...indeed... ...back in the day, when the Blogg community for TEM and C2C related issues was wide open, free flowing, and vibrant - disclosure was happening before your very eyes - and - as it seems - only a select few was really getting what was going on.
I will be the first to admit - that - messages where given - and received - between members of a secretive clan - some understood - some didn’t and it passed before many very eyes. Even I... ...as it is coming to be seen - was both victim and the accused.
Recently - I have stated that I was the one that came up with the MIMIC data that lead us to much conversation.
I was wrong....

I was a member, of a team, to bring disclosure, and laying hints, breadcrumbs if you will - to more disclosure...
This of course has led to trolls (recently) stating that I am either - full of shit - wrong - and generally - “patting myself on the back” - and - oddity enough - being told to “shut up or put up”... ...
I have two detractors I am deliberately pointing this blogg post of mine towards (well... ...maybe three or four - hell - maybe FIVE)
So, when the going gets tough - the tough calls in an air-strike - at least - that is how I taught the men...
I started my blogg posting and “Project : Disclosure” with a whimpering sigh:
Anonymous said... They should have used compressed air to launch that thing.... Sword 13/8/05 1:06 PM
That was a long time ago it seems, ...huh? Indeed - to me in this electronic circus called blogging, time moves so fast... ...of course - the sigh lead to dialog...
...here I go again... ... ...
Look, theres this thing called HARRP (spelling).
I have been there, took photos, looks boring if your not a science guy.
Listen, its not just for rock concerts and auro boriallis anymore.
30/8/05 4:49 PM

But back to the task at hand... ...which is proving something...
If your new(you dirty FNG), or wishing to look at yesteryear - try this link:
This leads to the “old skool” blogg where it all went down...
From this blogg entry - made of course by our champion of truth Richard C. Hoagland on his old blogg space...
Richard C. Hoagland said...
[quoting me... ...Sword]
Sword said...
Thanks for the reply. I erased the confounded mess for many reasons. One, this is Rich's forum, not mine, and writing a "ill-lit" article of that size would be obtrusive at the least.
>I'd have my own forum and face for words, but then i'd lose my job, my life, my religion, i'd never have an heir and my body might (MIGHT) be recovered in a shallow tidal basin burried up to my neck. Yes, even for man like myself are these things possible. So, heres a small tidbit, my freind IonTruO2.:
[from a rant I wrote... ...Sword... ...a snip...]
>However, I will say this. Before there was the generations of men who had to hide truth and true knowledge for they knew that man, in its infancy, could not abide to even one prohibition.
>Then came the generation who could at last (through industrial capability aka build a Shem) prove without a shadow of doubt that the scriptures and the teachings are true. They had finally found the footprints in the sand beside them without witness to whom had left them.
>This generation now fights with the coming generation of illuminated, for the youth, in their vigor, cannot abide by one of there forefathers prohibitions... The young and the BRIGHT wish to shed LIGHT as a light house might cast light onto a troubled sea. For Charity is one of their creeds they [WE] cry!
>One old light house keeper and his one apprentice now fight over a BOOK of matches which will cast light to the multitudes. All the while... ...a storm rages outside.
>When is the light finally going to be cast? When shall the warriors of light (kept in reserve in the shadow of the throne of stone) be cast unto the earth to perform there duty?! When shall my men (and my people) be free?!
[end snip... ...]
>Yeah, I can hear the black sedans pulling up now....
>IonTruO2, if you don't hear form me again:
Faith, Hope, Charity for you my brother.
...The conversation was of course regarding the Hurricanes that had - to me - and to you - had obvious - “human hand” involvement - everyone was trying to figure out how to prove that this was “someone” at work. Us at SWORD - we KNEW what was going on - and where trying to figure out a way to “spread the news” and at the same time - tell everyone involved that SWORD was working the issue. I am certain that Rich knew this as well - and needed something to work with.
