SFTG:SWORD is a pioneer in space based infantry combat.
That is: Infantry soldiers in space.
We handle rescue missions, sabotage, assaults, ship to ship combat, extravehicular tactics, planetary reconnaissance, etc, etc.

Suddenly – we have something afoot … in space – and I am shocked [not shocked] about how and why it is happening – and shocked [not shocked] to how it is completely NOT being talked about.

Now the soviets are in on it – as where the Chinese governments prior …
The interesting thing is how suppressed this action has been in the media this time around…
Now the devil is in the details…
I found this Google article reference [sorry no link to search] – not the actual article mind you - on Russian Space Web and I was surprised by the headline: “Arrow hits the target.”
Could it be confusion of names or a inside jibe of what really went down? The Russian military has a Strela – but it’s a shoulder mounted missile…nicknamed "Arrow'

A Russian journalist of this caliber who has wrote for many EU organizations couldn't get a nickname wrong... ...could he?
Now we get into some potatoes to go with that meat.
CBS reported a bland stock ho-hum&dumb cut/paste reponse you'll find just about everywhere buried on teh web:
“Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael Carey, deputy director of global operations with U.S. Strategic Command, the agency responsible for space surveillance, said initial radar tracking detected some 600 pieces of debris. He identified the Russian spacecraft as Cosmos 2251, a communications relay station launched in June 1993, and said the satellite is believed to have been non-operational for the past 10 years or so. Iridium Satellite LLC operates a constellation of some 66 satellites, along with orbital spares, to support satellite telephone operations around the world.” [My italics]

Heres more from another [lost link] site…
“The Russian satellite was out of control, said Mark Matney, an orbital debris scientist at Johnson Space Center in Houston.”
Out of control? [Sniff - bullshit -sniff]
For how long? It just managed to hit this satellite by accident? Folks – that’s like hitting a bullet with a bullet. Not impossible – by certainly not likely either... ...certianly from an out of control satilite!
Now heres something interesting from the Chinese media:
“MOSCOW, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- The collision between two satellites of the United States and Russia on Tuesday would be the result of a failure on the part of the U.S. Iridium satellite, an official of the Russian Defense Ministry told Xinhua Thursday.”
This is starting to sound like small claims court. He hit me – no you hit me.
It is interesting to see how major news organizations the world over respond to this sort of thing.
Especially the Russians…
…who don’t have links on there front pages either for this event.
Pravda & RIA Novosti
Now – lets ask a question.
Who was using the civilian based communications satellite?
From CNN:
“CNN is "one of the larger non-government users" of Iridium, said Arnie Christianson, operations manager for CNN Satellites and Transmission. "We do rely on it for communication in high-risk areas like Iraq, Afghanistan, and other remote locations," he said.

And whos ass is all over this disputed region reporting?
That’s right!
The crack squad of uber-professional news special forces - just ready to pounce and film anytime something goes boom or a body drops to the ground– complete with their own ready room with a newscaster with a bullet proof beard – aka “the wolf" ...just had there ass's handed to them - by the Russian military.
Now, I know what your thinking – ahhhhh swords gone off the deep end… …again…
But let me ask you another question… …have you read "Sun Tzu – The Art of War"?
A few key elements of war are to cut communications of the opposing force, and limit, if not completely restrict the movement of your enemy.
Russia – just proved – that they can do both in one fell swoop.
At this rate – any shuttle in space conducting peace or war time operations would be the equivalent of running the whole mission running through flack the size of tennis balls. Great.
Why would anyone especially, the russians do this? [Missile Sheild Deffense ... mabye?]
Space is the new highway – it’s the new battlefield.
Any nation that doesn’t have a space program can recognize that. Any nation that has had the initiative has been preparing for is since Von Braun started terrorizing Britain with his early version of death from above. Hell, the United States started this in the thirties – any everyone has been playing catch up ever since. Sure their have been some serious players – but – they all seemed to lose in the end.
So – now it’s down to doing the best you can with what you got. Ramming your satellites - or shooting your missiles - into somebody else’s satellites - create a disruption in communications and at the same time laying a virtual [and sometimes not virtual] minefield in an area you couldn’t dare hope to control anyway… …if you can’t use it – destroy it and/or abuse it.
Gentlemen, ladies – wars have started over far less…
Why the downplay?
Is the secrect space war escalateing to the point that it is starting to spread into mainstream media drip by drip? Is this secret space war going to come out in the open with the pending disclosure and revelations?
Next blog topic…
…its been like a month now – where’s all this hope and change? - where’s the "we choose to go to the moon speech?
Yes! We … errr … ahhh … can ... procrastinate?
1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»Time For International Regulations
Fri Feb 13 23:11:00 GMT 2009 by anonymous
PART 1 of 2:
The calculated collision velocity figure cited here by Lewis and colleagues between the satellites is virtually the same as I have derived. The energy of a direct hit impact they calculate is also in accord with what I calculate. But while debris from a direct collision between the two can easily be translated to create the 10,000 or so tennis-ball sized objects they suggest, it's potentially much worse than that - depending on what one uses to calculate a fragment size distribution (and this is difficult to ascertain not only because the satellites are composed of a wide range of materials of varying strength, but because nobody knows how "direct" the collision may have been): the number of 1-centimeter-sized objects resulting from the collision can easily approach 1 million.
Some important points are left unaddressed.
First, those two satellites were traveling in fairly circular orbits at a similar altitude: Iridium 33 was at 776 x 791 km, while Cosmos 2251 was at 767 x 803 km. They therefore they had similar orbital velocities (with respect to the earth) at the time of impact (each moving along at roughly 7.5 km per second.
Secondly, their orbital planes were near perpendicular to each other: in fact, their orbital planes were inclined to each other by around 100 degrees, making the impact slightly above that one would expect from a perpendicular strike between the two. In other words, they didn't strike each other with their full orbital velocities added together heading in opposite directions, but slightly closer to this most energetic scenario than the relatively slight contact velocity one would reckon from very similar orbital inclinations.
The disturbing aspect is this: each bit of debris will have experienced some velocity change with respect to its former orbital velocity with respect to the earth. Some pieces will have acquired additional orbital velocity and other pieces will have been robbed of it.
If the debris from the collision is modeled to expand away isotropically in all directions from the point of impact, we can assume that the resulting "clouds" can be characterized as expanding amorphous "clouds" that more or less follow along the orbital planes of each of the impacting satellites. The amazing thing is that there was PLENTY of energy available to "decelerate" a significant proportion of the debris to have already deorbited. Over the next months and years much more will reenter the atmosphere.
HOWEVER, it is MUCH more troubling is that a larger proportion of the debris will have been boosted either into slightly lower orbits, higher orbits or expanded into different orbital inclinations. This is NOT good news: that altitude is not only crowded by another 65 Iridium satellites, but by well over ten times that many satellites and boosters. Most troubling of all: some of that debris will "rain down" onto the orbital altitudes of spacecraft ranging from the ISS to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Fortunately, most of the delerated debris perigees (closest approach to earth) will occur over the Antarctic. But that doesn't mean this won't pose a potential danger.
Any strike by a 1 centimeter sized piece from this particular collision can destroy any of the satellites, or knock off more pieces from other hardware "junk" that is already up there. They can rupture fuel tanks and induce explosions. All of these could produce a great many MORE 1-centimeter sized debris.
Satellite operators with working equipment at these orbital altitudes should be emphatically warned of a significantly heightened risk of impacts. I calculate a 50% chance of at least two satellites experiencing a fatal strike over the next decade from this event alone.
Time For International Regulations
Fri Feb 13 23:15:00 GMT 2009 by anonymous
PART 2 of 2:
There is no way that any tracking facility will be able to monitor (let alone track) all the 1-centimeter sized fragments from this collision. But it is astonishing that neither the American or Russian governments saw this potential collision coming: Iridium 33 was a working communications satellite and had the ability, like its 65 other sister satellites, of altering its position. If they had been warned of a possibility of a collision with Cosmos 2251, they could and would have taken steps to avoid it. (BTW: BOTH the Iridium satellite AND the defunct military communications Cosmos 2251 were launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, in 1997 and 1993, respectively).
We are now faced with the daunting challenge of cleaning up our mess in low-Earth orbit: if we don't figure something out soon, we will imprison ourselves within a shield of danger that reminds me of the dumb cliche of sci-fi films, depicting heroes who are faced with traversing a crowded "asteroid belt". We are now upon the threshold of a new and totally avoidable era - a barrier - to our limitless prospects in space; we are ever more rapidly encasing ourselves within a "garbage sphere", and once that sphere reaches an equilibrium of debris, we'll be trapped for centuries.
That's no way to embark upon being a long-term spacefaring civilization. It's time for governments to work together to oversee and REGULATE the unbridled appetites of communications and military interests to launch satellites of meagre or undemonstrated value. Iridium, for example, has only a little over 300,000 paying customers - that's a pretty small number of folks to serve with a multi-billion dollar fleet of now 65 satellites. It's ridiculous!
and now for something completely different and from the Russian pov..
Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that a ‘shocked’ Russian leadership is struggling for an ‘appropriate’ response to the United States deliberate destruction of one of Russia’s most advanced surveillance satellites tasked with monitoring North Korea nuclear missile activity.
According to these reports, the US Air Force Space Command ordered a ‘sudden’ drop to the orbit of one of their Iridium communication satellites causing it to collide with, and destroy, the Russian Cosmos surveillance satellite operating over eastern Siberia.
Russian Military reports had previously stated that the Pentagon’s defacto purchase of the nearly bankrupt Iridium satellite network nearly a decade ago was intended exactly for this purpose of using these 66 satellites as ‘space weapons’ against Russian and Chinese surveillance satellites monitoring their Global activities.
I think it was June 6, 2000 when NASA dropped the hammer on their satellite "Compton" which employed the TDRS trianulated communications system including Chandra and Hubble. The Indian Ocean was cleared of all shipping so that Compton would have no obstacles (or is that witnesses??) in it's way.
And what happened to Comet 17P Holmes? It blows up and takes up as much space in the night sky to rival a full moon and occupies enough space to double the size of Jupiter and this from a snowball?
Your mission "SWORD" should you decide to accept it, is to monitor 10,000 tennis ball sized objects that have scattered randomly throughout space running different courses different speeds and various masses. Good luck Jim.
Well, thank you, thank you.
ME thinks the show is really on the other foot. But that is the best strategy...make it look like them and make it look like 'an accident' and at the same time address the problem of the others who 'have started their engines'...yet time and again have shown ill intent and deserve not to go space bound with ease. So a debris field makes a great shield to inhibit and obstruct...specially when you guys...are already up there.
SWORD M33 tells us a tale of It Is Starting Again.. and say amongst other fine details "SWORD has engaged in the new field of battle against the Russians "
As I recall Putin has been shown to be becoming more and more belligerent in recent times and I think maybe the truce is being 'tested' a little.
Think about it people....a satellite that can be easily moved and subsequently amongst a 'constellation' that includes 'spare orbitals' suddenly unknowingly gets an outstandingly rare direct hit from an apparently defunct Russian satellite?! I think NOT.
Since when do Nuclear anythings go defunct? Heck I think even ANIK1 and 2 are still up there working and that is really old shit.
So SWORD M33 tells us this tale and yet here is a satellite called Iridium 33 or aka I33. Get the signature? ...and what do ya know they have already 'replaced it with a spare and obviously drove the new one into place NO PROBLEM.
So I don't know maybe Putin was doing bad things like the old days as Sword told when they were trying their hardest to get serious bad ass weapons into space ie Scalar. OR maybe it was time to shut down the Opium boys Taliban TV.
Enough guessing but I feel more like the Russian satellite was removed with intent than the other way around.
...And the debris field serves to temper the Chinese and others from their exuberance to malevolence via space.
Like really.. we are tracking all kinds of debris and finding numerous NEO's with precision now.
Heck even the huge fireball over Spain last year was filmed and tracked and guess what? it was about a ton in weight/size not unlike said Russian satellite.
It should have been seen and tracked with ease.
from my post at F-Shod:
The Russian craft was being monitored by Pentagon organizations that keep track of space debris in order to prevent in-orbit collisions from damaging or destroying both commercial and government satellites. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Pentagon track more than 10,000 pieces of high-speed debris, some no larger than a football.
So..big WTF duh? (was BEING monitored)
further: Commercial satellites are “routinely repositioned to avoid potential collision with smaller pieces of debris,” said Mr. Farrar.
Routinely.....say it with me people, routinely...rou.tine.ly thats right.
Now Sword started with "It Is Starting All Over Again" end point...and then conveys "...and this time I had nothing to do with it."
...and I say sure of course. It is a Satellite...no infantry required...falls under different group of Space Command.
So, for the lurkers, back at F-Shod I posted from an article.
Since the Navy has a requirement more than twice as large as the current capability, the Department of Defense needs the capacity Iridium uniquely offers small unit operations in areas without satellite constellation coverage or during periods when various assets are being used in other contingencies. Special Forces operations, combat search and rescue activities and polar communications will also be enhanced. Iridium will provide a unique resource to enhance DoD mobile satellite communications requirements.
“Iridium will not only add to our existing capability, it will provide a commercial alternative to our purely military systems. This may enable real civil/military dual use, keep us closer to the leading edge technologically, and provide a real alternative for the future,” said Dave Oliver, principal deputy undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics).
What that really means is we are busy using our 'purely military system' somewhere else for something else and frankly "commercial alternative" means DISPOSABLE specially when the 'supplier' has SPARES that can ROUTINELY be repositioned.
Now if I ponder our dear ol NAVY for a moment, ya the ones who are now the big big renter of the Iridium Constellation, things really haven't changed from the good ol days of "ramming speed" as a good definitive method to terminate the enemy on the ocean of the times. Why I have even gone so far as to speculate on the idea of them working on learning how to 'move asteroidal bodies' around. Corral them for mining re-activate or de-activate a comet. Even Sword here has disclosed the intent to "push" asteroidal debris into the Sun when the storm comes our way.
Master that and voila! you have a new space version of the "cannonball" on a whole new scale. Go NAVY Go.
So excuse me if I don't jump to accept the Russian nuclear military satellite asset was the 'cause'.
cus after all it was being "monitored" by the Pentagon. ;)
....and in the end IT WAS ALL MILITARY both ways...nothing civilian in that I33 satellite Sword.
Perhaps everybody is trying hard to position themselves for the final hour? A last ditch effort to assert in order to recover the spoils after 'the dust settles' from THE FALL.
everything is about positioning.
and this story ends with: "But the odds of a direct hit between satellites were considered so small as to be basically unthinkable.
The ground-based and space-based reconnaissance tools available to the Pentagon generally were considered adequate to keep close track of larger objects."
Quoting from Ericswan's comment/repost:
"...This is NOT good news: that altitude is not only crowded by another 65 Iridium satellites, but by well over ten times that many satellites and boosters. ..."
Implylying that a "chain reaction" could cause peices of debris to hit other satellites and their pieces would hit still other satellites, etc...
it reminds me that President Obama had his second swearing-in in the White House "Map Room," which, from the late 1800s up until WWII was the White house "Billiards Room."
(see picture at very bottom of this page:)
See discussuion of the "masonic" swear ceremony here:
And the Billiards room was in the walk-out basement of the White House....
As above, so below...
And Sword, it looks like one of the debris fields passed over your neck of the woods, up Alaska way.
Images, Video, Interactive Tools Provide Insight into Satellite Collision
Sword: the article "Arrow hits target" by Anatoly Zak is on a sidebar on this page:
SWORD said:
Especially the Russians…
…who don’t have links on there front pages either for this event.
Pravda & RIA Novosti
rhw007 says:
Gee the story is NOT "front pages" of CNN, ABC, NBC, MSBC, or FOXNOISE either as of my lest 1/2 of my birthday Feb 15, 2009:
even CNN which whose satelite was "lost" or "stolen" doesn't have it as a "stroy" in the science or tech fields:
my favorite two MNBC shows:
don't have the story either.
So while the story isn't on the "front pages" of the Russian media, why do you they WOULD keep it there anymore than the MEANSTREAM MEDIA HAGIOGRAPHERS of the USA did not?
Just so the Bloggers here KNOW...the RUSSIANS DID carry the story though one of Sword's links was fracked to PRAVDA which I have been a "member" I guess since I am registered to read ALL stories they do AND be allowed to comment on them.
here are the Russian links
RIA Novosti
The Russian news stories are there.
Frankly SWORD you want change like I want change?
Obama must do what I said in this:
Pres Obama 2nd 10 YouTuber Eval
Sword, are you stroking the fires and beating the drums of war because you did NOT get your "meet n greet" (to which question you have still not answered) or...could it be that he told you folks your mission had changed and he wasn't signing on the bottom line?
If it's the latter...I should expect you to come up with some rationale that killing him would be "BEST" for the country in the same manner that the 9-11 and September 08 "Electronic" Economic RunDown where US captial was being withdrawn in a very big hurry all within a matter of hours. I suppose there are 19 Saudi "Hackers" who broke the highest security network and stole 650 BILLION dollars? And they were in constant "internet contact" with other to accomplish this.
No...these two events could NOT have been by ANY "bumblers", Saudi or American. These were done by the NWO Military/Industrial/Political Power Elite with the help in planning from right wing Republian Think Tanks.
We are now living in a continuing HAGIOGRAPHIC 'holoscope' MEANSTREAM MEDIA overseen by the CORPATISTS and EDUCATED ELITE.
We are sheep waiting and bleeting for slaughter...at least some of them out there are.
Because NO ONE of the "TPTB" or SOMEONE within is brave enough to bring enough evidence of the lies to bare in the proper medium.
Someone still needs to HiJack the Starship.
Bob...:D a smile just because it's my birthday and my heart is still beating.
Happy Birthday Bob. The fires are still burning.
Sword: My comments don't require and prob wouldn't get a reply.
Just call it a rhetorical spin because, the truth of an action like that would surely not be 'admitted' in this corner.
Love that, its almost Shakespearean comedic with its hallmarks.
66 satellites(33-33) and the one that just happened to be 'hit', just happened to be number 33. ;)
Interesting article about who owns Iridium LLC and the 66 bird communications satellite constellation:
according to wikipedia, the Russian word "Strela" (the name of the Kosmos-2251 Strela-2M satellite) means "arrow" in English.
Also note "Organisation" listed for Strela (satellite) in the sidebar box fot the above article is "VKS/GRU"
VKS = Russian Space Forces
GRU = Russian Military Intelligence
The Austin Fireball ;-)
"The U.S. Strategic Command said there was no connection to the sightings over Texas and Tuesday's collision of satellites from the U.S. and Russia."
Nuclear Submarines Collided in Atlantic ;-)
Thanks for the quick response and on topic disscussion.
Thats a change I CAN belive in...
BTW - links are imbeded and hidden - again...
