Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Land of ZION...

The Federal Government loves to hide its precious knowledge, facilities, and god knows what else in the National parks of the federal government.

I have been leading up to something - for quite sometime...
Well see if anyone GETS it... ...

A rip from Wiki:
The Antiquities Act of 1906, officially An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities (16 USC 431-433), is an act passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt on June 8, 1906 giving the President of the United States authority to restrict the use of particular public land owned by the federal government by executive order, bypassing Congressional oversight. The Act has been used over a hundred times since its passage. Its use frequently creates significant controversy.

Of course, all of this is ran by:
The National Park Service...
...A Division of the Department of the Interior...

I have previously stated much in regards to the southern most “fort” - that is the Grand Canyon. We already know what’s here - I spoke of it before.
Two different, actual honest to god - space ships - found in separate but connected facilities. One appears to be a “Life Boat” - the other - is called a “Hot-Rod” - the facility seems to be completely under the canyon - or in the canyon rather. It is by all means - the highest security area ever conceived. If you look at the funding levels for this “National Park” - the funding is 100X greater than the rest of the other parks in America - and that just for the Rangers (Security Guards)...

So - yes - its there - and well guarded.

So - lets move a little bit to the North - to a area I know little about - but what I do know should perk some interest.

Zion National park.

As you can see from the images - Zion N.P. is stunning in its glory and its majesty of the Great Mothers and Great Fathers influence. It also happens to be a geological marvel. The area of course was inhabited by the Anasazi - whom have left many sites of interest. The park, while accessible - has many more areas that are only accessible by foot - two of the most hard to get permits on the park are the “Subway” and “Mystery” canyon trials - and boy oh boy - you better have a permit.

With such mountain tops with names such as: “Alter of Sacrifices”, “Great White throne”, “The West Temple”, “North Guardian Angel”, “South Guardian Angel”, I could go on and on.

Oddilly enough, when I was a young man we went to this park for a weeks stay of exploration and discovery. And wouldn’t you know it - I got myself in a bunch of trouble.
Not to far from one of the main drags in the park, and near a campsite entrance was a road that had a locked gate - with the typical federal sign - “do not enter/severe penalties to include imprisonment”.

I thought well, that’s strange.
From our campsite - I could see the single lane road. And... ...I could see the military trucks (duce and halves and five toners) entering and not leaving. I scratched my head - what in the heck are military trucks going down a single road in the middle of a National Park - I didn’t dare ask my father - for I knew that he knew that if he couldn’t answer my questions - I would still do what I was going to do.

One lazy day - of still watching them going in - and not come out - well over a dozen in a few days - I made the excuse that I was going to go for a walk. At first I headed away from the road - crossed through the campground, and out of sight walked back down the road - and behold - here comes another truck. I couldn’t make it to where I had spied a great place to hide in time. So - once I reached the fork, where it seemed there was just enough space for the truck to pull off the main drag - almost in full view of the ranger station and the campground entrances - and like clock work the passenger would get out - unlock the gate with a key, wave the truck through, the truck would stop, and the passenger would then lock the gate again and walk along the right side of the truck. I was in the brush (with its thorns) and had about five seconds to clear my hiding spot and climb onto the back of the truck.

So... ...another truck comes by, and I lost my nerve, but made sure I knew what I was doing - that I had time to do it - and considered the complete ass whopping I was going to receive if I was caught. Well - “fortune favors the bold” my father would tell me often - and this was a bold move. My curiosity overwhelmed me - and when - several hours latter - and it was getting late - I manned up and as the passenger when around the right side of the truck - I liberated myself from the thorns and sprinted for the back of the truck and as it was pulling away - jumped onto the hitch and grabbed hold of the gate. I was surprised to realize that inside was just enough room for me to sit down.

The truck pulled away, and I peaked out the back over the gate and spied on the Ranger station and the ranger going over permits and passes at the gate - seemed like no one spotted me - so good... what? I started to realize my plan was flawed - what was I going to do once they stopped?
Well, I remember thinking - your committed now.

