I was redirected in what I should be talking about - even as I was writing my next blogg ... "Sword BGR Units" ...
I must say - I have been pretty loose with the, what I consider, now at any rate - the most damming evidence of our secret space core that there is. Not that, Sword BGR units have anything to do with the Secret Space Core...
I was asked - Who I thought I was putting in danger by posting all these "open comments" - or requesting tens of thousands of dollars worth of funds for photography gear when I am supposed to be "off duty"... ...as if my intention was to put American lives in danger... ...I hate "topical" - half ass'ed accusatory questions like that...
So I figured I would ask you - my readers - a question.
"What good have I done to bring the truth out?"
Simple enough question that could be answered by anyone who has - or have had - read my blogg. (Or other postings else ware...)

Image for image - tit for tat...
Now how'd dat?
(Learned posters will appreciate the symbolism of both images...)
Crystal Skulls
Other than the few who have read your blog here you haven't put a single idea into "mainstream media" on the current time-line so I doubt you've done anything that could get her daddy killed.
In addition, I don't really have a CLEAR idea of what is all happening above planet Earth, our Moon and Mars right now...in MY time...much less...let's say the "Mayan Time" of 2012.
I do not have data and information to make a common sense and brutal truth answer to the question since if I have already been supplied "answers"...they have not been fully comminucated to where I can KNOW the reality of what's above me, on the Moon...or Mars.
Should be good documentary and good movie. I just finished watching National Treasure-The Book of Secrets. The President's Secret Book...in plain site...with a little knowledge.
Oh I forgot to plug all 3 of my 'sites'....shamless plug on updates.
Common Sense Central/
My Common Sense Politics/
My Common Sense Blog
So far you have told stories of your truth using tools such as the existing media already out there on the table.
We all connect dots and draw personal conclusions from the varied sources on the net.
"...endangering American lives"? How, why? You have leaked nothing concrete or released any solid evidence.
My gosh that has becomes a truly stupid slogan, that is played far too often. Oh ya, 'National Security' too. Meanwhile the nuclear program leaks like a sieve with critical information being stolen in droves daily. ( a small sarcastic example). ...And TPTB are worried about you? Come off it...wake up and smell the new world.
What!? are they wanting to wait 100 years to tell the truth? Unenlightened cowards they all are.
The best people, the truest heroes of your society who lived these first moments are all going to be dead and long gone by the time tptb pull their cowardly heads out of their asses.
Its 2008! let the stories flow, call it fiction if it makes you feel better
Did Sitchen cause a stampede? or how about your own mil guy Col Corso? NO NO NO.How about Bob Dean? No, nothing. The core public is not your threat....its yourselves and the other groups who play in secret opposing you.....and they all know already.
Kick some ass Sword, takes these other cowardly lions to school.
(this has been a public service rant-coffee free)
From Robert's post this stood out.
you haven't put a single idea into "mainstream media" on the current time-line
Yes indeed! Precisely. Well said.
Future tense can be dismissed and the rest is past tense.
In fact, if Capt of Sword has told his story and the unit's story truthful, then they should have a decades worth of better movie script material than I have seen in the past twenty years.
Time to shine the light on the real stories and the real heroes of your country instead of the bullshit made up ones tptb have taken to using in recent times.
Looks like you are trying to "steer" us in a new direction.
And that's no "bull."
Is that USDA certified "prime beef?"
If that's where the planning is, how about where the boots "meat" the ground?
(Roadkill: where the tires "meat" the pavement! )
Sword - If someone took what you have posted/commented about and put it in some logical/flowing compilation, that would make for a good read.
I believe in fighting for the truth and a better way of life.
(this has been a statement - not MICKEYs free)
I have a feeling he has been trying to lay out the story pieces leading to a culminating whole.
It seems at times he is been sidetracked or from elsewhere 'silenced' just as he gets moving forward. Thus the recent reference to wanting to return to the Bethlehem Star and the Three Wise Men story and complete the third portion more effectively.
...and here's one for the TPTB.
Reserve officials activate space wing
Here, for all to see:
4/7/2008 - PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFPN) -- Air Force Reserve Command officials stood up its first space wing, the 310th Space Wing, April 4 at Peterson Air Force Base.
The 310th SW expanded from a group to a wing March 7 and was officially recognized at the ceremony attended by Gen. C. Robert "Bob" Kehler, the commander of Air Force Space Command, and officiated by Lt. Gen. John A. Bradley, the chief of Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command.
"This represents the culmination of 15 years of Air Force Reserve participation in the operation and defense of America's space assets," said Col. Jeffrey Ansted, the 310th SW commander.
"I think we've lived up to our vision as an unrivaled wingman to our regular Air Force counterparts," he said. "We've also had the opportunity to take the lead in certain space operations, like an unrivaled wingman should."
Reservists providing space-operations capability is not new to the Air Force, but the 310th SW, which reports to 10th Air Force, is the first AFRC wing-level unit to carry out missions in America's highest frontier.
"(Operating in) space was important in the last century," Dr. Sega said. "But it's absolutely crucial today."
Sure, the superficial details speak to basics like satellites ;) , but the age is here to 'tell it like it is' and more and more is revealing from other sectors as to our real state of progress and position of humanity. Enough with the mushroom act, it has become the maker of your(tptb) problems itself now.
"What good have I done to bring the truth out?"
I'll answer your question after you answer mine and if you can answer mine, I could tell you you would have gone a long way in doing great things to get the truth out.
Would you please detail the true nature of our "Governmental" system, who is actually in charge and how that impacts the Military?
That's a fairly simple question and no,I'm NOT busting your balls.
In a previous post I said:
"I saw Homer Hickham, author of Rocket Boys, the book that was made into the movie October Sky, at a screening and Q&A at Univ. of Missouri a few years ago.
He said they already have anti-gravity and are working with it in Huntsville, AL."
Thinking back on it now, I think he didn't say "anti-gravity."
I think he said we have some anti-matter and are working on using it for space propulsion.
