Still mulling the idea.
This is in reality - a response to my most favorite posters - my most staunch allies - my most trusted men (ahem - not including SWORD proper who posts - in-cod-neat-oh)... ...if it ends up a post proper I hope that the men involved - respect the FACT of what is... ...of what is...
Exodus 5:4
And the king of Egypt said unto them, Wherefore do ye, Moses and Aaron, let the people from their works? get you unto your burdens.
I asked SWORD a while back, why would they create and send a space combat unit to intercept a 'debris field' behind the sun? Never got an answer. I presumed it was because these guys were hardened and could keep their wits in a radical situation. But hey, why not miners or other engineers?
So my question remains, what is coming that requires we be completely 'unified' as a world?
Unit implies a small force.
Consider this...
Of all of the secret space core - some odd one hundred thousand men and women, only a good third of which (unfortunately) are going to be the individuals involved in the “Boots Dirty” side of this incredible - species altering - “event”...
But the questions was why?
Well, because if everything from all the different cultures we are pulling our information from, including the ancient astronauts - this debris field is flying dead center into earth. The goal of course is to push a majority of the material into the suns immense gravity well - but we know because of shear logistics that some - if not much - ... ... ... - will get through.
It is the “Boots Dirty” Task Group to insure that anything that is inbound with a trajectory that implies impact - is destroyed - at any cost... any cost.
Thanks to the holy father we always have a plan “B”... ...”goalies”...
Keep in mind this is not a purely American endeavor - it is IN FACT a multinational effort. With that lies a sticky situation. Of the big three, I would say we are the most ... respectable ... to the common man. Other nations with different philosophies - have different agendas...
This singular event will bring about so much serious change - it boggles even my mind of the future possibilities for mankind.
To answer the last part of the ION paragraph, “what is coming that requires we be completely 'unified' as a world?”...
While UFO’s are not my department - there is enough chatter - from my channels - for me to be aware of the fact that if indeed we are a “child” race - the rest of the neighborhood is waiting to see if a bunch of teenagers can stop a destruction crew from tearing down our house. In fact some of these demolition workers might even come form the debris field itself. AND - if that is the case, I will slay the women and children along with the men. This species will never again be slaves to ANYTHING.
The possibilities of changes and unification are on the same scale as change and separation. And in the swaying balance lies a small group (considering the whole of the species) that will - through there actions ALONE - will determine the future of this RACE.
Ultimately - seeing the information that has been put before me, NO amount of technology, no amount of manpower, and NO AMOUNT OF PRAYER ALONE ... will stop what is coming. Multiple strikes of material is EXPECTED.
Ultimately - to INHERIT THE STARS ... we must come together a singularity of love and consciousness - or divided we will fall and burn.
Then of course there is SFTG: Sword ... and recovering MAJ: “TOM” - for in this endeavor - our CHARTER is to recover him... ...all the while as it seems - bombs bursting in midair and silent invisible waves pushing materials into the SON.
Of course once that mission is accomplished - this Captain will join in the fray... heard it hear first - everyone - we will not retreat with our “prize” we will transfer to ships and get our boots just as dirty - and if I die on some unforgiving rock to save humanity ... so be it.
My life long trained mission complete ... ... I will give my life to safe untold souls who would never know my name - for that is our creed... ...Guardian Angles - of the YELLOW beret...
I hope that I have answered your unanswered question.

First thank you Sword for recognizing that the SLEEPER has indeed AWAKENED !!!
I must say, I don’t know where you found that video - but it brings up many points of conjecture within me (and TOP) - that have, and should be, brought up more often for discussion.
Robert said...
Second, these men and women are NOT 'stupid'...they run the PLANET for crying out loud!!!
Indeed - this is your perception, and as I have said before perception is 9/10th of the law. So is possession.
These so called men - only handle a third of the CURRENT finical backing of the entire world. These so called men are the “hole diggers” I have spoken of before. They will have NOTHING after everything is said and done. As my father has always said: “You will have nothing - and you will like it!” - its one of his “catch phases” that I have so come to love. When all is said and down - these men who would claim so much - will have no one to claim it from.
Ground zero.
Farms, beads, baskets, masons of skill - they will labor as all of U.S. will... rebuild. SWORD will not recognize any debt these fraudulent men will present - and if they push there issue - I have standing orders - even in the advent of my death during this “fall” - to eliminate any and all (kill the very line) - as this species “will not be slave to anything” - for ever-more...
Robert said...