The Wanderer said...
Mmmmm - anyone in touch with Sword the spaceman's circle relay a msg for me? His blog's all membery and I'm not a team player, but I wanted to ask him - re: orbital debris risks to spacecraft - would not a foo fighter filled with dense gas popped off in an opposing orbit to your debris open a little window innit by torching the mess poof? And could you not close that window behind your craft with chaff tailored to screw up your enemy's similar foo fighter gas bombs?
I'm no rocket scientist, so this could all be dead wack useless thinking, but seems to me a little manufactured atmosphere is the key to the rings-o-shrapnel problem more than armoured spacecraft are.
Anyway, if that made sense...Eric I think I followed you there (Sword's place) originally - praps you have a thought on this.
Fun blog anyway. I love space warrior stuff. James Blish where are you now?
Huh - Jeff Wells where are you now? Hopefully somewhere with a parasol drink and good sunsets.
2/16/2009 09:05:00 AM
Gort thanx for link to;
All tied up in a nice neat package that the US MILITARY must have HAD to let this collision take place. PERIOD.
In the SAME manner the US MILITARY MUST have been involved heavily with the "False Flag" event of "9-11". The PROOF out there is undeniable even to young military returning from Iraq tours and seeing the ineptitude of "Empire Building by Pentagon" 5 Stars and Military Industrial complex lobbyist and contractors. And KBR which is facing charges of manslaughter for RECKLESSLY wiring a SHOWER killing a US Soldier, they were rewarding again for ANOTHER "no-bid" contract for quess what?...you betcha PALIN ;) another wiring contract.
hypocracy would be funny if it wasn't so sad and costing the many lives for private monetary gains like the engineered "False Flag" event of Septembers "Electronic Exodus of a Run on the Banks".
I know I'm repeating much here to those who already know the brutal truths.
Trouble is SWORD keeps dodging my questions which again has my BULLSHIT meeter pegged to the max again.
Irridium looks like big brother's all seeing eye with contributing high tech (no pun intended) and highly placed directors including Tom Ridge and Buzzy Krongard and no small contribution by the Bin Laden family fortune. EMP weapons and control of automatic pilot systems from remote satellites in their constellation of 66 are not remote when you know who the players are in this corporate structure. http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a100201raytheon
maritime law to prevent incidents in space
by Michael Listner
Monday, February 16, 2009
Comments (5)
Five significant events during the past two years have helped bring the issue of space weapons and agreements limiting them or banning them to the forefront. The first event occurred on January 11, 2007 when the Chinese weather satellite Fengyun 1C was destroyed by a Chinese ASAT launched from a land-based ballistic missile. The action, which produced a large and potentially hazardous debris cloud that still remains in orbit, drew condemnation from the international community. While it is unclear why the Chinese performed this test (see “The Chinese ASAT enigma”, The Space Review, May 7, 2007) it demonstrated China now possesses a capability previously held only by the United States and Russia.
The second significant event occurred just over a year later, when on February 21, 2008, the United States demonstrated a similar capability by destroying the ailing USA-193 reconnaissance satellite after it failed shortly after launch. The destruction of USA-193 through a coordinated effort of several assets was announced well in advance of the effort through diplomatic and media sources. The announced intention of the intercept to prevent potential contamination of populated areas from its onboard fuel supply was seemingly altruistic and the destruction of the satellite posed little or no hazards to other objects in space, but it still drew the ire of several nations and critics alike.
The goal of a ban on “space weapons” is a laudable one; however, the obstacles for implementing a successful accord are numerous. The largest hurdle to overcome is to define what a “space weapon” is.
Following this, China launched Shenzhou-7 manned space flight on September 25, 2008. Among other feats, the mission featured the use of the BX-1 micro-satellite in relative proximity to the Shenzhou-7 spacecraft and within visual range of the International Space Station. The details surrounding the BX-1 are still coming to light, but there are questions to whether this may have been a test of a co-orbital space weapon considering the relative distance from the ISS or a demonstrator for satellite inspection technology. (See “China’s BX-1 micro satellite: a litmus test for space weaponization”, The Space Review, October 20, 2008.)
Enter 2009 and the January 14, 2009 article from Spaceflight Now discussing the United States’ announced capability of satellite inspection in geosynchronous orbit via the use of its two Mitex satellites and their subsequent orbital inspection of the failed DSP-23 missile warning satellite. (See “The ongoing saga of DSP Flight 23”, The Space Review, January 19, 2009.) The announcement of such a capability certainly did not go unnoticed and makes one wonder what prompted the public disclosure of such a capability if not to cause uneasiness amongst potential rivals of the United States. Regardless of the rationale for disclosure, this capability was doubtless seen by some as an escalation in an impending crisis in space.
Interestingly, not long after this capability was announced and with the beginning of a new administration in the United States, the White House went on record publicly as favoring a ban on weapons that would “interfere with military and communications satellites.” This stance on space weapons, among other deficiencies, is couched in vague terms that make it unclear what a “space weapon” is and it is unclear to what length the current administration will go to in banning “space weapons.”
Most significantly, on February 10, 2009, Iridium 33, a commercial communication satellite owned by Iridium Satellite LLC, collided with the purportedly derelict Russian Cosmos 2251 military communications satellite 800 kilometers over Siberia. While the loss of the Iridium 33 satellite was not crippling to the Iridium satellite phone network, the resulting collision did create a debris field that potentially could interfere with future space operations. The incident has resulted in finger-pointing between Russian and American space experts who each claim that the other should have been aware that such a collision was imminent, and while the collision did not impair a high-value asset, a similar collision or secondary collision from debris from this collision with a high-value asset such as a weather satellite or other another United States satellite or spacecraft could spark a serious international incident.
Of note, this incident occurred less than a month after the article concerning the United States’ geosynchronous inspection capability was announced and less than two weeks after the Obama administration pledged to seek a ban on weapons in space. While this is not saying that the February 10th incident was a deliberate or manufactured response, the timing of this incident is interesting, at least, given recent events.
Regardless of the nature of these incidents, they all invigorate the continued efforts by various countries and groups for a comprehensive ban on “space weapons.” The goal of a ban on “space weapons” is a laudable one; however, the obstacles for implementing a successful accord are numerous. The largest hurdle to overcome is to define what a “space weapon” is. The definition is not easy because technology developed for use in space could have applications for both non-military and military applications. These so-called dual-use technologies are a hindrance to effectively defining what constitutes a “space weapon.”
For example, the maneuvering and inspection technology demonstrated by the Mitex satellites has the legitimate purpose of inspecting United States space assets. However, since the satellites are funded under a military program, it could be argued that the same technology could form the basis of an ASAT weapons platform to interfere with satellites of other nations, if not to destroy them. The question is whether to assume the worst and brand Mitex and its technology as “space weaponry” or venture that the technology’s beneficial attributes outweigh the risk of its weapons potential and not ban it as a “space weapon.”
Taking this argument a step further, the United States and the Russian Federation field the two most widespread positioning, navigation, and timing satellite systems: GPS and Glosnass. Both satellite systems are funded by each of their countries’ respective militaries, yet millions of people utilize their services in everything from ocean navigation to personal locators in cell phones. However, this same technology is also used by the military for functions ranging from passive navigation to active targeting and guidance of munitions. The question is would a definition of “space weapon” be so broad that it would encompass GPS technology and therefore be banned or at the very least restricted, or do the benefits of this dual-use technology outweigh the risks of its weapons potential?
The more recent incident of the collision between the Russian Cosmos 2251 and the Iridium 33 muddies the waters even further. Considering that the collision of the two satellites resulted in the destruction of a functional satellite and created a debris field that may deny the use of space over certain areas and orbital planes, it could be argued that satellites themselves could potentially be used as ASATs and thus be classified as “space weapons” even if their original purpose and design have no direct or indirect military utility. The question is, would a definition of “space weapon” be so broad that it would preclude or restrict future satellite launches to reduce the number of potential “space weapons” in orbit, or does the benefit of having those future satellites in orbit outweigh the risks that they may be used as weapons?
Current international space law is vague on the subject and thus not helpful in the matter either. The closest the Outer Space Treaty comes to banning space weapons is Article V, which starts off talking about placement of weapons of mass destruction in orbit:
“States Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner.”
Article V continues in that:
“The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military maneuvers on celestial bodies shall be forbidden. The use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration of the Moon and other celestial bodies shall also not be prohibited.”
Nowhere is there a direct reference to the testing and placement of weapons other than weapons of mass destruction in orbit nor is there really a definition of a “weapon” other than nuclear devices in the Treaty. Of course, a broad interpretation of “weapon of mass destruction” could be made that considers any military spacecraft a “weapon of mass destruction” or that “peaceful purposes” excludes any military equipment or activity in space. However, without consensus on such a delineation on the definition of “weapon of mass destruction” or “peaceful purposes” these broad interpretations are unlikely to sway the major players in space.
Concurrent with the difficulties of defining “space weapon” is enforcing an agreement that bans them. Multilateral international treaties tend to lack of teeth for enforcement and abuse by parties for their own political means is possible. For example, a party to such an agreement could orbit a spacecraft that has a strictly benign purpose; but, another party to such an agreement could easily object solely for the purpose to stir controversy and for political gain by alleging that the spacecraft is a “space weapon” without offering any verifiable evidence. The accused party would be in the awkward position of trying to convince a world that has already been whipped into a media and political frenzy that its spacecraft is not a “space weapon” and that its use is strictly benign all the while the accusing party reaps the benefits of the seeds that it has sown.
This article is considerable with an interesting pic of satellites involved in the recent crash and burn.
The consequences of this specific event are a foregone conclusion. This is escalation not coincidental happenstance.
Why even the "Yellow Devil" in for it - heavy like.
Its the new flak...
Rob - I'll answer your questions now. Please repeat them.
as you can tell - I have been a little busy...
Sword, here is the picture again from "nuestroclima" link above, only this time from the original source: Agencia Espacial Europea /
European Space Agency (ESA).
At the top of the page "Space debris: assessing the risk" with a picture of a solar panel from the Hubble that has taken a hit.
At the bottom of the page:
"Deadly objects in the 1- to 10- cm range"
This image shows the results of a lab test impact between a small sphere of aluminum travelling at approximately 6.8 km per sec and a block of aluminum 18 cm thick. This test simulates what can happen when a small space debris object hits a spacecraft.
Al sphere diameter: 1.2-cm
Al sphere mass: about 1.7 g
Impact crater diameter: 9.0 cm
Impact crater depth: 5.3 cm
In such an impact, the pressure and temperature can exceed those found at the centre of the Earth e.g. greater than 365 GPa and more than 6,000 K.
Credits: European Space Agency, ESA
[end quote]
It is intersting how the opposite side of the block of aluminum bulged out.
I once saw the aftermath of a collision between an autombile and a
6 feet (approx. 2 meter) diameter granite boulder in a traffic circle in Kansas City, MO. (Needless to say, "alcohol was involved" LOL)
Fortunately the driver escaped uninjured (he ran off before the cops got there).
But my point was the impact of the car hitting the boulder caused a small chunk of granite to break off the opposite side of the boulder.
In fact the piece that broke off may be in a box in my basement.
Not being hit by 1.2 cm diameter pellet at 6.8 km per second:
There was some fun $h!t in texas:
Interestingly enough - and I will bring this up latter - more and more and more we are seeing video of metorite "hits"... ...forshadowing?
Jim McCanney has been talking about comet Lulin and it's effects on Earth every week for a month...pay attention.....
February 17 2009
Global Meteor Fireball ‘Storm’ Blamed For British-French Nuclear Sub Collision
By: Sorcha Faal,
An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today written by Russian space expert Igor Lisov is stating that our World is in danger of having a ‘catastrophic’ earthquake within the fortnight due to a ‘major gravitational anomaly’ now occurring in our Solar System out past the orbit of the Planet Jupiter he says is being caused by the mysterious newly discovered Comet Lulin and which this reports states is ‘steering’ tens of thousands of the Leonid space debris field into our Earth’s path causing Meteor Fireball reports to occur all around the Globe these past few weeks.
Dr. Scientist Lisov further states in his report that the Meteor Fireball reported over Sweden, and reported to have crashed into the Northern Atlantic, could ‘very likely’ have been responsible for the January, 2009 collision of a British Nuclear Submarine with a French Nuclear Submarine operating in that region due to the ‘enormous gravity distortion’ caused by its entry into our Earth’s atmosphere and rendering these submarines unable to determine their location.
To the collision of these Western Powers nuclear submarines we can read:
“Nuclear submarines from Britain and France collided deep in the Atlantic Ocean this month, authorities said Monday in the first acknowledgment of a highly unusual accident that one expert called the gravest in nearly a decade.
Officials said the low-speed crash did not damage the vessels' nuclear reactors or missiles or cause radiation to leak. But anti-nuclear groups said it was still a frightening reminder of the risks posed by submarines prowling the oceans powered by radioactive material and bristling with nuclear weapons.
The first public indication of a mishap came when France reported in a little-noticed Feb. 6 statement that one of its submarine had struck a submerged object — perhaps a shipping container. But confirmation of the accident only came after British media reported it.”
To the January, 2009 Meteor Fireball reported over Sweden we can further read:
“A huge fireball streaked across the southwestern skies of Sweden early Saturday evening. Gothenburg (or Göteborg) SOS and air rescue service was inundated with reports of a fireball in the sky around 8pm Saturday Jan 17th.”
Other recent reports of these Meteor Fireballs raining down upon our Planet have come from Central Texas, Kentucky, Canada and Italy.
Of this mysterious new Comet Lulin we can read as reported by NASA in their February 4, 2009 report titled “Green Comet Approaches Earth”, and which says:
“Comet Lulin, named after the observatory in Taiwan where the discovery-photo was taken, is now approaching Earth. "It is a green beauty that could become visible to the naked eye any day now,"
The comet makes its closest approach to Earth (0.41 AU) on Feb. 24, 2009. Current estimates peg the maximum brightness at 4th or 5th magnitude, which means dark country skies would be required to see it. No one can say for sure, however, because this appears to be Lulin's first visit to the inner solar system and its first exposure to intense sunlight. Surprises are possible.
Lulin's green color comes from the gases that make up its Jupiter-sized atmosphere. Jets spewing from the comet's nucleus contain cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2). Both substances glow green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space”.
To Dr. Scientist Lisov’s greatest concern, however, that he voices in his reports, is that not just to the pieces of the Leonid space debris field being ‘pushed’ into our Planet, but that ‘pieces’ of this new Green Comet are hitting us also, and which seem to be supported by witness reports, and some of which we can read:
Location: near Mt. Vernon, Kentucky
Connie Thompson: "Just to give you an update on the green light in the sky last night shortly after 10:00 I was driving home along US150 E just out of Mt. Vernon (in Rockcastle County), when the world appeared to explode - in green. For 2-3 seconds the entire night sky was lit up with a strange green light. My first thought was any minute now, I'll see a mushroom cloud, but then I thought that is ridiculous. I kept telling my self that it was just lightening, but I have never seen green lightening. I didn't feel the earth shake, however that just happened to be the song playing on the radio at the time (haha). Please do keep us informed about what caused this strange event. "
Location: Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky
Daniel Graves, a space science major at MSU: "I was in Morehead at the time of the fireball, we were actually making observations of a distant AGN with our 21m radio telescope, and I had just stepped outside to check on cloud cover in the direction we were observing; clouds can attenuate the radio signal slightly, so we have to know where it is and compensate for it. When I saw the fireball I instantly assumed that it was debris. I've seen other satellite debris before (last years ASAT test in February). The coloring and sound matched nearly dead on. The fireball took about 7 seconds to cross the sky, rather slow compared to other things I've seen. It was definitely ablating material; it looked like a burning bright-white magnesium filament."
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Bill Meck, WLEX-TV Chief Meteorologist: "About 10:00 est Friday night we began to receive several calls from people throughout central and eastern Kentucky of a loud boom which was strong enough to shake houses over an area about 30 miles wide centered near London Kentucky. What appeared to be either a fireball or a piece of satellite debris was seen as a blue/green streak across the sky from as far north as Paris and Lexington Kentucky…about 70 miles from London. An Emergency Manager in the area said the FAA confirmed it was satellite debris…but would like to have better confirmation. The reports also say it was on a more vertical trajectory compared to the normal 'shooting star.'"
Location: Mayking, Kentucky
Candace Philpot: "Tonight, about 10:15 p.m., my son and I saw a blueish-green fireball in the sky. My husband said that it was probably just a shooting star, but it looked very different and did not shoot across the sky, rather it fell from the sky. It landed someone over our neighbor's home, probably somewhere up in the woods. We dismissed it after a few minutes of conversation, but this was definitely something to see. It was large and blueish-green; looked similar to a comet."
Virtually unknown to the masses of people around the World are that Comets remain nearly unknown to modern scientists, and recent warnings show even more concerns are being raised about them, and as we can read as reported by Britain’s Telegraph News Service in their report titled “Unseen dark comets 'could pose deadly threat to earth'”, and which says:
“Unseen "dark" comets could pose a deadly threat to earth, astronomers have warned. The comets, of which there could be thousands, are not currently monitored by observatories and space agencies. Most comets and asteroids are monitored in case they start to travel towards earth.
But Bill Napier, from Cardiff University, said that many could be going by unnoticed. "There is a case to be made that dark, dormant comets are a significant but largely unseen hazard," he said
Scientists estimate that there should be around 3,000 comets in the solar system, but only 25 have so far been identified. "Dark" comets happen when the water on their surface has evaporated, causing them to reflect less light.
Astronomers have previously spotted comets heading towards earth just days before they passed. In 1983 a comet called IRAS-Araki-Alcock passed at a distance of just 5 million kilometres, the closest of any comet for 200 years, but it was noticed just a fortnight beforehand.”
But, to our greatest interest in this report is its providing further evidence supporting the ancient legends of these Comet ‘gods’ return and the havoc they will wreck upon our Earth, and as we have exampled many times, including our May 3, 2006 report “Comet Nearing Earth Fuels Pandemic Fears Of Russian Scientists As United States Nears Civil War” and which now, three years later, is showing its prophetic power as the US nears its final collapse.
© February 17, 2009
Well well, it does seem the story is so very complex isn't it Sword?
A little link chasing, and man the Russian have been busy with launches etc.
Many openly declared Military or classified. Right up to Dec08 lots going on.
You made a number of good points re: Wars being started for much less and the race is on. Your hints about the termination of satellites is becoming clearer to understand. TKS. The real-estate up there is getting scarce and the infighting over who gets what orbit track is a little more obvious to me now.
Case in point your examples of the shoot downs as sabre rattling.
The bi-line Arrow hits the Target while a typical play on the word theme is also telling and probably specifically chosen with the use of the term "Target".