My thought was what kind of container do you use to keep a batch of anti-matter?
Like the old joke about the chemist who developed an acid that would eat through anything. Now he was just trying to find something to keep it in.
IonTruO2 said...
"...endangering American lives"? How, why? You have leaked nothing concrete or released any solid evidence.
And that MY problem... ...without disclosure from "others" this "Project:Disclosure" Mission is going to be like a soup sandwich in
the ocean... ...all ate up...
Gort said...
My thought was what kind of container do you use to keep a batch of anti-matter?
A osolitaing electromagnetic one - like a gyroscope made of some veeerryyy high powered magnets - but still risky.
Many will think that when they see something levitate - or move really fast - its anti-gravity - thats not really correct. Gravity is a constant (and THE LAW).
So - the earth uses eletromanetic "baselines" if you will as the engine - while nuclear fusion is the core fuel - where is Gravity is teh frame that holds it all together... ...
So you build an engine that uses electomantitism - powered by nuclear reactor... ...you use gravity as the road...
Change the polarity - boom bang zoom! Half way to the moon - where you have to change the ploarity back to get to your destination. Sounds silly - but - it works on some applications.
Its not ani-gravity (you'd get skoffed at in some circles - they'ed say - Whos the FNG?) - its a electromanetic propulsion device. AND it is not the end all be all of space travel by any means...
The Fool said..
Would you please detail the true nature of our "Governmental" system, who is actually in charge and how that impacts the Military?
Our military - and our very close allies millitary is far to large for what normal americans perceive as a "Goverment" to fully control and micro-manange on there own.
Like I was saying before - our goverment is much like that of the greek god Janus - has many faces - and basically controls all the doors/gates (NO - not SG-1)...
You have of course the public face - with its two primary sides Repulican and democract - which I basically brake down to Peace and War... ...you figure out which is which. The public Milltary of course resides here - in the front have...
Then on the other side, the back side, the other side you have the private goverment - the one your not ever going to see. Primarly Mason - One side is the roosters - the other side is the owls. One side wants to spill the beans - the other side wants to keep every secrect they have ever held since the begining of recorded history (Starting from BEFORE Sumner/Mesopotameia)... ...Units like M-33/Sword and other covert "black ops" such as GHOST/SWORN/STEEL reside here - hidden from the public...
Where it gets tricky is that you can have any combonation of the four diffrent groups beacuse its all the same gents. One man can vote against "the war" only to go to another meeting and plot the demiss of our enemies the very next hour...
How does this effect the millitary? Well - checks and balances still DO play out even in this orginized choas. That balance is in the form of goverment approved - yet unfunded to a large extent - INDIPENTDANT MILITAS... ...who swear fidelity to whomever happens to be the leader of the republic.
How is this checks and balances?
These units also have the legal right to overthrow the goverment - as all americans do - yet retain the power and fighting might to do so.
The masons in there wisdom backslided a methoad of truely removing a tryrant from the seat of american power. In the event of a military coup/or any public perceived goverment persicusion of the people - the public millitary would be CRUSHED by the private one..
...Thus... ...Unit Sword... :-) :-x
I hope that answers your question "The Fool" - feel free to ask refining questions...
Discuss - Discuss... (coffe talk)
IonTruO2 said...
Thus the recent reference to wanting to return to the Bethlehem Star and the Three Wise Men story and complete the third portion more effectively.
The pope - yeah the guy with a funny hat - has a chief astrologer:
"...Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space."
Why does the pope have a Chief Astrologer?
He has a chief of his "wise-men"?
Think about it people...
W T F ? ? ?
I drop to big disclosure bombs - and no one - I mean no one - posts - W T F is wrong with you guys?
On a side note - Whats Hoggie got to say tonight?
RCH is mostly gonna talk about the "non-story" of Chandra finding a supernova that exploded in 1868 (only it really exploded approximately 20,000 to 30,000years ago .)
He talked about the Vatican announcement last night as well as mentioning the UK releasing UFO sighting documents.
He is trying to figger out why NASA made so much hype about the non-story for a week.
I think you mean "chief astonomer,"
but maybe in the ancient use of the word "astrologer," one who logs the position and motion of the astros (stars), you might be right. And I like your idea of having a "chief of his 'wise-men.'"
Or maybe "wise-guys," like on the Sopranos...
Or would that be the "black pope,"
(i.e. the head of the Jesuits)
RCH mentioned the new Indiana Jones movie about the Crystal Skull, and how it is supposed to be an alien crystal skull and the similarity to the robot head in "Dark Mission" that Apollo17 found on the moon and supposedly brought back to earth.
He also talked about the Vatican story about aliens in the AP version (which talks about possible alien life in space) and the BBC version (which talks about alien life on Mars).
He theorized that the big hoopla about the supernova remnant in the center of our own galaxy was to get a lot of people thinking about the center of our galaxy... maybe raise a little interest in what might be coming up next in the slow "time released aspirin" drip-drip-drip of disclosure about what may be coming up in 2012 time frame.
Sunday, May 18th 2008 – Dark Mission co-author Richard C. Hoagland will be featured on the SciFi channel special “Mystery of the Crystal Skulls” at 9 PM (8 Central time). The show will feature an extended segment on Dark Mission.
from "breaking news" on dark mission web site. RCH also mentioned on "Coast"
..sorry, running a big blank there.
o.k. funny hats, yes, three wise men, yes....and the last time they came together was the Bethlehem Star moment.
Further they were 'emissaries', to locate recognize and subsequently 'greet' the arrival of Jesus.
As much as most of us would like to see a Divine Being or otherwise, just drive up in a ship and drop by, it seems the true spiritual or 'ascended' masters of the World all speak of the process of 'birthing to here'.
from the link: The official Vatican newspaper headlines his article 'Aliens Are My Brother'
...And some aliens could even be free from original sin
When any religious group start talking about the heavens one must raise an eyebrow.
The Catholic Church is saying "life out there" - this is definetly part of the larger disclosure movement...
