What in the hell are we looking for?
I know what I am looking for… …disclosure. It seems – well – kind of odd to me, reading myself as it is – why anyone would take me seriously.
Hell, I have a hard enough time taking myself seriously.
There are however those nagging things that keep me going strong… …like that keyword called “disclosure” that hit me like a ton-o-bricks many years ago. I was living in a very small travel trailer – staying low and as far off the grid as possible – going to a community collage and working part time – basically to meet girls and keep busy. It was a funny looking place. The satilite dish was as big as the "house"...
It was kind’a surreal living there – not much bigger than a office, mostly a tiny studio apartment with wheels. The television took up an entire portion as big as it was, but that 47 inch tube flat screen fit within an half inch clearance in the area that was supposed to be space enough for a three person couch. What whe're we smaller back then?

Several weeks before the whole disclosure revelation, I had been to a hippie party where I preached gospel one night – and rolled a handful of skin heads single handed the next night.
It never occurred to me then, just how I could preach like best. People asked, I told them – I learned at an early age when I was in Army Schools – I was trained to be a priest. I just said it. It just came out of my mouth – and it was like choacking up a ball of guilt that had been lodged in my throat… …it was truth and I was finally admitting to myself after many years of suppressing it to some degree of success to the other… …after that was said – the guilt came back – and I went back to that dark place I dwelt. People asked again – and I denied it ever happened – I even threatened pain to anyone who stated it was true. They relented – and they didn’t understand. Neither did I.
Then the next night some young ruffians came by – starting trouble, wearing swastikas… …shit hit the fan when they found out I was a brown skinned preacher. It’s funny – I don’t remember feeling any malice or hatred – I remember feeling empowered enough to do the things I did without pulling my two colt revolvers out and starting to blast away. All it was – was me standing in the middle of a small clearing alone aside from the bonfire breaking noses and busting kneecaps… …no one lifted a finger to help me (damm pacifist hippies). …I hurt people horribly and I felt no guilt.

After a while of me staring with menace into the fire, wondering just exactly what I was, and what I was becoming – the party returned to normal. About an hour later a very good looking native park ranger showed up asking around about who sent all the skin heads to the local emergency room. “What fight? There was no fight. I don’t know what your talking about!” To me there was no fight – I didn’t preach – I didn’t fight – I didn’t do anything… …yet – it happened and a deep dark part of me refused to admit it. Another part of me had broken through as well – I wanted to stand up and be recognized – I wanted to tell the truth.
I left the fire and the cold drove me back to it about a half hour later. I had seen the green park ranger’s truck leave and I thought the coast was clear. I was wrong.

It was a really crazy and wild weekend. It was an eye-opener – at least for me – being strictly military and ending up a full blown hippie party. Add one part booze, one part herb, two parts free loving women and a dash of Nazis – and you have one hell of a martini…

The fear of basically death must have pushed that Lion in me even further. Being surrounded by enemy in a do or die situation made something snap – and again I became something familiar and scary. The adrenaline coursed through me like the sweet morphine. I took my licks – but delved out more than my far share. I relished the snapping of bones and the splatter of blood. I was awash in my own giant sized ego – refusing to go down to that filth. I knew this man, he was with me always – darkness held in a vessel that was cracked and then split. Once my vengeful side was released – there was no turning back – and I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to remember my darkest most violent side.

I was living a fine life before I remembered who I was.
Golden path? Sounds like Wiz-O-Oz… …Shit, who’s the asshole behind the curtain? Why is it when I pry the iron curtain back a smidge they put me in a mental ward surrounded by former NFL linebackers? Am I that dangerous?
I would have rather just lived my life not knowing about this duality of myself. I would have rather lived an unwitting lamb up until the day I died.
I would have preferred that Hoagland just stated – NO! I have never been in a basement in Fairbanks Alaska for a 33rd briefing. But… …nooooo – he starts writing articles about Masons and then spills the beans in a book detailing [to a point] the old timer’s duty… …what’s the working title of the next book? … “The Sword”?