Now, surfing along the Blog thread its amazing how dots connect and things pop up.
a few notes:
Russia discussed various issues related to the development and use of GLONASS in parallel with American GPS and European Galileo systems. According to the head of Federal Space Agency, Anatoly Perminov, in December 2004 Russia and the US discussed the ways of preventing the use of satellite navigation systems by terrorists.
Uh huh ok that sounds Very interesting.
But you know, it does seem everyone is racing into the satellite "business" or at least want eyes in the skies and maybe a few other talents overhead.
Take the Russian for example with their development of the GLONASS-M constellation of satellites. I think the working end result will be about 18 with a few 'spares' too ...and heck they are launching trios of them at a time. Three satellites in one launch...now that is 'racing'.
The Russian too, are contracting their units for dual purpose, for former Military and civilian use...and without the 'downgraded' abilities.
example: Former spysat enters Earth-watching business
The Resurs-DK, developed by TsSKB Progress in the city of Samara, in cooperation with NPP OPTEKS, OAO Krasnogorskiy Zavod, NII TP and NTs OMZ, became one of at least three spacecraft developed in the former USSR in the decade of 2000, designed to provide imagery of the Earth surface for the civilian use. It would be the first Russian civilian satellite with the capability to provide imagery around one meter in resolution. The design of the Resurs-DK apparently closely based on the Neman reconnaissance spacecraft used by the Russian military. According to Roskosmos, the Resurs-DK had the ability to take advantage of the GLONASS satellite network for its navigation.
So Sword, as you told before, some of this becomes tit for tat and who knows who 'started it'...{bad kids}.
Now I would wonder if the 'arrow hits the target' and perhaps it was the Russians crashing the retired non nuclear satellite then other than competition for orbital space was there maybe something else that kind of pissed them off? hmmm
Mentioning Northern Siberia surely tweeks everybody knowing now about secret bases and unlisted cities and more than a few other tales that have leaked out of things way up north.
But what too popped up for me, was the nation's northern Cosmodrome in Plesetsk
fyi for lurkers:
The origin of Plesetsk facility
The Cold War entered a new phase in 1957, when, for the first time, the USSR could target the US territory with nuclear-tipped missiles. As Soviet designers were still testing the R-7 missile in Tyuratam, the military had already started looking for places to deploy the new weapon. The shortest path for missile attack against North American continent extended across the Arctic Ocean. It was clear that the launch pads had to be placed as far north as possible for the maximum use of the missiles' flight range. At the same time, the future launch sites had to be accessible by railroad, (the only way of transporting R-7 stages), while being remote enough to maintain maximum secrecy. A search team of the Ministry of Defense chose the village of Plesetsk in Archangel Region, 800 km north of Moscow (62.8° Northern latitude, 40.1° Eastern magnitude) as the location of the first operational base for the R-7 missile.
It is a very active place in the north and I propose perhaps a place they might not like CNN or the Navy looking down on at free will.
Most recently: Russia launches military satellite
Published: 2008 Dec. 2
Russian military launched a military payload from the nation's northern launch site, the official media reported. The Molniya-M rocket lifted off from Plesetsk Cosmodrome on Dec. 2, 2008, at 08:00 Moscow Time. The classified payload received an official name Kosmos-2446. A Western radar detected the satellite in the 518 by 39,048-kilometer orbit with the inclination 62.835 degrees toward the Equator. The spacecraft is believed to be an Oko early-warning satellite.
I could see Russia's motive to clear an old satellite out to make room for their own new constellation GLONASS-M while at the same time removing 'a target' with 'an arrow' from its quiver.......and here is the kicker as well as a missile defense shield...a road blockade to clear the other competing satellites from their believed 'sovereign' space.
supportive of that was a reference I found to: The Reflector Experiment developed by NII KP design bureau and designed to monitor "space junk."
The MeanGreen Comet(Machine)!
"In 1910, many people panicked when astronomers revealed Earth would pass through the cyanogen-rich tail of Comet Halley. False alarm: The wispy tail of the comet couldn't penetrate Earth's dense atmosphere; even it if had penetrated, there wasn't enough cyanogen to cause real trouble. Comet Lulin will cause even less trouble than Halley did. At closest approach in late February, Lulin will stop 38 million miles short of Earth, utterly harmless." ;-)
The morning of 2/24/2009
Man - talk about pokeing the honets nest - this subject brought up alot of conversation!
Thanks to all for the additional input and gentle corrections [gort]...
...it was a hastly written blogg [most are now-a-days].
I appreciate the input!
Keep digging yar salty dawgs!
Hey Mean..there is more to comets than meets the eye.
From the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
JP 1-02 pg. A-139 (.pdf pg 750)
"SWORD [=] submarine warfare operations research division"
So is the "Yellow Devil" a yellow submarine?
And why would it be in danger from space debris?
repeat since you are "busy":
Sword, are you stroking the fires and beating the drums of war because you did NOT get your "meet n greet" (to which question you have still not answered) or...could it be that he told you folks your mission had changed and he wasn't signing on the bottom line?
If it's the latter...I should expect you to come up with some rationale that killing him would be "BEST" for the country in the same manner that the 9-11 and September 08 "Electronic" Economic RunDown where US captial was being withdrawn in a very big hurry all within a matter of hours. I suppose there are 19 Saudi "Hackers" who broke the highest security network and stole 650 BILLION dollars?
My bullshit meeter remains pegged full out.
tried your email on the right and got an invalid email reply and wants to become a member here.
just passing on the request.
Experts ponder space junk problem
By VERONIKA OLEKSYN Associated Press
Feb. 19, 2009, 9:15AM
Print Email Del.icio.usDiggTechnoratiYahoo! BuzzVIENNA — Think of it as a galactic garbage dump.
With a recent satellite collision still fresh on minds, participants at a meeting in the Austrian capital this week are discussing ways to deal with space debris — junk that is clogging up the orbit around the Earth.
Some suggest a cosmic cleanup is the way to go. Others say time, energy and funds are better spent on minimizing the likelihood of future crashes by improving information sharing.
The informal discussions on the sidelines of a meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which began Feb. 9 and ends Friday, arose from concern about the collision of a derelict Russian spacecraft and a working U.S. Iridium commercial satellite.
The Feb. 10 incident, which is still under investigation, generated space junk that could circle the Earth and threaten other satellites for the next 10,000 years; it added to the already worrying amount of debris surrounding the planet.
Nicholas L. Johnson, NASA’s chief scientist for orbital debris, said about 19,000 objects are present in the low and high orbit around the Earth — including about 900 satellites, but much of it is just plain junk.
He estimated that included in the 19,000 count are about a thousand objects larger than 10 centimeters (4 inches) that were created by last week’s satellite collision, in addition to many smaller ones. He predicted that if more junk accumulates, the likelihood of similar collisions — currently very rare — will increase by 2050.
To Johnson, the “true solution” in the long run is to go get the junk — or push it away to a higher altitude before it has time to crash into anything.
“Today’s environment is all right but the environment is going to get worse, therefore I need to start thinking about the future and how can I clean up sometime in the future,” he said.
Johnson is the co-lead of an International Academy of Astronautics study that is exploring ways of extracting space debris from Earth orbit.
Some of the suggestions sound pretty spaced out.
One proposes attaching balloons to pieces of debris to increase their atmospheric drag and bring them back to Earth faster. Another, said Johnson, foresees attaching a 10-mile (16-kilometer) electrodynamic tether to debris that would generate a current, which then could be controlled from the ground enabling technicians to bring it down.
Many scientists are skeptical about the possibility of a cleanup.
Richard Crowther, the chief British delegate to the meeting, suggested extracting debris from space was costly and risked causing more collisions or explosions that, in turn, would generate more debris.
Crowther, an expert on space debris and so-called Near Earth Objects, suggested it was important to improve information-sharing about the location of objects in orbit to minimize future crashes since each collision creates more debris, further congesting Earth orbit.
“The information to a large extent is out there, but the owners of the data tend to keep the information to themselves,” Crowther said, acknowledging that the U.S. has been “very good” about making its data publicly available.
To Brian Weeden, technical consultant at the nonprofit Secure World Foundation, the ideal scenario would involve the creation of a global network that would funnel data on the whereabouts of space debris into a clearing house for all.
“The vision we have is a network where a number of different countries — each of which has a sensor or radar — contributes data from that sensor or radar to a central location,” Weeden said.
The European Space Agency has begun a program that goes part way toward meeting that goal by monitoring space debris and setting up uniform standards to prevent future collisions far above the planet.
Launched in January, the 50 million euro ($64 million) program — dubbed Space Situational Awareness — aims to increase information for scientists on the ground about the estimated 13,000 satellites and other man-made bodies orbiting the planet.
But a worldwide system is unlikely to be created any time soon. While the U.S., France and others have expressed informal interest, no state has pledged official support, Weeden said
Irridium is some piece of work. Their "system" was used in the global guardian red vs. blue team during 911. That would be the scenario where one team posed as terrorists and attack the WTC and the Pentagon at the exact same time that these attakkks took place.
Enough "novels" please... ...post links as ann alternitive...
Rob - are you talking about my email link on the right?
Rob said:
Sword, are you stroking the fires and beating the drums of war because you did NOT get your "meet n greet"
I would indeed state that I am NOT stoking the fire o' war. as I stated to my men once before - Its much better to train for combat than to be in combat. My first techings of combat training went down like this:
Alrigth solider - point a finger at me and tell me you wish to fight me.
I wish to fight you...
You do! I then promptly ran up the stairs and around the houseing block to prove a point...
...and no - it wasn't that we were to be cowards - either...
...avoiding fighting is much better than fighting.
Another part of our "goal" is to be so feared that simply wishpering our name would make our enemies throw down there weapons and sue for peace.
That takes work.
The meet n' greet.
I was not there.
I wanted to be - but it is unprescidented that a "younger brother" would be part of this breifing. I asked and got no reply.
I am pretty certain that it has happended.
In the news confferance in Canada, the CIC reaffired ties with canada - specifically mentioning teh co-op with NORAD...
Rob Said:
could it be that he told you folks your mission had changed and he wasn't signing on the bottom line?
Our mission hasn't changed.
he COULD refuse to sign the document of our legitimacy - but he would be the first to do so. Considering SWORD's long ties to the federal goverment - and our long history of indipendant militia with a looong history of honorable and silent history of service - I see no reason why he would.
IF - IF - he denied us legitamacy under constitutional law - he wouldn't be able to call on us - nor - would we be able to serve him at his request.
SWORD would still be indipendant as ever - still doing what we needed to do.
Rob said:
If it's the latter...I should expect you to come up with some rationale that killing him would be "BEST" for the country in the same manner that the 9-11 and September 08 "Electronic" Economic RunDown where US captial was being withdrawn in a very big hurry all within a matter of hours.
I have NO IDEA where you would get that rational from. In fact - launguge like that is more than likely to get US noticed far more in a negitive light than anything else around here.
Never have I said that any of those three senerios you have worked up would be "best" for the country.
What are you thinking?
Eric, do you have a link for that Irridium/ global guardian red vs. blue teams on 911 thingy?
Not that i don't believe you, but just want to see where that is coming from. :)
Also, seems like as the debris clouds from these two high-angle-to-the-equator-orbits former satellites make their way around the globe, there would maybe be a safe hole near the north and south pole, repsectively. If so, that might give an advantage to space powers that have launch facilities near the arctic or antarctic circle.
Just a thought...
Hey Sword..links don't last forever. Gort email me and I will send you something I got in the mail in 2007.
McCanney is talking about Lulin at his radio site click on Feb. 19 for his latest foray into the subject. I'm listening to it now and wonder whether he will comment on crashing submarines. I know he feels volcanoes etc. will be erupting on earth due to an allignment with the comet.
http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/index.html check out Feb. 15th correspondence.
Sword, Doesn't HHMSS denote you serve beyond a CIC or President?
Does this not suggest service to Monarchy at the highest level?
HHMSS Sword said...
Enough "novels" please... ...post links as ann alternitive...
Rob - are you talking about my email link on the right?
Like duh...yeah...
Has been dying to get in on the conversations here. Asked me to pass on two links to ya:
Shades of DUNE..."Golden Path" and the Gom-Jabar test for the "Kwisatz Haderach" which first must prove it's humanity over it's inner beastiality.
Second link he wanted to pass on:
Large Glowing Ball-Vanishes
and no 'comet-rain' remains on the ground or thier heads?
Lets' see what else before moving onto the next heartbeat.
IonTruO2 said...
Sword, Doesn't HHMSS denote you serve beyond a CIC or President?
Does this not suggest service to Monarchy at the highest level?
Good POINT !!! worth repeating.
ericswan said...
Hey Sword..links don't last forever. Gort email me and I will send you something I got in the mail in 2007.
rhw007 could you make a forward to me also please ? Thanx in advance. As SWORD seems to think I am stuck in the hagiographic meme that 9-11 was done by 19 Suadis connected to the BinLaben Family living Afghanistan and running the Taliban.
Couldn't be further from the brutal truth in the same way that the "Lone Gunman Theory" is just another MeanStream Media hagiographic meme that thier corporatists, politicians, think tanks, intelligence, military, and economic power elite want the sheeple to believe. "We" wouldn't pull a militray coup by assassination of a popular President, or "WE" wouldn't pull of the greatest attack on the homeland since Pearl Harbor despite that was the consensus of the New American Century group in 1998.
Our mission hasn't changed.
he COULD refuse to sign the document of our legitimacy - but he would be the first to do so. Considering SWORD's long ties to the federal goverment - and our long history of indipendant militia with a looong history of honorable and silent history of service - I see no reason why he would.
IF - IF - he denied us legitamacy under constitutional law - he wouldn't be able to call on us - nor - would we be able to serve him at his request.
SWORD would still be indipendant as ever - still doing what we needed to do.
Just WHAT is it that you would still "do" because what ever "it" is YOU decide it needs doing?
Do ANY other Earthlings get a say in the decision? Or even KNOW what's coming besides what on the Hollywood-DOD fast-track "meme" they have going along with so far?
btw...sign the guy the frack up and do YOUR job, simply to be a proper adminstrator, and answer your emails for OTHER people to participate. Seems if you can't keep track of one anxious blogger to join the conversation, and if you ARE supposed to quard us against "in-coming space debris" you SWORD folks have missed a few of those too lately.
Didn't mean to sound "harsh" but again I have a finite number of heart beats and my bullshit meter remains pegged out against our proper "survival path" being set forth to get through what is coming well before December 2012.
Bob...:D there a :)
Ok ok doing my homework... I realize your counterparts in Britain are GHOST but I can't resolve the insignia HHMSS.
His Holy Majesty Secret Service?
Any way its notable you are U.S, based yet multinational in the larger scope.
The Thundering Heard knows no limits.
...as they are, the "6th ID" - the unit known in whispered lore as... ...
...Special Forces Task Group : SWORD
Remember Robert, the dialogue from THE WORKS 2008-07-10
The Fall is the great cleanser as well as the great 'equalizer'. Sword spelled out some good specifics in your conversation with him there.
ie: Sword's final comment to you in that lengthy piece. Be at peace my brother - for once in your life - be at peace.
I say, this is the storm before the calm. A new age is upon us all....for better. The snapshot of today is not the full picture.
If 'common sense' is someone's moto, then lets actually use it and stop with the ridiculous vitriol and rhetoric.
We don't want this conduit closed...
Iraq's Ancient Treasures Lost and Found
"this time I didn't have anything to do with it."
eh, Sword?
Alright, I'm in!!! Big thanks to Robert for your efforts to get me involved here, I owe you big time; and SWORD, thank you for the invite.
Wow, where to begin. I've been a lurker for a while, and decided I wanted to join the blog; to converse with like minded individuals. All of you have provided great insight and helped me to expand my mind, so I thank you all.
It seems as of late, there have been many "fireball" or meteors falling all around the globe. SWORD, does this give more verification to what Ed Grimsley www.edgrimsley.com has been seeing for a while? Space wars, perhaps debris falling onto the Tierra? Also, if you could provide your thoughts on Coopers's "Behold A Pale Horse", I would appreciate it.
I too like Ion have been perplexed with the "HHMSS". I would hope the service wouldn't be to RATzinger or Kolvenbach, or any other religious leader for that matter; as your work should be in service to HUMANKIND.
Is SWORD going to get and up close and personal with Lulin? http://www.spaceweather.com/comets/gallery_lulin_page9.htm?PHPSESSID=4hm9dtn75npv4eh89ro7sd2lm3 ? If so, please take some pics of that green monster.
Anyway, hope to contribute in anyway I can. Again, thank you for having me here, It means a lot to me.
Welcome FINALLY to Dr.VanNostren and also a BIG thanx to the two links.
IonTro2 said:
If 'common sense' is someone's moto, then lets actually use it and stop with the ridiculous vitriol and rhetoric.
We don't want this conduit closed...
HEY...I later posted TWO smilies to take the edge off...if SWORD'S ego is so fragile he can't stand LEGITIMATE comment on his work as a blog moderator assleep on the job, and can't handle some honest Brutal Truth Questions about the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of SWORD and what IS their "mission".
You also made pretty good guess at:
His Holy Majesty Secret Service?
but I think it is:
HER HOLY Majesty Secret Service...Queen of England whose Royal Bank of Scotland STILL is where our Social Security funds are, as much of other FRB credits...the debts...those China is holding and is being wooed to hold ever more on an escalating scale of Empire Stabilization of the bases we have around the planet.
And as our newest member points out...this mission SHOULD be for ALL of HUMANITY to get through this 2012 doopsy-do with electrical shift, and possible pole shift, followed by continental shelf shift over the mantle, not to mention the hordes of "incoming" from Niburu that SWORD is supposed to be warding off in his BGRS. WTF is a BGR anyhooo...I must have missed the point where that was explained...my boo-boo I admit.
Again...is this 'conduit' is closed because of one blogger's honest critism then it wasn't very "important" in the scheme of "Disclsoure" that continues around us in MeanStream Media and the HollyWood/DOD love fest of 2012...how much more "Disclosure" about the coming catastrophe do you need than that movie?
LOL...I live heartbeat to heartbeat always at peace and not even taking for granted I will finish this post.
My Common Sense Politcs
Ps Thanx Eric
Welcome, Dr. Van Nostren.
I don't know what Sword is really up to, but we can use the extra insight/intuition/curiosity to help try to figure it all out.
Festivus for the rest of us!
(I too am a big fan of Seinfeld.)
From a privious blog:
Gort said...
Then there is this video of dueling BGRs
2008-12-20 8.55.MD
BGRs are Big Giant Robots...
like "Cleatus" from Fox NFL football, and "Gort" from "The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)"
Well, not really like those characters, but really big, none the less...
