Regardless of what’s really going on - everyone is really relating themselves on this very controversial subject. It is - after all - the core of much of what I have been talking about all these years.
Seriously - why would the United states government put a Shield and a Sword (A Saint & Sinner) in space?

But where did it really begin?
Well it didn’t start with this guy - Reagan.
Reagan was the president who brought us into the new age - legally.
I'll let you figure it out.
For a long time - we where completely black - shadows of bright magic - able to do things that no other military unit could do - the last resort - the break glass sort of "family" related to Uncle Sam.
It took the paper work of SDI to make us legitimate on paper...
The idea of SDI started somewhere in the area of the early 1900's when we discovered something so far removed from our own reality, it was - how shall I say it - divinely well placed in history. Before the discoveries of Thomas Kincad in the Great Grand Canyon of the State of Arizona - our salvation as a species was written to be doom.
And then - - - discovery! (You will have to see my previous posts to understand if you are a first time reader.)
So it didn’t start with Reagan.
It didn’t start with The Nazis, or even the Magicians - it started with - The Masonic order, and Theodore Roosevelt. Long before the Nazis ever had an influence on American culture...

Once we - as a nation - realized that the great Masonic Experiment - could take wings - we where not shy to take to those wings.
Now me - I already have my wings - they where awarded me by the U.S. Army.
I have put them to full use.
I first started my blogg “career” by saying that there was a “new” way of launching space craft - with a roller coaster ride in a compressed air tube. Clean efficient - and stealthy.
While others where trying to figure out a way to find evidence of weather tampering by the government - I pointed the way by asking a simple question - is there a way to see - microwave energy above these storms?
Before you knew it - Hoagland was finding Mimic... ...and much was seen that gave evidence that indeed - some of these storms where not - elemental - my dear Watson...

Is there a way to find objects in space via telescope and camera?
I was hoping someone would catch the big gun that was stopping my little bigger from undoing the wrong - or trying to undo the wrongs until "it" showed up.
Only one man as it seems found the answer - and he wasn’t from out blogg scene (though surely a lurker)...
Every time it seems I poss a great question - or - point the way to something that will show something evident - someone - somehow - finds what I am pointing at in the darkness.
I have pointed at the moon - I have pointed at a certain moon in the orbit of Saturn - some listen and some don’t... ...

The fact that I was right once again... ...
There is something up there.
And now one else, besides me - seems to know what it is.
Why - it’s the US Navy of course!
Well - not all of it.
Some of it is Ships with men.
Some of it is large semi autonomous intelligence craft - and some of it - well - even if I made a whisper - even I would be put to death. But its all the US... ...and there ALL getting ready for the FALL!

Well that of course is a very sophisticated ground reconnaissance platform for use by US Military personnel - it see’s all and it knows all. Hubble times ten, but pointing down - and with ALL the fun stuff a military commander would want - such as A-10 / F-16 strikes so danger close you wont have to shave the next day... ...yeah... that accurate. Point the laser - call the eye in the sky - and your prayers are answered...

Of course, another large vessel I KNOW about is the GDI-ION. ... ... I’ll let you (the reader) guess what it’s purpose is...
How odd for a species like ours so keen to blowing ourselves up, staving or brothers, and imprisoning them unjustly - that within a hundred years - we have taken our water going vessels into a much broader, much charted - yet completely unexploded ocean - the broad gulfs of the sky
It's not just the Navy up there.
Even today the US Air force has commercials for recruitment slogans with "Air, space, cyberspace". Even the army - they are saying "Take the fight, where the fight is..."
SDI is NOT just satellites.
It's me. It's you. It's Americans - all getting ready... ...
So what does this all mean?
Where running on fumes - where running out of food - and all nations pit themselves against the other - Just as my holy fathers son said it would be...
And the stars shall fall from the heavens and not a stone on the earth shall be left unturned...
So I stand - waiting - and listening - and watching - and preparing...
What are you doing?
(There will be a second part of this post)
I'm still not happy with this post...
Hopefully I have left some good gems to be found...
IonTruO2 said...
on:2007-08-21 8.12.PD
"As they bring this story of the Moon and the Apollo missions out to the public, how are the people to be sorted, let alone 'gathered' for a withdrawal?
You know I have no fear for myself, but in light of this coming, society wide disclosure of the actual Apollo history and of course the impending near future, I find the numbers involved to be a little TOO VAST.