“Need to know”, he says… …well – I NEED TO KNOW.
I guess in the end I asked for this.
A man broken into thirds – a saint, a sinner, and a solider.
A life of love and vengeance…It’s an infantryman’s life – and that’s the life for me…
Now that's what I call disclosure. Do you have a non-military handle?
Sword, last I heard the working title for Hoagland's next book is Dark Mission II (DM2) at least according to co-author Mike Bara.
See darkmission.blogspot.com.
Mike's latest blog has some intersting pics of Hoagy in the disco 70s.
The previous blog about going to ABQ for the weekend mentions working on the new book.
I believe Bara and Hoagy are also teaming up with Joseph P. Farrell (sp?)
who has a book out about the Nazi Bell project.
But then I may have bats in my belfry.
I haven't gotten to the hidden links yet...but I will.
Good read.
As I stated earlier...find another civilian.
Stephen Bassette would make a good choice as well for what needs doing if Obama doesn't have the cajhones to do it.
Did you get your own "meet-n-greet" ?
The Duality Tri-Fecta and 3 comments.
Speaking of which, friends used to say I was so good at telling three stories in one. Which reminds me of a disclosure a while back that Masons tell their stories with three 'layers'. Correct me if that is dead wrong.
Good Blog Sword, a lot of work in there and your story rings true to past tellings as well. ;)
I have yet to grok the third subtext. From the front to the eastereggs, I perceive there is a third layer in the play of the links and titles. (yes I am saying this in public) (doesn't mean I have a clue what I am talking about).
question of the day: Were you time triggered to re.member or were you accidentally breaking out of 'the forgetting' post-hypnotics?
I know you previously had stated that the process was useful for men of war to ease their but in your case here, was it 'scheduled' to 'open' across the years leading up to the mission point now?
Off to decode and grok.
Sword Unit on Titan
Sword 4x4ing
No, accidental - I guess a portion of my ego is stronger than that of the majick...
And yes, we will do shit like that - except getting our skids jacked...
As for the links ... they are pretty random and mostly dont have anything to due with any linked word or subject. Just a bunch of tidbits you may have missed - should know about...
A duel trifecta would be 33...
And Rob - have you been watching the Bara blog recently?
We got some positive negitives going on. The individuals that selected MY civillian are going bombbastic with straight out lies... ...its funny.
It tells me at least he's still in the actual "good grace's" of TPTB that sent him to me.
Yes I've been watching AND participating. TPTB and the "Golden Path" are part of the "KNOWING" movie link you used.
So I take a little tiny "issue" with this from your blog:
Sword said:
"Golden path? Sounds like Wiz-O-Oz… …Shit, who’s the asshole behind the curtain? Why is it when I pry the iron curtain back a smidge they put me in a mental ward surrounded by former NFL linebackers? Am I that dangerous?"
I don't know, are you?
Got the Starship Keys Yet?
How about some HONEST data on your SWORD MARS CYDONIA hide-out? in :
The Cydonia Smoker
Can you "slip" me HONEST data?
If the answer is no...then you are no danger to "disclosure"...nor are you REALLY helping it along on a scale that would be USEFUL to the planetary population.
I sent you an email with my take on CIC's first 10 days in office. You never said if you got to get your "Meet-n-Greet"...or did he decide that signing on to keep his mouth shut just wasn't what his HEART n SOUL is made of?
Hope you guys don't do to him what you did to John F. Kennedy.
I havn't had the chance to check the "Email Bin"...
...I'll look into your file.
Based of of older writting - journals form above and such... I already have eluded to WHAT the actual smoking holes really are...
So... ...no one has commented on my personal photo yet.
yes - thats me..
RCH was on C2C last night in the first hour. Among other things he talked about the recent episode of the Mars Rover Spirit not responding to the ground crew.
