Friday, April 2, 2010


Firing from the hip – here is what I think about Easter and this is coming from a former Catholic Trained priest.
Every week millions upon millions of upper middle class people will put on expensive suits and dresses; load themselves into expensive cars, SUV's and drive directly past Veteran and homeless shelters, orphanages, prisons, and missions to there very expensive and exclusive church where someone will tell them how to be more like Jesus...

...Easter only makes this ridicules ritual even more obscene.

So, this weekend I have determined to drop some images as easter eggs. Hopefully you can find some good stuff. Have a happy easter.
 ...and I approve this message.

Creationists still havn't figured out the dinosaur enigma yet...

 You know its comming.

Part of the Palin pack...

 What Hoggie is going to give us as his "revelation" of Phobos

 Once seen, it cannot be unseen...

 Nuff said...

Suitable for framing...

We knew back then...

Can you name this man?
It's on the Geek scale of 9

I have loads of this stuff...

Remember, Jesus hung out with twelve out of work hippes and a whore!



MeanGreen said...

Sword - I agree with you about RCH's idea about Phobos as his Easter present to us.

Was going to add this to the last blog:

WUNDERWAFFEN - Hitler's Stealth Fighter

ION - The aircraft in the NASA pic you posted sure looks a lot like this one.
Falcon HTV-3X

Talk about a "extreme heavy lift vehicle" ;-)
The Aldebaran

From March 1, 1954 - Project Feed Back

Designations Of U.S. Air Force Projects.

The Manned Satellite Interceptor, a.k.a. "SAINT II"(or the 621B)

HHMSS Sword said...

I know this blog was a surprise - it was meant that way.
Good links...


Anonymous said...

How did Mike Bara get hooked up with RCH?

Anonymous said...

RCH claims the dinosaurs were murdered.

Anonymous said...

IF we had a Capitalist Economic System, that would be funny.

IonTruO2 said...



High Frontier's latest is titled "International Space". (High Frontier is under exclusive written contract with Air Force Space Command)

Some quality reading in there.

MeanGreen said...

Damn! They found my NEST!

More info on Phobos II:

"There were still other experiments in the bag of tricks of Phobos 2. It was equipped with an ion emitter and a laser gun that were to shoot their beams at the moonlet, stir up its surface dust, pulverize some of the surface material, and enable equipment aboard the spacecraft to analyze the resultant cloud. At that point the spacecraft was to hover a mere 150 feet above Phobos, and its cameras were to photograph features as small as six inches.

What exactly were the mission planners expecting to discover at such close range? It must have been an important objective, because it later transpired that the “individual scientists” from the United States who were involved in the mission’s planning and equipping included Americans with experience in Mars research whose roles were officially sanctioned by the United States government within the framework of the improvement in U.S.-Soviet relations."

Maybe Phobos II went black after telling us it was lost.

Hayabusa probe sailing towards Earth

Check this COOL Motion Comic ;-)

IonTruO2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
IonTruO2 said...

There is so much more to address in Sword's Blog but at least for now, to comment on the image of the hollow Phobos.

at meangreen's link: ...a network of straight lines in the area of the Martian equator; some of the lines were short, some longer, some thin, some wide enough to look like rectangular shapes “embossed” in the Martian surface. Arranged in rows parallel to each other, the pattern covered an area of some six hundred square kilometers (more than two hundred thirty square miles). The “anomaly” appeared to be far from a natural phenomenon.

The television clip was accompanied by a live comment by Dr. John Becklake of England’s Science Museum.
He described the phenomenon as very puzzling, because the pattern seen on the surface of Mars was photographed not with the spacecraft’s optical camera but with its infrared camera—a camera that takes pictures of objects using the heat they radiate, and not by the play of light and shadow on them. In other words, the pattern of parallel lines and rectangles covering an area of almost two hundred fifty square miles was a source of heat radiation.

It is highly unlikely that a natural source of heat radiation (a geyser or a concentration of radioactive minerals under the surface, for example) would create such a perfect geometric pattern. When viewed over and over again, the pattern definitely looks artificial;

MeanGreen said...

Ran into this at the OMF:
Air Force to launch robotic winged space plane
Invisibility cloak that generates virtual images
Michael Schratt - Military Aerospace Historian •

Found some video about Phobos II - maybe some have not seen this?
The Phobos Incident - A Moon of Mars:
Part1 - Part2 ;-)

In Search Of Ancient Mysteries ·fl‹

Was flipping though the channels last night and caught(10 Commandments) the scene of Moses putting the "Obelisk" into place, and was thinking how this movie wants us to view Moses as a Mason(Master Builder).

"Moses was a Mason...raised in Egypt..and not just an ordinary Egyptian. He was raised in Pharoah's house an insider and privy to the rites and rituals of the inner court..not just the watered down religion allowed to outsiders or ordinary profane Egyptian.
The Very interesting thing about Moses is that after the Children of Israel left do not see Moses carrying on in any of the Traditions of Egypt..but after a new pattern...which was to become the Law."

Don't get to church to often but figured it was time for "WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY" ;-)

HHMSS Sword said...

If pictures illicite this kind of excited response - I'll do it again and again and again...
...I said it once - twice - who knows how many times - high intensity HARRP use creates backlash - ie - earthquakes:,0,5053866.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+latimes/news+%28L.A.+Times+-+Top+News%29


HHMSS Sword said...

I f@cking called it...


HHMSS Sword said...

