I have been leading up to something - for quite sometime...
Well see if anyone GETS it... ...
A rip from Wiki:
The Antiquities Act of 1906, officially An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities (16 USC 431-433), is an act passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt on June 8, 1906 giving the President of the United States authority to restrict the use of particular public land owned by the federal government by executive order, bypassing Congressional oversight. The Act has been used over a hundred times since its passage. Its use frequently creates significant controversy.
Of course, all of this is ran by:
The National Park Service...
...A Division of the Department of the Interior...

I have previously stated much in regards to the southern most “fort” - that is the Grand Canyon. We already know what’s here - I spoke of it before.
Two different, actual honest to god - space ships - found in separate but connected facilities. One appears to be a “Life Boat” - the other - is called a “Hot-Rod” - the facility seems to be completely under the canyon - or in the canyon rather. It is by all means - the highest security area ever conceived. If you look at the funding levels for this “National Park” - the funding is 100X greater than the rest of the other parks in America - and that just for the Rangers (Security Guards)...

So - yes - its there - and well guarded.
So - lets move a little bit to the North - to a area I know little about - but what I do know should perk some interest.
Zion National park.
As you can see from the images - Zion N.P. is stunning in its glory and its majesty of the Great Mothers and Great Fathers influence. It also happens to be a geological marvel. The area of course was inhabited by the Anasazi - whom have left many sites of interest. The park, while accessible - has many more areas that are only accessible by foot - two of the most hard to get permits on the park are the “Subway” and “Mystery” canyon trials - and boy oh boy - you better have a permit.
With such mountain tops with names such as: “Alter of Sacrifices”, “Great White throne”, “The West Temple”, “North Guardian Angel”, “South Guardian Angel”, I could go on and on.

Not to far from one of the main drags in the park, and near a campsite entrance was a road that had a locked gate - with the typical federal sign - “do not enter/severe penalties to include imprisonment”.
I thought well, that’s strange.
From our campsite - I could see the single lane road. And... ...I could see the military trucks (duce and halves and five toners) entering and not leaving. I scratched my head - what in the heck are military trucks going down a single road in the middle of a National Park - I didn’t dare ask my father - for I knew that he knew that if he couldn’t answer my questions - I would still do what I was going to do.

The truck pulled away, and I peaked out the back over the gate and spied on the Ranger station and the ranger going over permits and passes at the gate - seemed like no one spotted me - so good... ...now what? I started to realize my plan was flawed - what was I going to do once they stopped?
Well, I remember thinking - your committed now.

I then turned my attention to the two large crates on pallets in the truck - they where five by five by five feet and had stenciled numbers on them - I could not pry the wooded crate open with my hands - so I tried my Swiss army knife and ended that idea when I snapped my longest blade off...

Not to long after that we came to another tunnel, that didn’t seem to end - and as it seems the trip had came to an end. Sweating bullets I made my way to the back of the truck About a hundred yards in to what I thought was a tunnel - the truck stopped and I peaked out the skirt on the back - there where a lot of men in OD greens milling about and doing this and that. I could see the entrance a scant hundred yards away - and realized that I wasn’t in a tunnel but a very large chamber. I peaked out and watched for a little bit until a forklift came and the gate was lowered by some shocked soldier who found himself staring at a six foot tall fourteen year old weighing close to 180 pounds with Nikes, canvas shorts, a t-shirt that said “Star Wars” - with an Afro.
“Hi!” I said.
“Who... ...the hell are you!?” The soldier said. He was very angry and he was unsholdering his M-16A1.
I remember thinking - so much for post seminary school - and lept from the truck.
I stopped and said:
“My name is Michael” - and stuck out my hand for a shake. He only grew angrier and pointed his rifle at me. At this point I wasn’t to scared because he didn’t have a magazine in it yet.
The soldier grabbed a whistle from his lapel and blew it - then the shit hit the fan.
Soldiers in OD Green where coming at me from every direction - but I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - and made for it. I sprinted for it - all the while behind me and to my sides I heard “HALT” and “Stop” - hell I even heard - “ANSCHLAG!!” - it wasn’t until I heard “Stop or we’ll shoot” and “Anschlag oder wir schieben!!!” and that I really started to LITERALLY cry and haul as much ass as my legs would carry. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and I was making for it fast...
About the time I was reaching the exit - soldiers behind me - actually started shooting at me with there rifles - I nearly shit myself and ran even faster zigng and zagging. I made it out the exit and I was still picking up my pace - and bullets actually started flying past me with there most certain deadly whiz my father had taught me about.
I spotted the creek on my left and dove for it. Bad idea. It was shallow, and rocky, and the ten feet superman like swan dive didn’t suppress gravity in the least. The impact nearly knocked me out. I could still hear rifle fire - so in my desperation I pulled myself along chocking on water I as I went with the stream pulling me along - I realized I had the wind knocked out of me. I remember feeling defeated and that my great idea was inherently flawed for I didn’t learn a dam thing.
The distance from the creek to the road was approximately twenty feet of just cliff face I looked up - didn’t see anyone - so I got to my feet - and ran down the creek as fast as I could. The creek bed was rocky and I was tearing my ankles up something fierce - But I ran and ran and ran and ran. When I couldn’t run anymore - I stopped and gulped down water - half drinking half chocking.... I jogged down the creek quite a ways until I found an area that I could get myself up onto the road. I slithered up on my belly to the road.
I was amazed that I didn’t find anyone - so I took to the road and ran west. I realized that I was still bleeding from my nose and face, and knees, shins, knees, elbows, hell - everywhere. I didn’t have time to worry about that - if I had known there where going to be guns - and people shooting at me - I would have never done this in the first place. Hell - I ruined my favorite shirt - and if I got away with this - it would be very hard to explain this to Mom and Dad as to why I was so physically screwed up.
There was no traffic either way so I jogged down the road. I came through several very short tunnels, and started to get back to the beginning of the road. I was happy - looks like I might just get away without getting shot.
Only to come out of another short tunnel to meet two ranger patrol cars blocking the road with park rangers and soldiers all with there guns drawn, and ... ... my father behind them with a scowl on his face that told me he would kill me as soon as there where no witnesses.
I did as I was told and was promptly handcuffed and told to stay where I was - as I did. Then behind me out of sight - some sort of vehicle drove up. A man walked pass me with his group of guards and went to where the park rangers and soldiers and father where standing. There was much handshaking and saluting - which to my surprise the big guy with his guards saluted my father first. I knew what that meant.
After a long discussion, some looks at me - in my disheveled demeanor, some jokes and laughter the scene seemed to lighten and finally the large man - whom now facing me was a captain with a pistol strapped to his leg and my father came over. Some man behind me uncuffed me and I was told to stand.
The Captain spoke first:
“What in gods name gave you the idea to hitch a ride on one of my vehicles into a high security area?”
After a long pause with my head down I said: “I wanted to know what was on Army trucks in a National Park - I was curious that’s all - I didn’t mean to start ‘nothin - just wanted to know that’s all - I didn’t -“
I was cut short.
The captain said; “Well, have you had enough adventure for today young master?”
I was still bleeding:
“Well, I guess after this is all said and done you wont be sneaking into anymore secure areas now will you?”
“No” (I lied)
“Well, I guess then, since your so... ...damm curious all the time... ...as your father says.... ...you’ve earned your right to ask me ONE question...”
I didn’t hesitate at all:
“What’s on the trucks?”
Me: “Food?”
Captain “Food”
Me: “But - why are - “
The Captain turned to my father and shook his hand, “Joe, it was so nice to meet you, keep up the good work with your son...” He saluted him turned around and looked at me with a grin - shook his head and left without a word.
My father grabbed me by the arm and we started walking down the road, as perhaps ten different ranger patrol cars passed us. We eventually made it to the campsite - where the belt was given to me and then - nothing was else was said about it.... ...for the whole damm trip. I didn’t understand it. He didn’t kill me. Mother didn’t say anything else either. I was never allowed to go off on a walk by myself after that - my father always in accompany with me.
Zion National Park will celebrate a "Century of Sanctuary" in 2009. Zion was set aside as Mukuntuweap National Monument by President William Howard Taft on July 31, 1909.
I have never been able to figure out what’s going on there. I would just say that after my little adventure - and being in the Army awhile as a SWORD - that’s it’s a fort - a huge repository of some sort - AND - has underground access to several different facilities around it - to include the Grand Canyon, and a “nearby” military base.
Just thought I would share some of the misadventure while I have been sharing many adventures with you.
There is another story - from when I was even a “Younger” man - to a more sacred place - but that story is far more involved...
Interestingly enough ZION:
Zion (Hebrew), Tiberian, transliterated Zion or Sion) is a term that most often designates the Land of Israel and its capital, Jerusalem. The word is found in texts dating back almost three millennia. It commonly referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem (Mount Zion), on which stood a Jebusite fortress of the same name that was conquered by David and was named the City of David.
The term Zion came to designate the area of Jerusalem where the fortress stood, and later became a metonym for Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the city of Jerusalem and the entire Promised Land to come, in which, according to the Hebrew Bible, God dwells among his chosen people.

I have always thought - what would be the NEXT GREAT, immense, National Park with wonders I could dare to explore?
Chew on that...
1 – 200 of 247 Newer› Newest»Sword
You have railed on me in the past for being a skeptic, as if that is a bad thing. I'm a tad leary of doom and gloom space scenarios as I have heard them before, been sucked in, only to realize that it all seems to be some sort of Mind Fcuk:
Will X mark the date?
Forgive me for being skeptical as I have seen Hoagie come up with this type of thing for over 15 years, only to see nothing ever come of it. I'm not saying something won't happen, it's just I've heard it all before. Hoagie is good at crying wolf.
Now the economic catastrophe is another matter entirely. I'm surprised it has not happened earlier. I'm also skeptical about any help that might be forthcoming.
On to your story. There are two things that stand out:
* The idea of God's chosen people (a Biblical fallacy that has led to the establishment of Rabinical Levitical Fascism)
* A German speaking soldier
Obviously the two questions would be:
Who actually are "God's" chosen people and what does that entail?
Why was the soldier speaking German?
Life for me is complicated by the fact that I have a daughter that is almost 4. If she were not in my life, I could conceivably deal with anything that comes up and not really worry about it. But since I am her care giver, things are not that way.
I attended the funeral of an old family friend recently, who upon his death bed was asked by his doctor a very profound question, one that has begun to shape how I live my life:
Are you ready to die today?
I believe I am, but I'm hoping my daughter will not have to answer that question anytime soon. That is my mission.
Wheres part 2?
What I would like to know is how fast where you running? Because at a max distance of about 90 meters, I can take down a target with an M16 without even trying to aim. Unless of course they were just warning shots...
part 2:
part 3:
part 4 of 4:
Unless of course they were just warning shots...
Who wants to shot a teenager with a Star wars shirt?
Whats more American than that?
Gort - you f*ing awesome...