Hoagy said his inside sources told him the black ops guys took over control of the rover as signal to the ground crew (once again) not to point the cameras too closely at any really intersting stuff on Mars. They also did this after the Spirit first landed and started exploring. (like five years ago). So far stuff is to be hidden, but with the change of administration, maybe this "quarantine" will be lifted, sooner rather than later...
Well I got a bounce back on the email addy I HAD for you so you can get the "gist" of the email by visiting my DailyKos diary I just put up:
Obama 10 eval and FRB shakeup
I KNOW the Smokers are exhaust holes for SWORD facilities..yes?
If so...then the 4 MGS MOCs CLEARLY show a 30-40 yard wide "HOLE" in the EXACT center of the Pyramid with a broken "cover-plate".
Now why can't you get HONEST DATA OUT???
Again, unless you can help with THIS aspect???...giving us links MANY of us already either KNEW about, already knew the SUBJECT matter, or could easily INFER with "forward" thinking that nothing here is "black-ops" stuff.
Interesting? Sure.
Sadly not.
As far as your picture...kinda of younger than I thought even through the Banditio...my first thought was...he's Bank-Robbing-Frackin our minds. But I have NOT yet reached that CONCLUSION.
Your link (Cydonia Smoker) showed up a page called HiRISE Butts and Knobs in Cydonia Region.
At first I thought it was a Martian porno site. LOL
(just kidding)
I know a butte from a butt.
However, until I can print some of these HiRISE pictures out on a high quality printer or see them on a better screen than my old DELL CRT, I'm thinking , for the most part, it's jsut rocks.
Sorry, I don't see what you are seeing. Oh well.
(That doesn't mean there isn't stuff there, it just means i don't see it.)
Gort, et al...
The I suggest you review the
update with the the 4 MOCs
the processing trying to try and show the
BOTTOM of the hole
there remains a 30-40 YARD wide n DEEP DARK HOLE...
that somehow mysteriously disappears or is flushed with dust
flushed with dust
and that 30-40 YARD wide n DEEP hole is 'air-brushed' into "foo-foo dust"
3Ds of the MOCS
Show not only a DEEP hole in the middle but a regular, complete and FLAT CIRCLE around the 'hole/crater'.
I think the MGS MOCs and the MRO HiRise images do NOT match each other in the PHYSICAL "rocks" that the MGS MOCS show CLEARLY while the MRO HiRise is blurred and "foo-foo dusted" out MAJOR things in ALL FOUR MGS MOCS.
Which set of data to believe? I trust the MOCS after the FIASCO of the "CATBOX". Malin didn't try anything else again with anything EXCEPT the Ares Face.
While I recall Sword's saying his actual name previously which rang of almost good ol Irish heritage....for some reason I had really come to figure him to be a man of 'color' and of some age.
from previous Blog posts: I peaked out and watched for a little bit until a forklift came and the gate was lowered by some shocked soldier who found himself staring at a six foot tall fourteen year old weighing close to 180 pounds with Nikes, canvas shorts, a t-shirt that said “Star Wars” - with an Afro.
Afro? I guess I don't know too many red heads that wore afro's...even in the seventies or early eighties.
...and who is this guy in your Blog of SDI magic money?
Now while I may be ass backwards in who I think you are and as Bob wondered how old a number of us thought you were, maybe it is time to clarify a little more, now that you have made claim that that first shot in the latest Blog is you.
for those that don't know what the heck SWORD is, I did find the logo from a previous post.
This was also a descriptive of Sword from the SDI magic money article: The “Younger Brothers” - Special Forces Task Group:Sword - privately funded - yet connected to the “new” SDI movement of S.W.O.R.D. conducted combat operations against some very deadly drug trafficker between the period of 1994-1998. (We had to prove our worth...) It was during that time that there Captain called on the aid of not only the U.S. Air force (adopting a "New" army air-core strategy), and U.S. Navy as a Joint Task Force - but also those military resources “above and beyond”...
