"They made it!"
"They are on the moon. "
I remember my father running around the house yelling this ... trying to put his clothes on, while my mother ran around behind him asking “Whoo?! Whoo?!”
“Let the rest of the world think we are behind. We don’t have to let a world that has not been witness to anything, know anything...” - my father said.
It was 1980. Ronald “Ray-Gun” Regan was in office.
I was five years old...
I was born a grunt, like you men are, of biblical proportions.
Under one god, battle star , one fight so say we all.
Sounds funny to say that, what I just said.
I should have said:, Under god, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all.
We all know that line now don’t we.
Beyond that my men, I doubt after that’s all said and done, we have anything else in common. When you’re the type of man being of a boy that was raised in hell, you tend to appreciate Satan’s works for what they are, and you strive as a youth to strike him down for all that your worth.
I am starting at the cultural roots for my teachings to you. You must understand who I am the same way I know you, your wives, your children, and even more intimately than that, what you do in combat. However my men, as your sword arm grows, so must your shield, your brain, your knowledge, your teachings, those to must also grow. Now listen to what I have to say to you.
How you fight and why you fight is a very intimate thing.
Gentleman, I have been teaching the baser elements of being a member of this platoon. To put men to the sword, to look them in the eye while doing it is not the only thing we do well around here and not the only thing you should be tought. We also think, build, and improve the ways we do things by using our minds. We will not always need to slay our enemy. And for this reason, it is time you learned to fight with your mind.
When I first saw the symbolic image of the star of David, I saw it stenciled on a wheeled craft on the show "Battle Star Galactica". It was an important symbol, and seeing it on television, MY father insured that I understood its relevance, that the people in trouble where on the good guys side, gods side. That was September 17, 1978, I was three years old.
Through my studies I have learned that this eninagmatic red star has much to do with our unit, my command, and your duty. Not only is this symbol historically known, throughout the world, it is also your unit patch and you will ware it proudly and with distinction. For my students, you now belong to a very old and proud group of volunteers who have lead there lives, and sacificed their lives... ...to the protection of others.
Historically, this Red star of David, refers directly back to the holy writ of the David versus Goliath, that old biblical fable. I am sure you have heard of it. David, having to face the goliath, using a single stone to fall him and thus win the day...
It didn’t happen like that my students.
Things often change quickly when you read and undersand the source material. ehem, get out your notepads from your left breast pocket immediatly. I am tired of dumn looks - and vague nods of acceptance. I require you men to understand...
Saul, he was, generalized for context at this momment - the King o'Jews, second in command only to our holy father who apprently had cell phone service with Saul. They where, at one point, pretty tight.
However king Saul Failed in combat, and refused a lawfully given order from his commander who is god, our lord. Saul refused to kill women, children, the elderly, to put to sword and torch every living thing of the Amalekites. Saul the King of Israel, waging holy war - disobeyed the law. Thus, god lost favor with the king and denied him a holy appointed heir. Saul has a son, a Jounathan, but the lord refuses him by not naming him. Seeking a divinely illuminated choice in an heir, Saul has seven sons of a man called Jesse brought to him for in the holy book of Isaiah, the 11th chapter, first verse, it is said: “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”
The Seven men or heirs of Jesse, the whole family tree, are brought before him and god ... speaks not to Saul. So what now? Saul asks: “Is this it? That’s all you brought?”
Jesse, a sheep owner and hearder says: “No I got the small fry out back tending the sheep, you want to see him? David!? … David!! Get your little ass in here!”
And our Lord spoke: “'Rise and anoint him; he is the one.”
Before David can spin around twice and run for it he is made a squire of Saul and forced to carry around Saul’s armor. Some promotion huh? David follows Saul around and: “whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him." Haul weapons and armour and give the king a song, your in the Army now kid.
So, as war is as war does the isrealites are at war with the Philistines. David being around the front lines hears that some giant in the enemy lines has come forward demanding single combat, the stakes, winner takes all. An entire war will end over the outcome of single combat.
After 40 days of listening to this, David has had just about enough of that shit and goes to his brothers, also fighting along with Saul and asks to be the one to engage in the single combat. Understand that the historical David is not a child but rather a man whom testified that he had killed both a lion and a bear. He could take em, Saul allows it.
David, facing the goliath uses his adopted kings cultural weapon, a sling, and fell’s the enemy with a singular blow to the head. Just ot prove David has a pair, he cuts of the vanquished philistines head off with his sword.
... Gentleman, that’s balls.
Stand before your enemies, slay one of their brethren and then cut the head off? Within striking arm distance of thousands of your lands enemies?
Balls, gentleman, balls.
Saul, getting old, and having the media sensation available steps down and makes David the commander of his all his armies, he even issues him a wife. At this point David shows the Israelites just what waging war is all about. Ohhhh, -The women of is-real lament - Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands!!
His people loved him because he killed more than anyone else.
Eventually, in another battle, with the Philistines, Saul and his boy Jonathan die.
David is then anointed king of Judah . He then officially names all his war buddies as his “Three and Thirty”. A platoon between 30 and 37 men whom where, as documented in the bible to be the meanest, badest, battle tested Jews that could be found.
Of course through there many exploits someone tries to usurp David’s legitimacy, and that leader is not met on the battlefield. Oh no, this individual is assassinated. No mess, no fuss. Everyone forgets about him. Problem solved.
David gets out, life moves on. Solomon, one of David’s sons takes the throne as the king and immediately sets on making Jerusalem his capital city. King Solomon's Seal, a biblical relic, is a ring said to be given to him from heaven. This symbol, whose base is on the ground and whose tip reaches heaven, symbolizes a harmony of opposites, This reflects the cosmic order, the skies, the movement of the stars in their spheres, and the perpetual flow between heaven and earth, between the elements of air and fire. The Seal, therefore, symbolizes super-human wisdom and rule by divine grace.
Rule of divine grace can be assured not only by the lords law, the court utmost high, but also through science. You see beyond the Jewish national associations which have only become attached to it in the last few hundred years, the abstract element of the figure, which is connected symbolically to the celestial stars, its geometrical completeness make it a universal symbol.
The symbol is much more universal than you would think. The form itself - a six pointed star was considered by not only Solomon, David, Saul and Jesse to be spiritual and divine - documented to be heaven sent - it was also defined as celestial magic.
Mathematical … Celestial … Mah-jick.
This, magical star, “Magical Hexagram” is a 6-pointed geometric object. The magic starts with the “magic” constant of 26.
An N-pointed magic star is a star polygon in which numbers are placed at each of the N-vertices and N-intersections.
Ergo it is such that the four numbers on each line sum to the same magic constant, 26. The magic constant of an n-pointed normal magic star is M = 4n + 2. No star polygons with fewer than 5 points exist, and the construction of a normal 5-pointed magic star turns out to be impossible. The smallest examples of normal magic stars are therefore 6-pointed.
This gentleman is why bolts have a hexagonal head and not a pentagonal one in most cases. This is why the same order of points above is also the same method of tightening the six studs on a six lug tire after changing it.
There are a lot of significances attributed to the Star of David. Some sources say that it signifies the number seven, six corners and the center. The number seven has itself significance in Judaic religion like the six days of creation plus the seventh day of rest, the Seven Spirits of God and more.
Some researchers have presented a theory according to which the hexagram represents the astrological chart at the same time when David was born or when he was anointed as king. Some beliefs refer to the Star of David as a symbol for the six directions of space plus the center: up, down, east, west, north, south and center.
More importantly the two dimensional image is actually a representation of a three dimensional object. The best way to describe this can be best done by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg...
*"...The Zohar(vol. III 73a) states, "There are three knots connecting [three entities] one to another: the Holy One, blessed be He; Torah and Israel." The Jewish soul connects to its Creator through the study and observance of Torah. The triangle represents the connection between these three entities. The fact that in a triangle each of the three corners are connect to the two other ones demonstrates that the Jewish soul is itself knotted to God. Torah study and observance doesn't create a connection between the Jew and God—it merely brings it to light.
The essence of the soul connects with God's essence through the study of the teachings of Kabbalah.
