A big post is coming.
And then theres this worst case scenerio:

The repository of thought that the pentagon would rather have stay silent... ...
We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.George Orwell
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf...George Orwell
Fear mongering!
Go Time.
We are all ears.
Next month my most sacred horse, will pass on.
A big spirit takes flight 11/10.
His name is Alpha, 28
Lets see what else occurs in November.
(Sword: emailed with image)
Found THIS on OMF - some may find it interesting ¢¢¢
It's just a matter of time...
Alas disclosure will still have a few scapegoats to be made examples of.
Sword, over at Project Camelot, their latest update speaks of the extradition efforts pertaining to Gary Mckinnon, the guy who hacked NASA and the Pentagon.
Excerp: As we have stated in the past on this blog, Gary McKinnon in his politically motivated hacking of Pentagon and NASA computers discovered important information regarding the existence of a secret space program which included fleet-to-fleet transfers of personnel, and what appears to be an off-planet astronaut corps.
This information has been independently confirmed by Dan Burisch and Marci McDowell, among others: Richard Hoagland, Linda Howe and Jim Marrs are just three respected researchers who have been investigating this crucial area.
uh huh yup, somethins a brew'n, hope they don't continue with a few extra scapegoats and sacrificial lambs.
The latest Bob Dean interview was pretty interesting. He provided some new insights I wasn't aware of. Thanks ericswan.
Staying tuned.
So, PC dosent even bother to ask me about what I have been talking about for years... ...okay - i get the snub. The mention Rich - but whah? - he's just a parrot - grabs teh best from the bloggs and puts it out as "research"... BAH!
Anyone catch this? -> Howard Dean and Colin Powell both speak of a certain "test" the next president must face... ...a certainty of an "event" that will happen...
Just checkin in...
tick tock tick tock.....I feel kind of cometed.
All kinds of themes crashing in. Debris field, comets, schmeelze schmozzle, bla bla everyone is an insider yet none of them actually seem to agree.
From Hoagland in the sky with diamonds, to admittance by various means of a secret better space program than you could ever imagine, paid for by we the real people's money and all that that means. Oh wait its secret cus the world of nations kind of sucks bad and well we may get our collective asses kicked soon and well lots of you ain't gonna make it...but thanks for paying.
Well, I know that tell tale comet, or was it that ten tail comet? could be swinging by soon accompanied by their usual debris field.
Alas, good ol ericswan suddenly brings us back to Velikovsky and what do ya know VENUS again.(amongst many other things)
Venus, being shown to have not 'been there' in the deep past. Now where did that old debris field of a ten tail comet go? Why it would carry on the merry go round.
And now I guess we are back to Sword's mission. A Kreutz Sungrazer Group kind of way, hmmmm? Remembering 85% of all known comets are understood to come from one event of super comet.
baby calls....more to muse later
Although some might not find that i was a..musing. ;) ...in this play of a quick flash of thoughts, it seems to me that the emerging substantive info points steadily in the direction of the Sword disclosures of that past few years. Portions of the bigger whole at least.
'Debris field' as Sword first referenced, was a stumbler at first while everyone thinks a mess of a planet, a collision etc and various other soruces for such a thing, but there are so many potentials over the great span of time, all probably true. Then one day a cometary inquiry trickled out a side note about the typical debris field that trails or 'tails' all comets.
Am I off the mark here in the sudden flash that perhaps if you remove the comet itself, no matter how big, that the flotsam and jetsam would carry on it's merry way of the orbital path? Maybe marry that with worlds in collision and you have a real mess of debris.
Remember Temple1 and Paython were both 'asteroids' that were prior comets.
Anybody have any thoughts? Just doing some free form thinking here because hey, there isn't much else going on is there?
I didn't get the "memo" to be quiet...oops...though I did include Sword's email in the 2nd re-sending of this article at the poltics site:
McCain admits being a traitor in his OWN words
I think the American People NEED and DESERVE to hear this information and for MSM to cover it FULLY before election day.
...more filler
So Sword might think ion is just horsing around again but did ya know a little thing about famed Comet Mcnaught the bright one of 2007?
"Comet McNaught falls into the class of hippeus or horse comets because of the synchronic bands (striae) which resemble a horse’s mane. "
image: Comet McNaught horses mane
Interesting eh?!
Now with news bi-lines like
Comet McNaught could be brightest in recorded history
Last Updated: Friday, January 12, 2007 | 9:14 AM ET
The Associated Press
one has to ponder its significance as a comet 100 times brighter than Haley's was.
.....and well Comet McNaught is a gigantic member of the ...you guessed it.....The Kreutz Sungrazing Group.
