We will be jumping around through time here from bit to bit – please bare with me.
It is important at this time to remember my mentions and ramblings on the discovery of the “special location” in the Grand Canyon, which is now considered as a black area by our government, and then of course visited by every sitting president since then either covertly or openly. Added now, if I haven’t in the past, is an interesting correlation between the constellation Orion and the location of the “Isis” temple in the Grand Canyon. Of course, I could do an entire blogg post on this subject alone, as it is a significant part of the story about the “secret” space program. For now, however, I will leave you with the location and the map image to add some tantalizing details to what is hidden there, and what was found. Namely to refresh your memory, at first was found not really a temple mind you but a large facility (post Kincaid), an escape “boat” and latter, in a seemingly abandoned hanger in the same integrated facility located in the canyon, what has been called – “The Hot Rod”…
…oddly enough a pattern of pueblo villages in the state of Arizona mirrors all the major stars of the Orion constellation. No where else on the planet do so many ancient sites mirror a constellation so exactly. I am surprised that this known, scientifically proven fact, has not been more thoroughly explored by mainstream science… …then again old man mason might just shoot you for being in his back yard.
Directly related to Americans getting first in the Air and then into space came all the civilian government organizations and committees that normally show up when something needs to be studied, reversed engineered, and then built into something humans in today’s age can use.
The precursor to NASA was NACA or National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). These guys had been mucking around trying to fly with the “found” specifications from the 1906 “find” in the Grand Canyon. The civilians of the cause created NACA in 1920 and had such facilities as Langley Research Center, and the then called Muroc Flight Test Unit, which was the training center for the Army Air Core. Muroc is now Edwards Air Force Base. NACA tended to be “loose” with its studies (much like another yet secret organization) as this quote demonstrates: “In addition to formal assignments, staff were encouraged to pursue unauthorized "bootleg" research, provided that it was not too exotic.” NACA claims the right to the first supersonic plane, the Bell X-1 (1945), and the first edge of space plane the X-15 (1962) [Both of which look like traditional, "old school/retro space rockets]. So certainly, it would be an understatement to say that very, very early in the 1920’s where taking off and going all out to get up there. NACA finally figured out that they could indeed get up into space and flipped itself into NASA in 1958.
Then, an another, secretive organization comes along and acts as a middleman for the DOD and all the other three letter organizations. No, it was not SWORD…
Enter the National Reconnaissance Office.
The NRO is part of the Department of Defense and founded in 1960, no one publicly new about them until 1985, and wasn’t even officially acknowledged until 1995 – and only then because there existence was leaked to the media and they where both hoarding money and spending it on black projects that no one new anything about. Aside from working with the CIA, it also has partnerships with the NSA, NGA, they also work with the United States Strategic Command and Naval Research Laboratory. On top of that they also provide imagery to the NAO for law enforement pourposes. Now, for an example of the nutty fun they partake in, these chaps where responsible for the recovery of one of the first photo reconnaissance programs called Corona. Keep in mind folks that these satillites the NRO ran would literlly crap film and drop it into the atmosphere where a plane would recover it mid-flight… …in the 1960’s… There where many satillite reconisance programs that the NRO ran and nevermind the fact that the USAF was messing around at the same time with Samos and MiDAS, whose data is still classified. The NRO has also admited to using high end Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Space Based Radar (SBR) systems. Guess who set up that brillant pieace of media of the satillite that was shot down by a missile fired from a Navy cruiser two years ago (February 21, 2008) that we made such a fuss about? –the NRO. And that’s just what they admit to...
So a major player in the space race was open for buisness in the 1960’s and accesable by no less than five of those pesky three letter acronymed orginizations for twenty five years spending money on black projects like there was no tommarow – and - you never knew about it. Hundreds of people working hand in hand with a black organization working on black projects, and it was kept secrect for twenty-five years. Ohh, and by the way, they have saved up 1.7 Billion dollors for a rainy day fund that no one new anything about untill very recently.
So why the history lesson?
Because the NRO was heavily invested in the development of the Space Shuttle. Hell, the DOD already had space fighters – now they needed to do some heavy lifting. So in marches the NRO (The DOD middleman) to the NASA offices and dictates some of the specifications to what the production shuttle should be. Keep in mind what the heck is going on here... The MIL-FACT/DOD dictates to the supposed civillian space organization what the shuttle will be, through the NRO. Why? Because they want there own version and want someone else to fund the cost of labor in designing it and taking care of the factory level base frame production. It was about this time that the MIL-FACT was on a “modular” basis. That is meaning of course that the MIL-FACT was looking to standardise parts and equipment... ...and make the parts externally interchangeable. Much easier to fix things if you don’t have five different types of planes that need five different types of tools and five diffrently trained mechanics to keep the fleet up and running.
