…lots going on.
I continue to “train” for the inevitable journey I will soon take. There are bright, unusual lights in the sky above Norway. Last but not least, the President has rolled back the chances that the civilian space agency known as NASA will have to set foot on the moon yet again. Some people are speaking of escalating “wars” in space. We will get to all this in due time.
It’s sometimes boring, sometimes strange – as in having a class called beard management – but never to dull that I feel like I am wasting my time. Winslow Arizona isn’t the only place that is preparing potential astronauts and military colonists for the surface of Mars. North West Arizona holds some of that training as well; in fact, there probably isn’t a cardinal direction on the map here in Arizona that doesn’t hold some sort of training ground for that proverbial “final” frontier. I won’t stretch myself and go into further detail.
It came to a head that we where discussion the history of colonization and the major differences between then, as in Mayflower then, and now and tomorrow. Of course in our roundtable we where asked – as I as you now – what would be the number one thing you would need to bring with you to Mars. Of course, being grunts packed in with geologists, Army Core Engineers, climatologists, horticulturists and the other myriad of professions we said: beer and women.
After we got over ourselves (and scolded), things like tools, air, and food came into play. You see folks; this isn’t exactly like we are floating across the water rowing a boat onto a distant shore. It is much more complicated than that. Imagine getting off the Mayflower and dying of asphyxiation. You have to bring everything with you, or build everything you need there.
So, getting simple and serious, we said and oxygen plant. Simple enough. And spare parts – smart. Then, the one mechanical engineer whom we like said (former grunt)– a foundry. A foundry! Of course! Then he said a CNC machine. A what? A milling machine, makes parts, he said. Then things got interesting – and divulging the totality of the conversation would mean volumes here. The purpose of the exercise of course was to give us an understanding of the why and what. Also, to let it be known the two divisions of the one primary mission: Make it habitable, make it secure, and make it fast.
Well, not really. Among the list of things going, or already there, or on the way include no less than five “Rickovers”, three CNC, a portable foundry, three “bus” sized hospitals, twenty live orange and lime trees, two hundred chickens, twenty goats and the construction material for five ninety foot domes and twenty thirty foot domes. I thought I’d mention the farm friends because I didn’t believe it myself until I met the Director of Military Husbandry.
Now the funny thing and one of the other things I have been trained on is one of the most unusual things on the list. On the “bus” list is “Spray Polyurethane Foam” and mathing spray paints. Thosands of gallons worth of both.What the military plans on doing is simple as it is effective, and has very much experience in. Where going to hide ourselves in the most miltary manner: camofluage. Looks like a crater of a cliff face will be altered greatly. At least for the things we cant bury outright or would rather have as far away from us as possible will this be used.
The reason for this of course is the fact that any nation not with US could find out that we have hundreds on the ground – caught breaking all kinds of treaties.
Its definetly going to be an experience. I’m fairly certain that aside from my reconisance duties that I will be able to countinue to blog seeing how the civillian side has figure out the internet to space connections for US. Still no video feeds, to much bandwidth for such little return.
But there are others things going on now aren't there?
Yes indeed.
Naval Blockade
The Chief, perhaps after having heard his 33rd breifing, and having a suitable roundtable counsul – has put the breaks on the civillian side of the moon. I am of the strong mind – and my peers around hear back me up – that this second go around to the moon was meant to pull the curtain back to the grand show that we have all been talking about – that is the fantastic ruins left on the moon.
Perhaps the Chief determined that the civillian public just isn’t ready to find out that there are ruins on the moon. Nor perhaps does the Chief think he should spill the beans during his first term to the US military pressence there. So, for the time being, that can of worms will remain unopened.