Sci Fi Channel Presents
Mystery of the Crystal Skulls
World Premier
Sunday, May 18 at 9/8C
This is comment 20, but I prefer to think of it as 19.5
Clip 2, Connecting the Dots :)
Crystal Skulls - I was all over this back in the day(late 70s - early 80s - Colorado Spiings Library source), I think that there is only one TRUE Crystal Skull and the hype about more(Skulls) in a configuration that will save us is pure BULLSHIT!
Please "Set Me Free"!
HHMSS Sword said...
W T F ? ? ?
I drop to big disclosure bombs - and no one - I mean no one - posts - W T F is wrong with you guys?
(snip hoagland's reference}
2008-05-14 8.32.MD
what 2 big disclosures are you talking about?
That there IS a secret govenrment and a military to back it up?
Been there read that long time ago.
How about stopping Iraq when you knew it was a phony oil war in the first place?
How about restoring parts of the constitution decimated by this administration?
In case YOU haven't noticed there IS a LARGE rally cry to revolution-change because of the above blunders...I can here the words:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Are YOU folks SWORD or "guards" to protect us from a corrupt government?
If you are...you've fracked it up bad on this one friend.
Are you keeping "ETIs" AWAY from Planet Earth until YOU think we're "ready"? Wrong again. We may ALL never be ready but progress forward we must even if "shoved n shocked n awed" to get there.
This is still true since every general who goes against Dark Lord Cheney is fired:
Bomb-Bomb-Bomb Iran
as the Republicans sing there "Beach Boys" tune when they can't win in Iraq nor Afghanistan.
And do we REALLY want Osama? our old partner in the proxy war against the Russians, or hopw about going after Saddam after he went to war with the chemical weapons we gave him against Iran because they sought freedom from the American puppet the Shah?
I KNOW some American History...I KNOW some of the secrets of the CIA BEFORE they even released the piddling amount they released a few months ago.
Secret History of USA
Those two "disclosures" may be new to "The FOOL"...but it's old festering news with someone with brains and honest integrity.
PS...since you were "bitched-out" by "TOP" for requesting some minor 'funding' ( in DOD $$$ ) for your little "Disclosure Project" here.... I suggest you might re-evaluate how important your project here is the over-all scheme of things.
As I've said before if you got the wrong civilian for the job...get a different one.
Since I tried to delete last post and re-post with New Logo...this post should have it and all others here on out.
Those two "disclosures" may be new to "The FOOL"...but it's old festering news with someone with brains and honest integrity
What are you implying? Do tell!
robert said...
what 2 big disclosures are you talking about?
That there IS a secret govenrment and a military to back it up?
Are YOU folks SWORD or "guards" to protect us from a corrupt government?
One - the idea/law of the land/original reason units like mine where originally created was to ENSURE the people had the ABILITY to overthrow its government. IT IS very much in tune with whats going on today.
Lets say - just for the sake of silliness - you couldn't buy "assault rifles" anymore" you where limited to one hunting rifle and one pistol - oh great - its a military coup - geeeeeeee - sure would like a revolution right now - to dam bad we don't have enough Arms/Armament/Lethally Trained man power to actually pull it of - oh wait - who are these guys.
I know that allot of people think that Units like Sword/Steel are just around to KEEP those in power - but that not the original CHARTER.
Sure - we live and work in secrecy - but considering the mentalities of some people - and some of our administration - this is probably a good thing.
So to answer your questions robert:
The other big disclosure bomb was the announcement of the Pope - through his "head astronomer" (Wise man) of the possibilities of life out there.
Hoagland completely did not make the connection there and I am REALLY surprised... ...Nasa wanted people to be interested in what was going on in space and was awaiting a big announcement - doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what EXACTLY was going on there...
There is a secret government - but the military doesn't necessarily back it up 100% because 100% of the military IS NOT on Uncle Sams payroll (future dictators have there balls on that one)...
And no - we don't guard you from corrupt government - YOU DO.
Sword is a larger entity in which Sword/M-33 is a larger part of. We sometimes call ourselves "The younger brothers"... ...for we have older brothers, technical brothers, support brothers, on and on and on...
We ultimately guard ourselves from the outside world - but that doesn't mean we don't let the public take a peek every decade or so...
BTW - You can't stop a war your not(mostly)going to have any part of and when 99% of the TPTB (Janus) want it regardless of what they said then or now...
You have of course the public face - with its two primary sides Repulican and democract - which I basically brake down to Peace and War... ...you figure out which is which. The public Milltary of course resides here - in the front have...
Then on the other side, the back side, the other side you have the private goverment - the one your not ever going to see. Primarly Mason - One side is the roosters - the other side is the owls. One side wants to spill the beans - the other side wants to keep every secrect they have ever held since the begining of recorded history (Starting from BEFORE Sumner/Mesopotameia)..
So what I see you are saying is that Masons run the private side of Government. Is the way that "they" run the Government consistent with "every secrect they have ever held since the begining of recorded history (Starting from BEFORE Sumner/Mesopotameia)"?
And if The Masons are so benevolent, why have they allowed our Constitutional Federated Republic to be transformed into a bankrupt corporation that deals ONLY in contracts? Why don't they just re implement the original 13th Amendment and free us from the corporate contracts we are are now slaves to?
Sir W.M. Flinders Petrie's - who? :-)
This is one of the secrets held by the Masons right?
Fool's Gold
Yo Robert:
Can you get images like this with the equipment you where talking about?
One - the idea/law of the land/original reason units like mine where originally created was to ENSURE the people had the ABILITY to overthrow its government. IT IS very much in tune with whats going on today.
Lets say - just for the sake of silliness - you couldn't buy "assault rifles" anymore" you where limited to one hunting rifle and one pistol - oh great - its a military coup - geeeeeeee - sure would like a revolution right now - to dam bad we don't have enough Arms/Armament/Lethally Trained man power to actually pull it of - oh wait - who are these guys.
And no - we don't guard you from corrupt government - YOU DO.