The road winded and went through several small tunnels which at first startled me but came at such regularity I got used to it. Seemed like the truck never went faster than 25mph and eventually came to follow a stream on my left. On the left was towering canyon walls and on my right the same in which the road was cut. At first we went due east and then because of the change of shadow I figured we where headed due south, south east. I marvel at how amazingly beautiful the area was.

I then turned my attention to the two large crates on pallets in the truck - they where five by five by five feet and had stenciled numbers on them - I could not pry the wooded crate open with my hands - so I tried my Swiss army knife and ended that idea when I snapped my longest blade off...

It wasn’t to long after that, that we seemed to arrive at some sort of check point. I ducked in between the two crates sweating bullets - and a good thing I did. I head voices and then the canvas skirt on the back thrown back - I could hear it - but didn’t dare peak around - more voices and a double banging and we where on our way. I guess the “guard” banged on the door - but when I heard it I almost left skid marks in my shorts.
Not to long after that we came to another tunnel, that didn’t seem to end - and as it seems the trip had came to an end. Sweating bullets I made my way to the back of the truck About a hundred yards in to what I thought was a tunnel - the truck stopped and I peaked out the skirt on the back - there where a lot of men in OD greens milling about and doing this and that. I could see the entrance a scant hundred yards away - and realized that I wasn’t in a tunnel but a very large chamber. I peaked out and watched for a little bit until a forklift came and the gate was lowered by some shocked soldier who found himself staring at a six foot tall fourteen year old weighing close to 180 pounds with Nikes, canvas shorts, a t-shirt that said “Star Wars” - with an Afro.

“Hi!” I said.
“Who... ...the hell are you!?” The soldier said. He was very angry and he was unsholdering his M-16A1.
I remember thinking - so much for post seminary school - and lept from the truck.
I stopped and said:
“My name is Michael” - and stuck out my hand for a shake. He only grew angrier and pointed his rifle at me. At this point I wasn’t to scared because he didn’t have a magazine in it yet.
The soldier grabbed a whistle from his lapel and blew it - then the shit hit the fan.
Soldiers in OD Green where coming at me from every direction - but I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - and made for it. I sprinted for it - all the while behind me and to my sides I heard “HALT” and “Stop” - hell I even heard - “ANSCHLAG!!” - it wasn’t until I heard “Stop or we’ll shoot” and “Anschlag oder wir schieben!!!” and that I really started to LITERALLY cry and haul as much ass as my legs would carry. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and I was making for it fast...

About the time I was reaching the exit - soldiers behind me - actually started shooting at me with there rifles - I nearly shit myself and ran even faster zigng and zagging. I made it out the exit and I was still picking up my pace - and bullets actually started flying past me with there most certain deadly whiz my father had taught me about.
I spotted the creek on my left and dove for it. Bad idea. It was shallow, and rocky, and the ten feet superman like swan dive didn’t suppress gravity in the least. The impact nearly knocked me out. I could still hear rifle fire - so in my desperation I pulled myself along chocking on water I as I went with the stream pulling me along - I realized I had the wind knocked out of me. I remember feeling defeated and that my great idea was inherently flawed for I didn’t learn a dam thing.

The distance from the creek to the road was approximately twenty feet of just cliff face I looked up - didn’t see anyone - so I got to my feet - and ran down the creek as fast as I could. The creek bed was rocky and I was tearing my ankles up something fierce - But I ran and ran and ran and ran. When I couldn’t run anymore - I stopped and gulped down water - half drinking half chocking.... I jogged down the creek quite a ways until I found an area that I could get myself up onto the road. I slithered up on my belly to the road.

I was amazed that I didn’t find anyone - so I took to the road and ran west. I realized that I was still bleeding from my nose and face, and knees, shins, knees, elbows, hell - everywhere. I didn’t have time to worry about that - if I had known there where going to be guns - and people shooting at me - I would have never done this in the first place. Hell - I ruined my favorite shirt - and if I got away with this - it would be very hard to explain this to Mom and Dad as to why I was so physically screwed up.