The NRO/DOD was heavily involved in not only the design and the construction of the shuttle but also the staffing of personell flying the shuttle. I am not going to go into detail, but of all the astronaunts flying the shuttle what percentage do you think are miltary and what percent are bonified civillians? Hmmmm?
One particular mission of note is the STS-33 mission – still classified – and its listing on the wiki has some intereting details that the casual observer would miss. Also on the DOD/NRO list of missions of note is the mission STS-51-C. The mission was to park a large signal intelligance satillite (SIGNIT) called of all things … ORION, and it is sitting in geosynchronous orbit, and it has a dish on it 100 yards wide. No one involved with the mission will comment beyond this recent statement from Astronaut Payton: “It’s still up there, and still operating.”
Now I know I have been sending you off on a bit of a history lesson. Bare with me. If you look at the list of missions – the military was using the “civilian” NASA shuttle with military pilots to deliver there large military loads from the beginning of the program until 1991 when it abruptly ends – which is when the military shuttle program came online. What other explanation is there for the petering off of military missions for the space shuttle?
What?, the military just shrugged and said, “meh…"
Now some folk are going to say that is impossible, that too many people would know about it and talk. Well, let’s look at the chain of command for such an endeavor, again, from wiki:
“The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who reports directly to the Secretary of Defense. Six of the unified commands span the globe in terms of different geographical areas. In addition, there are four functional commands where specialized military activities are run by a single “Combatant Commander.” The chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense to the combatant commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands.”So it looks like a whopping total of four people are in the chain of command for any space core. So it goes from the CIC, to the SECDEF to Combatant Commander to the “officer on the ground”. I know, I know, that still doesn’t account for all the affiliated personnel from the flight mechanics to the pilots and including the janitor and his dog, Rosco. But let’s keep in mind that these are military personnel who can be jailed immediately, without trial - indefinitely for even uttering a word. It’s certainly not inconceivable that an extremely large, remote organization could remain hidden for decades – especially if these are specialized military personnel or militia…
Second of all, folk will say – where in the hell would they hide it? And where would they get the fuel? You need gas right? As I have stated before, Alaska has a long history of being able to support this endeavor, secret launching methods not with standing.
Alaska has everything you need to keep things under control and out of sight. It’s remote and some could say desolate landscape will keep out even the craziest “ufo hunter”. Alaska is big country, you could have facilities of rather large sizes out of sight, nestled in some valley somewhere hidden and no one would even chance on them accidentally. There’s also plenty of raw oil for the taking, and I mean plenty. Add the “secret” government’s penchant for digging in like a tick and having things they don’t want bombed or seen, like a refinery, and you end up with three major space related facilities hidden in the vastness of the great state of Alaska. We really have nothing to worry about up here, every other ufo nut bag in America is still enthralled by the completely staged counter intelligence spectacle known as Roswell – and – everyone seems to think that Area 51 is the end all be all. Ultimately its easier for the MUFON nit-wits to rent a car and drive to the desert than buy a airplane ticket and then hike several hundred miles into nothing, and we know that.
Of the military shuttle, they are as differently configured as a military hummer would, mission specific to generic. These things exist – and in greater number than you would think. The Army has at least three that I know of – know of as in seen with my own eyes. The Navy probably has at least twenty, only DOD knows how many the Air Force has. There are several variants. Some are closed with bomb bay doors instead of payload doors. Some have VTOL capability. Some are completely sealed and are used primarily for transportation. The newer variants have a split tail, flatter overall height and squat landing gear. Almost all have a large gyroscope(s) in the front. I’m no scientist but apparently it helps in high speed maneuvers in space.

Submarines are manufactured in modules. That is, sections of a submarine are made in one place and then shipped to a different location for assembly. What a perfect thing to have in space. It already has the necessary things for survivability in space right from the factory. Several sections at a time can be sent up in the space shuttle. A few simple modifications to propulsion, and bingo, space sub. Hmmmm, I wonder if anyone has posted a link with stuff floating around in space (Saturn address) that look roughly like submarines…
Can you smell what I am cooking?
Coming up next:
Military Space Stations: SWORN to protect?
Sounds like you're saying that we are building some rather large transports up there.