Sword is a larger entity in which Sword/M-33 is a larger part of. We sometimes call ourselves "The younger brothers"... ...for we have older brothers, technical brothers, support brothers, on and on and on...
We ultimately guard ourselves from the outside world - but that doesn't mean we don't let the public take a peek every decade or so...
BTW - You can't stop a war your not(mostly)going to have any part of and when 99% of the TPTB (Janus) want it regardless of what they said then or now...
Gee those are two contradictory statments and positions. You're SUPPOSED to help us overthrow a corrupt government but fail to do your duty via the Declaration of Independance because you folks can't believe this adminstration is NOT corrput to it's very very oily core.
Can't stop a war that TPTB want...only Dark Lord Cheney and Jr's Daddy really wanted this things for the oil and money...all it would have taken was one more magic bullet and "The FORCE" for war would have fallen along with a side whisper to Jr to stick to chasing Osama like he was told to do. Couldn't have been simpler.
So you OPENLY admit that your main goal is just to hide and save your own asses in your last statement and let the citizens go frack themselves taking pot-shots with 22s and sling-shots.
You're doing a wonderful job...now even your "TOP" wants your mouth shut and to stop blabbling.
The "Vatican" thing is OLD OLD OLD news...Stehpen Bassette had him writing for his X-Pacc Dislosure project for years and even had him at several X-conferences.
Where are you getting you "Disclosure" talking points?
They're DATED and mean this honestly and with brutal truth and NOT in meanness...YOU should take a closer look at what is being is asked of you, why on you on a 'financial leash' if this is so important, why is Hoagland the ONLY "civilian" that can make it come out and be believable by "mainstream"?
He hasn't done what you wanted ONCE that I can recall you saying...how many time do you order a soldier forward before you shove him up and over or shoot him in the back in battle?
The stakes are high and these silly word games get us nowhere near what ALL EARTHLINGS need right now...DISCLOSURE of ETIs are here and always were.
You've got the wrong civilian he never "did" UFO's and has remained steadfast in that for years.
There are much better ones and with better credentials like Nuclear Physicist Stanton Freidman to mention only one, Stephen Bassette and registered lobyist with Congress on this issue.
What REALLY is your "assignment" here? Are YOU even fully aware yet? Remember the talks about how even you weren't so sure not so long ago? I and the rest of us do.
Why are you still here and what do YOU want to accomplish and is "TOP" in your way and hampering that effort? Is the ONLY way to take a hill is a full frontal assault?
Yo Robert:
Can you get images like this with the equipment you where talking about?
Of course not. I mean what I say when I'm not typing too fast like I was above...there was few things I left out to make my point clearer about you and your "Disclosure Talking Points".
They're REALLY dated.
Those images are a step in the right direction...but they are too blurry and sklipping all over the place...he's an amatuer...I was a photographer and had work published before in local publication.
Again...I am not coming down on you personally in meanness but in the fact that you may be as much a 'puppet' of "TOP" as I am of what my paralyized wife needs and wants.
But...I am confident that IF given the word that I was going to get the equipment, taken to orbit to CLEARLY show these images and bring them back down again I COULD without a doubt break into Mainstream Media with the footage.
But the equipment is necessary for even in space when something goes one way the camera MUST follow it smoothly...this can only be done a gyroscoped tripod with motor...frack your photo SWORD photo know this. Ask them what THEY would want and make it happen. Or maybe one could fall off the back of the truck..yuk.
But seriously...how "serious" is the Masons and "TOP" about getting "Disclosure" out there so that ALL Earthlings KNOW in their bones about ETIs and the FACT they've been around since before humans came on the scene?
Answer THAT and you'll find your limits being wrapped around your efforts to do what you were told to do.
Christ - Robert/Fool
I love correspondences with you guys = more latter...
Who gets 33rd comment?
I'll bite :)
Happy Friday!
There is a big air show in Columbia, MO., Labor Day weekend.
It is one of the few free-to-the-public air shows of it's scale in the U.S.
Anyway, I just heard thursday that the special guest VIP this year will be Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
I wonder if the time release aspirin is about kick in a little faster.
I might go out to meet him. It would be a hoot to talk with a man who has actually walked on the moon. ;)
Salute to Veterans 2008
Memorial Day Weekend Celebration
Gort said...
I'll bite :)
So gort gets the 33rd - excellent...
I will get ot Williams and "the fool" so enough...
I'm gettting to the comments I really am...
Ro9bert always brings up many talking points - and does do in such an elegant way. He does do in a way that gets people thinking. Robert, with some voice coaching from what I have heard so far - could indeed become the newest "Mars Revealer" - without the crazy nut mixed in... ...but I might just regulate him to photo's and blogg dialog - if he so wishes...
Those long standing blogg readers will realize that chit chat between me and MR. WIlliams (Of the Wiliam's clan) will realize - that this is NOT negitivity - indeed not - in respect to recent commetns - he is only trying to get me to think - think hard - and at this point comment hard.
Very much appreciated Robert.
BTW - how is that new computer doing yah?
Here we go again...
Side post? New post:
Just had a sit down with TOP...
...interesting times...
Time for my retractions to post comments before I repay to posts...
... its going to be a big post
Sword - There is only one MarsRevealer.
Wake up guys - Robert is not even close.
Robert - keep using a MicroSoft O.S. and you will always have problems.
Geeesh, must have been a great long weekend at the G-deck party in Canada? Quiet space.
Well, time for a profile pic Sword.
Here is a shot of my father back in the days when he flew The Sabre(F86) for the RCAF. 1950's.
Right Stuff Sabre Pilot
P.S. I have always said they 'parked', or fixed in a 'stable place'... the local moon where it is.
Now it looks like a little more is trickling out of that disclosure.
Remembering the ancient Celtic tale of the Sword, the Shield and the Ha(a)rp, the Moon is certainly a fine oversized shield for the cycles of bombardment.
John Lear was on C2C last night in the first hour, with host George Knapp. He spilled a few beans.
Like 44 thousand astronauts in the secret astronaut program.