There was no traffic either way so I jogged down the road. I came through several very short tunnels, and started to get back to the beginning of the road. I was happy - looks like I might just get away without getting shot.

Only to come out of another short tunnel to meet two ranger patrol cars blocking the road with park rangers and soldiers all with there guns drawn, and ... ... my father behind them with a scowl on his face that told me he would kill me as soon as there where no witnesses.

I did as I was told and was promptly handcuffed and told to stay where I was - as I did. Then behind me out of sight - some sort of vehicle drove up. A man walked pass me with his group of guards and went to where the park rangers and soldiers and father where standing. There was much handshaking and saluting - which to my surprise the big guy with his guards saluted my father first. I knew what that meant.

After a long discussion, some looks at me - in my disheveled demeanor, some jokes and laughter the scene seemed to lighten and finally the large man - whom now facing me was a captain with a pistol strapped to his leg and my father came over. Some man behind me uncuffed me and I was told to stand.

The Captain spoke first:
“What in gods name gave you the idea to hitch a ride on one of my vehicles into a high security area?”

After a long pause with my head down I said: “I wanted to know what was on Army trucks in a National Park - I was curious that’s all - I didn’t mean to start ‘nothin - just wanted to know that’s all - I didn’t -“

I was cut short.
The captain said; “Well, have you had enough adventure for today young master?”

I was still bleeding:

“Well, I guess after this is all said and done you wont be sneaking into anymore secure areas now will you?”

“No” (I lied)

“Well, I guess then, since your so... ...damm curious all the time... your father says....’ve earned your right to ask me ONE question...”

I didn’t hesitate at all:
“What’s on the trucks?”


Me: “Food?”

Captain “Food”

Me: “But - why are - “

The Captain turned to my father and shook his hand, “Joe, it was so nice to meet you, keep up the good work with your son...” He saluted him turned around and looked at me with a grin - shook his head and left without a word.
My father grabbed me by the arm and we started walking down the road, as perhaps ten different ranger patrol cars passed us. We eventually made it to the campsite - where the belt was given to me and then - nothing was else was said about it.... ...for the whole damm trip. I didn’t understand it. He didn’t kill me. Mother didn’t say anything else either. I was never allowed to go off on a walk by myself after that - my father always in accompany with me.

Zion National Park will celebrate a "Century of Sanctuary" in 2009. Zion was set aside as Mukuntuweap National Monument by President William Howard Taft on July 31, 1909.


I have never been able to figure out what’s going on there. I would just say that after my little adventure - and being in the Army awhile as a SWORD - that’s it’s a fort - a huge repository of some sort - AND - has underground access to several different facilities around it - to include the Grand Canyon, and a “nearby” military base.

Just thought I would share some of the misadventure while I have been sharing many adventures with you.

There is another story - from when I was even a “Younger” man - to a more sacred place - but that story is far more involved...

Interestingly enough ZION:

Zion (Hebrew), Tiberian, transliterated Zion or Sion) is a term that most often designates the Land of Israel and its capital, Jerusalem. The word is found in texts dating back almost three millennia. It commonly referred to a specific mountain near Jerusalem (Mount Zion), on which stood a Jebusite fortress of the same name that was conquered by David and was named the City of David.

The term Zion came to designate the area of Jerusalem where the fortress stood, and later became a metonym for Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the city of Jerusalem and the entire Promised Land to come, in which, according to the Hebrew Bible, God dwells among his chosen people.

Through my days as a young man - when I was not in military school - we travel all over America - mostly west coast - and I have seen every National Park there is. Oh, the wonders - the history...

I have always thought - what would be the NEXT GREAT, immense, National Park with wonders I could dare to explore?

Chew on that...



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HHMSS Sword said...