...and it isn't coming back around again ...Ever. It achieved escape velocity this time around.
Giddy Up!
Please remove me from this blog. I no longer wish to be a member. Thank you in advance.
James McCanney does Planet X science in his latest (Oct. 23) broadcast. I thought it was interesting that he views the 3,600 periodocity with some scepticism but brings back the Velikovsky evidence. Interesting take on the word Niburu meaning "slave owner" in ancient cultures.
Spilling beans from my larger post that is coming after teh general election:
Okay, so, there ARE other solar systems with asteriod belts...
So whats the argument regarding our own now?
Does this not change the view that our asteriod belt is not an "destroyed" planet - yet - a natural occuring celestial "standard"?
PS - no one seemed to KEY on the "Powell/Biden message of doom" and the timeline involved...
I saw it and gave it a 'possible' event timeline for 'something' AND I did indeed include the possibility of it being either a 'hit' or 'close-call' with an dark bumbling blindly through our solar system ahead of the BIG ONE that is coming back through on a retrograde orbit to re-visit the Earth and environs.
However...I still have seen no HINT, even from you, that the SWORD machinery, troops, existance and bases on Moon and Mars would be FORTHCOMING in the MM...and as you KNOW...untill that happens...TOP is on the WRONG GOLDEN PATH to getting through this thing with the MINIMUM of panic and casualties.
As for "Exploding Planets" all an asteroid belt in another Solar System indicates that it is POSSIBLE that planets exploding/hit-pulverized is a COMMON occurance in the Universe. To 'infer' YOUR interpretation of the discovery is to infer that 'asteroid belts' are ONLY formed as a 'failed clumping' of asteroids to form a planetary system.
Since Pluto has been'downgraded' to a 'planetoid' only because MORE have been found with Infrared telescopes only means that the gamma rays from the black hole at the Milky Way Center are heating the outer Ort Cloud and extensions beyond hotter to be able to be dectable with the ccds in the those insrutments...i.e. their "heat signature" has risen BECAUSE of the increse in gamma radiation...not because we've gotten better telescopes up there...though we have.
Also the reason we may be seeing FURTHER systems more "clearer" is that we are rising up through the 'clutter' of other stars and theri systems as we ride up from the bottom of the rotational spiral towards the CENTER MERIDIAN and become on a DIRECT line to the jets of gamma burts from the black hole at it's center...and pass on to the upper plane of rotation of this Galaxy we call...the Milky Way...but we are taking the wrong Earthen GOLDEN PATH of bringing humanity through this based on the records of the Freemason Illuminati branch running TOP now. because if you are just doing what you did last time we went through this going from the top down...you fracked it up big time...solar system wide human civilazation COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED.
It wasn't. The previous TOP fracked it up the same way the current Republican Moron as President and Cheney Cronnies are doing it now.
So did I 'pick-up' on it...yeh.
Did TOP?
Alas, there is still a spark of 'something' here.
PS - no one seemed to KEY on the "Powell/Biden message of doom" and the timeline involved...
A date was tossed up, but no marker about 'doom'.
January 21st/22, 2009 for those that didn't listen to it.
From the wild and wacky world of Steve Quayle:
"Who are these Illuminati who wish to destroy the World and annihilate 90 % of the population. Oh how foul , evil, and putrid their souls must be and how filled with manaical insanity their minds must be as well. May Lord Jesus come with a Sword and armies of ARCH ANGELS and put them into the FIREY LAKE forever along with their lucifer. These luciferian Illuminati must be stopped once and for all. Sentiment in that regard grows daily amongst the populaces of the nations of Earth......and if 10% increases in fire arms and ammunition purchases in the U.S. are any indication......well, it speaks for itself."
& blah, blah, blah, & etc....
[my italics :) - gort]
I hope he isn't taking the name of the SWORD in vain.
Rand Corporation Wants War....
Lucifer Resins Up the Bow for His Fiddle...
I think I've made my thoughts clear on what I think of the whole pending doom via space debris angle, although I have to qualify that by saying, it's only my opinion and I obviously could be wrong.
But according to this, Chicken Little was right!
ay Fool
n explosion equal to more than a kiloton of TNT rocked the sky over a remote part of northern Sudan late Monday night, ending a 20-hour scramble to track the first Earth impacting meteoroid to be discovered before impact.
Though the meteoroid was not expected to reach Earth's surface, the astronomers' goal was to refine the trajectory and predict where the automobile-sized rock was headed to test their ability to track potentially dangerous asteroids in the future.