I figured as much. For a second there I was imagining Dark Angel type of super soldier abilities with Matrix theme music playing in the background :)
So did your pops ever explain what went on there? Why he was saluted? Why were the soldiers speaking German? Why did the officer call you Master? and what did he mean when he told your pops that he was doing a good job raising you?
Now that's an adventure story. Dodging life fire at 14 while on the run. You were destined to be involved for sure. Curiosity didn't kill that cat. ;)
A bro with a fro sprinting like a rabbit, must have been a heck of a fuzzy target. :P lol
sorry capt. only got a sec., you've raised the bar, and that's no 'bull'. Back later.
Well said......and Star Wars t-shirt at that in the midst.
What's with the repeating buffalo imagery? Is that something that we should dig into?
What's in the truck?
Asteroid Cruises Past Earth ... With a Partner!
Now seen as two objects orbiting each other, the pair will be closest to Earth on July 14, at about 1.4 million miles (2 million kilometers) away. That's nearly six times as far from us as the moon.
Asteroid 2008 BT18 remains classified by NASA as "potentially hazardous" because its future orbits have not been fully determined.
(end excerpt...)
Taurus points the way to the 'star of the gods'...aka the homeland. (ref. The Hidden Records-by Herschel.)
Virtually every single pyramid building culture/society used the layout of the seven 'sisters'/stars of the Pliedes and use the leg of Taurus to point the way from whence we came.
Bara has a new post on Dark Mission with links to a press booklet authored by Hoagy about the virtues of lunar exploration.
This was published by Grumman in the late 1960s prior to Apollo 11 landing.
hover dam! I dubble posted again.
So the buffalo signifies to those in the know that the path back home is within these parts?
I'm not completely sure in these respects. As we are not in the age of Taurus, and Herschel's work is quite compelling, I'm inclined to go with that.
A note I have seen states that since he decoded the ancient tracing board that the Mason's released to the public, he has seen more and more Mason's attending his talks and conveying interest. In that decoding he shows the time periods of the migration and the visitations.
notice too....The U.S. Department of the Interior patch.
the date is: 03,03,1849
oops, correction the Bull's leg IS The Pleides which points the way and is shown in numerous ways doing just that....including Cydonia too.
its 11:11 as I say this so, gosh, I will close the door for now. ;)
Dam, ION,it is 11:11 CDT as I read your line about it being 11:11!
Synchronicity rules!
While the Department of the Interior was founded March 3, 1849, the Bison or buffalo did not become part of their seal until 1917.
see this interesting paage of DOI history:
I thought that in recent years someone in a Republican cabinet wanted to change the DOI buffalo from looking to the LEFT to looking to the right. Apparently that change did not happen.
Damm right...
If it ain't broke - don't fix it...
reply to posts coming very soon...
Responses to posts:
The Fool said...
Who actually are "God's" chosen people and what does that entail?
Why was the soldier speaking German?
I am sure you are referring to who will be saved and why? I don’t have the answer to that. I am certain that the U.S. Government will have some form of “lottery” ... just like in the movie “Deep Impact” - and if you didn’t think the gov’nar didn’t have his hands in that movie - think again. I have gone to great lengths to ensure the men and there families of my unit are safe - and well prepared for this coming fall. I am not the only one doing so.
German speaking soldier? There wasn’t one - and that, along with English, where the languages I could understand - there where others - I simply submitted them because something was being yelled at me that I understood (and defied).
Our National Parks are legendary outside of America - we take them for granted. The Grand Canyon for instance - last year - was broken down into thirds over country of origin - by who was visiting them. One third German, one third Japanese, one third American - of course there where some smaller groups - but it is striking who is visiting our national parks.
Most park rangers are bilingual, mostly transferring CIA, FBI, or other FEDERAL law enforcement individuals looking for those few extra years of federal employment to bolster there retirement.
Clamytoe said...
I figured as much. For a second there I was imagining Dark Angel type of super soldier abilities with Matrix theme music playing in the background :)
These seemed like your run of the mill pickle suited dudes to me. All in a days job to them. I really don’t think they where trying to kill me. Imagine the situation. Your trained to be alert for intruders when a whistle blows - you turn around and an afro’ed brown skinned kid in tan shorts and a black and white Star Wars shirt blows past you trying to do mach 1. Do you really aim center mass?
Clamytoe said...
So did your pops ever explain what went on there?
Sometimes my father had this curious habit - when I broached a subject he didn’t want to discuss he would scratch his trigger finger...
Clamytoe said...
Why he was saluted?
Could it be that my Father outranked him? - and/or - My father at one time was awarded the CMH? C’mon toe - THINK about it... ...
Clamytoe said...
Why did the officer call you Master? and what did he mean when he told your pops that he was doing a good job raising you?
It was “Young Master” - and of course that didn’t really imply anything at all. Educated people - especially folk from the Europe would call teenage boys Young Master. I don’t know why - they just do. But it does not imply any sort of rank and title.
I would assume that line - which I remember so well stems from the fact that by skin color - I do not resemble my father at all. I am pretty sure that he told them I was not his biological father - and that I was half-native.
Clamytoe said...
What's with the repeating buffalo imagery? Is that something that we should dig into?
That’s no ordinary buffalo...
Thanks all who commented...
Looks like folk are starting to digg into the meat of the current issue...
Sword, I did notice the National Parks Service buffalo is a White Buffalo, as in the "mythical" Lakota story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman.
(Mythical as in Joseph Campbell stuff...important, sacred, having that ring of truth...)
Also didn't you say your special, charter militia used to use a patch with a white buffalo?
I actually didn't say anything of the sort - I simply presented in the form of a link - the REGIMENTAL shield... ...the unit patch was quite different - with symbols all its own...
From many - one.
Hells Bells
(Mortars song)
For those about to rock...
Sword said:
"Could it be that my Father outranked him? - and/or - My father at one time was awarded the CMH? C’mon toe - THINK about it... ..."
Of course he outranked him, but I was pushing more for an explanation of who your pops is/was, what it is that he did, and now that you mention it, what he did to earn the medal of honor.
BTW, did your pops write a few books on Intelligence, Espionage, and Covert Actions?
The Bull is sacred and may well point the way home from whence we all came originally.
That said, if one really wants to 're-connect' with the source... or the Divine essence of all, contemplate the Dawn Horse.
The logo of which itself will align one with what truly IS.
Dawn Horse
(there are colors attributed, find them if you are drawn)
Like a faceless sun, I seek not to promote, yet as a person in whose story I have played a mystic shaman of some sort, I can not help but point in a direction.
I represent no group, and hesitated to convey this iconic logo without permission of the Adidam order, but I will say it is in print and on the cover of the Dawn Horse Testament available for purchase. In that it is in the public realm and meant to be seen.
Better than any wisdom I could speak or turn of a phrase I could spin, as Sword well knows icons and logos and patches hold great significance and meaning. At least that some "see" the Dawn Horse is enough. The rest will self prove.
I wept...
Reminded me of another young man with the stag name of "The Dishwasher"...
I believe it is further down the page of this link
that there is a discussion of President Jimmy Carter adding thousands of square miles of Alaska wilderness to federal control under executive order pursuant to the Antiquities Act of 1906...bypassing Congress.
Maybe something to do with the secret space program???
August 1 total solar eclipse to be visible in Canada, Alaska, the Arctic, Russia and China (in that order)
(comment no. 33)
You could have pot that in one post you scurvy dog!
BTW - great dig - now where getting somewhere - Maybe Carter was legitimizing some one tribe already there?
Then theres this kid:
I'm rocking out with young man right now...
I don't do what I do for old men with power - I do it for children now and forever - for how can I face my future children with great face - if I just sit back and WATCH - INSTEAD OF DOING!!!
Clamytoe said...
Of course he outranked him, but I was pushing more for an explanation of who your pops is/was, what it is that he did, and now that you mention it, what he did to earn the medal of honor.
I only said - possibilities - my father - NEVER - allowed me the vanity of speaking of his deeds as a warrior. He preffered me to exshalt him of the deeds of a father of three...
His rank did not come from schooling like some fresh butter bar from VMI - indeed not - he was awarded the rank through his consistent deeds - that no one may speak off. Sort of an odd way of doing things if you ask me.
But I'll tell you this.
NEVER did we go anywhere - anywhere in this world that someone of low or high rank would bump into my father - knowing him of first name basis - and honor him.
My father was one of THEE original "Green Devils" - as was my biological father...
He didn't write a book - he WROTE the book. Everyone else was a student to "Boom-Boom"... ... ...
His military active duty career ended when his platoon was naaped accidentally by friendly fast movers. I are dare so much.. .. his actions THEN and NOW speak volumes for many of the GREEN 2 GOLD among the officer core today.
It was his actions THEN that MARKED him...
...it was his actions SINCE, that MADE him.
I stand before you in this testament...
Thank you ever so much for that link...bowing in gratitude.
I 'learned' quitar on my own and have layed with a pick nearly all my life when I did play...and I can't play other peope's music very well at all...only me own stuff...I close my eyes and let the Universe give me the 'beat'.
This kid is AMAZING and a Earthling treasure to be so young and to have learned to lay so well in just two years. I have just recently started trying to play with fingers instead of a pick because the 'beats' coming into me were not transposing into the pick movements I was able to do to try and copy the tunes coming in.
I am halfway through downloading and archiving his stuff...absolutely fracking amazing and a reason for hope for humanity.
Again....thanx for finding the links and sharing it.
My two songs recording long ago and on-line in my Artistic section are vastly improved and have many new ones not yet recorded...but nothing like this young son of the Stars.
There seems to be a connection between the Air Force "PRIME BEEF" fellows and the "RED HORSE" chaps.
Now we come to the second of the four horsemen "And there went out another horse that was RED: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another (the red and white horsemen): and there was given unto him a great sword."
(end excerpt...)
Sword, part of your story of sneeeking into the secret off-limits part of the national park reminded me of the story Alex Jones told on C2C about sneeking into the secret annual gathering of elites at Bohemian Grove.
The wikipedia article on Zion National Park talks about the construction of the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway and the 1.1 mile Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel. When i read that (before you posted your story) I wondered if your geologist Grandfather had a hand in the tunnel...and if there were secret tunnels off the side of the tunnel.
Also of interest was the Kolob Canyon area which was set aside early, but not opened to the public as part of the Park until many years later.
...and if there were secret tunnels off the side of the tunnel.
Indeed - there are.
Hogies off the air - and what - no comments?
looking for a new blogg topic - any takers - look to the :frontpage: for direction.
I DO take submitted comets. ///errr... ...topics///
I'm currently reviewing one of my butter bars info - anyone care to submit a log post?
Comets eh?
o.k. one reprise from F-Shod ago.
This sound kind of familiar? ;)
SOHO- The Comet Finder:
About 85% of SOHO’s comet discoveries are fragments from a once-great comet that split apart in a death plunge around the Sun, probably many centuries ago. The fragments are known as the Kreutz group, which now pass within 1.5 million km of the Sun’s surface when they return from deep space.
Many centuries ago, eh Sword? hmmmm Not too long ago really....do I perhaps get three wise choices as to when? lol
To recap-85% sure is a very high ratio referencing ALL comets coming from one source. hmmmmm.
