However - the far reaching implications of this “government approved” - taxpayer funded - technological “upgrade” of our strategic defense - is so much more far reaching than anyone - including members of our own government - could ever, ever, ever - imagine.
For many “public officials” - the “Star Wars” program - that spent billions upon billions upon billions of dollars - was simply killer satellites and new forms of radar to stop the “Great Bear” of Russia - the United Socialist States of Russia - from successfully launching a nuclear war on the united states. That threat - from this soldiers point of view - was very, very, real.
It was so much more than that...
The primary purpose was more funding.
More funding - not initial funding - but more funding...
What do I mean?
I mean that the “Star Wars” funding started nearly sixty plus years prior - long before man itself could even realize that they could in fact go into space - however - a certain discovery in the Grand Canyon - during the Roosevelt administration - changed everything.
The change was so drastic that the government started operating in the “Black”.
And... ...in the far north... ...in the "final frontier" state... ...setting the stage for the public NASA... ...to get Americans used to the idea of space travel... ...we succeeded far beyond what we figured would happen.

So - why would the government - all the sudden - start a weapons program that would cost billions and billions of dollars - simple...
Now ALL the funding is on the public books...
As a means to an end... ...no one can say that anything was hidden from the public.
And that simple fact will become more evident very soon - when American media will ask what the public will demand - why where we not told earlier!
The answer will be of course - we did - and no one was listening. “It all very well documented - and at the time - no one cared...” - Quote from unnamed source...

Sounds devious - but it isn’t.
The truth is out there - and plainly given - if you only know where to look.

The show is - well - eye opening to the public.
Weapons and the military have been in space for quite sometime - and this show aired some things that the government has been planning to make public for quite sometime. It all has to do about media - and the average Americans inattention to the things that are important to there long term survival.
The link... ...and full blown video episodes can be found here...
FYI - MOL only went to the "Black: side of operations - it was NEVER canceled - there astronauts continued there training. Much paper work - infallible via - FOIA - can be shown that these men moved north and continued there military "status" in the northernmost state - "the final frontier..."
But - don’t take my word for it - watch the show - and let me know what YOU think...
Stay tunned for part three - SDI before & forever...
"The New Armour for Knights: of the :New Republic"
HHMSS (His Holy Majesties Secret Service)
Thanks for new Blog.
This is just a carry over from the previous comments.
If I recall some time ago, I posted a piece about the emphasis for concern had shifted from asteroids as an impact potential to principally 'comets'. From papers about the 'dormant' Temple1 and the now defunct mother of the Perseid Shower called Paethon, it looked to me in may respects that we are working hard on the skill of activating and most especially learning how to deactivate comets.
The one to really keep an eye on is comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova slated for trouble here in 2011. (Oct 28th)
Who is the photo of?
You said:
I mean that the “Star Wars” funding started nearly sixty plus years prior - long before man itself could even realize that they could in fact go into space - however - a certain discovery in the Grand Canyon - during the Roosevelt administration - changed everything.
Was that the Teddy Roosevelt Administration or the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration?
You shoukd make that clear.
Most people think of FDR when they hear "the Roosevelt Administration"
Gort said...
Was that the Teddy Roosevelt Administration or the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration?
From an old link doing some 'repair work' for the IA I found this I partially saved:
Excerpts From New U.S. Military Space Policy
Jul 23 1999 11:06:19 ET
more stories
New U.S. Policy Considers Satellite Attacks An Act of War
Excerpts from new U.S. Military Space policy
U.S. Department of Defense Directive 3100.10
July 9, 1999
It is Department of Defense policy:
- Space is a medium like the land, sea, and air within which military activities shall be conducted to achieve U.S. national security objectives. The ability to access and utilize space is a vital national interest because many of the activities conducted in the medium are critical to U.S. national security and economic well-being.
- Ensuring the freedom of space and protecting U.S. national security interests in the medium are priorities for space and space-related activities. U.S. space systems are national property afforded the right of passage through and operations in space without interference.
- Purposeful interference with U.S. space systems will be viewed as an infringement on our sovereign rights. The U.S. may take all appropriate self-defense measures, including if directed by the National Command Authorities, the use of force, to respond to such an infringement on U.S. rights.