These three entities are each comprised of a pnimiyut (inner dimension) and a chitzoniyut (external dimension): The Torah is comprised of both exoteric teachings (the Talmud, Jewish law, etc.) as well as esoteric teachings (the Kabbalah).
God's "revealed" energy permeates and provides existence to all worlds, but His essence is completely hidden, transcending all of creation. Similarly, the soul (which is a reflection of God) … As it is stated in Job (19:26), "From my flesh I can perceive God." … has a revealed element, that level that expresses itself within and vivifies the body, as well as an essence that transcends the body.
The double triangle of the Star of David (Magen David) symbolizes the connection of both dimensions of God, Torah and Israel: The external level of the soul connects to the external expression of God via studying the exoteric parts of Torah; the essence of the soul connects with God's essence through the study – and application of – the teachings of Kabbalah.
Another explanation:
Kabbalah teaches that God created the world with seven spiritual building blocks — His seven emotional attributes. Accordingly, the entire creation is a reflection of these seven foundational attributes.
The SEVEN emotional tributes of our lord are:
Colum one: Gevurah (Severity), and Hod (Splendor) ...
Colum two: Tiferet (Harmony), Yesod (Foundation), and Malchut (Royalty).
Colum three: Netzach (Perseverance), and the Chesed (Kindness),
Similarly men, these three clolums you see here also reflect the three pillars of our faith… = From the CPT
Correspondingly, the Star contains seven compartments—six peaks protruding from a center.
The upper right wing is Chesed, or kindness.
The upper left wing is Gevurah, or severity.
The upper center peak is Tiferet, or harmony. Kabbalah teaches that Tiferet finds its source in Ketter, "the Crown," which is infinitely higher than all the divine attributes which are involved in the "mundane" pursuit of creating worlds.
The lower right wing is Netzach, or perseverance.
The lower left wing is Hod, or splendor.
The center is Yesod. Yesod is "Foundation," and as such all the other attributes are rooted in, and give rise from, this attribute.
The star's bottom that descends from its belly is Malchut (Royalty)—the attribute that absorbs the energies of the higher six attributes and uses them to actually descend and create everything—and "reign" over them."*
Understand clearly gentleman that the symbolism you wear on your shoulder, is far more than just a simple symbol, it is a power reckoned through both action ... and silent discipline.
The star of David isn’t just a representation of a culture of bad ass Jews that are coming for your head.
No, it is more.
It is a scientifically proven mathematical device that was awarded to Solomon from the very heavens themselves for it is said: "Behold I have given you a wise and understanding heart; there has been none like you before you, nor after you shall any arise like you" (Kings 1, 3, 12).
So when you ware that patch gentleman understand that you are a warrior who has …descended … into knowledge and a great …fearful… warlike ability.
Be divinely proud of yourselves ...and... your legacy gentleman.
Be aware that you now know ... ...what I knew then … when I accepted command of this three and thirty...
You see men. I have been showing you the very military and very martial side of this trade you have chosen, that is, at its base, the physical aspect of being in this platoon, this holy unit.
Men, as it has already been shown, we kick a lot of ass.
Yes, as it has been witnessed time and time again, every Friday and Saturday night you are drinking it up, and fighting amounts yourselves, and generally sinning up the place.
Why, ...you men train as if you are trying to out drink a Russian army platoon and then deal with the fight that would sure to ensue after the contest. What are you guys training for … ? Philistines?
Gentleman as members of MY platoon you must renounce the works of Satan and fight against the cause’s of his works.
Do not least we be unfamiliar with our fathers nightly given pra'rs for hope, and that our will to better ourselves and provide charity for others, comes before any wine.
Be assured that you are personally washed of your sins, and that you earned your keep by giving me your best of heart and of mind. Men, we are all a family now and as directed by the Department of Defense I am ordered to take this platoon to war.
For my brothers our war is old, and among you there is not a father of yours that did not understand the responsibilities this platoon has. We will fight in the war that is constantly being waged by our own society, and in order to protect it from its own undoing, we will lend our federal soldiering expertise when called on by local state officials to capture or kill criminals. Criminals in this state seem to be somewhat tougher and smarter than the usual gantry. We are doing this now, and as you can see my brothers, we are very good at it. So gentleman, that is but one of the responsibilities to our people and we will still train for that mission type.
A more prestigious function of our unit, we have the responsibilities of the protection of our nations national parks. You may say to your self gentleman, what does a national park need with a superior fighting force?
Gentlemen I submit to you that not everything that the federal government owns as mandated by the antiquities act of 1906 is happy trees, sunshine, grass, and silly little squirrels that eat from your hand. No gentleman, some of our most valuable national scientific, natural, and cultural assets reside in the most inhospitable of places and it is our job to make sure that they are kept safe.
We all lied to get into this job, and it is important not to look to our last responsibility as punishment ...and nor ... banishment. What we are tasked with may seem like an unobtainable goal, but we will achieve it.
As ordered buy the Department of Defense I am also tasked with taking this unit into orbital and sub orbital space, ...warring this platoon in that space ...and eventually to take this platoon to Mars to build fortification ... to occupy and ... reside permanently in force.
Ever vigilant gentleman, this is designed to save the race; in the best way we, as a species ... know of. In your effort to save your species from itself you must know that in this war you’re a native, and that you my son, ...god bless you, ...you so belong to a far greater tribe than your own.
In this tribe ... You will learn to fight, you will be tested - physically, mentally and spiritually. Each and every man here is responsible not only to himself but to my command, the responsbility to train to be the absolutely the most dangerous man standing.
You …will fight, and you … will win, and on that day you will be reborn again.
Our penance to the lord is to fight for his kind, to do ultimately good things, and knowing as the all knowing knows through his grace of fact, tested through the court of the heavens; we are therefore ordered to survive, …to !fight!, …and to win.
So as we are built of the iron from this earth, as we all are, we will become more refined, we will be our lords steel, we will be the sword that cuts down the offender and the shield that protects the line behind. We will be the farmer that sows the wheat of a good battle ground - for us it will be the scythe that separates the chaff with the harmonious ring of our silent discipline in action.
But let me tell you men, if history be told, listen to me, our task is not as hard as the things that of our unit once had the responsibility of. Our small part, my brothers, is to leave not one soul behind, that those who sacrificed for us should not be put to rest only in memory, but in proper burial. Our training is sound, and this unit historically, we have been through this before, ours ancient recrods spell out the problem and the soultion. Never forget my son, as a member of my platoon, like me, forever the student, our roots run deep, live long, grow tall, like a sequoia tribe of old.
Things will move fast for us in this beginning, I intend to take this command beyond its technical means, for we will war with any ship I am given command of and seize any ship larger as a prize.
Gentleman, together with your squad leaders, sergeants and you three officers we will war for His Holy Majesties Secret Service as his Sword ...and as his Word.
Gentleman, we will fortify ourselves in any state or territory America posses.
Gentleman, this will be no easy task as America owns some very inhospitable places.
Gentleman, as the army dictates, we must house your wives and children. As commander of this unit I dictate that we are taking the wifes and children with us where we go - and gentleman... as it had been whispered among you - I indeed to take us very far.
Now stop your mumbling right now. This state must be fortified by our own people first, then and only then after we dedicate resources to our national park responsibility - then and only then must we go - and go we must as I am ordered from above.
So it is not tomorrow that we go - but know this brothers - we are not coming back for a long, long time if at all. When we leave is going to happen a lot quicker than you think for we will be busy. We must and will be physically able to crush or foes, to drive them before us like cattle, ware ever we go, we must and will also be able to build weapons of war, of exploration, of shelter and of deffense. We will be master of arms and there construction. We will know the anvil and the hammer. We will build our swords and shields. We will grow and hunt our own food. We will mine our own minerals and refine them.
