Well, finally…
…I can post.
Been a long time coming, and I DO have a lot to talk about. It’s always good to be back in communication with the gang…
…I can post.

Of course, mum was the word as far as political commentary was concerned. Regardless of the traffic I receive, both in responses from the regulars – and the silent irregulars, I was pretty much forbade to make comments on what and who and why. At this point I consider the fact that I can spread the word and provide commentary on ongoing issues, operations, and things considered “Black” by those not in the know – to be a privilege – and I did not want to risk being removed forcibly from the internet – again.
On top of that – I had made a proclamation – a premonition if you will - over who would be the next President and Vice president of the good ‘ol USn’A… …it wasn’t something that I thought would happen – it was something told to me ten years and longer ago. That was – in fact – that it would be a McCain, Clinton ticket.
That’s right – a split party ticket.
This did not come to pass – and – I was NOT shocked.
On top of that – I had made a proclamation – a premonition if you will - over who would be the next President and Vice president of the good ‘ol USn’A… …it wasn’t something that I thought would happen – it was something told to me ten years and longer ago. That was – in fact – that it would be a McCain, Clinton ticket.
That’s right – a split party ticket.
This did not come to pass – and – I was NOT shocked.

With all that being said – there really is no need to rehash the whole election process. It’s done. Any thing I would have said would be pretty much mute at this point – which was probably TOP’s plan all along.
I am very pleased with the new Commander in Chief (CIC from here on out). I am looking very forward to watching this CIC sign off on our existence. I am hoping that this CIC understands how to use our very special unit – and puts us to our already planned good uses…
Now on to other things…
I remember a long time ago when ol’ Hogland was still doing his bloging that I said to watch the media for the slow dissemination – and the grooming of the American mind – of things to come. It has been hard lately to see the information through the static – the point being that you would have heard it – been interested in hearing it – and stored it away in the back of your mind.
We have been having a lot of reports of Near Earth Objects (NEO’s) and the FACT that we are going to be able to track where they are going to be coming down from – and get them on video. Interesting. I do know one was spotted over Canada in recent days – dunno 'bout you - looks like missile command to me… …there are other links for this event as well – but I’m not going to beat a dead horse…
Also going on up, up, in the sky is some of the recent happenings on/about the moon. Hogland and Leer aught to get a big woody over the fact the NASA has re-released the Apollo images in high res digital format. Now, my question is - are these images the so called “air-brushed” images – just bigger?
There are other, far more stranger things going on that have been mentioned across the net as well – all presented here for you viewing pleasure. Then there’s Jupiter – which you thought couldn’t get any bigger… This article deals with more evidence that I feel connects HARRP, the new STRING theory, and Hogland’s hyper dimensional physics – but what do I know?
Then, perhaps more or less interesting – is the fact that the Air Force is getting jiggity – and giggity-giggity with the internet…
…First, the jiggity…
The Air Force shuts down there Cyber-Command… …no – wait … [Two months latter... BASE60...] … they haven’t … …as a matter of fact, there going to get real serious about it as well…
So – sounds like a shell game to me. I don’t know what you think – but here’s what I think...
I am very pleased with the new Commander in Chief (CIC from here on out). I am looking very forward to watching this CIC sign off on our existence. I am hoping that this CIC understands how to use our very special unit – and puts us to our already planned good uses…

I remember a long time ago when ol’ Hogland was still doing his bloging that I said to watch the media for the slow dissemination – and the grooming of the American mind – of things to come. It has been hard lately to see the information through the static – the point being that you would have heard it – been interested in hearing it – and stored it away in the back of your mind.
We have been having a lot of reports of Near Earth Objects (NEO’s) and the FACT that we are going to be able to track where they are going to be coming down from – and get them on video. Interesting. I do know one was spotted over Canada in recent days – dunno 'bout you - looks like missile command to me… …there are other links for this event as well – but I’m not going to beat a dead horse…
Also going on up, up, in the sky is some of the recent happenings on/about the moon. Hogland and Leer aught to get a big woody over the fact the NASA has re-released the Apollo images in high res digital format. Now, my question is - are these images the so called “air-brushed” images – just bigger?
There are other, far more stranger things going on that have been mentioned across the net as well – all presented here for you viewing pleasure. Then there’s Jupiter – which you thought couldn’t get any bigger… This article deals with more evidence that I feel connects HARRP, the new STRING theory, and Hogland’s hyper dimensional physics – but what do I know?

…First, the jiggity…
The Air Force shuts down there Cyber-Command… …no – wait … [Two months latter... BASE60...] … they haven’t … …as a matter of fact, there going to get real serious about it as well…
So – sounds like a shell game to me. I don’t know what you think – but here’s what I think...
They “shut down” the group and relocate them to some sort of secure location – then – set up a front group – complete with computer systems in the original public location. Its called a feint. It’s what I would do. The big failure to me was advertising they existed in the first place – however – I am certain that the intention was to recruit the best and brightest in a field they themselves couldn’t keep up with. Some people have said that this “new” direction would have an expansive intelligeance gathering capability for the GOV – but they never needed any help before…
Then, we get into the giggity-giggity…
Interplanetary internet … ? … Yep – I said it.
Now to me – this snip from the article is worth its weight in Spanish Doubloons:
“DTN… was developed a decade ago by NASA engineers…”
So, we have had it in use for …wha...? how long? Sort of like the F-117, which we have had in use in the sky a decade before we ever admitted that we had them at all… …How long has the gov’ment actually been using this technology?