When all is in utter chaos and totally out of any semblance of control, then the Yakuza (who have been doing our weather engineering since 1990 -- how did you like their success with Katrina, or with the recent blizzards and ice storms across this nation?), will be released to carry out a pledge they made long ago. They consider themselves the last of the samurai, and that the greatest shame ever to Japan was its defeat in WW II and particularly the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan by the U.S. In their code, the only way this "greatest shame" can be erased is to kill every living American man, woman, child and baby in the United States -- or commit honorable hara-kiri by killing themselves. They have chose the former approach.
Consequently, upon release by the FSB (the old Russian KGB), the Yakuza will adjust their longitudinal EM wave interferometers to a wider interference zone (say, 50 miles by 50 miles) and introduce "Dirac Tickling" in that interference zone to produce substantial negative energy in that region. This starts "unhappening" many of the vital life process in that "tickled" interference zone. Everything living -- humans, rats, cats, dogs, horses, cattle, even many bacteria and germs -- will instantly die in that zone. Essentially NOTHING will be left living. (The Russians tested a small version of this "SCOURGE" weapon in Afghanistan, on two villages, and everybody died instantly, with even the decay bacteria in their bodies dead. They did not decay in the 60 days it took the Afghan rebels to refight their way back into the villages. Also, the bodies continued to emit longitudinal EM wave radiation, so that any predator approaching it was affected and sickened -- and fled. So even the predators avoided those bodies. I spent two hours in Washington DC with the representative of the then-Freedom Fighter Afghans, going over those two village incidents, the exact characteristics of the kill, the bodies, etc.)
Anyway, the Yakuza will be released to use the SCOURGE weapon, and they will activate several and then just slowly sweep the landscape of the United States and parts of Canada and Mexico. And that will fulfill their solemn oath: it will kill every living American man, woman, child, and baby in American (Alaska will also get the SCOURGE treatment).
there is more at the link..we don't want to write a book blog do we?
Well Eric,
At least we can go to the rest of the link...now...but as you say and I KNOW since it's my primary mission to log the pages I come across that are intersting and in danger of being removed by Big Government Robbers ( thanx for link and explanation Gort :) ).
There's a currency war going on right now all "behind the scenes" stuff and I think we will see SOME Natinalization of some of our banks here in the US.
the NWO and the 300-400 families who own 95-97 % of the World's Wealth are setting out the rules for what is to come next. At least for Western Nations. I think Russia, China and Japan along with others may want to do something different than the owners of the FRB want to do.
I hope they succeed. the OWNERS of the FRB should be allowed to go bankrupt and we open a NEW FRB and a NEW IMF/WorldBank with co-operation for Russia, China, India, Japan, Canada, Venezuala, Brazil, and others with the US that reigns in the "greed" part of the banking industry. Again it is what is best for ALL of HUMANITY that we should be concerned with...not the power elite.
great ViewPoint Eric with that link.
Again...thanx Gort on the BGRs.
I thought they'd be FLYING ships in order to "catch the pieces of Niburu and associated debris" which WAS SWORD's ORGINAL 'mission mandate' as I recall?
IonTruo2..if I am wrong on THIS point please re-inform me. Thanx in advance.
Comet or Planet
Who you gonna call?
Notice the Niburu black bax picture takes you to Google Sky...which is "NASA Blacked Out"...though it shows open in the infrared tab on the right.
You know I am someone who appreciate fundamental Truth.
My comment, sorry to say wasn't specific, but was meant to speak to your remark about killing a leader. One could feel Sword's re-action to that all the way to Canada here.
That was what I thought lacked 'common sense' and was over the top. That's the kind of remarks that could damage the dialogue here and have the conduit closed.
You know full well by now Sword is legit...or at least I sure as heck do.
(if by chance he is not-I see he is 'still' linking in and participating in the revelation process that I am experiencing anyways....and that is Truth arising)
He isn't THE TOP, but I Do feel he serves the higher good. My own inner opinion. So, how much does it serve in this context here to rail away at the TPTB as if he were their direct spokesman? I see his role he for what it is and while he is part of a brotherhood, he still has to answer to higher authority or at least 'act accordingly' in Disclosure.
Space World Organization for Research and Development ;-)
Checkout this comic from the 60s -> Project SWORD
"There had been no warning... a monstrous meteorite had slammed its way through the atmosphere on a direct collision course with the Earth. It had struck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and suddenly that mighty sea belied its name. No longer was it peaceful, as a gigantic tidal wave gushed East and West from the impact area. Japan, China, Borneo, the entire Far East, vanished under the deluge. Australia sank beneath the fantastic flood... The Western seaboard of the Americas disappeared under the many fathoms of shock water... The Atlantic coasts and the inland areas of Africa, Asia and Europe remained dry... but three-fifths of the world's population were wiped out in a single, desperate tragedy. That had been bad enough, but worse was to follow... "
Woa ahhh Meangreen is breaking out all disclosure on us!!
Tks dude.
Sciencefaction eh Sword?!
IonTruO2 - Not sure if you have seen this patch, but I think the NAVY has connections. ;-)
Not sure if this has come up before, but maybe another connection to SWORD:
"Task Force 11, or Task Force Sword, is a force comprised of U.S. Delta Force and Naval Special Warfare Development Group SEAL personnel along with U.K. Special Air Service troops tasked with pursuing high value targets. The Task Force commander is Maj. Gen. Dell Dailey, U.S. Army, with the forward commander, Air Force Brig. Gen. Gregory Trepon, having been based at Bagram Airfield. Recently, some commanders of the force have become dissatisfied by the use being made of their troops, saying that a continued hunt for Osama bin Laden is fruitless and he is most likely dead. It is now likely that more and more of these highly trained personnel are being withdrawn, possibly in preparation for use against Iraq."
thanx for links MeanGreen.
IonTruO2 having the "military", or a Vice-president, FBI director, AND the Secret Service TOP's in on the Kennedy Assassination is no fantasy but a case can be made that those folks were in on it.
Fraggin' a leader goes back to ancient history...et tu Brutus?
So in a sense since the MILITARY/DOD was INDEED part of the "Flase Flag" event of 9-11 then YES I say it IS possible that since it's happened REPEATEDLY in the past...it is all the MORE likely to happen in the NOW or some time in the future, near or far.
It goes back to what we are all wondering about if "Martial Law" comes down on us soon (as I think it will)...will National guard folks shoot on their brothers, mothers, fathers, sisters, or anyone else in the family?
The Civil War certainly had that so it's NOT out of the realm of possibility.
Is SWORD "real"?
Good Question. So aren't all these:
Who, What, When, Where, Why, n How?
Some "SPECIFICS" would be nice. As RCh keeps reminding us how true that rotation-rotation is the key to understanding the Universe so too is his mention that the LIES are different at EVERY level.
What level is SWORD at?
Certainly NOT at the TOP.
That point has been made VERY clear on too numorous occasions. pointing to links like the movies "Knowing", "2012", and other links I can get from the various newsletters I get doesn't give me any NEW insights or answers to the above questions.
Maybe I'm just dense...I REALLY do hold out that possibility. But OTHER than "sweeping up the stray rocks" from an incoming planetary body...what is TOP/SWORD's mission?
And if THAT was it? they they FRACKED it up when they let the Irridium satelite his a defunct Russian one. The fireball over Texas, or is that just "preperation" of the sheeple so we get "used" to the sky falling down around us?
I have 'common sense' but I also have a deep desire for some HONEST Brutal Truths rather than innuendo, tips and hints.
If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects or gag people or documents or loose emails violating Federal Law?
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.
It REALLY is that simple.
Bob... :D
Almost forgot the picture link to the
Robert...I appreciate your remarks. That said with sincerity, I also note that Sword's fullest replies I see are often to you. What does that mean? You have a good knack for pulling a response out of him. ;) Your point of view, or pain and anger, does elicit his efforts. So keep on.
general remarks:
While I am not American, and have not lived some of your history, I am well knowledged.
As Hoagland likes to say "the lie is different at every level", so too I say that 'the brush does not always make broad strokes".
There are many in military that are of the highest ethics and there many that would be clearly called "white hats". So I would also say "Truth and Honesty" permeates All and Every Level".
Look at the world situation this way: If the cosmic crisis of whatever flavour is about to occur and the world is going to surf through a shit kicking, then we will see death, chaos and societal breakdown everywhere when the world has its big troubles. The U.S. is the world Super Power and the world looks to it as such in so many matters. Most of which you don't hear about on the cheesy news.
If one is looking at true big picture situation and the continuity of humanity is fundamentally challenged, then one starts to see perhaps how the distribution of military and ships across the globe starts to make some sense. Regardless of the 'front stories' I am seeing why in an altruistic manner the presence of organized military throughout these other regions is relevant for the 'aftermath' and the efforts to recover. On situations of this scale nationalistic selfishness is not acceptable and the intent to turtle up and just protect your own yard is a betrayal to race. I don't see that happening at all. I see a world of righteous nations at heart who are preparing to surf the shit and amongst ALL the levels are also re-located for bringing it all back together afterword.
I have friends in Canadian military. Some were previous Airborne, some are current combat soldiers. You show me a single volunteer combat soldier who doesn't want to take it the live fight. That's the nature of warrior class. Every friend I know, understands the mission in Afghanistan and is utterly committed. Outside of the rhetoric we hear from the idiot politicians and even dumber media, there is no question that we must prevail in a place like Afghanistan. As a Diplomat said the other day on CBC radio(i think), "if not there then where?"
That is the nexus point and for any who are on the ground there, in mission, they ALL know it.
So we hem in the asshole nations just prior to 'the Fall' and then for what comes after the good nations are well positioned to rightly and effectively help rebuild.
From my Cdn viewpoint, while were are renowned for our fighting abilities, even though we don't produce troops numbers like our brethren next door, we are frankly more respected by the world for the military's humanitarian work in rebuilding and disaster relief and training of police etc.
Forget not,... Saddam is not who anyone would want to be still standing post cosmic fubar.
He showed his tendencies long prior to the Gulf War and I think the big American picture was more than him(Iraq) and more than Iran. Many people so quickly forgot the story of the scientist Bull who was from Canada and was working with Iraq developing a super mega cannon. Thankfully he wound up dead at just the right time.
I am sure, that, is what some of the 'Looking Glass' realizations were about in terms of the possible near future. (see Burisch)
New World Order? Heck other than a few countries that are basically well governing, the rest are fucked and after a real huge crisis it would be a time to make order from the bonafide chaos. The U.S. has spent years helping and stepping in when it mattered critically and not in some colonialism garbage as is often the spin.
There is a point where some of the conspiracy blabber must cease and one must with open eyes see the reality on the ground. While Iraq is filled with cowards and bombers and un-uniformed fighters of now flag, I still think there is a deeper meaningful justification for being there and its not so simplistic as just WMD's or Terrorists. I think some of that is really bad public cover story for the masses and they botched it bad. Even Tenet said something like that in his biography.
What pisses me off after a while is people who are fundamentally avoiding their own life path and purpose, living unhealthy and lazily, yet sitting around attempting to ponder the world scale or cosmic scale like they could possible have really a clue to grasp that big let alone solve it from the personal civilian level.
Not a single one of us here is really 'oppressed'. Illuminati this and that conspiracy this and that. Listen people, in this world called 'conditional existence' your here for a very little while and then you die.
Everything dies....everything.
If I have a heart attack tonight or hit a deer in the car tomorrow, none of that shit means anything whatsoever. Blam done.
BE where you are.
Here is one for all to consider: "In life you make up your mind"......"in death Mind makes up you".
Thats the big mystical secret...of the cycles of re-incarnation(simpleterm).
So..how do you live? Really, how devoted is it, how disciplined, how open-hearted? What pattern do you make now? Because it creates the pattern that comes next.
Take a look at something like "Extreme Home Makeover" tv show and ask yourself what are they really teaching here? Is this actually a way to help people understand how to come together to rebuild and recover from adversity? Maybe a little better than any of the obvious churches ever did.
Teach Good Will. Teach selflessness.
Teach Faith Hope and Charity
or eat breath and teach fear, anger, paranoia, self-distraction.
What is the real Truth? ...as we avoid our-selves on so many levels...so many levels.
Sorry guys, couldn't quite get the full breadth of this thought to flow out well.
The qwerty(keyboard) hinders me and my shoulder is on fire tonight.
Well Ion you've just parroted the recent sentiments of Greenspan who pointed out that we really aren't that bad off after all. He and you make a good point but the "we" is missing a few million starving to death worldwide that might not agree. Then you have the Roberts' of the world that are champing at the bit for new horizons and that great white hope for something better.
Then you have the middle of the road guy who wants more but needs less. We aren't going to get either.
Goalies eh Sword? hmmmm Remember that?
Goalies work from a 'net' which could also be called 'a constellation'.
So many layers of preparation.
And now I do recall a little story I heard years ago about the 'Cold War' and how it was fairly much 'contrived' as a useful means to keep the little trouble maker war mongers from getting of out order. Keep them focused on what the big guys are doing and fearful of collateral smack down.
So I now ponder satellite collisions ....by accident and by missile testing. It was all supposed to look like sabre rattling against each other China, Russia, U.S. but No I think the gang was testing a layer of the 'Shield'.
Impactor style for the NEO region.
The Russian satellite was 1 ton and my earlier post revealed their study on tracking debris along with the U.S. and their program.
...and revealed they could track a 'football' sized object. In other words we all got very could at 'tracking' things.
What do ya know the flaming Bolid fireball of Spain last year just happened to be about 1 ton. Hmmmm
So we have collision impacts and scattered debris after annihilation and direct hit missile tests or demonstrations amongst the capable nations of 'orbital objects'...satellites in those cases. hmmm
And now I come to the notion of the sudden increase in fireballs(bolids) which have generally been clocked as 'slow moving' and I wonder if ol Haarp(or something else) is doing a cookingly good job in the outer ring?
Remember that Haarp has quite a reach beyond what you would think.
Here is the Haarp 'Ring': Haarp Ring
As I return to a thought about a funny book. A book that appeared to me one day at a thrift shop and it was called "The Ring Shield". I am drawn to reflect on this image of the satellites in Earth orbit .
Satellite Ring
See whats happening here?
Everyone is getting ready for the big moment.
Its all about COOPERATION....or else
Can anyone substanciate this :
Oh, this guy got invited ... ... Kraze something another...
He's not on the rolls yet...
It would seem more "disclosure" is being disseminated through the controlled media. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29301770
People are being prepped for upcoming events it would seem. What is the agenda here SWORD? I for one cannot make a sound hypothesis. TPTB are hard at work getting us ready for what is to come.
What say you SWORD? Are they going to let the cat of the bag, or is something coming our way? (ie BLUEBEAM).
Surely, they can't have the average person's best interests in mind? Or can they, and I should stop calling you Shirley?
Oh yeah, SWORD, I am the "kraze" guy. And if you are in AZ, as the flag over your face in that one pic would indicate; fly one of those nifty vessels over to CA and pick me up.
Ground control to Maj. Tom.
This TX/MEX border thing has been going on for years, check this pic of a water cannon. ;-)
I'll give my uncle a call, he lives in El Paso and should be able to verify some of this.
There have been alot of interesting posts - so I will he'lf'ta reply to them old style ...
The Saucer Fleet - Foreword by "The Bad Astronomer" Dr Phil Plait - WTF
More like Dr B.S. - give me a break!
Dr.Van - I have my aluminum foil cap incase that BlueBeam comes my way. ;-)
From a simple Google search:
28 pics Mexico Border riots
How much more "checking out" do ya need done?
And IonTuO2...I AM only ME.
I do what I can for EVERYONE while not twittering away what I have.
You CANNOT say that about the 300-400 families who OWN "TOP".
Just look at the ENGINEERED Economic Collapse...world wide.
Being a Canadian you may have different views of the US wars fought through the years and how the Vietnam Was was put into place AFTER Kennedy was ASSASSINATED by the "TOPS" of the time.
Of course I KNOW there are "white hats" in ALL branches of society. I even have a video on the JFK Assassination that shows the TWO SS body guards who were SUPPOSED to be riding on the BACK of the Limosine asking the "TOP" SS guy in the care behind "WTF??!!!" and them shaking their head as they "followed orders" fro their "TOP" and stood down allowing TWO shooter or more a FREE line-of-sight shot at Kennedy.
US bombing of Cambodia set up the K'mer Rouge which killed millions of Cambodians, not to mention the tens of thousands the bombings did. How many vietnemese Civilians died in indescriminate bombing? Why is John "Songbird" McCain a Vietnam "war hereo" when he said, in his OWN ARTICLE HE WROTE that he "gave military information for medical treament."
That Information was in the in-going and out0going flight paths, radio frequencies, call signs, for all the ships in the area he was shot down in. And ALL his injuries were SELF-INFLICTED because he panicked and instead of tucking in and pulling the handle on the ejection seat...he panicked, likely sauced if you read his flight record on crashing 4 planes before this 5th one...and sprea his legs and arms out and reached with ONE hand to pull the ejection handle...which broke one arm and both legs. the Vietnamese did NOT "torture" 'songbird' McCain...and that is PROVABLE.
As far the Kennedy shooting, even today there are Repubican comments and cartoon depictions calling for the same for Obama down here in the USA. Maybe you don't get the same news I do...if not...educate yourself on how IMPERIALISTIC the USA has been since BEFORE WW2.
As Dr.VN and I have been saying...there is not many links THIS 'sword' has given us that is leading to any massive "DSICLOSURE" that would have some significance to ALL that I have seen.
maybe you two have had private email conversations and got mixed up with what he puts in his blog and what he emails you. Divide and Conquer is also not a new tactic.
nuff for now I have OTHER good "DISCLOSURE" work to do of my own. I am not a SHEEPLE waiting for the END to come when I already KNOW, not from TOP,SWORD, that IT is coming.
One last question ...what the frack does a few hundre Mexican rioters have in comparison to 150,00 irish people also rioting in the streets this past weekend?
maybe they're pissed at the nearly 20 deaths from snipeers in a prison brawl where the 'guard' towers got trigger happy in late 2008?
Mean Green, the link to 1960s British comics was cool, with Project Sword and all. I'm sure RCH would be happy to be turned on to that info. :)
CDomet Lulin supposed to make its closest approach to Earth tonight (?) but too cloudy here, chemtrails up the ying yang this afternoon.
Lot's of good stuff from everyone, crewe, keep up the good work
Evening all.
My friend Bob Sacamano got a job at a condom factory.
Make sure you use a Bedazzler to bejewel that tinfoil cap, you wouldn't want to face whatever is coming being bland and out of style...I kid, I kid..
Keep fighting the good fight. You are the ol' 49er, that keeps panning away to get that gold! Never give up, stay healthy my friend!