The economic "crash" is coming BEFORE any PLanet V crash comes tumbling through the Solar System...this way people would have HOPE and it is the ONLY...repeat the ONLY way to FORCE the elite to turn a new undo all their plans for continued war after war after war until PLanet V comes and Martial Law and we all become even more dependant slaves than we already are upon a more corrupt planet wide conspiracy to control the entire human population.
There plan: continue the status of debt and ownership.
This will not come to pass. Standing orders, even if I shall pass, is to eliminate those who would try to enslave any American through any means. So... ...once everything is said and done... ...if they won’t work in the fields... ...they shall receive nothing in turn. (My long debated Recovery Operation term : Work Credit aka Digging fOr Dollars ... RO:WC / DOD)
Enslavement comes in many forms - and NONE of those forms shall exist in America after the fall. I would like to think that afther the fall - all knowing all - that the new government - whatever form it might have - will prosper... (until three hundred years latter Americans allow it be funked up AGAIN)
“Those who will not work - shall not eat.” - that’s in the bible my friend - its an excellent guide for humanity. ( Is not helping me find the verse but I believe it is LUKE 11:13 ishhh)
Robert said...
I DO understand that TOPS and SWORD itself have feelings and likely "limits" on what can be done...but by the SUNGOD long do we have to let these people manipulate the human race behind the masks of power, political and economic and commit these atrocities without ANY "pay-back"?
Just long enough for these Knight to be able to take the field and make a difference. The cycle repeats itself - once again - yet this time - we have the means to make actual PERMINATE change. An that change is not solely up to SWORD it is - unfortunately - its up the PEOPLE. So why did I day unfortunately?
Because people are stupid.
Think about that if you will - considering the MARKET.
Robert said...
Taking out cartel guys is one thing Sword and I agree...
There was allot of cross talk about that one : meaning : I called and whas on hold while TOP was on hold for me ... ...on the same issue. (This is my land - not AZLAN of old) Sort of a as soon as we heard it on the horn sort of thing...
SWORD is limited - limited in the sense that we are limited to what can be done at a certain given time, TOP wants action - I want action - YET - SWORD ... ...that is SFTG: : SWORD is in “slumber” mode” - while “SWORD : BGR” is preparing for inevitable actions in Iran and the skeleton crew (SWORD:SC) is busy enough with there duties just holding the FORT down... ... ...
As a TRUE militia - sighed and declared by both the Federal ...and State government - I can’t - under orders ...guard three forts, a border of a state - AND wage a religious war against Islamist extremist - at the same time - UNLESS - I am given access to more power under my current command. I am not yet a Major - and - unless they want to promote me as such - SUCK IT - WE ARE OVER EXTENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have enough problems.
So sorry, but if the TEXAS RANGERS need help - form themselves a Posse Comitatus (I will lend two native officers - and let that force deal with the issue)...
I cannot fight more fronts then those in which I can place my prospective KNIGHTS in front of.
It is a fact of manpower... ... ...
Robert said...
I would rather have TOPS n SWORD watching and running this planet than these fucks...come on let's be REAL here.
Never expected Robert to say that.
Never in the least.
Thank you.
Unfortunately - this may come to pass.
As I have spoken forthright to you personally - and now openly Robert - indeed - for a short time... Robert - it may be that Sword runs everything west of the Great river - until a central government - after the fall - is restored.
And that is real.
Not quite as real as having a CNN reporter in our (kidnaped) charge after a great disaster (Katrina)- but these things to will pass.
Robert said...
This movie getting "out there" is a step in the right direction and if Google ever takes it down I can put it BACK up within a 24 hour period from my site. But try getting the mainstream media to cover this is nearly impossible because ALL mainstream are OWNED by the fucks and YOU and TOP KNOW this.
There MUST be an end-run.
Indeed Robert there is an end run - and that is the proposed “End Game” that Sword and ALL of out affiliated members worry do much about.
Be prepared to have that video hosted directly on your “site”...
...also - be prepared for small “HD Teaser Trailers” ... ... to be hosted there as well.
As an American you have given up the means... ...and a means where SWORD can say - no direct contact was made (excuses for the MAN) ... regards to “Thunder Cats” - OR - Operations : Thunder” - or - my favortite - as he is gine to us now - “The Baker Confidential”
Be at peace my brother - for once in your life - be at peace.
Thanks for the honest disclosure. If this is what is to come, so be it. It's good to finally get some sort of confirmation about what is actually going to go down. I like Robert, would rather see you and your team in charge than the current line.
I guess it's time to dust off my old field manuals...
Leavening as is...
... wanted to add all the links (50+) but these links are old (issh)...
Don't know how to add them in an contemplatively style...
...considering recent post...
go nuts...
...going to be busy at my fucking "desk job"...
