
Just in for a sec.
re Sword's link: http://www.picmn.co.tv/2009/11/punching-hole-in-earth.html
....and they say it is A 330-foot-deep sinkhole
Green - what do you mean by "code" a story?
Don't forget - a little while after the "Captians Blogg" started he posted an actual EM articleregarding encodeing messages in bodies of text ... hmmmm
Well we knew this was going to happen (it feels so like 1991)
More interesting:
Just checking in - throwing some links on teh table.
Anypne else find that the images of our favorite moon from this link:
Does NOT have the tell tale sign of being straight edged? I would love to have the time to compare images but I dont...
But - I do think that I will return to this moon in the next blogg post. I orginally wanted teh next blogg post to be aboput some of the VERY interesting things seen and heard around here - but that will have to wait.
hmmmmm ....
Soviet posters - their hip:
Interesting long read. WHY has the previous administration (and teh one before that) and this one STILL planning for this sort of scenerio?
Sword, Thanks for the links. Quite a bounty to intuit with.
fyi: I was not specifically asking for an Iapetus Blog when I reposted your old comment. More an informative walk down memory lane. Good for the recent viewers.
Go with your gut.
ION - your a hard man to please.
Yes - the blogg of mine HAS lost its flow and a good portion of its edge. Here's the excuse:
I'm busy - I'm in a dormatory setting - I do NOT have access to personal computer - I'm busy.
If ya'll can just hang in there - I am sure to please.
Here's some links.
New launch method:
You can also use this to look for harp signitures:
Interesting read:
For ION - Big Buddas:
Working on new blogg post.
As we horse men, you and I, say....WOaahhh.
Things are groov'n here...no flow lost...never said that.
I also stumbled upon a nice line from earlier which you said "from vacation to vocation"...here ya go again.
Your here, links are good, some good sparring and brain storming.
I see the road signs, read between the lines,... and saw truth in the middle path of here now. The links tell me lots beyond the gross obvious.
(never reply after a 'Helmann's' it gets far too poetic)snip...
Well - I DO think the blogg has lost flow. ...and YES I have been moved around alot... ...$h!t happens...
The links are provided this way beacuse I was harping on MEDIA. It certainly seems to me that when this stuff is put out in a newsarticle - being interent - which we have full access to - or even a newspapper article - its in the "PUBLIC SECTOR"... ...which means NO ONE can say we where hideing it from them.
Same goes for FOIA - which - if you remember was opened fully by trhe CIC and then closed again shortly there after...
...what I like to call the 33rd effect.
Now recently - he has moved to strike images from the FOIA. Everyone is saying this has to do with the torture pictures/issues from ongoing OIF.
My self - is fully availible in FIOA - and I have made my true identiy known to a few. With the "picture gallery" removed - it certainly hampstrings P:D ...
Lets hope some enterpriseing LT got what he needed before the curtains went down.
I'm short on time - real short - over the weekend - if someone has them availible - provide me with the links to ALL of the images from Saturns moons. If your feeling especially kind for ol' Sword - ones you think are extra pretty or extremely hi-res ... specifically Atlas, Minmas & Tethys ...
... thank you for your support.
Apprently I am viewed by some as a twelve year old kid who's mummy and daddy are restricting my internet access...
...sure that will work.
Have a good weekend - and please help me with the links to images - yadda-yadda-yaddaa...
Hey, remember the movie Starship Troopers(MoonRing)?
Sword - |CODE| RCH's "group of newbies":
"No, these recent actions by NASA were definitely those of "a group of newbies to all this ET ruins stuff"
Come on, you have got to be kidding me-> RCH - revealing exactly “who” ultimately ordered President Kennedy killed. - This guy must have "connections"!
Be quick or be dead - ENDGAME ;-)
So much for those links I asked for. No biggie.
Anything going on? - oh yeah - hoggie at it again - to bad we don't get television.
Interesting mission:
Oldtimers look in on the new stuff:
What is Altair?
Why it means Flying Eagle...
..."probably goes back to the ancient Babylonians and Sumerians, who called α Aquilae the eagle star..."
So lets mount taht flying eagle on a bloodlust rocket and conquer the moon!
Just so we don't completely gum up the workds lets make sure we get all the suplicants to get in line:
And to get ya'll ready - here is an excellant website I would implore you to read/ view ...