As well, there was a link tucked in there as well that pointed to a description of his apparent(public) Division.
6th Infantry Division
Ok I'm dredging it up today.
more on the guy we call Sword: (from May 24th, 2006) http://sword-hhmss.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_archive.html
I was born unto this world – a LION of my tribe.
My biological tribe has never accepted me as a member of their tribe – although – do to my actions in the past – and the circumstances of my birth – been labeled a “Shaman” – an outside Shaman – of the Tribe. For them I do many things - predict weather for one among other things – but – alas – never will I be allowed a true member of their flock. Perhaps time will change this.
I am a what rude people would call – a “half breed”…
I am one part Native American Indian (My biological father) – one part Irish American (My beloved grandmother) – and one part German (My highly educated geologist/farmer Grandfather.) I am a half-breed like Jesus. I am the “melting pot” of America. Before I was “darkened” I learned to speak Spanish, German, and English fluently. Oh, how I miss speaking the German words with my grandfather in his rock shop on the river flood plain… …how I yearn to learn more of the earth from him – for the Lords throne – IT IS made of stone.
I am, as my FATHER once said – “The Tri-fact-ah of whoop ass…”
Since my birth, my slow, gradual life, has been one of total an undeniable FIGHT for my life.
BOB--> one other logo for your patch project. ;)
its from the May 2006 archives of the old SWORD Blog but here is the direct link to the jpg.
Ah...here was a little 'gem' (lol) That I stumbled on in my walk down memory road.
As queer as it might sound – NASA, the public version – now needs Hoagland to move forward with the public disclosure of their three American space programs. Then comes the fun part, the why of it all.
Me, I’m just trying to do my job.
Which turns out to be right now Public Relations for my own organization when in fact Rich should have been at podium all this time. I’m not a social person – I’m a solider not a media person. With actual photographic evidence in hand of the other NASA he could have had some serious clout – the actual voice of the strange and new? He should have gotten that behind him, sowed that badge on and then be gearing up for the MRO and the other flood of “old” yet new data of previously unreleased missions. What a bone they threw him! To be exonerated like this? A supreme coo-day-tahh for any scorned scientist...
But nooooo…..
Well just sit on it until where satisfied that we have had our revenge.
He wants to be on air with Katie, but, we need guys who can get it done without all the hassle – so tonight, we got a screen test of some potential candidates.
You can’t go it alone Rich, not at this scale – so we though since you don’t want the limelight – we’d get someone else to help us out.
It’s called drowning in the static.
No ones going to care about Hoagland when we have someone else on camera, in a space suit, with the dam big hanger on luna or the face in the background. The "big race" is starting to assemble and we have all the contenders revving up there engines. The guy supposed to say "start your engines" - why - he's in his dressing room, pouting...
I didn’t want to start over and be set back a year or more.
But, I got to do what I got to do.
It was also from this little jewel, that I recall finding the first of Sword's 'invisible' text remarks to his lads. ..right at the bottom of 'Rich's Last Laugh' May08/06
We look like a bunch of dam amatures men... ...
Didn't mean to dredge up the old sores, but if NASA(public) really needs to move forward and now perhaps more quickly before the are lost in the roar of the engines or the disclosure by others then why are their own representatives making bald face lies...still? Re: Dark Mission recent Blog remarks about Hoagland.
Hey Sword did ya ever hire that better replacement? Or are you it?
lastly: I like this: The “cover-up” of the century is about to brought out into the open through a quiet exchange of information – an incredible public announcement of existence of not one American space agency – BUT THREE. The public, the private, and US.
(The Good – the Bad – and the Ugly)
Now, I, “The Captain” is stuck in the middle of two decade long bitch fight.
Just summarizing ol friend for the benefit of those that are trying to grok the whole identity of you here.
Already been said and made to be read.
..on the record capt.
And so it goes, the Brits will probably end up being the disclosers for all. Whats that? I think I here engines revving.