There are three reported "sightings" of the resulting fireball so far: The first was from a weather satellite over Europe and Africa that imaged the fireball as a cluster of pixels; The second was a seismometer in Kenya that picked up the kiloton blast; And the third was a KLM pilot who saw the streak of light from 750 nautical miles away. On the map above, the plane is marked by the cross and the asteroid by the circle.
The space rock graciously targeted a very rural part of the world, allowing its gigantic fireball to serve as a warning to keep an eye on the sky. It also proved to be a good dry run for scientists to see how quickly they could coordinate observations and calculate trajectories. The real question is, if it had been bigger (in which case we might have had a few days more warning), and headed towards a major city, what could we have done?
This is the very scenario Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart has been asking the world to address. The time to make an emergency plan is not after you know where it is going to hit. Then only the impacted country will be concerned about it, and there might not be much they can do on their own. However if we come up with a global plan ahead of time, it could end up coming to the aid of my country just as well as yours.
from: http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/10/asteroid-explod.html
Talk about a 'messenger' for Darfur. A close call wake up for them hopefully. Who knows, genocide is the blindest of human folly and the appetite down there continues not unlike the Rwandan disgrace.
Chinese news exposes the Rand Corporations plans to start World War III
Fire it Up!
So, it is done - new CIC...
Blogg post update coming soon - should be fairly large & informitive...
Any more of this shit and I won't buy it anymore:
If I tell You...then
If THIS can be done, what are they not showing us? ;-)
Yes indeed meangreen.
from my post at FSHOD:
Ion Shield for Interplanetary Spaceships Now a Reality
Not so fast. The biggest drawback I could see back in January was the large amount of energy that would be required to power the system. After all, to generate a stable, spaceship-sized mini-magnetosphere would need a vast quantity of electricity (and be very bulky), or it would need to be highly efficient (and compact). As this is space travel we're talking about, the scientists would need to look into the latter. The mini-magnetosphere would need to be a highly efficient device.
Eleven months later and it looks like the British team have found their answer. In results just published in the journal Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, they have devised a system no bigger than a large desk that uses the same energy as an electric kettle. Two mini-magnetospheres will be contained within two mini satellites located outside the spaceship. Should there be an increase in solar wind flux, or an approaching cloud of energetic particles from a flare and/or coronal mass ejection (CME), the magnetospheres can be switched on and the solar ions are deflected away from the spacecraft.
Power of an electric Kettle....hmmmm
Able to shield against a Coronal Mass Ejection...hmmmm
10,000 BC
Catastrophism is a dirty word in archaeology. But despite not being liked, it remains a fact that civilisations have abruptly ended. And the biggest of all catastrophes seems to have occurred ca. 12,000 years ago. New research, however, might argue in favour of Velikovskian – if not Atlantean? – ideas.
Philip Coppens
For centuries, the greatest catastrophe known to Western Europeans was the biblical Deluge: a giant flood, claimed to have been brought on by God himself, to wash away the sin of Mankind and start anew. Working back from the few historical dates that are known to anchor the biblical stories, this Deluge has been dated to ca. 2300 BC. But even though biblical chronology is able to shed light on the timeframe, it remains a fact that at that time or any other within a time span of even a few thousands of years, there is no archaeological or geological evidence for such a cataclysm – neither local to the Middle East or on a global scale. In fact, archaeology and historical records have made it apparent that Mankind as a whole has had “clean sailing” for at least ten millennia.
Indeed, it now appears more likely that the “Deluge” did not end a “physical” world, but that it signalled the end of a period of time, defined by the movements of the sky. In short, the Deluge seems to have wiped clean the “slate of heaven”, rather than the “plains of the earth” below.
As the appeal of Christian catastrophism has declined, scientific catastrophism has risen, the demise of the dinosaurs no doubt capturing most of the imagination. Still, archaeologists remain extremely reluctant to take catastrophes – at a relatively local level – into consideration as to how some civilisations or societies have perished. Even the gigantic explosion of Thera is rarely seen as the sole cause as to why the Minoan civilisation ended.
Amongst the various dates for a major – global – catastrophe, none has been as popular as “ca. 10,000 BC”, which fortuitously coincides with Plato’s story of Atlantis, a civilisation before all others. It was said to have been washed away in a series of deluges, though not before the internal social coherence of this society was weakened by wars and a moral decline. Apparently, for we do not even know where Atlantis was supposedly located, and hence whether it ever existed and was destroyed cannot even be addressed.
