On these lands - farming was wonderful.
The natives - long before my grandparents - the farming was indeed plentiful - the soil full of iron and other important ingredients...
...on this farm - I knew nothing of feeling out of place... ...when I was there... my place was the farm - and to be... ...at hand... for anything that might be done.
I was farm hand.
Handy? You bet.
One summer, I was to reap the wheat, and in that - I did it with the tools... ...by hand. I learned intimately the scathe.... ...and what happens when you are not paying attention to your own strength... My shins still show the scars of such offense...
Daisies... ...everywhere... ...the culprit - my grandmother - the queen of the farm.
I remember the daisies - they lead to the “Rock-Shop” ... that for a long time - I was forbidden to enter - until the day came that grandmother needed a “young and tall strapping young man” to help her carry the large bales of laundry I seen her carry when I was young... ... in the rock shop - there was much noise - always where there machines running - always was something going on that I was not allowed to touch. Always it seemed - a machine was running that was cleaning - cutting - or dissecting some sort of earthen material... ...I was not allowed to touch them - so with my eyes - I lingered... ...
They lingered to something of my grandfathers... ...a diploma... Hung higher than all the other prizes it seemed in the rock shop (there where MANY prizes) - for nothing was higher in the vaulted ceilings of the rock shop - that NO ONE was to speak of ... ...is said - in German - that I learned latter - said that my grandfather was a PHD in Geology... (he knew intimately of the earth)...I always questioned my father why we where not to speak of the diploma “with the spider”... ...many times my face was redden by my father back hand...
...My grandfather - the simple father - was not an evil man. He spoke little - and when he spoke at length it was German - and when he spoke - I listened - and when he thought I would not have a reply - I spoke - to his surprise - in German. Though proud - he loved me no less - and no more - he stayed as always to me - The geologist... ...so intimate his knowledge of the earth - oh... ...I could not begin to explain with such simple words as mine...
Many times we spoke of the earth, the cycle of the sun, the timing of things, the secrecy of the vine, the Mary-Jane, the seeking smoke, the Quartz, Payyy-ohh-thhaeee- The rain dance, the nesting bird gourd, the secrecy of the BEAN - and how it all meant life... ... ... and we spoke of the stars - mostly of the moon - and all the secretes she might hold.

I was nearly twenty years old - and I - and I - was nearly able to emotionally handle junior high... ... ...
WOW,,,from the links I collected from within your post it seems the post was made to 'fit the links' and then I was trying to comment on one of the links about how rebuilding Iraq with our 50 bases IS our 'responsibility' that...imho...NO it was Georgie Jr, Dark Lord Cheney, Wolfiwitz, Rumsfeld and gang who are 'responsible' and that the Joints Cheif Of Staff have lost their cahjones to stand up to a mad religious lunatic who thinks 'democracy' can be forced by the use of violence as if BinLaden can force Islam on us by flying planes into buildings. same MO here...violence to achieve PERSONAL ambitions.
Maybe it's not even a HUMAN fight we are in. Why was killing 6 Million jews so horrable when more than 2 million are dying NOW in Rowanda, Chad, Sudan and other African nations and TPTB really just don't flying fuck.
We can't afford health care for everyone because we have to spend $550 BILLION buck-a-roos to plant 50 bases in Iraq and fuck the other masacres and bad men out there.
$500 Billion n goin up
Maybe we ALREADY have been invaded by Aliens and THEY are the ones in charge and have been for a looooong time.
Who's in Charge?
Forgive me if I cut my comments here tonight as I have other things to do and would love to vent more...but alas what fucking good would it do?
Absolutely not a fracking thing.
After all...we are on a "MASONIC" time-line...and the "TRUTH" (whatever the fuck THAT means) will unfold when the Masons tell us they are good and ready to tell us. Until then we are bullet bait.
Bob <----
tying in to Robert's link about "Who's in Charge?", in an earlier blogg Sword said:
So the Pope, yeah the guy with the funny hat that a good 1/3 of the world/nation revers as the almighty says:
Life on mars possible, aliens might be possible, and they are without original sin. (Like a slave master has no sin, ... my asss... ...)