Within our tribe my men we are an anomaly, we will be a completely independent tribe. As a unit we are going to learn to be completely independent as a … tribal … nation. Our fathers and those fore fathers involved in this effort demand reward for those labors in giving us this bitter sweet judgment … to form colony on Mars … to govern ourselves in a military manner. Every man here shall be given to the taking a wife of his choosing…
…you there - stop rolling your eyes. I have told you that you men should be excusing yourselves from these Sunday briefings and shop around at the local churches for suitable young woman. There are plenty of pretty young girls and woman at the local churches - I know because I looked. You young men - I know you can fight, I watch you get drunk and fight amount yourselves ever Friday and Saturday night. Never mind I was there drinking and fighting along with you, I am married and you are not. Twelve married men, eighteen bachelors and eighteen single army issue females is a shit sandwich more than anyone of us here can chew. Let alone me. Amen to that…
…Every man here shall be given to the taking a wife of his choosing… …and for those whom blessed in there holy fathers grace and judgment, children - for whom to them through our blood, benefit from our tribes protectorate - strength of family - and protection complete unto our death.
We will of course be going to places that are already inhabited by indigenous military branches that are not army. The only fighting that I will allow is finishing the ones that we did not start. Finishing a fight is what we are good at, and will continue to be what we excel at as to the fact that we are at a constant state of war, and each man will train and hone his skills to lend to that fact... ...irregardless of location, temperment, or enviroment.
Gentleman, brothers, students... ...commrades!, not only do we owe it to ourselves to be the very best - but we must always remember our duty to our wives and children. No matter where we go in this world or the next, we will work, fight and win our freedom … and …
Stick around for part two of three:
Sword: A beginning and an ends to a means…
…Part Two: Whats happening now? - Next
STFG:SWORD / M33 / HHMSS Sword / Commander HHQ 1-17th inf, 6TH ID(Light) S.W.O.R.D = CPT(P) M.J.OXXXXX Com.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 356 of 356Shades of Sword:
Thanks for the link
"...the pilot had some degree of comfort, with a small TV set, air conditioning and even an ashtray,"
There was also the Masher and the Bat ;-)
"...it had 85,000 pounds of pull in its arms, strong enough to either punch clean through a thick concrete wall or, should the need arise, grab a wall and tear it clean off a building or bunker."
Awesome, Totally Awesome!
Robot VW-Beetle ;-)
The Land that Time Forgot ;-)
"What the pictures reveal, Bell said, is spectacular: a dramatic landscape of rocky summits, deep river valleys, and liquid, not frozen, lakes, all hidden beneath the ice."
No Way!
Thanks for the 2nd part to the RedIce radio show.
From the 2nd part - maybe this explains the money thing:
->RCH is part of the "Team" and excepts a very large check at the end of the road.<-
I agree with RCH when he makes a point about the past and present UFO scene being a perfect cover story for a lot of this stuff.
RCH is saying we come from a "Type 1 or 2 Civilization", but we have fallen so far.
What could have caused a "Type 1 or 2 Civilization" to forget their past?
Tonights live event has been postponed an hour or two...
...my apologizes.
Ah - so one hour - nothing worse than a flat fosters.
Well where live for about an hour as anticipated and if your not your square...
great chat everyone last night - sure it got crowded - but i still think it went over rather well..
As promised in the chat the post that got accepted on the Rachel Maddow blog after being censored: (part1/2?)
You've went from a walk to a stride, still within your doorway of time.
Time is like a fabric of a multiverse "Down the Rabbit Hole" weave billowing in waves of frequency all around us like aero gel.
The universe contains untapped and heretofore unimagined energy sources. They are before your very eyes, yet you cannot see them. They are in your mind, yet you cannot think them. But I can! - Tio Holtzman, Collected Lectures DUNE
This conversation to get OFF OIL is long long past due for SOMEONE to call the Presidential Past the Hypocrisy it has been.
The American Sheeple have been lied to and no longer really care as long as energy keeps coming.
As long as the "I" in them do not have to change or sacrifice.
It is past time the lies be exposed in order to have an intelligent discussion of this energy transformation.
Bill Moyers rare video 1987 the secret government 1-9
TOPS Secret Government
Watch the entire nine segments...educate yourself about YOUR government.
As for "oversight" of such "Secret Government"...Dick Cheney n Co were, in essence, STILL 'in charge' of the Minerals Management people in an Obama government.
Tar Balls, slicks, dead zones and soon to enter the Atlantic and mess with the polar current when it reaches to cold water of the Arctic, where Walruses DO live.
CLEAN, NEW and Exotic Energies are about LIES on the Ground.
Make the final conclusion that there IS a valid "seed" of distrust of Greedy Government and Cannibal Capititalists among the people.
Your own passion shows the same "seed" but different flow patterns and ratios bringing insight across the synapses.
(end part1)
The more the Hubris is exposed the incredulous it becomes to believe what is 'truth from power'.
How can we speak "Truth to Power" as a people on a personal level having no directed output efficacy of that mass human energy?
HONEST Bureaucrats and HONORABLE Soldiers
Truth is often Brutal. It can shatter a world view based on lies.
But as pointed out, levies built of sand will be but crumbs for the maws of the next Suprecaines because of Gulf Water Temperature Rising.
It IS PAST TIME for a "Shortening of the Way" become "viral".
There is a certain hubris to science, a belief that the more we develop technology and the more we learn, the better our lives will be. Tlaloc, A Time for Titans DUNE
I care not for myself but for humanity as a species and leaving this planet to once more return to the stars where we once cavorted and lived.
We cannot get there on a reality based on the sands of lies to the people.
When the First Responders, Military Heroes, Honest Humans willing to speak BRUTAL TRUTH to the "seed" of our current post 911 psyche come forth...you back away.
This cannot be allowed to happen if our republic is to remain free. Even you see the hypocrisy's of Bush/Obama in policy.
Obama is Bush graduating from high school. From the Kindergarten classroom of Bush photo op to Obama behind Military in Gulf Coast Oil Disaster.
Same people, prostitutes, peddlers, pimps, props, policy, prattling, political pigeon poop.
"Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity." Cornelius Tacitus
"The first war crime committed in any war of aggression by the aggressors is against the truth" - Michael Parenti
Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind: George Orwell
We create our own future by our own beliefs, which control our actions. A strong enough belief system, a sufficiently powerful conviction, can make anything happen. This is how we create our consensus reality, including our gods. - DUNE Reverend Mother Ramallo, Sayyadina of the Fremen
“Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don’t allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?” - Joseph Stalin
The capacity to learn is a gift;
The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice. - Rebec of Ginaz DUNE
Because Brutal Truths Matter 911
In a technological culture, progress may be viewed as the attempt to move more quickly into the future, rushing to make known the unknown. - Mother Superior Harishka DUNE
Exotic Energy requires a shake from a Dead Dinosaur Mindset.
Engineering Diagrams in Crop Glyphs
David Sereda Anti-G
REALLY OLD TECH...NOT being used:
Clean, Green, Renewable, Taxable, and thousands of uses besides BEST Ethanol EVER !!!
And...can be used as material to MANUFACTURE automobiles HERE in the United States:
Bio-Ethanol Harder than Steel Materials
Links made live for here end part 2/2
Maybe its declassified now? Hmm?
Aussie Radars Giza Area
BGR's eh Sword? Good stuff. TKS
Good chat the other night.
So easy a 7th Grader can see it ;-)
These Frank Paul pics are awesome!
Check this BGR •
Remember the MATRIX •
Through the Looking Glass •
Remember Sword talking about flying aircraft carriers a while back?
This here is curious. China develops flying aircraft carrier
Hyperdrive-levitated vessel lands on Google Earth
Something Wicked This Way Comes...
That link no workie...
...speaking of links - links to hogland on utube are disappearing...
Thanks for the link - not too far from the OIL ;-)
Homework from last week not yet watched...the David Sereda Video has TWO options. The LOCAL (my site) AVI IS ALWAYS 'available'
Paradigm Research Group Unnecessary Preventable Oil Leak UFO Energy http://ow.ly/1TRVc #Oil #Leak #UFO #Energy #PRG #image #DC #bird #eti
Regrets I will not be able to attend tonight's conference.
(that is if there is going to be one,)
Oh Mad - in case you haven't noticed - we are all over the hurricanes...
..I have predicted before that the hurricane session we are "waiting for" - hasn't happened yet...
Sorry I haven't been live - it was such a great success tho that I have been busy trying to get the "studio" up and running...
