...may the Father help me...
...where are we going ? And has anything changed?
I would say ... no.
We are on track...
....with some let downs...
Still on track - - - with PD...
So... ...I have laid some things out with the last post that - in my mind at least - quells the disbelieve of what I have previously been trying to say: That THIS Swords blogg has done: GOOD, has spread KNOWLEDGE, and has LEAD OTHERS into knowing....
...now with that being said... ...the road is wide open... ...a road being a trial... ...a road being a path...
...pathfinder’s are we all... ...so thus... ...you pathfinder’s...
...what’s next?

The UNIT SWORD should be prepared to LAND with BGR’s in IRAN for certain operations under the current administrations - short lived - orders...
In a recent sit down with TOP - a certainty was reached - that if we go into IRAN , (geee - - - what are the chances) we are going - and GOING IN FORCE. Certainly we did not start out as an support unit to an invasion - certainly we did not start out as a front line unit of destruction - unless that county was a producer of any sort of controlled substance - however - our roles change by the means of the orbit as it seems - and follow the orders of ...TOP ... we will...
The wheels in the sky - they do seem to keep turning...
...so the men can take heart that the overall goal is truly knowledge and not seemingly - un-adult-too rated - - destruction...
...Museums - destroyed? Sure... ...we did it last time - we will do it this time... ...and as last time - we will clean the barn out ...things here are closer to SUBJECT MATERIAL than ever before...
...I do not yet know if I will be boots on the ground this time around - as I am getting to be an old man - apparently (As if they could stop me)- but the respect must be given before we blow the living shit out of everything we see - understand?
... ...does anyone?

Indeed - how AM I to know the next step?
Indeed - how am I... ...to know... ...anything?
War is near - and every complete and every heal-hardened bone in my body can feel it - and ! - and I - honestly - can’t wait...
...Two pages closer to disclosure?

...the last post?
...not really a whimper in the grand scale of things - yet - as planned (not previously planned - but seat o’ur-shorts planned) - slipping ourselves into a realm where it can’t be said that we didn’t say something ahead of time...
Reminded me of the old joke about the first person to multi-task on computers....
she had one hand on an APPLE and the other hand on a WANG.
Loved the 1942 new world moral order map (Hmmm just had a dyslexic moment with 1942 and 1492)
anyway, I'm sure BU would have a field day with no. 26 -- Hebrewland.
Raytheon wins $76 million Army contract
motion-detector-on-a-stick :)
3:33 left on my laptop and I find myself sitting here pondering what the heck to say about this Blog.
I get the bigger picture about Iraq and the massive establishment of bases/towns there. Huge scale really.
I get that the issues with Iran have never really 'faded' since back in the days after the Shah etc. I recall we posted previously about the numerous planes that seem to be crashing in Iran. So there we re hints at a quiet war that had already been going on for some time and notably during the recent Iraq times. O.k. so some unfinished business with those Iranians who seem to be fomenting a lot of the troubles in the background of a number of countries especially Iran. So, perhaps more than just oil, it was necessary to 'secure' the middle east...once and for all. You hint Sword with a link that suggests the 'Arabs' would be happy about it.
O.k., but from there, is there a point to resolving the Iranian thorn and establishing 'order' there as a bridge to the premise of the whole off world angle you are alluding so boldly to?
Other worlds revealed in the links. Earth like, super sized in fact, seemingly more common now than previously 'believed'.
What is your shift from a classic big war kind of story to the space angle? Please elaborate.
Everything is traveling. The Galaxy even is in forward momentum toward Hydra. Thus the Solar System too. As many people already know we appear to be about to dip below the Galactic Equator and are now thoroughly aligned with the galactic center at 90%. So humanity moves too. You have alluded to the space faring nomad aspect previously as well. As Wayne Herschel and others are showing, we did not start out 'here'. We ended up here.
You have suggested we are about to see some new waring conflict apparently with your unit now involved, which was supposed to be now space troops, and you have disclosed the coming FALL from a debris field that will soon pass and now you are onto the themes of 'others' or other worlds elsewhere.
Becoming a bit of a long and winding road of a story.
How about summarizing your feelings of how all this is in relation?
typo: those Iranians who seem to be fomenting a lot of the troubles in the background of a number of countries especially IRAQ.
I hope things are going well for you. Take care.
I find it amazing that by simply asking questions, I'm labeled a Troll by you. It's easy to "direct" those who don't challenge you in any way, but where you "make your money" is by "guiding" those who think your full of shit.
I've been reading along, believe me. I'll be the first to admit, I have not addressed my questions and issues with you in a very straightforward manner and that needs to change, and it will.
Trolls pretend to be someone who they are not. With me, what you see is what you get. I'm not stupid, far from it. Don't treat me like it, it's insulting.
Quick hint (before I read anymore)...
You hint Sword with a link that suggests the 'Arabs' would be happy about it.
The leadership of IRAN is in deep doo-do with its people... ...despite all odds - Iranian people are very western - and have infused there culture with ours - yet retaining there heritage and believe systems - sounds ODD - but I have it on the HIGHEST authority...
...so SWORD & COMPANY (not platoon strength anymore) CAN NOT & WILL NOT wage total war... (burnt earth strategy)...
end quick hit...
How about summarizing your feelings of how all this is in relation?
errrmmm what?
Summary of what exactly?
SWORD is not a primary "Space Troop" its the newest and MOST exciting "angle" of our duty (Sword/M-33)...
...we earned the right... ...and looking for more... ...our primary duties ARE ground forces - specialties - in - well... :-)
I think I understand your point your trying to make as far as a long winded story...
Sword is not a simple unit of thirty men anymore... ...at least from MY perspective with my peace of the pie...
...SWORD started long ago with the "older brothers" - now its the younger brothers... ...the older brothers they got things started (understatement of the year) ... ...so that WE, this younger generation of "younger brothers" could move forward...
...I am pretty positive we are doing a good job.