Do you mean the "guy with the funny hat" is a slave master, or some ETs out there in our solar system are slave masters? OR as the article indicates, ETs here on earth are slavemasters?
Gort -
I am referencing a post(s) I made long ago...
...The simian seed - as it where - built man in there image - and essentially - used us as slave labor to garnish from the earth the precious materials they needed to get out - and away - to their origins. (MWAV #7 would be helpful here...)
Alien - no - ancestors - surely.
Now - we - the HUMANS - face the test - the ultimate test - that test - survival.
If we cant survive as a level two planetary society (a solar system wide species - then the hell with US)... ...natural selection is not just a earth bound lottery - its a cosmos wide ideal... (and MARK)
So - to answer the question - no the Pope is not a slave master in the sense I feel you are reffering to... ...(heres where I get into BIG trouble with TOP)... ...the Catholic religions revers the holy mother to closely as A god in my book - and to me - Catholicism - is worshiping a false god... ...a false idol... ...now I AM NOT ANTI-Catholic - only I strongly disagree with some of there strongest beliefs... ...at the same time - THEY are my strongest allies...
...when the Pope may say that THEY are born "without sin" - My stomach turns - to indicate that WE are born sinners and those "ancestors" where born "sinless" - - - makes me want to start sharpening my two Kantan'nas... ...
...I understand the TRUE history - and never again will my people be fooled into believing in false gods... ...my god rises in the east and sets his day to rest in the west...
Did I answer the question - or raise more? The curse of the Chaplin...
BTW - I changed the links of note to yellow like they should have been...
Robert - feel free to post your thoughts - I DO READ them...
As I've said before i do NOT mean ANY of my negativity to be aimed at you "personally". I think you are a fine soldier who follows orders and tries to 'bend/twist' those for what YOU believe SHOULD be the CORRECT order/path...but you've been blocked...hence my last comment remains and I'll repeat here quickly because we are going through another round of storms with damage in the area and I want to get off the net for awhile.
After all...we are on a "MASONIC" time-line...and the "TRUTH" (whatever the fuck THAT means) will unfold when the Masons tell us they are good and ready to tell us. Until then we are bullet bait.
Bob <----
PS as an aside before I sign off I know you've said I'm getting what I want...just not WHEN I want. I can live with that...but that means so many others needlessly die inmho.
Just a write-in for Hillary and for me to get email replies option which didn't come up in last reply. :)
Rob - last post - clarify? (2008-06-10 5.10.MD)
"your coming in broken and distorted ... ...over..."
Rob (2008-06-09 7.23.MD)
same MO here...violence to achieve PERSONAL ambitions.
Well... ...I have difficulty with that comment ... even if it is a snip ...
I have always used violence to achive certain goals.
When I slaughtered hundreds of drug dealers mercenariness's - it was in the name of stopping cocaine from coming into the country...
...when I slew scores of heroin drug smuggling speedsters on snowmobiles ... it was to stop bad man from making things worse...
...when I slew dozens of men in space trying to capture military sat's and take over mil shuttles (even some civilian ones - it was global security for America...
I would NOT say that these where personal goals - but to me - spiritual goals... ...someone has to do the dirty deed, and do it... ... dirt cheap...
Please Robert, do not think of me as a "yes man" - but more of a "do-man" ... ...this nations enemies are wide and varied. Someone MUST do the unthinkable - and the impossible.
However - I know here your going with that line of thought - and -
out of my area of responsibility. I find myself fortunate enough to be able to post the things I post - knowing full well that sooner than latter - I will be known as the man - bring it out - ahead of time...
Moving on...
(2008-06-10 5.08.MD)
After all...we are on a "MASONIC" time-line...and the "TRUTH" (whatever the fuck THAT means) will unfold when the Masons tell us they are good and ready to tell us. Until then we are bullet bait.
I feel guilty in this regard. Honestly - NO ONE - would be having anything from THIS SIDE of things if it wasn't for "Brewer" and his charge - getting the whole "Project : Disclosure" going.
Its what brought Hoggie into our midsts (poor fellow) and me on the blog - on time (maybe early) and ready to speak. I would like to say that much of what I have printed has been most helpful in bring TRUE disclosure to the masses - but - as you said it - the "Masonic time line"...