There's more but space limit :D
Always knew there was a Space "Division".
Its bigger than I ever initially realized when I started getting briefings on what my men where to be doing.
I thought - oh - hell - they must have one or two shuttles that the military uses...
Yeah... ...right... Hundreds ( not thousands ) are in service.
Just like the Jeep of yesteryear - the production of military shuttles with the magic money - has led to some very inventive uses...
I had my own sort of "shock and awe" back in the day...
As you use the word 'shuttles', are you pretty much describing the typical one the public is familiar with? ...at least in basic shape design?
With hundreds of them, what might they all be doing? Has their mileage improved? Are they used now like a viper from BSG? ie 'interceptor'.
I'm just curious about applications.
You may recall, we looked at details of the 2008 U.S. space budget and there was notable examples of ships(33 of the Falcon/Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle) and other advanced tech.
Space Weapons Spending in the FY 2008 Defense Budget
26 Advanced Spacecraft Technology
Experimental Satellites Series (XSS)
Spacecraft Protection Technology
84 Multiple Kill Vehicles
33 Tiny, Independent, Coordinating Spacecraft (TICS)
33 Front-end Robotics Enabling Near-term Demonstration
Space Test Bed
Lots of 33's there hmmm? Your so right Sword much is disclosed and right in front of everyone's eyes. At least the basics of it anyway.
I also like the reference to craft called 'Angels'.
HHMSS (His Holy Majesties Secret Service)
Who do you swear your oath to?
Did you come here just to bust my balls
Certainly not. I'm interested in your authenticity and motivations.
For many “public officials” - the “Star Wars” program - that spent billions upon billions upon billions of dollars - was simply killer satellites and new forms of radar to stop the “Great Bear” of Russia - the United Socialist States of Russia - from successfully launching a nuclear war on the united states
Is this statement derived from inside knowledge of the workings of "Government" and of "Public Officials"?
“Black Operations” could be considered anything that the regular government - and the parallel Masonic government - would be better of not allowing anyone to find out about
What, or who, funds the "regular" and "parallel Masonic" Governments?
Wow - lots of questions!
Just what I like.
On topic as well - I like that even better...
Lets get started...
IonTruO2 said...
As you use the word 'shuttles', are you pretty much describing the typical one the public is familiar with? ...at least in basic shape design?
Nearly exactly the same - with some improvements.
The USS Chapel of course was modified purely for dignitaries - with a completely enclosed cargo bay with northing but “glass” keeping out the void.
The USS Yellow Devil - the one we (M-33/Sword) used had a much improved heat shield that was a solid piece of some sort of highly classified steel armor. We also had modified cargo bay doors that when unfurled had four Vulcan gun mounts that pointed “down” (relative to the ship). That was great for shows of force or chewing up satellites/Russian shuttles.
IonTruO2 said...
With hundreds of them, what might they all be doing? Has their mileage improved? Are they used now like a viper from BSG? ie 'interceptor'.
On the Sworn we where allowed to see that, indeed, much of what we had seen on the old BSG was implemented. Funny how reality mimics science fiction. BSG mimicked the style of launch from the American aircraft carrier. The new American space carriers - mimicked BSG and there old American carriers ways. Seriously though - what would be the most efficient way to get a shuttle launched? Fire up the main engines? No - what a waste.
We also saw some of the chewed up - almost out of commission - shuttles - and there crews and maintenance people scrambling to get them back online.
This was a wake up call for me and the men.
The war in space never ended with the cold war.
It was sometime during this period of watching our “Yellow Devil” getting parked and seeing all the wonders that a young seamen made a comment regarding that I should see the newer carrier and its three different sized decks. I looked at him curiously - he grinned and stated -“ it ‘aint just shuttles anymore Captain - you behind the times, you and your guys.” He turned and left - southern accent - and was Master Chief of something.
So I am certain that somewhere along the lines - where I say the shuttle is like the jeep to these guys - that somehow a “hummer” model shuttle was created. Deriving from what he said - there must be something smaller as well - and I wouldn’t be to surprised if it looked a lot like a “Viper” - or a certain “Hot-Rod” I have mentioned before...