Do you all remember that Looney Tunes when Bugs Bunny, lazily walks into the rocket going into space? He ends up on Plant X (Niburu?!? LOL) coming face to face with Marvin the Martian. He poor little guy's view of the Moon is blocked by the pesky Earth, so he intends to blow it up. Hilarity insues, Bugs saves the day and is our hero. Not exact, its been a few years, but you get the jist. SWORD, you are our Bugs, the waskily wabbit. The wise-crackin', easy-going, level-headed savior. But please let TOP know to not take that wrong turn at Albuquerque. "Dis-clothes-her" has to be to be hastened. I will apologize now if nobody cares for my cavalier attitude, I just try to keep my life in perspective and not to serious, humor can bridge a lot of SPACE.
And now for something completely different:
PS - Someone please let me know how to hyperlink here, not all us youngins are hip to all these fancy internet stuffs
Dr.VanNostren, Welcome.
Thanks for the link to the Pdf paper. Good Stuff there. Over at F-Shod Blog I posted a piece I have found in contemplating a number of instances Sword had alluded to the Navy as having the largest craft currently in space and that they seem to play a lead role in general.
While below is not a official link, it was an article that spoke well to the premise of the Navy translating well to a Space role while still in harmony and fused with the other military parts ie. Air Force and Space Command. I found this resonated well with the Thesis link you posted and the hints we are seeing more of that the Navy is well established 'up there' and perhaps in a leadership role or sharing in it.
Navy in Space
The US Navy has long enjoyed what has arguably been the largest budget for any agency in world history - military or civilian. They have more experience handling large sums of money (logistics) than most governments and would consider it a skill they do not want to loose even though the need for the forces and technologies those budgets afforded are needed less and less. For new conquests and victories sailors need only raise their eyes above the mast and look to Mars. The Navy can maintain its role as guardian and shield, it needs only to expand its responsibilities to all of Mankind and its Mission into Space. The enemy now is our own Solar System made dangerous by its smallest members. The Navy can keep its budget and even expand it. They need only assume the mission to go where no man has gone before and deal with a threat that can destroy us all in an instant. The US Navy needs to go to Mars.
It would be unlikely that the US Navy would have to take this mission on its own. Once it becomes evident that the United States is going to Mars the rest of the nations of the world will invariably insist on going along as well - whether they have a navy or not. No one with a check book will be left behind. Such leaps of human endeavor are what often fire the imaginations of repressed peoples and often bring about change - modernization. Such a cascade should not be hard to manage for a skillful State Department.
Yesterday a new recruit could Join the Navy and 'See' the World. He knew he would serve his country and may put himself in harm's way far from home. Tomorrow the threat will no longer come from some foreign shore but from space. The deal he will be signing up for tomorrow will be Join the Navy and 'Save' The World. That is not a big step in the mind set of the US Navy. Sailors would still be serving their country and going into harm's way far from home only now it would be in service to the world and all of Mankind as well.
As a core, US Navy personnel would jump start any large scale space program. Most systemic policies, procedures and disciplines required for the mastery of space are already in place and Standard Operating Procedure. The skill sets and experience, particularly those of the Submarine Service, are as close to anticipated requirements as can be expected outside of training and conditioning dedicated to the rigors of space. They are trained to do sensitive and complicated tasks confined in close quarters and working conditions while at the same time putting their lives at risk in a hostile environment for months at a time. There will likely be more room in a spacecraft than most submarine billets afford. From SEALs, Torpedomen and Missileers to Command, Navigation and Nuclear Engineering as a candidate group, US Navy personnel are Locked, Cocked and Ready to Kill Rocks from Mars.
Ion and DrVN, thanks for the links about the navy and the air force.
Lots to study there.
Sword, Hoagy was on the C2C first hour last night (Mon nite/tues morn) and he was fired up!
Talked about stuff related to this blog topic (the satellite collision) and spun it into a very wild conspiracy theory.
you really should get a listen somehow.
"No one knows yet why the Iridium communications satellite and an old Russian Cosmos satellite ended up on a collision course."
Satellite Collision Puts Hubble at Risk (Feb 13, 2009)
Think SWORD can lend NASA some tech??? Or maybe they are sending supplies to the Nazi base hiding anti-grav ships.
SWORD - Here is your reason for TX guard being on high alert.
Welcome aboard Van. I'm in a particularily funky mood which I'm going to lay at Robert's feet.Why's you half to go and dredge up all those dust bunnies eh?
It seems to me that we are looking at layers of debris and some of it is physical. It makes me feel like I'm being quarantined or sumpin.
Well Eric...sometimes if don't "dust" once in awhile the shine comes through things that haven't been touched on with CLARITY !
DrVN...nobody has shown you HOW to correctly incorporate a link here so I will attemp it with your link
put "less than sign" = "<" then add 'a href="link" and then a "greater than sign"=">" and type some words about the video. End with another "<" with a "/" and another ">" to end it all and it should imbed.
if this doesn't work here on the blog email me thursday as I will be on Windows Live Messenger in a vid-Chat wed night.
Gort, or anyone can get that 1st hour? You cand it to me as attachment and I could make it available to everyone.
Mexican Border Riots
Dr,Van - Copy below and then replace where needed:
<a href="http://www.sitenamegoeshere.com/pageofinterest.html">Text that you want the user to see</a>
This came from ClamyToe or CamelToe - Thanks CT ;-)
Thanks for the link help guys, much appreciated.
Now, WTF is going on lately in the controlled media? What is coming?!?!?
Faux News Comet Story
Top Story on CNN
What is coming? - you ARE new...
I forgot to mention Hoagy said he is working on a two hour network TV special for autumn (or should I say the Fall) about 2012 to coincide with the release of the 2012 movie. When there will be a lot of interest and buzz.
Bumbling thru it all, Bee happy!
(I don't have a copy of that first hour)
Ah SWORD, you ass+u+me I do not know. I wouldn't have requested to join here if I didn't read through all the post, and not know what was coming. I guess I should have been more clear. The population is being prepped, but it wouldn't seem just for "The Fall"; but maybe something else on the horizon (ie bluebeam, as I mentioned before), from TPTB. Just my mind looking @ different scenarios. I will be up in the Sierra Nevadas for the next few days, carving up some fresh snow. I will be looking to the sky with my camera if it is clear.
Kramer: Ha ha, the Ukraine. Do you know what the Ukraine is? It's a sitting
duck. A road apple, Newman. The Ukraine is weak. It's feeble. I think it's
time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.
Ukrainian: I come from Ukraine. You not say Ukraine weak.
Kramer: Yeah, well we're playing a game here, pal.
Ukrainian: Ukraine is game to you?! Howbout I take your little board and smash
Part from the Yankee (I33) or Commie (Cosmos 2251)?
More Debris Please
(I don't have a copy of that first hour)
Try u-tube
There are about three guys that record teh shows and break them down into easily downloadable parts -AND- they cut teh commercials for yah to...
From The Dr Goodluvinpants provided link:
Fire personnel determined that the debris was not radioactive or otherwise hazardous, police said.
Officials later deemed that the fireball was a pickup descending through Earth's atmosphere from a collision earlier in the month between a communications satellite and a Russian military space vehicle.
All I did was remove SOME of the text - its much more entertaining now.
Hundreds of thousands of texans are loading there rifles and scatterguns RIGHT NOW...
Working on replies - expect them tommarrow.
Appreciate the on-topic conversation for the most part...
Ok Sword, while with all due respect I do think meangreen is one of your guys, I think his post of the reference to an actual 'Task Force Sword' went hugely er um undernoticed.
"Task Force 11, or Task Force Sword, is a force comprised of U.S. Delta Force and Naval Special Warfare Development Group SEAL personnel along with U.K. Special Air Service troops tasked with pursuing high value targets. The Task Force commander is Maj. Gen. Dell Dailey, U.S. Army, with the forward commander, Air Force Brig. Gen. Gregory Trepon, having been based at Bagram Airfield. Recently, some commanders of the force have become dissatisfied by the use being made of their troops, saying that a continued hunt for Osama bin Laden is fruitless and he is most likely dead. It is now likely that more and more of these highly trained personnel are being withdrawn, possibly in preparation for use against Iraq."
You talked about Iraq before and this is the first time in any of my searches that a reference appears to "Sword".
Good job meangreen. ;)
No - I saw this.
I just didn't shoot off any signal flares.
Sword: I know, you don't miss anything.
But in all my searches that found zip zero nada... that has to the first bonafide public reference to a something called 'Sword'.
they 'your' younger brothers?...or the ground-only force? If I recall the distinction of Sword M33.
Working replies...
...today - tommarrow...
...who knows...
M33 was my platoon untill I was put "dark" - break glass in case of armageddon.
Gort said...
Also, seems like as the debris clouds from these two high-angle-to-the-equator-orbits former satellites make their way around the globe, there would maybe be a safe hole near the north and South Pole, respectively. If so, that might give an advantage to space powers that have launch facilities near the arctic or Antarctic circle.
Just a thought...
NOW you are thinking. Why do you think the “shipyard” and SWORN are parked in that “area”.
Gort said...
[Hoagland] Talked about stuff related to this blog topic (the satellite collision) and spun it into a very wild conspiracy theory.
You really should get a listen somehow.
Thanks for the heads up.
I can’t wait to listen. Some folk listen in on Hoagland with me, folk that don’t comment here [at least I don’t think they comment here]. Sometimes we think the shrill in his voice is funny.
So what kind of conspiracy theory did he cook up?
Doesn’t he know he’s a buck short and a few days laste?
IonTruO2 said...
Sword, Doesn't HHMSS denote you serve beyond a CIC or President?
Does this not suggest service to Monarchy at the highest level?
Yes – No. /or/ No – Yes.
Yes – our own consul. Remember we are a highly religious – highly mad scientist like group of individuals. We are Native Americans and our “Tribe” can be called on by the president – as often as he needs. Our lands will not be found on any map – just like Area 51/33.
We exist and do our thing on our own – on our own lands – in our own way.
Yes – there is a monarchy – a military monarchy. There are NO General grade officers or knights. The highest rank of officer is Colonel and the highest rank enlisted is Command Sergeant Major.
We answer “calls” from the Prez – but just not him either. There are a lot of “Buffers”
Ultimately, if the president has a problem that he feels we can uniquely handle – he can give the order to DIAL SWORD – or pick up the phone and do it himself…
…presidents who legitimize our tribe receive a native warrior alliance, which is far more valuable than any gold. We are neighbors, friends – and ultimately partners in securing not only our respective borders – but partners in preserving our respective ways of life.
Sure, there’s tell of that…
When the president of the free world calls on us – we descend from the very heavens – indivisible – for justice and liberty – under God.
So… …Monarchy?
Yeah – we answer to the giant eye in the sky.
He, The Lord, might have his vengeance every once and awhile – but most of these days he likes to sub-contract…
Just WHAT is it that you would still "do" because what ever "it" is YOU decide it needs doing?
Any of the exploits I have already mentioned.
First and foremost – discovery. Second – and most important – Survival.
This unit has been around since the early 1900’s and went into first combat during WWII, ever since then we have been silent partners with our brothers in the US Government.
Do ANY other Earthlings get a say in the decision? Or even KNOW what's coming besides what on the Hollywood-DOD fast-track "meme" they have going along with so far?
No. Outsiders to the tribe have absolutely NO SAY in what we do… …unless we are blatantly disregarding international law and or treaties… …in which case – we never signed those documents. :-)
Comet or Planet
Who you gonna call?
Notice the Niburu black bax picture takes you to Google Sky...which is "NASA Blacked Out"...though it shows open in the infrared tab on the right.
What no coordinates in the night sky?
Why is NO ONE jumping on this one?
Dr.VanNostren said...
Space wars, perhaps debris falling onto the Tierra?
Could be…
Generally speaking, you try to push the debris North or into some sort of large body of water…
Dr.VanNostren said...
Also, if you could provide your thoughts on Coopers's "Behold A Pale Horse", I would appreciate it.
Who? Oh….yeah – THOSE GUYS…
…funny how the mouth piece got cut down in Apache county Arizona… …dam shame…
Dr.VanNostren said...
I too like Ion have been perplexed with the "HHMSS".
You are new.
His Holy Majesties Secret Service
IonTruO2 said...
Sword: I know, you don't miss anything.
But in all my searches that found zip zero nada... that has to the first bonafide public reference to a something called 'Sword'.
Up 'till now - why wouldn't there be any refferance to SWORD or its affilited brothers - untill NOW?
HMS M33:
"In 1925 the M33 became a mine-laying training ship and was renamed HMS Minerva. She went through a number of roles for the remainder of her career including fuelling hulk and boom defence workshop. In 1946 she became a floating office and was designated "Hulk C23". Put up for sale in 1984, she eventually passed to Hampshire County Council and is now located at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, close to HMS Victory."
----- Original Message -----
From: David Hawkins
To: cygnid@shaw.ca
Cc: avalonbeef@msn.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: Iridium Logs Navajo Code Talk to Al-Qaeda Trojan Horse
I don't understand your questions.
From: "cygnid" .cygnid@shaw.ca.
To: "hawkscafeowner" .hawks-cafe@hotmail.com.
Subject: Re: Iridium Logs Navajo Code Talk to Al-Qaeda Trojan Horse
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 15:42:50 -0000
.--- In hawkscafe@yahoogroups.com, "hawkscafeowner" .hawks-cafe@....
. .
. . TDRSS?? Who has Compton? What's up with SOHO bakeout? What is
.going on with Hubble?
. . Synopsis: Believe Iridium Aviation Security Communications System
. . LIUNA Local New Mexico using Navajo code talk to direct FAA Local
. . in al-Qaeda Trojan horse on 9/11.
. .
. . Open e-mail sent Tuesday, March 06, 2007 to:
. .
. . Tom Ridge and Alvin B. ("Buzz") Kroger, Directors, Iridium
. . Satellite, LLC., C/- Liz DeCastro, Director, Corporate
. . Tel: 1.301.571.6257 liz.decastro@...
. . .mailto:liz.decastro@....
. .
. . From: Captain Field McConnell and David Hawkins, Forensic
.Economists at
. . Hawks' CAFE http://www.hawkscafe.com/
. . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/
. . .http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/.
. .
. . Copies: Kevin Smith, Producer, Alex Jones at infowars.com
. . kevin@... .mailto:kevin@.... U.S. Vice-President
. . Richard Cheney vice_president@...
. . .mailto:vice_president@.... Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen
. . Harper pm@...
. . .http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/post?
. . l8GcUA3rHOZEaucnRYxkXqN6TMxUWJ_-0y5VpExLSX1Mdhuc.
. .
. . Dear Mr. Ridge and Mr. Krongard
. .
. . Re: Iridium Logs Navajo Code Talk to Al-Qaeda Trojan Horse
. .
. . Hawks CAFE believes that an Iridium Aviation Security
. . System (IASCS) may have logged Laborers' union ('LIUNA') members of
. . Local 1376 in New Mexico using Navajo code talk to conceal and
. . coordinate directions to FAA air traffic controllers with Local
. . (OKC) for an al-Qaeda 'Trojan Horse' attack during the 'Global
. . war games of 9/11.
. .
. . In a bogus war game scenario, Local 1376 would use Navajo code
.talk to
. . defeat 'blue-team' counter-intelligence while Local 2097 would use
. . Iridium satellite signals to illegally-modified flight boxes to
. . Boeing cluster-bomb drone aircraft into their targets.
. .
. . Beginning in 1997, Al Gore, John Deutch and David Blood equipped
. . and al-Qaeda special weapons & tactics teams with virtual war
.rooms from
. . Nortel, Iridium, Raytheon and Boeing and trained the SWAT teams in
. . Canada and Iraq for the `Global Guardian' war game of 9/11.
. . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/message/110
. . .http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/message/110.
. .
. . Al-Qaeda's SWAT teams were subsequently equipped as a Trojan horse
. . Boeing operated Iridium and Thuraya satellites to fly decoy and
. . planes as shown below.
. .
. .
. .
. . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?
. . _id=439820&in_page_id=1770&in_a_source
. . .http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?
. . e_id=439820&in_page_id=1770&in_a_source.
. .
. . On 9/11, LIUNA's Navajo code talkers would have had opportunity and
. . weapons to jam blue team signals to the decoy - the al-Qaeda-
. . Trojan horse – and allow FAA controllers to retarget the drone into
. . the Pentagon's US Naval Command Center.
. .
. . Please contact Captain McConnell below and arrange to send him
.copies of
. . any IACAS voice or flight data logs of the instrument approach
. . procedures or the final approach maneuvers which may have been
. . by LIUNA agents during the war games of on 9/11.
. . http://www.mdacorporation.com/news/pr/pr2001050301.html
. . .http://www.mdacorporation.com/news/pr/pr2001050301.html.
. .
. . Thank you for your cooperation.
. .
. . Yours sincerely,
. .
. . Captain Field McConnell avalonbeef@...
. . .http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/post?
. . EGnM4XXbmpB-_4wpIM9oquWSxy9a51VM_CzJ97PAXitUwY5XnqEraEHBjMi3SaA.
. . (218-329-2993)David Hawkins hawks-cafe@...
. . .http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hawkscafe/post?
. . SyccDtlsuZ_u8rTkc3hc8tBKQUede-oITTtQA8V7kmTVNy2Oi5fVzh6k9IfuDK4k.
. . (604-542-0891)
. .
. . Notes: "Iridium Logs Navajo Code Talk to Al-Qaeda Trojan Horse"
. .
. . "BETHESDA, Md. – June 30, 2006 – Iridium Satellite announce
. . Tom Ridge, former Secretary of Homeland Security and two-term
. . Pennsylvania Governor, has joined the Company's Board of
. . Iridium Satellite only provider of truly global satellite voice
.and data
. . solutions .. helps government and businesses around the world
. . preparedness and response for disaster and defense scenarios, in
. . addition to providing mission critical and functional commercial
. . telecommunications services. Iridium provides complete coverage
.of the
. . earth, and delivers essential services to and from remote areas
.where no
. . other form of communication is available. "Secretary Ridge brings a
. . deep knowledge of homeland security from both the national
. . as the first Secretary of Homeland Security, but also from the
.state and
. . local levels as Pennsylvania Governor presiding over [spoliation of
. . evidence of murder and arson in the destruction of United Flight
.93 on
. . 9/11] state port facilities, airports and some of the largest
.cities in
. . the country," said Dan A. Colussy, CEO and Chairman, Iridium
. . Satellite."
. . http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-news.asp?newsid=206
. . .http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-news.asp?newsid=206.
. .
. . "BETHESDA, Md. – August 9, 2006 – Iridium Satellite is
. . pleased to announce that Alvin B. ("Buzzy") Krongard has joined
. . its Board of Directors. Buzzy Krongard is the former Chief
. . Officer and Chairman of the Board of Alex.Brown Incorporated, the
. . nation's oldest investment banking firm. In addition, Krongard
. . served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Bankers Trust, in addition
. . holding other financial industry posts. He also served as
.Counselor to
. . the Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), then as
. . Executive Director of the CIA from 2001 to 2004."