Gort said...

That Stormpulse is pretty kewl,
Thanks, Sword.

earthquiake swarm still happening off the coast of Vancouver Island.
29 EQ so far on the 27th and 28th UTC. Plus 2 off the coast of Oregon, possibly related.


Gort said...

Well, Ion, you're right, except for the reported 95% Carbon Dioxide atmosphere, which would kill you instantly. Of course if you had your handy-dandy 007 portable re-breathing aparatus (see Thunderball, circa 1966), or a scuba tank, you could probably venture out of an air-lock in the summer time on some parts of Mars in your shirt sleeves -- just don't forget your sun screen.


Gort said...

Ion, you are right. Except for the reported 95% carbon dioxide atmosphere, which will instantly kill you.

But if you have a handy-dandy 007 re-breathing device (see Thunderball, circa 1966) or a scuba tank, you could probably walk out of an air-lock onto the martian landscape on some parts of the planet, in the daytime, in the summer, in a T-shirt. Just don't forget your sun screen. :)


Anonymous said...

Mars really isn't all that 'inhospitable' or different from earth, even at this stage of its existence

I don't buy that. The mass of Earth is 10 times that of Mars. A 185 lb person on Earth would weigh 69 pounds on Mars. The human body would whither and die. If I had to live in some man made eco-environment, or wear some stupid suit, I'd pass. It's not living, it's existing.

I'd prefer to go down with my mother ship.

HHMSS Sword said...

Links AHOY!


HHMSS Sword said...

Wow its dead here...

Screw Iraq - we need to withdraw from Chicago...


Gort said...

From the press conference/papers of ESA flyby of asteroid Steins:

This comes up as a .pdf file.

Space Situational Awareness
A New ESA Programme

Can you say "Tunguska, Baby!" ???


HHMSS Sword said...

Another link:

This ones a great big hello for SFTG:Sword

Two words:

Nuff said - hear's teh link:

Anonymous said...

As Col. Klink would say:


MeanGreen said...

As Sergeant Schultz would say:

"I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!"

"I see nothing, nothing!"

BReW Haa Haa!!!

MeanGreen said...

RCH Reveals Backwards Thinking?

The Reversal Of Richard C Hoagland?

"Post Script 1: I was disappointed today (Sept 5th 2002) to see a very lively and healthy discussion on Reverse Speech, and these reversals, taken down from Richard Hoagland's website, The Enterprise Mission, on the request of, as i just discovered, Richard himself. It is most disturbing to see this take place on a usually "anything goes" bbs. Perhaps Richard needs to be reminded of his own endorsements of Reverse Speech still posted on his website. They can be found here, and an extensive one halfway down this page here. What is happening here? Why does Hoagland endorse RS on one hand when it supports his cause, as the above links show, and yet censors it later? And what does this action say about aspects of his investigation?.

Post Script 2: A week after these reversals were posted, continuing tensions between Richard Hoagland and the Enterprise mission conference finally exploded and the link to the conference was removed from the enterprise mission website. This is amazing confirmation of the reversal "They're fucked."

Post Script 3: And now, even more stunning confirmation of the reversals found on Richard Hoagland. First, in a post made on the enterprise mission forum, the following was revealed -"Neither the ASU/NASA nor the TEM THEMIS IR images are worth diddley squat in performing scientific data analysis.Why? Because none of the IR (InfraRed) Frequency bands are present in the images. Just Kodak images. CCD (Charged Coupled Device) camera images with each stripe being the same image but through a different optical filter. The IR Band data won't bereleased until 30 October 2002. (I think that's what I read there). There is NO WAY either of these images could be processed for "intelligence dat a". Therefore, the images released by TEM did NOT contain the IR data. Is this what this reversal means - "Fakes, damn it. They're not red." (or INFRAred?)"