IonTruO2 said...
You may recall, we looked at details of the 2008 U.S. space budget and there was notable examples of ships(33 of the Falcon/Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle) and other advanced tech.
Experimental Satellites Series (XSS)
Spacecraft Protection Technology
84 Multiple Kill Vehicles
33 Tiny, Independent, Coordinating Spacecraft (TICS)
“Will develop technologies to permit delivery of “small, hard-to-detect
nanosatellites” into “any common operational orbit” with “little or no
warning.” “Such systems could perform rapid response reconnaissance on any
spacecraft, with times to mission orbit measured in just hours.” The
nanosatellites, housed on a “mothership” would further employ “advanced
robotics technologies to allow satellites to reconfigure on demand.”
We didn’t call them tic’s back then - but this is what we used to confuse there 60's era “big gun” satellite that was within firing range of our Microwave Platform Satellite waaaaayyyyy back in the day. (And I mentioned it on the bloggs) Remember - sometimes Sword and DARPA have a riverly - not over funding - just who can come up with what - first...
IonTruO2 said...
Lots of 33's there hmmm? Your so right Sword much is disclosed and right in front of everyone's eyes. At least the basics of it anyway.
I also like the reference to craft called 'Angels'.
The items with a 33 - you could consider that something Sword might have a hand in (might) - but the numerical value does to me denote something that is priority... ...they also belong solely to DARPA.
The Fool said...
HHMSS (His Holy Majesties Secret Service)
Who do you swear your oath to?
Same oath as every other American serviceman.
“We serve humbly at the presidents request.” - which means - every new president that comes along MUST sign off on the original document of our charter.
The Fool said...
Did you come here just to bust my balls
Certainly not. I'm interested in your authenticity and motivations.
Hey - I want the truth to come out just as much as you do - and things do seem to be accelerating in that direction. Unit Sword is tired of being in the shadows. A long time ago - the men came together with “Project:Disclosure” - and that’s how WE ended up here now - on the web trying to get our information out. The one man who could really boost our cause has left the blogging community...
The Fool said...
For many “public officials” - the “Star Wars” program - that spent billions upon billions upon billions of dollars - was simply killer satellites and new forms of radar to stop the “Great Bear” of Russia - the United Socialist States of Russia - from successfully launching a nuclear war on the united states
Is this statement derived from inside knowledge of the workings of "Government" and of "Public Officials"?
Its based off of FACTS.
The Russians where very actively trying to figure out a way to first strike without mutually assured destruction - and to those ends if the couldn’t - just to go ahead and do it anyway. The intelligence community of the time worked themselves to death trying to figure out the WHY of it all - WHY destroy everything?
The baseline answer from communist hardliners was it would have been a better world to recover from nuclear war under a global communist state - than to allow western democracy to poison there way of life...!
Christ - some of the briefing works I have read - read like a horror novel.
The Fool said...
“Black Operations” could be considered anything that the regular government - and the parallel Masonic government - would be better of not allowing anyone to find out about
What, or who, funds the "regular" and "parallel Masonic" Governments?
Same funding. Its all there in black and white - the devil is in the details.
It’s all just magic money anyway...
Same oath as every other American serviceman.
“We serve humbly at the presidents request.” - which means - every new president that comes along MUST sign off on the original document of our charter
So what is superior, The Constitution or the Mason's original charter?
What was wrong with The Articles of Confederation?
Blogger The Fool said...
So what is superior, The Constitution or the Mason's original charter?
Considering the fact that a good 80% + percentage of the founding fathers where Masons - leading the charge of the "Great Masonic Experiment" - where of the Masonic belief - - - what would be the divine difference between the Constitution and the Masonic believe?
Sounds like me they are one in the same - that all men are created equal - under god - indivisible - for liberty and justice for all...
Whats Superior?
Its a town on the way to Globe - and then - Grandmas house... ...on the shores of Roosevelt - thats Superior to me...