SWORD in its total strength - is a heavy battalion strength...
1-17th..."For the gospel, I am set for its defense" ... started long ago - and I - though a small unit of thirty bodies - thirty three entities - the scout/recon/anti-narcotic group was formed in SWITRO 94' ...
... where is SWORD PROPER (You've seen me send messages to them) ... started SWITRO '07 (as in 1910)...
So - if there is confusion - I am sorry - there is SWORD & SWORD/M-33, and of course a unnamed unit that I handpicked from an officer pool myself that drives and leads(currently) the BGR'S... ...we don't have pilots - you DRIVE the dam thing...
nuff said (for now)...
If that do'sent elaborate - let me know...
Sword, thanks for you further details.
I didn't say 'long winded' ;) , I said: "Becoming a bit of a long and winding road of a story. "
We've really meandered here and there and so from recent subjects like the Navy/etc ships in orbit that remain largely unknown to the main body of the world to various disclosures about Mars and the Moon and now to an imminent new large scale conflict with Iran, I am just a little confused as to the 'linkage' of it.
....and what about that Star? ya the one that passed/crossed over Bethlehem and then fell in seven pieces. Any thoughts on why the whole reverence for a 'Saint Sophia'?
Hi Sword,
I must admit that I was really surprised to see the pre-cursor of your missions being detailed by the Nova Astrospies special.
So I guess that it's safe to assume that the manned spy project wasn't canceled, but moved "underground".
I really love all of these little tidbits that you've been dishing out. Keep them coming.
On the "star"...
2008 isnt nearly over yet - should be able to see it in 2008 is what I said...
I'll get to the rest lates
So I guess that it's safe to assume that the manned spy project wasn't canceled, but moved "underground".
yeah - I said that awhile ago... ...no shame... ...no one seems to be listening to the details...
...or... ...are they?
REDHORSE ASSOCIATION - Air Force Beefs Up RED HORSE capabilities.
There are two items that I'm really zeroing in on, Space Colonization and State Sovereignty. I'll address the Sovereignty issue later, because it is much more entailed and convoluted.
My question to you about Space Colonization is this:
After reading Biological Effects of Weightlessness, What technology and processes exist to combat:
* Space Sickness
* Long-term mission effects including harm to astronauts blood, muscles, and, most importantly, their bones along with the effects derived from the
redistribution of bodily fluids
* The complexity of biological reproduction in space?
According to this article,
If humans are ever to live and work in space for more than a year or so,
the only solution is probably to build spinning space stations to provide the
illusion of weight
Although science fiction has focused on human colonization of
relatively earthlike bodies such as our moon, Mars, and Jupiter’s icy moon
Europa, there would probably be no practical way to build large spinning
structures on their surfaces. If the biological effects of their 2-3 m/s squared gravitational accelerations are as harmful as the effect of g=0, then we may
be left with the surprising result that interplanetary space is more hospitable
to our species than the moons and planets.
This analysis seems spot on to me, so if we are left with colonizing interplanetary space as our only alternative, I'd rather "go down with our Mother Ship (Earth)" than wander in the vacuum of space .
What am I missing?
After reading Biological Effects of Weightlessness, What technology and processes exist to combat:
* Space Sickness
* Long-term mission effects including harm to astronauts blood, muscles, and, most importantly, their bones along with the effects derived from the
redistribution of bodily fluids
* The complexity of biological reproduction in space?
Space Sickness? Take your dramanime... ...seriously though - sometimes you just got to tuff it out...
Short term 0-g is really not an issue - yet we have had this "long term issue" - they/we have know about that for QUITE SOMETIME. Thats why the SWORN was upgraded to gravity plates (I have no idea how they work) and the only way they work (apparently) is because the Sworn has a large enough power plant to handle it..
I have never had issues with biological reproduction in space... ... :-) (what you didnt see taht coming?
Where not going to build massive colonies IN SPACE.
We will of course land on planets and moons and simply ADAPT - it might take a few generations on mars - but healthy viable humans with there genetics naturally adjusted WILL happen...
...those who "went native" don't seem to be having any harmful long term effects... :-x
I suppose the gravity plates help a lot with the plumbing...
(getting back to the discussion in the comments section of your previous blogg).
Ever since the days of Alan Shepherd, Gus Grissom, John Glenn, etc. (when I was in grade school) there's always been that lingering question...
so how do astronauts go to the bathroom in space?
I bet they don't use JAP Crappers!
Speaking of those who "went native," I suppose you could call them "ex-pats," except they probably know a lot more about space or Mars than Expat...
And if the majority of the Americans on Mars who are elegible to vote cast their votes for Obama, would that change the Red Planet to a blue planet?
We will of course land on planets and moons and simply ADAPT
Forgive me if I'm not satisfied with that answer. It sounds Darwinian, and that theory does not answer the most profound questions of the Human Being.
What makes the HUman BEing special is not the physiology of height, weight, bone structure, muscle structure, etc. Granted we do have opposible thumbs (which I continually tease my dogs and cats about). We can manipulate matter and thus put energy to use.
What makes us special is our minds, our hearts, and our souls.
Humanity should not necessarily be planet specific, or galaxy specific, for that matter. And it would seem foolish to try to
limit GOD's creative ability...
Thats my "dos centavos"...
(or "Dos Equis", although I prefer "Corona" or "Bohemia")whatever.
DNA Precursors In Meteorite Confirmed As Extraterrestrial
(comment 20, or 19.5)
The Fool said...
We will of course land on planets and moons and simply ADAPT
Forgive me if I'm not satisfied with that answer. It sounds Darwinian, and that theory does not answer the most profound questions of the Human Being.
Sorry if that doesn't fully answer your question.
Its just the long term plan I have heard about.
It makes no economical sense in the near term (hundreds of years) to build giant spinning stations - which would have to economical viable themselves - meaning all substance and waste used and reused...
...totally not expressing what I am trying to say...