Even if we were freely chatting about the kind of larger scale craft you have mentioned, we are still looking at relatively small numbers compared to the whole of our two countries."
Care to revise that statement?
Now im just talking to myself apprently:
Blogger ericswan said...
Sword...New blog topic..Moon with a View a retrospective..RCH comes clean...
2007-09-17 7.17.PD
Blogger HHMSS Sword said...
Man - I have covered that so many times - I'll just sound like I am whining again...
2007-09-17 5.36.MD
The comment post for this Blog seems anomalous.
The Google 'username' field is corrupted and appearing as 'Emri i shfrytëzuesit'.
Note: this does not occur on FSHOD's Blog as Google example.
Anyone else experiencing this?
I'll reserve further comments until this clarifies. My system is quite secure, so something is not quite right here. e.mail ya later Sword.
Hey like my new image?
Looks like this glitch relates to Kosovo or something. Where are you Sword, vacationing on the other side?
.....and a silence hung over the Blog that was supposed to get rock'n again.
Oh well, not like I have any state secrets worth anyone 'monitoring'. Maybe Sword is filtering through somewhere else or maybe this is another Bohemia deception. God, who knows anymore?
I had a lengthy comment here I have snipped/cut self censored.
Your Blog post is forthright and most telling and my impatience is inappropriate. Thanks for affirming the fleet. I know you will not likely be able yet to affirm my earlier comments concerning L4 and L5 beit Lunar or Solar Libration. Alvin Toffler revealed enough in print fo rme to be satisfied as to the existence already of our presence there, specially knowing now that we have a fleet currently in NEO. I return to a quote I made back in 08/2007 which was this: "A quote from Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks. Just prior to his death he stated to a small group after a lecture that: We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..." He further went on to say that, "anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."
So, Toffler was no slouch and is well credited with his role thus far. "War and Anti-War" was a very good book of his in the public domain.
All that said I consider your recent disclosure, albeit mere commentary using existing public info, to be profoundly important in that it is a first good revealing of our true state of the species.... at least technologically.
Everything I can so that people realize this richness of ancient history cyring to the uncaring heavens laying there on plains of Cydonia staring and waiting for the right key to come along and unlock it for the benefit of all.
Venus revolves backward, Neptune Triton in retrograde Orbit, Uranus axis tilded 90 degrees to the eliptic, and an asteroid belot and Oort Cloud that don't react according to "mainstream" theory.
The answers were written before, long before the Masons n maybe the Masons are just carrying the knowledge forward.
Knowing this is a recurring disaster...MORE should have and COULD be done sooner to save more human lives than SWORD will be able to do this time around again.
Shall we loose it all once again because the men quarding the walls in the neet fear the light of brutal truths? Do they fear the retribution of capabilities kept secret? Do they fear the mob?
It is past time to stop with innuiendos and cryptic hints that only a few enlightned and capable to take ACTION on those hints. I knew how to take images of space objects from Earth...but the resources were out of financial reach. I know that radio and laser messages CAN be intercepted and recorded...given a proper key even deciphered. But the resources and knowledge are not part of me.
I do what I can because it is all I can do.
If I could do more...I would.
Robert lays it out!
Robert I fell yah!
Trust me.
Consider where I have been, (recently) and what I can do, fess ably, in this capacity. I feel as if yet - you found the clues - yet couldn't make evident because of financial issues.
I thought Sword handled that...?
Don't just get silly with computers - show me something...
I KNOW you can do it.
I haven't had a chance to post part two yet - of my recent post - yet - there are mannnnnnnyyyyyy questions that are left unanswered by this one mans video images.
It is not truth until several people have the same result - otherwise its cold fusion all over again...
Catch my drift?
Need a telescope?
Need a camera?
Ask Sword... ... ...
(need cookies?!?)
Stay tunned folks for part two of SDI!
Yes Sword - I agree with you that real space program is being hidden from the public.
Back in the 60s I could tell that big things were happening in space, when I was 3 years old I had this excellent "Major Matt Mason"(you could do a cool blog piece on that) collection. So much must have happened after 1973.
Looking back through your past blogs I have to ask why would RCH not come forward(and I don't mean Dark Mission) after you had(back in the day) shown him the light.
RCH seems to be playing the cover boy these days and past. There are ancient ruins but that is just part of the story(bases).
Great to have you back with us meangreen.
I was a hair's breath away from becoming a Geologist when I was a young lad and I would like to hear the full story of the Geologist who sacrificed himself to image and return data on the incoming debris field.