Still, within the field of alternative history, the date of ca. 10,000 BC has remained very popular, largely thanks to two theories. One is based on Edgar Cayce’s prophecy – or rather, reinterpretation of history – which is that refugees from Atlantis had built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, and that the latter also contained – inside or nearby – a so-called Hall of Records, which itself contained proof of the claims made by Cayce about this prediluvian society. “Evidence” for the great antiquity of the Sphinx has since become the obsession of certain researchers, many of whom favour the interpretation of Robert Schoch, who has pointed out that one wall of the Sphinx enclosure shows signs of weathering that is not conform to what we “know” about Egypt’s climatological history. Of course, a seldom-posed question is whether the climatological timeline could simply be wrong.
Add to this the observations by Robert Bauval, who claims that the gaze of the Sphinx stares towards the Constellation of Leo and that the entire complex is a “timestamp” of the period ca. 10,400 BC. With these two ingredients, it is easy to mix a theory suggesting that around the time when Atlantis was destroyed, ca. 10,400 BC, refugees from that great continent came to Egypt, settled, and began a building project that involved the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, which is somehow a remnant of the scientific knowledge of that lost civilisation. As appealing as these theories sound, none of these have ever taken the Pyramid of Khafre – so close to the Great Pyramid – into the equation… a major omission in any theory put forward about the Gizeh plateau, for its construction is on par with that of the Great Pyramid.
Still, much of the appeal of a 10,000 BC catastrophe comes from the fact that the Earth did see a major catastrophe in 10,000 BC. That period roughly marked the end of the Last Ice Age, whereby it is known that ice melted and consequently water levels rose. Dare anyone call it a Deluge?
It is also a fact that at the end of the Ice Age, species like the woolly mammoth, which roamed the North American content, died extremely sudden. In fact, an often quoted statement about their demise is that some mammoths in Siberia were found to be frozen, having undigested food in their stomachs. Clear evidence – in the eyes of some – of their cataclysmic demise. However, a more detailed study reveals that these mammoths did not “freeze-dry”, as some claim, but were mummified – a process that is not as instantaneous as freeze-drying.
Still, it remains a fact that the end of the Ice Age did away with some species, including the woolly mammoth. Most interestingly, the climate record shows that while the Ice Age was drawing to a close, an event occurred that resulted in an extension of the Ice Age with a further 1300 years. What this event was, remains a matter of intense scientific speculation. But geophysicist Allen West has proposed that an asteroid or comet exploded just above the Earth’s surface. The claim seems to have come straight out of Immanuel Velikovsky’s books and was thus treated with the same disrespect – the only difference, it seemed was that Velikovsky had the audacity to let his scenario play itself out in historical times, whereas West opted for the – only slightly – safer period known as prehistory.
West argued that the explosion occurred over Canada and created a shock wave that set large parts of the northern hemisphere ablaze. And that a truly global, earthshaking if not shattering event occurred, is shown by the presence of diamonds in Ohio and Indiana. Diamonds, it seems, are not merely a girl’s best friend – they might be the same for catastrophists – whether male or female.
Indeed, Ken Tankersley, professor of Anthropology at the University of Cincinnati, studied diamonds recovered in Ohio and Indiana and his analyses conclusively show that these originated from the diamond fields region of Canada. At first, however, Tankersley was sceptical of West’s catastrophic approach, himself preferring the likelihood that glaciers had brought down these diamonds – as well as gold and silver – from the Great Lakes. He then quickly changed his mind, when he realised that this conclusion was inconsistent with the evidence. For these diamonds to be located so far south requires a truly cataclysmic event. Like, as West argues, a comet impact.
West believes that the object that exploded over Canada was a three-mile wide comet, creating an explosion that West compares to being 10,000 Tunguska explosions going off at once. With such a powerful explosion over an area where the soil contained diamonds, gold and silver, it is assumed that the blast threw these metals and diamonds into the sky, whereby some of them fell down further south, in Indiana and Ohio. He believes such a shower might have continued for several months after the initial strike. “Some of them you couldn’t see, and animals would’ve been breathing them in,” West states. “But other ones would clearly have been visible. They might’ve even hurt if they hit you.” The larger diamonds were visible to the naked eye and dropped like hail stones within seconds of the blasts.
For West, it is clear what caused the mass extinction of the woolly mammoth: the heat from the blast set the air on fire. North America’s grassland, the furs of animals, the hair and clothing of humans – everything was set ablaze, and would soon die. But it were not merely mammoths that died. Another casualty of this tremendous explosion was man itself: the Clovis culture, a Stone Age culture that had only relatively recently arrived on the American content, ceased to exist as a consequence of this explosion too.