...which at the current moment seems to be working well. Again - I don't make the rules (and as it seems - seldom follow them) - but, an organization that has been planning this from the BEGINNING cant really be argued with... ...
Bullet bait? - I think not - there are currently many projects in the works to save a vast majority of the human stock. So, essentially, all that secret money your paying tax dollars with - will save your ass in the end.
The bounds of my Uncle Sam's love - has no restraint - but like a father - you wont feel that love until it is needed...
I have spoken to much...
...and no one is commenting on the links...
Nuff said..
for now..
You know I had about a page and a half of comments made out then lost www access when trying to send...when I plan to do a Looong post next time..NOTEPAD !!!
I've haven't read all the recent links but if 'colored' text were/are supposed to be links then "Freelance thoughts no agenda" post the links didn't work.
This one and the last one you're computer skills were right on...they don't HAVE to be yellow we catch on pretty fast out here if the mouse scrolls over text and a little icon changes to show it's a link...we usually follow it.
As I said before I have even made a special folder where I am keeping at least the first page you link to for archive purposes...even if the IE says this page can't be saved...I STILL save it via OTHER methods...hehe.
So even if the links were taken down...I could put them back up on CSC like I did with the Secret History of the US...though I went DOWN the link-tree a lot more than I am doin with just saving your links page. Later I may change that after I read more.
I had comments on the links that I lost...but give me a couple days and I will post more and get my dander up again as McCain said to Matt Lower this morning that "It's not important WHEN we leave Iraq..." I think a LOT of the grunts over there would LOVE to come home...IF...their fellow brothers and sisters come with them.
'nuff for now before I loose this too.
and as for "timelines" and "plans" and things "working well"...really I don't things are working that well at all compared to what COULD have been done if PROPER planning had been done back in the late 1940's.
Hi guys,
I've been away for a while and haven't really been checking in. I must admit that I sort of lost interest when Sword left and I also had to go under the knife. I am slowly recovering now though and am glad to see that Sword is back; I always look forward to what he has to post.
I've been trying to catch up when I have time. I loved that Star Trek rap and the squirrel links, HAHAHAHAHA!
Ion propulsion must be old school to you, what do your ships use? Can you talk much about the tech? The sat swarms sound very cool, but I think that you've mentioned this same type of deployment before; if I'm correct.
Just out of curiosity, were you part of the group that raided the museums when the war first started or are you strictly space bound now?
Toe said:
I loved that Star Trek rap and the squirrel links, HAHAHAHAHA!
Yep - when I heard that I almost died - they where not kidding when they said explicit lyrics!
Ion propulsion must be old school to you, what do your ships use?
ION propulsion is new school - and is used large scale on large ships. The USS Yellow Devil uses the standards shuttle drives - however - maneuverability wise - there have been some "enhancements" with gyro's and additional thrusters...
Just out of curiosity, were you part of the group that raided the museums when the war first started or are you strictly space bound now?
I cannot confirm or deny that any American unit was on the ground raiding any museum - however we know it happened... ... ;-X
We are not space bound by any means...
Glad your back.
robert said...
You know I had about a page and a half of comments made out then lost www access when trying to send...when I plan to do a Looong post next time..NOTEPAD !!!
Rob - I use MS Word most of the time - and then post.
Key loggers are real easy to use on these blogg windows - they don't even have to have a connection to your computer to "listen" in... and then DOS your ass...
Seriously - I disable my connection most of the time - physically - write my junk and then gorilla post...
Rob said:
I've haven't read all the recent links but if 'colored' text were/are supposed to be links then "Freelance thoughts no agenda" post the links didn't work
Your right - I didn't start adding "various" links until latter ...
I take it - from the response (wheres ION?) that my freelance thoughts and links are going over well.
Things are so critical right now - time lines and all... ...that it is getting real difficult to have anything of real value to write about - at the current moment - NOT MUCH is going on that I would call - news worthy...
...so I have sent out the freelance thoughts and ideas... ...with links that I hoped you folk would enjoy...
New blogg post coming - trying to figure out what story everyone would like to hear about now...
Thanks for the honest answers. Glad to be back. Did you make any headway with the project that you were working on before you had to leave?