The interesting thing is that you would think this would definetly be right up SWORD's alley - its not.
The Moon, Mars, eyedeppy - all our realms of responsibility as they are "terrestrial" - Phobos, well, everyone seems to be classifying that as a ship - thus - that special department of the Navy - the mens department as it where - the Marines - they get to crack this egg.

Thats about all I can say on that matter.
Interesting stuff - be sure to read his article.


HHMSS Sword said...

Seeing how I am post happy today - I will let you know that the current blogg post will not remain ling as I am working on the new post now.


Gort said...

I guess that makes sense the Gyrines would be involved in securing a "ship."

And I like the continuation of the easter metaphor--"they get to crack this egg." :)

It sure will be interesting to see how fast this Phobos news ripple expands....

Also looking forward to the new blogg.


HHMSS Sword said...

I seriously doubt that this SCEINTIFIC evidance will turn any heads at all.

Now this is some interesting stuff:


HHMSS Sword said...

So we have all kinds of earthquakes and the mines of the world are collasping...

Digging up the next blogg post.

HHMSS Sword said...



IonTruO2 said...

7.8 ????!?

Wow that is funny. Here is a walk down memory lane I just stumbled upon.

Anonymous said...

neonknight said...
Anyone hear of this?
Russian Scientists are reporting today that an atmospheric blast in Southern Hemisphere yesterday was most likely caused by an incoming meteor that exploded in the higher regions of the earth’s atmosphere. So powerful was this blast that Centre Sismologique Euro-Mediterraneen seismographs were able to measure this extraordinary event as being of a 7.8 Magnitude.

Then Sword says:

Precusor # 2 (can anyone guess what #1 was - it wasnt an "earthquake" - wheres our low level size-mo?)


Revelation 6:13
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

(and going backwards in the bible)

Isaiah 47:13
Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

You guys really crack me up.
30/9/05 2:59 PM

ion-->Sky quakes, I spoke of before and Cosmic Winter alluded to.
7.8 hi or low, now that is a good one.

IonTruO2 said...

OKaaaaay I'll run with your nudge Sword.

October 27, 2009
Asteroid explosion over Indonesia raises fears about Earth's defences

Note the location and the date too. October is a very busy month for these types of things and comets. ;)


8:00AM BST 02 Apr 2010

Hour-long hailstorm may have caused 1,000-year freeze, say scientists

The catastrophe, caused by a disintegrating comet, wiped out large numbers of animal species and disrupted human cultures.

A new theory put forward by according to Professor Bill Napier, from the Cardiff University Astrobiology Centre suggests it occurred when the Earth strayed into a dense trail of fragments shed by a large comet.

 Thousands of chunks of material from the comet would have rained down on Earth, each one releasing the energy of a one megaton nuclear bomb.

Not so new really but hey..ok.

IonTruO2 said...

Lots of Cometary activity and discovery....all about OCTOBER.

IonTruO2 said...

That last link, you might notice is about Prof Napier. ala Cosmic Winter... co written with Victor Clube.

All of a sudden popping up in this month's news?!?

Ok While many a comet has been found and or reached perihelion mid to late in October throughout the years, I was drawn suddenly to wonder about the Boeing guy I previously quoted from the ATS forum who was departing in June. ie- quit, heading for the hills.

Saw this in the summary of Cosmic Winter at

During five days in late June 1975, a swarm of boulders the size of motor cars struck the moon at a speed of 67,000 miles per hour. On 30 June 1908 an object crashed on Siberia with the force of a large hydrogen bomb. The moon was also struck on 25 June 1178 struck, this time by a missile whose energy was ten times that of the combined nuclear arsenals of the world. Why late June?

HELLO? okaaaaay. (got my hard hat, lawn chair, and 33 Molson Canadian with a fresh tank on the barbeque)

HHMSS Sword said...

Nothing to wory about here:

Or there:

Yep - things getting a little crazy out there.


HHMSS Sword said...

Wait - your drinking "33" beer?

Digging up the next blog post...

Dr.VanNostren said...

That Easter quake was like sitting in a wave pool here is So Cal.
More peeps blowing whistles???


Gort said...

Dr,VanN, I just finished reading that amazing story. It opens a can of worms, but no final answer, just more about which to speculate....
Anyway thanks for the link.

"that's gold, Jerry!" LOL


IonTruO2 said...

Sword said: "Wait - your drinking "33" beer?

Oops, sorry that is the address of my new tax accountant! (no kidding)

errrr ummm 24 beer lets see 2 buddies, 6 each= 2 days of fun.

IonTruO2 said...


Thanks for that link! Very interesting. There have also been more than a few hints here as well concerning "Cassini" having some um er interference?

fyi: anyone posting links to Sword Blog will find Facebook will ask for a security check with the typical letters inputs. Guess your more 'popular' than ya think Sword! lol.

HHMSS Sword said...

errr facebook? more popular than I think?
eleborate please...


Gort said...

It may just be that anytime you go on another page other than your own on FB and post a link it runs that visual check to make sure you a real human and not a bot.

It might not have anything to do specifically with linking to sword's blog.

If the story is true in Dr. VanNostril's link, and it is the DoD censoring the pictures from the Mars rovers, the reason would not be to cover up evidence of ancient Martian civilization or life, but to cover up evidence of current "Martian" buffalo soldiers...

Maybe beer cans and cigarette butts in the foreground (they need to "field strip" their smokes...) and maybe a duece-and-a-half, or a humvee in the background....



HHMSS Sword said...

They would be modified of course, and I havn't had teh chance to read that yet...
...digging up the next blogg post.