How global this catastrophe was, remains unknown. Going back to the Middle East, it is a fact that, even though there is no evidence of an Atlantis or a 12,000 year old Sphinx, it is a fact that ca. 10,000 BC, there were the first signs of civilisations, especially on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
It is the timeframe when Jericho was founded, as well as the first building phase of the temple complex at Göbekli Tepe. Elsewhere, there is evidence of harvesting, as well as the cultivation of figs in the Jordan River valley: in short, the earliest signs of that great new human adventure that would become civilisation. Many scientists consider these sites to be the cradles of civilisation, but one can only wonder whether they were merely the remnants – refugees – of a catastrophe. Veritable descendents of Noah that might have survived a Deluge?
Well, well, Sword,
You posted the last Blogg on 2008-10-09 and today is 2008-11-12.
So that's a month in my book.
How much longer does Uncle Want You
to be quiet? Shhhhhh...
Monday night, 11-10-08, Brent Miller of the of the Horizon Project was a guest on C2C, and talked about catastrophic earth changes.
See also The Horizon Project Website
One thing he mentioned was the increse in the number of larger earthquakes as the Earth is getting closer to the plane of the
Milky Way galaxay. He also suggested that continental drift is not always gradual, as we have been taught in school, and occasional catastrophic events have raised new lands at times and submerged other lands. I didn't hear all of it. :(
What Is NorthCom Up To?
By Matthew Rothschild,
November 12, 2008
This week and into next, NorthCom and NORAD are conducting a joint exercise called “Vigilant Shield ’09.”
The focus will be on “homeland defense and civil support,” a NorthCom press release states.
From November 12-18, it will be testing a “synchronized response of federal, state, local and international partners in preparation for homeland defense, homeland security, and civil support missions in the United States and abroad.”
NorthCom is short for the Pentagon’s Northern Command. President Bush created it in October 2002. (The Southern Command, or SouthCom, covers Latin America. Central Command, or CentCom, covers Iraq and Afghanistan. And the new AfriCom covers, well, you get the picture.)
Vigilant Shield ’09 “will include scenarios to achieve exercise objectives within the maritime, aerospace, ballistic missile defense, cyber, consequence management, strategic communications, and counter terrorism domains,” the press release states.
NorthCom’s press release also says that other participants in the exercise include the U.S. Strategic Command’s “Global Lightning 09,” which is a plan to use nuclear weapons in a surprise attack.
The Pentagon’s “Bulwark Defender 09” is also involved in the exercise, and it is a cyberspace protection outfit of the Pentagon.
Something called the “Canada Command DETERMINED DRAGON” also is participating, as is the California National Guard and California’s “Golden Guardian.”
California’s involvement appears to center around planning for a catastrophic earthquake.
“Under the leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger and direction of his Office of Homeland Security, the nation’s largest state sponsored emergency exercise will take place November 13-18,” a press release from the governor’s office states.
“Golden Guardian 2008 tests California’s capability to respond and recover during a major catastrophic earthquake. The Golden Guardian 2008 full-scale exercise scenario focuses on a simulated, catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake along the southern portion of the San Andreas Fault.”
NorthCom is being shy about giving out additional information about Vigilant Shield ’09. When I called for a fact sheet on it, I was told there was none.
But the Pentagon did issue such a fact sheet for Vigilant Shield ’08.
Last year’s exercise included “the simulated detonation of three nuclear dispersal devices.” The fact sheet stressed the need to support a “civilian-led response” and to “exercise defense support of civil authorities,” including involvement in “critical infrastructure protection events” and coordinating “Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection activities.”
That fact sheet ended by saying: “There will be minimal deployment of active duty forces and no crossborder deployments. We anticipate little to no direct impact on local communities.”
NorthCom has been in the news lately, after the Pentagon designated to it a battle-tested fighting unit from the war on Iraq. This appears to be against the law, according to the ACLU, since the army isn’t supposed to be patrolling our own country.
On top of that, NorthCom was up to its eyeballs in getting peace groups spied upon.
“The security people at USNORTHCOM . . . had begun noticing some trouble at a few military recruiting events in 2005,” Eric Lichtblau recounts in Bush’s Law: The Remaking of American Justice. “Military officials at NORTHCOM asked their counterparts at CIFA [the Pentagon’s Counterintelligence Field Activity] to ping their powerful new database—do a broader study and find out how many episodes of violence and disruption were actually imperiling their recruiters."
And NorthCom even was in the loop at the Republican Convention in St. Paul.
Is it too much to ask Congress to look into NorthCom?
Clan Destine said...