While downloading a WHOLE lot of gigabytes from NASA HiRise and them I have to go to get CRISM, CTX and other data I thought I'd honor my word her with a fresh dew and at 11;22 before the dreaded Friday 13th arives...at least I started on this post BEFORE then...lol.
Your fist link
On Space Beer and Space Vegetables I actually hapen to believe the Chinese because I think they are serious about going into SPACE in a LONG-TERM mode for their population expansion. It's been a wonder they haven't sent any more "astronauts" up there...but then...maybe SWORD proper has something to do with that...who knows...I don't. I do remember other experiments where seeds exposed to space DID indeed grow bigger. Someone else can goggle or Yahoo it later...do NOT rely on only one search engine...Google Deliberately took down a letter referencing Sen Hillary Clinton (my fav future Pres) with the "Rockefeller Initiative" about getting the actual REAl BRUTAL TRUTH that ETIs are OUT there AND they come down here...and have been doing so since we scralled their images on cave walls.
Now being a pirate myself I would LUV to get one of those 100bottles of "Space Beer" to actually TEST to see if I get higher than a 'regular' beer or even a bowl from my corn-cob...but alas with only 100 botttles I'm not likely to get one.
I also believe the Chinese because lately NASA - No Adult Supervision Available in reguards to their litle Phoenix lander. They forgot ALL the lessons of Viking, Pathfinder and the two rovers NOW on the surfac...it's WET there sometimes. There is SALTY LIQUID WATER AT THE SURFACE...and they even ADMIT the possibility...but won't actually knuckle under and concede the obvious...dorks. Looks like they finally got one 'clumpy-soil' sample into the heater...now if it doesn't short-circuit rom the arm joint doesn't "trvel" anywhere...they might get results...which no one will agree on same as 1976 and Dr. Levin. See if they agree...so more "ROCK-ROBOTS-TO-MARS"...gotta leave them guesing...we're still not quite convinced it's and EaRTHQUAKE despite the mountain of evidentiary MUD above us.
link 2
Scientists find 245 million-year-old burrows of land vertebrates in Antarctica
What got me about THIS article was that if they think little lines in the hardened in sand 245 Million yrs ago were of a BIOLOGICAL nature...then why is the idea of the linear 'odd' "dune trains" not a prime candidate for the same thing? There's a WHOLE WHOLE big bunch of these "odd dune trails" that do not conform to the terrain as if they had been put there by wind AND 3D models made show that they rise ABOVE the floor more than a 'normal' dune would.
Again...scientists here find such life evidence so long ago with such scant and measly evidence but the Ares Face is just a "butte trick of light and shadow".
Again...NASA= Never A Straight Answer
link 3
What can I say..."sign up as a diplomat my only office is the park" -Paul Kanter - Jefferson Starsip..Mau Mau Amerikan-Album...hmmm??? I'll have to get back to you on that one.
As Gildar Radner says...never mind...it comes from the
Blows Against The Empire
link 4
Something's Shaking in Antarctica
Okay well this not 'new news' to me at least...I've know that ALL that ice down there has been shifting because of Global Warming and because of that 'shifting' the Planet's Center of Gravity in reference to it's rotation is well....slipping also. Just because some 'scientists' are once more...FINALLY recognizing the inevitable actually PROVES my point that the "MASONIC" time-line isn't "on-time" all that well.
link 5
I knew this since my step-son worked as an Under-Sherrif until now he likes the quiet and no politics of patrolling our new Interntional Airport in Plattsburgh NY. Funny this story mades "headline news" from Dick Cheney's home state...think they are preparing for a Democratic President and Congress to Press Charges and try and grab it after he leaves office?
Here's what I think georgie jr is going to do the last several hours of his Presidency...grnt blanket pardons for ANYONE who worked in the Executive branch of government for any and all crimes sign it and resign...Dark Lord Cheney is sworn in and then grant Georgie Jr. HIS pardon. After all a President can't grant himself a pardon otherwise Nixon would have done it.