I’m pretty dam certain that this technology has been in use for quite sometime – AND – is in use – RIGHT NOW…
The true aim of this technology I am pretty sure is for “future” astronauts to be able to write and post there own bloggs, be it on the International Space Station, or the upcoming moon and Mars missions. NASA and the MIL-FACT is trying to up the image of the Space Command for one simple purpose – funding. With the old school voter latterly passing away – the new school, internet/technology savvy taxpayer/voter is going to expect more than grainy images in black and white…
Its this kind of move by the MIL-FACT to get in gear with technology that other, smaller, military divisions are already using/implementing - that gives me a real stiffy…

Interplanetary internet … ? … Yep – I said it.
Now to me – this snip from the article is worth its weight in Spanish Doubloons:
“DTN… was developed a decade ago by NASA engineers…”
So, we have had it in use for …wha...? how long? Sort of like the F-117, which we have had in use in the sky a decade before we ever admitted that we had them at all… …How long has the gov’ment actually been using this technology?
I’m pretty dam certain that this technology has been in use for quite sometime – AND – is in use – RIGHT NOW…
The true aim of this technology I am pretty sure is for “future” astronauts to be able to write and post there own bloggs, be it on the International Space Station, or the upcoming moon and Mars missions. NASA and the MIL-FACT is trying to up the image of the Space Command for one simple purpose – funding. With the old school voter latterly passing away – the new school, internet/technology savvy taxpayer/voter is going to expect more than grainy images in black and white…
Its this kind of move by the MIL-FACT to get in gear with technology that other, smaller, military divisions are already using/implementing - that gives me a real stiffy…
Speaking of the MIL -FACT…
…what the hell are they up to? In the news recently there have been a few news stories here and there about units deploying as homeland defense – there training revolves around riot control – really? Riot control? I thought that the days of having brown shirted individuals in the street to quell rebelling populaces was something that happened in Germany a long time ago…
Then the MIL-FACT gets crazy with exploding bowling balls – I’m not kidding…
There is of course something I have wanted mounted on our BGR’s for a long time as RPG and other ground based missile like projectiles can definitely kill us…
…what the hell are they up to? In the news recently there have been a few news stories here and there about units deploying as homeland defense – there training revolves around riot control – really? Riot control? I thought that the days of having brown shirted individuals in the street to quell rebelling populaces was something that happened in Germany a long time ago…
Then the MIL-FACT gets crazy with exploding bowling balls – I’m not kidding…
There is of course something I have wanted mounted on our BGR’s for a long time as RPG and other ground based missile like projectiles can definitely kill us…

Saving the best for last…
…Hogland’s got to be felling pretty smarvy… …in quite a few articles his paper on a wet mars is getting third hand acknowledgement. No, they don’t mention him – they just confirm what we/he have been thinking (and knowing) all along…
…Hogland’s got to be felling pretty smarvy… …in quite a few articles his paper on a wet mars is getting third hand acknowledgement. No, they don’t mention him – they just confirm what we/he have been thinking (and knowing) all along…

Easter egg hunt - find all the linkage greatness!
Found nearly all I think and saved each one and a few follow-ons with the weapons stuff.
I didn't get to 'finish' a patch I was working on for ya...this is as far as I got with all the other stuff happening in my life right now...:
Good post...glad to have ya back.
PS...having to LOOK for information keeps one on thier toes...you can't grow up if you don't become curious enough to climb out of the crib or playpen.
Got it. Read through. Accolades.
Will have to contemplate. TKS!!
I'll have to take the time to slowly digest all of this.
I have some code that can strip all links out of a page, if anyone is interested I can post all of the hidden links. It is a bit more fun having to search for them and also to read the context in which they were posted in though.
Great post!
I still think Hillary will be president.
Ah yes, 'front groups', the well known and effective method we have seen with NASA and Space Defense Command and now 'Cyber Command'.
I am certain that the intention was to recruit the best and brightest in a field they themselves couldn’t keep up with.
Couldn't have said that better myself. ;) They needed a Farm League...even at this level. Engineering exercises that serve while being fertile ground for observing/recruiting "post" graduates at their finest.
...so cyber command goes private, just prior to full launch of the Interplanetary Internet. (which I had found material showcasing 2008 for basic completion from the approx beginnings of 1998.)
While that is some co-ordination, kudos, it brings me more to contemplate the relevant timing of this. The sequencing is there and the infrastructure is now being initiated. yes
So, we gravitate also towards the recent info concerning the Silver Dart. ;)
Presented as a Commercial&Tourism product with rapid point to point capability and use as a 'platform', I say again "how timely" these all seem to be!!
Seems everybody is getting ready in a big way.
Feels real funny within, to ponder that a large portion of the rest of our society is 'in on' this process, on a grand scale here, that looks about go to mainstream real soon?? just odd.
After I received that link to the 'alien-like' squid filmed by Shell on National Geographic site, I started to understand how the largest 'ship' in the Space Fleet would,..... be Navy. hmmm. I could have 'sworn' I pictured a different shaped aircraft carrier ship than you might suggest in your cartoon. Oh well, remote is sometimes hard.
alien looking squid
Oh yes, and speaking of unexpected yet unsurprised turn of events, – I'm not going to beat a dead horse…...either. The elder Alpha did not pass and is still with me. ;)
...but Adi Da did....on the day of the American Thanksgiving.
The Divine Intervention here was complete...the root has changed forever and anew.
I welcome whatever comes next. Let the next chapter unfold.
But you know Sword, I know you are going to tell me that that "wave rider" rules as hotrod!! And I am holding you to a ride, in that future.
The repository of thought that the pentagon would rather have stay silent... ...
If that is the case, why were you given orders to stay silent for a specific period of time, then given the thumbs up to 'disclose'? If the pentagon would rather have thought stay silent, IT WOULD ENSURE IT DOES!
And why 'disclose' on this BLOG that is read by at most 100 people?