I don't really think I've given enough thought to how much and what the mils were doing with the space program. This is really great sword, getting me to think in a whole other way about this. It's way deeper than I thought it could be.
...I guess I'm on a roll.
Messing around for part four and thought I would throw this out early as a appitizer:
Do I smell what you are cooking? Yup.....take a look at some of Watson's pictures of "submarines" up there. ;) Great Posts Sword.
Yeah...good momentum for the third installment, you're on a roll for sure and the fact that you're laying down some backdrop for what you've said before! I've never really thought about Alaska, don't know why because it makes sense to hide something there and it could still be huge!
Ah, the site in the Grand Canyon (with the Egyptian connection). That has always been fascinating to me, ever since I heard about it several years before all this blog stuff...that one dead ends pretty quick as far as research goes.
So, does Chaco Canyon figure into any of this, along the timeline?
Definitely on a roll. I've read about the stuff found in the canyon and have seen the videos from that guy and his home cooked telescoped videos of massive ships up there, but until now I was skeptical of how they would be able to build any of it up in space and in secret.
Very nice path you've laid out here, keep it coming. That one NRO patch you posted almost looks like an owl from a distance, I'm guessing that was done on purpose... Dang symbols are everywhere.
Tell me, have you been down into the canyon yourself and seen the shems? Is that what their called? Do you eat the white gold powder?
Do I what?!
Take a look at the patch again - tell me what else you see...
Correct me if I'm wrong but that would be the "flying V's or wings" ...pretty telling for "that" to be on an NRO patch! IMHO.
Like above, there are the flying wings and what could be them spraying some chemtrails over Africa... Regardless if they are chemtrails or not, one of them seems to be invisible and their flight paths converge somewhere between Chad and Sudan. There's either the Sun behind the Earth or some sort of explosion going off in South America. Also, I can't quite figure out the graphs, they seem to represent equations that are opposing each other, antigrav?
I really should put all this in a single comment...
...oh well...
...the next post will not be as quick comming.
I have given plenty to discuss - so - discuss.
BTW - Choco Canyon IS on the map (see image)
Excellent story telling. Yes, some of us already knew a few of these details, but good presentation with fill-ins.
So, might I suggest that there might not be the same 'size limits' in space, on the length of the Virginia class Submarines??
From the last image of your Blog post, the premise of assembly of 'segments' give me pause to consider that the length could thus be pretty much anything. Propulsion etc would be totally different than the underwater application. This harkens back to the earlier thought about the basic 'frame' or air-frame' and the subsequent modifications that can be done.
Better yet, how about the Ohio Class??
Or a completely diffrent class - in where the civillian manufacturer thinks there building a wet sub of new classification - but in fact are building sections of a Void class...
...without ever knowing where there part of the pie is really going to end up hmmmm?
And yes the sections can be any size and any configuration you want - and six can be attached to a much larger vessel for interplanety travel...
St. Pats days:
(off topic...OFCOURSE)
A few years back (probably when Art Bell was still doing the Art Bell show) someone was lamenting the way NASA drops the empty large fuel tank off the Shuttle and lets it just fall in the ocean to swim with the fishes.
I forget who the guest was, but his proposal was to add some additional booster engines to the go ahead and boost the empty fuel tanks into LEO, let the vacuum of space suck out the residual fuel fumes, and collect the empties and cobble them together into the mother of all space stations....
Great idea. Heck its already most of the way there anyway at that point. If nothing else, they'd make a helluva storage warehouse in orbit. Good for even bigger projects to be assembled off planet.
Its funny Sword, I have to admit in all my thoughts over the years, the idea of submarines, never ever came up as a possibility. Now as you present it, it makes total sense.
Ion, I noticed in Sword's link to ISIS (wikipedia article) there is a picture of a temple of Isis in Rome, located on the Janiculum.
Ah, your ol' buddy Janus! That two faced god. :)
Good 'eye' Gort. TKS. Wht is also curious is in the Isis Wiki, the really don't say anything about it(the Sanctuary Isiaco), other than a small mention of 'Rome'. Yet they include a picture? hmmmm
As well, it is curious that in the Wiki on Janiculum, the don't mention it at all, even though it is there on the hill amongst the other shrines they do give note to. hmmmm
As far as the large booster tank goes - how many do yopu think are already carried up and stay up. Is there any public accountability?
Surely none. Hey they even stopped broadcasting ordinary Shuttle take offs a few years back. Can you imagine how little notice the 'disposal' of the large tank would have?! ;) 'ah its just garbage...everyone back to work.'