Nuf said
When the Soviet Army was in orbit
Before the International Space Station and MIR orbited around the Earth, the USSR launched nine space stations. Even though their objectives were officially scientific, both their origins as well as three of these ships were of a military nature. On board, Soviet Army officials carried out prolonged espionage missions by way of sophisticated observation equipment. Besides cameras and radars, these spaceships were equipped with a device that allowed them to send the compiled material to Earth and weaponry that even ended up being fired.
In order to ensure that the orbiting Almaz stations were authentic impregnable fortresses, they would be equipped with weaponry that could be used both defensively and offensively to bring down satellites or other spaceships. Concretely, they would have a Nudelmann machine gun cannon, similar to those used in aviation, and small space-space missiles. As if they were jet-fighters, to be able to shoot their cannons the Almaz stations should face the objective and, to avoid altering their orbit, turn on propellers that would compensate the recoil caused by the shots.
In June of 1976 what would be the last manned Almaz station, Salyut 5, was launched. Even though this mission was also a success, the technological improvements that had continued to develop regarding observation material made it not worthwhile to continue sending cosmonauts, since the same functions could be undertaken by automatic satellites. Since then, manned orbital stations would be destined for scientific purposes.
These were the points that I found worth copying but the article is worth chasing the link.
The 'space weapons' race started a good while back. ;)
Don't I know it.
Thanks Sword,
Sorry, haven't had much comp time to dig up the links requested.
Did hear Alex Collier speaking about Cassinni becoming classifed very recently because of all the motherships near Saturn.
(try finding a YouTube downloader)
I was thinking about my link request. I wanted to sate for the record that no one NEEDS to "go fetch" for me. Time is my enemy right now - and any help is greatly appreciated.
I cannot view video - the console I use is incapable of this. Limited WANG. Text based stuff.
So lets see we have missions going to Europa looking for sea basd life, the "New Apollo" is getting rolling along, and the Vatican is AGAIN publiclly embraceing life elseware. If that isn't enough to spin the heads of everyone - to include Hogland whom seems to be on some other agenda - I don't know what to do.
Some other folk who puruse this and the other two bloggs have been crying out for disclosure and how its not happening - well guess what boys and girils - it is happening and I have been proveing it one link and a time. EXACTLEY like I said it would happen years ago.
Then theres this for example:
I guess considering the near impact in India - and the REAL impact near India - and all the other stuff falling into us dosen't count as anything "alarming" ... there is this though:
Dosen't this "image artifact" have the same general shape as some of teh stuff that hogland is talking about? Just to the left of A.Beans head...
Has anyone that that the reason there looking at previous Apollo landing sites is to find footprints NOT left by OUR astronuts?
Its coming back around again. Sun god grows angry as the gravitational force changes:
Ahhhhhh fuckkkkk:
Badass of the week:
That is all.
Sword, Thanks for the pattern flow dude.
No video Sword? I wondered what is'a dat Wang thing?
What's a Wang VS?
Having worked on Honeywell HDS5 terminals with COBOL language in the eighties, I get your situation now.
Must be MIL. Old stuff originally, but I see they have a new system as recent as 2005.
Sword: don't miss this: MailBug
HTML display, no images. No boot, no hack, no virus, no IP.
Sword, the other night PBS has a show on about the building of the Hoover Dam. Dam interesting!
I especially enjoyed the innovation of building a three story scaffolding rig on the back of a monster truck to drill and set the charges in the rock face for the diversion tunnels. I think they called it the drilling jumbo. You might watch it sometime when you are off probation.
water water everywhere:
The three colors used in the mosaic correspond to 1.01, 3.21, and 3.80 microns. The different colors represent vastly different surface compositions. The upper bright blue region is rich in water ice, while the lower, dark brown region is composed mainly of a substance rich in organic material. The yellow region consists of a mixture of ice and organics, suggesting a gradual change in composition on the surface.
Gort: I am not on probation. The school that I am in dosen't allow first semester students a whole lot of personal imenities. That will change soon enough.
ION - thanks for the links.
Welll - this is interesting:
Oh and thanks for the Happy Veterans Day comments - they where awsome.