You see friends, its not just the moon that’s the issue – it’s the immensity of the whole picture that involves the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Iapetus, and all the fortold “lore” we have. It’s a big bite that will be tough to chew at one get go. What his plan is of course, no one really knows… plans of mice and men... But, we have our bets. We are betting that the following already under way:
NASA will go away. The civillian proliferation of space will not come to pass. Do to the fact that the primary places we need and want to go to have milatary value – everything out there will be classfied as eminet domain of national securtiy – the same way this nation thought of “manifest destiny”. The US dosen’t need a civillian space agency now that the military has more rescources already in use and in place than the struggleing civillian space agency could ever hope to have. Some “threat” will come about, natural or Soviet and the cards will be laid on the table. It’s the perfect play. If you, my fellow readers can not already see this playing out…
…then I don’t know what else to say.
Norway Lights Extravaganza.
This is a product of the Harrp Techniologies, pure and simple. Hoagland says it’s a beam weapon – I agree – he dose see a beam. I agree because I have seen this in a much smaller scale. The last time I saw something like what we are seeing over Norway it wasn’t like this, it was more straight up in the air, and it wasn’t being used as a weapon – quite the opposite. Although, it is true, the same thing that the military designed to move swirley clouds around can also be used as a pretty powerful weapon. I have never seen it tested as so, but I know it can be done…
So what is R.H. looking at?
He’s seeing a source point feeding an electrical force field. Yes – a force field. Harrp technology used intially to destroy incoming debris, now being used to "stop" any moving object.
The fact that a Russian missle was tested at near the same time, I think was not really a concidenace as the Soviets are constantly bitch slapping each other over the subject of missile deffense. The American side of this argument just showed that the bitching slapping is over. Why did we give up the idea of "tradional" missile deffense in Poland? Now the answer seems clear, does it not? The shell game of course! We had already secured another nation for a similar project useing diffrent technology... ...which incidently works better closer to the poles...
Oddily enough – no one has made the connection to the shape of the beam in the “Norway Incident” to the beam that SWORD forces created during the “Opehilia” hurricane. Remember this: Ophelia MIMIC.
The beam coming from a space satellite and a ground station look similar because they are the same HARRP like technologies.
So, escalation?
No – it’s the same old same old. I told you folks a long time ago that the Cold war never really ended. It just moved to a different theater.
Now instead of global domination, it has become much bigger than that. While at the same time – we work together to solve Earth dilemma’s – we are in fact in a “light intensity” war with the soviets and there friends the Chinese, both trying to slow us down. It is not a matter of production or industrial might, this war is being won by that most valuable resource known to man – knowledge.
I have been talking about this for quite a awhile and rehashing all that is would mean another volume of work that I just don’t have time for right now. Just let it be known that militarily speaking – the U.S. has total dominance in space. That’s how Eisenhower wanted it, and it’s worked out pretty good so far.
R.H. asked these questions:
“Who -- ultimately -- would benefit, from deterring some joint (either current or planned ...) US/Russian action? Who have now -- in these astonishing apparitions -- publicly taken on BOTH reigning "superpowers" ... here on Planet Earth!?" - R.H.
He came up with this answer: “The Secret Space Program!” I think he said it, like, what, five times?
We are not related to the Nazi’s in any way.
If there are any warring factions (as he says), the Soviet space race/war rivalry aside, there are many, and it isn’t really a war, rather a rivalry, and its in The American [JANUS] government over who gets to use what, when, why, and how. SWORD seems to be the pinch hitter from time to time. We also don’t always agree with what is going on, and use our own technology to our own ends, as in the whole Katrina era nutty-mess.
Hit or miss – R.H. on the right track, sort of. The answer to WHO would have not only the bawls but the technological know-how to take on both the US and Soviet powers (and now somebody of the same technological origin is also screwing with the Chinese) – would obviously be SWORD, Masonic SWORD Proper, and all of our sub-categories of defense and space production.
R.H. certainly seems to be coming full circle in a round-a-bout way with his rementioning of the "weather wars" - which is how all this blogging really got moving in the first place. Dare we hope for MWAV #7 and perhaps answers to whom needs to know?
There ARE hidden links - nothing to surpriseing...
I take it the goats and chickens will be indoors, not running around "free range" in their own individual little space suits.