Who, or what, does that serve?
I have heard this question raised elsewhere, and I think it's a good one, so I'll raise it here.
Why no JPEG's from your space adventures?
More acclimatization.
Future Missions to Mars Will be Joint NASA/ESA Efforts
Public re-enforcement of the joint or collective focus of space initiatives, beyond the nationalistic postures of the past. More prepping eh Sword?
What do ya know the universetoday article has 33 comments. lol
Interesting: Sphinx might have originally had a lions head...
Just finished going through all of the embedded links... talk about a data dump! Where to start? From deflector shields, to growing back body parts!
I do remember reading an article not too long ago about a guy that grew back a finger!
I would be interested in a list of frequencies for those numbers stations to monitor though. I'll need to go pick me up a ham radio and re-learn me some morse code...
Lots of nuggets to ponder here, thanks!
Looks like another USE for that DTN/DSCN ;-)
Why do I keep getting the word "Equinox" this week? hmmm oh well. Had to speak it.
This new development is right up there with what you were covering:
Dreams 'could be shown on computers'
What's NASA trying to hide?
NASA has become a transition problem for Obama
Dreams 'could be shown on computers'
Since dreams are not a result of brain activity, this reeks of nonsense.
Hey Sword,
Are these the things that you mentioned before?
Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) robot
Good interview with Valery Uvarov at Camelot for you to catch. http://www.projectcamelot.org/valery_uvarov.html
Here is my thought. I guess Alvin Toffler's comment about stable Lagrange Points L4 and notably L5 being "the high ground" in the 21st Century begins to showcase more meaning than just the advanced look ahead at what will is coming around the back of the sun.
For, sharing the same orbit as us, (as revealed by Uvarov),
with a planetary body at L3,...... one could use those L4/L5 saddle points as a perfect communications relay from planet to planet at 60 degrees from Earth.
correction: 30 degrees from earth
the coriolis wave hmmmmmm?
Ok I'll revisit Sword's stories about catapult launches of their craft in Alaska. How about a SLINGATRON? ;)
Sling Launch of Materials into Space/ Derek Tidman, Utron Inc., pg. 59
A mass launch concept, called a slingatron, is described in which a coriolis wave can be used to slowly accelerate a magnetically levitated projectile around a circular path in a long guide tube. The guide tube is evacuated and cryogenically cooled using LN2 so that the projectile circles around the accelerator with a very small EM friction coefficient decreasing as velocity V-1/2. The tube structure is simple, contains no coils, and has a liner of normal conductivity material. The slingatron appears capable of smoothly accelerating masses ranging from small values to tons to velocities ranging to above 10 km/s and possibly to above 30 km/s. It has the potential for cumulatively launching enormous amounts of mass into earth orbit or interplanetary space at relatively low cost without atmospheric pollution. A specific example is discussed in which projectiles of mass 25 tons are launched at 8 km/s into earth orbit, with final orbit insertion being accomplished with a small rocket kick at apogee. Innovatively structured payloads able to tolerate the typical perpendicular accelerations of ~103 gees could also be launched.
I loved this part:
The slingatron is capable, in principle, of launching an enormous mass to LEO each year with low environmental impact. At 25 tons per shot and at launch intervals of 90 minutes, a single launcher could put approximately 146,000
tons or 320xl06 lbs into orbit each year. This would be equivalent to launching a fully loaded shuttle every 90 minutes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, namely about 6000 launches per year. Even if large new heavy-lift boosters were to be developed, the number of yearly launches would still be in the hundreds.,+Utron+Inc&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=ca&client=firefox-a
That is the kind of stuff they are teaching at the Space Studies Institute. http://ssi.org/?p=37
So it is now in curriculum.
Sword, you mentioned the haarpicanes being a warning to move away from the coasts
For Boston, the lessons from Venice
Then there is this video of dueling BGRs
Did we ALREADY pass through the plane of the Milky Way eliptic in 1998?
1998 Crossing?
A loooong read but good information and follow-up links in this one above.
btw..I think I found a S.W.O.R.D. type patch already in my little black book of patches :D
Space Warefare Center
This was a very good Blog effort, and it will stand as that, yet here we are again posting to each other. Where is Sword?
Is that the Aurora Borealis or another Rainbow Bomb?
Too bad we didn't do it the TESLA way ;-)
Winter Solstice and 17 days since this Blog went up. This is an auspicious day in anyone's tradition.
Sword started with: Been a long time coming, and I DO have a lot to talk about. It’s always good to be back in communication with the gang…
OK SO, what ya gonna do about it then?
I'm here today - reviewing the comments...
I will try to geet to blogg replies today.
Robert said:
Sword says:
Your off by one word there.
I have shown my unit patch before in previous blogs – and I have shown the regimental badge as well … all with the symbolic goodness arrrr masons can squeeze into it…
The SWORD unit patch – looks very similar to this:
I guess NO one put that together…
The Fool said...
(1)If that is the case, why were you given orders to stay silent for a specific period of time, then given the thumbs up to 'disclose'?
(2)If the pentagon would rather have thought stay silent, IT WOULD ENSURE IT DOES!
(3)And why 'disclose' on this BLOG that is read by at most 100 people?
(4)Who, or what, does that serve?
(5) Why no JPEG's from your space adventures?
Sword says:
1 – Ever been … “vetted”?
2 – It says “would rather” – HHMSS SWORDS fun little project disclosure – according to TOP has been a complete flop – So put Alfred E. Newman in a four star generals uniform and say “What? … …”
3 – I think you need to add one or two more zero’s to that number considering subject matter and day… …weekends are usually pretty busy around here. Try “trace route” …
4 – I’d like to think it serves the greater good. It can also be said – latter – if necessary that full [nearly] full disclosure was provided to the taxpayer …
5 – Wouldn’t that be awesome? They exists. Ohhhh, trust me – they exist. However they are hi-res tiff’s – and I mean HI-RES. There are of course “regular” film photo’s as well, couple of action shots to boot… Coming… …soon?