Well - WE - needed something to work with ourselves - a secretive handshake - a simple goad - a poke in the belly with a smile... ...Rich said onto us:
Rich said:
"Any and all REAL input to this model will be greatly appreciated ... ESPECIALLY from the guys actually running this extraordinary "Op." :)"
Which is, what it is.
5/9/05 9:09 PM

So with that being posted and the blogging TEM communism not really queuing in... ...we posted something else... ...which got a response that was different than what we where looking for - but it was gravy enough to move forward... ...read it... and think about it...
Richard C. Hoagland said...
Anonymous said...[Sword]
Richard C. Hoagland said...
Anonymous said...[Sword]
>Rich, my brother:
>Why do I feel like the truth is running away from me? Rich, have you ever been to a briefing before, only to mistakenly have a gun pulled on you because of "credentials?"
>Sword< Richard:
Sounds like the ultimate expression of "need to know."
18/9/05 3:00 PM.
.. ...a military term. Excellent.
He did what we expected - he didn’t lie - he just passed on the answer - for a latter date - so... ...great... ...excellent... moving foreword...
...me and another poster - A.K.A. Wayne... ... started hinting - and playing around - with what we wanted “Hoggie” to find on his own and present to this commune known as the TEM blogg... ...again the dialog can be found @:
I hope your cut and paste works like mine...
...as me and a poster named Wayne flirt around the topic - we come to this post - which leads to another post...
23/9/05 9:29 PM
Sword said...
I thought the subject of the night was "How to detect an HD war".
Okay Wayne, okay, back to the task at hand.
I'm not a tech or anything :-), but, to detect must you first have something to detect with? And to those ends, where talking about allot of space to cover. I can't do it in my back yard alone - if im the only guy doing it its crazy - but if everybody shows up and bows to a dinosaur it'll end up on CNN.
You must create some way of detecting the "fineness" which is arching over head. One guy, cant do it. Twenty - maybe - 50, like a guy in each state (heh heh think about it now....) yeah you could do it. What you need is an array of sorts that looks at the magnetic, that is electrical magnetic field directly over head. With that array you have the hourly "image" directed to a central computer that accepts all of the data, combines it accordingly, gives an overlaid map of the entire US and wah-la: trace effect back to source... ...what are we looking for again?
Oh, the fineness of HD. Ah... ...now...how do you detect that? :-)
23/9/05 9:29 PM
Obviously - where starting to fuck around. WE know the answer - where looking for someone else to find it... ...so we get into the real meat of the issue... ...the pointer.... ...the most important post - the mark I keep saying is (rightfully) ... ...mine...
SWORD said...
No Wayne, its not a "HD Sensor".
If, if - there is "human intervention" into the natural phonam-me-nah it will readily show itself. If it's harrp, then look to electrical magnetic ways of detecting the not only the effect - but the source - its got to leave a trail because even if a hurricane can become a puppet - it still has STRINGS.
Why are you guys looking at VISUAL maps - isn’t there such an animal as a electrical magnetical detecting satellite under taxpayer employ over the US right NOW? HUH - Maybe as of a few days ago there is. A monkey with a HD Wrench - ill be dammed.
Gilligans Island, nuclear coconuts - and can't fix a 3 foot hole in a SHEM!
23/9/05 9:55 PM
So I dropped the bomb - and obviously - SOMEONE - is listening - and taking care to follow the dialog created by two SWORDS @ work...
...So I get back to it:
I'm five beers, two bowls, and one BSG episode away from total oblivion. You text reports similar adventures.
I say put some foil on your head and connect that to an oscilloscope and see what happens... ... nothing? Are you sure? No, seriously, what simple enough to make at home to detect the em waves above us?
Can I hook it to a computer? Geeks among us UNITE!
Seriously, you can ponder, or get organized, build a shem and ron-da-vue at Idepadues part-ner... ...
1 - group take credit? Duh, its always the group that doesn’t take credit for anything, yet pulls off all the "stunts"
2 - yes - or hijack the existing signals coming in from satellites already... ...