Surely that is a hero's tale beyond anything Tom Hank's was asked to play for a little portion of the Apollo story.
I do hope SWORD can fetch him home to honour his sacrifice. That's 'the right stuff' people really would want to hear.
I'm sure Keith Laney and perhaps Robert would really like to hear the full story of the 'HiddenMission'...Apollo 17 I think?
I'm sure someone knows the bigger story of 'Near Earth Object-moonlet' Cruithne 3753. Amazing as I have drawn attention to it numerous times, there has been not a peep about it, and you will find very very little new about it either since it's orbit was first described. An orbit in near perfect 1:1 ratio with Earth...yet not of a gravitational relationship.hmmmm? Oh yes and no images of it available to speak of.
Why has Hoagland gone shallow again. Why does SWORD have no authority over him if he is their disclosure media guy? Is their other 'major Masons' ordering it swept under the 'matt'?
Just questioning along with meangreen.
If you haven't already, you might want to read this:
some interesting fodder
and then there is also this:
Things that make you want to say Hmmmm....
Of course it's all science fiction...
Blogger ericswan said...
A... ...novel...
Listen to me...
Unless you wrote it...
Don't post it...
Can I make myself any clearer?
I mean - its not even on topic...
I appreciate your posting... ...yet... I must say... stay remotely on topic ... or away you go...!
I will say this.
The phenomenon of chem trails is the US Governments way of trying to reduce BAD chemicals with a bio-degradable substance that eats your cars gas and in turn turns it into neutral chemicals - its really old news...
If you write a novel on topic - it stays - otherwise - goodbye.
"a bio-degradable substance that eats your cars gas"
I bet the oil companies love that!
I don't believe Masons (or any Secret Society) control anything. They are great cover for those who do!
Gort said...
"a bio-degradable substance that eats your cars gas"
I bet the oil companies love that!
I should have said: "gas emissions"
The Fool said...
I don't believe Masons (or any Secret Society) control anything. They are great cover for those who do!
Alright - alright - your right already... The masons don't control anything...
Shhhhhhshh- I'll tell you a secrect...
The real power lives deep underground - its - the -
Underpants Gnomes!
Step one - collect underpants!
Step two - errrr - ummm...
Step three - profit!
Gesssh - I mean - WE DID found the country for Christ sake - oh wait - ohhh - you guys want to run things - oh sure go right ahead...
Gimmie a break...
WE DID found the country for Christ sake - oh wait - ohhh - you guys want to run things - oh sure go right ahead...
I don't accept your premise. The King of England founded the 13 colonies via charter. They were business ventures.
The Revolution gave the appearance that those contracts were terminated. They were not. If you read the Treaty of Paris, you will see that the King was negotiating from a place of POWER, not as a vanquished party. The Treaty did nothing, other than make "Americans" the Kings debt slaves!
So the King formed the colonies, and ultimately, The Country. If he needed the help of stooges to do so, well......
A Knights Oath
Crown: Upon which sword do you wish to swear your Oath?
Candidate: Upon the sword of His Imperial Majesty.
Ah, yes!
you guys want to run things - oh sure go right ahead...
Gimmie a break...
Let me now accept your premise that "WE" founded the country, and according to your assertion, we the commoners need to be grateful that "YOU" run it, because we the commoners are incapable. Oh yes, "YOU" have done such a great job.
Give ME a break!
Did you come here just to bust my balls - to have the same arguements - other the same stupid shit?
Did you READ the blogg topic?
What do you think is up there?
Any thoughts?
What are your feelings on the fact that there are large spacecraft above you?
One can read book your holding when you read outside - it can get the VIN off your car...
One can listen and record every conversation floating through the air - it can even access data/wireless transmissions
One can shoot down other satellites and ships ...
Another - well - it can leave big craters in the ground...
Lets talk about that - instead of rehashing who runs what...
What are the intentions of the folks in charge of this technology?
IonTruO2 - This "Near Earth Object-moonlet' Cruithne 3753" could be the The Black Knight.
Interesting story with many connections related to this Black Knight ;-)
The Fool said...
What are the intentions of the folks in charge of this technology?
To save our collective ass's - in the end - thats whats its all about.
Secondary to that - blow the living shit out of anything - or anyone - that threatens Americans... ...its pretty much that simple.
Mean Green:
Excellent post - and I mean excellent - on this topic I refuse to mention - more publicly spread data please!