I NEED to be in the field of battle... ...cough... TOP ...cough...
WTF is this?
Clamytoe ... ... catches me in the midst of a new post?
I only thought the great GORT did such things..
One more thing,
If you were to give up your life for us, fear not; you will not be a nameless hero. For I know your true name, and my son's and daughter's will know it as well.
Too funny, looks as if we're both burning that mid-night oil!
And as it seems - I keep burning rope bridges with the "admin" - less the TOP, and HIS CREW (platoon)- who has more PULL and CALL than any president before and in the future - for hear comes from a working stock - as I do - like many Americans - the age of elite comes back to the farmers and plumbers - oh my - the holy father - he was so right handed!
Those who can hold and operate a Sword certainly outnumber those WHO CAN NOT!
My "true name" - is that what it is?
Will they know me beyond my Sword?
I am but one of many. who are the same as me - and after everything is said and done - truthfully - I am but ONE of many - only in this media as it seems - am I - as of yet - ONE.
Knows my name, and my WHY.
With that statement you must be one of the ORIGINAL ... ... ...33rd?
Allright ... ..."meathead" - TOE - as it seems:
lets go and post and make him feel among brothers.
Post something troop.
And make refferance...
As seen on:
Blogger HHMSS Sword said...
This is SFTG : SWORD
Your man shall post.
If I must petition the T.O.P. of my unit to make it so - I will - let YOUR MAN SPEAK!
11 July 2008 00:33
...if they won’t work in the fields... ...they shall receive nothing in turn.
Seems like after the Viet-Nam fiasco there was this little revolution in Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge emptied the cities and sent everyone into the fields.
Kinda like that??
And then there were the laborers in the vineyard who were hired in the last hour and received the same pay grade as those who toiled all day.
The all-day laborers bitched and moaned.
Quoth the master: It's my vineyard and my money. You got what you bargained for. Shut up!
How soon is soon?
If you have time, these interviews are worth watching/reading. How do what these people claim to know compare with what you know?
Noteworthy interviews by:
Those interviews on Project Camelot are engaging, to say the least. THe Dan Burisch one's especially.
I'd be interested in your take on those too sword.
How are you taco?
Thanks for laying it out in the blog sword. You are affirming the word on the street.
Hello to All! Ya, I'm stll around. stayin quiet.. got my reasons.
Sword - excellent post my friend, excellent. 'bout time too, I'd say.
and btw, I'd like to Thank You for the email last summer.. when I was struggling bigtime.
You have no idea how much it helped.. better late then never.
and forgive me for this lengthy post. It's just too damn 'on topic'.
seems MUCH about to go down.. from many varied sources.
The George Green interview at Camelot is also spot on..
FWIW folks..
State of the Planet
7 July
* We have received this message (edited slightly), from an insider source who has sent us over 60 e-mails on various subjects since October 2007. We first reported from this person on 24 April, when we wrote to us about the manipulation of the metals markets, and earlier about chemtrails. He has been communicating to us for several months about an impending "massive hurricane" of events - in his words, set to occur before October/November this year. The message below (dated 1 July) is the most stark we have received. Some paraphrasing with all identifying details removed.
I am going to talk with you about survival. My report is not based on spiritual data. It is hard survival information derived from my sources who are adamant about preparing and getting out of harm's way now.
This report from Alex Wallenwein is most important in understanding what is happening. Alex is one of the few left who are tipping the scales ever so slightly. Note that even though the timing is currently not exactly synchronized, the sequence is to be noted:
1) The provocation by non-compliance in Iran
2) The upcoming attack on Iran
3) Intense repercussions on the USA
4) The IMF 'overtly' intervening in US financial matters via the Federal Reserve
5) The coming collapse of the dollar
6) A Wall Street breakdown to unbelievable lows.
All this will happen very soon, most likely by November if not before. My informers are leaving the building. The refuge is in sight.
So much is about to happen that safety is now an urgent element to prioritize. January will be too late to proceed successfully.
I recommend a small parcel of land in the relatively higher elevation wooded hills, somewhere the masses will avoid in the beginning. Perhaps very remote between hills, with a natural stream, and wildlife, and an area cleared for some agricultural work, i.e. garden, and of course communication equipment to be used off the grid, fans and water bottles, food, generators, fuel, oil, bicycles, but mostly battery operated equipment, and some kind of EMF copper wiring protection around your perimeter, and perhaps some defense equipment, monitor/camera surveillance equipment, and warning devices, satellite dishes.
Sounds extreme, but the hungry masses will not care much about spiritual values and brotherly love and respect - sad to say.
