Apparently, the majority of Joe Schmoe public doesn’t care if we have submersible aircraft carriers, military space stations, space fighters, killer satellites, and kittens that can shoot lasers out of their arses. All they care about is cheap gas, legal weed, and CSI: Topeka. There is of course a slice of the American pie though that do not want to go along with that preprogrammed life of sit-coms and ten dollar an hour jobs - and where determined to have the “Brutal truth” revealed. Bloggers. (Shudder)
Those intrepid individuals turned to the internet in the hopes of attracting like minded souls in an effort to get down top the bottom of all this silly secretly hidden things – why – they had the right to know! But they had no one to guide them to what the truth is - or was - or will be...
From out of the shadows came a fearless heroic leader... (Danh-Dun-Dun-Nahhh) Author, scientist, and now, the brave leader thought – blogger. As his website a ship called S.S. Captian’s Blogg and the seas the internet, this brave C rated celebrity would captain himself and his faithful motley followers - to (Last star on the right) the truth!
At first with a few toes in the water he began his voyage with commentary regarding normal things such as space shuttle missions and benign space pictures. However, the SS Captians Blogg really started to rock when it came into troubled water with the motley crew looking at “controlled” storms on the horizon. All the while the crew dammed the government for not spilling its secrets while our government (apparently) was efficiently dispersing a large population and destroying a significant section of an American city. The fearless blogg leader stated that the government was using strange musical instruments of extraordinary scalable power to control the hurricanes. Ohhhhh nooooooozzzzzz! Of course the crew cried! The government is playing with there HARRP!
Then things got weird.
Some dickhead named Sword showed up on deck and started spilling the beans amid internet trolls and disbelievers spouting claims that he was involved in the horrendous act in a small way and that he was ... a Mason! Gasp! A Pirate! It was completely unexpected! This Sword charater also claimed to be a member of a much larger group of techno-militant-Masonic-hippies who have been in cahoots with the U.S. Military since the early 1900’s. The techno-militant-Masonic-hippie even implemented the fearless blogg leader himself as to be a honorary member of this old, hidden society. No one needs to know that he decreed!
Then things got even stranger.
The SS Captians Blogg caught on fire and everyone was trying to piss out the flames. Choas reigned supreme! What would the fearless Captain do!? The best selling author-scientist-blogg leader completely unannounced jumped over the side of his ship the S.S. Captains Blogg mid-sentence and disappeared without a trace, and thus, abandoned his faithful motley crew of truth seekers and his ship only to return on a diffrent ship much latter having wrote a book about techno-militant-Masonic-hippies as if it was his idea from the get go and acted as if his ship, the S.S. Captians Blogg, never existed.
Then things just got sad.
The old ship was renamed Dry Dock, then the “Flying Shit-Hook of Death” – then people started walking the plank. Remember the jerk off named Sword who screwed the voyage up for everybody by pressing the ships captian on details of his life before he was a blogging captian? Yeah – they put him in a rowboat and pointed towards the shore.
So the Flying Dutchmen, err, the FSHOD continued to sail on, sometimes a ships captain was present, sometimes they would flip a coin to see who would captian next. Then, oddly, and predictably enough – the on again, off again FSHOD captain retired to his quarters and never returned to deck.
The Sword character is still rowing along side with his shorts as a sail and a hand made Jolly Roger at the top of the mast. Every once and awhile crew members of the FSHOD throw trash at him when they grow tired of his babbling madness...
All in all, a sad tale – a tale of woe. It is a god damm greek tragedy...
It sounds completely made up, this story – but as we all know – that’s just about the way it happened. This is why I am getting laughed at by the people that apparently you folks on the outside absolutely hate. Those dastardly black hat powers that be ... I don’t blame them for laughing either – the above should illustrate what the real “brutal truth” is. We are clowns. Fools. Sheep. Even our/your self proclaimed “Captain” abandoned you/us to take what he was hearing/did and turn it into a book. Instead of boldly going off in search of the truth – he’s selling his truth back to you/us for about
The jerk in the rowboat, remember me?
I have been trying to give it straight without getting my ass in (to much) trouble for years now. I can’t always just spell stuff out for you. I can’t always take you by the hand and lead you down the hall to the correct doors. Some of this stuff you guys are going to have to figure out by your damm selves. (Grumble)

Lets move on to more ramblings from the jerk in the rowboat...
…we can always assume that anything that we know the military has in its arsenal is to be considered by us as decades old technology. All the new stuff that we want to know about is of course kept secret – as it should be. Why in the hell should the MIL-FACT (Military Factory: All of the Department of Defenses and DARPA’s efforts to create, build in production, and put into operational use – of military hardware) – where was I? Oh...