Sounds good. Need the crew there to get the flow. Hope Gort can get in next time.
Lots going on for me. Life changing stuff. Ushered in by a visit by two ladies of Adidam, and then an earthquake the very next day...and my transmission dieing at the same time. yehhh
transmission - wha - auto in a truck?
Well it looks like the studio is up and running - sounds funny that I would create a studio based off the last live chat...
...but I did.
In a way.
Fluid Dynamics? At that scale its something much more.
Catchy tune...
...Wonder if the skeleton crew wants the C-131-S washed...?
Well, looks like I am spamming my own blogg again...
...started work on the new blogg post.
Canada Day-partying
Canada day?
Strange Brew?
Anyone feel like another live session before new blogg post?
Going live now as a matter of fact.
Sword, do you know anything about the recent Hurricane Alex in the Gulf of Mexico?
It looks like it may have had some unusaul qualities and may have been steered...
Well, if its being steered - not OUR doing - if we see anymore circular wavy things DISSIPATING the storm - well then - the bones crew are at work.
Best guess is that ALL parties involved want to keep storms out of the gulf...
a jumpover from FSHOD:
Alex's bizarre behavior
Alex had several rather remarkable features I've never seen in a hurricane. Firstly, it underwent an eyewall replacement cycle as a Category 1 hurricane with 80 mph winds. Usually, we don't see the inner eyewall collapse and an eyewall replacement cycle occur until a hurricane reaches Category 3 strength. I've seen it happen on occasion to a Category 2 storm, but never a Category 1. Secondly, after Alex's inner 9-mile diameter eyewall collapsed at 10am EDT yesterday morning, an outer spiral band began to become the new eyewall. Winds in this outer spiral band/new eywall increased as the day progressed, as typically happens in an eyewall replacement cycle. However, part way through that process, Alex suddenly reversed course, and was able to build a small inner eyewall with a 12-mile diameter that was completed by landfall. I've never seen a hurricane change its mind in the middle of an eyewall replacement cycle and build an inner eyewall so fast. Finally, Alex had an unusually weak winds, considering how low the pressure was. The pressure was more typical of a hurricane one Saffir-Simpson category stronger than what the surface winds suggested.
dissipating was your operative word there.
"Finally, Alex had an unusually weak winds, considering how low the pressure was."
Whats in a name? Something casual? Not as we found with the name 'Katrina'.
How about "Alex"?
'he who wards of men', i.e. protector, possibly of Hittite origin; and from Alexius, from the same Ancient Greek root, alexios "helping, defending".
I do see some connections - including the dates ;-)
RCH is not the only ONE ;-)
Mean Green, WTF? I don't have time to shift through MR's litter box.
If you think he has something important to say, and you understand what it is, then by all means, spit it out, boy! :)
I challenge your BGR to a duel:
Last one standing wins...
Well Mad - thats how it starts...
Ok well how about a mystical white horse kicking its ass? ;)
In the North, they got an angel. Down South, we may get a giant horse.
This massive statue of a thoroughbred - 33 times larger than life
I'd swear on my 233rd post that ya just can't make this 33 stuff up. It's everywhere.
....now where the hell are those carrots before that horse craps on my house!
Didn't someone say that Hoggie was going to be on the radio this weekend?
Or was that the 4th?
Turns out that writing the blogg "Whats happening now" is a little harder than I thought - because - what IS going on?
Also - be careful posting links to videos and/or audio. They are being pulled down from there respective websites within 48hrs...
hoggie was on the 4th.
Premier Radio (the network behind C2C) has started requesting you tube to remove the shows that people are posting....claiming "intellectual property."
ESA's Rosetta mission released photos of a fly-by of asteroid Luticia.
Hoggie on Facebook sez it is artificial.
It is covered in grooves and right angled grooves, just like Phobos.
Next he'll be sayin the earth is artificial.
IS this the new catch word for 'intelligent design'? :)
At some level it all is 'artificial'.
I was just thinking the same thing myself.
He's starting to look a little ridicules.
We know through texts that Ideppy and possibly a few others - and I mean a FEW others in Saturn orbit ARE in fact constructed. Everything else is sort of completely up in the air...
His Lunacy in the sky with Diamonds ...
...has got to come to a stop...
The US Army, DOD, CIA, FBI, NSA, NRO, and finally the local chapters of masons just might have a problem with C2C saying that there shows are intellectual property...
...what Premiere Radio Networks Inc. doesn't realize is that when someone else talks about something that has already been released to the public through a government press release and or BRIEFING - - is considered NEWS. They may be forced to re-relase everything with-held.
Also - this is just another attempt to make a buck.
Richard is milking this for all that it is worth. Buy my DVD's and books if you want the real truth of what NASA is with holding from us.
The REAL REAL fucked up thing about all of this is that HE has been with holding massive amounts of fact/data himself.
The other real fucked up thing is that he is only gathering data from public sources.
I still cant understand why NASA wanted him part of the disclosure project ... unless it was to eventually derail the whole damm thing.
I wish he would step up as planned so I could fire his ass.
He says he's looking for a big paycheck for his (finally) on message performance?
I'll shoot him out a airlock...
(Working on new blogg post)
Maybe I'll ask or his bookface account shut down again.
If anyone has a link to hoggie recent show on C2C - send it to me via email...
I didnt say to much about the whole methane BP / Armageddon that Richard was spouting beacuse I wasnt sure about his facts...
...now I know he is full of bullshit:
Now this is interesting:
Sorry to be spamming up the joint - but its been awhile since I could sit down and actually USE this wonderful wonderful new machine.
Thanks for the links!
Moonbase Alpha - using the "Unreal Engine 3" and development by the "The Army Game Studio" - looking for possible answers "outside of the box" ---> The Reach ;-)
I don't think you can spam your own Blog. ;) tks
RCH is obviously presented as 'everyman' or Joe Public, so his Facebook presentation must be faithful to it. Perhaps the public info angle keeps the cover. But as you said, why the withholding of the data HE has? Timing timing timing, but it seems you are not happy with his orchestration.
If it is about money, I say how sad. We are still mystic morons if we are still seeking...and money is the part of the third stage base level of mediocrity.
Stop with that Halo shit.
Microsoft did not own the title HALO.
Before, HALO and another title where being worked on by the same company of young ambitious tech heads. SWORD thought it was great as we where into the whole Niven thing, amoung that, the new and emerging 3RD person shooter as a trainign impliment...
...also on out radar was another game of a diffrent title, which changed so many times it is not worth mention here...
...its basic premise was two teams, bomber squardrons and fighter pioltes during world war two.
This was a plan to make, what, fourth generation military simulation, placed oh so gently into the public hands...
...HALO and "AirWarFare 1939" where bought by microsoft...
...Microsoft then makes it a flagship title for its dumbed down PC system X-Box as a video game tile for hire.
Anytime Folk mention HALO I think of it as a grand thing that was twisted for evil.
[Which stands for High Altitude Low Opening.]
The plans the company had , which at the development of HALO was working as a government contractor...
...had some excellent ideas in the simulation department - so much so as more contemporary than SSI...
Also, the first and still successful title that's been around in army circles since the mid 90's is "Americas Army" ...
... Third person perspective, ground breaking "rag-doll" physic effects. Very realistic - physic based - combat interaction- interaction model.
Best of all - its free as well ... and as you can see by playing it - very hip.
We are very proud to have this as a FREE title available to the American public...
Thirsty Moose in Oslo Norway heads to supermarket for beer.
Space arms control treaty unlikely in near-term
AVATAR (Sanskrit: अवतार) (from "Aerobic Vehicle for Hypersonic Aerospace Transportation")
shuttles shuttles flying soon everywhere
Hey Sword? You guys going to put lights and sirens on your black shuttles when you have to pull someone over for an infraction? lol
Here comes India with their ramjet scramjet.
Sword: Here is two for you.
Giant Female Statue on Iapetus. Buxxom, Sekhmet.