When I say original charter - it really (the document anyway) do'sent really have anything to do with masons - why the original document states that we are of masonic origin - our unit - does not rely on that aspect of ourselves - its what we do - as masons - that defines us - since 1910 (in the range of) - Sword had been at the front of every battle America has engaged itself in - its only now - that our history comes fourth...
The Fool said...
What was wrong with The Articles of Confederation?
Nothing - in fact:
The Articles were created by the chosen representatives of the states in the Second Continental Congress out of a perceived need to have "a plan of confederacy for securing the freedom, sovereignty, and independence of the United States."
But this was long before the masons knew that there long road to true freedom among the stars was found in the early 1900's...
...I'm almost certain that if this information was available to them at the time - some sort of passage would have been made regarding the development of freedom in space...
...yet the need to have independence - even in the new oceans of space - still ring true - do they not?
all men are created equal - under god - indivisible - for liberty and justice for all...
Do you really believe (and understand) what you are trying to say?
the need to have independence - even in the new oceans of space - still ring true - do they not?
I am a BIG proponent of independence.
Too bad we are not afforded that.
I judge by your comments that you think you have a great grasp of American History and American Government. Am I correct?
Thought this was interesting I hadn't had time to check in with Linda Howe's site for awhile:
Sphere gets Ambulance ride
and off it went Hunstville Alabama oposite direction of the fire truck and ambulance's "home town".
With so many open DOD drones out there...could this just be a "black" one...even thoughit shines with pearly-diamond white?
No idea what that is...
Sword - I see some connections to:
"We didn’t call them tic’s back then - but this is what we used to confuse there 60's era “big gun” satellite that was within firing range of our Microwave Platform Satellite waaaaayyyyy back in the day."
and this story of:
"FIRE FROM THE SKY: Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles"
I saw Homer Hickham, author of Rocket Boys, the book that was made into the movie October Sky, at a screening and Q&A at Univ. of Missouri a few years ago.
He said they already have anti-gravity and are working with it in Huntsville, AL.
That link is coming up 404 not found.
Very interesting looking though. Could you please repost it.
Interesting, Gort,
In the correlation of October Sky and the anagram of Rocket Boys from your link, it is intriguing to note it was also in an October Sky, on my birthday in fact, on October 25th, 2007, that Comet Holmes became a million times brighter.
And Homer Hickam is a retired NASA Engineer. hmmmmmm
Unquestioning belief is suicide!
If we are due for a major catastrophe, we can trust those who know to help us?
Woaaa man, that is some story.
link copy/paste: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/fire1.htm
Too big to read it all at this point but I have read 4 parts and that guy is no slouch layman conspiracy chaser. In there he alludes to being on the Advisory Council or something like that(will chase the reference later when I have a little more time).
edit: Until mid-1979, I worked for Control Data Corporation in Sunnyvale, California, in the "skunk works" division. One of the projects on which I worked was Chair Heritage.
For confirmation for researchers, I will provide the following information: My boss was Phil Myers. Program Managers were JM Moore (TIGS, IOS projects), Jack Crawford, JL Smith, CR Shuler, LH Woodward, WA Osborne, and others.
Some of the projects were code named STC, RFREDA, BRONCO, MARE ISLAND, A4, LATFAC, DALFAC, RKYDSO, etc. It would do you no good to know what these names stood for - TIGS stood for Terminal Integrated Graphics, IOS was Integrated Operating Systems, DALFAC was Dallas Facility, etc.
Just suffice to say that we had the world's most powerful computers (Star 100 which was a Cray computer, etc.) and we were involved in the U.S.'s most secret projects. Our customers included the weather facility at Monterey, CA, (weather satellites do more than observe the weather), Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), NASA, and, oh yes, THE IRS. One of my friends spent all his free time away from the job studying anti-gravity, so it was not too hard to guess what his job concerned.
If that is even partial truth, things were looking very bad for the Americans and all, back at that point in 77.
Sword: you have said a few times, we won the war and by your posture we appear to be totally on top these days.