Sword - in ref to your last link - the RARE sight is that berg(Habbakuk) looks like one of those "Navy Platforms"!
Happy Veterans Day to both of my GrandFathers and all the Men and Women who fight for FREEDOM!
All Hell Can't Stop Us Now ;-)
The Saturn Model
Interesting title, eh? From my earlier discovery of the text of THE COSMIC WINTER by Clube and Napier: I found this text from a symposium with Mr. Clube.
This is the meat and potatoes of the current times.
Some info from our "friends" as NASA.
Dr. V
While I can't read the Saturn stuff - not time - I feel like the white rabbit here - I'm late I'm late I'm late - A sypnosis would be great.
Like I said that iceberg DID look interesting. However, I seriously don't think that that is a viable thing to have right now. The ocean temp's are going to get MUCH warmer.
Dr. V drops a good link, and I havn't even been able to hear about that yet.
But it does bring up a great point.
So, we have discovered water on MARS and then of course the MOON.
Everything is NOW in place for the expansion of the idea of not just exploration - but colonization. This is an important seed to place considering WHY they want to move people around and WHEN they want to do it. The shock of what is to come will be lessened if the American phyciee is already aware of someplace else to go.
I said this would hyappen. I stated years ago that it would start out small and then snowball downhill and move so fast that we could barely keep up with it. Also - keep in mind - we are ONLY looking at the stuff we can gather off teh internet - nevermind all teh newspapper articles and such in the major PRINT realm that is doing the same thing.
Lest we NOT forget the serveral srticles on the I-NET regarding US MIL personell going on solitary missions AND teh MIL-FACT dropping the public domain hints of internet access for those in the space program.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmm ... ... ...
Nuff said on that.
So, we have Vatican stateing that they are acceopting of life elseware, there is in FACT water on the moon. Where looking at previous spots of egress on the moon, again, not for nest'ogla - but to see if there have been anyone inspecting our trash we left...
...and NASA is saying that the whole 2012 thing is ridiculas - irregardless of teh fact that we have a documented history of increased number of objects falling into the earth...
What else is going on:
ESA Rossetta sat got this image:
They of course used "acquired with the OSIRIS narrow-angle" ...
...whats with the name game for anything floating around in space now-a-days?
Now heres a fun tool (i have been asking for this):
Another "fun" tool:
More moon stuff, not just a little water - lots of water:
Hmmmmm... I mentioned this once before ... US Navy submersible aircraft carriers - rememeber? He's how THAT got started:
"The two subs are among five that were captured at war's end and brought to Hawaii, then sunk off Oahu after U.S. technicians had discovered all their secrets."
Looks like thats all today.
White Lion - When The Children Cry
Sword, are some of these drip, drip, drips possibly pointing at "recolonization?"
Water flowing everywhere!
MarsRevealer wants you to Meet Some More Martians:
Meet The Martians 2|
Perhaps Amost Intriguing Being|
Perhaps Amost Intriguing Being 2|
Perhaps Amost Intriguing Being 3|
Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon:
"On the edge of the Sea of Storms is a strange opening that leads down into the Moon. Dr. H.P. Wilkins, one of the worlds leading lunar experts before his untimely death a few years ago, was convinced that extensive hollow areas did exist inside the Moon, perhaps in the form of caverns, and that these were connected to the surface by huge holes or pits. He discovered such an opening himself a huge round hole inside the crater Cassini A"
For the Astronaut with a BEER Belly ;-)
Marching to Mars!
Checking in.
Saw 2012 yesterday with my Massonic chaperone...
...me thinks that whoever wrote the script for this movie has been reading our bloggs.
That - or I'm so close to the truth that they are pretty much desensitising the entire human race as to what is coming.
Watch teh moive and you'll understand what I mean.
I won't get into the details beacuse nothing is worse than some jerk who tells you the ending of a movie or a book.
Anyway - am I leaking the truth, are the moive writers stealing our thunder? Or is the goverment seeding your mind?
You descide.
From a unammed source:
"Emmerich has announced his plans to follow 2012 with a television series, 2013, which would pick up after the end of the movie. Perhaps now that Emmerich has finished blowing the world to smithereens, we can get back to characters and drama, and the year 2013 can prove more interesting than the year 2012."
So, what am I reading from this?
This is how its going to happen - this is what you will do after...
