I’ve told my bit on that. Things here, things there. Some to folk privately, most public. I’ve been on board some of this hardware, and talked to those who have been in the fight fist hand. “Sounds made up…” some would say. As I have shown in the previous blogg, truth is stranger than fiction – and as my Father always said, “ the Truth will set you Free.”
He also told me that a F-15 Eagle could get into orbit, just getting back down was a problem... ...but that was a long time ago... ...and the basis of this part of the blogg series...
Short story. I started blogging in accordance with Operation:Disclosure, a SFTG:SWORD/NASA plan of action to fill in the American public on the seriousness of the knowledge that the secret Masonic side government is taking very, very seriously. If ya’ll remember, it was a rough start. Quite frankly, I would much rather be getting shot at and risking decompression than dealing with this silly ass thing – most of the time. I must admit however, even through getting shit thrown at me by fellow bloggers as if they are monkeys and shame and ridicule from my own peers for being irrelevant – I have actually come to love “The Blogg”. As a matter of fact, so do my upper level peeps, but I cannot divulge on that at all… [Addendum: Ultimetly considered failed do to the fact the Public Relations puke failed to emerge...]
Keeping with the theme that absolutely stupid sounding gibberish can, and most time does, turn out to be true - Let me draw your attention to another strange set of things that sounds made up but turns out to be true.
The F-117 Nighthawk.
You folk should know it as the “Super Star” Stealth Fighter of “Operation: Desert Storm”. The Nighthawk was famed and fabled poster child of everything right and mighty of the American mind and spirit during the first time we went to Iraq. Everybody knows about the stealth fighter and its bigger brother the B-2 Stealth Bomber.
This was something “new” to the public and generated a lot of American pride with the social conscious being aware of the fact that we could sneak into the night above our enemies and blow them to hell with a lot of ka-blewie undetected and return unharmed. You know, no mess, no fuss, real American hero shit. First shown to the public in 1988 it soon became a media darling. Apparently, based on what they are telling you – the public – the “Nighthawk” was not possible of flying until the seventies because computers where not powerful enough to control the flight, and only then [in the seventies] was the craft built. The problem it seemed then was that the mathematics and radar technology based of off Russian and a German scientists (respectably) in the sixties where to complicated for a aircraft to fly with any stability. Bullshit…Certainly civilian computers where not fast enough or small enough – but the intel corp dosen’t have its own military R+D funding for shitz n’ grinz…
The devil is in the details for this one. They hide it right in front of your face.
Well, just based off the Wiki article – anyone who’s anybody here with your proven sense of detail, should start thinking about how likely this was built before the sixties…
…officially “operational capability was achieved in October 1983” should be read as “we’ve been flying and fucking around with this thing since 63’”. The facts of its designation, the “F” of the 117 is telling. Of course, those who know aircraft and other avaition junkies already know that something is amiss with this “F” designation, but for those of us not into all that, here’s a snip from the wiki article itself:
"The operational aircraft had the official designation of "F-117A". Most modern U.S. military aircraft use post-1962 designations in which the designation "F" is usually an air-to-air fighter, "B" is usually a bomber, "A" is usually a ground-attack aircraft, etc. (Examples include the F-15, the B-2, and the A-6.) The F-117 is primarily a ground-attack aircraft so its "F" designation is inaccurate. The designation "F-117" seems to indicate that it was given an official designation prior to the 1962 U.S. Tri-Service Aircraft Designation System and could be considered numerically to be a part of the earlier "Century series" of fighters.”Say f@*king what? Seems to me even the “offical” (as offical as wiki can get) seems to be telling us one thing in the overview and in the details they are letting it slip of something else. If we stay with the premise that the government only shows what is considered old technology –and- we read between the lines –then- we can deduce that this plane has been flying around as a fighter prior to 1962.

For a nation built by, and still governed by, a secrective quasi-religious masonic order, whose first and last name is secrect – no – it is not inconciveable that this technology not only was opperational in the sixties – but was kept secrect and hidden.
I would submit that this is just one black project that the U.S. MIL-FACT has owned up to, and proably only then under international pressure because no one in our media was talking about it. Even then it was only produced to the public for consumption due to its changing base location. Base location!?

So, even the aircraft that are the poster children of an open and free society have scketchy details at best, as it should be. With just a little reading one can duduce that the government is not really lying to the public – they are just not telling you the whole truth at any given time. In the matter of deffense – sounds good to me. If the “public” knows about it, then everybody knows about it to.
Lets move into the funny litle subject of the X category and some of the other nifty little aircraft that I know are flying around. Funny thing is, if you look at the links list of craft, The F-117... ...it isn't on the list... Ohhhh realllly?