Like Dr. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin is currently a higher up official in the secret space command.
(Buzz will be in Columbia Mo for the Memorial Day weekend airshow, not Labor Day... see above)
Like "black" space command involves army, air force, and navy. (maybe he just said army and air force and I threw in the Old Navy.)
Oh, and on the down to earth side, he mentioned a 600 foot U. S. warship that is entirely remote controlled. No onboard crewe.
And a secret submarine base in Nevada where you take an elevator down 44 hundred feet to get on a submarine and cruise through a tunnel to Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean. And a secret submarine base in St. Louis and possibly Memphis.
There was a lot more.
Some of it was stuff he also talked about on October 21, 2007 show, also with host George Knapp
see also:
hell - even I got posters in my own blogg trying to bring me down
I assume you are talking about me, since no one else here would qualify. I guess asking questions equates to "bringing you down".
I'll ask these again, since there has be no reply:
So what I see you are saying is that Masons run the private side of Government. Is the way that "they" run the Government consistent with "every secrect they have ever held since the begining of recorded history (Starting from BEFORE Sumner/Mesopotameia)"?
And if The Masons are so benevolent, why have they allowed our Constitutional Federated Republic to be transformed into a bankrupt corporation that deals ONLY in contracts? Why don't they just re implement the original 13th Amendment and free us from the corporate contracts we are are now slaves to?
What up with Petrie's discovery?
Those two "disclosures" may be new to "The FOOL"...but it's old festering news with someone with brains and honest integrity
I am still waiting on Robert's clarification of this uninformed statement.
Why don't they just re implement the original 13th Amendment and free us from the corporate contracts we are are now slaves to?
I'll get to a big post reply later - but this struck me as easily answerable:
because money means nothing except to those individuals who think that its really means something...
...everyone on my side of the coin KNOWS that money has become a failing ideal. It is no longer currency - it is now "Magic"... ...the true and only way to get forward in the coming new economy is going to be TRADE.
Beads for baskets - crops for blankets...
everyone on my side of the coin KNOWS that money has become a failing ideal. It is no longer currency - it is now "Magic"... ...the true and only way to get forward in the coming new economy is going to be TRADE
This is patently ridiculous and it did not answer my initial question about the benevolence of the Masons.
Barter is NOT EVER practical. Why do you think money was "invented" in the first place. The "substance" of money may change, but the need for a medium of exchange WILL NOT. That is a basic economic principle that will NEVER "become a failing ideal". Your "side of the coin" (an elitist statement) should know that, since it goes back to Sumer and Mesopotamia.
It is not the money that is the problem, it is the love of it and the ability of a very small minority to control it that is. That is the "Magic" you speak of. Are your benevolent Masons responsible for that control?
Barter systems worked rather well for quite sometime...
...you can look this up...
...Coins where initially made of precious TRADE metals that could be forged into useful items.
In the beginning - money was a TRADE item.
The local king - of course in control of any local mines in his kingdom of course had the means to extract said materials which of course he could turn into Swords - adn the local smit'y could turn into plowshears... (or swords on teh sly)...
Anyone care to tell me where coinage really originated from?
I never "see" money today - because magically it shows up in a bank - which magically can be used by my bank card/ magically I swipe it and magically I trade that magic for goods or services...
Now does a a pipe goes from my bank to the place of tender? NO. It just magically shows up in his electronic ledger.
No coinage was exchanged - no tender (paper) no writs of credit, no statement of rapprochement - no IOU...
So - thus - MAGIC.
To add to that magic - any asshole can set up a bank within the government ad a 1 and a bunch of zero's and write checks transfer funds all day long.
Before that - we where doing it on paper ...
13th Amendment? Slavery? Your bring up the 13th amend to bolster your argument against the "Free Market"?
No one held a gun to your head and told you to sign a mortgage or get a credit card - or buy anything for that matter.
Its getting to the point that responding to you about anything is getting in my way of replying to other things that have significant merit.
Its like fighting with a four year old over who would win in a fight - Superman or The Wolverine...
The last blog topic was me showing of our unit patch and starting to talk about our primary missions - and some of the deeply held origins of the unit... ...what did you contribute there?
This blogg topic is about "Careless talk" and its effect on other secretive units - I even gave the unit patch for where WE have been hiding the T.O.P. Office of SFTG:Sword... ...your still trying to figure out what the hell I mean by magic money...
Build a bridge... ...get over it.
Lets ALL get on topic - and if we want to question my motives - do it like Robert does so it dosen't sound like a personal insult.
On a side note - I WILL get to regular responses to posts. I have had many sit downs with TOP in recent days - and considering my big mouth these last few posts - the next post might be a real duuzzy....
Stay tunned...
The picture of the girl with the photo ("Don't kill her daddy")
reminds me of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz movie.....
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain..."
The picture of the charging bull reminds me of the old joke:
How do you stop a charging elephant?
Take away its charge card.
Or the Wall Street expression of a "Bull market" when the market is good.
Incidently (or coincidently) I heard a news story today about US Navy ships in Seattle/Puget Sound area celebrating the 100th anniversary of the "Great White Fleet," when President Teddy Roosevelt sent the fleet around the world to show the other counties our naval might. At that time whoever controlled the seas controlled the world. (at least in theory).
So disclosure of US military control of the high frontier would be more or less an extension of the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt and the Great White Fleet.
And except for a few inconveniences like international treaties....
And as far as endangering other troops, maybe the "bad guys" of the world might just think twice about starting any trouble if they knew there was always someone looking down over their shoulder...
Gort said...
The picture of the charging bull reminds me of the old joke:
Or the sign of royalty from ancient Sumner/Mesopotamia
Gort - still standing
your still trying to figure out what the hell I mean by magic money
YOU HAVE NO CLUE! Money should be a commodity, like anything else. But IT IS NOT! I KNOW THAT! DUH!
You think I'm talking about the existing 13th Amendment? Google TONA and LEARN SOMETHING!