Clamytoe said...
I would be interested in a list of frequencies for those numbers stations to monitor though. I'll need to go pick me up a ham radio and re-learn me some morse code...
Certain freaks … . … … burst data streams – morse code is … … . … :::
-.- .. -. -.-. .- .. -.. / -.. .. ... -.-. --- ...- . .-. . -.. / - .... . / - --- -- -... / .-. --- --- ... . ...- . .-.. - / -.. .. ... -.-. --- ...- . .-. . -.. / - .... . / .-.. .. ..-. . -... --- .- - / ... .-- --- .-. -.. / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / - .... . / .... --- - / .-. --- -..
…so like – 1903…
IonTruO2 said...
Why do I keep getting the word "Equinox" this week?
I guess Alvin Toffler's comment about stable Lagrange Points L4 and notably L5 being "the high ground" in the 21st Century begins to showcase more meaning than just the advanced look ahead at what will is coming around the back of the sun.
How about a SLINGATRON? ;)
Did you say … “CONJUNCTION?” – oh wait – you didn’t…
A long questions with a simple answer – Every military commander wants the high ground.
We call that ride the “Happy-Go-Pukey” – funny how things that I talk about years ahead of time – actually come to pass through the media fingers like moon sand. In this article we are talking about the newer one – not the old school [30+ years old] one that originates in Fairbanks / exits below-on the Brooks Range. This one [The happy go pukey mag lev] starts above and exits on the Brooks Range in Alaska. Sword can launch a company strength of men [120] into LEO in under 30 mins… I love it when you guys figure this shit out! So do the “lurkers”…
Clamytoe said...
What's NASA trying to hide?
NASA has become a transition problem for Obama
Are these the things that you mentioned before? Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) robot
That’s to funny.
Gee, what do you think they are trying to hide? NASA – Owl front. BOSP: Rooster.
Baracks Secret Service code name: “Renegade”. Can you smell what Baracks got cookin’?
Yes, and damm – I forgot to add that link – but will address it in the future post – like the next. We have had similar versions of these since Regan era – they just keep getting smaller and smaller.
Sorry to run gang but my time alloted on the machine is "all ate up" - excuse errors...
Thank you for responding. I can appreciate the limits of time these days.
you said: 2 – It says “would rather” – HHMSS SWORDS fun little project disclosure – according to TOP has been a complete flop
I would beg to differ. If I recall the cause of this exercise as you told once before, was in memory of your Unit member, and was a means to 'speak your truth' and to benefit from the liberation that comes with that process of "bringing it into the light", the Truth shared? There is a gravity to knowledge and from the kind of experiences and knowledge you guys have, there is a great weight to it.
I understood this was a multi-meaning method, to also cope with the scope of your perspective as Unit Sword.
A flop? I say no. What is the barometer of the 'success' or relative value of the Blog Disclosure? Volume? I say there is quality members over quantity viewers.
Anyway, here goes some more freeform.
Ok, I must say that as the Equinox word arose for me, I was not aware of the title of the new program for Cassinni.........named the Equinox Mission. Effective 07/01/08
But as you speak of Conjunctions, at first one might jump to a thought about Winter Solstice but I think really it might better to consider the Sun/Saturn Conjunction of this most recent time frame . hmmmm i guess more to grasp with that frag.
If I come back to my earlier quips(fshod) about this whole Aquarian flavaaaa coming out in the media releases, I feel downright thirsty.
Now the Equinox Mission is a signature of the real truth which is from the knowledge of how to chart "a new right-line of Equinox".
from de_Aequinoctium :
To end our communication we shall put an inescapable fact :
-If solar declination varies, varying little, but varying, the axes of solstices.
-If stars and constellations are moved by the
precession of equinoxes.
The line of equinox never varies. It was, it is, it will be the fixed mark that the human being has passed on, and it will be able to be passed on, as if equinox never is making a mistake, it will never be able to mistake us.
...Ara Pacis...
and now the latest...water water everywhere...welcome to the Age of Aquarius disclosures.
Enceladus' Shifting Terrain
and the clinker for me! These and other findings being presented at the AGU meeting are lending strong support to the suggestion that a sub-surface, organics-laden, liquid-water-rich environment exists within this small, surprisingly active moon.
In that there was also this.
to look for and to know
how to measure equinox was of big importance in
construction, expression and development of the
human personality.
So for those who feel a need to 'steer' the human development in this environment, the right line of Equinox, is consistent and true.....always.
Further, to that 'conjunction', at least the one I see of Sun/Saturn in recent times aligning with the association of the Equinox ...Mission. I did find a reference in astrology that alludes to the 'lifting of the bride's veil'.
An unveiling? hmmmm Shrouds are removed...sounds like other words for a thing called disclosure. My my how timing is everything.
from Gort and Mrs. Gort
Today in history:
December 23, 1947
the Transistor was "invented."
(a little more than 5 months after "Roswell.")
Sword, I don't remember your patch, or 'sketch' of it. Could you place it your next blog please?
2nd...I DO TIFFS.
I do Jpeg200 which are BIGGER than tiffs. No matter what SIZE the image is...ENVI will open it.
3rd...Have we ALREADY gone through the MW Galatic Plane in 1998?
4th Happy Holidays to everyone.
33rd post I believe
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas.
May a gently falling snow
nestle against the windows
of your dreams on Christmas Eve,
and may your silent night be
warmed by the thought that
your family is such a wonderful gift,
and that one of the nicest things
in this world is your presence in it.