You guys remember the link I posted about the flying dinosaur? Specifically the X-20 Dyna-Soar? I posted a link awhile ago… …and then they dropped one out of the sky right over Canada. Somedays You got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em… …know when to drop a hint…
…this aircraft started out of course with zee Ghermanz, and through Operation Paperclip, this “nearly proven” aircraft very quickly had every single dam aircraft producer in the united states, literlly Boeing, Convair, Douglas, Martin, North American, Republic, and Lockheed – scrambling to get there own version of this plane in the air, on DOD request (orders) . What DOD fool wouldn’t want an aircraft capable of dropping a load of boom-boom anywhere in the world in a matter of a few hours, or less(a lot less actually…)? Even the damm Ruskies got into it with there own version, the MiG-105 which had its own improvements that we stole and used on our own future models.
So, obviously – everyone wanted this technology and they wanted it flying now. The concept of flying undetected above radar, far above the range of SAM’s and dropping down on unsuspecting cities or military industrial locations with an ass load of death certainly gave the MIL-FACT shudders of delight. This was a huge project, and the best where slated to fly the craft with such famous names as Neil Armstrong.
This project went black in 1963 when Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara stated that it was “not useful” and that the Air Force had “no idea what to do with it”. Ohhhh realllly?
So, the Air Force “cancelled” it meaning they moved it to black funding – and the Air Force moved into immediately working on the “Manned Orbital Lab”… …more on that latter. Now of course “they” want you to think that we do not have anything like this flying around and only until recently with the X-37B is the Air-Force getting serious..
This “concept” has been in production just like other different airplanes for decades. We have a long list of prototypes that are and constantly being put into production. We have accumulated production planes and new research designs including the X-41 F.A.L.C.O.N. program which is “classified” and more than likely has been flying for about a decade. When you look at documentation, it’s the same craft, just different names to keep the funds flowing. On the “new” X-41:
“The X-41 involves an experimental maneuverable re-entry vehicle carrying a variety of payloads through a suborbital trajectory, and re-entering and dispersing the payload in the atmosphere. In December 2002 the DepSecDef directed the Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to establish a joint program office to accelerate the Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) effort to meet this requirement.”
Why does some of the concept drawings for the Nighthawk and the Dynamic Soarer – look so dammed similar?
How is it that it has been described as “bat” looking? Wonder if there are any bats on space mission patches?
How hard would it be to strap a booster to the ass end of a nighthawk and blast that mutha into space?
Just what in the hell has the NAVY been up to this whole time?
That’s just the “Space Fighter” idea that’s more than just flying around in someone’s imagination. While I have never been on, or near a space fighter – there are larger things floating around in orbit… …I have been on.
Stick around for part three - "The mysterious case of the Militant Space Shuttle"…
I never knew much about the letter designations. That was a holy shit moment, being around for decades. Man, that never crossed my mind.
You're really laying it out lately. Thanks sword.
From F86 in about 1953 to the F105 in 1955 and named Thunderchief to the F117 Nighthawk in ??? Sure makes sense in timelines...and wow ditto Wayne, holy shit moment.
Remember as well The Silver Dart. Another craft publicly 'in development', yet designed to double as an unmanned or manned spacecraft and can provide for a long duration platform in orbit. Based on the FDL-7 design which is stable in flight from Mach 22 to 0, the Silver Dart has the glide range of 25,000 miles (one earth circumference) with a cross range of over 4,000 miles. Such a glide performance provides for departure from any LEO and landing in the continental US with no wait time on orbit. An all metal thermal protection system allows for all weather flying. Combined, the thermal protection system and glide range result in a reentry vehicle that cannot be trapped in space and is able to return to base from any orbit around the Earth.
Once you have the 'frame' or 'airframe' the rest becomes...'accessories'. ie propulsion etc.
example: There were numerous 'versions' of the F86. Notably the US, Canada and Australia doing some customizing.
The F86's my Father flew were the CDN Mark5's and Mark 6's. Wiki: The Canadair Sabre Mk.6 was the final variant and was considered to be the "best" production Sabre ever built.[2] It was equipped with a two-stage Orenda engine developing 7,275 lb (3,302 kg.) of static thrust. Its altitude performance and climb rate was enhanced over the Mk 5 and the reinstatement of the wing leading edge slat gave it excellent low-speed characteristics.
I note that for the purpose of aligning the thought with Sword's remark in his Blog, something his Father told him: "He also told me that a F-15 Eagle could get into orbit, just getting back down was a problem... ...but that was a long time ago..."