But these fellers ought to watch out, IF Democrats run the board, with the Executive and legislative branch, watch them get control of Supreme Court and find a way to get ALL those pardons...ruled unconstitutional for one reason or another. HA...then every rats runs overseas to Saudia Arabia.
link 6
Jenna Fischer, Keeping It Real at 'The Office'
Well in the context of th blog I guess you're saying the women have control over who gets in. Well other than rapists we all knew that already...and we ALL want to get invited inside now down't we? I know at least I do. If Hoagland can take I while ruing his underwear I KNOW I can take it and my mother would be proud of my clean briefs.
link 7
Washington demands permanent bases to repress Iraqis, launch new Middle East wars
Well this was one of the ORIGINAL primary motives of invasion...like duh. "Someone" ( likely a MASON heh Sword?) has ALREADY long ago gotten to Obama and his stand about "pulling out" is like a man with two doses of Viagra in him...pull-out NOW??? Honey...we've just BEGUN to FUCK BIG TIME !!!
link 8
Why Men Shouldn't Own Action Figures
GAWD that was great and gives me ideas for my 3D world-building. HAH !!!
link 9
Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops: minister
This time if they do what they to Saddam...the reaction will NOT be the same. THAT might cause WWIII which is what a lot TPTB WANT to happen. You REALLY think that ETIs give flying fuck what happens to the majority of the human species? Why didn't they stop the jews being burned, the Rownda holocaust, Sudan, Chad...etc.??? Fuck why didn't the Un and the Security Cuoncil stop the African slaughter? Ohhh I know...maybe because the 5 permanent members ARE the BIGGEST arms dealers on the planet and they WANT those "sub-humans" salughtering each other and butchering their children??? Like Olllie North made crack cocaine through his CIA operations of the Iran-Contra scandal.
Gee LORD OF WAR was so refreshing and the END when Cage explains how he is going to walk out...priceless.
Link 10
Leaked: U.S. Plans To Keep 50 Bases In Iraq
Well I've already commented on this...and the fact that it "leaked" means atleast SOMEBODY has some sense to realize this is NOT a good idea...AND to have it done behind closed doors ins ecrecy like that first "Energy Meeting" with ALL the US Oil Execs and Dark Lord Cheney...did anybody find any of his emails in bit and bytes out there yet? how about Rove's? Libby's? Rumsfeld? Wolfiwitz? Bremmer? Didn't think so.
Goes to prove my point again that:
HIJACKING THE STARSHIP is the BEST way forward toward a "timeline" that has a BETTER chance for MORE survivors and even possibility of AVOIDING the disaster to begin with. How will we know if OTHER minds aren't brought in on this? Even the Founding Fathers were MASONS and did NOT agree on ALL things for this country...only by OPENING TRUTHFUL dialog can we become not only a GREATER nation...but a SAFER planet.
Lies ALWAYS bring bad karma and with-holding-truth is the SAME as lying.
Link 11
Boeing Fires New Thin-Disk Laser, Achieving Solid-State Laser Milestone
Well I knew this ws coming especially when the new super-computer and the nan-tubes tech is getting going. We've HAD lasers that wer already lethal enough to destroy nearly anything...now are you sawing yu might use this to saw Planet 10 in half about 10 Billion miles away? Now THAT would a GOOD MASONIC plan that would save EVEYONE !!!. Long ride out and back...but I am sure you would have plenty of volunteers for the mission...even if it was one way. Who knows on the way out someone might figure out a way to come back?
Link 12
Tiny Space Engine Powered by Earth's Magnetic Field
Stealing Energy from our protective magetic field is a STUPID idea on a large scale. What would protect us from the likes of these if AIMED at Earth?
link 13...and the dreaded 13th is already a half hour old...
Discovery of Earth-scale Exoplanet Signals Multitude of Planets in Universe
Sheesh this so much a no brainer I MUST go back to:
NASA- No Adult Supervision Available.
Did, or do, ALL these NASA 'ass-kissing' geologists ( who are CURRENTLY running the MARS programe) think we humans are the ULTIMATE CREATION?
This WHOLE Universe was God's gift to us and us alone because we've been such good little boy n gals? dripping sarcasm here...wipe feet or step around.
No wonder it's the 13th link..hah
link 14
Formation and evolution of the Solar System
This is wild quessing and speculation, which is fine and dandy...but do NOT hold it up as the ONLY way this whole thing got started and ridicule other theories are today's scientists are won't to do...ESPECIALLY WITH MARS !!!