Enough about that - go see it - lots of fact with the fiction.
More Moon please:
Before you send humans - send the monkeys (and find out if their poop glows in the dark):
Thats todays media bit - remember folks - think about the increadable tool called MEDIA.
Reread the blog post and then THINK.
Sword - Come thru Dude! - SAVE those 12 Monkeys!
Not that 2012 thing again! - Until we/you/I break this MATRIX within a MATRIX can the next steps begin for all of us(Freedom Fighters) ;-)
If you can believe strong(positive) enough in something it will happen - Try it
I am!
UI'm positive something is goping to happen and a majority of it I can not stop.
Such is life.
This is TWO funny...
...same thing used on the MOON with be used on IRAN...
No one caught this either:
Might want to use that great solar system tool link I gave you guys and think about that...
We already know that NASA has CIVILLIAN missions planned for this place based on there own documents - more public disclosure:
Found this - thought I'd share:
Thats all for today - latter...
The next stream crossing straddles the hour 2100-2200 UT [17 November 2009], shortly before dawn in Indonesia and China. At that time, Earth will pass through a pair of streams laid down by Comet Tempel-Tuttle in 1466 and 1533 AD. The double crossing could yield as many as 300 Leonids per hour.
Interesting that Pres. Obama is remaining over night in Beijing during this time on his first state visit. Cosmic!
Sorry, had to scratch my post. OFF TOPIC, and too esoteric for here.
Incoming!!!! Hmmm....
Dr. V
Yep - everyone has been seeing alot more of that...
...it will increase of course - but what do I know?
On todays episode of whats happening now...
Pew - Pew - Pew
If Hoggie thinks he's "hip" by mention mumble Halo:ODST (Orbital Drop Strike Team) ... (thats soooo 1997-98) ... then he dont know the half of it.
I gave them this idea - next - LAN gaming centers in recruitment offices.:
And beacuse I KNOW you guys love FREE stuff I include this link:
I mentioned we could do this years ago, around the time of teh hurrican bloggs - more public sector gobbly goo...
and then ... this (keywords should raise eyebrows and memories of blogg's done past)
That is all.
(new post soon?)
This is the stuff I hobby at.
Long overdue.
Dr. Van - Thanks for the link ;-)
He(Seth Jerkus) said it happened 100 miles up in the air; so despite the brightness, Utah was never in any danger.
Total BS!!! That was more like 174240 Feet. That was FUCKING Bright! -> I watched all the footage(I was expecting that old guy with red cap to say "My Precious" ;-)
Sword - The downside is:
"however he(Air Force Colonel) thought that the same group suffered when attempting to consider the consequences of their actions:"
A TRUE Gamer(Soldier) knows the difference!
Thanks for the IGN link - If Apple had made Bungie a decent offer back in the day, they could of had their own gaming console that later would have been a good interface with the iPhone/iPod Touch.
The first MS Hardware that I ever bought was that piece of shit(I had to send it in already for a swap out) XBOX 360!
Blessed Are The Dead ;-)
Nothing like a computer lock up to ruin your day.
As I was saying...
...here is MORE news on the Jap subs we captured.
Most noteable is teh aircraft carrier subs - which I mentioned some time ago. I think this is pretty dam important. I KNOW of all the "fun" stuff we have that NO one is letting on about. Well...
...foir the aircraft carrier subs - here is where we got the orginal idea:
Me thinks there getting ready to tell us they have them...
...and then other fun stuff.
So whats going on today:
Maybe somebody should just go and lift it out - wouldn't that be completely against orders...
Lets see what happens...
...nothing much is going on today - yet - at teh same time - everything is going on. Its boggle'ing...
If Saturn and Iapetus is to be orbiting behind the sun at the time window of Dec,2012, then in its correlation I note the timing so perfect with the Debris Field's passage at that point too.
So Sword speaks of his role but as I see more and more about the various knowledge of spherical 'vessels', I am drawn to consider the scope of their potential role collectively in relation to the example of Iapetus and Sword's thought as to the satellite/support scout role Janus might have had with it.
from Wikipedia: Saturn has 61 confirmed moons since 2009. The most recent is Aegaeon. The last one was Tarqeq.
Does this start to sound like a heck of phlanx?