Can you explain? Surely the Ruskies knew you guys would have a secret program or two beyond the outward layer of NASA with the Columbia Enterprise premise and their 'missions'? How did we 'catch up'? It seems the Soviets were quite well ahead back in those days with some pretty advanced tech and craft.
ie: The Russian Super Heavy Cosmospheres were still considered experimental in nature but had vast improvements integrated since the early 1980s. Even so, by '80/81 the Russians had already built seven of them. In terms of volume, they are bigger than the Goodyear Blimp, they are even bigger than the biggest dirigibles ("zeppelins") of the '30s. They could carry a payload of more than 50 tons, far more than the Space Shuttle; and they were equipped with powerful electromagnetic propulsion which could take the Cosmosphere all the way to orbital speed. In short, the jumbo Cosmosphere was actually Russia's Space Shuttle. It was fully operational.
In order to carry out their attack on the Space Shuttle *Columbia,* Russia's entire fleet of seven jumbo Cosmospheres were made ready. Five were outfitted with special grappling equipment to enable them to seize a very large object in space. The other two were outfitted with neutron particle beam weapons. These weapons were the same type as were used in the "Battle of the Harvest Moon" in September 1977.
Sword: you have mentioned on a few occasions your prowess at 'boarding 'shuttles' and dispatching the enemies. Can you eloaborate?
Thanks again meangreen for that link. Its a very odd loadup for a web page though. hmmm?
Seen that before...
No comment...
I'll get to the other questions latter...
Don't try to convince me it's an Us versus Them scenario.
Governments are stooges. Period.
Sword - What is Richard Hoagland's connection to Dr. George A. Keyworth(former science advisor to President Ronald Reagan)?
Would love to know - but apparently its not important to Unit Sword at this time... ...disclosure of Hoagalands activities with SWORD would be a tad bit more useful at this time...
IonTruO2 said...
Sword: you have said a few times, we won the war and by your posture we appear to be totally on top these days.
Can you explain? Surely the Ruskies knew you guys would have a secret program or two beyond the outward layer of NASA with the Columbia Enterprise premise and their 'missions'? How did we 'catch up'? It seems the Soviets were quite well ahead back in those days with some pretty advanced tech and craft.
They thought that they had the corner on the market of space weapons. Alas - they where under funded - and there government basically collapsed under its own weight.
Now, I am very uncertain as to any other Russian built military space weapons other than there own special built shuttle and some of there highly advanced and clever satellite systems...
...orbs? Never heard of them... ...either incredibly short lived enough to where my unit didn’t have to worry about them - or they never existed.
Now I have heard stories/information regarding there scalar technology (mostly microwave technology) - and not from the web either - military sources - yet these scalar weapon facilities have been “knocked out” - and “beyond repair” - during the cold war. These facilities could have had the potential to do serious damage to anything in orbit - but only as far as line of sight is concerned...
Ultimately - the best weapon is one you never show - and never use - until its vital that you use it. Once you do - your enemy knows your capabilities and he can counter that.
So... ...we waited. And, we waited so more.
Once the scalar facilities where naturalized - it pretty much became a conventional warfare scenario - only in space - and that’s when Sword comes into play.
Today - the United States owns the sky’s - and that’s no joke... ...with a combined arms of the Navy, Marines, and Air Force - all part of SDI - oops - I forgot to talk about the US Army premier space force - SFTG:Sword - oh wait - I did mention that from time to time...
IonTruO2 said...
Sword: you have mentioned on a few occasions your prowess at 'boarding 'shuttles' and dispatching the enemies. Can you elaborate?
Sure - why not - at this point I seem to be - “wide open”...
Its not my own prowess - it’s the units prowess - I am NOT a one man band.
Russian space shuttles are ruffl’ey five times bigger than ours. They HAD somewhere in the range of about twenty of them. Do to SFTG:Sword they are missing at least three of them - that’s my tall’ey at least.
Our orders, generally - where to “capture if possible - destroy if necessary” - hell - I even had letters of “mark”... ...in the event I came across another Captain... ...of my caliber. OUR unit symbol isn’t the jolly roger for nothing!
We, as a unit, have one capture, yet, her holds where bare.
