Facebook is for idiots.
I have said this before - perhaps in a better way.
I fail however to see the novelty of telling the entire world what you are doing and thinking every minute of the day. To give your names and families names, and names of all your acquaintances, address, times and locations of your whereabouts - constantly and consistently - without being asked - nay - even complete with picture identification even … shows me that the general whole of the population has lost its mind.
I left Facebook for this reason.
I have also left face book because I feel that the troll is being fed the other way. That’s the problem with secret rooms - they are not really that secret when they are on the damm webb. I have grown so very dam tired of this banging my head against the wall - I did my bit - and we need to focus on moving on. And when I mean we - I mean - no more extra help around here logging, fact checking, peeking, etc, etc…
The deliberate fool Richard C - well - he’s got his butter bar - he has his oath - if he does his bit that he swore he would do, great - if he doesn’t - fine. It’s at the point anymore that he is really irrelevant - it doesn’t matter if he says anything “actionable” about our tribe of the North Sword. The cats going to be out of the bag soon enough already. When that happens he will not be my problem anymore - so - he’s on the plank - what he does is his game now. The ADL will handle all of the times he has referenced us as fascists - and there will be a retraction - a loud one.
If you gentleman haven’t noticed - I am not a public person. Perhaps this lifestyle of hide and seek far away from you people has leant to the fact that I cannot mesh well with society as perhaps all of you. On that note, this real time flavor - almost on a 24hr basis - lends to the fact that you guys “see me” either after my weak daily schedule or these ridicules long weekends - argo - I am usually having a few - and a few to many. With that being said I can’t allow myself to be painted drunk and disorderly when the government and my men already know - indeed - not a garrisonable solider.
Things have been accelerating for me, soon these issued boots are going to be coming in and I shall be field. Blogg posts will be far less infrequent. Within a relatively short cycle we will be back where we need to be.
I am a field combat officer, not a Public Relations Liaison - as a matter of fact I should have never been as public as I am now - nay - never should it have been.
It started here - and its going to end here.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
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BookFace - I see it as another distraction - that said, "tool"s can have many functions ;-)
I hear what your sayin'
Let me know, I am a field tech
Thanks for Sharing the Wealth!
Think about that.
While I can appreciate something has 'inspired' this rather personally judgmental rant of yours, the G-Deck etc was originally just a place for more immediate friends from the FSHOD crew to just be that, 'friends' with out the bullshit faceless filtering and fake persona's that many were playing.
That's it. It was never to replace the Blogs either FSHOD or this one here. FSHOD kind of went cold, and so yes, I switched to posting some dots to connect and other news bits of the day, specially as the best of the crew were there anyway.
On the personal level Facebook was a quick way to stay in touch with distant family and the important life shit going on...under one roof. Sure there is always some static and meaninglessness, but hell, welcome to the world. The media in general is almost exclusively that. AND there is no living relationship to their content..there is with immediate family and friends. Jas for example is good shit, and I know him far better now, than through the old blog or emails. That said I can't get down to ST Kitts etc to visit, so the Facebook angle serves pretty well to bridge gaps.
You don't need explanations, but I offer my comment for what its worth.
You also can't deny that some of your best chats for insight and disclosure had been there. At least you were talking to people who had some background context and some learned knowledge to follow your disclosures. Here, Joe Shmoe public reader will have no idea who you are or what authority you speak from.
So whatever, you had a meltdown, lost your interest, went from 24hr indulgence to abstinence. Who cares.
Any channel will do. Google next? Yahoo again?, Skype? Fine, bring it. Choose a tool or device.
Its the message not the medium.
AND while I may not be a unit buddy, or other form of insider teammate, I have known your for damn near 8 years now in this kind of domain and will continue in some format.
idiot signs off.
My condolences Sword.
What happened?
I'm rather certain ION is speaking of the supposed deaths of SF in aff-gina ...
...but I will wait for confirmation (of what ion means) before comment ...
YES, exactly. Sad loss. Crap way to go for such men.