. . http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-news.asp?newsid=214
. . .http://www.iridium.com/corp/iri_corp-news.asp?newsid=214.
. .
. . "The Iridium Solution for Emergency Real-time Monitoring of Cockpit
. . Audio and Flight Data .. Iridium Satellite, LLC ("Iridium")
. . operates an existing satellite network with .. Iridium Aviation
. . Communications System (IASCS) .. Ubiquitous real-time ground-based
. . monitoring of the cockpit audio and aircraft flight data recorder
. . information in the event of an emergency - Audio and flight data
. . communications download from an aircraft located anywhere in the
. . to Emergency Ground Operations Center .. Communications..
.initiated by
. . authorized aircraft personnel (pilot with a "panic button," or an
. . marshal), by a ground controller (e.g., if an aircraft deviates
.from its
. . assigned flight path) or triggered by anomalous aircraft
. . Downloading and recording of cockpit audio and flight data
. . at a secure FAA ground facility .. reliable, private, and immediate
. . transmission and archiving of cockpit audio and flight data
. . now solely recorded on FAA-required "black box" recorders, using
. . Iridium satellite channels and other secure links .. independent
.of the
. . terrestrial public communications networks. (Continuously
.throughout the
. . flight, in emergency situations or periodically as required) ..
. . can provide secure storage on ground of cockpit audio and flight
. . The cockpit audio and flight data are transmitted to a FAA ground
. . storage facility .. defined by FAA and NTSB and can include full
. . and flight data for high priority flights; sample of all flights
. . on time, data subset, phase of flight or other criteria; or
. . situations for all flights .. IASCS does not replace existing
. . cockpit voice and flight data recorders .. significant step toward
. . intent of NTSB recommendation for redundant on-board recorders."
. . http://www.dvagroup.com/Audio%20and%20Data%20A%20White%20Paper%
. . .http://www.dvagroup.com/Audio%20and%20Data%20A%20White%20Paper%
. . .
. .
. . "LIUNA .. first Federal employees organized in the 1970's at
. . for the regional Department of Defense in Mechanicsburg,
. . and Tracy, California. Today LIUNA represents 20,000 Federal
. . from various agencies, including Federal Aviation Administration
. . Department of Defense, and the Indian Health Service. Local Union
. . in Albuquerque, New Mexico is LIUNA's largest federal sector
.local. It
. . represents the Navajo National Healthcare employees who have more
. . 1,400 members. LIUNA's most innovative negotiated contract was
. . at Local Union 2097 which represents the FAA and is located in
. . City, Oklahoma. Local 2097 can now negotiate over wages and
.benefits. A
. . profit-sharing plan with the government was also included in the
. . collective bargaining agreement. The FAA can now contract out its
. . services to other governments. In addition, LIUNA members now
.share 4%
. . of the proceeds from these contracts. In 2004 each member received
. . $1,200.00 in profit sharing revenue [kickbacks]." The unions
. . under the federal sector are listed below .. Department of Defense
. .
. . defense.htm. National Guard Bureau, Navy, Army (including Corps of
. . Engineers), Air Force, Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Logistics
. . Agency. Federal Aviation Administration .. Employees in FAA provide
. . services such as air traffic control, security, maintenance of
. . and equipment, planning and programming, and certification ..
. . around three mission goals: safety, security and system efficiency.
. . Local Union 2097, Micki J. Daily, Business Manager, Oklahoma City,
. . Work: (405) 954-6539, Fax: (405) 954-4052"
. . http://www.liuna.org/about/departments/publicemp/fedsec.htm
. . .http://www.liuna.org/about/departments/publicemp/fedsec.htm.
. .
. . "Code talkers were Native American
. .
. . soldiers serving in the U.S. armed forces who primarily transmitted
. . secret tactical .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_tactics.
. . messages. The Code Talkers transmitted these messages over military
. . telephone .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone. or radio
. . .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio. communications nets using
. . or informally developed codes .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code.
. . upon their native languages
..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages. .
. . The name is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo
. . .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navajo_language. speakers specially
. . recruited, for the first time during World War II
. . .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II. , by the United States
. . Marine Corps .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Marines. , under
. . Dept. of the Navy
. .
. . serve in their standard communications units in the Pacific Theater
. . .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Theater. . However the United
. . States Army .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army. ,
. . the Dept. of War
. . .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_War. ,
.on a
. . smaller scale also used Native American Indians to perform the same
. . missions in both World War I
. . and World War II."
. . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_talker
. . .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_talker.
. .
. . October 2, 2001: Remote Controlled Passenger Airplane Flew Before
. . Despite Claims to the Contrary
. . .http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?
. . 0201raytheon.
. .
. . [A Raytheon 727 lands in New Mexico in August, 2001.] A Raytheon
. . lands in New Mexico in August, 2001. [Source: Associated Press]It
. . reported that the US company Raytheon landed a 727 six times in a
. . military base in New Mexico without any pilots on board. This was
. . to test equipment making future hijackings more difficult, by
. . ground control to take over the flying of a hijacked plane.
. . Press, 10/2/2001; Der Spiegel (Hamburg), 10/28/2001
. . .http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,164845,00.html. ]
. . Several Raytheon employees with possible ties to this remote
. . technology program appear to have been on the hijacked 9/11
.flights (see
. . September 25, 2001
. . .http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?
. . 2501globalhawk. ). Earlier in the year, a specially designed
.Global Hawk
. . plane flew from the US to Australia without pilot or passengers.
. . [Independent Television News, 4/24/2001] However, most media
. . after 9/11 suggest such technology is currently impossible. For
. . instance, the Observer quotes an expert who says that "the
. . technology is pretty much there" but still untried. [Observer,
. . 9/16/2001
. . .http://observer.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4258186-
.102275,00.html. ]
. . An aviation-security expert at Jane's Defence Weekly says this type
. . of technology belongs "in the realms of science fiction."
. . [Financial Times, 9/18/2001; Economist, 9/20/2001] Even President
. . appears to deny the technology currently exists. He gives a speech
. . 9/11 in which he mentions that the government would give grants to
. . research "new technology, probably far in the future, allowing air
. . traffic controllers to land distressed planes by remote control."
. . [New York Times, 9/28/2001
. . .http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/28/national/28BUSH.html. ]
. . http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?item=a100201raytheon
. . .http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/context.jsp?
re: the satellite collision, I think the gist of Hoaglands theory was that neither the russians nor the us were behind the collision, but it was caused by an un-named non-state entity with the resources to take over control of one or the other of the satellites using maybe some kind of "hyperdimensional" electronics to crash the satellites and make each side think the other did it.
He likened it to "Thrush" or "SPECTRE" in the Ian Flemming/James Bond novels.
I mainly caught the end of it twice, in real time and woke up in the middle of the rebroadcast. I think part of what i missed was RCH explaining various details about the reasons and probabilities that it was not an accident.
Looking forward to hearing it again myself.
BTW, about tht Feb 24 launch of NASA "Orbiting [not orbiting] Carbon Observatory satellite that failled to reach orbit and crashed "near Antarctica":
We are told it was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and ...
"The spacecraft did not reach orbit and likely landed in the ocean near Antarctica," said John Brunschwyler, the program manager. An investigation into the cause of the launch failure will be started.
"Preliminary indications are that the fairing on the Taurus XL launch vehicle failed to separate," according to the posting on the NASA website. "The fairing is a clamshell structure that encapsulates the satellite as it travels through the atmosphere."
There are three oceans near the continent of Antarctica: the Atlantic, the pacific, and the Indian. (into which one did it plummet?)
Has anyone seen any story about this fateful bird that talks about it's flight path from California to it's rather mysterious and widely vague watery demise?
Did it go over the north polar region first, or was it fired off toward the south?
One story on the radio I heard said the mission "failed three minutes into the flight." I find that really hard to believe.
(I think it was on the Faux radio news)
On the other hand, with the fairing (clamshell) not opening, the mission failed to be an orbital flight, but instead became an "intercontinental ballistic missile" (ICBM) --or "icy BM"
Maybe a little demonstration of our reach? A little reminder?
Or maybe the un-named rogue power jammed the signal to the exploding bolts to cause the the fairing to not separate.
"Miss Moneypenney, would you send in Mr. Bond."
As Gort posted from Hoagland's comments: it was caused by an un-named non-state entity with the resources to take over control
What was the title to the topic again... ...oh yeah!
Moving along to a new blog post topic...
You STILL have NOT answered the question if he signed on to your "document" or not.
Why is that? Dodging because he didn't?
Oh - im pretty certain he did.
I just wasnt witness - nor have I heard anything filtering on down.
I'm sure I will hear something to that effect.
Title of the topic...again, was:
It is starting again…
...and this time I had nothing to do with it.
'love the disclaimer'
HHMSS Sword said...
Oh - im pretty certain he did.
I just wasnt witness - nor have I heard anything filtering on down.
I'm sure I will hear something to that effect.
2009-02-28 11.28.PD
thanx for the honest answer...you don't KNOW.
AND...if he, or the country NEEDS your service, you're going to base your decision to help or not based on YOUR OWN "religious" beliefs?
I am gathering this bit of knowledge based on your previous answers that:
Yes – No. /or/ No – Yes.
Yes – our own consul. Remember we are a highly religious – highly mad scientist like group of individuals. We are Native Americans and our “Tribe” can be called on by the president – as often as he needs. Our lands will not be found on any map – just like Area 51/33.
We exist and do our thing on our own – on our own lands – in our own way.
Yes – there is a monarchy – a military monarchy.
Soooo if you don't "believe" humanity either NEEDS your help, or if your "religious beliefs" prevent you from helping..then we're all fracked.
Have I got the "jist" of your unit now?
Because it seems there's been a LOT of 'incoming' lately and collisions where there shouldn't be that has made ALL space travel pretty hazardous lately. (i.e for a space debris clean-up crew you folks have been missing things as big as pick-up trucks and NOT stopping satelite collisions that would endanger ALL Human Space Activity) You folks aren't worried about that at all because you're going to stay at the poles and not come into the mid-latitudes to save anyone? Even on the ISS, Shuttle, ESA or Russian capsules with Americans aboard for ISS rotations?
Just curious how far your "religious" convictions/restrictions go.
Me? I've been there in the In-Between 6x's and have had the Great Father ask me these questions.
Who Are You? What Do You Want?
When your Heart is Stopped and breath is Caught?
Why are your Here? Where Have you Been?
Where are You Going? What will happen then?
I wasn't afraid of the BRUTAL TRUTH answers I gave...how about the rest of you SWORD folks after the coming fall?
Thanx for posting that email link in it's entirety. Entirely POSSIABLE that ALL the electronic "code talk" for the False Flag event of 9-11 was scrouged from the web and uploaded to that Iridium Satelite.
Soooo that IF, at ANY future time an INVESTIGATION with some REAL teeth in it could TRACK all those elctronic flags...it would ALL lead to one DESTROYED satelite.
Pretty handy "dead drop".
Code Talkers:
I have always found it disheartening that so many 'Native Americans' in fact do not know how to speak their language anymore or in many cases never learned. Hopefully not the case for 'Sword'. Yet I would wonder what 'they' might speak? Assiniboine maybe?
The Iroquoian dialect is spoken in various forms through out a good portion of North America, yet Sword didn't know what Aanii was.
Curious..heck I know standard greetings in Japanese, Russian, French and a few others as well as Ojibwah (look that one up Sword and you'll see the connection to Assiniboine and Sioux)
How about Tenskwatawa?
The Elders said “You have to know your history. You have to know what is behind you in order to know where you are going. If you do not understand that history, you cannot ever have any vision about where it is you want to go.”
Big news of the day for all native peoples.
On December 30, 2008, the Chancellery of Honours of the Office of the Governor General announced the Appointment of Grandfather William Commanda to Officer of the Order of Canada!
...the most respected 95-year old Algonquin Elder.
A great being who holds the 'open door' of wisdom and teaches of Sustainable Relationships: Reconciliation and Integration.
oops: little t, tenskwatawa
the word...not the prophet.
open door...
ie: Janus is the Roman god of gates and doors (ianua), beginnings and endings, and hence represented with a double-faced head.
the them permeates these days like 'glasnost'.
February 26, 2009 posting ... my show archive from this evening's broadcast is now posted ... the topic for this week's show was Part II of the new series on planet X ... with a very different view of this important topic ... the main science topic this week was ... SUSTAINABILITY ... how should you be conducting your lives ??? are people and entire nations making BAD DECISIONS ??? not just bad ... but ridiculously bad decisions that will cost millions their lives ... what do you have to do ??? if you missed the live broadcast join me on the archived show for a detailed look at the past ... present ... and future ... make sure you have listened to last week's show as a primer ... i will also give ongoing commentary on comet lulin ... note that comet lulin shows FAR MORE energy emitted from it in the form of x-rays - ultraviolet light and visible light (note the highly fluorescent green colors) not to mention the intense sunward spike ... yes folks ... far more energy leaving the comet than comes into the comet in the form of solar light or solar wind ... my Plasma Discharge Comet Model explains this completely with the intense electron beam emanating from the sun and passing through the comet being the cause of this enormous energy ... and as i predicted long ago and also on coast to coast AM last thursay evening (first hour C2C feb. 19th) we are now in the midst of a huge blizzard ... i appeared also last night for a few minute update on coast to coast to announce the verification of the severe weather around the globe that erupted on time ... what is interesting is that NOT a single weather prediction center including the National Weather Service had even a hint there would be severe weather until late wednesday afternoon (Feb 25th) when it started to develop on radar ... i have a short clip (about 2 Mega Byte file) where you can see the entire world responding to the electrical alignment with comel lulin ... i personally experienced the blizzard on the northern extremity and freeways are shut down all over the midwest with high winds and severe cold and heavy snow ... yup and not a single hint of this on any weather prediction site (other than mine) ... this storm did not develop in the normal fashion with the moisture coming from the pacific and blowing in with the jet stream taking it into canada etc etc to finally dump on the USA ... this storm developed over land completely and the moisture in this storm came from outside the planet ... watch the following clip as the world literally explodes into severe storms ... reacting as earth enters comet lulin's electrical connection to the sun (the visible part of comet lulin's sunward spike) ... there were other factors that added to my prediction but just look at the following clip to see the world react ... electrically ... just one more point ... imagine a huge comet coming much closer than did lulin which was 38 million miles away and a small (although highly electrically active) comet ... watch this clip ... especially watching the storm developing in the western USA out of nothing OVER LAND ... then also look at the two very intense storms over central africa ... and the barrage of storms over malaysia and finally the intense huge storm that developed out of nowhere just east of japan (almost reaching typhoon status in a matter of hours) ... there were also reports of severe thunder and lightning in many of the severe blizzard conditions over the midwestern states in the USA ... yup ... in february ... remember i predicted this over a month ago based on the orbit and electrical characteristics of comet lulin relative to earth and earth's orbit ... then listen to my archived radio show for more details ... jim mccanney
Ion Tecumseh's little brother has always stood head and shoulders above all story tellers. It is interesting to me that his visions came to him during an extended NDE but wonder if his powers of perception failed him during the Reagan presidency because of something supernatural.
V Shaped ;-)
CO, Feb. 28, 2009 - V shaped wing with 5 or 6 lights on each wing flying in N-NW direction
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, Feb. 27, 2009 - a huge V-shaped object at 8:30 p.m., a second V-shaped object at 8:45 p.m, and a squadron of 15 to 17 triangular-shaped objects at 11 p.m.
Large 'V'-Shaped UFO encounter with US Navy nuclear submarine; electromagnetic effects ;-)
Lots more good stuff in latest bunch of comments. joly good show!
Pretty heavy about the sub losing electronics and the crew being busted up.
Gort - did you catch this one:
"Our mission was Special Assignments which meant we protected the Space Program. We would go to sea and patrol while the shuttle was on the pad."
Yes, I did indeed notice that...verry interesting...
MOSCOW, February 26 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is planning to launch on Thursday a U.S. Telstar telecom satellite on a Zenith carrier rocket from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan, a spokesman for the Russian Space Agency said.
"The launch of a Zenit-3SLB rocket with a Telstar-11N satellite is scheduled for 9:30 p.m. Moscow time [18:30 GMT]," the Roscosmos official said.
The Telstar 11N, built by Space Systems/Loral for the Loral Skynet telecoms company, will provide services from 39 high-power Ku-band transponders spread across four different geographic beams in each of North and Central America, Europe, Africa and the maritime Atlantic Ocean Region.
The Zenit-3SLB is a modernized three-stage version of the Zenit-3SL, which was previously used at Sea Launch's floating platform in the Pacific Ocean.
Russia already carried out three successful space launches this year and is planning to set a world record by conducting a total of 39 launches in 2009 despite the global financial crisis.
The country carried out 27 space launches in 2008 and 26 launches in 2007, becoming the world's leader in this sphere.
"Rockwell Collins, a leader in the development of extremely high frequency communication terminals, has teamed with Raytheon Company on a U.S. Navy contract for the first of a two-phase process to develop the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) Navy Multi-band Terminal (NMT), the Navy's most advanced satellite communication (SATCOM) system."
JOHN117 ;-)
A lot of 'communications' satellites going up there. ....and yet we still have crap phone service at the land level and the cell service is not a whole lot better and gosh we still get the same 500 channels of of all the same TV feed....and the so-called wi-max 'high speed' internet here could hardly be called that.
So I wonder what is all this "communicate'n" going on that justifies 40-->100 various satellites per year? ;)
Who sayz there "Communications Satillites"
Hell, I have sent up plenty of "Com-Stars" - a few of them had guns and explosives on them... ...they communicated to me what they blew up and where they where going next.
That "advanced communications sat" might be the next UAV. - IN SPACE.
Man - you folk need to THINK outside the planet!
Rob - ill get back to your comments latter...
Check this pic-art, it kinda has the shape of some of what "John Lenard Walson" has caught on his telecam. ;-)
Okay - I know alot of you have been wondering HOW we would hide the things in space - AND - I talked about "shrouds"...
... I have been waiting for this little tid-bit of news to FINALLY be spit out by the PTB...
...so heres the link:
Thanks TOP for the heads up!
Sword - Combat In Effect! Hoah!
Heres the actual link...
The Patent File:
I told ya'll ten years ago we had this stuff.
That Top would send me linkage - guess the blogg topic took a fire of its own in a good way!
Lets hope this countiues!
Even Hoagland with his numbers/ majic/ conspiracy theories couldn't give you this!
Slammmmm Dunk!!!
(Ok that truly tops my Apollo19 collision with the 'Cruithne brother'.)
I like this sentence from the patent:
When the word "satellite" is used in this specification, other space based mechanisms and vehicles are considered to be within the realm of the invention.
The "Shrouds" are similar - albeit larger in scope... -and- ...they can DO alot of differnt things.
New blog topic?
Lets run with this awhile as see what we get by phishing next...