Sword: Would they use them as Gort suggests, or stick with the fuel tank premise?
Here is a comment I saw recently at Benjamin Fulford's Blog, that speaks a little to how the secret program might work....without any beholding to the 'public'.
At the very top of the financial world (at least in the West) you find oligarchs and gangsters. In other words if you do not have serious protection in the way of goons and spies and gangsters, you are not going to last very long before you are killed and your money is seized.
People at the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) constantly have to deal with high level thugs of the worst sort if they want to do any transaction. Their rule is “leave your goons and guns at the door and come in alone if you want to do business with us.”
So, if you really want to understand high finance, just look at who controls the biggest group of goons. In other words, the people who run the CIA, MI6, the KGB, the Pentagon etc. are the people in charge of finance. All that stuff about compliance and ethics is for the servants. At the top, it is the law of the jungle that rules.
..and who are the Lions? eh Sword? lol
I have no judgement, for I know you will quote me George Orwell from your front page.
Thanks for the links!
GenDyn must have a better deal going on ;-)
"General Dynamics C4 Systems' employees have been contributing to the U.S. space program since the mid-1950s,"
General Dynamics/Convair Space Shuttle •
Over the years there has been many contracts for many types
My favorite version is the:
"Shuttle LS A. Status: Study 1969.
Lockheed shuttle proposal phase A of December 1969. X-24B lifting body orbiter with delta-wing booster." ;-)
I had told robert in a IM chat a long time ago that "they" where moving to "commerical" shuttles, based of "old" NASA shuttle technology.
The tried and true jeep/shuttle will be retrofitted and specialized by and for the military. Then again - all the mission specific stuff ya'll wont see for a decade or so...
...if we last that long.
interesting find on those links. Lots of shaking up around the industry.
The last link is broken - shut off.
Forgot ION's question on the tanks.
Certianly it is and has been reused as gas tanks.
Cleaning them out has got to be a bitch for any other sort of use.
The Navy went Nuck for fuel a looong time ago.
Those GenDyn deals smell fishy to me. That's chump change for those big time arms dealers. They must have some other huge black projects going on that will replace all of their "old tech" ones...
...thought provoking Sword, offering thanks for giving much mind fuel here!
Questions arise on the fuel sources, which you don't make mention of any of Teslas energy devices or free energy sources as yet, can only presume these are the 'un-mentionable here' or they are not in use ''yet''?
anti-grav is only as good as it's energy source; infinite=loads of antigrav...
just wondering, but sub's as ships in space makes sense... specially in light of a certain Gary Mckinon who downloaded a Nasa piccy of a cigar shaped vehicle with geodesic dome, ready to be air brushed etc in a certain Nasa lab.
What about contact with other of planet races, ca you speak bout dat in blogs to come?
just questions...
Quickly overview'ish
Tesla and for the most part truley "scaler" devices are earth centric tecnolgies - that is, useing the earths own electromagnetic properties as a power reservior...
...The U.S. Military has extensive rules in regards to contact - if possible - however in the sense of the moon and mars reconisance effort (Sword) we see no possible chance of finding anything that isn't us.
Only long gone reminants.
So what kind of weapons do you use in space? I'm assuming that projectile based weapons would be too dangerous, they could breach the hull and all would be toast. So with that in mind, do you carry Star Wars like blasters and repeaters now? I know that pictures would be impossible, but how about some quick sketches sent to our mailboxes?
Just so you should know:
Looks like the ESA is not enough:
Wallpaper of the day:
You don't hear about this much.
F-22 flying air cover during STS-122:
Interesting observations on the conceal carry image. Thanks for posting it. Now I need to make sure that I do neither of them...
The next blogg post is being worked on.
Problems arose when I previewed some of the posts planned after the SWORN "issue" ... and was reminded that soliders do not get involved in politics - nor do they comment on them - nor take a political position when they are Federal Employees.
The next issue will be shortly forthcomming.
I expected alot more hubalo with all this recent stuff.
Why do i post comment when I have links!
Wikilinks hijinks:
Whats your function conjunction??:
For ION:
Nuff said
It should not surprise anyone here that one irate young man going by the handle "Mars Revealer" has found his way to Uncle Hoagie's facebook page with more of the same ad nauseum ad hominems.
Something about RCH being a secret operative of some outfit named SWORD?
go figure.
stupid grin
I didnt see any mention of me though...