Gawd they REALLy act like such block heads at times and other scientists are seeing this and posting at The Hidden Mission Forum...ESPECIALLY about the Phoenix mission. If they want 'raise from the ashes' of ALL their past 'mis-guided' assumptions...they are NOT off to a good start at all.
link 15
NASA Scientists Pioneer Method for Making Giant Lunar Telescopes
Another way would be to use the vacum, electrical static properties of lunar dust and to "spin" that dust onto a fine mesh until it fills in and becomes reflective. Lasers could polish rough spots and instead of spinning a CONCRETE thing of carbon nano-tubes andlayer upon layer of ther material...this method would make one on the spot...50 meters my ass...they could make one 5 kilometers in diameter if they wished up there...especially at the NORTH POLE :)
link 16
New Ion Engine Sets Thrust Record
Again we are moving around the Universe and Space in a manner NOT the best way to do it. these ETI Saucers can NULLIFY gravity AND intertia...that is what allows them to make 90 degree turns at thousands of miles an hour. back to the back room fellers and tell those "female gaurdians" you want to see the CHIEFS about a better way to go from here to there.
link 17
Earth's poles long overdue for reversal
NOW we are back to link 4 about Antartica...I also want you to look at that image in that link...see that nice blue "auroa" around Mother Earth...your "magnetic ion" engines which would draw energy FROM that aurora would WEAKEN that protection...now WHO in their right mind would want to do that? Oh...they say that the loss would be minimal, and even if id DID lower the protective intensity it would be -recharged by the earth's iron core...hmmmm didn't they say that about Global Warming in the 1970's??? Still want drain our 'protective layer of ion diapers' and leave us bare-assed for one of these frackers?:
link 18'
The Map of Heaven...mine's a bit different. But essentially has 'some' of the same basics about re-living things I did an doing things I never got to do, and doing this it was impossible to do while living...I might actually like being a pesky poltergeist hanging arounf anywhere I felt like it and causing mischief to any group of egotistical humans who THINK they know what's best for everyone else. Wonder what they would say in front of Congress giving the State of the Union and all his clothes disappear? HAH...now THAT would be heavenly sight to have seen in 2003 and a LOT more Americans and other humans would be alive and we'd be on a much better and different time-line.
Well I may have to split this post into two parts...but you wanted comments...I finally got the time..so there ya go.
I say what I mean and mean what I say ( except when typing too fast and forget to add adjectives)
new added material since I started:
ION propulsion is new school - and is used large scale on large ships. The USS Yellow Devil uses the standards shuttle drives - however - maneuverability wise - there have been some "enhancements" with gyro's and additional thrusters...
Any way to get a 3d dxf model of that ship and other material from your SWORD unit for use in a 3D animation of a story that you might tell? Even if not...it would be a tiny bit closer to your "Dislcosure" because I AM devoting a LOT and I mean a LOT of computer time to rendering scenes and studying 3D stuff like Bryce, Poser, Lightwave etc...just would LOVE to have REAL models to work with of what's OUT THERE. I have plenty of "alien" ships but would like to see something I KNOW is likely real, along with logo jpgs for appying and painting configurations. Hell like I said about the motorized gryscope DT-Camera, your own fellow members that this particular area is their speciality would KNOW what to get for those images from down here....so to would some of the navigators likely have 3D models of the hardware AND the environment you operate in...like a flashing and wavering blue aurora around lovely Mother Earth...though I could likely "fake-it"...have a dxf, or avi file of something like that would go a long way to preparing a 'SWORD Documentary' in 3D.
Also glad to have Clamytoe back too
Thanks Bob,
I like your idea about the dxf files, but those might be hard to come by without getting in a shit load of trouble. How about some quick sketches? Top, side, front, and back views would be enough to get a rough reconstruction going. Like Bob here, I too dabble with 3D modeling, specifically LightWave.
A bit off topic; a quick little script that I wrote for LightWave was mentioned in the book "LightWave 3D [8] 1001 Tips & Tricks". It must have been good, because version 9 of LightWave has integrated its functionality into the program... Bastards didn't give me any kick-back either.
Virtue is its own reward!