People just will not believe what is about to happen to society over the next few years. I find it all very hard to believe even myself. But I know the game plan, and it does not include even us. We are at war with an unseen enemy who has been practicing on us for a good while. We are all considered to be useless consuming animals.
Then a day later, our friend sent us this:
This will probably be my last contact with you, as I plan to move shortly. The only reason I will contact you again, if contact is even possible, is to provide exact details of anything I can learn if at all possible.
I enjoyed the last report with Michael St.Clair.
He is basically on target. His work has been followed very closely. I do not believe he is in any direct danger at this point.
Most people just have no real clue as to what is ahead. Many do not even want to know, or would even believe it. The programming has been most efficient and reinforced to the point that people will swear that they have not been programmed, when in fact they are heavily programmed.
Michael St.Clair is a good person. His advice to you is more than notable. Not to echo the sentiment carelessly or light heartedly, but the most important thing each person facing the next few years, and whatever future there evolves, is to learn self-reliance. This is beyond imperative if one wishes to survive.
Of course you really have no idea who I am. However, I am who I say, and have worked with the people who make things happen, and control most anything of major import. I have experienced that which movies cannot portray. This is my statement of fact for you now.
I know the importance of my messages. You have already seen the results of many of them. I want to say more, but cannot now, perhaps never.
I want to tell you in a most sincere fashion, that, those whom the reporters refer to as "Zionist" are nothing more than the Rothschilds' henchmen. These people, an army in effect all over the world, many concentrated in the USA right now, many whom are absolutely programmed from birth, are cold-blooded, ruthless killers. They are trained in every aspect of militarization and control. Some are trained to be subtle and can draw into their confidence people from various walks of life, and then do a 180 on them without notice... very frightening folks, I can tell you.
They read all our emails, and know who is doing what, especially of folks like me. You cannot escape the tracing techniques they have in place, which are absolutely mind boggling. I have already been warned in the past about some of my emails.
My immediate source of protection and I have a basic appreciation and respect. What he tells me remains basically confidential, although I do spit out some important data here and there. Also, the fact that the Roths are so close to accomplishing their objectives, Absolute World Control, they are becoming really indifferent to what anyone does or says, as the game is basically finished.
I keep hearing that there is a rather urgent, well-orchestrated multi-faceted situation approaching by fall. I hear about October, but the exact date I have not been able to learn: a worldwide problem that will also include the financial community, at the very least a rapidly escalating world financial collapse on a magnitude never seen before.
Tell your readership that preparation for world changes need to be considered, not out of fear, but something like, let's just say, a massive hurricane in the Gulf. It's coming our way, but we just do not know quite when it will hit, so we intelligently prepare for the eventuality.
Self-reliance is the key to our future.
peace on ya
Nice response folks - thanks!
Amazingly enough - I thought I was going to receive a flurry of negative response.
Taco Dog:
Excellent idea, so a little review?
That is quite a long list...
So you asking how what they know reflects with what I know? I'd say - turn it around ... what do they say that backs up my knowledge?
I'll watch the videos and reply at each and everyone if that is your wish - I like listening to them while I deal with other issues - like my second job - "coms" with everyone else (SC/S:B/TOP/SFNG/SP)
The interesting this now is the the two men whom the post is related to ... ...nary have they said a word.
In response to Taco dogs post:
Dressed as he is - not interested.
Seen it - hes right - and wrong - yet - he's got some great connections on the inside. Ill re-view and post latter.
Ninja's want to take out the "Illuminati"???
Who nelly - I can see the so called fiscal elite - but farmers, carpenters and plumbers?
I'm listening to it now...
To add some validity to blasted's post. A friend of ours recently tried to purchase some freeze dried foods and couldn't. They are all on back order because the government is buying it all up.
The company's response to when any will be available: "Go ahead and place an order. We don't know when anything will be available or how much we are going to charge for it."
WTF indeed!
Hi all and Sorry for not posting much. Have been so busy, but I always lurk and catch up on what's new here and at FSHOD.
Thanks Sword for the response. Looking forward to hearing more.
Clamytoe/Blasted/ssl4000g good to hear from you and Ion, Gort, Robert - all great posts, keeps me up to date :)
Sword: Your blog just gets more interesting by the day...the closer we get to d-day the more disclosure? How soon is soon? Blasted's post re: timeline for the hit the fan by October/November this year. Is that about what your timeline is?
Did you notice on the Kaboom site - my post has "simply: disappeared" and yet ... yours has not?
tacodog said...
Sword: Your blog just gets more interesting by the day...the closer we get to d-day the more disclosure? How soon is soon? Blasted's post re: timeline for the hit the fan by October/November this year. Is that about what your timeline is?