(D. Pagels)
Happy Holidays! Still here, reading and learning. I thank you sword for the blog. And your disclosures.
Wish I could see the stars here. Way too much light pollution. Forget looking anywhere but straight up.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Do you think $35 oil had anything to do with the election?
.-- .... .- - / -.. --- . ... / --- -. . / .... .- ...- . / - --- / -.. --- / - --- / --. . - / .- / .-. .. -.. . / --- -. / - .... .- - / .... --- - / .-. --- -.. ..--..
RCH was on C2C briefly with George Noory last night with the Holiday Greetings and spoke rather cryptically of something big coming up in the near future that he didn't want to talk publicly about now but was going to talk with George privately about it and maybe be on after the holidays with a public announcement.
I think he said he was going to involve some of his researchers behind the scenes and eventually a big involvement by the Coast listeners....
I was half awake...
maybe someone else can fill in more details.
I may be up late tonite, we are in a Tornado Watch.
Currently a balmy 66 degrees F with a squall line about 50 klicks west of us headed this way with arctic air behind it.
This is more like Spring Equinox weather than Winter Solstice weather.
.... . .-. . / .... --- .-- . ...- . .-. / .-. . ...- . .-. ... . -.. / . -. --. .. -. . . .-. . -..
I doubt that Richard is going to bring anything meaty enought to bring to the table to satisfiy me.
Remember - He has NEVER denied involvement with HHMSS SWORD...
- AND -
I have been waiting for AMWAV #7 - for years - which his website states "coming soon"...
Yeah right...
Proably another book we should all buy...
Time is fleeting, and the concealment agenda or so-called 'truth embargo', continues as always with ever new sacrificial lambs, as they try to keep the lid on things. 2009 and they are still following the same misguided method.
Perhaps ignorance is considered 'bliss' for the generic populace, but I am grateful for my awakening. A process in this topic area that lives of its own, yet here you arose in the midst of these recent years and I was propelled in unique ways. A flop? I think NOT.
Such mystery and wonderment I have lived. So many signatures of the real bigger picture interacting with me far beyond this Blogdum realm. That is amazing when something truly interacts and permeates one's experience... and is self proving.
What would it really matter for joe public to know what is about to occur? Probably nothing accept for those like F-Shod crew who wanted to understand and had the faculties to grok on a cosmic scale. Uninitiated though we all are as we are on the 'outside' looking ..
Spiritual preparedness is the gift of the message.
So much interwoven pieces coming at me now, rememberences and significant nuances I can hardly compile it or dare to articulate to someone. Such an ordinary life for me, yet so so much I readily understand with ease. Why is that? hmmm.
(geesh I almost tried here and caught myself-its just not describable)
Sword: Janus-->Ianus
Divine remembering 101...this is the last class.
Frankly I agree with TOP that this whole thing was a disaster and giant cluster fuck.
Did YOU "SWORD" proper or individual, or TOP listen to a mere mortal like myself with a bit too much COMMON SENSE and enough EGO n balls to tell that to the POWERFUL?
NO...NONE of you did.
Your little "disclosure" project was as much a bungling failure as King Gorgie...and too many people continue to DIE, loose limbs, sanity and prosperity while the ROBBER MASON BARONS swindle all the money away from everyone else that STILL won't do them a pennies worth on the other side of the GREAT IN-BETWEEN.
You're little project...imho...has been and will continue to be a total frack-up until some BRUTAL TRUTHS are related to the MASSES.
Point me to a place that has NONE of these on this Earth.
It CAN become the catalyst for POSITIVE change.
Solving REAL LIFE REAL TIME problems REQUIRES REAL BRUTAL TRUTHS. Anything else is pissing into the wind.
I, and the rest of those who CARE, no longer want to "play" games in archaic "code".
Onward Through the Fog! ;-)
Bob: feel ya on that.
Sword: What I am driving at.
You once told of your brotherhood or fraternity and of your unit and their finding a higher path. You talked of Iapetus at one time and how it was the sacred place of your warrior heritage. You blogged about the Temple entrance on Iapetus and gave description of the statues etc. You blogged about the 'three Wise Men'.
I know you have most recently alluded to waiting for Richard to publish the next installment of "A Moon With a View" as a significant thing.
You were speaking previously about 'remembering' and how it is triggering in bits over time(or something like that ;) )
I remember that in the context of the Iapetus story.
Need that exercise of disclosure be pinched off?
Why would TOP stiffle?
For men who serve the higher good, speaking and 'keeping it real', conducting truth is the gesture of our position. To be sincere.
Tech details and other infrastructure materialism is good stuff, but I want to hear about units like yours who are 'guardians'. My martial background brought my training to knowledge like Shaolin and traditional Aikido etc.
You guys represent to me a 'West.ern' Warrior practice that managed to integrate spiritual development into the unit. (Hello?!!?)
Go there Sword, stay with that illuminating to us of a Capt who became chaplin and get back to what you REALLY appeared on our scene to accomplish.
Your Order wants to be known so that it can indeed be 'remembered'.
What about The Lion?
I know, just into my memory "The Works" hmmm http://hhmsssword.blogspot.com/2008/07/works.html
with a nice pic. ;)
How about them 'goalies' eh? and the 'Boots Dirty Task Group'.
Ok I guess having contemplated all that, after ...Guardian Angels - of the YELLOW beret... what else might there really to be said?
I know Bob is speaking through you to convey his message to your handlers aka TOP, but at this time I am interested in you and your crew. Don't be forgotten soldier hero guardians because of the old boys leadership and their generations' booze filled decision making. (ouch....)