Thinking about something the other day that came up on UniversToday.com: ALMA is the largest, most ambitious ground-based observatory ever created, with completion slated for 2012. When all 66 antennas are working in synch, researchers believe ALMA will revolutionize the way we see the universe
from Nov 17th, 2009.
It brought me to wonder about the idea of the Saturnine location relative to the debris field at just that time.
Here is a Telescope collective effort of 66 antennas...so why not the same kind of coordination, in an array of 61 moons?
Combine that with free orbiting craft etc and one has a powerful 'first fort' from which to protect beloved Earth Truly Earth is that..for it is a blossom in the turbulent midst and all efforts focus towards that guardianship.
Sword and I are not so far off, for who are 'they' who cares for the oft described 'horses' of the cosmos?
Well I don't know about your military unit M33, but I do know in my domain, the ancient horse Alpha now freeroams the plateau here enjoying the late Autumm grass in the mornings, amidst the three rocks of four directions.
His girl friend Cheyenne looks on from close pasture.
The horse tradition is so, above.
A chance of a form of Love service and not really just 'conflict.
Ahh what a meander of a muse tonight.
Off to check the horses in the stable place and hay the one's outside under the stars tonight.
What the heck is Ion talk'n about?
I'm sure Sword understands...he just doesn't speak at this level here.
In Cosmic Winter and other sources, the comets are seen with their tails as 'horses'. Why do they refer to Venus as 'the horseman'?
The cosmology is rife with horse references. Its not just whimsy.
My oft mentioned second moon'let of Earth....Cruithne3753...is so named after the Cruithne, an ancient Celtic people prior to the Picts, who were called 'the people of the horse'.
Why pick four horses of the apocalypse? Three wise men rode three wise horses to a stable place. (It wasn't camels). The famous horse heads of Persepolis.
The themes permeate everywhere.
As below and as above. ;)
Ah yes, this is a thought thread that will curry no reply. Just like the book(pdf) Cosmic Winter. If anyone dared to attempt to read that book they would be falling off their chairs right now. ...and to think it came out in about 1990. Not the cheesy speculative works of today about 2012 etc.
The 'Fall' of The Roman Empire eh Sword?
Goo0d reads ION - I'd LOVE to see teh work you have on the debris corellation - as I am sure everyo0ne else would to - includeing our "professional" lurkers...
...wonder what is going on today.
How about another? Sure...
Another? Fine...
Just pick it up already...
Good read - long read - we better NOT allow this to happen:
Beacuse the word "inappropriate" is the word of the day:
But I would say I have not a single original thought...just the knowledge of others' who have worked hard long before my observations. :)
So, to the pro-lurkers(letterguys), I'm the target audience just doing the homework of considering the varied disclosures amidst the static. That said, it is profound for me, to see information popping up like tulips, from day to day.
There is so much information of apparent truth disclosure these days from ET's to ultra tech and it does become dizzying to the lay-person to 'sort it' and grok it in some collective way(if that were even possible ;) ).
From media links as we exchange to other snippets, there is much appearing that simply re-enforces your original premise. The Debris Field.
Sure, all of it can be invalidated with ease..specially with the so-called hard-proof argument, but enough academic material is being seen from pretty highly credentialed people, that one can't just shrug and dismiss.
The full text on-line of the very expensive book The Cosmic Winter offers a thick and rich read. Its language is well done for the lay-person to grasp.
from a lecture I just found with Victor Clube:
...you discover from the dynamics of the material in space which I'm talking about that a huge comet must have settled in a Taurid orbit some 20,000 years ago, whose dense meteor stream for 10,000 years almost certainly produced the last Ice Age.
...The chance of a collision with Kronos, as with any other comet was, in fact, remote. And mankind settled into a Golden Age. But some time at perihelion, around 3,000 B.C., it is likely that Kronos ran very close to Venus and split, like Shoemaker-Levy. And a trail of new, dazzling comets circulated around the Taurid stream-evidently, for centuries. Somewhere in this array still was the Kronos remnant; less bright, perhaps. And a new leader, Zeus or Marduk, perhaps, much brighter, together with a new serpentine Milky Way, the home of chaos.