How big will goats and chickens grow in 1/2 earth gravity? This is uncharted territory, so to speak.
I'm also imagining a basketball court for recreation with really tall baskets.
I suppose this news bite posted the same day will impact your training?
WOW, good work.
Sword starts to bring it out straight. TKS.
I remember reading an article in recent months whereby the Chinese were talking about their ambitions from ground to space and their main point had to do with the feeling that there must be a balancing force along with the Americans(ie in space). I guess a cryptic public remark for the value of 'cold war'. The checks and balances premise I would surmise.
How to you feel about that Sword? JANUS has two faces and one of the faces now seems to have grown to a dominant posture that doesn't have accountability or a tempering force.
I have always seen the 'political'(face) level as an almost juvenile arena, so they are nothing in this thought. We both know the real governing of nations happens at the bureaucratic levels in day to day function.
So, on one level it sounds like you guys have become strong enough to be a powerful 'referee' against the deviance of a number of these nations at the ground level....or you have become the restrictive force trying to hold everyone else back. To contain/trap us down here. Hoagland's article seems to be suggesting just that.
I personally think not. I see the process being 'regulated'.... and someone is handling the throttle. Virgin Galactic will fly soon, the internet is pretty much up and ready, Mars travel has been publicly declared a 'faster' possibility. It all seems like a 'roll out' in progress. This is where I get tired of Hoagland's suggestion like someone is trying to imprison us. My patience for falsified intrigue is thin. Why feed fear? I know there needs to be more answers and some clarifications, but thats my view from here now.
Going to chase the links.
Two remarks in the story that resonated for me were these:
The last time I saw something like what we are seeing over Norway it wasn’t like this, it was more straight up in the air, and it wasn’t being used as a weapon – quite the opposite.
Harrp technology used initially to destroy incoming debris, now being used to "stop" any moving object.
This speaks to the debris field, the constant dusting of our atmosphere and ongoing incoming 'object' concerns.
Craft or crap....they are all gonna get the zap! lol ;P
Thanks for the comments ION - Gort
I really have no idea where the fowl will be - but the idea of a chicken suit for a chicken is funny.
Like I* said some if teh train9ng around here is getting a little ridiculas...
Funny you brought up the chicken. Universetoday was talking about the value of chickens in the context of 'future' Mars settlings. ;)
They were saying "Using an old scientific process called pyrolysis (which is cooking biomass like manure without the presence of oxygen), future settlers could turn this smelly chicken manure into biochar (which is a charcoal like product)."
I recall back in my school days a few smart friends were producing high quality methane gas from the droppings of chickens. A nice clean fuel for many uses.
side note: After the 911 crap and other strange happenings that all occurred under the Busch Bunch, I sure as heck pray you guys up there are serving the core good. Oppressed Liberators was your term, so I look forward to the taking down of this toxic lineage of secret manipulators.
This world will rise and no lowly esoteric shmucks are going to be able to keep the cork on it.
I'll stray a little off topic for a minute.
Interestingly in conjunction with the symbolic Valentine's Day was the beginning of the Chinese New Year.
From Benjamin Fulford
"This will be a very special Year of the Tiger. The year of the tiger comes in-between the Year of the Bull and the Year of the dragon. This is very symbolic, I believe. The Bull is a fitting symbol for the West these days, virile and aggressive but lacking in wisdom and patience. The dragon is very old and wise but is perhaps too cautious and passive and can be seen as a symbol of the East. If you mix the best elements of the bull and the dragon, the result is a tiger."
ION said: Oppressed Liberators
Well, I may not have "coined" that term - but I can tell you this.
We "young" lions do feel that way from time to time. SWORD proper holds the KEYs.
On a side note:
My date of birth and Fung Sway-ish Chinese calander thingy all that states I am a "Tiger from the Mountain" - fits me perfectly.
On another side:
My peers are getting at me - lurkers who wont post beacuse they can harrass my sorry ass over the lunch table - a few things that they want clarified, redacted, or even explained more on the blogg post. Who said being a celibrity was fun?