This is on topic, because it is the source of the "secretive units" you refer to. It's called connecting the dots.
You know what, I know we are in for some serious shit, at least economically. Earth changes may be in store also, from a variety of sources. But there is nothing I can do about it. Nothing! You are not telling me anything that I don't know, or at least need to know.
It means you have been listening - now open up your bible and pray - or for better luck - go to your army recruiter and DEMAND you are entere4d into the Unit known as Sword...
...oh sure they'll play you for a fool - but as the process goes forward you'll start to realise the number of brothers I have and the number of brothers your about to be "entered" into...
If they shake your hand in a "funny" way - just sign the contract...
BTW - big return to posts coming very soon...
Nuff for the for-night...
I haev the blogg responses I promise - tommarow a blogg response post...
Watching broken tail AMC
Interesting. ...And Wayne Herschel has decoded numerous pyramid building societies all pointed to Taurus and the leg of Taurus points the way to the original home star of the 'gods'
through Orion's line, through the horns of Taurus... and the leg(the Pleides) points the final way.
Bull, Star and Crescent
and the Hiram Abif Star Map. ;)
Masonic Starmap
I have seen the sword in The Christos of Orion.
Now SWORD makes sense.
Talk about 'taking the bull by the horns'. lol... its amazing just how much is embedded in our language.
Looks like ol Wayne Herschel has been real busy and has updated his web site extensively with new material solidifying his original hypothesis.
HHMSS Sword:
May 20, 2008
I hate time.
I cannot stop it this enemy - it continues to march against me and my men - it is an enemy in which I can make no headway - I cannot “leap-frog” ahead and gain any advantage for an ambush - indeed not. When I least expect it - time ambushes me...
I said that I would reply to posts and indeed - here I am.
I tried to get into the meat of any argument so watch the time and dates... ...I also corrected mispelling to those accused there of...
That’s a military term - often mistaken for a “mafia” term - but in fact started long ago in roman times when young, ambitious, and slightly insabordident officers started to challenge the higher ranking and far more wise men of there time... ...look it up - im not wrong...
...maybe Its time I had a sit down wit someone else - if only I could get a promise no 5-0 would be involved...
The Fool said...
So what I see you are saying is that Masons run the private side of Government.
Is the way that "they" run the Government consistent with "every secret they have ever held since the beginning of recorded history (Starting from BEFORE Sumner/Mesopotamia)"?
The masons do not run the private side - its ran by everyone - of every religious background.
And yes - many so called “secretes” do play into the game. Not everyone is Mason in our government - and in that - makes everything so crazy - so unpredictable - so - ... ...American...
The Fool said...
This is one of the secrets held by the Masons right?
Fool's Gold ( http://www.halexandria.org/dward482.htm ) ( Copy paste at will/dumb-down check at will )
Lord give me the strength.
I have seen the web-sight - & wonder why you bring up such a weak source when there are so many other sources of strength on the subject.
There are many mountains - and I have been fortunate enough to tread on three of them - my fourth will come soon if I can make good treaty and trade with samurai...
Sword - ahhh - now robert - a better poster and good freind...
Gee those are two contradictory statements and positions. You're SUPPOSED to help us overthrow a corrupt government but fail to do your duty via the Declaration of Independence because you folks can't believe this administration is NOT corrupt to it's very, very oily core.
Oh, come now - to its very core?
Surely “chatter monkey” and his administration do not constitute the whole of the sum. Remember what I said about face card players? Someone had to be the joker and the suicide king at the same time...
So you OPENLY admit that your main goal is just to hide and save your own asses in your last statement and let the citizens go frack themselves taking pot-shots with 22s and sling-shots.
I do openly admit that we have been hideing - and doing a very good job of it - for just about a hundred years or so. Why? To save our own ass’s? Please, we have been involved in every major conflict since WWII.
I stated long ago - in a similar conversation that (With you I believe) that when it all hits the fan - its going to be US out there...
You're doing a wonderful job...now even your "TOP" wants your mouth shut and to stop blabbling.
The concern is that I am inadvertently advancing the timetable that WE Unit Sword as part of Sargent Brewers “Project:Disclosure” had set down. So I’m breaking my own rules. Having photographs of our military in space available on the internet was a shock to the TPTB. Honestly - I don’t know what the deal is - those “ships” are designed with large black shrouds that hide them by not allowing reflecting light to seep through.
Now all the sudden - there not using them - so - I asked - WHO is really advancing the timetable? No answer...
So its not that they want me to “shut my mouth” - beacuse if they did - they would just send me back to the cooler...
They're DATED and mean this honestly and with brutal truth and NOT in meanness...YOU should take a closer look at what is being is asked of you, why on you on a 'financial leash' if this is so important, why is Hoagland the ONLY "civilian" that can make it come out and be believable by "mainstream"?
It’s not a finical leash - it was a question of where to pull the funding - gov, unit, private. Of course, I was told private funding was the only way to go. I want something official - like a unit photographer - and I was told to get bent. Watch - a few months from now some young private will show up with orders and a 35mm at the skeleton crews office...
Richard is not the only civilian who can break the truth of Unit Sword/M-33... ...anyone of the wives can do so for they are under no contractual obligation (hint-hint)...
He, Richard, is, however, the only civilian who was given access and given briefings that no other outside civilian has had before.
His information was specific, very specific.
He hasn't done what you wanted ONCE that I can recall you saying...how many time do you order a soldier forward before you shove him up and over or shoot him in the back in battle?
Yes but he also understands negative is positive - positive is negative... :-)
You've got the wrong civilian he never "did" UFO's and has remained steadfast in that for years.
Right I have said that is not my department either.
Why? Because why I can’t discount “alien” presence - no one I have ever met has seen one - rather - its our own stuff up there...
Personally - I firmly believe Roswell was another set up like “War of the Worlds”. The government set it up to hide everything else by drawing attention elsewhere. Start a fire to hide a bank robbery so to speak...
Rob - there was so much more but this is getting on a three page post...
IonTruO2 said...