Sometimes the Russians figure something out and decide to launch it - Sword of course would be ordered to capture or kill. Twice we had to deal with space born scalar. Once was almost a disaster - almost - but some great maneuvering by our (AF) piolets and great gunnery by my four gunners saved the day. Of course in that instance we had to push it (and survivors) into the atmosphere to burn up - but not before taking photos and grabbing dog/name tags.
Another time was a preventive measure to stop a civilian shuttle from being boarded and taken. There where no survivors on the aggressor ship - and that also went into the drink...
The capture was a rescue mission - a re-boarding of one of our Mil-Fact shuttles - and the overtaking of a Russian shuttle. There where no Russian survivors.
Space is a new battlefield - its three dimensional - where on the ground its truly two dimensional. I like space warfare - ambushes can come from anywhere - anytime. Ask my men sometime - I LOVE a good ambush.
Some side notes:
No one in the military was happy with us landing a Russian shuttle in broad daylight on a military base in the middle of a metropolitan area - with Russian spy sat’s hours away. We/I thought we where bringing a great prize home - wrong - I was told that they have enough of these (!) And should have just destroyed it - seeing how it had no cargo. After a severe ass chewing from T.O.P. - and some deliberation - it was transported to Sword HQ far North.
Pirates who capture ships - usually keep them - no matter what the personal costs...
Also as note - sometime during this unveiling of space tactics that the government was doing - that is - introducing our enemies to combat astronaut - a treaty was made. That treaty was NOT to send corpses into the atmosphere to burn up - yet - to return them to there countries of origin. Just prior to this - Unit Sword was doing just that - sending debris and dead (or soon to be dead) bodies into the atmosphere to burn up - no evidence - no problem right?
A military shuttle deploying “Seeker” armed Recon Sats’ was overtaken - destroyed and the bodies (alive and dead) where thrown into the “burn” - and recorded via “tape”... and sent to US (Unit Sword) ... back channels wanted something different... ...so we agreed to it. It seemed to me at least to have some sort of ring to it as “Geneva Conventions” - but of course - we ain’t in Geneva anymore...
Another note - after this Treaty - agreed to - yet nothing signed, nor documented... ...I had a bright idea...
Public relations.
So - we loaded up two Mil-Fact shuttles and went up. One was the Chapel (with the NATO universal docking collar from the 60's) - the other was the Yellow Devil. We proceeded to go above and through enemy space and park our ass’es above a city of stars (think about and it will come)... ...we then proceeded to break out the Vodka and whiskey and crank up the volume - with all out antennas pointed down, American rock was a rollin’ - and we SWORD - begg’in - pleading - peace - and - P - A - R - T - Y...
Love-Koz (changed the name to protect the troop) my Russian speaking SF troop did all the sweet talking. It wasn’t to long before the yellow devil picked up a launch - and before I knew it - it was assholes - elbows - and Kozmonuts and Russian broads floating in the Chapel. They where armed - and we where not.
I had no problems with this - considering a portion of my unit was in close support.
We floated and drank till we where sick and sleepy - details are at least rated “R” - we sang the USSR national anthem (old skool) and we sang “Take this job and shove it” - they sang - we sang - and got drunk! Somewhere along the way all the shirts came off - boobies in space - are so much different then when gravity is in effect - you just want to put your face in them and - never mind. Russian girls can be space combat ready as well as it seems - GOOD.
Tensions did not ease between the two great unions - yet - without giving details - there seemed to be a greater sense of honor among this new war. Captives where taken - and exchanged - and as it seems - from one of my commanding officers point of view anyway - became a “Gentleman war - of attrition”... ...we didn’t kill unessareily - and they didn’t either.
And there you have it - a tid bit - a sum up - of what’s going on up there without a whole lot of details... ...if I get through this week without a call from TOP - I’ll be lucky.
Believe it - don’t believe it - I don’t care - I’m just one crazy savage half breed Indian who got to (and still is) living his dream...
On to the more negative posts...
The Fool said...
Do you really believe (and understand) what you are trying to say?