Another, another note...
I ask everyone:
Is the blog sphere dead?
...Hoagland jumped ship long ago
...FSHOD hasnt had a new blog post since last year [July 20, 2009]
...Bara and puppet have left the scene as of December
Whats going on?
Lack of interesting things to talk about? Humph!
I have spilled so many beans I could feed everyone for years. But, the reality I suppose folks dont want to embrace. The clues that arn't really clues at all but direct leadings - no one seems to get.
MY PEERS - think its funny - if it was on television, Cnn and such - people even THEN would not bleive it. They would pass up a breifing from the president on these matters just so they wouldn't miss CSI:Topeka
Is the P:D dead? - irrevelant? - or just damn not interesting anymore?
Has the mainstream media finally sucked all the life out of the people?
From the network that looks like a Big Eye:
I call this "comment" - "The Hammer", The blog is the AnviL...
More on what I have been talking about as far as "pushing them back down":
"A new Air Force doctrine, called Counterspace Operations, recently made public, further implements the Clinton-era policy. The document declares that the military is duty-bound to knock down other countries' space efforts."
*66* pages of [old] fun fun fun:
You want more?
No Problem - its DOC day:
How where going to hide the base:
While one hand asks for it - someones already useing it:
My platoon went operational in 1994:
Another wonderful document:
"The average American citizen views space as the responsibility of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its peaceful exploration programs, such as
the one that put men on the moon. Because even then on aggressive military space activities
have been hidden behind a veil of secrecy, the citizenry is largely unaware that the military has
any role in space.(2)"
LINK: http://aupress.au.af.mil/Books/Lupton/lupton.pdf
And of course if we could just get a look at this I am SURE ya'll would be pleased:
Mantz, Michael R. The New Sword: a Theory of Space Combat Power. Maxwell AFB, AL, Air University Press, 1995. 89 p.
Book call no.: 358.8 M293n
Thats old stuff - can you guys find the "NEW" stuff?
That aught to stir things up a bit.
From the Lupton book, summary, pdf pg. 86
"As to organizational arrangements, one day the term spaceman will
mean a military member of the United States Space Force, not a creature from some other planet."
You pose a challenging set of questions Sword. Frankly I'm not sure the few of us regulars here should attempt to answer. (ditched my dumb long winded answer)
I guess at the civilian point of view it becomes an 'aha I found out something new--now what." With a lack of a meaningful goal or objective, some of this is destined to fizzle out.
I suspect your guys had an outcome they wanted from this particular Blog effort of yours. While it may have been to have some greater numbers of people, we have to agree and be realistic, this isn't CNN etc..
So, I ask; What was the scope you guys really were trying for? A hand full of us that could keep touch with the full length of the story and to some degree piece together the snippets of disclosure? Endless forums out there now and other disclosure efforts from so-called insiders are going to steal the lime-light of people's attention.
That said, Richard H seems to have faded to a whisper of sorts, Project Camelot is fragmenting and meanwhile David Wilcock keeps talking it straight and people of integrity like Wayne Herschel carry on outside this crazy arena with substantial work.
It seems at times I and a mere few others are the only ones capable of writing more than a sentence, so what was it you guys really wanted to come from this Blog? The knowledge came to light. Good.
We are worlds apart Sword, what are we to do with this puzzle game? To what end? See? There is a point where,in the absence of collaboration or real dialogue, that the value fades as it is not actionable to any further something. While I have benefited greatly, there is no progression beyond.
Sword your remarks above speak to some 'expectation' you guys had. I'm sorry it was not satisfied.
I guess the expectation was mine.
I expected the blogg sphere to explode in a somewhat singular nexus.
Instead... ...it fragmented and burnt out so quickly I was quite literlly taken by surprise.
So. Are we still revelant? That is, the blog-o-sphere, is it still revelant?
talk amounst yer'selves...
Could not find and internet link for this book, but many references!