In your opinion, how does the US Bankruptcy effect State Sovereignty?
Nor does it make "economical sense" in the near term to re-do Apollo on Steroids. The ONLY way to have those plates work is because SWORD/SWORN (a NEW monicker to decipher?) has ALREADY got the Anti-Gravity ships, ALREADY have the ABILITY to create habitats in SPACE and NOT just Mars, and misc moons...and MUCH of these has been ALREADY outed by the Disclosure Project of Greer and others.
In addition...if this is all on some "MASONIC" timetable as you claim...Flying Saucers and ANTI-G was here at the LAST FALL...WHY did the "Great Plan" (which you NOW admit and as I said before was on the QRONG FRACK PATH to begin with) leave all of humanity to struggle back up from the ashes of the last FALL?
Or did you folks just find in the Grand Canyon back in the early part of this century and not USE it NOW and let the poor frackers like us bleed for oil to run a motor to run a car or heat or homes?
Nope...my Dad's death has afffected me greatly SWORD and has SHARPENED my bullshit meter to a FINE point.
You say the MASONS aren't evil...are they just greedy motherfrackers and keeping all this to themselves for all these eons? And also if there were ETI's...why haven't they been allowed MASS contact with humans by the SWORD units?
Major Donald Keyhoe was right...there IS a program to keeep ALL OF THIS high technology for the superior few and NOT spread the wealth even amoung our own citizens to save our citizens.
ALL politics is local and the brutal truth is...what have you done lately for ME that I didn't already KNOW or have a pretty good idea of what's up with the tech in this area ?
My answer tonight is...nada.
Some nifty stories and links...
But "break-through Disclosure"?
Greer's REAL Military folks coming out in the open are the real heroes and it is too bad that the MASONIC elitist mainstreamer media is suppressing ALL of this at EVERY turn which Stephen Bassette recently documented and may have turned an election...that so far...your prediction of McCain/Hilllary is wrong...just like the "Golden Path" we are on...may be GOLDEN for the golden boys and girls of the MASONS...but is a solid tar pit for the rest of us leading straight to destruction.
nuff said for now...moving on.
btw..FOOL...Thank you for your condolances it IS very MUCH appreciated. Seeupdate to my site front page.
How the controlling "elite" look out for us:
Oil Gambling by the FED Govt
See any "MASONIC" help coming the us 'common folk'?
And it keeps getting on and on and on down this "MASONIC GOLDEN PATH" paved with poor mans' lives, limb, blood and money:
Missing Iraq Money for "Insiders"
Keep going we are ready for ruin...
By God the American People are actually BEGGING to become ripped off and poor...to be left drifting on top of houses while their National Guard Troops which WOULD and COULD have come and rescued them are busy building "elitists" compounds in IRAQ for it's forever occupation.
Gawd I'm on a roll...heading for Iran and a regime change SWORD?
Iran attack = WWIII
Masons' Kwisatz Haderach
Sleep safe America we're in such good hands.
Now this is global warming. Flaming Hot.
Where is the heart?
I hear of plans, I hear of layers.
I hear of a festering world of players.
I hear of people who live as 'others'.
I hear of a humanity that seems to have forgotten we all had mothers.
By hard or by soft we will all learn of prior unity.
The players get to play only till the end of days.
...when Robert gets on a roollll...
...within any organization your going to have a few rotten apples...
...money smoney...
If you don't like the way things are going - REVOLT - start a revolution - burn the current establishment to the ground!
What am I the spokesman for the whole damm masonic order? I'm just a guy who got lucky - right family - right upbringing (and no I was not raised "silver spoon" style, we where average middle class) - and I had the guts and balls to do something about the things I saw wrong with this country.
Now I am a bit older - and have quite a few more responsibilities than the average man. Sure - we got crazy administrations - plans within plans and secret plans within secret plans - but it still changes nothing.
All those ill-gotten gains will do them no good as the playing field of life will with certainty - be brought back to ground zero.
Rich or poor will have equal chances of survival. After "The Fall" - money and possession won't mean a dam thing.
It will be up to the private militias to do there thing - and restore the balance.
With that in mind - Blackwater - AKA "Dark Paw" - has been put on notice - they are NOT a legitimized militia by the USA - they are mercenaries who's goal is fool's gold...
...and will be eliminated like diseased dogs if they dare challenge the might of the SWORD...
...the so called "Masonic Golden Path" is not without its detractors (ahem) and with that being said - coming from the the inside looking in - INDEED Robert - there are a few things that do need to be changed... ...all in do time - and when the time is ripe.
I am not the only future Knight (K-Promotable) that feels this way.
Your going to get what you want - just not when you want it.
Sorry about your father.
He will see.
He has seen.
For he lives in the Kingdom of our father - and those things previously unknown to him - are given justly - and now - he waits... ...for you....
The gangs all here...
and where right on top of each other...
Is this situation calling for a chat room?
I remember what happened the last time... ...maybe if we started something like that the "Skeleton Crew" could set up an "Overwatch".... .... hmmmm? ... ..... .......
The Fool said...
In your opinion, how does the US Bankruptcy effect State Sovereignty?
It doesn't.
Federal money and state money are two different things. Thats why you pay State taxes - and Federal taxes.
States are sovereign from the federal government in big ways - its only a very few that actually flex the muscles of the LAW... ...like my home state of Arizona.
Where ready.
Where ready already.
Out here its still the very wild west.
Did you have a chance to check out:
The state of Oklahoma has recently done something very similar... ...and those "Okies" - I like there fighting men - ALLOT...
(it helps as well to have a self funded, federal and state approved, militia on hand to... ...before you give the FED the finger)
Hey Sword you KNOW I did NOT mean any of the above to attack YOU on a personal level...even if it seems to come out that way...it was NOT intended that way...it was meant for...
Yet...they did nothing...tmk to change things.