So it would seem these craft could do more than the method of flight thrust etc.
example: After taking off conventionally, the B-2 has the option of switching to anti-gravity mode. It has been said that using it's anti-gravitic technology, the B-2 can fly around the world without refueling.
and same source: (credited to Retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware) and he has claimed that a three star general revealed that "the new Lockheed-Martin space shuttle (National Space Plane) and the B-2 (stealth bomber) both have electro-gravitic systems on board" and that "this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each."
To close this thought on topic with Sword's latest disclosure to us.
The F-117 stealth fighter also has hybrid propulsion and lift technologies which may be electro-gravitic systems. Utilizing conventional thrust for public take-offs and landings, switching to anti-gravity mode would allow an extended cruising range, lightning fast maneuverability, and for shrouding the airframe in invisibility (by having its local counter-gravity field bend light around the airframe).
souce: http://www.defencetalk.com/forums/air-force-aviation/antigravity-tech-b2-1335/
I've seen those B-2 stealth bombers--they are NOT invisible. :)
Sometimes you will see them about a couple thousand feet above I-70 poking along at about 70 mph, keepin' up with traffic.
It's the weirdest thing--they almost appear to defy gravity.
BTW not in the middle of Missouri, more like half-way between the middle and the left side.
Off US-50 between Sedalia and Warrensburg. About 50 miles east of KC.
A recent (yestaday) post by RCH on his facebook page:
In my upcoming "Secret Space Program" talk at the LA Alienevent Conference, March 20th, in addition to the remarkable new Phobos images showing evidence of bonafide ALIEN RUINS, I shall ALSO be showing truly amazing new video of "something geometric" ... hovering over major cities here on Earth! Eeriely similar to the ...... "giant Tetrahedron" ... that menacingly hovered over Moscow, last December. Who's suddenly "checking us out?" And ... why!? And ... is it connected to the sudden pattern of MAJOR earthquakes all around the world? Come and find out!! www.alienevent.
Hello ALL and WOW. What a turnout!
2 concurrent excellent blogs with alumni to boot!
zebo, jaz, ssc, fool, toe, taco, too !! woohoo!
Great Job and hats off to zebo/sword keep it coming.
Who knows, it just may incite a full reunion of sorts..
a gathering of angles/angels.. soda speak.. :)
More to come, currently digesting it all.. great stuff!
On another subject, well off topic, but prezactly right ON topic:
10am yesterday (3-12), clif high/half past human - released a new
'Shape of things to come' report. (.. $10 bucks..) for download..
pdf runs about ~60 pages. the synchronistics/resonance
of what is contained therein as it relates to these two blog
posts is rather astounding in my view.. There are so many
connections.. truly bizarre.
Especially climate, eq's and 'off world' references, things like
'sun dis-ease', ejections, incoming swarms and embattled fleet(s),
marooned - aka Major Tom?? (No offence intended Sword, I know this
is a sensitive subject for you/yours.. But, it's IN there..)
new electrics/magnetics.. and several pages devoted to 'space army' !!
(ie. sword?) references, so eerily, distinctly similar/connected as to be well
beyond coincidence on many points. WAY too many.. to be disregarded.
In fact, the entire read is just riveting.. raised so much hair on
the back of my neck I hadda go shave. While some/most of the
analytics are rather dark/grim indeed, I would rate the info as essential
for coping in the near term/future.. grim or not, essential.. and yes
time IS short.. as far as the analytics go anyways. In fact, the data would
seem to suggest that 12/21 2012 may possibly be a concerted 'ruse' to keep
most folks occupied until well beyond the point of doing anything soon enough.
sprinkled with shades of euro-anglo-saxon-plan/timeline stuff.. so much more..
ALL so very coincidental in the release timeframes of all this material lately..
or.. is it?? hmm.. when universe speaks.. perhaps, we ought listen. eh?
Disclosure, coming from heretofore totally unexpected ancient sources..
IRS becomes a sort of 'peoples advocacy' ?!?! huh?? Say What??
Yeah. ya just gotta read it to catch all the trends/symbolics..
Read it ALL in one sitting for the full hair-raising/shaving required effect..
or.. bite by bite if your not into that kinda rush.. but read it!
Even If only 1% of it should manifest in this reality, we are in for one
helluva tumultious/exciting (sic) few years.. and real soon too.
check it out if you can/feel so inclined.. it is REALLY REALLY Good.
er.. but not like rainbows and lollipops good, rather.. awareness/prepatory
in depth sorta good.. if'n ya know what I mean there..
(email me if ya can't swing it, perhaps, wink/nudge, I can help.. :)
Anyway, again, so great to see the interaction folks.. Really!
Hopefully, it is a sign of resurgance, unity of awareness/consciousness
coming about at a crucial/pivotal time in this 'reality'.
yes, I know, I have been blog quiet, nearly non-existent for quite awhile now.