"And of course if we could just get a look at this I am SURE ya'll would be pleased: Mantz, Michael R. The New Sword: a Theory of Space Combat Power. Maxwell AFB, AL, Air University Press, 1995. 89 p. Book call no.: 358.8 M293n"
"Since the threats to a space system have been narrowed to those against which space- based measures might be effective, it is now important to consider the best ways to defeat these threats, the essence of defensive counterspace operations. In general, defensive operations consist of two activities, recognizing the threat and defeating the threat. Important considerations in employing space protection systems are location of the attacking platform, location of the target, location of the defender, type of weapon used, possibility of countermeasure and timing of the attack.1 These considerations will help determine the time available to recognize and respond to the threat, as well as the best technique for defeating it."
I love my Family, and will do what I can to help them if the SHTF.
Bring on the answers(safe places and pickup points) if it comes to that!
I think RCH is chasing the Radar Rider ;-)
I'll have to agree with Ion here. All of this is fascinating and excellent information, but what can we do with it? If tell the people I know about this, they blow me off as being nuts...
Recently most of my attention has been taken up with "preps", going to the range, attempting to get back in "combat" shape, etc.
It is good to be back though and it looks like a good time too. I have plenty of PDF's to read through now.
Back later.
Oh and speaking of links, this is what I came up with:
Google Search Results
A few interesting documents there, to include the one MeanGreen found.
Wow - Clamytoe - glad to see you back into the discusion.
The point is well heard - "Great info - what can we do with it..."
Good question!
I guess the answer is this long widned statement.
I have been trying to not only give the info that I felt that Rich would use to HIS benifit - I was also trying to prop up my own end of the disclosure... ...showing that not only was my truth revelant - but coming from a "true" source. The counter example would be jhon leer - who "states his military insider sources - told him so"...
I'm teh military insider who dosen't have any media cloat - hell I don't even think G.Nory has any awarness of me (he aught to)...
Soooo - with that media darling not supporting US anymore we are sort of adrfiot arn't we?
So we have great info - but theres nothing that we can do with it... ...and as Clamy states - you tell folks and they think your crazy.
Example - I had a heated discussion with one of the janitors here and he absolutely refuised to understand how the moon rotates on its own axis - and when shown proof - IE wiki - dismissed it as "Pagan" beliefs !!!
So again - great info - who cares? I'm sure robert does, but one angry villager with a pitchfork and a torch does not make an angry mob.
No media attention = no disclosure.
Its teh reason why my peers back many years ago said that P:D would not work - and why my peers today laugh at my folly.
But - I hang in there knowing that sooner or latter - everything I have said - not just bits and crumbs - everything - will be justified.
On the docs - lot to be said - just remeber to read between and through teh lines. Alot of what they write about is "known" (to the military reader) that these things are going on - and - most of these expositions are written by "upcoming" officers who want to be in the SC and are showing there ability to speak knowingly about a subject while putting off that it should happen - while they know it IS happening.
Run on sentence of the week...
The more I learn, the less I really understand. Perhaps that is real enlightenment.
Sword asked: "the blog-o-sphere, is it still relevant?"
Yes, yes it is.
Your peers may laugh at your folly, my friend, but you still endeavored to honour your unit comrade with this effort called 'disclosure'. Remember that.
Also remember, the other Lion only really touched 12 people and its resulting impulse has carried through time til now.
So, how many is enough, to say a simple Blogger Blog was a useful tool? If you guys really wanted to be heard in a big way, it surely wouldn't have been via this method. Come on, you guys are really smart. Full effort would have been a web site, Noory, a splash, the works.
So I say, the intent here was always to be a whisper to the 'listener'...and we are they. Mission accomplished.
I very much appreciate the info and am grateful for the level I now contemplate.
Look at the spark these past few days. See the ignition, as crew chime in. Great to have Clamytoe speaking up.
Now back to trying to get a new pump for my well.head
(is that hilarious or what!?)
Yes - this is - as it seems - the long way around...