Here is a shot of my father back in the days when he flew The Sabre(F86) for the RCAF. 1950's.
Awesome photo.
IonTruO2 said...
Remembering the ancient Celtic tale of the Sword, the Shield and the Ha(a)rp, the Moon is certainly a fine oversized shield for the cycles of bombardment.
Don’t we know it.
Gort said...
John Lear was on C2C last night in the first hour, with host George Knapp. He spilled a few beans.
Like 44 thousand astronauts in the secret astronaut program.
Like "black" space command involves army, air force, and navy. (maybe he just said army and air force and I threw in the Old Navy.)
What the fuck is this?
I talk about it and then Lear and Hoagland use it and don’t provide any credit?
How many times must I mention something only to have someone else start screaming it at the top of there lungs?
Did I not post murmuring about A secret space program, MOL, and then eventually post images of about twelve of them - LONG BEFORE these two clowns speak of it?
Did I not say that the space command involves all the military branches?
The stuff I say is DATED - and as it seems - days latter - weeks latter - someone on coast to coast is using it like THEY are breaking the news.
WHEN is anyone going to get Noory to look at MY facts and say - wait a minute - THIS guys got the big scoop (thats what she said)...?
However - I’m still pickled that GN and RH recanted and apologized about “Manchurian candidate” astronauts 19.5 days after they said it.
So they are obviously “listening” to me - but some credit - a mention on the radio - anything - would show that this “Project:Disclosure” we started almost a decade ago won’t be Sword/M-33's one and only failure.
Gort said...
Oh, and on the down to earth side, he mentioned a 600 foot U. S. warship that is entirely remote controlled. No onboard crewe.
And a secret submarine base in Nevada where you take an elevator down 44 hundred feet to get on a submarine and cruise through a tunnel to Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean. And a secret submarine base in St. Louis and possibly Memphis.
Know about the elevators - don’t know what’s down there.
Water based “warships” arn’t the only fully automated things “floating” around...
Gort said...
And as far as endangering other troops, maybe the "bad guys" of the world might just think twice about starting any trouble if they knew there was always someone looking down over their shoulder...
They know - they just can’t prove it.
Until China or Russia is ready to start another uber space-race they know they have already lost - they won’t say a dam thing untill they start crying about the fact they can’t use the moon.
Sit down with top:
NASA is fracked up - putting money into the wrong things.
BSG - the original - was about the Egyptian “cult” and monuments...
APOD = awesome (TOP is new to the internet)
Nuff said - carry on...
oh and heres another little gem I found:
Mike Bara said...
Yes, there are further developments on Iapetus. We're currently discussing whether to finish the web articles or include it in an updated version of Dark Mission.
We'll let you know when it's decided.
May 21, 2008 9:34 AM
Yup - I called that one two - year(s) ago.
More than bloody likely - there will be a "Article Seven" - then the book...
The "Article Seven" is going to be sooooo muuuucccchhhhh bigger than the book "Dark Mission" as far as real disclosure is concerned.
Can anyone else see how this is getting set up?
you said:
The concern is that I am inadvertently advancing the timetable that WE Unit Sword as part of Sargent Brewers “Project:Disclosure” had set down. So I’m breaking my own rules. Having photographs of our military in space available on the internet was a shock to the TPTB. Honestly - I don’t know what the deal is - those “ships” are designed with large black shrouds that hide them by not allowing reflecting light to seep through.
Now all the sudden - there not using them - so - I asked - WHO is really advancing the timetable? No answer...
So its not that they want me to “shut my mouth” - because if they did - they would just send me back to the cooler...
O.k. come one, this process here together equals a whisper in Noah's ear. As you have said 'go big or go home', if there was really a concerted intent to convey the truth/story of M33/Sword and the cause of these near years, surely the strategy would be somewhat larger or broader scale. Even the use of Hoagland 'showcases' the quieter communique to a smaller already attuned audience.
I say that is fine, as we are people who already in some measure have done work to understand these areas of consideration. The more I learn of my own accord, the more I feel a generic broad media blitz would not have been a good idea anyway.
That said, when some of the key disclosures are being decoded and revealed by in many cases by utterly ordinary people, then I say to the TOP, their strategy is lacking badly. Wayne Herschel-The hiddenrecord, has the Mason's attending his lectures now with great interest, how about the Canadian in BC who in recording all the Shuttle video transmissions discovered numerous forms of 'life' out there interacting very closely with the ships, how about this guy who imaged the ships in orbit(assuming he is not an agent of another group)? The disclosure is some measure appears to be occurring by happenstance or at least halfhazzard. Surely that is not how people should see this, 'as being cracked open by the civilians'? How professional is that, where is the wisdom in that?
I do say now, stick to the whisper and sing to the choir, as I have personally found many ordinary folk really DO NOT care to know. Too big a stretch for most and they would prefer to just plod along in simplicity.
But as I write this, I feel the TOP is impeding you in many respects like a bad series of commercials that keep slicing into a good story. Fragmentation occurs. Thus the thread fails to flow to completion cohesively. Sure, some of us can jump around and refer way back to stuff from two years ago, but each time you start to gain momentum, you get snared. IF I quote you from before. 'Waste anything, except time'. Time is UP as you have conveyed as well. So the whisper may not be a scream anyway, but the blog world attention span is tiny and you risk being eclipsed by other 'natural' events or means of disclosure that are beyond the control of your handlers.
Go forward, tell the tale of Wise Men, stay focussed on the key 'reason' for all of this and not just the tech candy or ideas of amusement.
my two cents of encouragment
Underground Waterways n Byways
More "dated Disclosure".
I get the feeling from your response and from "TOPS" that the equipment to REALLY capture these objects in orbit won't be falling off a delivery truck on my front door in my lifetime. After all "money" is only 1's n 0's right and "SWORD" could put more into their account if wanted.