Post Script 4:

RCH and the EQ Pegasus Hoax - Johnny on the SPOT gets around ALOT

"The S-4 database made a written statement after the 7th of December which was reported by Art Bell and Hoagland as the date in which the alleged Alien ship was to land in Arizona. While many of Art's listeners suspended belief at the word of their master we printed the information we had on the matter:

"Through information received by the S4 Database from TWO separate DOD related informants from two separate locations. Both of the sources supported each other in a complicated series of conversations in which we were told that the EQ Pegasi Hoax was actually a transmission from a Top Secret DOD satellite parked in deep orbit near the moon."-Ground Zero S4 Database December 1998"

RCH's Art of Talking Code

HHMSS Sword said...

Lots of juicy stuff floating around her recently - wish I was able to weigh in...

...but - Rich's secrective - pay to say forums are now closed? His own "subscribers" getting slap happy with him?

That IS news...
Any more on that?


robert said...

Hey Sword..where ya been?

Just a "head's up here"...Meangreen is re-posting things from MarsRevealer..PERIOD.

Things are OKEY-DOKEY at the GoToTalk TEM BBS....members are fine and doing some EXCELLENT work.

I even hosted Woodlock's work here:

Liquid Water Seeps Phoenix Holes

I am continuing working on a NEW political website and gathering new material my old site has new politcal material as well...even though it isn't McCain and Hillary...the race is is for the future of America and WHO will lead SWORD in the coming years.

All the best to you and your men where-ever they are.

And I STILL think HiJacking or going Mutinous on GWB is the ONLY way to save our country and bring the technologies we need NOW...and the JOBS it would create NOW out into the open so that our economy doesn't crumble and we own the Queen of England ALL our Social Security money.


Gort said...

Hey Sword, I heard a rumor you were back?


IonTruO2 said...

Welcome back to YOUR Blog.
...and suddenly it awakes.
like a live wire.

Gort said: Well, Ion, you're right, except for the reported 95% Carbon Dioxide atmosphere, which would kill you instantly. Of course if you had your handy-dandy 007 portable re-breathing aparatus (see Thunderball, circa 1966), or a scuba tank, you could probably venture out of an air-lock in the summer time on some parts of Mars in your shirt sleeves -- just don't forget your sun screen.


2008-08-29 8.53.MD

So some say, but others have disclosed otherwise, specifically to Mars.
I say, I like the constant sunny -7C entrance 'crater' to Phobos or the most recently revealed 'lake Ontario' on Titan. lol ... and the newest news of what is being basically observed as Lake Effect 'Weather' on Titan? Oh ya but they currently claim the liquid is Ethane or something...oh oh and so is the 'rain'.
Oops another software anomaly...our detailed camera has gone into a safe mode again for the twentieth different mission at exactly the perfect time....oh no another SOHO burnout darn!? ;)
Oh ya how today at:

Hubble NICMOS Instrument Experiences Anomaly

Now even if a few of the now many cases of mysterious shutdown's with a big Nasa ???, were true, the sum of them piling up, with similar kinds of timing, becomes stinky stinky.
..and watch out for that asteroid...don't use the detailed camera for the flyby closeup. nono
I know, I know, their saving the big surprise which appears to be step 1 according to the playbook for introducing all civilizations to the bigger Realm. Which is the revealing of a 'former' civilization on another planet(Mars). Safe first 'shock' of crowd awakening.
Gotta keep the muzzle on everything else. if Pandora's Box were a dyke? Whose got their finger in the hole? yuk yuk yuk.

Like Bob Dean said if opened it opens everything. No little bits or part way.

gentle gentle eh brother?

IonTruO2 said...

darn, tried to get that 8:33 md

MeanGreen said...

Hey There Robert - is it that time of the month again?

Not sure what you MEAN:

"Just a "head's up here"...Meangreen is re-posting things from MarsRevealer..PERIOD."

Gort said...

I don't remember the controversy about reverse speech on TEM ( i do remember the controversy when Art Bell got pissed at a guest who was doing speech reversal analysis, bu I don't remember the details.