Why in the hell would, or should, the MIL-FACT tell anyone outside their circle anything about what they are doing? Seriously? Why should the U.S. Government expand on why they have a small moon base, or a mars colony, or a Naval Space fleet? In what interest is it for the nation to do so? There is not any interest to the nation or the American public to tell them, or you, what we got. Our best weapons and research, especially our knowledge, should be kept secret – inviolate! The best weapon to have is the one that your adversary dose not know you have.
That being the case – why in the hell would a U.S. Army Captain show up on the filthiest place on the earth, the internet, and start spilling some of the most magical fruit on some of the most secret of secret things the government holds and NOT end up getting shot in the face?
Good question.
Three part answer to a one part questions. One – WE (SWORD) want to be known, so when we start doing what we do best, the public doesn’t assume it’s an alien invasion. Two – A promise to twenty nine other men (Project:Disclosure – AKA NASA’s legal way out…). Three – The so called powers that be knew that no one would believe it anyway and if they did – it would be such a micro percentage of the public, it wouldn’t matter anyway…
…anyone who has been reading the blog for awhile, even since the beginning (they should launch that thing in a tube!), know it is a lot more complicated than that. Hell, even the trolls who throw shit over the side of FSHOD know it’s more complicated than that.
Stick around for part two, coming very soon…
[Space Fighters, The Curious Case of the Militant Space Shuttle, Military Space Stations, The Crazy Christians, and the Revolutionist Nut-Bags]
...hi hi hi
still seeking legal weed, but very cool :D
I like where this is going....
Dr. V
This blog speaks to me - good read with good flow - waiting for more!
SWORD and 2001 connection ;-)
Wow. Ok I am left stund here. Enough truth in the story ringing like a bell.
On one hand I am impressed your memory is good, on another, I guess I am indeed one of those 'sheeple' in the flock. Yet born amidst this mushroom rung of society I found myself impulsed more like Johnathon Livingston wanting to soar above the seagull flock.
The societal construct has been effective in the confounding of the majority. Don't scorn us, born to this shit fed mushroom patch. Alas here are a few of us 'birds of a feather' who grokked some truth in a tale or two of science faction and looked to know the real deal about the idea of 'sailing beyond the sunset' and discovery of Man's real ceiling.
Sure I have in some way been free to think it was all about self-fulfillment and thus engaged some discipline to that end. How funny to grow to learn that the real process of this life experience is exactly the opposite=it's about self-transcendence. From that, people like us, have grown 'capable' of readily understanding the larger scope and moving beyond merely my own functionality in the world to grasping these loftier ideas of Humankind and those that serve beyond themselves with devotion.
I sometimes ask myself why the heck I was drawn to any of this stuff originally anyway. Captain's Blog?!?! what? As healer at the time I was used to being nudged to certain people and areas and indeed something was UP with the whole first flash of all of this. Enought to say there was a convergence for sure....somewhat lost in Hoagland's scat. The more I know, the less I 'understand', and perhaps that is true openness, but this can not merely be an exercise to a little geek squad of sorts in some quasi entertainment(nah it can't really be true) format?
You pushed early, you came out and he dropped out. You stayed with us..years now Sword.
You guys want to be known. You want the way for an en masse moment of revealing to be eased by 'a seed group' who already know the basics. Ok so we had some end point to digesting all of this and doing the work of 'getting it'.
I am fond of Hoagland, but have felt bad for some time about how all this has unfolded. He is scattered in every directing...i guess literally too as the mix of story seems to go.
Stories weave and braid and long ones need to crisscross loose ends for people to keep with it. Too many threads now in his stream of telling and as your tale shows..it got weird.
I am frankly left feeling a little dispondant here now. Best Blog flow yet. Some heavy tidbits though, and some of us have struggled with some of this and its vague context. Many have gone silent or run silent now. frozen stiff like a cosmic winter meteor storm. Heady stuff to attempt to stay present and be in the now.
I guess as you said, we could also say "its more complicated that". Ignorance is not Bliss, but rare Truth burns and hurts. Many of us are affected.
Anyway, more to comment to the Blog itself later. Had to let this moody thought out tonight.
thanks for your continued efforts (real) Cpt.
Best Blog flow yet
I agree. There is finally a coherent story to glean information from and connect dots of what is being conveyed.
I am frankly left feeling a little dispondant here now
here are a few of us 'birds of a feather' who grokked some truth in a tale or two of science faction
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering
I guess I am indeed one of those 'sheeple' in the flock
That is defeatist thinking and is NOT productive. In your Heart, you know better than that.
to know the real deal about the idea of 'sailing beyond the sunset' and discovery of Man's real ceiling
Man, in its purest 'form', has no ceiling. That my friend is the ULTIMATE Truth. The rest is Soap Opera and Illusion, designed to prevent us from realizing our Divine Inheritance. Don't get caught up in it. Learn from it. You are wise my friend. We have incarnated here and now to participate in the challenges and opportunities that are evident from the unfolding of Universal Consciousness. Healing is needed, personally, within the family and among the Human family. Individuals who have that gift to give, like you, are critical to the process. You have a responsibility. You are being counted on.