"Well Done," even if you didn't get any kick-back. :)
Very true. I'm glad to have contributed to making the application that much easier to use.
Well, what a fool am I.
I was still posting and monitoring the comments bookmark for "Freelance Thoughts" 05/28.
Lo and behold not one but two Blog posts later, Ion comes to realize yada yada yada...
I had two links of note back there, should I bother to repost?
O.k. some catch up now. Please mention new Blogs for those that surf straight to the comments, day after day.
Rob -
Any way to get a 3d dxf model of that ship and other material from your SWORD unit for use in a 3D animation of a story that you might tell?
Chapter 3
- or -
The final of three "Propagation Department" movies soon(?) to be released by the pentagon...
...then theres the PBS guys who deal with us during our whole "Sword Rising" ...
...sounds crazy - I know...
Stay tunned...
See?..anybody involved in those projects would have access to those models. If you need reminding of my ftp site specifics let me know. :D
Or even to up-load to us a "pre-screening" version of the programs?..drooooling. lol
As I've said I have 300 GB free space and anomous ftping.
Need - at least 3.8 TB (thats terra - bytes) to hold the whole... on average - eight hours PER RELEASE OF MOVIE...
Well see what a 1024 res can hold in GB ... ...now im trying to figure space... (which is infinite and confined)
Rob - dont tell me that your FTP hasnt been "probed: recently"
"The Men of ZETA company..." -OR- "Regan's War" - Eight hour movie - formated originality for IMAX - 16 some odd TB of video (max resolution)...
"Sword : Operations of the Thunder" : 22.5 TB of data (we kick heroin dealers ass'es)
"Sword : Rising" about the same... ... The Propagation department of the Pentagon do'sent fuck around. If they re going to release a "Hollywood" quality movie - they will spare no expense - nor will they worry about many of the "other" things that REAL filmmakers must deal with... ... such as time constraints...
I actually have a strong bound with the Propagation department of the Pentagon - they want to tell it WHOLE and they want to tell it TRUTHFULLY...
... the only problem I have had with current directors - there is to much me - and not enough of the men - thus the first title - - - titles...
... a captain is but one man, a Shepard of a large flock, there bidding, to do the work...
Forever - for everyones use - /whois/ ... /whatis/ ROBS TREASURE CHEST?
2600 hrnd hackers will get it
Whats the prt brhtr?
Are those movies obtainable 'legit'? I haven't googled Im in middle of downloading 421 MB CRISM files from my HiRise Smoker acquisition...they just recently released the other instruments data...only in http format and I tried every trick I knew to ftp this thing Im doing...not set up for it...a miscue on their part ?/don't know so Im grabbing all I can as i can here while still rendering which sloooows everything down including my rendering Im doing that has 619 hours to go on this machine and is only 640x480 AVI about 10 min long.
If my spot's been 'probed' it never left anything for me to download.
If someone is going to put something there...other people CAN remove it before I get to see it...no way around that problem with HostMonster who I am with. So an email heads up to me would counter that problem likely. Also remeber you are Mt time it's 11:11 where you are ...I'm still at this CRISM data at 2:11 AM here in the 'future day' of June 14.
As for the 'hints' on where to point my ftp 'grab-it' to get something need better ones or email me the ftp site. If more interesting that CRISM..Ill stop CRISM and grab what you point to, granted I have space. I have have about 500GB of free space on this machine here...less on the other one.
Gotta go...going to turn everything else off so I can get as much as i can here tonight...getting tired...bad Fri 13th for me.
I think I have been a little wrong on how much a movie is in data size... ...I think I should be thinking much bigger...
I downloaded the Lord Of War movie from the Internet and it only takes about 4.5 GB of a 7 GB DVD. If I had changed the format to an AVI instead of a REAL DVD that would play in players I could have loaded another shorter AVI movie on that 7 GB DVD.
I can get WHOLE SERIES of Television shows in DVD sized format with no commercials that will fit one season on one or two DVDs...a 5 year "Set" might take at most 10 DVDs which is about 70 GB in total "storage". Remember my account has 300 GB and with a little help and planning could increase that to 600 GB for $7 bucks a month on a two year contract along with nearly unlimited bandwidth.