But the post above about controversies on TEM date back to 2002, almost three years before we all joined in the fun on the Captain's blog. Ah, who can forget the summer of Katrina-Rita-Wilma?

Apparently. like many of us, RCH goes through phases.
Like the MOON.


HHMSS Sword said...

Gort said...
Hey Sword, I heard a rumor you were back?

Limited sense - limited i-net avalibility... ...but i do poke my head in when I can...

Rob said:
...even though it isn't McCain and Hillary...

yeah - your right - a severe turn of events - I guess the owls AND teh roosters changed there minds... ...i mean its only been ten plus years since I was "advised" on that angle.
Sign of the times - maybe either one wouldn't play ball the way they wanted.

As far as the recent huricanes - no one got any juicey data?


(New post coming soon?)


Anonymous said...

Please "advise" as to the financing game between the Owls and the Roosters.

Also, (I'll assume for discussion your 'name' is 'you') please differentiate between Sword and SWORD.


Gort said...

As far as the recent huricanes - no one got any juicey data?

Nothing as blatant as the 2005 storms. The recent "live" MIMIC were severely delayed but many hours, and there were plenty of "product anomalies" to go around.

Gustav was headed toward landfall east of New Orleans and made a sudden hook to the left and went into the bayous west of New Orleans.

Ike curiously never made it past a strong cat 2 once it entered the Gulf after several days of forecast to become a cat 4 in the Gulf. That was curious, but no strong evidence of why it didn't.
I saved some of the MIMIC animations and saw a few suspicious anomalies, but nothing I can directly point to at this time as definite.
But it certainly looks like Ike was steered into Galveston.
Not to mention tracking over much of the lenght of Cuba. Historically I would think most hurricanes or tropical storms cut across Cuba the narrow way, i.e. south to north.

If Gustav and Ike were steered, the question still remains: by whom and to what purpose?
The best I could probaly do now is speculate, based on the question "who benefits?" (cui bono?)
I'm seeing the following results:
disruption of the oil industry;
dispuption of the U.S. Rice crop;
and (in the case of Gustav) disruption of the Republican Convention--although Hurricane Palin certainly brought national viewer interest.
Possible suspects?
China as payback for weather and earthquake attacks.
NWO types messing with the world food supply.
The oil companies.
Major investment speculators driving up the pricce of food.
The Great Serpent... .

Of course looking forward to the new blog.


HHMSS Sword said...

There are no forigen agents at work here - anything weather/earthquake related that seems "strang" is definetly us.

The primary goal here recently - with the ongoing weather control - that is beyond SWORD proper involvement - is to get folk away from the coast...

...sounds strange I know.

And Sword and SWORD are the same thing...

New post is going to be in regards to the next election - and what it means for SWORD proper - Me, you - and everything in between...


Anonymous said...

And Sword and SWORD are the same thing

You miss my point. I am talking about names, of PEOPLE.

Let's take John Doe, for example. Do you recall in grade school, when you were taught the PROPER way to write your name? Now compare to JOHN DOE.

It's imperative to know the difference, since we are all faced with the ramifications. Some deal with more than others, due to their "legal commitments".

robert said...

And one of these I hope won't be one of my spots when 2012 comes now would it?

Cement Prison Cells Train in Utah

Either I'm under the Moon or Mars please...either base will do :D


robert said...

Hey my friend Sword...know this fella?


Real Deal SWORD worker dude..imho

btw...I don't it matters overall WHO gets elected since the "TOP" will still be in control no matter what way before we get to the "Galactic Center" and 3.5 TRILLION watts of power hit us.

Already the entire Solar System is warming and there aren't SUVs running on Mars of Neptune my ruling planet astrologically.

Sooo again...if I am one of the "Elite" that will get saved in the more than 130 underground I said...I would rather be underground at the Mars base under my "Smoking Pryamid" where I KNOW...the hole pixels are 'fudged'. :D

Not a fracking thing I can do about it and get the REAL HiRise image...but I do know and can do my own image interpretation.