Certainly as it seems, THIS year is supposedly the year that the $h!t is going to hit the fan.
Go ahead Taco type shit.
Its easy.
Don't be afraid of cursing here - I have heard more dirty word combo's as a Chaplin than perhaps any man alive.
Shit, is a great word.
You can say shit all day.
Don't be afraid of SHIT.
Sorry - little poking there but when I see S*** i think - WTF is up with that SHIT.
Anyway ... any-who ...
THIS year - disclosure of some small scale shall come from ONE of the three blogging Captains you have come to know and love...
...which one?
The one whom has been absent the longest...
SO its a SHIT and wait.
I heard and understood everything you'v said.
I am mulling over a response and starting anew political site basedon the antithesis of only it is being developed on the .net domain I registeed when I got it. I have another lesson on getting it going and ready for content, RSS feeds, hosting movies, e-books, pdfs, and also to be able to do "rapid-response" to developments as well as be a repository on some of our most important historical moments...what has gone by in the past...where you could help by telling HOW we asscended to the Solar System Wide Civilization we had to the depths we found in Sumeria to re-build with nothing but sticks and stones.
It may end-up being a blog-post for your blog rather than mine. But it will take more than a week to "simmer" what you have said and try to understand the 'nuance' of if I and my wife can't work because we and other older people can't work the land...then we are basically out of the loop and likely to die.
Not a bright prospect and from a "techical" viewpoint...I still cannot understand why SWORD must wait until the threat is so close to Earth...especially with that fellow showing giant spaceships above our heads now.
I will reply in time.
couple unrelated? YouTube videos?
Runs on Water Pt1
9-11 TOTAL PROOF Multiple Explosions
Taco dog:
Benjamin Fulford
Is this guy drunk?
Fulford drunk? Hope not. Would be kind of nice if the ninja's took out the corruption asap and the people of our world worked together to clean it up and live happily ever after; but I'm not going to hold my breath on what he says. Good Read tho don't you think?
I dunno.
he is right - yet wrong - yet, personally ,I am but at the end of part two.
I personally don't have an issue with "ninjas" taking out the so called fiscal elite - and stating as much - might get me censored - as has been as of late - across at least two different blogs I have seen as of late...
In the end - this jives with SWORD.
Love to have a sit-down - - - but it will never happen.
Still in part two of THIS MANS disclosre...
Midnight oil
Robert - thanks for replying - I was loooking for a pulse...
Please explore some of your topics on a wider scale...
Fulford = Crazy
Moving on.... . .
The news across all fronts seems to get worse by the minute. More financial failures, the ME saber rattling, political frictions over Africa and the info we share here. We are seeing a great unraveling.
Some I have spoken to know "something" is not quite right. Most though, complete denial.
I hear a sword on the absent captain. MWAV 7, looking forward to it. Also on Proj Camelot, it seems John Lear was given some non-airbrushed Lunar Orbiter photos. Will be interesting to see what comes of that.
Glad to be part of the action.
Sorry for my nary a word.
Back soon.
Carrying a Heavy load...all eighteen pounds of her. ;)
re: s.h.i.t.
...and blessings to George Carlin....that guy was good shit, knew shit, and told funny shit.
o.k. a quick one.
So, a hundred thousand people serve secret...for the good of humanity in a multinational group.
In the midst of all of this conspiracy world domination...Planned War etc where do 'you guys' SWORD fit into that?
Are you a division that is the solution after the Fall or merely a Pentagon part of the same game we see before us now?
Military is often thought to be the checks and balances against deviant governments or other entities. The Canadian Military my Father showed me was very orderly and upright. More succinctly, they were extremely intelligent.
Seeing that in you guys, as we are all really brothers and neighbors here, surely you are not pawns in this late epoch power play of the elites? This is where I have become confused. Trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Tks from laying out 'The Works'. So much infused it that...some thought needed.
...oh ya.
CF-100 all weather interceptor/fighter
(Father on the right)
surely an inspiration for the X-Wing. :)
I just checked and your post is still there. Not sure what happened there if it was removed. They might have put it back when they noticed that you noticed...
Nice timing on that post too, btw...
11 July 2008 00:33
A lot of stuff to mull over.
Not quite sure what to say yet.
Just wanted to let you all know I appreciate you all being here.
Thank you.
Looks like a lot of people (my self included) are going to want and deserve a crash course in paradigm shift.
"...for the times they are a-changing!" (--Bob Dylan)
New blog post written:
The ZION land...
Editing, making photos, should be up today.
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