You say I'll "get what I want just not when"...well with Dad gone I KNOW to a better place (remember I've been on the doorstep 6 times and tried to get in 3 of them) the WHEN i wanted was WHEN he was HERE on this PLANE with me...so now if to comes...the when matters less to me as it did before. Sorry about that but just the way it is...but as for Revolution frackin-A I am in a revolution mode...just got to figure out HOW to get it done with the meager means I have.
you say money smoney...
Easy to say when you're drawing more than $1700 a month in these times with a mortgage and a paralized wife and meds, fuel oil, food, and everything else...along with health wise.
So...again....this "BLAST" above was certainly not directed at your on a personal level...if you took it that way (even the McCain/Hilary crack)...then you took it wrong in the way it was intended...for all I know that "ticket" was handed down from TOPS and sometime tomorrow in UNION, NH....that ticket might happen when they take out Obama.
PS..a "chat" room needs more folks and is a faster -paced environment...I think many of us are into too many other things at the moment for it to be viable...at some point I plan to have one in a re-vamped commonsensecentra site...but not right now.
Rob - relax already - i am starting to understand (HAVE) WHY you are having constant heart attacks...
...its allllll gooooooodddddd my brother...
...why dont you roll a fatty and chill ... ... for once?
The population is as the population dose - time and time again - as through real unquenched history - DOES...
...the cycle repeats itself...
...and here we are... ...once again - at the peak of society - and we are going to destroy ourselves - yet this time around...
...the holy father - who does command us...
...has given us oppurtiney - to stop our ways and listen to all thge signs and unite under one banner - that banner - humanitarian earth - but - like before - we did not listen - and like before - we where forced to dark times - dark ages - and forced to relive ALL again and again...
And then the renaissance came...
We where so sick of those times and we broke our bonds...
...only to relive the SAME story that many have written BEFORE us...
Robert... ... may you live in interesting times... ...for you do...
(i could have gone on for many pages)
mmmmmm java....
A world of such pleasures, yet we(man) spend soooo much time practicing pain.
As Sword referred to these times, .....time for a 'pheonix' moment...flaming reboot.
The religionists fouled the field this time. bad
Falsified the truth, altered sacred word, molested our children, hoarded trinkets, warring and jihading by only the motives of stupid men,....the list could go on.
Robert's heart shouts in anguish at a world of sorrow......exclusively made by man.
Onward and upward is all I can these days. 7UP.
This domain is pooched.
Some of us shine in the midst, but 'this isn't the all'.
We who feel, have fuel, and will move forward. ...and beyond...like the eagle who simply soars higher than the dam pestering crows. (even though it could slay them with ease)
typo: Onward and upward is all I can say these days. 7UP.
Be the coppertop, brighten enlighten, be ready to move on.
The Father is always right here. For whatever this place doth appear, it is but a distraction, really a some.thing quite queer.
Do not invest in this environ of a place. It is but schism, a separation of a self face.
o.k. too deep for this hour of the morn.
All I know is the human heart shouted in lonely anguish of this age of despair and the sorrow was heard.
These times will NOT be merely about destruction and wretched human decay whilst that may appear to be what is at play.
The rest for you all will self reveal.
Yes, that was the F-Shod chaplain bring'n da word....da 33 word.
This public service announcement brought to you by the few... who care.
Sagan summed it up, man again is becoming a victim of the vicious circle. Are we too blind to learn from past mistakes? Or, are we so absorbed by meeting our daily obligations that we are unable to look past all that, into ourselves, and discover what it is said the ancients already knew.
Again, power over the many will take its' toll and a civilization will pay the price. How much and what will happen afterward?
There are differing voices shouting the warnings. Who is right? Religion is by far considered the most "truth" by the majority. They are, by far, the most closed minded. I have thought deeply about global consciousness and what benefits it may have. It would, IMO, help us keep a handle on destructive behavior thereby helping all, not just the few.
Is the truth of one, the truth of all? Not today it isn't. All vie for top dog in this area. And again, the masses remain influenced in a non-productive way stuck in the rut that has never gone away. The circle is closing again. Why?
Sagan summed it up, man again is becoming a victim of the vicious circle
It may seem so, but that circle is more like a spiral. It never returns to the same place. It is constantly building on itself, whether it is realized or not.
The why questions, by their very nature are impossible to answer, except by those who, or by that which, knows the purpose. And that may not even be known. That is the mystery of Freewill and that is what sets the Human Being apart from all other Kingdoms.
We are all on a path of discovery and rediscovery, again, whether we realize it or not. It's all about timing and readiness.
States are sovereign from the federal government in big ways - its only a very few that actually flex the muscles of the LAW
What Law is that?
What Law does the UN abide by?
The diffference can be as mundane as "L Spacebar"
or as metaphysical as real.izing:
"we are not alone." ...
I hear ya on the spiral thing Fool. Seems like the same results just in a different time and place.
Freewill, we are told we have that. Don't we? I am sure there is such thing as freewill that has a whole different meaning than what is here now. At least my optimistic part says so.
That Sagan thing really summed up a lot. But, he didn't really do anything about it either.
Hey I hear you all and appreciate the comments...I am a bit calmer..and stillalive...got some samples for the meds i was supposed to be taking for cholestrerol...I eat too many Sub sandwiches and toast...love hot toast w butter n jam or PnB.
So I am a bit more mellow tonight...I am getting some things I needed to try and fix these two machines along with more freebies for Poser and started a new Question for the CSC site so I can post n host some nifty and funnier than hell small movies...as I proomised MY FATHER...THAT is the medium I will help bring out the things that need saying...since this is a "you-tube" generation and I have no digital video camera and won't be able to get one for another year or longer...then creating worlds in Bryce and Poser and other software and animating that world to tell a story is the way forward...so I am collecting the bits n pieces I can and making do without what I cannot get until another year goes by.
Thanx for all the thoughts and Ion....you have a POET in ya man and as a fellow poet...I KNOW it...pretty darn good stuff there.