15% is an astonishingly small 'left over'.
Surprised this has gone on largely un-noticed by the crew.
Ion, how regularly do the come in near the sun?
Re-read Uriel's Machine. Much going on in that book. Enoch in Britain, Grooved Ware People, Druids, Celtic Christianity a form of Enochian-Judaism and Freemasonry. And they tie it too the Knights Templar also. The book had me sucked in.
The second comet strike in 3750 BCE was news to me. Enoch was in Britain before the strike. And it's going to happen again.
Sorry don't know much yet about the periodicity of them all. (ok I'm looking now)
Yes, that book was rich with truths.
From you reminder of the comet strike of 3750BC, I am brought to consider Sword's earlier emphasis on the "Bethlehem Star" or "Star of Crossing".
Remembering the "seven filaments" I am inclined to ponder "The Great Comet of 1744" first sighted Nov 29, 1743 (11/11hiding in there!)
de Cheseaux
This first appeared with the seven filaments and then changed with its subsequent 'brightening' as it approached the Sun. It brightened enough that it rivaled Sirius and became 'equal to' Venus.
BUT! As I recall Sword had made mention about the understanding that mankind was pretty much 'pooched' at the turn of the century at 1900 ....until they discovered the Shem and a few other most fortuitous finds.
Well a little poking about and it seems there was a quote: "Super Comet" that appeared Sept 1st 1882. quote:" This comet is perhaps the brightest comet that has ever been seen; a gigantic member of the Kreutz Sungrazing Group.
from the article: GREAT SEPTEMBER COMET OF 1882: This comet is perhaps the brightest comet that has ever been seen; a gigantic member of the Kreutz Sungrazing Group. First spotted as a bright zero-magnitude object by a group of Italian sailors in the Southern Hemisphere on Sept. 1, this comet brightened dramatically as it approached its rendezvous with the Sun. By the 14th, it became visible in broad daylight and when it arrived at perihelion on the 17th it passed at a distance of only 264,000-miles from the Sun's surface. On that day, some observers described the comet's silvery radiance as scarcely fainter than the limb of the Sun, suggesting a magnitude somewhere between -15 and -20! The following day, observers in Cordoba described the comet as a "blazing star" near the Sun. The nucleus also broke into at least four separate parts. In the days and weeks that followed, the comet became visible in the morning sky as an immense object sporting a brilliant tail. Today, some comet historians consider it as a "Super Comet," far above the run of even Great Comets.
I repeat: "it passed at a distance of only 264,000-miles from the Sun's surface. "
Now I contemplate that the observers of this recent century past also had an earlier wake up call right in the middle of the Great Comet of 1744 and the Super Comet of 1882. It was the Great Comet of 1843.
a quote: GREAT COMET OF 1843: This comet was a member of the Kruetz Sungrazing Comet Group, which has produced some of the most brilliant comets in recorded history.
It passed only 126,000 miles from the Sun's photosphere on Feb. 27, 1843.
Ok whew thats a lot of Kruetz shit flying around that apparently are all from the same source, I guess, Super Duper Comet. ;) lol
O.k. o.k. lets say the Jesus Bethlehem Star story was quite happening at 1BC or something like that and it was perhaps telling a story of a big mofo mega Comet that might have rocked the world prior to those days.
Well seven filaments was pretty bright and big, but how about 10?!
Yes, there was one and guess who drew attention to it? Carl Sagan in 1985.
quote: In 1985 the renowned astronomer Carl Sagan drew attention to the comet observed by the ancient Chinese in 1486 BC, proposing that it had to have been one of the most spectacular seen in recorded history. The two most magnificent comets since the birth of modern astronomy were Halley’s Comet when it appeared in 1910 which had five tails, and the seven-tailed De Cheseaux’s Comet of 1744. The comet the Chinese recorded in 1486 BC was far bigger: it appeared as a massive sphere of light, had ten tails, and lit up half the sky. What no one seems to have appreciated before is that this comet, which would have been visible throughout much on the northern hemisphere,may well have inspired civilizations across the world to adopt their new gods.
-So 85% of the comets point to an original and subsequent fragmenting event.
-"the Kruetz Sungrazing Comet Group, which has produced some of the most brilliant comets in recorded history".
-Sword says there is a debris field coming.
This is in addition to the comets flying about.
More and more it starts to look a lot like a Sitchen Scenario and/or a Hoagland(and co.) Exploded PlanetX theory......and each go around we get a little better at 'defending' against the cycle of bombardment. oh yes...and the Moon helps as the "Shield" of past efforts.
Coming full orbital circle back to Wayne's remark about the excellent book Uriel's Machine, which taught everyone-globally how to keep track and know 'when', there was also a reference to an ancient Celtic tale of The Sword, The Shield, and The Harp.
I am silenced. The end.
links of relevance:
Well done.
Let me say again - this debris field - is of highly elliptical orbit - which is summing it up "cleanly: when in fact it has the most peticular orbit - summed up in math and symbolically seen in ancient and current symbolizing... ...some might say an entire religion is based off of its orbit...
...it is of course a planet roughly the size of mars broken up into a cigar shaped "drift" (moving at those speeds I would not call it drifting) ...
Well done
Thanks Sword. :)
Please forgive a few of my typos.
Now what was that other old adage?
....'What comes around....goes around'....again and again
I noticed in the wikipedia article about nearby Bryce Canyon there is mention of a landform or area of the park called "Thor's Hammer."
But probably the most famous Canyon besides the Grand Canyon is
Steve Canyon. :)
I guess we should get our staffs ready for measuring so we can start a calendar to keep track of time. Provided there are enough old Twinkies to get us by and we can find seeds and restart the food chain. :)
Hoagland's Mars Vol. 2, United Nations Briefing 1
Haogland's Mars Volume II United Nations Briefing 2
Wheres three - i have four
These fit in somewhere between UN Briefing part 2 and part 4( with some possible overlap?)
Hoagland-Tetrahedral Geometry,Cydonia and DM Pyramid (1of 3)
Hoagland-Tetrahedral Geometry,Cydonia and DM Pyramid (2of 3)
Hoagland-tetrahedral geometry, Cydonia,DM Pyramid(3of3)
Just for fun:
Backwards Stairway to Heaven, Hoagland mix
(from TomtheRipper407)
some Led Zep backwards stairway looped along with some soundbites from Richard C. Hoagland's recent speech at the Libertarian convention, video is just random stuff I messed around with, the audio at the end is the bit of junk you hear at the end of "a day in the life" from Sgt. Pepper, reversed.
Hoagland's speech at the Libertarian convention can be downloaded at Mike Bara's blog: http://darkmission.blogspot.com/
copy and paste: &fmt=18 to the end of the URL to hear non youtube shitfilter audio
I tried the last part (copy/paste, etc, but got no result...
Ion, the picture of the "Comets Orbiting" in you link above reminds me of the new Olympic Stadium in Beijing, a.k.a. "the Bird Nest."
18 more days.
IonTruO2 said...
For the benefit of those who weren't tuned in previously, here is the image I found a while back that showed 'the pentagonal orbitals of Niburu'.
ION said:
Seeing this brings it home.
Comets Orbiting
Clear speaking - is that earth or the sun - I'm certain that it is the earth - but - clearer now... ... as the energy increases...
I'm just a stray cat meowing out of turn.
For the greater good, I yanked it.
I'm in the loop, but I'm 'not' in the loop.
Check out MIMIC of Tropical Storm Dolly. She seams a little ticklish.
I found this quote in a piece I will soon provide the link for, and it made me chuckle:
"... it is most advantageous, when truly wise, to be deemed a fool."
[Oceanus to Prometheus I Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound]
Gort said...
Check out MIMIC of Tropical Storm Dolly. She seams a little ticklish.
Define ticklish...
No defined "tuning forks," but still looks to me like Dolly is being "tickled", maybe by a little something to the north. Also in the animation there seem to be evenly spaced radial bands moving back and forth around the eye, especially north of the eye.
And also funny to me that it moved from east of Cozumel to North of Merida, across the Yucatan and maintained a pretty much constant 44-45 knots max wind velocity and pretty much the same shape, although there are definite seams/spices in the pictures as if part of each still frame was just cut and pasted to a slightly different position.
The forecast is for Dolly to head straight toward Brownsville as a cat. 1. It will be interesting to see if she is steered in another direction, ramped up in intensity, or stalled in a "sit-and-spin".
I would think the oil barons would benefit from a little disruption, threat of disruption, or distraction in the off shore supply.
Of course this all has nothing to do with a cigar shaped drift of debris from a busted-up mars sized planet....
Gorilla Science
It has everything to do with that.
There are no whispers - as of yet - considering the time and space involved - if "they" where going to try something - we would see more by now - I THINK...
I'll get the Skeleton Crew on it (probably already "on it")... ...
Tis is not the season for weather fuckery.
But watch - they will make a liar out of me.
Just to let you know I am having trouble with both of my computers and won't be "back" in full operational mode unitl after the first week of August.
Swords WTF theater presents - - -
"You are a pirate..."
Enjoy... ...Gort...
I'm a new "rider" - but WTF
Check out the Italians:
I know - i know im posting links that should be in teh big new post by me - but I couldn't stop... ... ...
Go figure:
Dolly seems to have changed course from headed WNW to headed due West to headed WSW. More toward Tampico, Mexico than toward Brownsville, TX.
ps loved the pirate vid but watched it without sound. Shhh, Mrs Gort is sleeping.
Some heavy duty thunder rolling in, big storm west and north west of here. Good sleeping weather...
But wow, what a light show !!!
So where do these fall into your plans? Or is this a different faction?
Fema Coffins
Earlier you made comment having 'goalies' of a sort.
Now my question is this: If one has goalies than they work with a 'net'. That 'net' would have goal posts.
Lets say a goal post could be scalar. In the past you have described its action as 'pulling', as more descriptive than our earlier thoughts about anti-grav and more of a 'pushing' or repulsive analogy.
Yet anti-grav or electrogravitics is scalar. So what is the intent? To halt or catch in an anti-grav net made up of five 'posts'? ..or to pull and redirect to a water splash in?
I guess perhaps both could be options on the table from the same tool, but I am curious what your thoughts are pertaining to the 'goalies'.
Last night's constant thunder and lightning lasted about 10.5 hours.
Looks like Dolly is headed into Brownsville after all.
You're talking about massive amounts of power to be able to redirect, let alone catch. If that's the best that can be done.
That would either be a massive device using current known tech but could be smaller I would think with "other" tech. Not a job for that is 100% certain in it's outcome due to the size and speed of the comet.
I believe, Sword previously was alluding to 'having goalies' as a means to catch the debris that gets through past the other preceding 'rings' of defense.
From what I have seen of scalar science and some of the model work going at JLNaudin's site, a huge massive amount of power is not really required. The magic is in the math. I think Tesla was quoted as saying something along those lines as well. For the anti-gravitic models they make at Naudin's, many people were using common cathode TV power supplies.