Quote from the snip:
He added, The PTB (Powers That Be) pretty much threaten death to anyone revealing what they know about this. This is one of the best kept secrets on the planet .
Nuff said..
meangreen, Tks man, that's a totally new one to me. A1 find.
Not sure it is Cruithne3753 as its 'orbit' is not so in close, but wow, very very cool.
Having said that, I have often called it our 'Moon with a view', and perhaps it may be a 'satellite' of a more regional sort in the Mars Earth Venus space...or an ol base.
Pure intuitive speculation, but when one sees how it follows us and then passes us in near perfect harmony, one has to ponder its ancient co-inkeedink.
Keep it on topic, this is why I am most curious of Alvin Toffler's description of Lagrange points L4 and L5 being the 'high ground' for the 21st century miltary. If we have a fleet in close orbit now.....then surely we have already grabbed and are holding the 'high ground' of L4 and my favorite L5.
Both of these location numbers can be seen as a Lunar location AND a solar one as well. 4 choice stable places for a 'platform', dock, base, ship yard.
I'd rather come to know we had a 'city' there by this point. ie L5-the IMAX movie 'First City in Space'.......But I doubt it.
Alas, if one thinks of Sword's sacred 'original temple' called Iapetus and as we discussed earlier about its possible companion, Janus and/or the Hill of Janus and/or the moon of Janus, there is a direct reference to a word meaning 'first fortress', then one could rightly consider that a 'city' in space might emerge most likely at those 'stable places' having served as the 'first fortress' or aka 'original temple'(ref:: janiculum ianculensis )
As I say that, I recall now from meangreen's input, that SWORD also referred to his crew previously as the 'Black Knights' am I not correct Sword?
So 'original Temples' or 'first Fortress' are appropriate and the finding of an ancient satellite now so-named Black Knight is profound.
Truly, if we now know those ships are there in close orbit over our heads, then one has to go one step further and contemplate, where do we do maintenance on them? hmmmm. Some seem too big to simply 'land', so this is why I meandered to this notion of locations.
oops typo---"keep.ing it on topic, this why I am curious...."
Lagrange points...
Real estate in space you could call harbors - and if your in teh sea - harbors are ideal.
Owning and operating the harbors - bonus - military presence - not just bonus - but you get a free 1-up and power up (video game leet speech)...
If I was a navy - wouldn't I want ALL the harbors?
Think about it folks...
Unit Sword are not "Black Knights" - why is Monty Python in my head? - ('tis just a flesh wound!) - I think you might be gathering that from our uniform - which a a deviation from the stadard BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) ...
Sword Units stand out where ever they go as the uniform is mostly black, white lettering - our unit patch - the red star of David with a BLACK sword in its center - and of course - the trademark head gear - which - is a yellow beret (w/divisional crest aka "The White Buffaloes.."- in addition to the skin tight full cover hood of black.
You see the man - and his eyes - yet not his face.
We might be men in Black - and some of us (one at this point - among the younger brothers) - just might be Knights - but we are not "Black Knights"...
Part two of SDI top be posted today(?)...
Video's galore!
Professional like - not armature...
Eval of the "stunning" images from space...
Its a free for all!!!
IonTruO2 said...
Truly, if we now know those ships are there in close orbit over our heads, then one has to go one step further and contemplate, where do we do maintenance on them?
I can answer this without getting shot.
I certainly wish that there was "someone" who could do the same things that this bloke in Britain is doing - and get those images from Norther Alaska... ...(waiting on YOU asshole)...
Almost fifty years ago - someone in the pentagon had the bright idea to put an aircraft carrier in space...
And since its really just "magic money" anyway - USS Sworn was built - modified - and still in service. Its where the Mil-fact shuttles are parked - maintained - modified and patched up...
I can't be anymore "direct" - if it where to look straight down on the earth it would be roughly 200 miles south east of Barrow Alaska in L-E-O - (now get your damm equipment out and get that photo -
maybe to late with summer and all - should have don't it earlier huh - now we got six, seven months before a GOOD photo can be taken)...
Some days - I point a little closer...
Some days - I write intensionally cryptic verse...
Today - is not that day...
Time is short.
Go big or go home.
Ohhhhhh ya, dats what I'm talk'n about. thanks.
clearer? yes.
timeline message was also received too.