New blogg post in the works?
Remember back in the day when I spoke of the three major forts?
One was in Arizona - One was in Alaska - and one was in... ...Utah?
Anyone care to guess Utah's fort local?
Sword, my first guess would be DPG -- Dugway Proving Grounds.
But after a little digging, I now think it might be Tooele Army Depot.
Tooele Army Depot's Mission
To provide America's Joint Fighting Forces with Munitions and Ammunition Peculiar Equipment in Support of Military Missions Before, During and After any Contingency
(Right Ammunition and Equipment, Right Place, Right Time, Right Quality)
The only other active military installation in Utah would be Hill AFB -- but you said "fort" so I'm thinking Army.
I did find this somewhat unrelated tid-bit on the Hill AFB web site:
Former ESC commander receives Order of the Sword
Some interesting stuff heere.
See especially pp. 32-36
Bob, cut out the bread. Do not use anything with ASPARTAME under any circumstances--like diet soft drinks.
Don't eat peanut butter with hydrogenated oils -- try smuckers natural (stirrup the oil into the pb and keep it in the fridge).
Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts...
Don't thinkof it as a diet.. think of it as eating healthy.
(I'm not a nutritionist, I just play one on the blogg)
Get out and take a walk or ride a bicycle once in awhile. :)
on the video thingy:
how about a cheap digital camera, some clay, and a GIF animation programme.
I think you are on the right track about the medium and the "you tube" generation. Looking forward to seeing some "nifty and funnier than hell small movies."
Off the wall question here:
Was Hitler a Mason that got tired of waiting on the "Masonic Timeline" and decided to make things happen in his lifetime; who then had to be quieted and tucked away in Antarctica/South America?
...more on that from a Sword proper stance.... ....later....
My condolences. Going to have to walk that journey with my Father in near future too. Tks for you poetic encouragement. Appreciate that. A spontaneous flow that one was, arising out of your post.
Sword: They still call an underground facility a 'Fort'?
I know you used the term 'city' previously which was perhaps more of a descriptive than anything.
Have you ever traveled the maglev from one Fort to another?
A city would be just an underground facility...
A fort would/does have defenses...
Gort appreciate the concern but being OFF the choleserol meds for so long is what is hurting me...the docs and some fols can't get that I eat only ONE meal a day...today it was only HALF a sub and a few chips. Tmorrow I'm cooing chicken for the wife and one pork chp for me and a mediu potatoe between the both of us... I realy don't eat much...you'd think I would have the munchies all day LOL... but I don't even do much of that either...I think it was lack of adequate health care system like they have in Canada which has caused much of some of my current issues with getting meds.
before someone goes of on a rant about how the big pahram and big medicine machine makers in the US being the best in the wrorld BECAUSe of 'Capitalism' I agree...but in the old capitalistic equatio equaling E-MC2 comes Assets=Liabilities + Equity.
I've written about this before and posted the link.
America Inc.
Right now people are like Florida and Michagan delegates and old time slaves...we are less than one person/share...and THAT is wrong with how the Accoutning equation is being manipulated and used today.
Anyooo I can't even get a $100 digital camera since that $ 100 is already targted for the 240V 8A electric heater from LOWES I have to install before next winter. I don't have one of those "Iraqui Bundles of US Cash" that were shipped over in planeload after planeload on pallets stacked 5 foot high of MONEY...good ol fresh printed US Buck-a-Roos...and GIVEN AWAY FREE.
Would have loved to have been visiting iraq that day and have just ONE (1) of those bundles...
but alas no...
breathe inbreathe out and move forward...and ion I know the trepidation...my advice see him as oftern as you can and always tell him you love him as parting words.
my site is going to be sloooooowwwlllllyyyy get updated with 30GB of mater at about 80KB/s upload speed. Even Frontpage timed out and had to resort to ftp to get this data up from the MRO Comulbia Hills data and other 3D renered movies I've made and a few "Generational Gems" made by others.
for now that's it...
oops no...SWORD...get Wikipedia to put Stehpen Bassette's name BACK on the list on allowed contributers AND to allow his "Disclosure" material to be posted in Wikipedia...if your "TOPS" are serious about this you've GOT to either LAY-OFF mainstream interference, interefere when you see such happening and push them FOR "Dislcouse", and also quietly pushing mainstream to cover more "Disclosure Type" material.
If all the 'record' of your efforts you want is this blog, then while a good blog, it's NOT getting the MAINSTREAM job done at all...and I personally think "TOPS" may be behind deleting the Bassette "Disclsure" material and THAT...imho...is a no no.
Bob, I did read the poetry you wrote for you Dad on your CSC website. Good job.
I wouldn't think one meal a day would be good for anyone, but if it is working for you and your wife who is to judge?
I have an acquaintance who has proposed to teach an honors class at a nearby university. The subject is the UFO phenomena and government cover-up/disclosure.
He has shared with me the proposed sylabus, but I want to ask him first if it is ok to share with others. He has proposed it for the coming school year, but last time I checked he has not heard back from the school. :(
Thanx Gort about the letter.
As meals..my wife eats two and snacks for a third for lunch. She HAS to have her breakfast and CoCo with sausages egggs and a toast.
Me I may snack in the evening near the computer but mostly not.
As for your teacher's plans on teaching a "Disclosure" type subject OUTRIGHT...i,e instead of somehow incorporating with his/her other subject matter...that would be a MAJOR breakthrough for the University/scientific ELITE to allow that to happen...even on a one semester honors class. I hope he makes it...and if denied appeals to the Board of Directors of the College he is teaching at.
Another thing that might help, if denied, is try to find out WHO is biggest alumni donor to the school and convince THAT person the class SHOULD be taught...THAT could changeminds if THAT person was on board with it...but no guarantee...in my case my firing order came from NASA Hdqtr in Washington to President of the ENTIRE NY state SUNY system to the lowly local college President. Who was the awarded beyond her capabilities to run ALL the community colleges in NY State...she now teaches as small school 1/4 the size of CCC was somewhere in Conteticut I think.