Remember I have a LARGE library of nifty stuff worth saving on CD n DVDs :D Shouldn't be burnt up in a giant Gamma-Ray burst from the center of the Milky Way.

I can understand how you must be busy with limited access as the "TIME" is getting closer.



IonTruO2 said...

I think The Fall is timely. Too much too big, even for the players of the planet.
The boat will rock, the celestial positioning will be utterly different, changes of huge proportions will manifest.

Does the ET oversight really give a hoot for me as an individual?...not likely..their play is with the me I might just be 'smoking the pyramid' and embracing the moment as my soul picked this moment to be around. Pretty damn accurate timing.
As Marcia, spouse of Bob Dean said "you've died a thousand times and you gonna do it again"...enjoy.

Such an overwhelming mish mash of info streaming in these days, what the heck does anything mean anymore.
I'm not going underground , I am standing ground.
Yes, this is a bold statement of sorts, but ya know, in Canada, in truth I live pretty free and my success or apparent lack of it is really in my own hands.
I am here for the show and it will be profound. Too much have I already seen.

remember 'they' are here and always have been.

HHMSS Sword said...

I changed my mind about the post (maybe)...
Links not working in posts..

IonTruO2 said...

Sword, hi

Come on capt. chime in.
Are ya allowed to opinionate?
Dialogue's the machine of our motion here.

here's a question. Should I be prepping for a cold winter mini ice age soon or perhaps a sun hat for the so-called 'global warming'?

Now come on guys I had a pretty good funny earlier and not even a yuk yuk or what. ;)

ion said: if Pandora's Box were a dyke? Whose got their finger in the hole?

ha ha ha ha ...i kill me. :D

ok dats it ya unfunny soldiers, i'm take'n my cdn beer and going to Quebec to find some french women.

...and now back to our regularly scheduled apocalypse conspiracy.

ericswan said...

cycle 24 square sunspot should shape your planning

IonTruO2 said...

A men....squarely. ;)

Gort said...

I thought your mixed metaphor about Pandora's box was outrageous!


robert said...

I don't know the previous link didn't work.



Real SWORD construction dud..imho


HHMSS Sword said...

Great - and I have no access to video ie - youtoob...

Whats the sypnoisis Bob?


robert said...

More than 130 underground basis world wide with 120 or so in the US alone...US is not the only one constructing these bases, there IS an "un-holy" aliance between DOD and the Aliens vis-a-vis "abductions", our 'stealth' and other tech was a result of this co-operation, the maser/laser tunnerler is creating 28 feet wide tunnels at a rate of 2-4 miles a day, prison camps/enclosures are being set up right now, Denver Airport being one, this fellow has lost several finders and toes doing his work, has had 15 attempts on his life when this video was made and survived them all, including being shot several times and run off the road, ahs bits evidence he hauls around and has been verified by non-partisian labs, and claims there are 140 elements on the atmic table not the 105 or so that is currently admitted to, that we HAVE bases underground off-planet.

There's more but I'll let others chime in with their thoughts .

Don't want to hog the show :D


MeanGreen said...

MR and RCH and 6 parts ;-)

Not sure if y'all have checked this one out? I found that the one-way audio and video chat can be done at the right price |SWORD| ;-)

When I am stuck underground on the weekend, now I can checkout the games!

MeanGreen said...

How is the video stream on your side? ;-)

Gort said...

Meangreen, nothing streaming right now, but the still title shot looks great!

MeanGreen said...

Gort - Right now some vintage SRV ;-)

Anonymous said...

The cobwebs are so thick I can't navigate.

ericswan said...

This Month in Exploration - September08.28.08 Visit "This Month in Exploration" every month to find out how aviation and space exploration have changed throughout the years, improving life for humans on Earth and in space. While reflecting on the events that led to NASA's formation and its rich history of accomplishments, "This Month in Exploration" will reveal where the agency is leading us -- to the moon, Mars and beyond.