Sword, here is some newer stuff. From 2/19/2010
Chief of staff highlights importance of space to Air Force mission
Current realities continue to suggest the inevitability of contested space, General Schwartz said, noting that in December Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley ordered a top-down evaluation of the Service's management of military space responsibilities. The review is needed, the general said, given that the last significant restructuring took place in 2001. Since that time there are many new legal and regulatory requirements, as well as new agencies and authorities, impacting national security space. The goal is to ensure that "from the Pentagon to our space wings and centers ... appropriate structures and relationships are present to address various challenges."
The key fraze there is "space wings and centers"...
Here is some old news about the US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System.
- John Lear's Files - The Navy's Secrets -
Interesting to find out that Richard H. Truly was first commander of the Naval Space Command.
The Living Moon has some more info about the Black Knight!
Have Y'all checked out the HALO Legends - Here is the "Origins" short film ;-)
Wallpaper of the month:
Wallpaper of the week:
And when the General says "appropriate structures and relationships" does he mean "stuctures" on an organizational flow chart, or "structures" like edifices (buildings, fortifications, etc....???)
SPACE WINGS = interesting double entendre indeed. If I remember correctly from being in the Air Force (I enlisted 40 years ago this July--my how time flies....)--a wing is the next organizational unit up from a squadron (which is equivalent to a company in the army.) So a wing would be like a brigade or a battalion, or something.
This organization (JFCC-Space) is a subsection of US Strategic Command.
Here is the fact sheet:
Note the commander of the JFCC-SPACE is also the commander of the Fourteenth Air Force.
This is the seal:
I believe the four colors around the globe represent the four baranches of the US Armed Forces. Red=Army, Dark Blue=Navy, Light Blue=Air Force, and Green=Marines. (I may have red and green switched). And the four craft circling the globe look like they have wings. :)
Another interesting JFCC is JFCC-GS (Global Strike)
fact sheet:
Again the four colors as the four services, seven stars in a constellation bearing a striking resemblance to ORION, and the central motif being a mighty Sword.
Other seals and fact sheets for subsets of US StratCom are here:
Orbital drop right on the bullseye...
...that constellation shows up every now and then don't it? Gee I wonder what that means...
Good find Gort...
So much for Russian Weather modification - or did we zing em?
Ya, good stuff!
Lets not forget the 'Space Command Patches' grouping I posted some time back. The details start to make sense more and more with the latest from you all. Tks for the links guys.
Space Command
Sorry resolution is poor. Back in the day when I captured it, the image was a tiny insert.
Hey guys,
Check this out. I found Sword's book. Unfortunately the closest one to me is in a different state. Perhaps someone else will be luckier.
The New Sword: a Theory of Space Combat Power
Only drawback is that they seem to only have it in microfiche and it's marked for library use only...
Good luck!
Better yet:
Fourteen bucks!
Undersold my freinds, undersold!
Finally? What do you mean finally - how long where we lamenting over not having a "pain-ray"...?
New "Heavy Lift" and inflatible habit-tits? Gentleman, for your approval:
In case you dont want to read close to 500 pages OR sit through a three hour breifing - yawn zzzz - heres a shorter version (though not quite as read between the lines-zee)...
Interstingly enough huh?
Anyone have that ol' poster sized image of the astro-nuts walking up a hill on Mars - coming up on the "ruins/hyroglphs"? Hoggie used it at one point...
Good find on that book I should mention - I think I'm going to get it.
I'm also thinking of starting a new blogg post. This one of course didn't seem to keep people focused on the topic - nor generate the level of conversation I thought it would. I even emailed all the "old hands" and only a few came back.
Oh well...
So strange to describe my life - looking out through a window it seems - for my house was built far diffrently than ya'll. My foundations much deeper, my walls much thicker, my roof so much higher.
But I do try to explain the "other world" the best this old warrior priest can...
Sooner or latter, on the matter of blogg posts go, I WILL be able to do a little investigative photo blogging of this crazily fantastic masonic town we are currently based in...