SATURN'S ANOMALY: Iapetus moon... Ancient spacestation of Horus???
good images
Sword..you need NOT be a member to read and reply (I think) but I KNOW you can read this post at THMF and its about rch:
The Hidden Mission Forum
I know you're working on new blog and also finding "certain" c2c shows being denied...but others ARE available on YouTuber...depends on the subject matter I quess. Don't know don't have the $$ or time n energy.
But I wondered what happened to saturday night web/cam/yahoo/conversaion/chats ???
That is some great stuff.
Here is some other GREAT STUFF:
Gentleman - Solve for "A"
Indeed Robert - what DID happen to the Live Saturday Night chat?
I assumed that while it did take place - didnt generate the amount of folks to preclude doing it again. Well see what happens tonight.
Now solve for Y
Ya, testing testing 123
Someone practicing pulling in the thermosphere?
(no stripping our atmosphere in a calamity)
The thermosphere lies high above the Earth's surface, close to where our planet meets the edge of space. It ranges in altitude from 55 miles (90 km) to 370 miles (600 km) above the ground. At this height, satellites and meteors fly and auroras shine.
Having a Haarper.ific Prime Minister up here right now, my best guess is that if you pull in the thermosphere, then you bind in everything. ;)
The collapse occurred during a period of relative solar inactivity – called a solar minimum from 2008 to 2009. These minimums are known to cool and contract the thermosphere, however, the recent collapse was two to three times greater than low solar activity could explain.
I sincerely HOPE tonight can happen. I also hope people will watch David Sereda BEFORE then to get a BETTER idea of what has happened to rch the people he has ridden over, and OUR future:
Paradigm Research Group Unnecessary Preventable Oil Leak UFO Energy PRG w Sereda Video
(back to nap)
Maybe "A" Secret NAZI Base has something to do with "Y"? ;-)
Look out for those NAZI ZOMBIES!
It's all in the FreakQuency/Reverberation - looks like a little more of that TESLA tech is going public •
CrazyHorse One-Eight - Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good! ;-)
Is there some time set for tonight? Is a joint Yahoo Messenger chat going to happen or not?
Has anyone read the THMF link and tried responding?
Going to knock on Capt Sword's Messenger and see if he is chill'n live, this Saturday night. Its 10:10 EST.
Robert? Others?
ohh and the David Sereda Video?
Robert - Thanks for the link to THMF topic.
RCH has been pulling this shit since he ripped off Walter Hain ;-)
Ok caught up at the THMForum. Wow, why does it feel kinda 'familiar'?? Kind of Capt's Bloggy familiar? .
Privileged knowledge, a taste of mysticism, a few insights and guess what your still NOT self-transcended!
Egos' at play through out the day, and on into space.
See how even the elite are still morons with different cloths.
Insiders are still underlings and novices in the realm of realization.
Watching RCH on Facebook, he has two different pages under his name and I will let you all know if/when he does his latest dropout disappearing act there.
Wow and Sword had to submit to him 'being sent to them'?! Poor laddies
OK maybe RCH is somehow being misunderstood amidst a few gaffs and maybe a few mis-steps, but I say then, for a specialist media front man, oh boy, this doesn't bode well. (groaning with a pained look of a Producer who mis-hired his lead actor)
One final note re: SWORD
If he(they) are a dis-info effort...of micro proportions here, with a possible 'team' representing a character of one guy, I would say A) they are keeping their story pretty good over time and B) they are going to get their own mystical heads blown wide open.
Wide open, because there is stuff unfolding so independent of this mere Blog or its basic story, yet somehow synchro with it. No, nothing too grandiose but at this stage of my personal experience, Sword is a secondary figure who 'transmits' a subject around some pretty narrow parameters and frankly he rarely answers me directly anyway. ;)
I see validations of his principal story in my own experience..not spoon fed. Truth is arising and this Blog is simply part of it. Titan will reveal. Ceres will surprise, Cruithne might just have been a real 'moon with a view' like Lhasa or a nice cruise ship resort.
Will see soon enough. Many of us know how to see the news now and decode and connect the dots. There are definitely dots.
The day after I posted my musings about TITAN, I suddenly see a little fly through video with a lovely (tongue in cheek) poster titled like a 50's tourist ad See Beautiful Ontario Lacus
Messages abound and are coming through to everyone all the time. The technocrats will awaken too.
The PRESENT will be like glue.
Your distractions will not work anymore.
Did you purify or did you putrefy?
I don't really know how to respond to parts of that...
...There is a new show on discovery - end of the world reality show - seriously.
How did the comms go?
Part rant and part addressing comments seen in THMForum
One was comments made at the 'possibility' you may just be a dis-info effort which might include more than one person posing as 'Sword' character.
The other premise was that I see so much of these' societies', secret or otherwise, boasting of esoteric knowledge this and that and some having quite a heap of leverage over the greater whole here, yet the more I see, the more corrupt many of them are from their purported 'Way' and it seems that one can clearly seek 'higher knowledge' or even involvement but it clearly is not awakened or self-transcended Divine relationship. Intellect has some lofty potentials but they still seem to be firmly rooted at ego level. Still limited to a large degree.
no reply necessary, just the rantings of a spammer here.
Part of that was also around what RCH seems to be about. Mason he might be? or inner linked media guy for you, but nonetheless he is not everyman, and his dropouts etc are a pattern. Maligning others like Dan Winter and managing to wash them with All there work right off the web everywhere, for apparent plagiarism. Low and behold the accusation now shines on RCH.
Where is the right conduct? What is attractive about movements or agencies where the ongoing demonstration is not straight up?..it is still self-serving and agenda games.
I told him that to endure oneself may be the hardest task in the universe. The greatest palatinate earl and the lowliest stipendiary serf share the same problem. You cannot hire a mentat or any other intellect to solve it for you. There's no writ of inquest or calling of witnesses to provide answers. No servant – or disciple – can dress the wound. You dress it yourself or continue bleeding for all to see. - Hyatt DUNE
Funny when I see THMF - i think of the military acronym HMFIC - dont know why.
Certainly there are many parrelles to what I say here ... to what is going on out there - I certainly wont deny them.
There is a good reason for that - because the total truth of WHO WE ARE is coming out.
Sure, even I will admit that I do not know everything about this interplanetary mystery - AND - that perhaps through my upbringing and that scholastic endeavors where specifically designed to get me out of the full circle. ((Which is funny considering the stature of my family..))
However - as my own platoon can attest - I am NOT a company man.
I think my readers and responders are not fully grasping the entirety of who I am - and what I have done for this platoon...
...This dirty thirty.
...My three and thirty.
...Plus Chloe... ...our combat dog.
I find it somewhat disheartening to hear that some have fell me less that honest - that is - not directly answering a question entire.
Well, I don't really know how to respond to that other than with sadness.
Ultimately, if I could (as I should in full "power") give you exact coordinates and with that an orbital plane (For orbital Naval math a plane is needed)- that is the explaination of the mathematics of the coming calamity - I certainly would.
I used to be able to tell you the approximate location depending on the year and the month - I could point to you in the night sky the star of crossing[Unseen but to the eyes of our god]. Being of a young mind my priests and clergy advised me not to lament on the findings of the three wise tribes...
...instead to focus on preparation, salvation, and moral US Army officer duties [Faith, Hope, Charity]- which ultimately through the line of time [and Courage] - lend credence to me, and my platoon, as we not only ended the drug trafficking in Alaska [Owning our responsibility] and then taking station on that Bearing see line [Red On Line Red] dashing and skipping along those thermo-sphere borders...
...the lost boys ready to take our stand.
However bold and inspiring to the men of the platoon, MY OWN actions have led the dismantling of the command structure for SFTG:Sword...
I want this understood, and apparently I will be saying this often from here out - I AM NOT SWORD...
...Sword is bigger than all of us combined.
I am but one of many. I am but one voice of thousands of specialized soldiers dedicated to unfucking everything the rest of society has fucked up.
As it is known in M33 - I[You] will eat shit and like it.
HERE I am certainly "Sword"...
...but among my people I am just a captain - loud enough to be heard.
Now, there is some truth to the fact that Sword "here" is a team. Here we have herd from many of the platoon. Not all by a long shot, however, some of the nicknames as such as we have here have come and gone - Having the same Nicknames and saying the same inside jokes that ONLY could have come from US - The Thundering Herd - M33.