3 - yes - nature does her thing - when man intervenes with his hand its going to leave some mark - some sort of tell-tale signature. I mean really - if its Harrp there should be a traceable string to its toy... It's process must also be its means...
Did I get that all right?
23/9/05 10:36 PM
I go further with disclosure - hints and such:
Imagine equipment capable of poking its finger into the magnetic-sphere of the earth. Depending on how that finger pokes - and what shape it is - as it descends trough strata -gives you an effect- and then you wiggle that finger... ...
Is ANYONE getting me? I know Wayne gets me - I think his family used to make beer. I don't know why.
Remember reaching orbit has been done before...
Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
23/9/05 10:46 PM
It’s only the first part of this post (above) that is important... ...it wasn’t to long for “Hoggie” to goggle what he already knew was the right path...
Rich gets busy with new info - that as he was writing - he was getting skooled...
Richard C. Hoagland said...
New "Captain's Blog" posted -- manipulated Katrina proof.
23/9/05 11:14 PM
[he could not wait]
Again, this “dialog” can be found at:
So... ...Rich gets it - he GETS what we are pointing him towards...
...excellent - BUT!!! Will he k’nod? Will he say ANYTHING that says - yes - SWORD - did a good deed - SWORD is with US... ...certainly... ...keep reading... ...we show ... ahead of time (as it seems) that he is on the right path - and we are glad of it...
Richard C. Hoagland said...
Sword said...
>Rich said:
Anyone else have some SPECIFIC reading recommendations for our new visitor? :)
Sword said...
>Yeah - Genesis & Revelations.
>Rich, not to crow - but damm your good. Your like a bulldog searching for truth, once you get hold you ain't letting go. How any rational person can dispute in there mind the truth, which you have presented - baffles me. But then again, they don't pay "main stream" reporters to speak there mind - heavens no! There paid the big bucks to read whatever the television in front of them says.
>Anyway - my second to last post on the previous blog may shed some light - who knows?
>Sword< Richard replies to the post:
Thanks .... :)
24/9/05 2:52 AM
So - he gets it - HE KNOWS - thanks Rich - so much can be sent with so little - thus - smoke signals... ...so, SWORD - under a captains direction - probes for more direction and clarification - so that those readers and posters can get in on the conversation that has been occurring - blatantly in front of them - yet hidden - we probe for some 411...
Now, Rich, elaborate for me... Is microwave ... ... nature? I mean, is this normal to see microwave "native" in the atmosphere? Just what are we looking at... ...at this... "MIMIC" site. What.... ....IS... ...MIMIC? ;-)
26/9/05 11:27 PM
Richie dose not disappoint:
Richard C. Hoagland said...
[In response to my post:]
OK, these "microwave images" are just another means of displaying the amount of water vapor/rain in the hurricanes. That water vapor emits (among other electromagnetic radiation) thermal microwaves ....
The fact that it's a "MICROWAVE image means nothing ... unless, one sees an "anomalous" DISTRIBUTION of the rain itself in the image!
And THAT's EXACTLY what we're seeing in these images -- a totally anomalous, GEOMETRIC pattern of the RAIN in the western side of the hurricane as it approached the Coast ... apparently being triggered by the application of an ARTIFICIAL form of energy we CANNOT see in the image .... :)
27/9/05 1:00 PM
Rich - as clear as water on Mars...
Now, a strange thing happened after ALL THIS WAS SAID AND DONE...
A serious k’nod was made.
We knew he had made a new post. And WE, SWORD SAW WITH OUT OWN EYES - that the new blogg post was made at a specific TIME...
We where joyed and gleeful - and no one - besides those in the know - would care about...
Richard C. Hoagland - WENT OUT OF HIS WAY to thank me and my men.
With this post:
Richard C. Hoagland said...
Latest "Captain's Blog" published at 1:17 Am ....
Why is this important?
Because we are the silent force - the unnamed force - and we went - for a short time - the time that “Hoggie” knew us - as the 1-17th infantry - the SWORD - the “Thundering Heard”....