...and that should be a doozy.
Nasa likes to go high... ...really high:
File this in the "underground file":
"Central Library will re-open in 2013 ..."
sword, here it is:
Thanks Gort
Interesting find:
Another find:
Nuff for today - actually working on a new blogg post - wwhhhaaaaatttt!!!???
Thats right.
Believe it! or not.
'some' of us, have never left.. just gone under..
Good to see you again blasted...
Wallpaper of the week:
If this guy mentions Sword beach - hes on the right track:
I am post crazy this week it seems:
Wallpaper of the momment:
I'll be bach...
I'm getting alot of peer enabled heat that the bloggs are a dead duck and that we are - as usual it was said - so fringe that the mainstream public wouldn't care even if the truth bomb was to be dropped...
...I doubt that I can change that - but I'm going to try anyway.
Congress is telling nasa cheif to get with it - beacsue the MIL-FACT is tired.
Beacuse those who are in the know say its easy, quicker, than last thought. Also - Chang must have worked in/with the current space core...
Beacuse the fucking rocket hes talking about is/has been used as a HIGH PERFORMANCE ION DRIVE for the MIL-FACT sat and other LARGER stuff for a LONG time...
"uses radio waves to ionize and to heat " ... the same way HARRP does ...
Just look at the applications listings on the wiki page - its like he made a military shopping list...
I don't know what to do to lift the lid on this mutha - nor can I set the roof on fire - or how do you kids say it? raise the roof?
That solar system sim is pretty cool and I like that star destroyer desktop. Them moving that library underground is a red flag that we should pay attention to.
Sword, your on fire dude! Keep on.
fwiw: I don't think this is about 'so fringe' as,... it is about the 'mainstream public' that simply wouldn't care...to notice....even if the truth bomb was to be dropped.
The societal bullshit has reached a maximum overload for many and subsistence and coping becomes the dominator.
Maybe that ship flying in over the harbor bridge would work....and much to Robert's potential satisfaction. ;) lol
Much to review and decode...thanks for your good efforts here of late.
Uncle Hoagie is going to be on C2C Thursday night, March 4, leading a panel discussion on "Our future in space."
Mars is currently retrograde, but resumes direct starting march 10.
Maybe things will appear clearer then.
Air Force X-37B spaceplane arrives in Florida for launch
Buran Junior?
OTV= Orbital Test Vehicle or Orbital Transfer Vehicle?
The X-37B's mission is to "demonstrate a reliable, reusable, unmanned space test platform for the United States Air Force," the military fact sheet says. "Objectives of the OTV program include space experimentation, risk reduction and concept of operations development for reusable space vehicle technologies."
Is "risk reduction" a euphemism for "do unto others before they do unto you?"
Thanks for the links...
This VASIMR rocket that Chang is talking about seems to have connections to David Adair's (Electromagnetic Fusion Containment) Rocket ;-)
Chang is on the Brink.
The Tokamak may have helped pave the way for space travel.
The Moonies are getting ready for the 2020 Olympics!
Has anybody checked out the new buses today?
Back when all there was - the Encyclopedia - for looking stuff up, I could not wait to get one of these babies ;-)
Gort said:
Is "risk reduction" a euphemism for "do unto others before they do unto you?"
Theres going to be alot of X-thisandthat in teh next blogg post - and that dovetails nicely with what I am going to say next.
To help me along - does anyone have that link where the dyna-soar was seen reentering the sky? It was over canada...
Nice to see that they are ready to bring the drones out to the light - kinda hard not to when folk are photographing them over Canada and Jersey ...
Looks like I raised the roof a bit and got some chit chat going on - good. Seems like ya'll are cross refferancing my links and discovering stuff on yur own - good.
I am working on the next blogg post - trying to keep some flow.
Good news/bad news - I am being shipped of to another city for cross training - so - well see what happens next as far as the blogg happens - stuill months away though - so no worries.