Fyi: 'Gort' posted link on bookface, of guy from Navy Space Command chiming in on a forum about Elenin.
The guy is appropriately limited in his detail but a good number of useful bits that align with your earlier remarks.
Exciting times. Wish I had a Ham radio.
It is hilarious to me how amazing the truth will be when the lid comes off, yet curious just how much total garbage nonsense out there will be washed out and flushed. So much static fiction dis-info nonsense.
Drip Drip Drip
The Electrodeless Lorentz Force Thruster
...and this is just 'public level' info. Get ready Kids for Mars Weekends at the National Park. Season's Passes anyone?? ;)
Did we lose them?
I find the timing rather suspect.
Speaking of truth and public knowledge - there are a few facts - rather important ones really - about myself and my men - I'll just wait for the media to independently verify - and spill it - because once its all put together ...
... - now, on our Naval buddy - nice to have someone else confirm - and speak directly of - the FACTS. Two completely different people from completely different spectrum's of life - saying the same things ...
... interesting no?
20 minutes to Elenin. 60 minutes including launch prep and departure. hmmm
SO, a blast of flash here: I wonder, with all due respect to those men lost in service, Sword, if those Navy Seals actually crashed and 'died' or were possibly maybe... 'up.graded'?? (just a funny hunch)
boots being ordered eh?
Swords and Seals and SFTG...it all sounds like birds of the same feather.
With this new bit - I am leaning to the upgrade.
Do they really think this will work?
Here is the latest: A second helicopter belonging to the US-led NATO coalition has crashed in Paktia Province in eastern Afghanistan, killing 33 US forces on board.
33?? HELLO?!!?
Sounds like a winky wink. The best of the best and the families seem to be moving to "higher ground"...
...reminds me of the Heinlein motif - service means citizenship.
Yes indeed, the markers are there and my spidy sense is off the scale these days.
..and now ya go and quote Heinlein. brotha.
Starship Troopers at that too. Love the rare book cover they use on the Wiki: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/ff/St59.jpg/170px-St59.jpg
from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers
Meant to point out the veiled Orion premise in that cover with the three 'parachutes'.
Read the article - investigate the images:
tick tock
Perseids Meteor Shower peaking August 11-13. 50-100 per hour northeast 2-4 am
Alright - who has the pirated video of the "conference" (circle jerk) from leeds last week?
ATK and XCOR Successfully Complete Test Series
for NASA's 7,500 lbf-thrust LOX/Methane Workhorse Engine
quote: "An additional factor that makes this propellant combination unique is the possibility that Oxygen and Methane can be obtained or manufactured from In-Situ Resources on the moon and other planets. "
Advanced tech - seems like magic - Tahhh-Dahhhh!
(pssst - twenty years ago)
The big show:
Doing media reviews ...
Interesting thing came to me ...
From the "Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011" You can get freely videos of all the primary speakers except one - can you guess?
That's right - Hoagland.
You cant get on the radio, write books, and charge people for every word you utter - and still bitch that this information is not more widespread - that more people should have this information ...
...we know what he wants moar of - his customer bases money - and nothing besides.
Now - of course - even mentioning that gets me deemed a troll - marginalized - deleted - and the rest of the public ignores not only myself - but my message - which has been 100% free. ...and our so called internet "friends" ... why - they are only your friends behind closed doors.
I marvel at the fact that once again I have been pulled into the ridiculousness of the internet - its scrolls - and its assembled characters in this white walled asylum.
Just catching up ;-)
That last red ice radio show with RCH had some connections to that link ION posted - http://thechaniproject.com/forum/index.php/topic,356.0.html
If July 30th was his(Captain S) 1st post then he could have already heard the red ice show.
Sounds more like RCH or someone using what RCH has said/talked about before.
No kidding
Thanks for the link - comics are cool!
"Economist" - Give me a break, he is just milking it!
So what is up with this Mason33=bad and Mason32=good from RCH?
Would not a Mason only know this?
The lie is different at his LEVEL too ;-)
Point of fact - Richard dose not understand a damm thing he's talking about.