Interesting enough to post:
And Hoogies Facebook page is hiniting of something balcked out in Orion? Hmmm:
Wallpaper of teh day:
Something tells me that THIS has something to do with teh recent missile test:
Sword, you double-posted the darkasteroids link.
Sword, you double-posted the darkasteroids link.
Maybe the second one was supposed to be darkhemorrhoids.
UH OH?! Trouble brewing.
S. Korean warship sinks after explosion. Cause of blast near border with North a mystery, 40 of 104 sailors on board remain missing
This is the funny part that say what? hmmm
A second South Korean vessel opened fire on an unidentified target to the north shortly after the explosion, according to the Yonhap news agency. However, it turned out to be a flock of birds, South Korea said.
ION - Something is UP with that story!
'foo fighters' = Early Stealth Tech
Greer's Alien •
Steven M. Greer is just trying to keep the REAL HiTech Stuff(UFOs/Aliens are one of the covers) on the down low ;-)
BUZZ danced on the Moon and now he is Dancing With Stars!
MarsRevealer brings you Part II of the Lord Of Hosts...
Re: Dr. Greer
I do like the premise that he is showing people they don't need their Government to engage the real ET's, for them
Its kind of like the old premise of the Catholic Church. You don't really need and intermediary.
These ET beings don't use radio waves or anything liking to our outstandingly primitive technology. Why CETI etc ever committed so heavily to that course I don't know.
It is being shown by Dr. Greer that these beings easily can monitor our thoughts and focused transmission of our conscious awareness. So people with some discipline and meditative ability could seek direct interaction themselves.
ION - That Alien pic is most lame, why would they claim this image real on the CSETI website. I do not agree, Greer is just another cover boy for the government to help hide the "REAL HiTech Stuff" from the public.
Looking back on the "Roswell UFO Crash", I think what was shot down or came down was a "Russia's Spy Probe". There was alot going on in this area of the U.S. and what better way to cover things up. Remember after WWII the Russians grabbed about half of the NAZI science dudes ;-)
Looks like for about $150 you can take some really cool pics yourself.
Robot event offers glimpse of secret project
re: Alien picture. Yes, I agree. I didn't get their premise at all in that regard. But I did find Greer in interviews to be clear and sincere. In one with Camelot he handled some heat with thoughtful input. So I used him as a point in the thought about personal direct contact potential.
Having read the Dalai Lhama's book where he talks about the Buddhist knowledge of Solar Dieties, I was surprised to see that kind of wisdom knowledge of the order of the living universe in print and answering my ??. I have had personal spiritual experiences over the years when my meditative discipline was higher, that I could only describe as 'contact'. Through Taoist CHi Kung practice I first learned about alignment with the North Star(Pole Star) which is Polaris. Later I had spontaneous powerful atunements with Arcturus. Right out the blue, not contrived or looked for.
More my thought was the potential to simply engage at a direct and higher level. In that, the wider reality becomes 'seen' which includes these other levels of developed conscious beings.
Were off topic here now. (sawry Sword). Dr. Greer in the link about their Ambassador training, requires meditation as mandatory. I say any form and time given is good and grows. The best true martial artists I ever knew, all meditated in some manner.
Bringing it back to this unit or Order call 'SWORD', when he talked about Iapetus it was with reverence of a more spiritual understanding, within their warrior path. Not just war pound grunt posture of soldierdom. He knew the great importance of the Temple at Iapetus he spoke of previously....And it was from 'their' history as a group.
Not 'of here'. Came here.
Back to the space fleet: been reading some interesting papers on Waverider technology.
Re: further potential value of submarine application for craft.
It is partly for this reason that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is looking at Waverider as a possible delivery system for their Solar Probe mission. (3) JPL is looking at the megasonic speed range, where velocities exceed Earth orbital speed, with planetary encounter speed of around Mach=100. The JPL Solar Probe mission requires a very high speed, high G manoeuvre in the atmospheres of both Venus and Mars, redirecting the orbital velocity of the Earth which the probe shared at launch and effectively cancelling it so that probe "falls" into a long elliptical orbit, whose perihelion lies within four solar radii, where it will measure the near-solar environment.
The design of Waverider vehicles for such a demanding mission poses many practical problems. The exact shape of a Mach=100 shockwave has to be determined, as well as the chemical interaction of gases encountering the shockwave at that velocity. It is fairly obvious that the Waverider for Mach=100 will have to be very slender indeed, and given the size and the mass of the Solar Probe payload (3) , this would require a very long vehicle,....