MOD dossier reveals sightings for 2008 at near 300
Yawn...and Hoagland will still be peddling books and having Mike Bara doing ALL the talking.
Great book, it isn't even on the shelves at all in my part of Canada.
Meanwhile we here have a former Defense Minister in Canada from the Trudeau years no less, speaking freely and the Brit MOD is now releasing details like never before.....and the U.S. is hoping Richard is their best bet?
I like the guy frankly, but the effort is so old school small scale. No really credentialed significance or appearance of formal channels of leadership.
Ok Sword: Having seen you come full circle from the past...here is you next Blog post Title:
“The Tri-fact-ah of whoop ass…”
ha ha ha
ion out
At least somebody is listening.
I look white right now beacuse it is winter.
In teh summer I turn brown, like really brown.
When I was in Alaska the color range was even more extreme - to the alarm of many people whom thought I was sicvk or something.
Strange as it is - the meltoma in my skin varies quickly - and regularly...
As far as my age is concerned - I am alot, alot older than I look. Can't tell age realy why I look like a bandit thowing my "gang" signs in front of the "Herditary Ranch"
Gort made this point about Hoggie on the radio...
Gee - is it just me - or is he talking about the same shit I have been saying for years - before HE ever said it? ... ...
Dark Mission - who first said Masons where at work - with there own space program?
Who said that "THE" Space program has already been on mars for years?
So... ...how is it again that he is the SOURCE for all this material?
In a way - Rich is doing a fine job of "Project:Disclosure". In fact - I have no complaint - except one - and perhaps it is my fault anyway - maybe I chased him into a corner of immediate disclosure he couldn't get out of.
The complaint is this - AND - it does relate to this blogg post.
He didn't come out and either confirm or deny the FACTS. I asked him a straight up question regarding our past involvement - and he demured. Classic.
I hope I am explaining this rightfully.
A denial would have put me back in my place in this show - and more than likely he would still be running his own show on his own blogg.
I don't think it is in his nature to LIE, however...
So - he split like bananna and proped up Bara as a megaphone.
Can we blame him considering the revelation at the facts? I dont think he was instructed to handle it this way by me way back when.
I changed the plan mid-flow and he had to do what he needed to do. Honestly - I cant find fault in his actions - just in the delay and inaction!
So in the end I guess - RICH is doing what was asked of him - almost to the exact letter. It was I who pushed up the timetable do to my egerness to get it over with - and be returned to my unit.
BULLSHIT METER just pegged all the way to the right.
You got to do better than that.
Even I figure if nobody is going to held accountable for JFK, for 9-11, then as the clips in the preview trailer says about 2012:
"How do you tell 5 billion people on Planet Earth that the END is here?
You don't.
And neither will SWORD.
Pick me up in your Starship to get back any credibility...otherwise you are a mediocre NSA spawn contributing to the noise of the
And the Oppressors of Liberty and Freedom are sadly still in control being the hagiogrophers that they are and you are likely to be.
ooops I forgot to keave out that also NOBODY will be held accountable also for The War in IRAQ...WMD's....and poor Afghanistan and Osama...even Bushie Jr could care less where he is.
Take a 14 second peek n listen
Ohhhh yeah the ONLY people to LEAVE The United States of America by plane..were...
drumroll please....
the BinLaden's BEFORE any FBI could get to question ANYONE ONE of them.
"Disclosure" from Space Warefare Operations Research Division.
If it wasn't so sad I'd be laughing my ass off.
Just trying to have a good recall of what you have already conveyed of 'yourself'. Corrected my misunderstandings in that.
(Have a family member that is part 'Metis' and he goes thoroughly black in the Summer so I get ya.)
Ok ok I spun out a little beyond the scope of details of Capt. 'Sword' with that walk down memory lane and Hoagland. Then overdosed on the copy paste, but it stood out and tied in with the latest attacks on Richard and your recent remarks re the outright lying going on. Tks for the re-affirmation.