>>>The whole Illuminati is about to go Morlock. $Trillions have been invested in subterranean facilitation. The antennae have been raised.
The underground city sanctuaries are ready... built in conductive ore zones to aid in deflection of the coming plasma bolts.
That which is behind the recent rollercoaster sunspot activity will soon become apparent. The surface of the earth is about to be blasted by natural forces that are building like static electricity builds as you walk across your carpet in your sock feet on a dry winter day.
Lightening bolts in snow storms started to become very common (from very rare) in 2000. Wait until you see what's coming up, either this winter or next. There is going to be fireworks between Jupiter and the Sun. Earth is gonna swing in too close to the campfire. We're gonna get singed. Saturn is gonna start a different kind of electro-war. That's the one the Illuminati are worried about.
Planetary alignments are deadly when concurrent with a high-energy state solar system.
In this geometry, planets become stepping-stones for giant discharge arcs reaching from the outside (Gas Giants) right to the center (Sol).
The last time this happened looooooooooong ago the Moon was inserted as a directional antennae to reconfigure the angular momentum of the discharge stream - and either absorb or redirect the energy... thus shielding the Earth from the worst of it. That is why the Near Side of the Moon looks completely different from the Dark Side from a cratering perspective. This time around... they will not employ the moon. Earth is gonna take the bolts because this time "they", like Frankenstein, are going to try to use them (or their energy).
All of this current NWO and Mammon activity is merely a pre-disaster arranging of the game board.
Cloud seeding and chemtrails are attempts to electrically dope atmospheric regions to provide for steering of expected incoming electrical discharges. They are attempts to save endangered regions and redirect plasma bolts to less hazardous locations - out of the vicinity of populated "sub-cities."
HAARP and other similar "electro-field-shaping" facillaties were built as "measures" in an orchestrated response to the upcoming ionization... more steering, shielding and utilization technology.
As far as surface dwellers go... there will of course be some survivors. The Morlocks intend on checking up on you in a few hundred years.
Everything else... everything... is just playing stuff out... waiting for the curtain to fall (or for the curtain to rise, depending on your perspective).
11/18/2008 04:49:00 PM
I'm away for a little while and when I come back it's nothing but doom!
'Sup peeps, good to see post are still being made. You guys see the glowing stuff forming at Saturn's north pole?
Glowing Aurora
Discovered: Cosmic Rays from a Mysterious, Nearby Object
Nov. 19, 2008: An international team of researchers has discovered a puzzling surplus of high-energy electrons bombarding Earth from space. The source of these cosmic rays is unknown, but it must be close to the solar system and it could be made of dark matter. Their results are being reported in the Nov. 20th issue of the journal Nature.
"This is a big discovery," says co-author John Wefel of Louisiana State University. "It's the first time we've seen a discrete source of accelerated cosmic rays standing out from the general galactic background."
Galactic cosmic rays are subatomic particles accelerated to almost light speed by distant supernova explosions and other violent events. They swarm through the Milky Way, forming a haze of high energy particles that enter the solar system from all directions. Cosmic rays consist mostly of protons and heavier atomic nuclei with a dash of electrons and photons spicing the mix.
To study the most powerful and interesting cosmic rays, Wefel and colleagues have spent the last eight years flying a series of balloons through the stratosphere over Antarctica. Each time the payload was a NASA-funded cosmic ray detector named ATIC, short for Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter. The team expected ATIC to tally the usual mix of particles, mainly protons and ions, but the calorimeter found something extra: an abundance of high-energy electrons.
Wefel likens it to driving down a freeway among family sedans, mini-vans and trucks—when suddenly a bunch of Lamborghinis bursts through the normal traffic. "You don't expect to see so many race cars on the road—or so many high-energy electrons in the mix of cosmic rays." During five weeks of ballooning in 2000 and 2003, ATIC counted 70 excess electrons in the energy range 300-800 GeV. ("Excess" means over and above the usual number expected from the galactic background.) Seventy electrons may not sound like a great number, but like seventy Lamborghinis on the freeway, it's a significant surplus.
"The source of these exotic electrons must be relatively close to the solar system—no more than a kiloparsec away," says co-author Jim Adams of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
Why must the source be nearby? Adams explains: "High-energy electrons lose energy rapidly as they fly through the galaxy. They give up energy in two main ways: (1) when they collide with lower-energy photons, a process called inverse Compton scattering, and (2) when they radiate away some of their energy by spiraling through the galaxy's magnetic field." By the time an electron has traveled a whole kiloparsec, it isn't so 'high energy' any more.