I recall in Uriel's Machine, mention of the Celtic tale about the The Sword, The Shield, and The Harp
THE SWORD- well we already know the guy and his unit Sword M33...etc
THE SHIELD- "A Comprehensive Earth Protection System" (now updated)
A four fold defense system with Sentry, Scout, Soldier, Earth Control Center.
Example of the SENTRY orbitors around Venus. SentryOrbitVenus
THE HAARP- Well we already know much about this facility. ;)
The Haarp Ring--> HaarpRing
This image suggests clearly to me, abilities far outside of just the ionosphere research they claim.
My thought about the 'goalie's net', was what happens when a piece that gets through, as probability would suggest, hits a zone or wall of 90% anti-grav? Does it immediately go virtical and away from the 'surface' or does it get pulled as Sword suggested previously about scalar. A pulling action that can obviously 'steer' hurricanes as we have seen. A number of the case studies I saw about a multiple chain strike of Adophis(?) gave a hint as to the potential to 'pull' the incoming objects a little in order to miss the continent itself. Their studies showed that a 'ground impact' is by far the most damaging outcome. A splashdown was considered optimum, and thus a number of scenarios showcased the West Coast and the the Gulf of Mexico..you guessed it! right near New Orleans etc. Tsunami potential for sure, but a lot more contained than a continental crash.
Remember, Sword hinted that the Sumatra incident was from a meteor, so while the results were none the less devastating with much loss of life, the land impact would be ten fold worse for everyone everywhere if it had occurred.
The scenario of the chain impact multiple strikes, is a key standout for me. Schumacher Levi hitting Jupiter was a really big deal and they studied that event real close.
The scenarios I have seen, animations included, about Adophis, were showcasing the exact same premise of multiple strikes in a chain. Sword, back in the day, had drawn attention to northern Quebec, which is peppered with numerous craters, but notably a series that is most studied in the whole world is a chain example of multiple impacts.
Ion, there is also a line of six craters across southern Missouri, east to west belived to be from a single event of a break-up object.
They are not well defined because they were filled in and eroded. But they are there.
Maybe it's four in MO, one on OK and one in TN.
I'll look it up later and give you a reference.
gotta run
Hear that on the continental impact. Odds are against that, due to ratio of water to land. But not impossible.
The fact that the ancients knew that it would happen again, is what I find interesting. I don't recall a description of how they knew, but they did. Was it part of their lore? Oral tradition seems as though it was strong in those cultures.
The sentry system around Venus was very interesting. I never knew that, but it makes sense now. There would need to be a way to verify if there was something coming, even if there was pre-existing knowledge. Maybe this is what the ancients had and used the machine to time it out then verify visually. This would have given enough time to evacuate.
Did they share the knowledge? It seems likely, as the Uriel authors demonstrated connections to the Middle-East and Asia.
When the object comes, there will be survivors. There almost always are when dealing with large enough numbers. Maybe the cycle then starts again with a different version of our "ancients".
I wonder if this has some bearing?
(pun intended--Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Big Bear, Little Bear...also as in compass bearing... i.e. North)
The Pole star comes to life again
gort didn't know about those craters. very cool.
Wayne, hi. Here is my most current map of the known world impacts
World Impacts Map
..and if we consider for just a moment that Apophis might just be an example from the same group or event that caused all this rubble, then their example of the 'expected' trajectory may be a hint of path.
Apophis Map-path of risk
Wayne said: The sentry system around Venus was very interesting. I never knew that, but it makes sense now. There would need to be a way to verify if there was something coming, even if there was pre-existing knowledge.
I couldn't find the info immediately, but good ol Venus gives us a good look ahead at what is coming around from(you guessed it!) behind the Sun. *cue the Buccaneer anthem. ;) lol
What I couldn't find was just how many hours/days. I recall, observation at Jupiter gives us 90 days notice.
Sword still have to check your links. TKS
Gort-said: The Pole star comes to life again
You are a fountain Sir Gort. I can 'bear.ly' keep up!
When the object comes, there will be survivors. There almost always are when dealing with large enough numbers. Maybe the cycle then starts again with a different version of our "ancients"
That is a MAJOR assumption Wayne, if you are thinking short term. As I said in an earlier post, I have heard this scenario outlined before, and....nothing!
But if and when a cataclysm does occur and one assumes that there will be intervention to help survivors, then what does history tell us about the last potential intervention in Human affairs?
There are many sources, detailing many theories. Ion posted a link at FSHOD that referenced:
"strains of humanity derived from the luminous Stain in Orion"
That certainly is one theory.
If one believes everything they read on this subject, they would have to come to the conclusion that there are literally hundreds of "space farers", some benevolent and some malevolent. It is essentially impossible to make a determination as to the veracity of any of it.
But, the origin of Humanity is shrouded in mystery, and the best information I have come across related to us, is Laurence Gardner's work. I queried Sword a while back about ORME's, and it is Gardner who does the best job of tying that subject in with humanities origins.
The following links are online lectures about Gardner's book, Genesis of the Grail Kings:
Genesis of the Grail Kings
Genesis of the Grail Kings part 2
Genesis of the Grail Kings part 3
Genesis of the Grail Kings part 4
Genesis of the Grail Kings part 5
Genesis of the Grail Kings part 6
Even though Gardner has ties to The Royal House of Stewart and many Secret Societies, and I question his motivations, I over look all of that since this information resonates with as much Truth as I have come across.
I will say this. After spending last week in Las Vegas, our society is due for a reset.
Hi Fool,
The quote you pulled of mine was some musing on what i read in Uriel's Machine. The authors talk about Enoch being in Britain after the first comet but before the second. (I am assuming you are familiar with the book)
It was just a thinking out loud kind of thing. Could be an assumption, could be just a thought. How did the Grooved Ware People view their ancients? I was coming from there.
It is true that our past is shrouded, deeply shrouded. Does somebody have the truth and are keeping it hushed? Maybe. Was there intervention? Maybe. But then again, maybe not on both.
During the cataclysm, I was speculating that there would be survivors. Intervention? That would be nice and I am sure there are those that believe there will be.
We are always searching for the kernels of truth in all the BS we've both had the pleasure of reading. The Grail Kings was an interesting book. I had to read it twice to make sure of what I was reading. He seemed to contradict other things I had read. Or, maybe he had it going on.
Still trying to get as much info as I can. Thinking with the group is a good thing. Someone always has something to say that provides new thinking. At least we don't have to deal with the trolls in here or FSHOD. Good hearing from you Fool. You make me think. And that's good.
Hey Wayne
I know what you mean about having to reread Garner's work multiple times. That's why I like these online lectures. They distill the info very well.
I am convinced there has been some "contact" in our distant past. I don't think there is any other explanation for the "building boom". Although I'm sure there were Central Bankers around to lend credit to facilitate it!
Yep, there are a lot of writers who have presented evidence of contact. I feel that there was contact in the past also, and the very recent past. The bankers are always willing. And prostitution is illegal, eh?
Hey Fool,
Did you read "Who Built The Moon?" by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler?
It is an interesting read. Blurb from the back;
-Why is it that the Moon revolves at exactly 1/100 the speed of the Earth on its axis?
-And why does an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age work perfectly on the Moon?
It also asks if the Moon is artificial. Good readin if you haven't already. Fits in also with recent discussions here.
Hey Ion, this is up your alley too.
Ion, re: the Missouri impact craters
see Weaubleau-Osceola structure
The Weaubleau-Osceola structure is one of the fifty largest known impact craters on earth and the fourth largest in the United States. The three larger ones in the US either have been glaciated and buried (Manson crater), are under water (Chesapeake Bay crater), or have been subjected to orogeny (Beaverhead crater). Therefore the Weaubleau-Osceola structure is the largest exposed untectonized impact crater in the US.
End snip)
I didn't know that.
Also see 38th parallel structures
Thanks for the links everyone.
This newborn baby stuff pins ya to the now and research and responses for me are lagging. Yet All Good.
Now where is that host?
Sword, put down the Canadian Beer and back away s.l.o.w.l.y. ;)
I have not read the book you mentioned. I'll put it on my list and I'll be interested to compare what it has to say with what RCH said about the Moon in 1994. Among his tantalizing items, which ties in with the artificial Moon theory, was the fact that NASA's sonar work on the Moon revealed two symmetric "cavities" at the core, which he theorized were HD "engines" that "drive" the Moon. And it was "driven" from elsewhere and placed in orbit around the Earth. So we have a "used" Moon.
I can totally relate to the newborn situation. Kassidy is well beyond that stage now, but I still have difficulty finding time to do all the things I'd like to accomplish. She starts Kindergarten in September of 09, so I think that will help.
I'm sure you will agree that fatherhood teaches you more than anything else in life, so it is definitely worth it and I'm sure you're a great father. Research will always be there, but kids grow up so quickly.
I have been called many things...
I have read the material - much to respond to - been busy with new job and prospects... ...yet I will respond tonight (hopefully) - so get your blows in before I recover.
Loved the beer joke.
Hell of a storm coming from the east tonight - if I had a sat view I could have SWORN it was hexagonal in general form...
Do 'prospects' get free briefings and rides?
Hopefully tomorow I be able to -re-wrire machine 1 reinstall the PROPER OEM from Acer, set up and the existant hardware, add new hardware for MSN webcams (will have new more familiar moniker)and that the system will let me make a short FIRST backup- that I can then later replace with theback-up before I installed this non Acer oem sys and get ALL my data, contacts, emails, MY WEBSITE...PLEASE LORD andDAD left it happen at leatest for that and the Favs I've acculated through the years.
See ya;s when I see ya and....
Gort...hope things are well...if I am succefull in next few days I hope to hear how you and misses are doing.
Saw on Fhsaod that once morereplies stopped about a month ago and I have been remiss inpsting there...somany things going inright nw I doubt I will be in FULL action until mid-Spetember with my old site, a new site up and running with a BBS service, a ohotogallery foreople to post pics right on the site and also use them in news articles andmany other nifty things like a chat room, maybe a webcam group room if interest is there. Dowloanled Out of The Blue and a LOT of Area 51 docs, space shuttle, rockerfeller Bildebergersand other nifty stuff can't wait to share. Hope folks have seen the same videos in my How to Render 3D question at my main site.
This isklast post onthis OEM and for the night.
Sword,,glad gotyou got aface -to face meet with TOP ( "The most powermal man on the planet")...did any of your work here comeup our was it just old stories, stogies and liquid spirits.?
Be back as soon as I can...and see ya when I see yas .
Have you been drinking?
(I have...)
Dubai: A city on crack?
IonTruO2 said...
Earlier you made comment having 'goalies' of a sort.
Now my question is this: If one has goalies than they work with a 'net'. That 'net' would have goal posts.
Lets say a goal post could be scalar. In the past you have described its action as 'pulling', as more descriptive than our earlier thoughts about anti-grav and more of a 'pushing' or repulsive analogy.
Yet anti-grav or electrogravitics is scalar. So what is the intent? To halt or catch in an anti-grav net made up of five 'posts'? ..or to pull and redirect to a water splash in?