Stay with your story. The secret toys and agendas will come out from the others(..unless the b team kills them).
Tell us about the honoured warriors tombs in that mountain Kincaid found. Are they your lineage?
I encourage you to not drop those other good threads you have opened.
At the end of "The Land Of Zion" you said: what would be the NEXT GREAT, immense, National Park with wonders I could dare to explore?
OK? what would be the next...?
and the by the way the Blog of THE WORKS ended with nicely 33 comments. ;)
Hell Ion - there are bigger issues... ...but I have beared in mind that there is much substance to re-hash and flesh out...
I have also stated in the previous posts that we would be able to see a glimmer of the supposed debris field. It looks like a faint star - but is in fact - in all reality - a tight cluster of asteriod/cometary material...
... so we have had a curious momment in the night sky her as of late and I have made only slight hints to it.
I would like to say that was a "keyhole" mommment... ...if you knew WHERE to be and WHEN to look - you would have a much smaller area of night sky in which to see said object.
Hopefully - SOMEONE BOLDLEY LOOKED - but then again - we may NEVER know, unless somebody gets off there ass and does whats needed to be done.
Its TIME to DISCLOSE like its 2009.
Then again - I could just be a crazy S.O.B. - but then - how in the hell is all my subtle little knowings work out?
Ion - I will proably wait untill we can get some more activity and then reply to all posts - hell - maybe even have an update [new post]...
IonTruO2 said...
At the end of "The Land Of Zion" you said: what would be the NEXT GREAT, immense, National Park with wonders I could dare to explore?
Sword -
- I'll be exploreing America's second biggest "pimple" very soon...
ion stands down...reassured the Capt. has his focus.
Remember, if we were drinking together I would say 'bottoms up mate'...not TOPs down....cus that would = a flop. lol ok ok comedy was not my calling.
I hear I hear you and understand, just throwing out some seeds to propel the grow.
fyi: saw a show "Ship of Ice" about a prototype aircraft carrier(HMS Habbakuk) that was made of ice. What do ya know they used Jasper and few other Canadian "National" Parks to do the research and development work. Seems a popular choice. ;)
Sword, funny you should use the word "pimple."
It also occurs in this article:
And then for comic relief, there's this:
I nuked a roach! He didn't die! Why?
Sword, has our new Irish-american president, O'bama, received the TOP secret briefing on the SWORD Book of Secrets, or does that happen on the afternoon of the twentieth.
I suppose they squeeze that in after the swearing in and the parade, and before the eighteen inaugural balls (6+6+6) ---that's a lot of balls!
There are pre-breifs... and then of course after he is sworn in - he gets the "33rd Breifing" when he meets representitives of the "tribe" and signs the document legitimizing our exsistance - I hope to be there for this one...
I hope you are there for this one.
That's awesome. Not only you getting to meet the President, but the President getting to meet you.
Time to shine...in '09.
SWORD I also hope you get to attend, I know I enjoyed meeting First Lady Hillary Clinton when running for the Senate and was surprised no one had ever asked her about Mars before as she told me in response to my question.
I'm asking what is going on in the Nevada and Utah Lake beds, right now in real time.
As the article asks:
Area 51 DOD/SWORD signaling EBE's in Flying Saucers?
Good Luck and I HOPE that "REAL DISCLOSURE" takes place soon and that a "primer" for the rest of us on the meaning of the symbols you guys are leaving across the salt flat lake beds can be EASILY translated into English by someone.
Reminds me of that other great national park with an auspicious history. That would be that border sharing effort called Glacier National Park where Erik Orion claims the underground was excavated from the Canadian side and Hitler ended his days in 2004.
Wow rob - thats some good stuff.
UFO's or ... EYE is due for calibration...
"calibration" is needed when one goes OFF the "Golden Path" :D
Interesting article just up on Project Camelot.
Ties in with what Sword has disclosed.
This post failed to stimulate the flame war and discussion I thought it would.
I drop such great little nuggets of thought - and all I get for my effort is the same "Golden Path" junk?
I'll do another post - even put up a picture of myself... ...how'd dat be?
Read this article carefully.
Secret inspection satellites boost space intelligence ops
I find the release of this info in the last week of the Bush administration to be curious.
It looks to me like the DSP 23 "failed" (on purpose) as an excuse to try out the possible "anti-satellite capabilities" of the Mitex satellites on a Geo-sync satellite... IMHO
I think it relates to the USA-195 shootdown.
Error above. I meant "USA-193 shootdown"--the "rogue spy satellite" with the nearly full tank of hydrozine.
Not 195.
The next BSG is out - ;-)
HHMSS Sword said...
This post failed to stimulate the flame war and discussion I thought it would.
I drop such great little nuggets of thought - and all I get for my effort is the same "Golden Path" junk?
I'll do another post - even put up a picture of myself... ...how'd dat be?
Hey your own TOP and YOU said your own little "disclosure" here WAS a CLUSTER FUCK...don't blame ME when I have been SAYING since DAY ONE in this "anomalies" shit that the "TOPS" were on the WRONG GOLDEN PATH !!! SINCE DAY ONE !!! Over 20 years now I've been in this "disclosure business" .
Do you even frackin KNOW what the "GOLDEN PATH" entails and what it MEANS? I THINK you do but sometimes you go off on these 'hinting tangents' just like the CIVILIAN YOU PICKED never finishing "MWV-7".
I've said before...don't like the civilian front you chose..choose a NEW one who actually gives a damn, HAS some EXCELLENT common sense...and unlike OTHERS who go whistling n pissing in the wind to follow your 'bread crumbs in code' wants the ACTUAL BRUTAL TRUTH SPELLED OUT IN ENGLISH.
Hell...grab me up and put me in Git-Mo before the you next puppet tears it down.