High-energy electrons are therefore local. Some members of the research team believe the source could be less than a few hundred parsecs away. For comparison, the disk of the spiral Milky Way galaxy is about thirty thousand parsecs wide. (One parsec approximately equals three light years.)
"Unfortunately," says Wefel, "we can't pinpoint the source in the sky." Although ATIC does measure the direction of incoming particles, it's difficult to translate those arrival angles into celestial coordinates. For one thing, the detector was in the basket of a balloon bobbing around the South Pole in a turbulent vortex of high-altitude winds; that makes pointing tricky. Moreover, the incoming electrons have had their directions scrambled to some degree by galactic magnetic fields. "The best ATIC could hope to do is measure a general anisotropy—one side of the sky versus the other."
Right: The ATIC cosmic ray detector ascends to the stratosphere tethered to a high-altitude research balloon. More launch images: #1, #2, #3.
This uncertainty gives free rein to the imagination. The least exotic possibilities include, e.g., a nearby pulsar, a 'microquasar' or a stellar-mass black hole—all are capable of accelerating electrons to these energies. It is possible that such a source lurks undetected not far away. NASA's recently-launched Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is only just beginning to survey the sky with sufficient sensitivity to reveal some of these objects.
An even more tantalizing possibility is dark matter.
There is a class of physical theories called "Kaluza-Klein theories" which seek to reconcile gravity with other fundamental forces by positing extra dimensions. In addition to the familiar 3D of human experience, there could be as many as eight more dimensions woven into the space around us. A popular yet unproven explanation for dark matter is that dark matter particles inhabit the extra dimensions. We feel their presence via the force of gravity, but do not sense them in any other way.
How does this produce excess cosmic rays? Kaluza-Klein particles have the curious property (one of many) that they are their own anti-particle. When two collide, they annihilate one another, producing a spray of high-energy photons and electrons. The electrons are not lost in hidden dimensions, however, they materialize in the 3-dimensions of the real world where ATIC can detect them as "cosmic rays."
"Our data could be explained by a cloud or clump of dark matter in the neighborhood of the solar system," says Wefel. "In particular, there is a hypothesized Kaluza-Klein particle with a mass near 620 GeV which, when annihilated, should produce electrons with the same spectrum of energies we observed."
Testing this possibility is nontrivial because dark matter is so, well, dark. But it may be possible to find the cloud by looking for other annihilation products, such as gamma-rays. Again, the Fermi Space Telescope may have the best chance of pinpointing the source.
"Whatever it is," says Adams, "it's going to be amazing."
For more information about this research, see "An excess of cosmic ray electrons at energies of 300-800 Gev," by J. Chang et al. in the Nov. 20, 2008, issue of Nature.
Wow Clammy..that's an awesome digg. Read Clan's comment above about Saturn starting a brand new electrical war of the worlds. Now for my two cents; 'they' had no business taking their star wars tech to 17P Holmes.
Thanks Ericswan,
Seems that Clan Destine might actually be on to something.
If so, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide...
EricSwan - About "Discovered: Cosmic Rays from a Mysterious, Nearby Object" - Looks like the "Signal" has been sent to activate the underground city in Antarctica - thanks for info. BTW - Morlocks are slow!
ClamyToe - Thanks for the link, it seems RCH and MB are all over it. ;-)
I'll have to go over to their place and see what they're saying. Has anyone ever seen these old reptilian interviews? What do ya think?
Reptiloids of the Inner Earth
The Lacerta File 1
THe Lacerta File 2
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Might as well cash in our chips now and be done with it, eh?
Might as well cash in our chips now and be done with it, eh?
Nah, I'm in it for the long haul. You?
Checkout what this Old Dude has to say•••
I'm in it for the long haul. You?
As long as The Wheel of Samsara spins.
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Friend Goro will tell you differently.
Thanks MG
That is an education!
Clan Destine said...
The Next Big Thing
The printing press was allowed as one of the first post dark-age evolutionary innovations to prepare us for the end game. The MEME machine was turned loose - paper networking to prepare us for the next stage.
The next stage was "electro-magneto involvement". Maxwell and Faraday refined the tools to set the course. The wires were laid. The network roadways were now paper and wire, and the engines were ink and electricity. Then came the automobile and the rutted paths became asphalt thus making the matrix triune: ink and paper, pulses through wire and now material transport on paved infrastructure (and designated air corridors). The network thickens. Presence extension. Postures externalized.
