Well, I didn’t start out on this Blogging mission to bring you a bunch of “politically correct” and “government approved” balderdash. Indeed not. I feel that a good solider is one who DOES question his governments motives - yet at the same time balances mission goals, with the temperament of a revolutionary.
What does that mean? It means, just because you are a solider doesn’t mean you have to be in step with your superiors all the time. It’s this sort of borderline, insurrection, bravado that TRUE American warriors learn to respect and appreciate. Where always there for our brothers - yet - if the mission is FUBAR - you can count on the fact that I will be the most vocal voice being heard.
...I didn’t make Captain because I was a “yes” man.
I have had the unseen fortunate circumstances that any mission - or mission statement given to me has not been one that I would question - indeed - most of the material, missions, and goals handed to me - personably - have been of the highest moral standard.

Our official directive is to be the tip of the sword - for things in space - a scout unit always slated to landed first (specifically lambs o' slaughter)- to take a look around and determine what, when, where, why, of any threat to American lives and America in general. In general - a solar system wide reconnaissance unit.
We are slated to do - if we haven’t done so already (A gentleman never kiss’s and tells) - what’s called a “Sweep & Keep” of areas and facilities that are considered ...“antiquity in nature”... on the moon.
What’s a “Sweep & Keep”? - well, that’s a “RECON” term for sweeping through an unknown area to determine enemy strength, if any - and make ready for a much larger force to occupy a certain area or objective. We/I have (had) our work cut out for us, for as it seems the areas that we/I must S&K are getting larger and larger.
Unit Sword - or rather the unit M-33/Sword is also slated for a long term deployment to or favorite moon orbiting around Saturn for a much longer and much more involved Sweep and Keep prior to long term habitation. NO ONE is looking forward to that.
With all of that involvement - Unit Sword is tasked with body retrieval from previously said orbiting debris - before it is lost forever. Also stated in this mission is the retrieval of data and actual core samples. (Psssttt ...hey... ...sword... get the body screw the data...)

Well, I can’t elaborate to much, however...
Unit SWORD has been around in various capacities since the early 1910 era. Initially we where not called SWORD. We where an organization of religious minded - scientific individuals - who where quietly reverse engineering some very incredible discoveries that our government found in large scale facilities buried in the Grand Canyon. In the beginning - we where not a military origination. We where a religious/scientific/mechanical community living and operating in complete secrecy and completely disconnected from mainstream society...
WWI gave us the sense that we could use our new found knowledge to save American lives with better war fighting technology - it was originally envisioned (1925-ish) that war’s would be need to be fought by humans (although that changed during WWII)...The rise of Hitler and his invasion of Poland in 1939 gave Sword a new charter as a Military/religious/mechanical/scientific organization - one that to this day - each new president must be briefed on, and then asked sign our charter... and legitimize our faith & pursuit of the first two amendments...otherwise we would become an “illegal militia”... ...no President of the United States - From president Teddy Roosevelt onward - has ever refused to sign our charter. This old document - with it's many signatures - is SWORD’s crowning achievement...
While I cannot comment on it fully at this time - Unit SWORD with its technologically advanced warfare equipment helped storm and then hold Sword beach during the invasion of German held France during WII ala D-Day, with the help of our British counterparts - GHOST.
SWORD is like DARPA - always tinkering - always figuring out new and inventive ways of doing our job better and more effectively. We are “fully” funded - and generally are given the green light on whatever we seem to be working on at the time, be it tank unit that can operate in arctic conditions, in deep snow - soda can sized satellites - sub orbital tactical combat parachute drops of infantry troops - or my favorite - the “tried and true” B - G - R... ...which in fact saw its emergence during WWII.
But what has SWORD done recently? Well, SWORD is currently inactive as far as full unit strength. We still “fool around” when we need to - yet - the unit as a whole is in a stand down - relax and get some rest - sort of footing.
So what has SWORD done - if anything at all?
:-) :-X
We made our mark within the Mil-Fact community. Hated, loved, always appreciated - and constantly feared by even our peers: S.W.O.R.D.
We show up when least expected - but much appreciated...
...we are in fact - the origin of the term “Shock & Awe”
There’s a part four?
Indeed - The BGR - the implications and the (unbelievable) actions of... ...SFTG:Sword & the B.G.R. Squadron...
Sword : SDI : the new age of Warfare... ... ...
Thanks for stopping by...
Fine Blog. O.k. first comment from the eye on otoo..
you said: Unit Sword - or rather the unit M-33/Sword is also slated for a long term deployment to our favorite moon orbiting around Saturn for a much longer and much more involved Sweep and Keep prior to long term habitation. NO ONE is looking forward to that.
I could not possibly trivialize what a mission that would be. But did you not previously say that it is a most sacred place for your people? A temple on high? An original Temple you Blogged about and discussed recognition of the massive entrance in images that were shot of it? Would this not be the penultimate mission for Unit Sword? I would think it beats boarding local shuttles and dealing with earth ground Politics.
Time to board a really really big ship and hoist a Buccaneer's flag.
P.S. email4U
Its going to be like meeting Santa Claus - Jesus - God - face to face.
The reason that no one is looking forward to it is because of the fact that it IS the origin of Sword - and IT IS such a big deal...
...another point of the matter is that we are going to be there when our families are going to be much needing us back here - when the world collapses in on itself...
Perhaps I misspoke - its not that no ones looking forward to it - the timing is whacked. I'd love to move everything up - but you know how there are about there dates and times...
Thank you publicly for the record recongnizing I was pretty close on the name of SWORD :D
wtf- WWII "B-G-R"?
Can't wait for next post.
Btw...thorugh my nephew, besides others, have somehow led me to have and see gunsight footage...example here:
Gunfire Video-Night
surely I would think then that with the ralley stories of battle and anti-g boobies...I STILL think parts of the indea behind this is applicable and should be considered.