I guess perhaps both could be options on the table from the same tool, but I am curious what your thoughts are pertaining to the 'goalies'.
2008-07-22 7.56.MD
The purpose of a goalie is to keep shit OUT of the net.
What if the Goal posts move? What if one goal post is weaker than the other?\
Catch? - Not enough power. Destroy? An option. Deflect? YES.
Tested at range (think about that) - we can do it.
SSL4000G said...
You're talking about massive amounts of power to be able to redirect, let alone catch. If that's the best that can be done.
That would either be a massive device using current known tech but could be smaller I would think with "other" tech. Not a job for that is 100% certain in it's outcome due to the size and speed of the comet.
2008-07-23 4.58.PD
Not a comet.
Remember - it will be passing so close to the gravity well of the sun - the remaining debris items will start orbiting in a Nike arc - with earth smack dab in the peak of the arc. I am completely certain that coming through this time without getting hit is nay to impossible. I hope for it - but I am a realist. We will expericance many impacts - nothing planet killer (if we do our jobs well) - but enough to seriously set the entire scope of humanity back a few centuries - and that’s not to bad...
IonTruO2 said...
From what I have seen of scalar science and some of the model work going at JLNaudin's site, a huge massive amount of power is not really required. The magic is in the math. I think Tesla was quoted as saying something along those lines as well. For the anti-gravitic models they make at Naudin's, many people were using common cathode TV power supplies.
Remember, Sword hinted that the Sumatra incident was from a meteor, so while the results were none the less devastating with much loss of life, the land impact would be ten fold worse for everyone everywhere if it had occurred.
Sword, back in the day, had drawn attention to northern Quebec, which is peppered with numerous craters, but notably a series that is most studied in the whole world is a chain example of multiple impacts.
2008-07-23 7.24.PD
Indeed - the magic is in the math. The question is: does the math sustain the power we need - without BLOWING THE PLANET UP - in the process. (Think about that)
Of course I mentioned meteors/Canada - I have been seeding everyone’s minds with little nuggets of truth for years - sometimes subtle - sometimes I just spell it out.
SSL4000G said...
Hear that on the continental impact. Odds are against that, due to ratio of water to land. But not impossible.
The fact that the ancients knew that it would happen again, is what I find interesting. I don't recall a description of how they knew, but they did. Was it part of their lore? Oral tradition seems as though it was strong in those cultures.
When the object comes, there will be survivors. There almost always are when dealing with large enough numbers. Maybe the cycle then starts again with a different version of our "ancients".
Water, land, dose not matter - we are going to get hit. Hard.
The ancients knew because it was such a cyclic event - documented. It wasn’t oral tradition - it was all wrote out - and saved - its only in our “recent” history - that the truth has been suppressed.
Gort said...
I wonder if this has some bearing?
The Pole star comes to life again
2008-07-23 1.51.MD
What gas/dust/stuff lies in between us and the Northern Star?
I don’t know either - but I doubt that all the sudden the star gets a boost of fuel - unless of course it happens to float through a massive cloud of gas...
No other data other than thought...
Clamytoe said...
So where do these fall into your plans? Or is this a different faction?
Fema Coffins
2008-07-22 7.47.PD
No faction here.
Just good evidence of the FACT that the shit is going to hit the fan. There placed there for easy transmission to the folk who might use them. CDC or Army - - AND - - do you think that THIS is the only place that these items might be stored?
Lots of talking points here - lets narrow it down.
New post in the works? Are you writing a post? I accept entries...
Sword said:
We will expericance many impacts - nothing planet killer (if we do our jobs well) - but enough to seriously set the entire scope of humanity back a few centuries - and that’s not to bad...
Gort sez:
Are you talking setting humanity back a few centuries in terms of population or in terms of technology, or both.
Sword said:
Hell of a storm coming from the east tonight - if I had a sat view I could have SWORN it was hexagonal in general form...
2008-07-24 8.23.MD
Gort sez:
You meant "the East" as in the Orient?
As in TS Fung-Wong?
Or do you mean the east as in Gulf of Mexico, Texas, New Mexico...
AAs in ex-Hurricane Dolly?
The orient is closer west to me.
East - east to the mountain.
The Oort cloud of Nemesis precedes the arrival of the star itself with some 48 years and we can therefore make
the conclusion that the entire tribulations of the passage lasts just short of 100 years. When the Oort cloud of the
star Nemesis reaches Earth this will trigger an enormous earthquake. During 4 years, Earth will also be hit by a
number of rocks, ranging from dust particles up to, in the worst case, large asteroids. The great earthquake will,
as I have stated earlier, affect the calendar. The year will be reduced to a 360 day cycle and we must of course
adjust to this situation. The great quake will certainly not end the world but all infrastructures will be damaged.
The return
Let’s recapitulate the orbit of Nemesis, shown in a simplified way in the image to the
right. The motion and the path of Nemesis resemble the figure eight. During 2760
years the dark star moves along an orbit below the ecliptic, then it rises above the
ecliptic, following a smaller orbit for a period of 901 years. Around 749 B.C. the star
once again came into the vicinity of the Sun. Now we can roughly estimate the time
of return of Nemesis; the dark star should approach us again around the year 2011.
Is the sun already being influenced by dust and debris associated with the Nemesis complex? There are some
indications pointing in that direction. The sun seems to be reacting to a higher “gas pressure” emanating from
the surrounding hydrocarbon cloud of Nemesis. As a result, the sun gets more active, and the weather on our
planet is affected immediately. The glaciers begin to melt and the storms charges up to levels no living man have
seen. The rain increases in some areas and there is drought in other places, the balance of nature is disturbed.
sorry, link ya later
Now that is an interesting bit ion. Looking forward to the link.
LINK: Alpha Omega - Niburu http://web.comhem.se/abzu/micro/nibiru.html
copy/paste please
This satellite video of Hurricane Dolly is interesting.
Sword, I found a cache of GOES-East visible satellite images. Of course there are none for the hours of darkness.
Trying to find that big storm that you could have SWORN was hexagonal in shape.
All times are UTC, so some time/date conversion is required.
and did you mean east toward the mountains (plural) or east toward the mountain (singular)?
As in The Mountain?
Which of course begs the question, WTF? Where the hill are you? :)
Also I think the resolution for these GOES images is 1 km.
Am I getting warmer? :)
Ion, dang, your're pumping it up a notch! A lot to ponder in your wisdom. And your research.
And it's ok to occasionaly show anger, or righteous indignation.
JC turned the tables on the money-changers in the Temple (banksters) but showed compassion on the poor folks vending sacrificial doves.
He also cursed a fig tree...
Ion, I don't buy that guy's theory about the Mayan calander being off because of the birth of Christ being in 4 BC/BCE. From what I have heard from various Mayan Calander experts is the dates have been correlated between Mayan Calander and "Western Civ." calander using dates and people (real living Mayans who still used the calander) in post-Cristobal Colon (Chris Columbus)/Hernan Cortez times. In other words as recently as the early 1500s CE/AD, or later. So it doesn't really have anything to do with the birth of Christ. The long Mayan Calendar and our current calander match up so that the long Mayan Calander "ends" on our actual December 21, 2012.
But the Mayan calander doesn't really end: it's like an odometer.
The next day is the first day of the next long count calander. The count just starts over.
I stated long ago that in 2008 two things would happen...
We would be able to detect the "star of crossing" via telescope.
The timetable for opening my "mental cage" would start.
Honestly - I am not holding my breath for either event. Even I get told one thing and another happens. Although the sighting of the star - which isn't really a star mind you - was based of off astronomical calculations. I was beginning to think that those where off - when a "leaker" from the Vatican was seen on "Project Camelot" telling them that they have found some object - bingo.
Then a few weeks later - the Vatican officially announces that life else ware is possible.
That was big.
Now - something tells me THEY have found it - and WE know about it.
Eventually the dam thing will be seen and there wont be any hiding the truth anymore.
But with the current level of conditioning - the freak out level will be reduced and hopefully manageable.
To those ends...
If you have your shems and 'Enterpise" ships...along with the energicitc means to move matter is space and alter it's orbit...I go back to one of my ORIGINAL points...why isn't TOPS and SWORD proper going out there NOW to the lanet and giving it the smalll nudges it would need to sedn it on NEW trajectory that would by-pass the inner solar system entirely?
This IS possible given the fact of what you said is "brutal truths". If all you have is small little ships that can't even get to mars and back without a "mothership" then I seem to be feeling misled here.
Moving a LARGE mass 'quickly' isn't the answer...what is possible is like ion engines that continously apply pressure to alter an orbit of a body over a steady amount of time.
Your tales have told of us the "records" that have been kept from that last fall...and the finding of two OPERATIONAL craft that have since been replicated...hence why hasn't a mission been mounted to MOVE the orbit of this thng while it EASY to move it well beyond the gravity well of the Sun?
Or is the 'near fall' necessary for your 'order' to keep power in the comming centuries...and each time we get close to breaking out on our own and leaving our Solar System...this catasrophe just happens again...n again...n again...but CLEAR records are left for those "in the know" to be elsewhere and then to land and be Kings n Queens over humanity once more as humans pitfully struggle to survive and rise once more?
Is this what the Egyptians and Mayan's REALLY meant?
Completely agree Gort. I failed to elaborate. It is also my understanding that Gregory tweaked the Julian Calendar in order to specifically align it with the Mayan system.
you said:
But the Mayan calander doesn't really end: it's like an odometer.
The next day is the first day of the next long count calander. The count just starts over.
2008-07-26 8.40.MD
I agree, yet all the light energies and their qualities of spectra that converge here on Earth from everywhere in the cosmos, will change with each great movement. Key ones are occurring in actuality now. Precession and a movement of the Solar System to below the Galactic Plane or equator of sorts.
SO much will change in the nature of this place as this shift aligns us in a new orientation to the Galactic Center. An immensely significant alignment, in a way kind of like our Pole Star is to Earth. And to think this is compounded by Precession to The Great Age of Aquarius.
Wellll, I admit, when the odometer turns over, the car will be in a different place. The counting of miles (or kilometers) will continue, but the scenery will change.
(same bridge, different water)
(same water, different bridge)
(depends on how you look at it)
Here is an interesting piece of info.
MakeMake-New Plutoid named
Located in Coma Berenices at time of discovery:
Coma Berenices is located near Leo, and was originally considered to be the tuft of hair on the end of Leo's tail.
highly inclined (29°) and moderately eccentric (e~0.15)
Formerly known as 2005 FY9, and also as 136472, (in addition to being unofficially called Easterbunny) the third largest known trans-Neptunian object is now Makemake.
Pronounced like "maki-maki," the object was named after the creator god from Easter Island mythology.