It is then possible to make those into flv (Flash Movie Files) and put such things on ANY site along with a player and I could play re-runs of Babylon 5, or anything else if I wanted folks visiting my site to see them...course the FBI would likely be knocking at my HostMonster CEO and asking who own this CSC and to take down this copyrighted material.
but techinically and size wise...there is nothing stopping me from "hosting" your PUBLIC DOD movies since they are in the public domain and hence not subject to copyright infringement as long as I ran the movies "as is"...i.e. NOT take out credits...or put in scenes not part of the movie etc.
I wouldn't do that anyway if you could get those movies to me via ftp. They would be available for ANYONE to watch WHENEVER.
Now the "movies are in YOUR hall".
Just a thought.
Now back to CRISM and other things.
from previously:
Mysterious Masons let their secrets out
The new exhibit at the Idaho State Historical Museum
What Do You Do If Someone Blows Up Your Satellite? Call a Space Lawyer
Space Lawyers
Michael Dodge from Long Beach, Mississippi, graduated last weekend with a special distinction with his degree from the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law, University of Mississippi. This marks the beginning of a new era for the legalities in the space travel as Dodge is the first ever US space lawyer.
Still catching up....had to get those links out to U mates.
Good work Sword. You've really opened up ...and... raised the bar. nice bgr. ;) Clever subtleties.
...keep'n da faith in Canada here.
I just got home from seeing the latest Indiana Jones film...
...so much easter eggs - so much silly disclosure...
I told you they where going to do it with media...
I haven't found that one to download yet...but then I'm downloading CRISM data right now AND animations running so I won't be able to look again for a few weeks.
Also it's 4 Am here and off to bed.
PS about 'disclosure' and the media...I just watched Friday's latest episode of BattleStar Galactica...the Cylons and Humans finally reach Earth together and the 12 Constellations match their "Holy Books".
It looked what I thought it would look like...no surprise to me.
I missed that...
Who gets the 33rd?
Since I'm up early for a 'tiny slip of time" I'll yak it.
If you can get hold of some movie trailers' or 3DX stuff of SWORD in 'action' that want to be 'disclosed'...you know who wants em ad WILL upload and present them to EVERYONE !!!
PS..again an email letting me know something is in my in box would help.
to the 33rf !!!
Congrats to Bob, No. 33.
For some reason I was thinking maybe number 33 would be something like Arsenic (As). ;)
Incidently arsenic is used as an alloy in making bronze that is less brittle.
And now I'm tripping on the simularity in meaning between "alloy" and "ally."
Speaking of alloys, I just found out the other day that Manganese (No. 25) is used as alloy in making steel, and has other uses, and more importanly is no longer practically mined in the U.S. The U.S. now imports basically all the manganese it uses from foreign sources.
That got me to thinking about other possibilities for what the U.S. might be looking for under the earth in the middle east besides oil.
BTW, speaking of strategic minerals, one of my first clues in the late sixties that the "Cold War" was phony was the fact that
the U.S. was buying all the titanium for use in jet aircraft, etc. from the (former) Soviet Union, the only major known source of titanium ore. Ironic, to say the least.
Finally got to hear parts 9, 10, and 11 of Hoagland's speech to the Libertarian Party.
Interesting Russia teaming up with India (who has the Veda's -- the oldest known writings about the earlier advanced civilizations and may be able to figure out where stuff is on the moon.)
Intersting George Lucas' "Star Wars" may have been a true story...
And toward the end of the 'final reel,' mention that recent Enterprise Mission research has discovered evidence that "sometime between 1958 and 2008 the secret space program has begun flying anti-gravity spaceships..."
Interesting choice of dates...
Yeah - interesting...
...its the same old same old...
I was talking about this stuff long before hoggie went out there...
Anyway - who did Tim Russert piss off?
New post on the way...
...sorry ION... got to get in step...
Try making a "fav" of :
that might help///whois
Iapetus, Title Deed, 1 Acre
Deeds for Solar System property
ION - Thats fucking crazy...
...we dont sell Federal Property...
New post written - lots of "homework done"... ...its a biggie - and UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE PROVIDED... ...looking to post tonight... ...tommarow... ...i call it the "Troll-o-polt"
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