Then Tesla fucked everything up by prematurely introducing phased plasma electrodynamics. Creative redirective calibration became necessary. Einsteinian relativity was introduced as a "Plan B" measure that worked beautifully to redirect development toward "Plan A" status. Having arrived at the nuclear network from a "back door", completely bogus, Einsteinian con-job interpretation of reality as twirled through the quantum. Though in the wrong order, this development was sufficiently, creatively distorted so as to make its displacement in the "stream of presence-progression" an irrelevant factor.
Then came television (after nukes) to reassert (and refine) the wire-based electro-conceptional tele-presentational framework. As soon as the TV "innovation" was networked and refined, the developmental bread-crumb-path moved to desktop computers which were fast-tracked to networking (WWW) in the '80's. The mind stretched AND expanded.
Now, the matrix is prepared and the next scale-evolutionary-innovative presence-elemental is about to be introduced.
The extraterrestrials shall be arriving soon.
There was civilization before the printing press... and the altered world after it.
There was civilization before telepresence (telegraph, telephone, radio, film)... and the altered world after it.
There was civilization before the car and the wing... and the altered world after it.
There was civilization before the bomb... and the altered world after it.
There was civilization before tele-imagery (TV)... and the altered world after it.
There was civilization before desk-top computers... and the altered world after it.
There was civilization before ... the networking of desktops (WWW) and the altered world after it.
All major lane changes involve an evolution of the overall PRESENCE POTENTIAL - the ability to CONVEY ourselves and our thoughts.
What do you suppose is next?
We have been preparing for this next stage with each previous fundamental stair-step in the progression.
They will be arriving soon.
As in the Speilburg-Cruise prophesy, they will be coming with the ionization (storm) and the whole thing will be a cover for something else.
Things from space that are really underground, posing as things from underground posing as things from space.
So, a lot of posing going on. Posture is important. This the Illuminati know. Posing is Presence. Communication with aliens is through "posturing." Communication with the human-mass-mind is through posturing.
Communication with the individual human subconscious is through posturing. Communication between humans on internet blog sites is through posturing.
That's what makes a Templar-built 13th century Cathedral different than an Apache Teepee. Posture.
The reason NASA is "masonic" has everything to do with the fact that this is the posture one must adopt when interfacing with non-human entities and their plasma ships (which seem to house intelligence and intent, but not material bodies).
The next phase in human evolutionary/technological development will be the ability to dis-attach our consciousness from our bodies and house it in a plasma-based device (vehicle) that
can be "driven" like a "ufo" by our disembodied mind.
Our voices posture through paper, then though wires. Then our bodies are freed up with cars and wings. Then our posturing goes visual with television and WWW and we all look for the next big thing... the next deal breaker, the next wave of techo plateau climbing.
It's going to be "mind ships," a technology that will openly be known to be brought to us by aliens.
It is the final survival tool that will be offered before the hammer strikes and the Sun changes channels.
There will be a big debate about whether escape with your mind-ship is truly escape.
Of course there's probably no aliens and this mind-ship tech is just a way for the Illuminati to deploy Plasma-orb, ball-lightening based technology as a way of imprisoning your consciousness in an orb of energized electro-plasma, by your own volition... for their own designs.
Kinda like TV, only different.
The "next internet" is going to have extreme religious implications, as well as existential ones. A division will ensue - those that dare to become "changed humans" by using it... and those that think the whole process is evil. Again, kinda like TV but different.
Just like every other presence-innovation before it, one will have to belong to a priest-class to use it (licensing, schooling). The religious implications with this mindship tech will be realized, and tumultuous.
Everyone will come to the realization that UFO's and STS orbs of today, are in fact merely usages of the "new internet" prior to it's unveiling.
Out-of-body experiences are about to go high-tech and commercial.
This is my prediction.
11/24/2008 05:35:00 PM
Whats with the novels?
Working on the next "big" post...
Working on the next "big" post...
Looking forward to it.
Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
Remember those large blog posts with plenty o' linky goodness?
yeah - Im working one of those over right now...
Hang in there gang...
Maybe China wants to help. ;-)
World 'must tackle space threat'
By Julian Siddle
Science reporter, BBC News
The international community must work together to tackle the threat of asteroids colliding with Earth, a leading UN scientist says.
The story is going a little more main-stream...
12,3 2008 gosh its getting kind of late. ;)
Where is your 'dialog'? Chime in dude.
I don't need a Blog post but we do care to hear from you.
Something I ran across while trolling:
Fire From The Sky: Battle Of Harvest Moon & True Story Of Space Shuttles"
Now I must admit that I haven't had the time to read it yet, but it sounds like something that should be right up our alley.
The story is going a little more main-stream...
Gort you have no idea
Working the final polishing now on new post...
Take the time Clamytoe, I read that piece. Interesting to say the least.
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