By 2,000 B.C., due to an orbital precession, things got worse, for the trail was now crossing the Earth's orbit and mayhem ensued. The Sumerian civilization came to an end under a barrage of Tunguskas, thunderbolts, all over a period of a couple of centuries and we were now in a sky of foreboding. Then passed another 2,500 years with Zeus in decline and Kronos already barely visible, while the latter's orbit precessed until we come to the next intersection with the Earth's orbit around 500 A.D. when mayhem again ensured. This time the Roman civilization collapsed and the dark age was in place.And it was Plato and the Christians, of course, with their knowledge acquired from the Magi who had predicted this "end of the world."
In the medieval society which then emerged, it was natural that they should first invoke the world of demons and foreboding. But eventually it seemed that the danger was passed, and by the twelfth century the Europeans were changing back to the Aristotelian picture of inspiration and supposed enlightenment. The Taurid and probably the Kronos remnant, are still there, of course.
Further...ringing true with your remarks of the times to follow.
From Clube's lecture
The new picture is one of punctuated peace. It is the picture, I would suggest, enunciated by both Spengler and Toynbee (not the world's most favorite historians nowadays), one in which new cultures emerged from chaos, with a shout, to become civilizations which then stagnate or decline, slowly. Only with a fresh cosmic crisis do they climb to new heights or collapse altogether, providing us with a new paradigm shift.
Frankly, as a student of the teachings of Adi Da, none of this should be of any matter to me, yet I find myself in the midst of this anyway. That is the curiosity for me.
Is it simply 'seeking'?...or am I being 'informed'?
To what end?
Yes, perhaps, if there are people to survive, then it is appropriately necessary for me to be basically prepared and capable of understanding what is occurring. But frankly, as I understand my existence, when time is up time is up and I will simply transition with an 'easy death' however it is to occur.
Yet, I feel a gratitude here, and it seems I need to know this kind of info. No I don't have lost time like and abductie and I don't ponder ET's much and I don't really care for so-called activism, but I sure as hell am having a weird ride these days with personal life correlations and numbers and other details I can't share. So, its all good, but nonetheless one has to see when their journey comes alive and subjects and themes flow in like a torrent(or is that a Taurid taurent!) lol.
Just a personal confession of what is occurring for me in this context. Not enough candor in these blogs.
One final link to a review of the book Cosmic Winter at Amazon.com. A very thorough comment from the first review summary.
More incoming..... AHHHHHHHHH!!!! hehe
Ion: Wow! I think you read my mind on that last comment, as I feel the same way.
Hope everyone is well, keep digging!
Dr. V
Wow - lots of stuff - AND - anytime I post something risk-i - I get a comp reboot... great.
Geee - where have we heard of this before?
Fort building 101:
...that is all.
Popped my head out the door two nights ago. Saw a green bolide come out of the NW moving SE. Second time in two years. Thought I'd throw it out there.
Thank You, Dr.VanNostren for your reply. How interesting.
I have to say as a caveat, that I am not a formal devotee of Adi DA or the Adidam community and wish to bring no grief to them through MY still egoic posture, as I reference him in my postings. But I have read enough published to all and understand at least on an intellectual scale and revere his gift to the world enough to show credit and gratitude.
That said, I should be rightly transcending even identifying with these details of this construct Matrix. Object oriented 'point of view'. Oh well, self persists.
Listening to Clay and Shawn Pickering interviewing with Kerry and Bill at Project Camleot, I was struck by the scope that some people are engaged. Likewise Capt. Sword too. Really mind blowing disclosure. Worth the three hours.
How are the reptilians or greys or tall whites etc in any way different than Horses?
What, are these really other than window dressing on a domain that is a perceptual appearance anyway. A phenomenal state. They talk about contact with 'a species' that is essentially hot rock. Heck I have been talking to rocks my whole life and met a few healers who do the same. lol Its ALL alive, so what would it matter what is appearing in a moment as an apparent individual of some other flavour?
Just the question of my day.
Sword's link: TKS (it says more than what it says)
My likes: In Lockheed Martin briefing charts, the mission has been dubbed "Plymouth Rock — An Early Human Asteroid Mission Using Orion."
Plymouth Rock means so much more...hmmmm.
the Small Bodies Assessment Group.