I do HONOR the SERVICE you folks perform...but knocking down two towers, faking a plane crash into the Pentagon when it WAS A MISSLE, and the Shanksville PA was a DRY CRATER HOLE that may as well on the Mecury...at least some craters on the MOON have RELICS. The Shanksville bomb had NADA...no METAL at ALL...one of those fiberglass missles that burn ALL evidence upon impact.
So don't shout at US because we're tired of the frackin WAR CRIMES the last 8 years, and the NASA = Never A Straight Answer proved right on again last Thursday and still denying LIFE ON MARS...almost said it...but clucked their beaks and went quitely back to same old shit.
Either Spill the WHOLE enchelada or quit wasting time trying to say anything of import. I've gotten MORE "space" weapons info through MY own digging and subscrbing to newsletters for MCSP than you ever gave me...though I MUST admit truthfully that SOME of your links were indeed of import. But that's just it...important to WHAT?
We all know 2012 is coming...I say so in my Administrative Note. We are going to pass through the galactic center...I already KNEW YEARS before YOU ever came on the scene another planet was heading this way.
The "GOLDEN PATH" can only be seen when you can pause and see the Universe forward and back in that great in-between...between one heartbeat n death...the Universe and the "Golden Path" to SAVE humanity is CLEARLY seen.
You want to do more "disclosure"...
Frack if an airline pilot can do it...
Surely some from SWORD could too..
AND...make it HOVER for an hour or two.
I DO SINCEREY wish you Good luck on you "meet n greet" with the new "TOP".
Something MORE along the lines of THIS type of "disclosure" is what I, and I KNOW, the "anomalist" community is looking for...
NOT..---..00,.--%$#$% bullshit.
"I am ONLY Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC,,Florida!
"A new Prophet, maybe; well we can wait and see. I am certain I will NOT be here to know it.
"Mars has a secret Astronaut Corp there NOW! It has been on Mars for many decades.
"What do you think CLEANED the Mars Rover view ports after that terrible dust storm a year or so ago?
"NASA acted "surprised", but, some within the agency has that knowledge. As I DO!
"We are at least FIFTY YEARS + ahead of the general knowledge that the human race has been informed of to date.
"The former CEO of the Lockheed Skunk Works, Ben Rich, told me that at KSC in person.
"He has died now, so I feel it is OK to release what he said to me."
- Clark"
...sigh. What the hell is there to say.
We have been at this for years now(about three). Ok so you are 'validating' a number of premises we had looked at before. Thank you for that.
Whats to flame? There is virtually NO dialogue here at all.
There is so much on again off again waffling from the TPTB that I can appreciate Robert's growing 'anger'. SO much disqualifying in every story we are seeing these days that one would wonder what is the point of the exercise if the Truth in it, is sooooo 'shrouded'.
NO ONE, will notice or frankly care in many respects, except a few of us who have learned to perceive the subtle and read a bit between the lines while standing on head breathing a big OMMMMM.
Meanwhile other 'face.ts' of your agencies are still killing off countrymen and fellow servants for their good ethics and reasonable disclosure efforts. ie MrX
What I don't get if you are the 'good guys', why is it, it is ok to assasinate at will, yet no one had the will to deal with Rwanda for example? Which by the way was a vibrant and healthy country...not the typical cliche 'Africa'. ....or any these other despots? Its like that groundhog game...just keep smacking the little ones that poke their heads up and hope to keep the prize while ethically covering eyes while the demonic scum of the world stage get to torture the peoples of their country? Thats leadership?
Oh sure, they didn't bump off Corso or Bob Dean and a few others but as it is, their contribution was pretty much dialed back to a whisper.
Lets see something like the Tears For Fears song......Whisper to a Scream.
Is it me or we here are somehow so radically different than most of America or Canada?
Is every one else struggling to barely understand an Oprah or Dr. Phil? Are the people down there really sooooo dull and stupid? Maybe....maybe we here are the few and I am naive to think the rest can handle it.
A father of 39 died in a car accident the other week at the end of my road. Perfect weather no other cars. Wife is in critical and a he leaves behind a newborn and two year old...both who were in car and are ok.
It can all end for anyone in an instant.
Be it dear Sunking who seems at times quite ill, yet continues with us or Robert. The truth is no threat to the individual. The body is nothing but a container, an avatar. This IS NOT THE ALL. So what is the dithering and trickle trickle little pee of disclosure? Is the world society that fucked up and unstable that your guys want to play this out in such a tiny incremental way. Surely your mason buddy's like Hoagland can not be playing this for income? How lowly egoic is that!? Spiritual movement of what then? Hardly then worth my notice. Kindergarten Mystic movement serving selves...ha.
rant over.
Meanwhile back in the reality of The Now....here have yet another large flaming 'bolid' to 'brighten' your day! lol ;) dodge ball anyone.
So when 'heaven comes crashing in' or continues to and thus be seen and directly experienced....the TPTB Masonic like crew will be stammering to say what?....that they were telling us ALL ALONG....but we failed to notice and thus can't give them any credence because the B Team did such a good dis-info job that it was totally, repeat totally lost on the public?
Mystical meteor lights up Swedish skies
2009 01 18
(no hot link- because the BTeam likes to kill links too)
So here we go people into the storm, while the vast vast majority are having a bliss moment with the first black President and the economy is drawing away the attention from the big picture and the bigger path.
What say YOU Sword?
You know from previous personal emails why I had tuned into you and your process. You have my respect and my contemplation. But they silenced you in numerous ways and now we are just sharing public links as we always have in the free exchange that arose from the capt's blog to the FShod effort. Pardon me while I am not so in awe anymore. My own intuitive process is proving far far more clear to me than the meandering snippets that are being allowed here.