Us men.
ONLY US among you would know what flying bananas is and WHY them blowing up is so fucking funny. Only WE know what to do with a woman and a stupor of liquor...
...and only Cobra Commander... ...through my loving patience who cant work a fucking map ... can say anything...
...Thinking of you Christopher...
...and Emma and Jessica (of course)...
So - lets all ease up on the Captian before he kicks everyone ass...(again - and again - and ...)
Now, Rich...
...plagiarist? Maybe.
...Not doing his job? Maybe.
...Pissing me off? Surely.
The original plan brought forth by my platoon was to have some sort of individual explain - in civillian terms - what we are doing and why we where doing it.
Now, of course, since that "fabled" time - which was roughly three days...
...things have changed - and the Plans of Mice and Men are ... so often ...
... led astray.
The whole deal here with PD and Rich through NASA is to speed up the process so I (+M33)can go to work.
This goes against the grain of the establishment and their established order of things.
Project Disclosure WAS NOT part of the plan - RICH - was NOT part of the plan.
The PLAN for SFTG:SWORD still remains the same. We are still on track.
CPT O'Toole "AKA" Sword
Another Fuck You:
Rage against the machine: Killing in the name of: ?
Big Frown OToole
If I knew ahead of time we COULD have a REAL real time chat during important C2C...
...just sayin...
Hogie wont bring you this:
He wants to be at the UN?
He is so yeserday...
I ment this:
I cant take a acto~ur...
At the pre-vis-us link - why does buff-buff-buff-ahh-low - show up?
Working on new blogg posts ALWAYS brings out fact...
...hoggie is behind the times - he should have brought this to US - but no - making bacon...
Im spaming and dont give a fuck:
Would BSG be at the UN?
CAN anyone explain this to me?
Well then FUCK YOU.
ALL [A + L + L] should understand that if your even going to MENTION it the least you can do is your homework...
Rich - your lacking.
Said it.
U @holes...
...I hate it when you push a new blogg entry before its time...
Yeah - NPR was alL over this - why not Rich?
Funny when I see THMF - i think of the military acronym HMFIC - dont know why.
HMFIC ? you chided me for the presumption that an ancronym used in one of either I or other conversations others knew what the letters stood for, so I can only ask politely here to explain what the letters mean. Thank you.
Certainly there are many parrelles to what I say here ... to what is going on out there - I certainly wont deny them.
There is a good reason for that - because the total truth of WHO WE ARE is coming out.
I want this understood, and apparently I will be saying this often from here out - I AM NOT SWORD...
...Sword is bigger than all of us combined.
I am but one of many. I am but one voice of thousands of specialized soldiers dedicated to unfucking everything the rest of society has fucked up.
As it is known in M33 - I[You] will eat shit and like it.
HERE I am certainly "Sword"...
...but among my people I am just a captain - loud enough to be heard.
and etc etc
Thank You for admiting what I knew shortly after reading your posts, web-blog 'personna' SWORD is NOT, repeat NOT, just ONE single human individual.
Speak the truth. That is always much easier, and is often the most powerful argument. - Bene Gesserit Axiom DUNE
However - as my own platoon can attest - I am NOT a company man.
I think my readers and responders are not fully grasping the entirety of who I am - and what I have done for this platoon...
...This dirty thirty.
...My three and thirty.
...Plus Chloe... ...our combat dog.
And how many members of this "readers and responders" blog entire?. My site floats between 15 and 730 and 'averaging' when I check at 8 PM EST is about 200
How "effective" is this units' BFA? Battle Field Assessment
"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech, US Democratic Politician
So - lets all ease up on the Captian before he kicks everyone ass...(again - and again - and ...)
Now, Rich...
...plagiarist? Maybe.
...Not doing his job? Maybe.
...Pissing me off? Surely.
The original plan brought forth by my platoon was to have some sort of individual explain - in civillian terms - what we are doing and why we where doing it.
Now, of course, since that "fabled" time - which was roughly three days...
...things have changed - and the Plans of Mice and Men are ... so often ...
... led astray.
The whole deal here with PD and Rich through NASA is to speed up the process so I (+M33)can go to work.
This goes against the grain of the establishment and their established order of things.
Project Disclosure WAS NOT part of the plan - RICH - was NOT part of the plan.
CPT O'Toole "AKA" Sword
Out of ALL that CPT O'Toole "AKA" Sword ...Why should we "ease up on the Captian before he kicks everyone ass...(again - and again - and ...)" You feel threatened by rch???? My doctor "blackmailed" me into getting a Pacemaker...but is rch gonna 'thump' you or us ???
U @holes...
...I hate it when you push a new blogg entry before its time...
AS I have said, and efforts like the BSG/UN are helping and are concrete events where done for moral growth, positive co-operation and less $'d "Pay and Stay Tuned..."
In a technological culture, progress may be viewed as the attempt to move more quickly into the future, rushing to make known the unknown. - Mother Superior Harishka DUNE
I think you know my comments are not speaking direct to you. I tend to speak broader perspective and apologize if it comes off as targeting you. I know where your at...copacetic.
This past few weeks it is rich with revealings. From more Priests in the pedophile ring at the Catholic Church to the Afghan Commander for Canada being fired for an affair with a subordinate officer, to the Commander of CFB Trenton turning out to be a true blue freak psychopathic. From the top Rosicrucian leader having to be fired years ago to people like George Bush JR an apparent Mason of what? the 33rd degree of WTF?. To Richard and this whole the thing(Gulf spill) is gonna blow up routine and now back to artificial asteroids in one breath. To Gurudev of Kripalu being exposed, and the list could go on.
If not for revealings as truth arise, some of these wankers would go on and on for years with their evils. Oh wait many of them have! Thank God for these days of the Light. It sure is exposing the taint in the midst. Bringing them out of the shadow.
All these various 'public' agents spouting authority and conduct and exclusiveness. Esoteric and exoteric knowledge, dogma and ritual, yet still the same illness pervades even up there.
My posts speak to the malaise of all, and the awareness of a something unfolding right now that is profound and real. Some elsewhere have viewed me as fooled by Sword, yet I post perspective from many views and facets trying to show what I am seeing happening. For Sword here, is a part of that 'something coming to light'. Sure I blast a rant, but not in disrespect, just general loudmouthing at the shit out there and my testimony that it is about to change in powerful ways.
Capt O'toole: Don't rush the next Blog. This comment run has finally lit and the fire is burning. (not spamming)
As to RCH: What the hell do I really know. I am on the outside and I don't know him from nothing really. Just trying to figure it out with bread crumbs.
Robert: "So - lets all ease up on the Captian before he kicks everyone ass...(again - and again - and ...)"
That is reference to Capt O'toole himself...not RCH (captain)
HMFIC = Head Mutha Fucha In Charge
Still think you guys are missing a key concept - let me say this in a different way.
I am Sword - there is a unit sword and an organization, a militia called Sword.
I am a member of the Sword Militia, ergo - here in the blogg scene - I am Sword. THEE only voice for the Northern Militia of Sword.
I find it interesting that folk are coming out saying that Rich is ripping them off - and not in a MR sort of crazy way either.
I am not saying that Rich is plagiarizing me nor ripping me off - however I am getting the feeling that he is getting gold fever.
In a recent interview he is claiming that he is on the same team as all the whistle blowers and expects a big paycheck.
A paycheck - seriously?
He's holding up the works of 30 trained, tried, and tested - hardend combat soldiers. And he wants to joke about a paycheck?
eye i.
HMFIC = Head Mutha Fucha In Charge
Then you haven't read or 'grocked' the interplay within the threads and about how decisions are made.
Like your own SWORD, there IS a "HMFIC"...however IF you'd done YOUR homework as I/you said before becomes newer and more truthful understanding.
So you have "30" people IN SWORD, or 30 members here at your blog?
If the former, how many "units" of 30 are there? Since I am in the North (i.e above Mason Dixon Line) maybe its time to spell out the "core" values of my ORGININAL wedsite CommonSenseCentrel.net
Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?
I meant the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of SWORD...not my site.