Wright flyer demonstrations at Fort Myer, Va. Credit: NASA
100 Years Ago

September 3, 1908: Orville Wright began flight testing the Wright Flyer for the army at Fort Myer, Va.

75 Years Ago

September 30, 1933: Three Soviet pilots flew the army balloon USSR to a record altitude of 60,695 feet. It stood 118 feet tall when fully inflated.

50 Years Ago

September 17, 1958: The NASA/Advanced Research Projects Agency Manned Satellite Panel was formed to draft plans for future manned spaceflight. The panel collaborated with the military as well as the NASA Langley Research Center and NASA Glenn (then Lewis) Research Center.

30 Years Ago

September 1978: The USSR launched two spacecraft toward Venus → to study the planet's atmosphere and surface. Venera 11 was launched on September 9 and Venera 12 was launched on September 14. Venera 11 descent craft. Credit: NASA

25 Years Ago

September 22, 1983: NASA launched the Galaxy 2 commercial communications satellite using a Delta rocket.

20 Years Ago

September 29, 1988: NASA launched space shuttle Discovery, the first shuttle flight after the Challenger disaster. During the four-day mission, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-3 was deployed and the crew conducted about a dozen experiments.

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15 Years Ago

September 12, 1993: NASA launched space shuttle Discovery to deploy the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) and the Orbiting Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer telescope. ACTS was developed by NASA Glenn and was the first high-speed, all-digital communications satellite.

10 Years Ago

September 24, 1998: A solar flare caused a major geomagnetic storm, a temporary disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere triggering a vivid display of northern and southern lights.

Advaned Communications Technology Satellite. Credit: NASA
Five Years Ago

September 27, 2003: The European Space Agency (ESA) launched Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology 1 using an Ariane-5 rocket. ESA's first lunar mission tested solar electric propulsion and investigated chemical elements on the moon's surface. ESA intentionally crashed the spacecraft into the moon at the end of the mission.

September 29, 2003: Balloonist David Hempleman-Adams became the first person to fly across the Atlantic in an open wicker-basket balloon. His flight began in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada and ended in England after 83 hours of flight.

Present Day

September 10, 2008: The European Space Agency will launch the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) → satellite from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia. GOCE will map Earth's gravity field to develop a model for measuring ocean circulation and sea-level change

MeanGreen said...

EricSwan - This ACTS and ORFEUS stand out from your history of space exploration. ;-)

Have you checked out "Weapon System 606A and the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle"? ;-)

ericswan said...

Yet one more native Canuck with insight into Planet X..

MeanGreen said...

Astronaut's diary goes on display in Jerusalem - WTF!

"It's almost a miracle that it survived — it's incredible," Zalmona said. There is "no rational explanation" for how it was recovered when most of the shuttle was not, he said. ;-)

HHMSS Sword said...

New post coming real soon.
I'm going to put the screws to...

You guys will get it when I post the new post.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to put the screws to...

I guess someone has to.

ericswan said...

have to tell you about a "UFO" thingy that happened to me on the 3rd.
I observed (along with several others) a rather bright star just above
a ridge not more than a mile from where I work and was making
nocturnal observations. The light was orangy and started spinning in
an ellipital orbit first clockwise than counter clockwise than up then
bright than glowing than gone. This phenome repeated at 1:15 AM and
again at 1:46 AM and again at 3:10AM to 3:16AM. Each of these
occurances were similar and in exactly the same strategically placed
location where I would be sure to see it while I dispatched drivers
and again while I was on my coffee break. The "mountain" where these
lights were occuring is completely remote except for on foot and a
couple of miles of "bush" on top of a mountain ridge on either side
with a TV tower and various other "things" on the north end of the

The elliptical spinning made me think of a saucer but only lights
could be seen and no object to generate the light could be detected.
My question to you is "who would benefit from my seeing a UFO?" eric

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