While I have continued personal research, seeking answers, following the blogs,
it has been a VERY long time since I actually posted anything of substance
(if ever, as defined by some, lol) I apologise for that. Please understand
It has NO reflection on the blogs/participants in any way.. just something I've
had to work out alone. maybe now is a good time to resurface, attempt, again
to be of some benefit to the whole.. then again.. we shall see.
So, peace on ya !!
- silent running
Great post, Blasted!
Glad to se your sense of humor has not suffered from all the grim stuff.
You all may want to check out (except Sword who is still in the novideozone)
Their latest offering is "Edition 33" about the famous Phoenix Lights.
I guess I should clarify about the B-2 stealth bombers. The ones I SAW were not invisible. I can't vouch for the ones I didn't see. :)
The earthquakes in Chile are still reverberating. If South America keeps moving west, it may end up being Southwest America.
Also a couple off the coast of Oregon last cupple days.
The joys of living on a living planet....
Awesome blog!
I knew about the aircraft designations from my time in the California National Guard working on helo avionics. I always thought it strange that the Nighthawk was given that designation with it being a ground attack craft; but now you've cleared that up for me!
You've also confirmed what many of us have known/suspected about how far ahead the MIL-FACT actually is compared to what they let us "see".
Can't wait to read about your mil-spec Dyna-Soar!
Blasted! Thanks for the reminder to read those reports! I had already forgotten about them. Like I said in a previous post, I've been so busy with my own "preps" that I hardly have any time to just sit down and read anymore.
I was reading that discussion about the anti-grav capabilities of the B2 and F117 and came across the mentioning of the following book:
The Hunt For Zero Point
Thought others here might be interested.
Blasted - do you have my email address?
Hey Thanks Gort, appreciate it.
hiya toe!
ahh yes. preps indeed. I'm basically in 'start over' mode myself.. awful crappy timing on dat sorry to say.
and dude.. you still gotta read the others?? skip it and get the new one.
The latest release has some significant changes.. such that you can just read the current one FIRST. after that, the older ones are pretty much reference data. so much is in flux, it is quite interesting to see it 'evolve' via the linguistics from report to report. sure wish I had the foresight to have kept the older sets..
Taco! Yes, I sure do. Will be in touch later on tonight.. ;)
There is a lot of great concurrent additions in these comments - and I appreciate that. I can't truly add every thing I know - or the blogg posts will turn out to be novels.
ION is right, once you have the frame everything else is custom to specific mission.
We, and they, DO NOT consider what you guys think of as anti-gravity as anti-gravity. It is not the end all be all, if anything - it is an assist - you still need the original power plant to move the thing - the additional tweaking only enhances performance and gas millage.
It also tends to put dodge pacers into the air after you hit 88 mph.
I am using someone eleses lecturn right now so back tommarrow...
And I'm back and no one added anything - oh well, time to work on part three.
Part three is written...
...adding images, editing text.
May go up tommarow, maybe even today - so - if you have anythign to add to this part - do it now...
Off topic (i'm a jerk I know)
Why do I think this is the bottom half of something that we can see teh top half of on mars?
Post of ramma for me...
...part three goes up tommarow.
Flying Cars? Holy George Jetson!
Those trees are on some island in the Indian Ocean. I think someone on either FSHOD or here put up the link for it.
Looking forward to next blog sword. I got new shoes. Can you blow them off please. :)
Thanks for that image Sword. In support of that premise. GIANT PLANT SPECIES
Report #019
May 12, 2001
Joseph P. Skipper
Speaking of Nature, doesn't this Mars image strike you as filled with plant/tree objects that have vertical appearance? Zoom it and they look like things standing upright.
To think it was titled "Cloud of dust on Dunes" at some sites.
WOAH!!! edit!: Here is some support for just that notion. MARS DUNES, TREES & TECHNOLOGY?01/18/2010
Hoagie was on C2C in the first hour.
ESA released two photos from March 7 close fly-by. Hoagie is working on de-scrambling the pictures to bring out the good stuff.
He will be publishing the photos on the Enterprise mission at some point this week.
What is it with his UFO trip latley?
New blogg post more than likely will go up this afternoon. I hope I get the same response as the other two...
lots of earthquakes going around - LA just got hit. 4.4
Of course, ION, your first image could just be "lava". The secound image I think is just water and the angle of the image is misleading.
Then again...
Now Hoggie can relish in old times:
Damn...who left the door open!! LOL, Thanks Sword!
I'd agree Ion, that last image (can't remember where I read it...) is upside down. Flip it and the trees give way to gullies formed by liquid! I've seen that one before and it is interesting for sure!
Yeah really - who let the dogs in?
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