Hope this goes well and he allows posting or on-line dissemnation of his lesson plan and also set-up like on-line synopses of your class discussions. All would be KEWL.
In your mind, is there a difference between Law and Statute, and if so, what is it?
I'm continuing to collect "data" and have been for quite some time.
Thanks for your input, it's quite helpful.
Thats my "dos centavos"...
(or "Dos Equis", although I prefer "Corona" or "Bohemia")whatever
Do you have Pacifico Clara in Missouri?
The best Mexican beer, hands down.
You ain't drank beer untill you have a :
My LT introduced me to my secret "look who brought what to the party" ... beer.
Hard to find - and expensive - for a reason...
I'll get to the rest latter...
New blog post - on hold (aka - haven't written it...)
You ain't drank beer untill you have a :
My LT introduced me to my secret "look who brought what to the party" ... beer.
Hard to find - and expensive - for a reason...
I'll get to the rest latter...
New blog post - on hold (aka - haven't written it...)
Sword, how did you double post 14 minutes apart?
Maybe he is part of the
hmmmm SWORD?
Your SUN image is a direct screen capture of part of the movie.
That is a Brutal Truth FACT !!!
I'll post similar ones if need be.
Like in "network"...
I'm human being goddamnit n I'm mad as hell.
Open the gates of Area 51 n other such places and let humanity take to the stars...as they are NOW.
Naxi/America/Bildebergers want rfid chips in everyone...finemake it requirement to get off-planet...but leave the rest of us Earthlings ALONE and stop manipulating things toward destruction upon destruction after destruction. Like a person who fights with himself...he has already lost...so too are the "TOPS".
That may be - but i pulled that image from a google image search - so - It could have come from this movie - but I did not remove it from the movie purposely...
Fair enough on the picture.
But do the Bildegers control "TOPS" and thus "SWORD" the unit...not the man?
Too many tie-ins with what is happening and what the future looks like if we begin from where we are continue down this False Golden Path...for it is ONLY "Golden" for THEM...not for the average Eathling.
Dammit rob - when your right - you MUTHA-FRACKIN RIGHT!!!! ???? !!!!
I'm spinning right now - and have decided to create ahead of my ZION post, a new one - completely dedicated to this INCREDIBLE and AWESOME = TRUTHFUL - AMAZING picace of work...
...Robert - well done - well done indeed...
Questions I hope you find that you can answer as I spend this sleepless evening writing:
Where did you find this - and do you have any background on the author/filmmaker?
Have you contacted this man?
Would he like to go mainstream?
Does he have a blogg?
A method of contact?
Godspeed - paragraphs now written in my head...
...if the fool watches this movie I am sure he will have volumes to say (and I hope he has links to provoke thought)...
...remember folks like Sunkings blog you can post here... ...by permission...
Where is Roberts email...
...where in the hell are my glasses! (a Sword known captains quote)
Sword, be sure to look at the bottom of the page from the link Robert gave to the movie.
There are additional links at the bottom of the page including:
DVD & Downloaads
Contact (but not taking email now)
Activism (under construction)
Interactive Transcript
Q & A
I haven't watched the movie yet, but I did read the transcript (which is only to part 1 so far)
I think Robert may be sleeping tonight. Hope this helps.
I will also be sleeping, most likely.
See also this IMDB - Internet Movie Data Base-- page about Zeitgeist includes a discussion board at the bottom.
Writer/Director = Peter Joseph
It's funny, but the same day that he posted the movie link, I had ran across it a few hours before on youtube. Global consciousness at work?
ooooooh can you smell that smell!
no not the mary jane of the well known song.
Zeitgeist reveals a rude awakening of a summary of MONSTROUS EVIL.
So many, so many apparently bright and smart people utterly duped by a ring of money minions, demons of the lowest order. What a travesty!
Same shit, same game play, same suffering....again as I have said before...completely fabricated by stupid man/ or men.
IF this doesn't truly awaken the sleeping giant to bring them to a very very big FALL. Then surely the meek will not inherit anything, but more suffering by those that contrive in the grandest selfishness I have ever seen.
Richard says the Masons are our friends. SWORD says 'he' serves the higher good. B Fulford plays now to save the Earth for real from the illuminati(yes small i).
I say, now a great nation like America with oh so many people must see what is before them and wash themselves clean of the dirty dogs amongst them, 'banking' on their cooperative passivity and feeding off them like leeches in a stale pond.
I actually didn't right anything last night... ...but wow...
...that movie sure summed up the "bad news" - I'd like to see if latter on down the road if this gentleman would like to do a good news movie...
Might - might - write a post on it.
I thought it would get a ton more of responsese just from the linkage Robert threw up - guess not.
First thank you Sword for recognizing that the SLEEPER has indeed AWAKENED !!!
Second, these men and women are NOT 'stupid'...they run the PLANET for crying out loud!!! They are able to put ANYONE in their pockets and tie the puppet strings around them and make them dance to any tune they wish.
I do NOT think that getting humanity OFF planet Earth in my lifetime is in their plans.
Nor do I think opening up Area 51 technology for the HELPFUL benefit of the human species is in their best interest either...which Sword brigs me BACK to my ORIGINAL idea for beatting these vampires:
SWORD n TOPS proper MUST see the insidious and destructive power these folks have over the entire human population of the planet.
By keeping the secrets of Anti-G and Zero-Point energy locked behind Area 51 and similar places KEEPS THEM IN POWER !!!
ONE....all it would take is ONE !!!
Fying and LANDING in Times Square.
Doesn't even HAVE to get out.
Stay 10-15 minuetes...can make a speech if wanted but I don't think it would be necessary except to say...this is an AMERICAN made craft powered by FREE ENERGY.