"The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity. The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other." Bertrand Russell: Freedom, Harcourt Brace, 1940
of prior topic themes:
"Being in a submarine is like being in a spaceship," Love said.
last sentence of the article:
As Love put it, "There's more than one way to explore a planet."
quotes in article are "NASA astronaut Stan Love".
from: Outer Space, Under Water
Capt: At your story part-3-curious-case-of-militant-shuttle, you finished your excellent Blog with this-->Coming up next:
Military Space Stations: SWORN to protect?
Now from my submarine post today, I see this Blog of yours in that topic matter and the finishing 'coming up' line was from March.
What say you? Is it now time to talk about 'Military SPACE Stations'? (cus I don't see that story anywhere since then. ;) )
Robert ... do MY homework? Seriously?
Rob Said:
So you have "30" people IN SWORD, or 30 members here at your blog?
Sword sayz:
Perhaps I am being confusing. Its not confusing to me due to the fact that I grew up in the society y'all don't really grasp I suppose.
SFTG:Sword is a platoon - Sword itself is Divisional Strength...
...approx 10K people living at "Sword Central" in Northern Eastern Alaska
Rob Sayz
If the former, how many "units" of 30 are there?
Within a divisional strength unit there are many "Platoons" ...
...however those cant be defined as strictly ALL combat arms units. It takes six folk to support the field solider on the war zone - so to put that idea into perspective - it takes about five platoons worth of mechanics, pilots, supply-men, cooks etc etc to support just ONE of our combat units like mine.
Ion said submarine this and that and what happened to SWORN article...
Well, looks like the whole story of submarine "parts + components" used as space craft is coming out - right on time.
I port it - and it turns into a book idea or ends up on coast.
How is it though that I always seem to beat "the internet" to the punch on critical topics? Inside knowledge certainly cant have anything to do with it.
SWORN article has been put down for a bit. WIll it return at a latter date? Dunno.
That submarine quote I just posted is from an article just yesterday.
by Henry Bortman
for Astrobiology Magazine
Moffett Field CA (SPX) Jul 21, 2010
Sword, your definitely posting in synchro ahead of the trickle.
My big thought of the moment: (I don't want to open a can of worms)
If there is so much up there in Alaska in terms of Mil and Programs & Bases, then surely those Drug Cartels you fought and destroyed, while very dangerous badasses, had to have been the dumbest criminals on the planet to ply their business right on your front doorstep. ehh?
Exactly - but it was a serious surprise.
I found it interesting that the RCMP couldn't take care of biz - as they ARE empowered to cross the border.
However - after the principle investigators and several officers homes in both AK and Yukon Territory where victims of "home invasion" and after to many deaths of officers - the Candian Goverment asked for help wit our "mutual problem"...
...so 'Posse Comitatis'
I dont think that either party knew of the other untill the murders...
...and I seriously doubt that those who perpitrated these acts knew what was coming for them.
Its an interesting story and far to long to throw down here...
Share the Wealth - You Must! ;-)
Sure got quiet in here...
...thought I would share this:
This whole time I thought that the thread was dead! Just noticed that there was a second page... Boy, must be getting old.
So that whole me being sword discussion came back up again? Nice :) I'm really just a regular DA, good to see that you guys think me somewhat intelligent enough to pass off as sword actual though.
If SWORD is a whole Division, then there are a lot of you mofos! I used to be in the 4th Infantry Division at Ft. Hood working in DISCOM and those were a lot of heads! Wow, that's "mind bottleing!" For some reason I thought of SWORD as being some compact unit. ROFL! Just pictured Hoagie getting tossed out of an air lock...
Off topic here, I need to get back in shape in preps of the shiat that's coming, do you guys have some sort of "300" workout or is it just normal PT?
I remember how I had to register for the draft back in the day(1980)•
Damn! Someone finally got pissed off!
1st time offenders(RCH)-look out! ;-)
Sheesh whoever used a "Charlie Rangle" sponsored bill for MANDATORY service to "waken" the tiny folks following "S.W.O.R.D." here.
btw...since you are NOW OFFICIALLY admitting that a SINGLE SOLDIER was NOT "waking up"...but you are anywhere from 50 to 5 Trillion bodies blogging here as "Sword".
Can we at least get which 'propogandist of the day' is posting which post?
At least THEN we could then determine who has thin or thick skin when it comes to trying to make HONEST replies here.
Thanks in Advance...and whoever you were with the Rangle legislation post...pass it on to TOPS ( meaning ??? )... bad timing and maketing with that one. Watched the news today?
Robert - I want to make this clear.
I am the only "blogger" / poster.
Other members of MY platoon - HAVE shown there faces here and dropped a line or two. I have not heard from them in a bit.
With that being said, I often wonder how many lurkers... ...are...
5 trillion? What the hell is that?
Clamy - good to see you. I figured it was obvious [through all that I have said] that we weren't just some small militia. We, just like any other Army unit - needs support.
Nope, we don't do Spartan PT - hell - i don't know what that is. Regular physical training most of the time. For us, its training for the mission. That normally ment dragging an ah-key-oh sled trough five feet of snow in -75F weather - not easy.
If your going to do anything clamy - you know the tried and true methods already. RUN.
Had an interesting meeting today - I have found myself on a "council" trying to figure out what to do with all the GI's when they come home.
My point - my adamant point - was that the Hells Angles are the product of WWII - whats going to come of this war?
They teach these civilian kids and I do mean KIDS to hunt down there fellow man and shoot them. However we don't teach them how to leave all that behind.
Another long story - no time here.
Wow - I certainly hope the Skeleton Crew gets in on stopping this from happening:
HHMSS Sword:
Robert - I want to make this clear.
I am the only "blogger" / poster.
Other members of MY platoon - HAVE shown there faces here and dropped a line or two. I have not heard from them in a bit.
With that being said, I often wonder how many lurkers... ...are...
5 trillion? What the hell is that?
So this is CPt O'Toole who is 'waking up', starting a blog to help "us" you rant:
Sword/Capt O'Toole:
The PLAN for SFTG:SWORD still remains the same. We are still on track.
CPT O'Toole "AKA" Sword
5 Trillion? How many Sentient animals are alive in the universe, or even on Mother Earth?
Funny I didn't "unlucky" when you had banned me for trying to well....actually be right, correct and truthful.
as for STFU...no need for translation :) and my hemroids are fine :-X
Still waiting for TOPS = ????
this PLAN have a PDF to follow ?
And one final question before I move elsewhere...are you going to schedule another multi-chat?
This question is to ALL those registered or lurkers has ANYONE watched the David Sereda video located within this Press Release from PRG?
Paradigm Research Group Unnecessary Preventable Oil Leak UFO Energy
Dont send me any more Sernda links- or whatever his name is...
...a fucking beam weapon on a p51 mustang?
Going live this weekend - by pop demand of the one of you...
Hell Im live right now.
Feeling a little good this evening, considering that meeting with VA officials lends credence that the men will be taken care of.
I like that.
Still working new blogg post, getting to long ... I don't know if I can cut it down or two parts or what...
Robert - David Sereda, the Producer and Director•
This guy is pushing the "UFO story" and I am not buying it!
I missed this one - looks like NASA is in on the WEAV ;-)
No I am NOT buying one of his amulets either...BUT...as the two links you showed from the UNiv Fl of the magnetohyrdodynaimcs electormagnetic Antigravity is created. THIS is what powers our Secret Space Program.
And did you notice how the crop circle turned into PRECISE engineering diagrams for a ship from 2D to a realistic 4D moving object with rotation.
The numbers 19.5, 33, 39 et al are ALL "sacred" numbers for a reason...things HAPPEN in the universe when using those numbers.
Sereda's plans ( and his $300+ pendants Im NOT buying either - may work I don't know likely will never KNOW) call for the SAME principles MANY others have out there about using wire wrapped at a SPECIFIC angle around a cicular or toroidal shaped filled with a spinning electro-fluid.
Those patents on Tesla based tech ARE in the Copyright Archives. You may need to go to a Univeristy to find them online.
I had a chat last night where Capt O'toole said there were NO airborne lasers that was SciFi shit.