I think the problem is that YOU don’t UNDERSTAND -or- BELIEVE what I am trying to SAY. I firmly understand and believe in what I say and do. “I say what I mean and mean what I say” - that a creed - perhaps your upbringing is lack of discipline and structure - but mine was not. I have sacrificed a career to come on this medium and try and introduce the American public to Unit Sword BEFORE the shit hits the fan - its my way of saying - see - I didn’t lie about anything - I have been on the “airwaves” for years - and no one listened because they where to busy with reruns of “Happy Days” and “Friends”...
The Fool said...
I am a BIG proponent of independence.
Too bad we are not afforded that.
Sniveling fool - you are far more free than you would even care to realize. You don’t have to fight for your freedom - don’t worry - ME and MY boys will handle that - you just keep on being the Monday morning Quarterback while we roll our eyes...
The Fool said..
I judge by your comments that you think you have a great grasp of American History and American Government. Am I correct?
I live American history - instead of bitching about it - what about you?
The Fool said..
Unquestioning belief is suicide!
Questioning my belief is the same thing!
The Fool said..
If we are due for a major catastrophe, we can trust those who know to help us?
Who’s going to ... ... help ... you?
The question comes down to two things:
Would you rather be in a hide’e hole trying to wade out the darkness while the rest of humanity is dying struggling to live on the surface - or are you going to “man-up” and be a leader on the surface? Me? Personally - on the surface is where I’ll be. You more than likely NOT on the list of individuals who will be in the holes in the ground. Consider yourself fortunate. I consider that to be cowardly - and selfish - yet - at the same time - a given consideration - although - I seriously doubt that those who go underground will have any better time than those of us who stick it out on the surface.
So who is really - going to be saved?
Know Jesus?
Then your already saved...
Otherwise - why would I worry about YOU?
The Fool said..
Don't try to convince me it's an Us versus Them scenario.
When the shit hits the fan- and it will - take a look around - it will be us versus them. Think about it - think about real hard and consider your position in the human race - what do you have to contribute - other than busting my balls about things I don’t control?
The Fool said..
Governments are stooges. Period.
In about four/five years - I’d love to hear your “views” on government...
Sword continues:
Lets get those photos of space objects!
Lets continue this discussion on space warfare - its getting lively again - I can already see the improvement in the blogg - people are coming out of hideing and submitting again!
Sounds good to me.
I could not have "timed" post 33 any better...
Working on SDI part 3... ...
...which has nothing really to do with SDI - rather - Sword itself...
"Stay tunned"
A1 reply,tks
conclusion on Fire from the Sky article link.
As I posted on F-Shod.....snippets of truth...the rest seems just 'creative writing'.
Sword continues:
Lets get those photos of space objects!
Would LOVE to contribute...alas...I remain just watching the amatuer efforts of those using more equipment than even I have. As I said before he had objects in sight with foreground objects that "could" have been more scientifically authenticated if he hadn't been bouncing and jumping around so much.
Also for following something in orbit you need a motorized geo-sychronis tripod so that once locked on a target...the tripod will follow the object more smoothly and accurately than human hands can do. In addition, night vision is good, infrared, UV and other wavelengths besides the regular ones for human eye true color and also in HDef with long large lenses. Tripod for stability with mobility and object stays in center of frame if "chasing" an object and also keeps it steady on something 'stationary' so that atmosphere 'twinkling' can be 'processed' out and then get a much clearer image of the target...but you know these things already...otherwise how could you 'park' above "Star City" and send them redneck songs...and also would LUV to have anti-g juggs in my lickin muzzle :D
Sword - I remember this Jerry Lewis movie(late 60s/early 70s, not sure of the name) that made me flash on this:
"We floated and drank till we where sick and sleepy - details are at least rated “R” - we sang the USSR national anthem (old skool) and we sang “Take this job and shove it” - they sang - we sang - and got drunk! Somewhere along the way all the shirts came off - boobies in space - are so much different then when gravity is in effect - you just want to put your face in them and - never mind. Russian girls can be space combat ready as well as it seems - GOOD."
The Mickeys are kicking in good tonite! ;-)
Sword - What happened to your post #37?
It seems to have been replaced by Robert"s - WTF!
It was a drunken post - so I removed it.
I got me problems like everyone else...
Still no excuse...
Here comes part three of SDI...
Thanks for the comments dialog - please move to part three of SDI...
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