Seems I may have ticked off Richard here since I am no longer a "guest" at his pay-for-play BBS site...too bad...he's loosing a good honest man who has done MUCH for him and TEM through the years. May be a "glitch" who knows I have other things to do then carry on a "Disclosure Fight" when the "TOPS" are hogtying their 'soldiers' and civilian represenatives. Your own SWORD photo guys would knnow and be able to get what I would need and also likely find a way to slip the whole thing in like a big supplemental budget where it's so big no body reads the entire thing they just vote yea or nay like will be comming up again in Congress next week or so.
I'll keep my ears open and finding and feeding "Dated" material from time to time...but I have other things that interest me and if "SWORD" is just going to leave me and my paralyzed wife to frack ourselves when the shit hits the fan...then I might as well smoke my corn cob, drink my Mt Dew, and do what I like with my computer time than take on another fight where I cannot get the tools I need to do the job right.
Without evidence...I can't DO anything to help "Disclosure" along. It really is that simple.
Again this is NOT an attack on you or Richard...just the brutal truth from MY point of view in MY situation.
Dammit all to hell...
Or - as I should say... ...darn it - darn it all to ... darn...
Fuck that!
Look... ...here's the deal boys (my men hate it when I say that)...
Listen up men!
Yeah, TOP is giving me stress - what to do??
Listen... ...that seems to always be the answer... ... and has always seemed to be the answer.
Sword proper, M33 proper, what happened when we - our unit of 33 bodies 33 entities lined up for THE photo that would become a commissioned painting? Did not TOP show up? Did he not balk and then be talked into being in the photo for our unit painting?
What am I getting at?
TOP was there for us - and we did the mission - while he was ground side - we forgot about him - while he chewed his nails...
...and as it seems ... I was redirected... into self evaluation...
... so what is really going on...?
I feel many times the student - as highly educated as I am - I find it strange at times that IU should be schooled by a lifetime plumber. Never mind the fact that the lifetime plumber was a special forces agent running in the black shadows of war during the days of Vietnam... ...I as it seems ... still has much to learn...
Robert - personal finances have little to do with when and why you would receive the funding required for such activity as I have described. We have already funded upgrades to computer systems - as you know. TRUST - and COMPLIANCE is my chief concern... ...but the timetable is so important to men beyond your level and not mine...
IonTruO2 said...
That said, when some of the key disclosures are being decoded and revealed by in many cases by utterly ordinary people, then I say to the TOP, their strategy is lacking badly.
I serverly disagree...
along with the brow beating in emails I have received was the order to review and reflect on what I have done in correspondence with what has been said to whom and how this information has been progressed over time...
...Hoagland is doing a fine job.
In review - if we stay to the timetable... Good 'ol rich is doing a fine job.
What should my next "post" be - I do not know.
All I know is that the community of disclosure fans have found so far is FSHOD, me and the seldom used and often faked - "Dark Mission" blogg...
It is so hard to be in this position with so much to tell without so much just going into the wind...
As it stands now - after careful reasearch and listneing the the C2C crowd... ...everything is going as planned... ...if only I could get SOME regonition outside of hear - I - and a great deal more would feel so much better regarding our efforts...
SFTG:Sword - - - I know your out there - and I know that many of you are lurking - fear not - our time to descend from the heaven's still awaits - and I - and I - I am still your captain...
Sword said:
Robert - personal finances have little to do with when and why you would receive the funding required for such activity as I have described. We have already funded upgrades to computer systems - as you know. TRUST - and COMPLIANCE is my chief concern... ...but the timetable is so important to men beyond your level and not mine...
No I DON'T KNOW....SWORD had NOTHING...NADA...to do with MY computer situations in the past and it seems unlikely to have so in the future.
"men beyond my level"...we'll I'll grant you I've never been in "combat" but in life-threatening situations with a sawed-off shotgun shoved down my throat..yes I have...kept my pants dry and clean.
You and frackin' "timetable".
More little boy games played by men who hold the world in their hands and have sno clue their their hands are covered with vaseline and the blood of all who went before.
If this sounds like a rant on you...then I'm sorry because it's NOT...it's a rant on the SYSTEM that deigns that some men deem it be their job to be GOD and CREATOR for all humankind. If this is TOP's view then Georgie Jr. is about as sane as TOP getting his 'commands directly from God to invade Iraq'.
Frackin stupidity with nihilism.
You guys want "credit" for what you do??? What frackin egotists you are. Your own nihilism put you in charge and now you whine that Richard Hoagland or George Noorey never mentioned you or your unit. You sound worse than Mars Revealer did with his rantings about richard being a communist spy.
You want "credit" land that super battle cruiser in space in the middle of Central Park after going slloooooooowwww over Times Square and Rockefeller center....make sure you give Chris Mathews and keith Olberman a call befor flying buy and tell em to look out their windows.
Otherwise stay hidden, go to your futile fight with the coming planet with your tiny space ships that will be just bowled over like a straw placed on a bowling alley.
Again...this is directed at the TOPS echelon of the "MASONS"...you've gotten so secretive of each faction neither side can see the BRUTAL TRUTH of the situation and the COMMON SENSE SOLUTION to both sides problems.
When you're READY to listen....I'll be ready to talk.
Given that I GET assurance my talking will matter
O.k. neutered again.
Soooooo, what are you here for now? This hot and cold parlay is aging. What's left to engage then?
Some of us are here for you sir, not Hoagland or others.
I had a much larger comment, but you know what, it would fail to elicit momentum and real openness.
The Masons can call it whatever, none of it is truly 'open', and it is still egoicly just power and control...however 'mentally' they intend benevolence.
Sorry can't keep meeting down there anymore.
This is your Blog, be open, make it about you then, and communicate something. I will not waste energy, my deal is real.
...but the timetable is so important to men beyond your level and not mine...
That was meant to say "and mine" - editing error - sorry...
And the computer issue was a error as well - I need to stop posting and editing when I am dead on my feet...
Hogie on C2C last night..
Strange things happening in november?
I hope so.
New blogg post coming up - freelance - no agenda...
...stay tunnned...
O.k.! go for it.
agenda free....liberation. ya
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