I don't see video links you imply that are there of SWORDS (Space Warefae Operations n Research Department) in your post. I am sure I can find them again on You or Google tube I've seen them before and envied his optical set-up but instead of single image digital camera I would have gone for HDef TV with at leat 1,000 or maybe 5,000 meter telescoping lens attached to Geo-Synchtronic tripod attached to a true dual core 64 bit proceessor with 8GB ram, 1 or 2 GB video card with direct feed and record to 1TB internal HD's.
Get me those and we'll see.
Want 3D...I have some 'crude' efforts with Columbia Hills where Spirit is now, some landscape which is faster to render in MOTION, and a single scene from Bryce that when I place all 8 "Holy Geometric" shapes into motion and have them flyabout and then pass TRHOUGH the "3rd EYE" would take 6 DAYS to render on the machine I have.
I do what I can with what I have.
If I had more I would do more.
It really is that simple.
btw...MG great link and followthrugh one especially where I loved David's last article on his blog about the nature of reality before he died.
Sword said:
Almost fifty years ago - someone in the pentagon had the bright idea to put an aircraft carrier in space...
And since its really just "magic money" anyway - USS Sworn was built - modified - and still in service. ...
Gort> was "Sworn" a typo? Did you
really mean "Sword" ?
And "parked" over Alaska at approx 66 degrees (33 degrees x 2) implies a geosynchonous orbit of sorts, but I would think one which requires nearly manuvering to stay "parked" relative to a spot on the earth below. That would require a lot of energy of one kind or other. But as you say, if it's all "magic money" anyway, that wouldn't be a problem either.
I hope you get the photogapher(s) you need. I would suspect due to the curvature of the horizon it would not be visible from Missouri.
Probably need someone in Alaska or NW Canada or Siberia (or Sci-beria, or Cyber-ia). Anyone out there who is able, please do it if Yu.kan.... :)
robert said...
Look out for the UPS man - and then stay quiet - and do some good (big IF there)
On that matter though - this isn't something that is anything related to UFO's...
It can be photographed - documented - and seen - and then mass distributed.
Any ho-ho & ding-dong with a telescope and camera that read that article is going to looking up and photographing.
Anyway - if you where to get a visit from the UPS van man - I'd want to set you up in a cabin in a town called Circle - Alaska.
A favorite spot for Unit Sword - and far enough north to get a peak at the biggest object floating in orbit.
I mean - if there all going to curl up there "shrouds" then possibly USS:Sworn and the SHIPYARD have as well.
To paraphrase something I once heard - "The truth is UP there..."
that should read:
...one which requires nearly constant maneuvering to stay "parked"...
Gort said...
... was "Sworn" a typo? Did you
really mean "Sword" ?
Uhhh - no - I just realized that I haven't spread the word openly public regarding a Naval Ship - in orbit - that I have actually been on.
I wonder if I should - I'm in enough trouble already - being a "high maintenace employee" (assholes)...
But - I regress - the sooner everyone throws there cards on the table the sooner I can get in a hand or two...
USS Sword is a HUGE aircraft carrier type of craft. Just think - Aircraft Carrier - but in space. The holds I was allowed to see before me and my men where booted of the ship - are massive. Not including the 5k crew - the ship supposedly can hold 25k worth of folks in a do or die situation.
Oh - and somewhere along the way (after he initial sailing) they figured out gravity plates - and modified the ship...
She's old - tough - been hit a few times during the cold war - and that bloke in Britain got a great picture of her bottom end.
I mentioned to a certain someone that the ship was roughly pyramidal and roundish - well - thats simplistic - she has of course a hexagonal base - a a hexagonal pyramidal shape. I just about shit my pants when I saw the image on Rense.
I knew then - that proving I was right (I KNEW I was right - I just had to prove it) - was just around the corner.
I was surprised that no one around here picked up on my earlier nudge nudge...
So - there is is - not something I want "front page" but thought I would share it openly.
I see connections to this topic and a blog spot from MarsRevealer.
He brings up some good points and the video links are worth checking out.
I think what may have happened to the Phobos II probe was part of a "Search and Destroy" mission.
This was the Soviets trying to get RECON that failed. Interesting Viking images that MR found.
When I first read about a "Space Platform", it was from Kirby and Lee and their story of "Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D." - This comic came out in the 60s!
It is good to know that your "GUT" feeling does not lie.
S.W.O.R.D - Sentient World Observation and Response Department.
Main article: S.W.O.R.D. (comics)
Astonishing X-Men vol.3, #6 (Dec. 2004), written by Joss Whedon, introduced the governmental organization S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient World Observation and Response Department), which works with S.H.I.E.L.D. but specializes in extraterrestrial threats. Dialogue in the stories depicting both organizations has been ambiguous on whether S.W.O.R.D. is a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. or a sister agency.