He's a carnival barker - nothing more and nothing less.
He was given a fleeting view of my platoon and our doings for the soul purpose of spreading that information - and he was given that information only after providing oath - and being sworn in as a "technical" officer. This was witnessed by myself - and twenty nine other men.
He has failed in his duties...
...since then his usefulness to us has been in a downward slide and now free-fall.
I grew so frustrated with his twisting of the facts - and the "internet friends" - that I have essentially removed myself from that section of society that "whore-ships" him.
I have bigger issues at hand - and bigger fish to fry - than to deal with an opportunist LT and a group of so called internet friends that will only back me up behind closed doors.
I have not had a chance to review any media unless it is in text form - I am assuming he has said something ridicules during his live event on C2C. If he said that "Mason33=bad and Mason32=good" then he is flat ass wrong either specifically on purpose or ignorantly on accident - in either case - he is wrong.
In my schools of thought the degree of Mason is not only a level of personal and unit level responsibility - its also a level of enlightenment both obtained and awarded - lastly - it is a bar in which a level of information can be attributed to - argo - the 33rd executive level briefing.
In essence - I have been giving you gentleman - and ladies ye I forget - very strong 32/33 level information - as requested by my men some decades ago.
It may be some days before I get to listen to RCH make more of a fool of himself. As many of his compatriots agree - he is such a TOOL...
That Mason good/bad stuff was from the last red ice show.
Thanks for the info.
Whoever said the space race was over either cant see inside the box - or dosent read the news:
...Well - things are moving rather fast for me - they have cast my feet and soon I will be boots ready. Once this happens - I will be in the physical training mode of preparations - I only hope that my fellas scattered to the four winds are having as much luck as I.
Here is another forum with Space NAVY info. It is different than the guy who went to Elenin.
compiles a lot of background info...
haha, that was the lucky number 33.
The "gumdrop" is what it is all about! ;-)
"a group of so called internet friends that will only back me up behind closed doors."
You make arbitrary remarks to Hoaland's page-here and there including personal jabs from your own intimate knowledge and you suggest we compadres of the civilian sort should somehow back you up in some way?? WTF.
As much as we somewhat 'know' who you are, no one else does and in the Facebook domain, you were just a faceless commenter, with no context what-so-ever for anyone else there in Hoagland's page to give you five seconds.
So, you check out of Facebook suddenly and I amongst others hear about it second hand later from Gort. Ya, that's respect. Your an asshole.
MarsRevealer is back for the payback with Peter Kling.
Assholes Ahoy!
Me - an asshole? Perhaps... ..I have been called worse by folks of bigger responsibility than yourself ION.
He's my thing - NO ONE - and I mean NO one ever uttered a word to RCH when he checked out of the Blogg without making a peep - if just one - just one of you had said anything to RCH about that - IE - calling him an asshole - then I wouldn't be as disappointed with "The Crew"...
...when I call RCH out on these things to include his other malfeasance - all you guys give him - the abandoned group - are soothing words - or silence... ...so - whose the asshole?
...however, to carry the point - I am the asshole - and star power RCH is a saint - for doing the same thing?
I don't get it.
Check the daily news - its getting worse out there - and where packing to move out ...
Because I know you guys don't watch the internet tubes like we do - check this:
And then this:
Just your friendly asshole trying to spread the real news ...
Green - interesting link - I had not planned on listening to it - until a little bird told me crazy ass Gary had mentioned our Unit on the air.
What a week - I get called an asshole by a good buddy of mine and crazy ass Mars Reveler is the second person to mention my unit by name - ON AIR.
Christ on a Popsicle stick - whats next for me ... ...ass cancer?
I think this is over 10 hours of good video - great topics considering in in the middle of it all..
Just like the last "conference" we get ever speaker for free ... except one - can you guess who?
The man who on the radio and in other bits - laments on how this information is not widespread - and that he and he alone is trying to get the word out - censors himself from public scrutiny ...
... WTF ...
... NASA fucked me sending him to me - and I wish I new that way back when.