The Flexwing Waverider 'concept' really opens up the possibilities.
We are all boat people.
Galley slaves, then planetary engineers, now back watter primitives.
Interesting read. A doorway.
Interesting read. Another "doorway".
Lessons learned:
They are missing two or three - more on that latter:
Proably more latter...
Where the fuck is everybody?
The MIL-FACT shuttles have a little more ram than this for on board eapon systems:
More interesting than anything else I have seen of late:
Do to unseen ramifications of posts - the last section of the "Secrect Space Army" is effectivily canceled.
Well - someone else is on the right track:
also on:
of course it might have something to do with this as well:
also on:
Anything I have posted is from public domain. Including today's, that most obviously got blocked by Blogger (error 502 whatever). Even that, today, was an existing U-Tube and information already out there. Already available from the public Nasa image files (sts-88).
It would seem less about me possibly and more about the notice 'your' Blog has. Hooray for you. good stuff.
Yet, more schizo on again off again from the ptb. Only your material here is breaking out with actually new info. ...and the story gets 'short ended' yet again. :<
Is "part 4" still on?
Looking at the space doctrine documents, the comparison has been made to the early navies that protected merchant ships, or the early forts in the westward expansion to protect the settlers. Of course the real reason must be to make sure the new settlers don't find the secret military bases. Or setup military bases of their own.
I would hate to think you are going to mars to depopulate "the native savages," and make it safe for the white settlers.
That would be especially ironic for you, Sword.
Of course, as you said, there's nobody there but "us."
Thanks for the linx ;-)
Check Iron Sky!
Both you guys are right.
On the ION side of the omellett - yes, getting a little to close to teh truth. It started out as peer pressure oddily enough and morphed into something else entirely. More on that latter.
On the Gort side - then only savages the military has to worry about is my platoon ... our legacy proceeds us.
But your right gort - there are specific comparisions to the early navy for very good reasons.
To let me clarify - nothing has really been canceled - just temporaily, indefinetly, delayed...
yet again.
The U.S. Territories and Tribal Nations ;-)
I accept what you are saying Sword, but to your peers: 'get a grip dumb asses'.
This stuff is coming out everywhere. Some has been out for some time. Is not the point for the interested few to glean and disseminate the knowledge wider?
My remarks Sword yesterday were from my experience of a Blogger post getting the old sudden mysterious blockaroony....and then anomalous and dysfunctional internet experience from that point on. Right after you posted your remarks, so I could only surmise someone rang bells.
If I can go to ATS open forum or link a Utube video already up there available, then someone 'offial' wants this stuff to be seen. Now you suggest they think we all are doing to good at this? ...or you are...so they snip you again? Pleeease. morons
Get the left hands shaking properly with the right hands. If you want some of us amateurs, intuiting and guessing here to shut the F up about something, then try emailing us 'members'. You have the technology.
In the meantime anyone can view the official images from STS-88 and see the kind of familiar looking craft we might expect from our secret space program. Wing lights and all.
For a good laugh read these excerpts of a John Lear chat on C2C's streamlink chat.
Billions of people on Mars?
Gort - I didn't even get through his entire transcript...
...I think he has lost it.
ION - your right - stuff is coming out from everywhere. But it shouldn't be coming out from individuals in the seriously unique situation as I am.
That photo - quite telling isnt it. Looks like a slighly modified F-117 - now dosen't it?
Pardon me...spontaneous combustion(flamed)... name calling...how funny is that? :
I get ya Sword.
In my lingo, I guess you represent 'straight from the horse's mouth'?
Hard after all these years here to think The Capt. Rock we met is now affected by 'peer pressure'?! bahahaaaa (but I get ya)
For you guys, who love the counter intelligance stuff - and want to know "A" origin of GHOST - I present:
Mars revealer's brother strikes the belly of the beast:
Captain approved meal:
Right now - as I type - a Navy sonar man is running around our facility telling everyone that the contrails are in full force today.
Full blown arguments are insueing between sheepole and others like minded as him.
Half the damm facility is outside looking up.
The compiter center has just about eveybody going to prisonplanet.com and weatherwars.com in order to dispprove or prove his argument.
And THIS from our secrect space core trainees and trainers.
No joke.
How I imagine Mars Revevevevelers workspace looks:
We found the easter bunny:
Someone should go to hoggie facebook and redirect some of the folk over here.
Just sayin
Working new blog post - and yes - it is the one I intended.
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