Seize the Day!
...stay strong bro's and sis's (Ion)
They come at us with big words and numbers, we bounce back with bigger ones...
Faith, love, truth, reality is for each of us uniquely to observe and behold. What is a Revelation otherwise...
Possible Impact Crater found in Democratic Republic of Congo.
If it is an impact structure, the scientists estimate it could have been punched into the crust by a space rock measuring about 2km across.
Further studies will be required to accurately determine an age for the ring, but it appears to post-date the Jurassic Period.
[end excerpt]
So, part two is "ready"...
...doubt I will get such rave reviews on that one as I am getting on this one. I am going to review and make sure what I am trying to get across without spelling it out actually comes across the way I want it without spelling it out.
See what I did there?
I'll proably post that next part Friday afternoon.
It snows around here and everything comes to a dead dam stop...
...so I have a little time on my hands.
How I managed to get kudos from even my hardest critics is astounding to me...
I'm going to pull a Star Wars meme:
"Stay on topic ... Stay on target"
Oh and just to go off topic, why not?, there has now been the third major quake in the backlash timezone for the harp screwyness. Its Chile - AGAIN. (google it at your lez-sier)
RCH was generating mega hits from that blog to his site. Right after he grounded the blog, ads showed up on TEM. Let's not forget about that too.
The existence of secret space stations etc is not surprising. The motivations of those who built all of that can be seen in the actions of the visible government. Except, the clandestine side seems to have it a bit more together. :\
I was there in the early days of the Captn's Blog. I remember following it daily, learning about the things i wanted to know about. And I remember you sword. You returned when Mars Revealer came looking. That was an interesting time.
Let's see the next blog sword. The skeleton crew awaits.
Damn, he calls for on topic. Well,the personal experience around this process of 'being informed' here, comes full circle to staying on topic.
From cosmic consciousness moments in meditation 'meeting' solar deities, to feeling awareness so potent that I felt and voiced to someone Haiti, the day or so before it happened. That flash of death was an immense feeling tsunami. From powers of 8 to signatures of 33, the highly coincidental symbology is everywhere. Orion is not a belt, it is the Sword of Orion. - to (Last star on the right) the truth!(Sword). ion-> δ Ori (Mintaka)-90,000 times as luminous as the Sun.
From the Jumproom to Mars to dimensional disclosures and quantum teleporting 'early' research , the possibilities are not farfetched at all. Common disclosures are ratcheting up. Physicists Prove Teleportation of Energy Is Possible. Alignment of the spheres? Iron clad wormholes?
FSHOD-What if the sun is spitting these things out? Just saying...
Sword Monday, March 08, 2010 11:07:00 AM-->next day-->Sword spits out feathers. (Nothing like a little nudge nudge I guess...
Sword Tuesday, March 09, 2010 10:25:00 AM)
stop point: Before I ruffle any feathers with my intuiting yada yada, I'll let go for tonight. More pieces have to percolate. Space Wing eh???!????
ORION-It is one of the western mansions of the White Tiger.
SWORD- I guess that makes this an important and auspicious year. Year of the Tiger.
THE FOOL-valuable thoughts.TKS
Not defeatest. Just a context for point. Waking up to realize you may be spiritually 'the pivot' can be a stretch beyond. As above so below this is how the hinging go. SO many nuances revealing.
Way to go Sword....clarity!
...ok, I'll weigh in, Sword stay on topic; spell it out if you have too!
The Truth, the light is for those ready, able and willing to accept it. We have shown we are that type of persons... so gwaan, tell it soo!
Nice recap and summary! Much food for thought here.
Wow - everybodies coming out of the wood work...
...next post IS ready - proably will go up tonight. Guess the skeleton crew is digging the works.
I didn't know we have kittens that can shoot laser beams out of their arses!
I tried to post the second comment. It was something about chapter iv of the Art of War by Sun Tzu, but it got swallowed up by the aether.
Some days the blogosphere just doesn't go the way you want it to.
I'll quote the Sun Tzu passage later. I think there is a lot of relevant (and revalent) info in that short book. BTW it can be read online.
Goggle it. MIT has a online version.
I also think this new blogg has a nice flow. I think the ol' Capn' has not gone away for good. He might not be dropping big morsels like you might have expected, but I still see him dropping the bread crumbs leading in the right direction. Of course we are all still waiting for MWAV part vii....
I would like to know more about the threefold purpose of your P:D, but I'm sure it will all see the light of day in due time.
'nuff for now.
I can imagine Commander Bond, James Bond, drifting in the life raft with the Bond Girl, and having a submersible aircraft csrrier surface from beneath him.
..."Permission to come aboard."
Looks like I will be posting that blogg REAL soon...
...part two:
Space Fighters A-GO GO
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