Gort - your link is either dead - or I need to bypass the security - whats your flavor?
Don't get me started on Shrooms, this one time in Colorado Springs…
Thanks for the links!
Who was the first person to mention your unit by name - ON AIR?
It was actually mentioned by the television show "West Wing"...
...we where quite tickled surprised.
BTW - if you guys think that that earthquake and this hurricane are somehow natural - and just a conwinkie dink - check your head.
Maybe its time to change the blogg topic...
Well getting everything packed didn't take long ... not long at all.
Check this out:
the WAR is definitely ON:
I doubt its the Skeleton Crew based in Alaska "dampening" the effects of these three attacks...
...more likely its the regular forces trying to keep the east coast intact.
Irene wasn't near as bad as what we were told it was going to be. Yep lots of flooding, a few tornadoes in DE and NJ. Did someone turn down the gain on this one? :-)
That was the ORIGINAL plan for weather modification - and I'm glad it seemed to work out in our favor.
That storm track took it directly over N.Y. - and it could have been alot worse - I have some images and such to show you guys on the next blogg post regarding this...
...good to see you around and about Wayne.
Thanks Sword. Good to be seen.
This is disgusting:
We told them we would do it for free - they said no - and then accused Sword(P) of mischief...
Good to see you so active here Sword.
Time for a new Blog with some meat. This one makes me judgmental of your judg.mentalness. (surprised your elder 'brothers' didn't call you on this diatribe)
Saw this the other day. (nothing too intriguing)
While the advent of emerging space nations certainly creates opportunities, it also raises new concerns. Balancing these new sets of opportunities and risks requires an understanding of the rationale and development paths of all space actors, in particular, emerging space nations.
A new examination of six emerging space nations (South Africa, Brazil, and India compared against Nigeria, Venezuela, and Malaysia) reveals opportunities and challenges to space sustainability.
...Responsible space behavior
"Due to the special physics of the space environment, actions by one country can affect the ability of all to obtain benefits from space. This is why it is important to ensure that all space actors are in agreement as to what constitutes responsible space behavior," said Victoria Samson, Washington Office Director for Secure World Foundation.
"Yet different countries have different interests and priorities for their space programs, so a study like Analyzing the Development Paths of Emerging Space Nations is tremendously useful in identifying opportunities for international cooperation in space
ion-->....and so the need for someone to be 'able' to police the up and comers. and thus the need for serious advantage.
I do alot of mobile posting - thus - active enough.
I am working on another blogg spot - a quick and dirty.
I am starting to get page views from new and interesting sources.
Oddly enough - while we proved that such "police action" is not only feasible but highly effective - we will not be doing any of that. That's the Navy(Marines in the case of boarding action) all day every day.
The next blogg topic is leaning t'words filler - unless you fellas want a specific topic.
If you lose or need a tool in space just print it ;-)
Lets talk a little further out beyond Iapetus.
How about Sedna? Anyone been there yet? You've been quite silent about Ceres, how about some Solar System thoughts from above? :)
Is Elenin content only for Richard?
...and lastly please clarify how large is this main 'event window' that we know has been said to be merely the 'midpoint' of it?
Turbulence etc through til 2015?
(which just so happens to be the same year we arrive at Ceres with The Dawn Mission and a new node in the solar system internet takes its place.)
ahem: ...that, 2012 Dec 21st, we know has been said to be merely the 'midpoint' of it?
Alright - Im game.
So many stories to tell. Surely many that won't cause you grief from the TOP.
Hey, a link from bookface friend you know so well. Fulford, complete articles...reserved for the members.
Stuff happening big time...hope your wearing the right coloured hat Sword, or at least the right open heart. ;)
Who is Fulford?
I do not worry about the color of my hat - everyone else seems to however.
You would be surprised (maybe not) of what I get bitched at or removed from the internet by the upper ranks.
Benjamin Fulford.
I messaged you Sword.
Through what channels? The bloggs email had to be changed.
Yes, I noticed the newer email address and sent copy to that.
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