SBAG was established by NASA in 2008 to identify scientific priorities and opportunities for the exploration of asteroids, comets, interplanetary dust, small satellites and Trans-Neptunian Objects. The group also provides scientific input on the utility of asteroids and comets in support of human space activities.
Alright Sword, lets corral those ponies and herd them to L5!...for mining and 'ship' er 'vessel' making. YAaaa.
Specifically, Sykes said that he underscored the prospect that NEOs represent a location of resources that could have a profound impact on expanding sustainable human operations beyond low Earth orbit. They could be a well spring of water, he added, as well as useful for life support and radiation shielding.
Forget pop rivets, go internal and naturally camo'd. Learn to steer your sphere.
If so, asteroids may well act as a lynch pin for people living, working and populating space, Sykes suggested.
Ya! A lynch pin...again another bigger term meaning a lot more than what it appears.
Personal sighting of a Bolid eh Wayne?!
very cool,
Only have seen standard falling stars myself.
Yep things are getting crazy - aliens? - only see them come from the south...
More meteors please:
Have a happy turkey day.
Two sightings ion. Like they were meant for me. Visible for less than 15 seconds but long enough for it to sink in. :)
These were low when I saw them. Low enough to make you go wow!
Very cool to see and very green.
Wayne, I have seen several green ones as well. The one I remember most was on Christmas Eve, some time in the late 90s. I was at my sister's old house west of the St. Louis airport. Big family gathering, but I had to go out and move my car. Just when I looked up I saw a bright green one streak across the sky from east to west in a seemingly low and horizontal path. I had the feeling that was my little personal Christmas gift and thought, "that was cool, thank you!"
Ion, the correct speiling is "linchpin": a pin that goes through the end of an axle outside the wheel to keep the wheel from coming off [webster]
see also "kingpin" (and "kingbolt"),
and "thole" and "tholepin" (nautical)
(akin to Thule?)
see also "lynch"...
Cool Gort, I knew I wasn't alone. ;) The first one I saw was on a long and low trajectory. From S to N give or take a bit. What I think is interesting is the differing directions and the fact that they happen late in the year. Wish I knew more or had time to find it out. :|
Wow: chasing an image in Google, I stumbled on an old article by Hoagland and Bara from 1998(updated in 2000)?! Cool
Here's the image: Taurid Stream
And really while I missed all this way back then the title sure synchs with my latest free intuition.
The question is: What does John Glenn and a winged horse called Pegasus have to do with it?
ion-->much in there that still has relevance and good detail for the present.
Later in the article I did see this. ;) And of course, the star from which the signal was supposedly originating, EQ Pegasi, was in the constellation Pegasus. And Pegasus just happens to take its name from a sacred Egyptian spring which hosts the oldest known temple to -- Osiris. The legend of Pegasus also speaks of the winged horse as a vehicle of ascension to the stars -- literally giving its riders passage to a higher dimension and immortality.
Its mainly about cometary observation and a timely 'failure' of SOHO and a few mystical hyperdimensional ritual alignments kind of stuff mixed in with a dash of ET signal and blend of black ops hypercraft solutions.
So when something is said 'to be a torrid affair'...does that mean it is 'in-flamed'? (drum snare baboom) lol
ok ok no more fireball humour. oops sawry.
Bringing the whole meander back to a consideration of the central contributor to era's of bombardmen from a torrent of debris from the skies. One must think beyond just the 'zodiacal cloud'. Thinking about Hoagland's pointer to the Taurids, I found this WIKI line intriguing Sword.
the Taurids may also be responsible for the Star of Bethlehem. It has been suggested that in 1 AD, there were Taurid meteor showers due to the Encke tail encountering Earth and breaking up.
What comes around goes around eh Sword, and comes full circle to the 'Star of Bethlehem' story. ;)
I've seen a lot of orange "shooting stars", or meteor showers, but only a few green.
I'm pretty sure the one at my sister's house was the first green one I ever saw. That was on Christmas Eve. It was really distinct and awesome.
But now that I think about the other green one(s) I saw, I think the second one was from my house here in Columbia and seems to me it was also around Christmas, and may even have been Christmas Eve, but I'm not that sure about when it was.
It was not as slow or distinct as the first one.
I may have seen a third one, seems like just a quick glimse.
Don't remember the date or time of year.
It may be that different materials burn at different colors as they enter the atmosheric friction.
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