So why would he do that? Why make a specific post... ...of the TIME OF THE POST?
[For the gospel... ...I am set for its defense]
Simply - to tip his - TOP hat...
Why is... ...of course... ...the number 1.17 so important?
Because he is a new-ling - a member - one of our "wiz-ohs" [pay grade : WIZ-000](of two or three) - of "The Thundering Heard" - the "6th ID" - the unit known in whispered lore as... ...
...Special Forces Task Group : SWORD
Nuff said
Most excellent, Sword.
I love the "Christmas Card" at the top of the Blogg. LOL
thanks Gort - you caught this blogg in editing form - kudos bar to you...
I really wanted to add more images - maybe I will add links latter - but 0 i like to hold on to much linkage...
Oh well - its posted...
I remember it like yesterday. A1.
(...and a nod to ol wayne)
Federal Property...
bahahahahaha.......lol 'indeed'
o.k. so you ain't buying? Thought you'd be touched. How about an estate lot on Janus?
btw: I had three choppers in formation fly right over my sacred garden yesterday at low alt and they even gave me a 'flash' as they passed. What a sound. (yes I smiled for the camera).
Hey Sword..that was a good review..Wayne Davis still posts at FSHOD..as 14000 something or other..
This review did one thing. I gave me reason to respect RCH more now than three years ago when he definitely was ahead of the curve. You did mention Tesla but I read Tesla's patents 40 plus years ago. MIMIC was the link I am looking for. Richard used MIMIC in every blog so I don't see how you can claim credit for that.
I will say, however, that when you were on topic, you did have a handle on the content. I don't think you were as forthcoming then as you are now.
No - And I KNEW you would say it - I did not indeed point directly at MIMIC...
...that would have been way to "blatent"...
...But - he hinted around that subject for long enough to finally have Rich grasp the concept...
Why do you think he says nowadays - "Google is your best freind"
- AND -
Why the 1-17 nod?
Posting at 1:17am is a cowinky-dink - going out of your way to post the TIME - clearly a message... ...
And your right - I am FAR more forthcoming now than before. The COC isn't freaking out about every little thing I say now because well - the things they argued would happen right off the bat DID NOT come to pass...
...now - when the snowball finally gets rolling down this slippery slop of disclosure... ...that will change and they will probably clamp down on me for a time...
And your right - I am FAR more forthcoming now than before. The COC isn't freaking out about every little thing I say now because well - the things they argued would happen right off the bat DID NOT come to pass...
So see....The great "MASONIC PLAN-TIME LINE" is NOT...repeat...NOT...all that fool-proof.
"The PLAN" said something would happen...it didn't...does it make the WHOLE plan wrong...no...but it DOES make a VALID point for what I have been calling for from the beginning..."wiggle room" in the "MASTER PLAN".
Georgie Jr and Dark Lord Cheney certainly knew the time-tested BRUTAL TRUTHS of "Battle Plans"...they look nice on paper...are good talking points...then are shot to hell when the first shot is fired and it becomes FUBAR.
I do NOT want our planet to become the scence of last week's episode of BSG...FUBAR.
There IS a better and FASTER way to the goal of "DISCLOSURE"...only the "Masters of the Plan" MUST be aware that there IS another way through to the "other side".
I remember those posts sword and the ones eric just posted at FSHOD. Those posts were during a very dynamic time. I'm still with you.
Ayeee Wayne
Sword, I heard the other day the Forest Service is starting to do controlled burns on the north rim of the Grand Canyon to get rid of the undergrowth and litter that could build up and cause worse fires later.
Might be true - as of recent years - Arizona has been ravaged by forest fires - taking out entire towns and the like... ...controlled burns are a good idea...
BTW - the toliets at my new job are so low to the ground - they might as well be JAP Crappers
"JAP Crappers", ROFL!
I remember those being used in Korea too. The ones that I saw pretty much could have been called showers, with the grate removed from the drain...