Has ANYONE found a link to Hoglands audio on u-toob yet?
I dont have access to the site from HERE...
If it's not too cloudy, look out in the western sky right now and see
March 2nd, 2009
Asteroid 2009 DD45 Just Buzzed by Earth
Written by Nancy Atkinson
As I'm writing this (13:40 UT) a newly-discovered asteroid, 2009 DD45, is flying past Earth at only 74,800 km (46,478.5 miles or 0.000482 AU) away. That's only about twice the height of a typical geostationary communications satellite, and well inside the moon's orbit. According to Spaceweather.com, the 30- to 40-meter wide space rock is similar in size to the Tunguska impactor of 1908, but this time there is no danger of a collision. At closest approach on March 2nd, (which just occurred) 2009 DD45 will speed through the constellation Virgo shining as brightly as an 11th magnitude star. So if you're in the Pacific region like Hawaii or Tahiti, go out and take a look! But this rock is moving fairly fast, and by tonight, it will only be 13th magnitude, and fading fast.
UPDATE: Below see video of 2009 DD45 as seen from Australia:
The asteroid was only discovered three days ago by the prolific asteroid hunter Robert McNaught at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, when the space rock was already within 2,414,016 km (1½ million miles) of Earth and closing fast. If you want to try and track it, here's the ephemeris information from the Minor Planet Center.
Hubblecast 22: Hubble directly observes planet orbiting Fomalhaut.
Heads-up, this link will reguire H.P. and Q.T.
The image they keep showing looks like a snail coming out of it's shell. ;-)
Russian General Blames Darpa for Satellite Collision
I'll up the ante a little bit:
I'll see your asteroid, and raise you a comet. (this one's for Ion)
DOOMED SNOWBALL: Last week, on Feb. 23rd, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) watched a comet plunge into the sun and disintegrate. The doomed snowball was a member of the Kreutz sungrazer family....
(The story includees a link to a video, but you need QuikTime)
From Spaceweather.com March 4, 2009
that said, how do we know this thing the size of a ten storey building, that suddenly showed up with no advanced warning, seemingly whizzing past the earth within the orbit of the moon, was an asteroid?
Devil's advocate: What else could be the size of a ten storey building floating around in space just above the orbit of geosychronous satellites?
I Am Curious Yellow.
(American name of a Swedish film made in 1967, released in 1969)
Jag är nyfiken - en film i gult
some of the older brothers might remember it.
BTW, Sword, pleease check your email.
I bet that Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. movie will give up some more disclosure about the
"Secret Space Program" ;-)
re:meangreen's link to 'The Secret Space Program'
Yes Yes, and it seems the term 'Satellite' is being used more and more.
...Now what does THAT really mean?!
Obviously there is no particular 'size' factor for a 'Satellite'.
So perhaps many of Walson's photos and videos of ships in orbit much like what Sword alludes to at the 'shipyards', could be budgetarily called satellites. ;) yuk yuk yuk
...and Swords link to reveal the 'shrouds' was an example of firstly 'a satellite'.
iow: the dictionary definition would actually surprise you.
It appears from this intelligence, that the Chinese have been able to track satellites to within 3 or 4 cm. and have been doing so for decades.
Yes indeed eric, and the Russian details I found about their tracking program used an example of a 'football' as well.
So, obviously everyone can see even the smallest objects let alone a 30-50 meter asteroid.
Couldn't find the link again but I recall that while it flew by very close(twice the distance of most of our satellites)....it was not in fact a fast mover.
Its not like it was sooooo fast it snuck up on them and somehow 'they' missed seeing it 'sooner'. plllleease.
Getting back to this premise of the clever use of the word 'Satellite'.
Sword did say earlier: Who sayz there "Communications Satellites"
Hell, I have sent up plenty of "Com-Stars" - a few of them had guns and explosives on them... ...they communicated to me what they blew up and where they where going next.
That "advanced communications sat" might be the next UAV. - IN SPACE.
-->Yes sir. UAV uh huh. ;)
Satellite definition I found:
something that is separated from or on the periphery of something else but is nevertheless dependent on or controlled by it.
Here is some Naval Aviation History (1960-1969) for ya:
"1961 MARCH 6
The Secretary of Defense established Defense policies and responsibilities for development of satellites, antisatellites, space probes and supporting systems. Each Military Department was authorized "to conduct preliminary research to develop new ways of using space technology to perform its assigned function." Although research, development, test and engineering of Department of Defense space development programs and projects were to be the responsibility of the Air Force, provisions were made for granting exceptions thereby leaving the door ajar to the possibility of the Navy developing a unique space capability."
I wonder who snagged this contract?
Just what SKYNET needed, the CISCO connection. ;-)
Flying Sub - some more links:
Look out James Bond, US military launching high-tech flying submarine
Flying Submarines - this has some pic-art of what may have "Flown/Sank" ;-)
Next blog topic…
How about:
What's the End Game?
The Fool said...
Next blog topic…
How about:
What's the End Game?
2009-03-08 11.07.PD
Fool, I'd like him to at least ANSWER questions,however uncomfortable they may be. he answered ONE honestly...he doen't KNOW if Obama signed on or not. Obama just told the Prateraus to go frack himself with HIS plan for Afgini-Paki-stan. And called in an OUTSIDER...OMG...SOME INDEPENDANT THINKING HERE going on.
Oh how SWEET it is when there are actually working BRAINS inside a President's head. The last one had none, the previous had his hanging between his legs, and Georgie Sr, was just an Illuminati Puppet running the Azheimer's Reagan into us into this FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE we are in right now.
MeanGreen..DARPA getting FLYING subs??? Gawd if Iwasn;t hurting so bad right now I'd been ROTFLMAO. The DEFENSE BUDGET for TOYS is going to get CUT...SEVERELY.
NASA is likely to get cut back too if they don't open up either.
And I STILL haven't gotten a response to the following post?:
robert said...
HHMSS Sword said...
Oh - im pretty certain he did.
I just wasnt witness - nor have I heard anything filtering on down.
I'm sure I will hear something to that effect.
2009-02-28 11.28.PD
thanx for the honest answer...you don't KNOW.
AND...if he, or the country NEEDS your service, you're going to base your decision to help or not based on YOUR OWN "religious" beliefs?
I am gathering this bit of knowledge based on your previous answers that:
Yes – No. /or/ No – Yes.
Yes – our own consul. Remember we are a highly religious – highly mad scientist like group of individuals. We are Native Americans and our “Tribe” can be called on by the president – as often as he needs. Our lands will not be found on any map – just like Area 51/33.
We exist and do our thing on our own – on our own lands – in our own way.
Yes – there is a monarchy – a military monarchy.
Soooo if you don't "believe" humanity either NEEDS your help, or if your "religious beliefs" prevent you from helping..then we're all fracked.
Have I got the "jist" of your unit now?
Because it seems there's been a LOT of 'incoming' lately and collisions where there shouldn't be that has made ALL space travel pretty hazardous lately. (i.e for a space debris clean-up crew you folks have been missing things as big as pick-up trucks and NOT stopping satelite collisions that would endanger ALL Human Space Activity) You folks aren't worried about that at all because you're going to stay at the poles and not come into the mid-latitudes to save anyone? Even on the ISS, Shuttle, ESA or Russian capsules with Americans aboard for ISS rotations?
Just curious how far your "religious" convictions/restrictions go.
Me? I've been there in the In-Between 6x's and have had the Great Father ask me these questions.
Who Are You? What Do You Want?
When your Heart is Stopped and breath is Caught?
Why are your Here? Where Have you Been?
Where are You Going? What will happen then?
I wasn't afraid of the BRUTAL TRUTH answers I gave...how about the rest of you SWORD folks after the coming fall?
2009-02-28 5.07.MD
Bob you are naive if you think "budgets" have anything to do with anything. As a for instance, I'm hearing the TARP fund has been moved offshore by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and invested in shorting their competitors BoA Wells Fargo etc to further the decline of the little people's wealth investments and pensions funds. This should be obvious when the fed doesn't have to tell anybody anything, Madoff is immune from prosecution due to issues of national security and the latest 50 billion plus scam from the Stanford rabbit in the hat disappearing act.
Now it turns out, Hubble is at risk from the debris field
The collision occurred about 490 miles (790 km) over
Siberia. Discovery is due to fly up to 220 miles (354
km) above Earth, where it will dock with the
International Space Station to deliver new solar array
NASA is still assessing the risk to the upcoming Hubble
repair space shuttle mission, targeted to fly in late
May. The danger to this trip could be greater, managers
said, because that shuttle is set to take its crew to an
altitude of about 372 miles (600 km), putting it much
closer to the range of the collision than the space
station is.
"That didn't look so good, when they looked at that,"
Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's space operations chief, has
As for budgets:
Obama ready for fight
I am SURE that the 1st TARP money was swindled away...but NOT the second $350B. Frabks, and MANY Republicans WANT there to be CLEAR, COMPLETE and transparent balance sheets. Congress could even SUE the banks to ge the original $350B BACK !!!
As for the WORKING USA "TOPS" IRIDIUM Satelite used in the 9-11 "exercise" as your excelent reporting noted...it became a nifty "dead drop" for any and ALL electronic tracings should any investigation every try to track these thngs down.
the debris field is ANOTHER reason I am questioning SWORD's "religious" justifications for helping, intentionally hurting, or just standing by twiddling their thumbs up their asses while pick-up size and bigger things go "bump" in the night or come crashing down to Earth. For a "Space Protection Sheild" unit...they've being fracking up pretty bad lately and he stil doesn't answer my questions.
Another definition of a "spook" is a figure of one's imagination.
Hopefully debris will not break anything.
I suppose irridium 33 could have been probed by NASA's latest vacuum gleaner from space. Asset becomes liability in fairly short order. Things are getting stranger and stranger.
The blog mentioned above has a pic of the sat used by the red team
Sword..which one is it?
NASA faked the downing of Compton for June 2000. Compton had the gamma ray tracking system used by the "public" scientists to study the effects of gamma on weather, earthquakes, etc. One of those PPP deals. The airforce had a plan to videotape Compton while it de-orbited. That website or any vid of the crash is one of those memory hole things "We" don't remember.
Just to recap..This is a class war.
Wireless Electricity Is Here (Seriously)
Looks like "they" will let the public use some of low tech stuff. ;-)
Rob -
- I can say with a certain amount of confidance that if teh CIC had NOT signed our document of legitimacy - I would definetly know about that. So in this case - no news is good news.
He would have been the first. At this point - its a formality - but something my brothers take seriosuly.
And no, if the "world" is in trouble - where not going to sit back and wait and watch. I have stated that many times before. While veryone is hideing in holes where going to be on the surface helping surviors the best we can.
I don't know how to respond to your "pressure" points anymore. I have tried to explain the whats and whys - and I get shit on...
...everyone is screaming disclosure.
I think I have been pretty dam good at pointing the way - opening doors/minds ...
Just trying to hold the horns of this goat while somebody else screws it up...
here is a bookmark not to be missed.
you might check out compto
You all need to lighten up(Sword - you may want to darken up) - The Old Negro Space Program
Space-Girl Dance ;-)
Iridium's Destroyed Satellite Has Now Been Replaced
Iridium is pleased to announce that on Wednesday, March 4, 2009, the company completed the replacement of the operational Iridium satellite lost in the collision three weeks ago with a non-operational Russian satellite. The unique architecture of Iridium’s fully-meshed network of 66 satellites enabled the continuity of service to Iridium’s customers while one of Iridium’s in-orbit spares was prepared and maneuvered into the constellation.
“I am particularly proud of the Iridium and Boeing teams that manage our constellation. They moved quickly, efficiently and effectively to limit the minor service degradation caused by the collision and to return our constellation to its full configuration,” said Matt Desch, chairman and chief executive officer, Iridium. “They are among the best in the business, and the speed with which they acted is testament to their ingenuity and commitment to Iridium’s customers.”
Iridium, along with many other commercial space operators, has been engaged for some time with the U.S. government in an effort to improve assessment and warning in venues such as the Commercial and Foreign Entities program, direct interaction with the U.S. Strategic Command and the National Space Security Office, and with industry organizations such as the Satellite Industry Association. While these have been useful efforts, Iridium believes this incident has demonstrated the need for even more aggressive action, and the company supports enhanced actions to increase the margin of safety for space operations.
Sword said:
I don't know how to respond to your "pressure" points anymore. I have tried to explain the whats and whys - and I get shit on...
...everyone is screaming disclosure.
I think I have been pretty dam good at pointing the way - opening doors/minds ...
Just trying to hold the horns of this goat while somebody else screws it up...
They aren't meant to be "personal" 'pressure points' as you phrase them...but since YOU are the ONLY OPENLY "SWORD" member here...you get the brunt of the questions. And as you know I am absolute about BRUTAL TRUTHS.
So the questions n issues raised may have seemed 'brutal'...they were because I needed HONEST BRUTAL TRUTH answers. Something SORELY lacking in ANY "government" agency OR it's "spokes-people" in my experiance.
And yes EVERYONE is screaming for "Disclosure"...but one man's disclosure is another's pet project, private file, or even a non-starter about giving two shits about. UFO/ETI's? While over 1/2 Americans believe in them and think government is lying...right now they could care less. The Ares Face in Cydonia or my "Smoker" are even FURTHER down the list of things even POWER people care about.
2012 ??? MOST of the planet doesn't even know so that they haven't even a CLUE to care about that. Yet. We'll see what KNOWING and 2012 do from DOD/HoLLYwod brain squeze is going to do.
As for being in THIS blog, you efforts aren't bad, there have been some links I would not have found or gotten through the 40-50 email notices I subscribe to...course I don't LOOK through them all anyhooo. Not enough time in my day and my sites are all run by me only...no 'mates helping spread the word.
I also have no "insiders" into the media or government I can count on and I see us wasting precious time since Kennedy was shot.
I have no idea what will happen in the next few heartbeats much less if the planet will flip between now and sometime after 2012. I DO know we are going through the galactic plane, there IS an increase in gamma radiation occurring and raising DAILY that isn't making meanstream media.
I guess what I would like to see is a few more "whistle-blowers" like the recent ones from GitMo, Blackwater, and KBR coming forth and telling BRUTAL TRUTHS.
You once said "I am getting what I want not just WHEN I want it."
I'd like to be around to get it.
I appologize if you felt my inquiries were a "personal" attack...as I said YOU are the only one HERE. And I have to ask is HERE the BEST place for such an operation. I mean how many "members" are REALLY registered here?
I know I take some links here and post them in the politics site like MeanGreens wireless Electricity...thanx MeanGrean...but I latter found a link in my MSN News about also...so eventually I WOULD have seen it in a place OTHER THAN here.
Dr.VanNostren first few links when he finally allowed in were pretty good AT MIL sites. Stuff still open...but buried deep.
Last point then off to bed...
In my mind with terrorism ALL over the planet, an America that is BROKE and OWNED by China and Russia (at the moment) in $$ terms...I KNOW there is a better way to manage this planet than the past 50 years have been done.
Is this "TOPS/SWORDS" fault?
I don't know. I was preparing a new 5th Obama eval when my movie editing software flunked out on several videos saying no audio was present to switch from flv to avi so I put something better than just "Hagard" from Harry Potter speaking int the webcam and pounding my head with my "CCC CLASS HAMMER" to point out the STUPID ideas government is doing.
One of the Videos was the Secret Service "Stand Down" one with 3 of 4 other movie clips of the assination. Oswald was a planeted dupe the same way 9-11 was a "False Flag" event.
And I DO, I REALLY do have to wonder, since Operation Northwood had the ENTIRE "TOPS" of the DOD/Pentagon signed on along with Johnson...who REALLY is fracking runnning our America today? It sure doesn't look as honest as I remember it in grade school watching my President's brains being blown out the BACK of his head from the FRONT.
Again...apologies if feelings were hurt...that was NOT intentded. Emotions get 'muddled' in word "conversations".
btw...appro...in naming the BEAST the "goat"...because I find "UNIVERSE/GOD" is waiting to take over from some other 'DEITY' currently in command of PLanet Earth...maybe it's why I've pushed back from HIM 3x's ... dunno.
Doesn't it seem ODD that they aren't even "upset" with the collision...wonder if ANYTHING will come from ANY investigation on that.
Iridium believes this incident has demonstrated the need for even more aggressive action,and the company supports enhanced actions...
Not that anyone is calling for a congressional declaration of war...
Can you say "satellite rage?" LOL
"Why can't we all just get along?"
--Rodney King
Yeah - they said "Splashed"
Yes - why isnt any "upset" about this collision?
Becuase this shit happens ALL the damm time - only this time someone said something...
Hey Sword..Here's a word from one of those dog face (Sirius) brutha's from anotha mtha..
I wonder how long they have cloaking tech
This is one more nail in the Compton story..........The spacecraft was 3-Axis stabilized by a zero momentum biased control system using reaction wheels. Two solar array generated 4500 W (BOL) power and fed three 50 Ahr NiCd batteries. The hydrazine propulsion system (with 1900 kg fuel) had four 100-lbf thrusters and eight 5-lbf ACS thrusters. The S-band telecom system used a 1.52 m diameter high gain antenna on a 4.4 m boom. This provided uplink at 1 kbps and downlink (via the TDRSS relay satellite) at 256-512 kbps. GRO was the first spacecraft designed for on-orbit refueling, servicing and maintenance.
Space debris 1/3 inch long has forced crew out of their bunks and into the escape rocket. danger expected to pass within 10 minutes.
Ya...and this was an interesting reference when one considers the 'accidental' collisions of big honk'n 1 ton satellites.
NASA and mission control in Moscow received a "RED threshold late notice conjunction threat alert”
For a 1/3 inch object of collision potential. ;)
"Danger, Will Robinson, Danger, Danger ..."
Pointed to GOCE some time back as a pretty looking 'Space Craft' of sorts, but speaking to our thread about 'satellites' this was interesting.
The 1 ton, 5 meter-long spacecraft will be in an extra low orbit (260 km, or 161 miles) and will experience drag from Earth's upper atmosphere, so its smooth and lean (and sexy) surface helps reduce the friction. Adding to the sleek design is that the solar panels are attached to the long body of the satellite instead of sticking out and adding to the drag. However, the spacecraft will need a boost to its orbit occasionally, and has state of the art ion engines.
Now it is interesting that everybody likes the 1 Ton 'satellite' size.
Is that a lift choice or perhaps a choice for pulverizing 'things'? You know, Sword, like a favorite canon ball standard. Arghhhhh!
GOALIES? perhaps? ..good for intercepting at 'extra' LEO?
mmmm just thinking. 1 Ton Goalies.
North Korea's venture into orbit in April makes me think the neighbourhood is going to hell. I lived with Korean students in my home for many years. They were all smarter than me. I can even understand their cage rattling when it challenges their national identity. My point is that orbiting the planet is passe.