Makemake is the creator of humanity and the god of fertility in the mythology of the South Pacific island of Rapa Nui. He was the chief god of the Tangata manu bird-man cult and was worshipped in the form of sea birds, which were his incarnation. His material symbol, a man with a bird's head, can be found carved in petroglyphs on the island.
from: http://www.universetoday.com/2008/07/14/newest-dwarf-planet-and-plutoid-makemake/
from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(136472)_2005_FY9
"Such objects have relatively low eccentricities and orbit the Sun in much the same way the planets do. Makemake is however a member of the "dynamically hot" class of classical KBOs, meaning that it has a high inclination compared to others in its population"
Easterbunny eh? hmmm lol Masonically hilarious.
Reddish planet
Easter Island
Faces looking out.
This object is at its 'farthest out', but none the less it stands out as worthy of keeping an eye on it.
New Dwarf Planet Makemake Marks Shift in Naming Trend
Ayeee Gort, indeed.
...and I note a recent story we saw.
The Pole star comes to life again
From that story:
"Polaris is a 'Cepheid' variable star, getting brighter and fainter every four days. Cepheids do play a vital part as 'standard candles' in determining the size of the Universe, but the details of their variations are not well understood. "
So one would think that their "models" for the age and size of the Universe are based on something that isn't acting in the "modeled manner"...what does that about the "computer models" astronomers are using? hmmm?
robert said...
If you have your shems and 'Enterpise" ships...along with the energicitc means to move matter is space and alter it's orbit...I go back to one of my ORIGINAL points...why isn't TOPS and SWORD proper going out there NOW to the lanet and giving it the smalll nudges it would need to sedn it on NEW trajectory that would by-pass the inner solar system entirely?
As I said before...
Thats the plan.
Their goal is to have nothing hit us - (not possible) and move on with the same old same old.
Not possible - I say with a grin.
Their age will END.
That artist's conception of MakeMake (in wikipedia) sure reminds me of a dodgeball.
had said: And it's ok to occasionally show anger, or righteous indignation.
JC turned the tables on the money-changers in the Temple (banksters) but showed compassion on the poor folks vending sacrificial doves.
He also cursed a fig tree...
2008-07-26 3.45.MD
I find myself regretting that flaming as it's called. An ego-outburst with a good bucket of bravado I guess. A lot of pressure building right now and I feel ALL OF IT. The Polaris link was very useful to my direct understanding Gort, so thanks if that was your post originally.
I am indeed grateful to Capt J 'Sword' for all of his efforts and I do see in many respects that he is probably only sanctioned to do this in the first place, via a means that doesn't release hard evidence directly. So, forgive my outburst Capt. pls. My comments were not really constructive or useful. (ion backs away from angry Capt. after placing case of fine Canadian Beer as a distraction)
More later...mates.
Ion, I borrowed the Pole Star link from Goro's site.
I was thinking maybe something might be coming from the celestial North.
Of course I forgot Polaris is 431 light years away, so the changes we are seeing now happened there approx. 431 years ago. (and if an object headed this way had caused that perturbation it would be travelling mighty fast to be a threat to us in the immediate future).
An intresting article:
SpaceShip Moon
I have a song/poem like that too...hmmm
I heard about this idea long long long ago in the late 1960's while still in high school.
And of course there's my North Pole Clementine data that shows a Moon Base at the North Pole with a cavern entrance for cylandar ETI's entrance an exit along with a circular landing pad and X-based causeways for servicing the disk shaped 'sport models'.
Sword...I REALLY do hope you are right...but since it seems that I see so little HONEST "justice" lately that...well forgive me my still skeptical heart. I believe YOU believe what you are saying and telling us...I really do...but...TPTB behind TOP n SWORD proper...I still have ???s
As do I.
Which has gotten me into trouble as of late.
I found this little tidbit:
"Project Wormwood is a small program run by IPS Radio and Space Services (a unit of the Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources) and established at Learmonth Solar Observatory to participate in the first two phases of Planetary Defence."
more ... plus links... :)
from Bob's link
According to Professor Stanykovich, a "missile" of a sizable character (say 6 miles in diameter) must, on collision with the Moon, penetrate to a depth equal to 4 or 5 times its own diameter (24-30 miles). The surprising thing is that however big the meteorites may have been which have fallen on the Moon (some have been more than 60 miles in diameter), and however fast they must have been traveling (in some cases the combined speed was as much as 38 miles per second), the craters they have left behind are for some odd reason all about the same depth, 1.2-2 miles, although they vary tremendously in diameter.
ya uh huh hmmmmmm.
Upon further reflection, I recall previously saying how Sword had pretty much said what there was to be said.
In light of my moment of impatient frustration, perhaps in sympathy to the many who have no idea, I judge and question.
Yet there could be no 'do-over' to this historical moment, there could be no interference whatsoever...or else.
This whole society is wrought with some outstandingly screwed up people and many sadly are in power positions, so the secrecy must have to have been of the utmost security .
So as an 'outsider' looking in, what the heck do I really know?
So now I know, what this way comes.
Proving itself to me in realtime, and through other subtle info emerging and direct experience, beyond Sword's disclosure. That is Truth arisingn when open to receive.
So, what to do? There is nothing to do....at my level...except be the knower.
I meditate the larger scales anyway, and in that too, there is no.thing to do about it.
But, I am the conscious witness.
Before I check blogg posts:
The oldest internet site EVER:
and the link:
Chew on that.
(Nevermind : "Clan.wolf.link.org" - defunt -or- Sword bbs XXX-XXX-XXXX
If you don't know what a BBS is - you aint no ol' skool phreaker - BUT - if you can tell me what the color codes are for the "tip and wire/line/ground" are - you MIGHT get some respect from this old sckoo~oool "Fhreaker"... ...wheres YOUR 50 pair?
I love the internet - of course - developed by a man of GORE (what a silly fuck) - the internet was developed by the MILITARY...
two cents... ...spend wisely...
Disclosure is like birth.
I have yet to have the HONOR of baring HEIRS.
Yet - from what I understand - as the truth of your actions come on to the world - the fruit of thee labor - many things are said by those in labor that the FATHER may not approve of.
I take this candid scene from "Bill Cosby - Himself" - a cornerstone of knowledge in MY house.
I took you comments as a man understanding a man - the same way I understand Robert.
No fear - live free or die... ...or so Delaware sazs...
This almost seems like I should be doing a reply to posts - but here I am in this silly four walled asylum called "leave you comment"...
Moving a LARGE mass 'quickly' isn't the answer...what is possible is like ion engines that continuously apply pressure to alter an orbit of a body over a steady amount of time.
If it a'int broke - don't fix it.
I need some music...
Rob - you are so correct - except in the math. Math - awesome - panic - BAD.
Nothing is worse than waiting for music when you have the mute button on.
We are on it - the men - the math men - are on it! We know when to strike - an ambush - otherwise would cause much more problems and stretch us to thin - in the LONG RUN.
Sword...I REALLY do hope you are right...
I believe YOU believe what you are saying and telling us...I really do...but...TPTB behind TOP n SWORD proper...I still have ???s
Rob - I HOPE I am seriously WRONG.
However - Major "TOM" shall be returned HOME.
Everything else is secondary.
I know he is out there - I have heard the gut sinking audio - I shall not fail - even if I shall go alone.
Sword never has had a shortage of volunteers however - so going alone is most likely not going to happen.
So much to say - so little evidence - so little to prove ultimetly.
Tip and Ring
Vinct Cerf, one of the founding fathers' of the internet, speaking recently in Korea, confirmed they are on track for the "Interplanetary Network=IPN" and its communication standards to be 'space qualified' and standardized by 2010.
...and of course in a few articles they say MARS is the first stop in development to the planets.
But for all that I have posted previously pointing strongly to the Lagrange Points for various uses, this stood out nicely for me in a more recent look.
One way to ameliorate blockage and tracking problems is to take the geostationary satellite approach used for Earth's telecommunications satellite constellations and employ it on a larger scale. This can be done by placing satellites in orbits around regions of space (LaGrange points) wherein the sun's and a planet's gravitational forces are balanced out. The L4 and L5 locations tend to be the more stable places for such applications. The SOHO satellite is currently in such an orbit with respect to the Earth and the Sun.
circa 2000
All of this is Sacred.
All of this is Beautiful
Everyone that understands, serves that living relationship of the Totality.
As Sword so kindly said, this is like labour, a birthing, and now it is looking more and more like we are about to wake up to a whole new dynamic....solar system wide.
More is leaking recently about VENUS that I will post thoughts about later.
shitballs of fire ya old goat..! lol.
+tip white/blue
-ring blue/white
+tip white/orange
-ring orange/white
...and a plate of cookies for you.
Whiskey for my men - beer for my horses - oygen for them all in the beyond.
A swouthwestern man I am...
what will cattle and horses look like after one hundred years of breading look like on a viable Mars?
ok....Oxygen...keeping the eye on true O2.
Even though conditions on the ground are horrendous, once you get to an altitude of about 50 km to 65 km above the planet, the atmospheric pressure and temperature become very similar to Earth. In fact, this is the most Earthlike place in the Solar System - even more than Mars.
50 km above the surface, Venus has air pressure of approximately 1 bar and temperatures in the 0°C-50°C range.
Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe and Dr Janaki Wickramasinghe from the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, UK, think that Venus and Earth are not only geologically similar, they may be biologically similar too. "Venus and Earth have often been referred to as sisters because of their geological similarities. Our research proposes that the two sisters may be biologically interconnected as well," Chandra says.
In looking at Venus, the fact that struck Landis the most is that Earth's atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen would actually float in Venus' atmosphere of carbon dioxide. "Because the atmosphere of Venus is CO2, the gases that we live in all the time, nitrogen and oxygen, would be a lifting gas," he said. "On Earth, we know to get something to lift, you need something lighter than air. Well, on Venus, guess what? Our air is lighter than air, or at least lighter than the Venus atmosphere."
Floating City? Now that is an interesting bit of of 'speculation'. hmmm
OK OK SWORD, back to horses and Pirates. I'm not sure how they would look but I am sure they would continue to be equally ZEN as my crew here is. Now being way out there..one could call them a 'Space Horse'....and that leads to Shrapnelgames.com and a game called exactly that. ;) hmmmm
OK OK two images for ya Sword.
What do ya know. Maybe not the good guys, but a little nod to the unit? A good image for you to use.
OK OK how about the opening screen shot....with the incoming meteor?
meteor inbound
A little morning fiction, but alas a synchro.nicity none the less.
Here Sword!! Have a VENUS Beer.
for those that think maybe I had a little something extra in my coffee, the post above is a 'word association' exercise. As something Sword has used strategically himself in the past to nudge us forward.
You removed your rant post?
You thought it was important enough to let it be known then, but after reflection, no?
Was your thinking clouded?
I thought the timing and content were perfect.
I don't understand, at all.
Hi Fool,
Yes, I did remove it.
Upon reflection and rereading it a few times, it really was more of just a 'venting' of mood.
My thinking wasn't 'clouded' ;), but it was a sudden in the moment rant.
I appreciate what you are saying 'fool', it just reread like bla bla arrogance and as Gort phrased "righteous indignation. I didn't feel the content was constructive as I in many many ways know better.
My apologies, I actually had a brief thought to make comment here before I trashed it. By your remarks I might have left it.