Needless to say, I took my ass back on-post to do my duty. :)
he he
I don't know why - but every time I hear the word "poop" - I giggle...
I heard there was a sports festival at the Beijing Olympics sites as a "test run," and one of the things they found out was western tourists would prefer toilets you actually sit on.
So, the organizers quickly had to replace about half of the oriental style "toilets" with western style toilets.
I love Japanese culture...
...just got to enlighten them to the THRONE...
I have written a new blogg post..
..knowing full well... ...that everything I say will be recorded for the times in which we live...
and yet - i don't know if I am wiling to post it.. ...much linkage ... ... much truth... ... I have it as it stands - as a prelude to "I Remember when"...
Post it. With my Mom, brother and sister at my father's Death bed when he took a turn for the worse yesterday now...and yesterday June 21 was his 81st birthday...to NOT post something which would help 'lead' or be 'helpful' towards "Disclosure" would be an insult to me personally since I have been fighting so hard, for so long, to have this happen while HE was with me.
From seeing the movie 2001 together to the many times he told me of his Saucer sighting a few months after I was born I did a LOT in this area of "Disclosure" because of and for...him.
Now I know...he will discover the real BRUTAL TRUTHS beyond the great "In-Between" where I myself have been six times and the last 3 tried to cross over since it seemed I was going to a better place than I was. I hope and pray Dad you will come back to this plane of reality and speak with me after getting there as I have prayed for your father to visit also...but alas he has not and likely has moved on.
So Dad...before moving on when you get there...come back and visit me.
Hi ion!
Post it sword, time waits for no one.
Just read your post about your dad. I wanted to share with you that I asked the same thing of both of my parents in their end times. BOTH of them came to me after they passed this "reality" and gave me what I needed and had asked of them. They still visit me from time to time. I feel them with me much of the time, but sometimes I can literally feel them with their arms wrapped around me or brushing the tears from my cheeks when I cry. Your father will come to you in his time when he can. BELIEVE that because it will happen. Maybe not when you want it to but it will happen. It's a hard time for sure but this too will pass. Hold your head high and know that he will truly be in a better place with TRUTH finally with him. Your family's in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Peace to you,
BTW, Hello to everyone else. Just lurking as usual.
we are all connected...
Well --- i'lll beee
its MS. T
Welcome back...
Expect new post latter this evening...
Hey ya Sword,
I'm always lurking. Trying to keep up with everything. So you decided to post the info you were undecided about posting? I hope so. Let's see what you got.
T :D
Go ahead, make my day. :)
(post the new blogg)
It's got to be better than this discussion of JAP Crappers.
(And I get flack for talking about my kitchen sink...)
Bob, You and your family are certainly in our prayers.
(me and mrs. gort)
Hi, T.
Mrs T n Gort thanx for your prayers and thoughts. My Dad now is with HIS Father and din't have to suffer as I remembering going to see my Pa with my Dad when Pa was dyin and Pa would also ask my Dad to bring his gun to shoot him because of the pain and other problems.
My Dad went quietly holding my Moms hand and I had stayed up all night waiting for "the call" and never went to bed until my wife had gotten up. Whengshe got up I took more meds, had some toast andwent upstairs to lay down. As soon as my head hi the pillow the phone rang and it was my brother telling me he had passed through the "In-Between" and was accepted and now on the other side.
Mrs T I wrote a poem while I couldn't get to slee and in it I did ask him to visit me and I hope he does and makes it NOTICABLE...but he may be having a great time on his side that it may be awhile before he gets around to it. In the mean time I am going to slow down and just law back and observe for awhile, play my quitar, relax and get ready for the mass on thursday. He will be cremeated and ashes scattered around an island here where Pa, Dad myself and my brother all went fishing...I have a tiny plastic box where I'll keep a few pinches for myself to keep close at hand.
Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
I'm going to go into relaxing mode for awhile until next weekend...so please don;t be offended if I don;t post or resond as 'usual'.
New blogg topic - move on - nothing to see here...
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