The economic "crash" is coming BEFORE any PLanet V crash comes tumbling through the Solar System...this way people would have HOPE and it FORCE...it is the ONLY...repeat the ONLY way to FORCE the elite to turn a new path...to undo all their plans for continued war after war after war until PLanet V comes and Martial Law and we all become even more dependant slaves than we already are upon a more corrupt planet wide conspiracy to control the entire human population.
I DO understand that TOPS and SWORD itself have feelings and likely "limits" on what can be done...but by the SUNGOD man...how long do we have to let these people manipulate the human race behind the masks of power, political and economic and commit these atrocities without ANY "pay-back"?
They are doing it with impunity.
Taking out cartel guys is one thing Sword and I agree...
but man how many more breathen have to die just enrich the bank accounts of these bastards before someone, either on the INSIDE, or with the MILITARY might steps forward and makes the following true?
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. "
I would rather have TOPS n SWORD watching and running this planet than these fucks...come on let's be REAL here.
This movie getting "out there" is a step in the right direction and if Google ever takes it down I can put it BACK up within a 24 hour period from my site. But try getting the mainstream media to cover this is nearly impossible because ALL mainstream are OWNED by the fucks and YOU and TOP KNOW this.
There MUST be an end-run.
Something from the flank they didn't expect...something that once is out there...there's no turning back...there is no HIDING the secrets anymore. There is no other way to fight these people head on...they must out-flanked and landing that thing in Times Square at HIGH-NOON JULY 4 TH...
Well THAT would be
Tessa Dick : One time, our cat Pinky had a mouse cornered in the kitchen.
Phillip K Dick summed up by Wife Tessa.
Phil wanted to save the mouse, so he locked Pinky in the bedroom.
Then Phil tried to chase the mouse outside, but it turned around and ran under the door into the bedroom.
When Phil opened the door, Pinky was standing there with a mouse tail sticking out of his mouth.
Phil concluded that only God can decide who lives and who dies.
Ahemen to IOn..
Robert - im getting to your post... ...still considering alteration on posts
From the mouth of a true LION...
Stay tunned
Zeitgeist..Humph..The truth will set you free.
His name may not have been Jesus and he may not have been born on Dec. 25. But his legacy and his struggle lives in me.
What is "floating" over the hills at the far left side of this picture ?:
This whole grouping of pictures is quite interesting.
I found it amusing that in book 4
excerpts Jesus said to get up an hour before sunrise and embrace a tree.
I didn't know He was a Treehugger!
Gort said...
What is "floating" over the hills at the far left side of this picture ?:
Nothing is floating.
Looks like we have a angled structure reflecting...
...surprised Hogland hasnt jumped on that yet...
...with that being said - why is Bara going to Rosewell?
If I take an emotional step back and look at the motives of this world strategy, I can see in some respects how it 'might' be important to seek to unify the world under one governing.
What becomes outrageous is the motive to sustain and cohere humanity while at the same time fractionating or fragmenting it by the slaying of its own as a mean to an end. Sacrificial lambs of a sort is unacceptable.
Lets say there is a need to unify the globe.
A Necessity.
Lets say maybe Reagan spoke the truth to the UN back in the day about a threat from elsewhere/outer space. Let's say that maybe Lucas was telling a historical Truth with Stars Wars. Lets say perhaps Sword's interest in BSG is more than just fictionally entertaining. ;)
Lets say the increasing emphasis I have seen about debris of androids scattered about Mars etc is based on truth.
So, what might be the mitigating factor that would compel essentially intelligent leaders to steer our world at all cost toward a cohesive single leadership?
Even a spiritual Master like Adi DA speaks of all nations dropping their flags an humanity realizing our 'prior unity' and thus governing itself as a cooperative global community.
So what really is the force motivating this whole re-ordering of the World Order?
I asked SWORD a while back, why would they create and send a space combat unit to intercept a 'debris field' behind the sun? Never got an answer. I presumed it was because these guys were hardened and could keep their wits in a radical situation. But hey, why not miners or other engineers?
So my question remains, what is coming that requires we be completely 'unified' as a world?
I will also add to the Jesus issue that it is my understanding that there is a lineage in humanity of Divine Realizers. They arise in the midst of many of the traditions....and in spite of them.
It is my understanding there was a profound Realizer that the Jesus name was attributed to. The rest about dates etc is surely the myth makers adding and coloring it to suit their agendas.
Regardless of the terrible bastardizations of the God concept, I know from personal and direct and present now experience there is indeed 'a source Divine' that is wholly conscious and interactive. nuff said. The rest is fantasy 'god' making and the tainting of the real truth.
Mike Bara will speaking/lecturing at 1:45 pm on Sat. July 5.
Following a line straight up from the lander leg, there is something where those two hills meet. I did see the thing in the upper left. That is a very staged looking pic imo.
How about the oil (or gas) pipeline valve ahead of the rver, about even with the top of the fender and about 1 tire radius to the left in the picture.
The pipe comes out of the ground in a hump and then goes bback in.
I meant one tire diameter.
Sword, looking back at your question about the three forts, you said one of them was in Utah.
Any chance the fort was in Zion National Monument, owing to its early association with the Annasazi, its later discovery by Mormons, Powell, and "Frontier" Freemont, and the similarity in some respects to the Grand Canyon.??
Bingo - You spoiled it...
That is indeed the next blog post topic.
good work Gort. You should get cookies.
Sword, on another board someone posted a link to this book and I thought you might find it of some value.
Maybe at some point you could make a suggested readings list.
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Gort said...
Maybe at some point you could make a suggested readings list.
Excellent ... idea.
First on the list:
Sun Tzu:Art of war
FM-7-8 (Standard. Infantry soldiers manual)
I know I have a top ten...
Shogun : James Clavell
I really should be posting to the ears of my two most prolific posters, that is Ion and Robert - - - unfourtunetly I am way to busy drinking beer and lisenting to music considering the fact that 99% of Americans believe that Jul 4 was the day that we WON our independence - instead of the day we DECLARED it...