You articulated very well, what my thoughts were at that point. There was no arrogance and no righteousness. I just sensed frustration and I share in it.
So thats what that was all about...
I am still seriously considering either a web cam blogg update or audio.
Any thoughts?
Since I am currently TRYING to get my MSN Msgr working webcam going I would luv to see one from YOU.
My webcam works just fine...but MSN Msgr won't sign me in. ???
Still working on getting machine 1 up and functional.
A little excerpt from the Planetary Defence Learmonth Solar Observatory article:
"In the sense of a program, planetary defence then has three phases. The first phase is sometimes not stated, but it is really the most important of them all, for without it, the other two are doomed to fail.
The three phases may be described as:
1. Recognition of the threat or hazard of cosmic impact
2. Surveillance for detection of specific threats
3. Deflection or interception of the threat
Recognition is an awareness, by a broad spectrum of the population that there is a threat. It may be infrequent, but when it occurs it is devastating."
[end excerpt. emphasis added. -g]
That in itself is someething to ponder. Without scaring the bejeebers out of everyone, or sounding like "Chicken Little" --"the sky is falling!," it seems there would be some organized program to create an "awareness by a broad spectrum of the population," that certainly the earth has been hit before by space debris or asteroids, and that the possibility and indeed probability exists for it to happen again sometime in the future.
I suppose moreover that such a program could also be co-opted as part of a false-flag attack conspiracy to bring about a one world dictatorship...
Of course there have been several movies in recent years and the occasional episode of NOVA or some other science oriented TV show dealing with earth impacts, but I wonder if the intended "broad spectrum of the population" has indeed been made aware of the threat?
An intersting dilemna. Like walking a tight-rope between a rock and a hard place. After all, don't we already have enough problems to worry about?
Some thoughts...
Uncle Hoagie was on C2C tonight in the first ten minutes. Just caught the tail end---something about tickets available through the University of New Mexico, and a phone number...
Maybe a link will be up later on C2C website or TEM.
maybe I'll catch the replay of the first hour at 4:08 CDT...or not.
Gort - good post.
Robert - interesting.
YOU ARE STILL being effected by THE MAN... ...I have asked about this. Someone outside of my "juris-dick-shun" doesn't like you. Seems like your interaction with MISS Clinton - and the short foray of real time interaction with me YEARS ago has given you the "bug".
But stand tall - gettingon the sHIT list is a badge of honor.
I'm on it to.
Seriosuly though - what do I need to be able to do a one step above 800x600 webcam episode?
What do I need to be able to do something that is at least "half-@$$'ed"...
This WANG terminal I have converted can only do so much.
Lets talk minimums as far as tech is concerned.
I have the bucks (and rogers) to get a new PC - but my motorcycle needs things before I do. Even with that being said the "budget" is still wide open.
I still spend like a Jew - and no insult there should be inferred - I wear the badge with pride.
Comments on top of each other - awesome.
New blogg topic?
Rose - wellllll - maybe not?
Best covert operation ever?
What if rose-well/area 51 is a shell game to the real black ops waaaayyyy up north?
Roswell a complete fake?
A big what if statement from me - Sword
What if the whole Plato legend of Atlantis sinking, and the pyramids in Egypt, and the Mayan Calander and Stonehenge, etc. etc. are all fake and the real Atlanteans have been living underground in a national park in Alaska all this time?
hi hi hi
Say what?
Atlantis - and Rich hit on it early - is a myth-o of something larger.
"Surely you jest" - gort
Kirk - the man - the myth - a legend:
Phoenix Mission 'Definitely' Finds Water Ice on Mars: UPDATE
Sword, Your Russian link had my ZoneAlarm going off like CRAZY here.
I of course continued the download and saved the page...also some of the nifty animated gifs the Ruskies had on their webpage.
As for being on the "gettigon-hit-list"...I've suspected that for some time.
Herd that robert...
...new blogg post in the works...
John Lear, Hogie, Iran, Bara's Blogg, signs of the time, bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb Iran - and other shit on my mind to include shit head gay roomies...
Sword, you might want to read this
about "The rise of the Fourth Reich in America?"(part 1)--an interview with Jim Marrs on Linda Moulton Howe's site. Especially the last section that briefly discusses the raiders of the Bagdag Museum.
Sorry, forgot the link:
The new Blog sounds interesting. How about adding some information about who 'controls' the purse strings for all of this, and what their motivations and intentions are.
I'm sure TOP had to shed some light on that, since it is the 'controllers' who he would "report" to, if he is indeed, as you put it, one of the most powerful men on the planet.
Anyone else having trouble connecting to FSHOD?
Maybe Sunking is putting up a new blogg. ???
listening to an intersting show (NOW) on PBS -- about Senator Ted Stevens and Big Oil corruption in the Alaska legislature.
If you don't weep - your a bloody fucking wanker!
Who gets 160?
Base 60?
ohhhh - wait...
.. i guesss i do...
New blog topic in dah works - not like we stay in topic here - everyone here it seeems, , , herds CATS...
PS: Sword proper:
All actions during thunder haunt me.
Pray for me.
remember when?
I try not to ...although we didn't have any KIA's - I'll be honest with you men, with SP, I was scared. Having out "fast mover friends" (SAAC) drop a crater for us in which to fight from when surrounded - saved our collective ass's.
I remember when.
Slowly it seems I wake up.
Some days - I remember more of our skills above and beyond more than the operations :"... Thunder"
I'm getting there boys - I'm getting there men...
FSHOD being buggered again....
My dog really gets freaked by thunder.
Robert, I asked my friend who was going to teach an honors class on the UFO/Disclosure question fro an update, and he informd me that the curriculum committee didn't meet, so now it is too late to geet it approved and published in class announcements, etc. for this Fall semester. Don't you just love bureaucracies?! (or beeraucracies)
Sword, consider the prayer thing done.
Glad you are slooooowly waking up.
Seems like everything is on some kind of timeline....
Drip...drip...dreep... :)
for nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. --Luke 8:17
On topic, hmmm? Sword.
Well, speaking about mountains, I am brought to think again about this prevalent symbolic theme of 'sisters'.
There is the 'seven sisters' attributed to the Pleides, with other examples appearing like the recent array of cave openings on Mars, lovingly given the same name.
In my post earlier about Venus, I pasted: "Venus and Earth have often been referred to as sisters because of their geological similarities. Our research proposes that the 'two sisters' may be biologically interconnected as well," Chandra says.
While that is quite a mouthful, that many would overlook, I was nudged by a question I saw that flashed by on Jeopardy, on TV the other night.
How about three sisters? Sword
In Oregon.....called the Three Sisters
These notable landmarks whilst not a National Park item, they are none the less powerful in their presence being referred to as volcanic and all.
What I found intriguing about the Three Sisters is that they are named Faith, Hope, and Charity...
eh Sword? Masonically Meaningful, me thinks. ;)
Any thoughts
F-Shod-working well for me. As is HHMSS Sword.
Gravity Tractor could Deflect Asteroid
The White House is Briefed: Phoenix About to Announce "Potential For Life" on Mars
You might want to keep an Eye on Tropical Storm Edouard, currently south of New Orleans and headed west along the Gulf Coast toward Houston. At 4 am it was at 90.1 W (due south of St. Louis, MO and New Orleans, LA) and 28.1 North
Tracking map:
Public Advisory:
o2 is the problem but H and 2o is the aquarian way. I would like to know what gives them the right to take shots at you Sword?
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have combined a liquid catalyst with photovoltaic cells to achieve what they claim is a solar energy system that could generate electricity around the clock.
A liquid catalyst was added to water before electrolysis to achieve what the researchers claim is almost 100-percent efficiency. When combined with photovoltaic cells to store energy chemically, the resulting solar energy systems could generate electricity around the clock, the MIT team said.
“The hard part of getting water to split is not the hydrogen — platinum as a catalyst works fine for the hydrogen. But platinum works very poorly for oxygen, making you use much more energy,” said MIT chemistry professor Daniel Nocera. “What we have done is made a catalyst work for the oxygen part without any extra energy. In fact, with our catalyst almost 100 percent of the current used for electrolysis goes into making oxygen and hydrogen.”
Nickel oxide catalysts are currently used to boost the efficiency of electrolyzers, and they worked equally well in MIT’s formulation, Nocera acknowledged. He added that the toxicity of nickel oxide forces the use of expensive, hermetically-sealed water containers. MIT’s patented catalyst formulation is “green,” Nocera said, and can be used in inexpensive open containers.
“Nickel oxide can’t be used around anything else in the environment because of corrosion — even the carbon dioxide in the air will react with it to make carbonates,” said Nocera. “But our catalyst uses abundant materials that don’t react with environment.”
MIT’s patented formulation of cobalt phosphate was dissolved in water. When the electrical current is passed through it to initiate electrolysis, the catalyst attached itself to the oxygen electrode to increase its efficiency. When the electrical current was turned off, the cobalt phosphate dissolved back into water.
The simplicity of the process enables basic electrolyzers to be used, the researchers said.
“Because our catalyst is green, the machines that perform electrolysis can be much less expensive than they are today, since they don’t need to be protected from environmental contaminants,” said Nocera.
Currently, MIT is working with photovoltaic cell manufacturers to incorporate electrolysis using their catalyst into solar energy systems. By combining the two, excess capacity during the day could be stored as hydrogen and oxygen, then used in fuel cells at night when needed.
“Solar cell makers can add super-cheap electrolyzers to their system so that they work 24/7 — during the day making hydrogen and oxygen, then at night recombining it in fuel cells to generate electricity,” Nocera predicted.
Matthew Kanan, a MIT postdoctoral fellow, assisted in the research. Funding was provided by the MIT Energy Initiative, the Chesonis Family Foundation, the Solar Revolution Project and the National Science Foundation.
ok Sword must of stole ALL the Canadian Beer. ;P
(told ya Capt. that stuff will surprise ya)
Thought you'd be 'all over' this one Sword.
Sounds a bit like ones you described previously....of course this is apparently just a test prototype. ;)
The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (Vasimir)
Nasa starts to get some real grief about their PR project called the ISS because it serves not much else and voila! they show a small card or two.
Oh ya or the nice image of the Boeing X37B with the byline: Lunar Missions Postponed by US Military X-37B Spaceplane Launch
X37B-image link
Boeing X37B
My nic card on my wang fried...
But im back
What ?
No love?
Then the plank fer ye all!
It was tourist favorite in Devils Garden area
Utah's famous Wall Arch collapses; no visitor injuries
Wall Arch, located along the popular Devils Garden Trail, was 71 feet tall and 33 1/2 feet wide,...
Holy Hole in the Wall, Batman!
BTW Arches National Park is near Moab, as in "MOAB" (Mother Of All Bombs!).
Sword, it looks like you blew out more than just your NIC card. LOL
you were missed. the dialogue is valuable. last word was Blog post in the works...and a dozen comments to review. ;}
'rock on' capt. lol
Yeah a new blog post was being considered...