Hijack the Data
I even have a on-line door anyone drop-box:
FTP Server: commonsensecentral.net
FTP Username: anyone@commonsensecentral.net
Password: 12wizard69
upload anything from anywhere
Most interested in Mars, Earth Moon, near Earth Space or anything else you think is sinteresting.
I understand Sword. Thanks for clarifying.
Your story of the burn ups, reads kind of 'exciting' but I am sure it wasn't. What a shocker when the enemy does tit for tat and includes video. Man, that is a morbid vivid image to me.
Point well made by Robert's link.
Robert-ion whispers....big24^%&$97giant^%#$^389298robots^&@%#&^%@**.
Not sure about WWII though?
Thunder stealing ... ...er... BOOB!
In any event - I feel that - well - things could be worse.
Without the discovery - let me rephrase that... ...Without THEE discovery of OUR lifetime - we would still be trying to figure out the how and whys and feeling sorry for ourselves.
I feel that the great masonic experiment - indeed - led us to the providence - if the holy father didn't want US to find it - he would not have put in in our lap.
Things are going to be good.
upload anything from anywhere
careful what you wish for
whats this the seventh comment is deleted?
you said: in any event - I feel that - well - things could be worse.
Without the discovery - let me rephrase that... ...Without THEE discovery of OUR lifetime - we would still be trying to figure out the how and whys and feeling sorry for ourselves.
I feel that the great masonic experiment - indeed - led us to the providence - if the holy father didn't want US to find it - he would not have put in in our lap.
Things are going to be good.
2008-05-08 8.53.MD
ion-->And how about that guy who found the cavern in the first place. G.E. Kincaid's discovery was truly astonishing.....and certainly not easily accessible. Perhaps he knew exactly what he was looking for and not quite the minerals or whatever that was suggested?
Interesting to note Sword that some testimony tells that the cavern was filled with iconography and statues of many spiritual understandings. Significantly Buddhist as well as the already mentioned Egyptian. A global network of wisemen, people of the one heart, planned that place very very well.
Just remember Sword, in time, it might matter that I told you that the Ruchira Buddha is on Earth, presently embodied and alive for this time. Yet it is all one Divine as that cavern so well showcased.
fyi: there is even mention of a tomb filled with niches of mummies, and an area that looked like the Warrior's quarters.
"On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench, on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords.
It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to the belief that this exterior section was the warrior’ barracks.
Peace be to a Holy of Holy places.
Kincaid definitely knew the location and what he was looking for...
what do you have to contribute - other than busting my balls about things I don’t control?
This is the 2nd time you have indicated that I'm "busting your balls". All I'm doing is asking questions. I can tell you what I have to contribute, and that's a knowledge and understanding of how our "Government's" really structure and how it really operates. But people won't listen or can't understand how it relates to "Departments of Government" like the military.
I have sacrificed a career to come on this medium and try and introduce the American public to Unit Sword BEFORE the shit hits the fan
You don’t have to fight for your freedom - don’t worry - ME and MY boys will handle that - you just keep on being the Monday morning Quarterback while we roll our eyes...
So if your career has been sacrificed, how will you be handling anything.
Spare me the fighting for Freedom mantra. I'm not one of those "students" who believes the clap trap that is published in "history" books. If you think "history" happens in a vacuum, then you are naive. And by the way, you don't need to be in the Military to be on the front lines fighting tyranny, dude, because it's all around us. All you have to do is know the "rules of the game", then everything become crystal clear and when one can see with clarity, they become enraged at how innocent and brave people have been used as pawns to fight for a Freedom, that only exists in their minds.
Monday morning quarterback, MY ASS. I understand the rules of the game. Do you?
Know Jesus?
I know Jesus was a great prophet, mystic and bringer of Universal Truth!
I also know The Crucifixion and Resurrection are fantasy and make believe!
The Battle Of Evermore
Queen of Light took her bow, And then she turned to go,
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked the night alone.
Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The dark Lord rides in force tonight, And time will tell us all.
Oh, throw down your plow and hoe, Rest not to lock your homes.
Side by side we wait the might of the darkest of them all.
I hear the horses' thunder down in the valley below,
I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon, waiting for the eastern glow.
The apples of the valley hold, The seeds of happiness,
The ground is rich from tender care, Repay, do not forget, no, no.
Dance in the dark of night, sing to the morning light.
The apples turn to brown and black, The tyrant's face is red.
Oh the war is common cry, Pick up you swords and fly.
The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know.
Oh, well, the night is long the beads of time pass slow,
Tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for the eastern glow.
The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath,
The drums will shake the castle wall, the ring wraiths ride in black, Ride on.
Sing as you raise your bow, shoot straighter than before.
No comfort has the fire at night that lights the face so cold.
Oh dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The magic runes are writ in gold to bring the balance back. Bring it back.
At last the sun is shining, The clouds of blue roll by,
With flames from the dragon of darkness, the sunlight blinds his eyes.
Kincaid's expedition was indeed important.
How about Sir W.M. Flinders Petrie's?
Interesting to note Sword that some testimony tells that the cavern was filled with iconography and statues of many spiritual understandings. Significantly Buddhist as well as the already mentioned Egyptian. A global network of wisemen, people of the one heart, planned that place very very well
People of the One heart are not welcome in Jesus the Lord Savior's heaven. They don't have a ticket.
The Fool said...
Know Jesus?
I know Jesus was a great prophet, mystic and bringer of Universal Truth!
I also know The Crucifixion and Resurrection are fantasy and make believe!
Sword (relived) =
Finally - we agree on something.
Sir W.M. Flinders Petrie's - who? :-)
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