July 4th means ... ...work ahead!
I really should be posting to the ears of my two most prolific posters, that is Ion and Robert
Ahem - of course there is the Gort...
Who is also prolific - yet is like the Swiss.. ... .... never offending...
Another book:
Animal Farm
Anything Karl Marx wrote (believe it our not - not that I believe - but to illustrate things on paper are never as good as they are in practice)
Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars
Brave New world (just for the sex)
The Articles of confederation
The epic of Giglamesh
Hell, I could go on all Knight...
Do I have a top ten yet?
Does anyone else have a top ten?
orders is orders
And more damm...
Going to read the reads - he'll be posting again...
Maybe he would like a "cold" transfer...
Thanks for the Kick Down Ericswan.
Thanks indeed...
He's probably not the first or the last - like more attention drawn to more if you have the info... ...thanks.
Actually he made Captain and has a new blog site up...don't know if he's being more "sensitive" in his postings haven't read enough to have a 'feel' for the feller but all his fans love him so I see no reason not to like either.
He's now at:
Kaboom: A Soldier's War Journal
Hope this helps. I nearly always follow trails of crumbs to see where they might lead :D
Black-I Robotics wins $728,000 Pentagon contract
Here is the home page for the company:
Well then, thats excellent news isn't it Robert?
I do digress - I am sorry that I have not responded to a post you (Robert) made some while back - and to Ions...
My new ... perhaps ... long term ... job in this civilian world has kept me quite busy.
I get to hunt down bad guys in this new job - yet I am attached to a desk. Don't know what to make of it yet - but it pays very well - and baring a recall for THE Iran conflict... ...looks like this may be the civilian side job I have been looking for.
They of course understand the nature of me AND understand that if I leave for duties "above and beyond" that I can return. Job security in the civilian world is just what I have been looking for.
Thanks to T.O.P. for that...
Of course, this will last only a few years until ultimetly we know that Sword & Sword Proper WILL be called into service... ...AGAIN.
Our success or failure with the combined arms of THAT task group... ...will spell out the entire future of mankind.
I think the hardest part of knowing all this is the waiting and the conjecture of what will follow...
I'm starting to get a beer gut...
Sword, if you are Hunt.ing for bad guys, you might want to look in the oval office, the veeps office and in Dallas and Houston.
CEO of Firm That Signed Controversial Iraq Oil Deal Longtime Bush, Cheney Adviser
SWORD - After all this FBS!
SUCK IT UP and lets wait till then|
You WUSS - part wimp and part puss
What a COP OUT!
I can understand the need and want for a civilian back-up job, my two step-sons are looking for ones now. One is AF IAS and is about to retire as is his wife who also in the AF, both have just moved back here from their, hopefully, LAST posting and live across from the other brother who is the local Sherriff office after 25 years for both, or all three I think. The retirement pay sucks in todays economy and will only get worse. My situation financially is getting worse having paid $350 for one month supply of ALL the meds I was "supposed" to be but haven't been because I didn't qualify for Medicare until May 1 and their 'supplemental' insurance plans...felt like putting a PayPal donation button on my main site LOL.
As I said if you watch the Zeitgeist movie and even just watch the evening news and common sense extrapolate out from there people will see that the greatest economic crash is coming down soon and big time...it might even happen BEFORE BUSH leaves office so he will be blamed for that as well after leaving office since it happened on his watch. Oil sold by the Euro will collapse the American economy. Iraq wants us OUT and won't sign ANYTHING without a TIMETABLE and a provision for NO US BASES.
Now with 60 permanent bases as you've linked to the folks who built these mini-cities...do you REALLY think the DOD/Military Industrial folks are just going to leave quietly and peacefully?
You say you're ready for your "Iran" thing...is that the plan to push back Iraqii's demand for their own soveirgnty by attacking Iran to destabalize the region enough to make ANY excuse for staying in Iraq fly? Seem so to me. Because Israel has said if WE don't bomb at least ONE Iranian NUKE site they will. And as I said Russia and China...not to mention the rest of the world like Canada and Britain, France, Italy, etc won't come down hard condemming the US?
Maybe WWIII will make Planet X completely moot.
That's my mood right now.
It's 2 am here and I'm tired...and four bad days taking care of wife with 'accidents' to clean up and tests to take her to 45 min away from home using a lot of gas even for my little rusted 4 cylander van I am just plain tired myself right now to get more "into it".
Good luck on your new job...I would request that you realize "hemp" is NOT A DRUG...it is a natural plant that big pharmacuticials USED to sell in bottles and bags. Anything else...go getem...especially when they've been shooting at my neighbors uphere near the Canadien border laterly with gun running and smuggling people from the Horn of Africa.
Hemp Cure for Cancer
Watch all seven parts please while sitting at your desk...hemp oil works for beer guts too...watch video :D
What was that all about?
I get to hunt down bad guys in this new job - yet I am attached to a desk.
What are you, a military consultant to a video game developer????
the Gort (like Swiss cheese...
hole.ier than thou!)
My DSL/ISP connection went funky after I posted that article about Ray Hunt & bush & cheney & texass oily men, had to rastle wit it for a hour when I should be sleeping.
I really should be posting to the ears of my two most prolific posters, that is Ion and Robert
Is that how disclosure works?
I really should be posting to the ears of my two most prolific posters, that is Ion and Robert
I realize I'm not a prolific poster, so I'll keep this very important question brief:
What is the difference between Ari. and AZ?
Let it rain...
my ... ...my ... let it rain...
Certainly all Arizona knows - we need the rain.
I have spent this time getting wet - letting the monsoons - that aren't really monsoons anymore - get me wet its loving grace.
There are two bloggers who have respectively needed in depth answers to there posts and questions. I have not gotten to them due to the fact that much deliberation was needed and should be applied.
So that is what I am going to be working tonight...
...post away.
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