Then Boeing Advanced Tactical Laser Fires High-Power Laser In Flight
Then I quickly said Goodnight.
He SAID he was Cpt O'Toole as noted above and HIS statement that ONLY that ONE individual would be posting henceforth was made here previously.
He banned me when I SAID there were more than ONE "personna" here and he has now admitted I WAS telling the brutal truth.
Now another of his "inside knowledge" claims stands naked and bleeding.
No Robert - your wrong again.
In our little chat I stated that putting a energy beam weapon on a P51 Mustang during the "Roswell" era for the sole purpose of shooting down UFO - IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT.
That is science fiction.
I wasn't arguing the fact that energy weapons do not exist in contemporary times.
You need to slow down with these tirades Robert.
In other news - Red Ice creations has closed/canceled my account - sent an email to see if it can be resolved.
In other news - the video "articles" from red ice are now available on utoob...
Of course I have the two uncut versions if anyone would like to view them...
Oddly enough there is NO reference to Red Ice interview on RH website ANYMORE...
The tropical storm Bonnie pooped out and downgraded to a tropical depression. Relief well ships headed back to the scene of the crime.
Thanks to the skeleton crew!
Whoever they are.
Good to see you Gort - thanks for the update...
responding to some blog personna who NOW admits there ALWAYS was more than ONE "SWORD" posting on the web
Robert-->Now that is a huge leap. Where is your common sense? Nowhere has that been said.
Most recently what was said was "I am the only "blogger" / poster.
Other members of MY platoon - HAVE shown there faces here and dropped a line or two. I have not heard from them in a bit."
Espousing a premise of 'common sense' one could clearly expect to see your perspective evolve with time and self examination. It hasn't at all. Still persistently dark and negative. Quoting fiction like DUNE is not wisdom or truth.
Time and again I see you punching out at notions of your own optics, that have little to do with what has actually been said.
Keep it real man, that bitter pill of yours is going to kill you with self sadness and struggle. Your boasting, and 'fighting with', and your posture to me is obvious.
I feel your pain Robert... and so you transmit it. I have served as you are tasked with your loved one now and I know the in your face suffering of it and what life is.
Please don't take my remarks here as disrespect. I just see you jabbing and swinging and it doesn't seem deserved here.
wow - what did I miss?
I don't know. Just reading the bla bla. Getting tired of it.
Don't I know it.
I got so much shit on my plate, boorish disclosure is to much swallow.
sword: "Of course I have the two uncut versions if anyone would like to view them..."
I'd like to check them out.
Sword, Ion, what's this all about?
It's hoovering in the Oort cloud and getting bigger!
More on the theory of "magic money"
from CBS march 2009 60 Minutes interview with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
Asked if it's tax money the Fed is spending, Bernanke said, "It's not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed, much the same way that you have an account in a commercial bank. So, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It's much more akin to printing money than it is to borrowing."
"You've been printing money?" Pelley asked.
"Well, effectively," Bernanke said. "And we need to do that, because our economy is very weak and inflation is very low. When the economy begins to recover, that will be the time that we need to unwind those programs, raise interest rates, reduce the money supply, and make sure that we have a recovery that does not involve inflation."
[emphasis added]
It's like that....
Gort - what have I been taking about /slash/ eluding to all this time?
However - I wouldn't worry about it to much...
...indeed - Mahjic Money. I am not what many would call a big picture fiscal man (Oh am I going to get emails about that one) - but - what is described in your post Gort seems more like finical manipulation more than fiscal responsibility.
OMG where broke!
Whats this? More money?
Yeah - I just xeroxed it. Where not broke anymore...
clamy - connect to me via messenger and i can send those files...
Sure got quiet around here...
Funny - got a love note from our old friend BU...
...Never ceases to amaze me.
Interesting read:
HHMSS Sword said...
Interesting read:
Bah...old old news
Politics guides NASA future http://ow.ly/2iASv #Politics #guides #NASA #future #secret #defense #department #space #operations #space #wiki
Capt O'toole I see you weren't injured in the explosion. You have coverage of the event?
We NEED more Soldiers to do a WikiLeaks based on their making hard decisions to STOP killing based on a lie.
imho. anyhooo and BU I rejected your comment for the splewing of bile upon Mr. Laney...there was no way I could edit your comment or i would have.
My Common Sense Politics
333rd comment ???
Arise to your destiny
test image :D
My Common Sense Politics
Robert said:
We NEED more Soldiers to do a WikiLeaks based on their making hard decisions to STOP killing based on a lie.
I clearly cannot condone this wikileaks website - nor the motives behind whatever agenda they have.
...Wikileaks is doing such a great job helping the cause:
I want to hunt down the whole crew and cut there balls off to remove the morons from the gene pool.
The Cassandra Project - Check the narrated link ;-)
The Dome•
Haven't heard much about this tech in awhile(10 years).
Here is a good read on a military secret ;-)
Interesting theory on spy planes and UFOs•
You have your Transparent Aluminum then you have your Transparent Aluminum ;-)
Space "Jelly" has it's limits•
I think the Northern Lights interfered with the cloaking device on that object ;-)
Maybe it was Space Station #5!
But it's just a pile of rocks...
If it comes from Fox News, it has to be true...
IonTruO2 - have you heard of this Paul Hellyer?
From C2C link:
In September 2005 he became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally “UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.”
Can Europe laugh at itself?
In the Shadow of Saturn ;-)
Re - Faux News..
Whats Hoggie going to do now that its proven!?
Anything that goes against the Christian Coalition is reflected on that network.
The intersting thing about Saturn is that all the interesting shows that cover that sort of thing - ie: "The Universe" on History - WILL NOT touch Iddepy - wont even MENTION it.
Meangreen: Yes, I posted about him a while back. He was in fact 'The Defense Minister' (ie National Chief of Defense). He was in his position for the years of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (our most famous modern leader).
It is curious to see a top positioned member of Government now speaking with a bold candor. Even as opinion, he should be listened to let alone that he probably has insider info.
My best guess is...he is one of the 'old boys club' that Robert Dean referred to. Its first guy who opened the dialogue with the public was Col Corso.
It is curious to me to see the Face on Mars being distorted again and the lie being reinforced. This is pretty contradictory to ESA's high resolution releases. Yes, images that have not been turned upside down and messed with.
Sure they disclaim but at least they didn't outright falsify the images like NASA does.
Army Technology Expands Snake-Robotics
This snake-robot is scalable; it can be built however large or small as a subsystem to a larger platform like iRobot's rugged system Warrior, which travels over rough terrain and climbs stairs.
America is a country of such diverse tendencies and views.
Here is an intelligent one, I just saw.
Titled: "Even The Troops Are Waking Up".
J. Allen Hynek and Richard C. Hoagland on the same radio show - it happened ;-)
Listen to the show•
The Hunter Killers are starting to rebel?
Know Your Enemy ;-)
Cant wait until you guys see the new pop mech cover...
this place has gone dead?
was it the burritos?
Do you mean this cover?
You can get the PDF here ;-)
The article is here:
The Race to Dive from 120,000 Feet
The existing record of 102,800 feet, established by U.S. Air Force test pilot Joe Kittinger, has remained untouched for 50 years. [...]
When Excelsior III lifted off from the desert floor of New Mexico on Aug. 16, 1960, it was only Joe Kittinger's 33rd parachute jump [end excerpt...]
Whoa, talk about a real life H.A.L.O. jump!
How about without a parachute ;-)
Chief has got balls of steel! He's also one crazy mofo!
ClamyToe - Have you checked out "Moon"?
You can watch/DL here ;-)
Enough with the HALO - i don't even think a vast majority of people that play that game understand what that ancroy-nim stands for. Band Wagon Warriors.
No, that cover is good, but as history and gort has shown us - very very much already done dat been dare...
...nay, the cover in which I speak has the Mythbusters on it.
I saw that movie Moon and loved it but walked away "meh'h"
Working new blogg post...
Blogg post done - now I'm going to take a break - eat ice cream - and watch the new episode of "The universe" - its Mars or bust baby.
MeanGreen, downloading the movie now, thanks, that trailer looks good!
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