You were also going to get your OWN machine like a cheap e-machine so that you wouldn't be bound by the limitations of the wang terminal. An emachine can be bought for less than $400...you getyour 'computer freind' to run a connection to it, give you your own Id and password as Admin so you can get online and acept cookies that the firewall would usuallly block and presto your on-line with enough computer oomph to put op videos, upload videos, docs, and also load software for webpage contrsuction like FrontPage from microsoft or others. EvenMS Word can make html pages. need webspace...mine is alsways open...of a 300GB limit my sites take only 9 MB so far...so LOTS of space to upload stuff to.
Also you could ftp stuff to the anyone ftp account I mentioned before.
I am "just" getting close to having the site back to "normal" and hopefully will be in another day or two.
All the best while sitting behind a desk. Flying predators overseas? I sa an article in my local Sunday paper today about that and the "stress" the remote pilots are having.
I've watched a few other movies I collected from usenet before it was shutdown by TPTB all across the USA..."freedom of the press and internet"?..laughable joke...they took HALF of my internet access away without reducing my bill and without warning...just like China.
I meant 9 GB in size at the moment.
Now just trying to re-synch the local site with the remote one.
While we're still on the subject of National Parks and Canyons, get out your trusty Hanna Montana red/blue 3-D glasses and check out:
3D Photography of the Powell Survey (1870-1879)
of Colorado River Canyon Country
Yule be amazed! :)
Navy relieves commander of air recon squadron
By CHELSEA J. CARTER – 1 day ago
SAN DIEGO (AP) — The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation's nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday.
Cmdr. Shawn Bentley was relieved of duty Monday by the Navy for loss of confidence in his ability to command, only three months after taking the job.
Capt. Brian Costello, commander of the Navy's Strategic Communications Wing One, removed Bentley from command, said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for the Naval Air Forces.
Brown said Bentley, who is based with the squadron at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma, was removed after an investigation by the Navy's Inspector General. The Navy did not release any details about the investigation or about any possible allegations against Bentley.
But a source close to the investigation told The Associated Press that Bentley's removal regarded an undisclosed personal matter and was not related to the squadron's missions or duties. The source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter.
There was no telephone listing for Shawn Bentley in Oklahoma City, and the Navy did not make Bentley available for comment.
The primary duty of the squadron, nicknamed the "Ironman," is to provide communication with ballistic missile submarines, Brown said.
It is also one of three squadrons that provides airborne communications for the president and defense secretary to command and control the nation's nuclear submarines, bombers and missile silos, according to the Wing's official Web site.
Brown said Cmdr. Erik Johnson, who previously served as the commanding officer of the VQ-3, has resumed command of the squadron.
Bentley has been temporarily assigned to a staff job with the Strategic Communications wing, Brown said.
Bentley's removal, which was first reported by The Navy Times, is the latest in a series of high-profile firings by the Navy.
Last month, the Navy relieved the commander of the USS Pearl Harbor of duty after the ship ran aground in the Persian Gulf. That was followed days later by the announcement the Navy fired its commanding officer and executive officer of the USS George Washington after a fire onboard the nuclear-powered aircraft caused $70 million in damage.
Tropical Storm Fay is currently over the Dominican Republic, headed for Haiti, Cuba, Key West, Tampa/St. Pete, and points north (Fla. Panhandle) Could be a cat. 1 by Key West.
hmm? just in time for the run-up week to the Dem. Convention in Denver.
sword, are u still there? (wherever there is)
Uncle Hoagie will be the main guest on Coast to Coast AM this Thursday night to discuss "anti-gravity."
Also the original "Satellite Shootdown: an Enterprise Analysis" (part 1) has been re-posted on The Enterprise Mission web site.
I don't trust Uncle Hoagie.
are u still there?
Maybe 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea?
Wednesday night at 8pm/7c on PBS
"Nova Science Now": a program about how to prevent an asteroid from impacting the Earth....
It might be a repeat.
Typhoon Nuri on the norht coast of the Philippines headed for mainland China (prob, east of Hong Kong) as a cat. 3 storm.
That asteroid show on PBS Wed. night might be 9/8c. Check ur local listings.
Clamytoe, THANKS!
IonTruO2 said...
>Clamytoe, THANKS!
Hiya All!
missin youzall bigtime. sooo sorry I cant be participating right now.
These next few months MAY be pivotal.. then again.. lol.. been THERE before, haven't we..
One of camelot's 'highly credible' deep throats has indicated the first 10 days of october.
check it out on the main pages.
aaaaannnd - This may be useful to some. fwiw.
U.S. Army Field Manual 3-05.70
peace on ya's
US Military Crushes Bush Planned Nuclear Attack On Iran
Interesting take on the sacking of Naval recon squadron commander.
Of course it is written by Sorcha Faal, so take with 1 grain of NaCl.
The RCH appearance along with Joseph P. Farrell on Coast last night was excellent!
Part two of the von Braun story is supposed to be up on TEM today (haven't checked yet.)
It is supposed to be a three part series...
Got a busy day today in my real life LOL
more later
The Air Force is about to suspend its controversial effort to reorganize its forces to "dominate" cyberspace. The provisional, 8,000-man Cyber Command has been ordered to stop all activities, just weeks before it was supposed to be declared operational.
“Transfers of manpower and resources, including activation and reassignment of units, shall be halted,” according to an internal e-mail obtained by Nextgov's Bob Brewin -- and confirmed by Air Force sources. Instead, the Air Force's new leadership -- including incoming Chief of Staff Norton Schwartz -- will be given time to rethink how big the command will be, and what exactly it will do.
The suspension is yet another body blow to a service already reeling from a series of hits in recent months. Nuclear weapons have been mishandled; major contracts -- including one for a fleet of new tanker planes -- have been botched; the Air Force's civilian and military leaders have been ousted by the Secretary of Defense; a top general apparently committed suicide.
"I am surprised, but not that surprised, given the turmoil in the Air Force," cybersecurity specialist (and former Air Force Captain) Richard Bejtlich tells Danger Room. "It makes sense for new leadership to want to pause and evaluate major projects like Cyber Command before moving forward. The Air Force is facing severe challenges right now, so leadership may want to consolidate its resources before expanding the AF cybermission."
But even if everything all was calm at the Air Force, Cyber Command's path was far from clear. At a June conference , the command's emerging leaders couldn't agree on what exactly the new unit would do. Some said the command's mission would be the "protection and defense of the Air Force's command and control abilities." Others argued that the "mission is to control cyberspace both for attacks and defense." (The service even changed its mission statement to read, "As Airmen, it is our calling to dominate Air, Space, and Cyberspace.") Some believed the Cyber Command would only be responsible for computer networks. Others thought it'd be responsbile for every system that had anything to do with the electromagnetic spectrum -- up to and including laser weapons.
Heavy-breathing television ads, hyping the nascent command's abilities and scope, only added to the confusion. And within the military, the command was blasted for being duplicative -- and maybe even a cheap internal power grab. As Brewin notes, "The hard sell may have been the undoing of the Cyber Command, which seemed to be a grab by the Air Force to take the lead role in cyberspace."
Humanity's Crossroads and Extraterrestrials: U.S. Professor Zecharia Sitchin's Planet X
by Al Smith, Retired Academic Instructor
"Planet X" Orbit graphic. Reference: Galaxymaine.com
What is Planet X (PX)? What proof is there that PX exists? What effect is PX having on the Earth? What may happen in the near future?
I have been interested in paranormal phenomena, metaphysics, UFOs/aliens, the New World Order and related topics for many years. I discovered Planet X about ten years ago when I found Zechariah Sitchin's book The 12th Planet on a library bookshelf amongst other books about the paranormal. I'm not a history buff, which is why I didn't consider reading it before. I finally picked it up and read it from cover to cover.
Sitchin's book piqued my interest in the subject. Subsequently, I read everything I could get my hands on about PX, including information on the Internet. I was recently interviewed on Internet talk radio about this topic and have another interview scheduled on Sept. 1st, on bbs.org, Odyssey, Mike Schultz, 8pm (PST).
The topic of PX is censored in the mainstream media. Back in December, 1983, the Washington Post ran an article about the sighting of PX by infrared satellite near the orbit of Neptune. Astronomers noticed the orbits of Neptune and Pluto were being disturbed by an anomalous object. It was a flash in the pan. There has been no other reports in the mainstream media about PX, other than an occasional debunking of its existence.
What is Planet X? It has been identified as a comet, a planet, and a starship. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote about cyclical catastrophic events which coincide with the approach of Planet X into our solar system every 3600 years, although he didn't identify PX as the cause of the great upheavals in Earth in Upheaval, Worlds in Collision.
Planet X relative to the other ten planets in our planet Earth's solar system. Credit: Credit-fenice.info
Velikovsky provides ample geological evidence for the sudden devastation of Earth, humans and animals, approximately 3600 years ago (1628 B.C). Other geologists have corroborated his findings since he wrote those books in the 1950's.
According to my research, PX, the size of Jupiter, is presently in our solar system and is heading towards Earth. It is in a retrograde orbit. Its overwhelming magnetic properties and gravitational field has catastrophic effects on nearby celestial bodies. A source on the Internet states PX will be visible in the Southern Hemisphere in June, 2009. Now it can be seen by satellite or observatory telescopes. As it nears the Earth, its mass, magnetic and gravitational effects will be apparent in severe climate change, frequent and higher magnitude earthquakes and volcanic activity, and other geological disturbances.
The projected time of a PX close encounter is the end of 2011 - 2012. I am convinced that PX is a starship inhabited by a hostile race of ETs called the Nefilim; a race of giants that once inhabited Earth during the Sumerian civilization and for thousands of years prior to that era
Secret Space Shots' Hidden Emblems
check out some of the links that accompany this article, e.g. worst military patches. :)
Sky survey yields new cosmic haul
"...While most of the newly discovered objects are normal members of the Kuiper belt, a large band of icy bodies stretching beyond the orbit of Neptune, there were also surprises. ... "
Still here.
Had to move unexpected like.
Be back soon.
Won't be able to do normal posting for a bit (weeks)...
Anyone want to take the helm? (new post maybe?)
As the saying goes..."Who you going to believe, NASA or my lying eyes"?
Liquid Water Phoenix Site
A1 Bob, that is almost laughable if not quite offensive. Not even to mention the numerous shots of liquid lakes we have seen on mars during the Spring melt.
What astounds me is that the CSA(Canadian) has even put up a site for Martian weather, but I wonder why no one has really communicated the weather elsewhere? The rovers etc?
Today they report a high of -27C (-16.6F) at the pole with Pheonix. Well gosh, that is a near typical Winter day in northern Canada and frankly it isn't sooo bad...with blue sky sun. ;) (heck we had an ice skating day during festival Winterlude in that kind of temperature!!)
So as you so well conveyed on your site about liquid ground water seeping in to the teeny tiny Pheonix trench and then freezing, I pause to wonder what then is the real temperatures and water conditions at the typically warmer equator?...or a choice locale like Cydonia?
My point really being.....Mars really isn't all that 'inhospitable' or different from earth, even at this stage of its existence.
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