While I can totlly appreciate Bob's position, I do kind of understand how 'you guys' could not possibly be permitted to disclose material goods or solid items as 'evidence' as I would think that would violate a number of laws let alone oaths.
So I am content to receive the verbal story for now. That said in reviewing the Blog over the last few years I have to say damn it is a nice piece of effort.
Problem I find is the Blog format over time...fragments, and context kind of gets lost and/or forgotten. What I would like to do in time is put it 'together' into a compendium of some sort. Anyway just a thought. So much detail and relevant graphics in there I had forgotten.
Good Idea.
I think thats being done already.
I also imagine RCH cannot just go on the air and talk about such bizarre (to the mainstream world) disclosures without having some verifiable secondary evidence to back him up.
He occasionally mentions stuff he has been told by his "inside sources," but he has to be able to weigh what he is being told, because there is always the posssiblity of misinformation, disinformation, outright lies, spin, and truth.
Take the case of the Spirit rover shutting down mysteriously. This of course raised a flag of suspicion that something was being done intentionally by the black ops folks. He could report on that, but all he had was a suspicion, although after all these years of following the antics of the NASA space program, we could say it is an educated suspicion. But then when he can tie it in with several independent revelations from "highly trusted inside sources," it makes it easier for him to go on C2C and tell the story.
Same with the diamond shaped asteroid and the narrow angle camera going into safe-mode right when it is supposed to be getting the closest and highest definition pictures of the asteroid. RCH came up with a neat article with pictures and reasons to indicate the greater probability that the NAC safe-mode story was a hoax and the inside guys got the real pictures.
RCH said on C2C the other night that he would be posting a "part 2" to the Inaugural White Paper" in "a couple or three days" with more info about what is going on in the space program...
That was on the 4th and today is the ninth, I expect it to be up sometime later this week.
Well Well SWORD is in the "open" on MEANSTREAM MEDIA...
YOU wanted "attention"...now you're "OFICALLY" I guess an acronym "in-the-game".
Good article...you fellers MUST be in the book I am unlikely to be able to afford...though I could ask my library for it and likely will at some point.
Right now reading DailyKos' Taking on the System. Good read...better than the HoodWink I was readin about the ancient history of how Bush lied us into Araq. Though it still leaves out the MOST important story of all...the beinning of it ALL.
The "False Flag" event of 9-11 and the brutal truth that the HIGHEST government, military, civilian, and economic power elite designed the biggest and fastest hagiographic re-selling of reality since Johnson, Hoover, NASA and the CIA shoot John F Kenedy with the "single magic bullet" theory that is as fool of holes as his skull was with no brain left at all.
"Transparency" Obama calls for...
What are SWORDS' Secret's?
Are they in the book?
Will an HBO movie be produced?
Nothing stopping you now.
Show us what you can do...PUBLICY and TRANSPARENTLY.
btw the mention of SWORD is on page 2
Flying Aircraft Carrier - in the 1930s?
They have video of the "USS Macon" ;-)
U.S. And Russian Satellites Collide
Communications Satellite Hits Russian Satellite; International Space Station Deemed Safe
Robert, if you go that guy Singer's web page, and do a little looking through it, you will find a whole page of you tube videos on different robotic weapon systems including the SWORDS.
If I find it later on, I will post the link to that page, but I have dog duty to attend.
And don't forget the parliamentary guidbook for all these democratic activities:
Robots Rules of Order
Very cool find Meangreen.....TKS!
Gort said...
U.S. And Russian Satellites Collide
Communications Satellite Hits Russian Satellite; International Space Station Deemed Safe
New and interesting post on Dark Mission Blog about the timing and position of second swearing in DC on inauguration day.
And I suspect there is more to the story about the satellite collision.
"wired for War" author Peter W. Singer's web ste is here:
Robot Demonstrations ( a FULL page of videos... ) is here:
comment number 33 (?)
New post soon - this one seems like it was DOA ...
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