Lets actually have some real dialogue ...AGAIN....here.
I won't email you, as I know they scuttled that and felt you were getting too candid and you said you didn't want to draw me into it anyway. Which I appreciated and accepted, as that is not really my world and you weren't accepting resumes. ;)
Getting back to our tale of National Parks and all that entails....
A Spurt of Quake Activity Raises Fears in Yellowstone
A Spurt of Quake Activity Raises Fears in Yellowstone
and purely for enter.tain.ment, a nice tryptictrio of Moon-Mars-Venus I shot one day at sunset. (cropped)
free license...
Lets be perfectly frank here. In many respects this whole Blog premise here becomes somewhat of a ficitonal exercise.
Nothing is proven or credentialed so all of this in most respects becomes a dialogue for its own value .
That said, we all end up contributing 'a something',
in the shared focus here regardless of its apparently truthful representation.
Funny though how these word plays, eventually become simply dualistic and ping pongish.
Those who work the right way, 'know' the 'right' way. However it appears.
from the web: The right side of the heart is the seat of the separate conscious self. In the sixth stage of life, the right side of the heart becomes awakened as the root-origin of attention, and the seat of the Witness-Position of Consciousness. As has been described, at the culmination of the ascending process, the Spirit-Energy "falls", or comes to rest, in the right side of the Spirit Energy in heart.
It is in the seventh stage of life that the Spirit-Current rises again in the "regeneration" of Amrita Nadi, from the right side of the heart to the matrix above the head. In this process, the body itself is infused with the Divine Spirit-Current in the Circle of the body-mind. Thus, the heart on the right remains always as the "foot" of the "organ" of Divine Self-Realization that is "Amrita Nadi".
already out there: http://www.beezone.com/three_stations_of_the_hear.htm
I don't know about "You All" but I am Spoilin' For A Fight!
MICKEYs Rules!!!
I have been trying to squeeze some internet time in to throw this hammer down:
Just read the first paragraph - and smell what Barack's got cookin...
New post coming soon...
plenty of links...
That was good stuff Gort. Those little 500 pounders must be able to do the 360. Why would they just point their infra reds down. That would be kind of boring. I'm sure the sudden explosion of 17P Comet Holmes is being well documented even as we speak. As I've said before, thay shoulda not militarized outer space. No telling what that does to the fabric of time/space.
Hey Gort..go figure..more is less..
Thanks Sword.
Beauty: Obama's memo: "All agencies should adopt a presumption in favor of disclosure, in order to renew their commitment to the principles embodied in FOIA, and to usher in a new era of open Government.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Year of the OX.
No bull.
Checkout what the Navy has been holding onto -> this Press Release is over 2 years old.
Check this->
"The energy harvester will be mounted to a substructure and use ambient vibrations for energy generation. A compact structure will be used with an active material which converts mechanical deformation into electrical energy and use appropriate circuitry to interface with a battery element. The energy harvester can be tuned to expected vibration spectrum of the substructure."
"Besides application to naval vessels, this proposed package may be retrofitted to existing aerospace systems..."
This technology is what Tesla was playing with over 100 years ago. ;-)
Hidden Asteroid Colony
Nice find.
No asteriod colony ... yet.
Moon / Mars / MWAV - Only place I know of any "activity"...
Working new post - still surprised folks didn't get more excited about some of the links I have posted...
Did you read Clan's blog on FSHOD? There is a lot of food for thought there. Perhaps its time for you to put forth some real disclosure? Photos/documents what have you?
Good to see you blogging again.
Two Rockets Fly Through Auroral Arc
[excerpt] Early Thursday morning, two sounding rockets simultaneously flew through the veil of an aurora collecting data from both the top and bottom edges of the arc. A team from the University of Iowa waited for precise conditions before launching two different NASA Black Brant rockets from the Poker Flat Research Range near Fairbanks, Alaska just before 1 a.m. Alaska Standard Time. Other rockets have flown through aurorae previously, but this is the first time two rockets were used together. As part of the Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure (ACES) mission, the flights will provide insight on the structural subtleties of the aurora, details that researchers may have missed when previous measurements were done using only a single vehicle.
[end excerpt...]
Pay no attention to that rocket behind the shimmering emerald curtain!
Poker Flats?
Oh, BTW I just about fell over laughing yesterday when I came out of Walmart and got in my vehicle and saw the Missouri vanity plate on the car parked directly in front of me:
No way! Get out of town!
Gort LOL...
Entirely plausible.
Did you hang around or have to get back to the wife?
No, Bob, she was with me and when I pointed out the license plate to her she thought I was out of my mind. I would have stuck around for awhile just out of real curiosity, but we were in a hurry.
But seriously, I wonder if it was a compatriot of Sword.
Who knows?
You should have got a picture.
could have been "ol'skool" ... but I seriously doubt it.
Oddiily enough - there are some religious groups in the south that are loosley affiliated with the KKK - and those clowns call themselves ... SWORD.
We are not of relation.
Working / typeing new blog post as I speak...
Actual picture of myself in the flesh in response to reader demand...
Lets see if I can push over 500 unique IP addresses - or views - after I publish it!
Received an interesting email the other day.
The UNSN-The UN Space Navy-
a free on-line sci-fi 'game' set in the near future 2020.
Talk about an interesting way to test scenarios while feigning fiction. ;)
Tks meangreen for that 'hidden asteroid colony' picture. Good one!
I used it in a post(with credit to ya) over at F-Shod.
Games like that have been around for sometime.
Editing post / filtering links (over a hundred)
The Quest For The Metal Library?
Not sure why Neil Armstrong was connected to this. ;-)
Maybe RCH has the answers...
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