Agent Abigail Brand, the S.W.O.R.D. agent the X-Men encountered, has green hair, a trait typical of agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s archenemy, HYDRA. This unusual characteristic did not go unremarked; Wolverine referred to her as "Hydra-Hair" in Astonishing X-Men vol.3, #6.
A similar group as S.W.O.R.D., likewise affiliated with the U.N., is Starcore, which has worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. on several projects of joint interest, including establishing and maintaining a crewed facility on Earth's Moon."
I missed that issue of "Astonishing X-Men vol.3, #6" - it wll be mine!
Sorry about the typo, it should have read "Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."
I think I shotgunned too many MICKEYs last night and maybe today also - sorry about that.
BTW - David Hasselhoff sucks dick! Sorry Ladies, and I am sure the Wives have heard that before.
Sub-orbital combat parachutists didn't start with Sword documented hi-jinks...
SDI part two in the works - get your posts in do I may make a comment...
Where going wild - soon we go live!
Vie web cam!
Holy shit!
Sword will answers blogg questions via web cam?
Its true!
O.k. that sounds great. Will work on a few quality questions......and yes, the ones that won't get ya shot. lol
Did any of y'all catch this on Space.com back in Feb.?
They speak of a NOVA TV show called "Astrospies".
The article has some interesting links, like about the military spaceflyers even having their own special spacesuits.
Check this part:
"During the turn over [from NASA to Delaware North] of the facility, the NASA/CCAFS Fire Department briefly accessed that room and discovered many, many reels of deteriorated film. The film had deteriorated so much that it was deemed a fire hazard concern," explained Oakland in response to an e-mail sent by collectSPACE."
If anybody has a link to the Astrospies video - please supply - thanks ;-)
Hiya gang
Long time no post.. but I'm still around..
Check out the pics/vids sections.. very amateur site, so far.. but.. he may be onto something here too.
nightvision clues
Sword,Meangreen,Gort and blasted all good links.
The infrared camera feller should have had his tripod and camera more stationary than bouncing all over the place...imho anyhooo. There were foreground reference points he should have spent MORE time including into the footage.
Any equipment I "may get" especially the HiDefTV Camera would have to include a multiple bit of sensors that can be calibrated for visible, infrared and possibly other wavelengths.
As for going to Alaska...if you pick me up in a Shem...no problem...land a heliccopter (even a 'silent' one) in my backyard shows me nothing...any Border Patrol pilot could do it.
Great - you all stole my thunder regarding the astrospies on PBS - which was going to be a portion of my next blogg entry - SDI part II...
Re: Astrospies. I saw part of it but was maybe in the other room on the computer and half listening.
Seems like they blew it off as a project that was supposed to happen, but got cancelled because of the high cost of the war in viet-nam. I remember seeing articles in Aviation Week & Space Technology back during the Gemini project about the "Manned Orbiting Laboratory" or MOL (or Mole, he he)and there may have even been a plastic put-together-with-glue model of the Gemini capsule and MOL. But it seemed to me that the Nova show was not a big disclosure, but another "drip," as
RCH might say. :)
I would like to know if you have any opinion or knowledge of what happened to make Comet Holmes suddenly brighten back around 24 October 2007 and become bigger than the Sun.
Ericswan thinks something was launched as a secondary payload on the USA-193/NROL-21/"Rogue Spy Satellite" Delta rocket from Vandenberg in December 2006, that did something to Holmes.
We had a lot of speculation about it on your blogg while you were gone. In fact you left right around the time Holmes "went viral"
Send me some links with info about Holmes there Watson - and I will give you something in return... ...unit Sword was not involved in this - yet I may have something to contribute.
I *hear* things...
Thanks one and all for the comments...
The blogg topic was followed very loosely - yet we are still here - the blogg has been updated and I would like it for youto move to the next blogg post...
Any comment and blogg posts you have I would like moved to the next blogg topic - SDI Prt II - thanks...
If I recall some time ago, I posted a piece about the emphasis for concern had shifted from asteroids as an impact potential to principally 'comets'. From papers about the 'dormant' Temple1 and the now defunct mother of the Perseid Shower called Paethon, it looked to me in may respects that we are working hard on the skill of activating and most especially learning how to deactivate comets.
The one to really keep an eye on is comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova slated for trouble here in 2011. (Oct 28th)
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