Magnetosphere MayDay?
Randa Jazairi
Something serious is happening in the cosmos. Have a look at the magnetosphere. It appears the fields are reversed or non-existent. No magnetosphere is something we have been warned about (there has been a huge hole in it for a few years now) and it really does appear to be so:
link to www2.nict.go.jp
Looks like Earth's charge is running down. No new current is flowing in. Blue lines should be on top and red lines on bottom, such as the magnetic field should dictate.
But they are not in such a way. The polarity is going the opposite way.
Should also be noted that there were many Gamma Ray Bursts today (10 in the past 7 days):
And now this:
COSMOS IS FALLING: The first fragments of shattered satellite Cosmos 2251 are about to reenter Earth's atmosphere. According to US Strategic Command, fragment 1993-036PX will reenter on March 12th, followed by 1993-036KW on March 28th and 1993-036MC on March 30th. These are probably centimeter-sized pieces that will disintegrate in the atmosphere, posing no threat to people on the ground.
Cosmos 2251 was shattered on Feb. 10th when it collided with another satellite, Iridium 33. Cosmos 2251 possessed about one and a half times more mass than Iridium 33 and to date appears to have produced more than twice the number of fragments.
link to spaceweather.com
AND IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, CNN has reported that there has been an evacuation of the International Space Station. Of course, within minutes they said evacuation is cancelled but I don't think so. Hopi Prophecy says something about when the ISS falls, that is the last sign.
Sword: Seems some of your 'cousins' were being as puppeted by a deviant President as they were by an overreaching 'vice'-president.
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes 'executive assassination ring'
"It’s complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and yet they are committing what we would normally call murder. It’s a very complicated issue. Because they are young men that went into the Special Forces. The Delta Forces you’ve heard about. Navy Seal teams. Highly specialized.
"In many cases, they were the best and the brightest. Really, no exaggerations. Really fine guys that went in to do the kind of necessary jobs that they think you need to do to protect America. And then they find themselves torturing people.
...that was greatly excerpted just to show the positive reference to lads that sound like you guys. DO check the story.
In a nation where you almost deify the most egotistical bastards who happen to weasel their way to the top of their parties and call them a "President", surely 'Your' chain of command cannot be so easily ruled or quietly manipulated by a 'temporary' character like Bush or Cheney?
Surely you know what I am talking about. Real government in most respects is happening all the time by people who are never elected yet in most cases are the real 'public servants'.
Are the orders from the figure heads legit or when do they become pet projects? When does the better discernment of your levels say "WTF?".
Why does such a fine machine of a nation always seem to be so easily or at times so blindly pushed and pulled by a handful of politicos?
In our country the Prime Minister is just that "A" prime Minister. Do your service to we the people and then move on or screw up and piss people off and blamo we launch your ass out of office.
Remember Mulroney and the Conservatives? Just about every last one of them was booted right out of Parliament except for two. That's a nations speaking with authority, in a single vote.
Keep shining the white hats er or yellow berets Sword before too many of you finest and brightest get wasted on pet projects for deviant pairs sitting near the top. Ya near the Top. Cus I know even they are not the Top. So who reigns them in? Is it always accountability after the fact?
Don't get me wrong, in times of war against cowardly forces who hide amongst women and children and play with remotes as their first choice, I say quietly 'resolve them' and thats it.
But at what point does it deviate and people like Cheney, who should in many respects be in jail by now for all his illegalities, start to chaotically steer in wrong directions.
Ya ya I say this on the day after a Canadian ruling putting Kawaja the guy who created the 'digi-monster' remote for the a British Bomb attack foiled and is a obviously a high level Jihadist, got 10 years for his terrorist activity. Which really means 5 years. WTF. Welcome to the bizarre Canadian Judiciary. Plan to commit mass murder treason and a few other nasties and voila! a little time-out in jail for a "canadian". cough cough bullst
(Grow a little pot plant somewhere in red neck America and they put you in jail for 15 years to life.)
Maybe that would have been a nice example of good covert work to just cleanse a few of these organizers out of our societies. For that is where the large part of them are all hiding...not over there...they all live over here in our own backyards.
My final point on you Special Forces guys. Surgical tools require precision in leadership.
Don't let your finest be wasted on dishonest itinerant politicians who may not be serving 'we the people'.
...addendum: after a moment of this coffee filled opinionating, I thought I would delete but no, as The Fool once 'chastised' me previously, I'll just let this stand. Food for the Sword thought.
Yeah - I have seen ALL those links.
Ion - Hireing mercenaries is nothing new...
I guess you would call us - "Anti-Mercenaries" - we dont get paid - and dont ask for pay either...
Sorry, didn't know they were mercenaries. Thought they were Special Ops being in some cases 'misused' by CIC.
fyi: maybe you saw it already but I saw Richard's presentation on Hyper-Dimensional Physics(or at least part 1 today). Good stuff there!!
oh yes and here was part2:
Your boy is on. I'm grokking it more now.
Great - now wheres Hoggies last C2C event audio?
New book by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life (Exopolitics Institute, 2009)
They were NOT "mercernaries". These are US Department of Defense SOLDIERS, either NAVY SEALS, ARMY Special Ops, Marine Spec Ops, or even AirForce Spec Ops SOLDIERS under the "command" of the Commander In Chief..i.e "TOP" supposedly the President...in this case I think it was Cheney the VP who ran this operation as the reporting states.
So "some" of YOUR unit may have folks who "cross" missions if they aren't on YOUR missions.
Same Skill Set.
Like Ion, were NOT actually saying SWORD proper is in on this, that we know of...but then...would you really tell us?
Eric great Links...the jp ones were hard to understand and couldn't find the descriptions that really explained what we were seeing in the images and plots.
Thanx for the others though.
Just noticed Michael Salla will be a guest on Coast to Coast AM Sunday night with George Knapp as host.
Also on C2C website a link to a free listen to the missing hour last night with David Sereda(satellite failure) including how Lockheed used opposing nuclear-powered electromagnets to fly spacecraft...
Maybe John Lear knows a little something about the ‘secret’ astronauts - this is from OMF ;-)
"The Space Shuttle Discovery is scheduled to be launched tomorrow night (Sunday) and will dock with the ISS 3 days later.
During the 3 days that ‘Discovery’ is allegedly ‘catching up’ with the ISS it will actually be delivering cargo and astronauts to several secret space stations which include orbiting weapons platforms. In addition to food (which includes vitally needed fresh fruit and vegetables) and cargo, several ‘secret’ astronauts will be transferred both on and off of the secret orbiting stations.
Generally unknown to the public, the space shuttle was designed for 10 crew members and possible 3 or 4 more. The publicly released shuttle astronauts usually number 6, 7 or 8, however several more are secretly boarded before launch, transported to the secret platforms and other astronauts already on those platforms are boarded and transported back to earth.
General news releases from NASA have the public believing that the international Space Station is old, leaking and nearly ready for retirement. In fact the ISS is a highly complex and vital part of the USSTRATCOM orbiting weapons systems.
It is generally believed that the orbiting weapons platforms the construction of which began in the late 1960’s number between 8 and 12. They are manned and operated by an astronaut corps with an estimated number of 5000 current and qualified including astronauts from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, NASA and another unnamed group all operating under USSTRATCOM: http://http:www.stratcom.mil/."Leaders in Strategic Deterrence and Preeminent Global Warfighters in Space and Cyberspace”.
"USSTRATCOM is one of 10 U.S. unified commands under the Department of Defense (DoD). The Command, including components, employs more than 2,700 people, representing all four services, including DoD Civilians and contractors, who oversee the command's operationally focused global strategic mission.
The missions of US Strategic Command are to deter attacks on US vital interests, to ensure US freedom of action in space and cyberspace, to deliver integrated kinetic and non-kinetic effects to include nuclear and information operations in support of US Joint Force Commander operations, to synchronize global missile defense plans and operations, to synchronize regional combating of weapons of mass destruction plans, to provide integrated surveillance and reconnaissance allocation recommendations to the SECDEF, and to advocate for capabilities as assigned."
"At STRATCOM, our components and all the stakeholders that operate and administer the Global Information Grid, we aggressively monitor for intrusions, and we have adapted the dynamic posture intended to maintain the initiative in addressing these cyber threats." Vice Admiral Carl V. Mauney,
USSTRATCOM Deputy Commander.
The orbiting weapons platforms are supplied and serviced not only by the Space Shuttle but also from man-rated rocket systems from the Zenit-3SL, Titan, Delta and Russian Progress families.
Several, usually 2 Russian Progress (alleged unmanned) rockets dock with the ISS before the Space Shuttle arrives. The cargo from those Progress rockets are unloaded and then re-loaded on the Space Shuttle for delivery to other space weapons platforms after undocking.
After undocking from the ISS usually around mission day 13 the space shuttle uses the 2 days allegedly preparing for landing by delivering cargo and astronauts from the Russian Progress rockets. While skilled NASA disinformation artists would have the public believe that the 2 days between the undocking from the ISS and landing at the Kennedy Spaceport are used for rest periods and checklists, it is, in fact, an extremely busy period of undocking, travel between platforms, docking, unloading and loading of both cargo and astronauts and the servicing and deployment of other secret satellite systems.
The secret orbiting space and weapons platforms are manned not only by the STRATCOM astronauts but also Russian, Chinese, Japanese and astronauts from other countries in a carefully, secretly and highly orchestrated mission, the planning, construction, deployment and agenda of which has been carefully hidden from the public for over 40 years using illusory missions such as the highly vaunted but fake Apollo moon missions.
This opinion was written by John Lear who is solely responsible for the conspiratorial accuracy and nature of its content."
RCH on YT audio of 23 Feb 2009 interview about the satellite "collision"
Part 1/4
More links to follow :0
Part 2/4:
Part 3/4:
Part 4/4:
Again, more allusions to a secret struggle(war). Someone 'else' using torsion technology control against the satellites. Who might 'they' be?
Obviously not our neighbors the Ruskies. Someone with hyper-dimensional abilities.
I hope Obama prevales. I hope SWORD is not a unit trying to catch up to the enemy obstructor's level. I hope you guys get your full tech due.
( Not like Canada's public military where we rent rides in our own Chinook helicopters we sold off to the Swedes, god knows why, and they show up in them all pimped out now and updated.... and ferry our own soldiers around Afghanistan. How pathetic is that?) blahahh ;)
If you guys are indeed our first real Starship Troopers I hope your TOP is sufficiently advanced now, so you have a chance to be effective.
Where talking different type of mercenary here...
Anyone else notice that G.Noory is getting ALOT of time on the History Channel...
All weekend long - G.Noory in primetime spots on History.
Thanks for those links Gort ...
Sword - now made of Nerf:
Hacker Uncovered US Off-Planet Space Navy?
"The Navy wants you to know this information. But the method used to desemminate it to the public is a sham." ;-)
That drip drip is becoming a trickle...
Love to listen to the "Hogland Hour" (he he) and do a short Post about it - don't know if I have the time - headphones! (a luxuary HERE)
Listening to the links right now.
I think he's getting his talking points from me.
No credit - No respect
Next blogg topic - I address some of the issues I have found in his 40 mins of parroting shame....
Thanks meangreen
fyi: a couple of links for you about Gary over at Project Camelot.
audio interview with Kerry Cassidy:
and interview transcript:
more NAVY eh?!
Interesting article about "SPECTRE" here:
"'Galaxy' is bigger than SPECTRE"
Now I haven't heard the Camelot interview but I did find this comment on meangreen's link worth posting.
Note from Michael Relfe:
Please believe me. After having worked on a government contract and seeing the MAXIMUM security afforded even a low level system such as parts inventory for a shipyard, this story is a PSYOP to release information and de-sensitize people to off planet activities.
This guy had no qualifications and no tools. Even with the best of everything you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT penetrate government systems. EVER. They own you after the first try. They own the backbone. They own the DNS. The own the routers. It is their system. They invented it. They have software and technology hundreds of years in advance of anything you can buy.
In addition nothing above a certain security level would ever be connected to a public network. It would only be allowed to be connected to certain segments on a private network and they have lots of 'em. Encrypted networks that never touch a public network.
Multiple sites. Multiple security systems. Multiple dates
And this guy waltzes through them without an alarm for months.
Gimmee a very large break
We believe the information uncovered is true. The Navy wants you to know this information. But the method used to disseminate it to the public is a sham.
Kind of like the shrouds coming off eh Sword?..or guys like you giving us faithful folks the time of day....and the releasable tidbits. ;)
In the eighties I worked on Honeywell HDS5 terminals and a private network running Cobol across the whole country. Sword has mentioned a few system references in recent months that are not common joe shmoe "pc's". Hacking the Pentagon and monitoring over time through one of their terminals is what I did hear Gary had done. Hard to believe, as Michael said in that copy, as the Internet(WEB) itself was from DARPA in the first place.
Good stuff either way and the truth comes out but god I am tired of the made for tv drama and intrigue contrived and spun up like a Hoaglandesque conspiracy booga boo.
Will he or won't he be extradited!?!? Stay Tuned. Coming up next, Walson's ships in orbit part 33...right after BattleStar Galactica and to Russia With Love...and zero grav Sword style. ;)
Wait wait are WE are on TV? lol
Capt (Sword):
You've got all the guts, he gets all the glory!
Hope he tells the world your story.
IonTruO2 I find the LINKS at the botom of MeanGreens link MORE important:
email: stephanie@relfe.com
TheMarsRecords says they have this stuff for freeandthisis what the NAVY wants you to believe...yet they still want $$ for books or infor.
Physops not--scam for $$---yuperie.
And Sword...I wouldn't be "smug" just yet...he talked a bit without SAYING DEFINITIVELY for sure...at least I can recalll..imho.
Intersting article about THRUSH here:
it redirects to an article about The Man From U.N.C.L.E., but Hoagy was right, (sort of) in saying it was from Ian Fleming. Althought the original concept for the TV show was by Ian Fleming, the original "enemy" organization was called WASP. Also of note, the Americans and Soviets working together (as in the later United Space Federation in Star Trek.)
Also the Brits have a future planned moon probe called "Moonraker." How's that for life imitating art?
It sure is getting pretty active around these parts. SWORD should put up some stop lights and crosswalks up there.
.............Computers will coordinate the satellites and software already in place will run the sky show. Holographic images are based on nearly identical signals combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality.................http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
you have to wonder why they are clearing all analogue band widths on June 17.
Still reviewing Hoggies audio...
Its CRAZY how I fee that it mostly is the same stuff I have originally stated - he just "spins" it around...
...am I one of the unnammed sources?
Robert - Here are those links you requested from MarsRevealer:
New Videos ;-)
working new post
Never believed the Gary Mckinnon story.
I know enough about sys administration, to not believe a guy who claims to have entered the Pentagon through 'administrative' portals via dial up and remained over time. Now please....dialup?! Ya that sounds strategic and stealthy and no one would notice those stats like a ringing bell all over the place.
As to meangreen's link source, don't know about that but I hear ya Bob.
Mean Green, if you think marsrevealer has something important for us to grok, could you please give us the "raders digest" or "cliff notes" version?
I don't doubt that he thinks he's on to something....
Thanx MeanGreen for putting links. As everyone knows MR was kicked off here and a LOT of places. We used to have phone conversations as I tried to help him with REAL problems he has to take care of AND also listen to what he was tring to "de-code" that this ONE (1) particular video diary seemes to show. OTHER FACES on Mars than the familiar one we now dub Ares Face on the CAAIM MAP.
I don't agree with everything he says, but as the saying goes, he has a right to articulate his opinion...UNDER THE RULES...where he is setting this information out.
I learned tonight as I was invited to join the Washington Post My Face page and was asked to ost something "on the wall"...well I just pasted in the following:
10 parts of 10 min each important documentary shown only in Russia
Part 1 of 10 others are viewable at link
and it showed up underneath after I typed in that silly code to avoid "robots" and there it was...for all of 12 seconds.
I must have violated some 'rule' or some such...anyhooo...I moved on with all the rest of the things I have going.
I have 25 minutes of 5 10 min YouTubers of film clips from Obama Speach, Kennedy assassination, and 9-11...I got another 25 min of clips to find in next few weeks to fit them in. Will also have one LONG one with all tied into one movie on MCSP site in Administration section.
Thanx again Meangreen for passing on links our 35 min conversation wasmostly him talking, as usual, but that's just the he is, why he was a good radio host. I know I can't jabber-jaw that long about anything...I tend to ramble on and go into new different directions...gary has always been FOCUSED like a laser.
Could use a new blog SWORD...and find some deep nifty inner .gov and .mil links to DECLASSIFIED stuff that'll knock our socks off.
And Gort....there is NO "Reader's Digest" version of what he has there...sorry even I am baffled sometimes. But when I get time I'll try to find where he mentions me.
Gee..ominus 195 post I did hehe?
GAWD the Universe is so funny sometimes.
IonTruO2 said...
Never believed the Gary Mckinnon story.
Me neither - funny thing was - I was thinking a tthat momment that I would shit a brick load o' bricks if anyone I knew was on that "list"...
...security first.
Chances are - this is a media play. He didn't stela teh info - he was pointed in the right direction and NO ONE stopped him.
Think about it.
Want to diseminate info locked up in a vault. Put the password on the outside of the vault and see what happens...
Working new post - I have my notes - its going to be a hoggie one...
Yes I guess you would have been, Sword. I See a post it note on the vault door that says 'administrator peeping terminal password'...for low bandwidth dial-up slow pokes only. lol
TO Robert:
I am just finishing watching "Zeitgeist Addendum" and I must say I feel where you are coming from now. I also see more clearly a number of things Sword has mentioned previously about the fall.
I remember the term 'magic money'.
Some of the material already knew, but I must saw it was a very well done documentary that spells things out simply for the viewer....as maddening as it is.
Lets hope Swords 'fraternity' can help bring about this new age minus the world leeches.
Stop wasting our warriors on phantom wars and conflicts. Send your men to real causes.
Watch that movie. Its 2 hrs and its an excellent follow on from Zeitgeist.
Thanx IonTruO2,
there's LOT n LOTS of videos there FREE for watching. I searched and found the BEST of the BEST. I have someone else who contributeson another site we collaborated on and I carry his documentaries as well...like the Dinosaurs ones.
Who know maybe we can learn something from them NOT to do so we can survive the coming collapse.
THAT was my WHOLE point on "picking on" SWORD in the 1st place. As I said in a form of apology I know it isn't HIS personal fault this crap happens...but there comes a point where...if you KNEW Kennnedy was going to shot for a Military Coud'de'tat...WHERE does one loyalties lie?
Awful tired tonight...big mix-up between Drs and Rx pharmacies..plus just lost appetite and strength and have one last email to send.
Looking forward to new blog SWORD.
Again find some deep mil and gov stuff.
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