There not telling us something here:
The way Hoggie might think anti-gravity workds is not the way we think it does:
One little link - looks like the VAL drive gets more press:
back in russia - we love the nuc!
Beacuse you cant have real time streaming video in space without upgradeing the entire infrastructure - and why would we want better streaming of video?
No lie and no shit:
funny ? sad? bizarrrh?
Well - now thats an assload of links.
What a load, thanks!
Re - back in russia link:
"Russia has yet to build a spaceship with a nuclear engine." - Total BS!
Funny how there is not a Space Shuttle named for "OV-100"...
Space Shuttle "OV-099" is named Challenger ;-)
Wernher von Braun's Space Shuttle:
"To provide safety in case of a malfunction of the reusable upper stage - von Braun's 1950s shuttle concept - crew and passengers press buttons on their chair arms. Contour seats straighten automatically and enclosures snap shut forming sealed escape capsules. To abandon ship, the crew and passengers push another button and the capsules, guided by rails, are ejected by explosive powder charges. The arrangement is seen in cross-section. After ejection, the capsules' descent is controlled by four-foot steel mesh parachutes. At about 150 above the ground or water, a proximity fuse sets off a small rocket that further slows the rate of fall."
The Challenge of Outer Space - The Plan ;-)
Thanks for all the links! This is a little off-topic, sorry, but it is significant. Have you guys heard what NASA is saying about the Chile quake?
NASA: Quake Shifted Earth's Axis, Shortened Day
Well - now that IS interesting Toe...
What is NASA getting teh public ready for? They really, really, really want you to know about this...
Of course - WE already new that - this is the second time within, what, six months that the media has blitz'd with water on the moon...
...lending credance to the rumor that TPTB control the meida - whats next?
...no comments about NASA lifting the water on the moon story?
This is big stuff folks - I mean - alot of US new it to be true already - but releaseing this to the public?
Nary comment...
I am confused a bit if the moon is going to be off limits or mil only why a big push to release this water at the north pole info now.
Unless maybe we are approaching an announcement or disclosure that the US doesn't have to worry about a space race to the Moon with other countries because the Space Force is already there. On to Mars....
Uncle Hoagie will be on Coast to Coast tomorrow night (Thursday) to lead a panel discussion about the future of space exploration, and I'm pretty sure he will talk about the water.
Also, Robert should be happy with the news about the water ice in the north polar lunar region. He kept griping about LCROSS going to the wrong pole.
I also noticed the picture of the moon map underlay with the circles and arrows for water ice at the north lunar pole had a big missing gap at the center (the north pole itself)
I guess they didn't want us to see Santa's house. ;)
Well, with the NASA's commisoner gordon saying that Mars is the ultimate destination (no kidding)...
...it seems to reason, at least with us here, that this "revelation" lays groundwork for the "port of no return". Anyone leaveing- at least on our end - wont be coming back for a long long time.
...internet infrastructure is becoming important...
Looks like the sqrewing around with the earth(HARRP) power force field is getting more than just Chile in trouble: [think about what I said before]
HA! We figured this would happen.
We spotted ION on the NSA CANADA CAM!!!:
The launch mechanizisimisem was based of our idea - but they went out instead of in...
In case you didnt know:
Sorry for the no comment. Been knee deep in a big solo tile job. I am one with the mortar. lol 12x24 porcelain(killer-tendon blaster)
Your right re: Nasa water story. I did pass that one along and it garnered some startled replies from my peers. Up til now, the main stories were from everyone else and not Nasa, so I get your drift.
Striking too, was the immediate story after MRO Radar Maps Extensive Subsurface Martian Ice
And funny how that same day, one could almost casually over look the story: Mars Express will skim over the surface of Mars’ largest moon on Wednesday, making the closest flyby of Phobos by any spacecraft. Passing at just 67 km above the surface, precise radio tracking will allow researchers to virtually peer inside the mysterious moon.
Peer inside eh?! Wow, after all the boogaboo about the Phobos and the failed Mars efforts...this sounds almost hohummm and now lost amidst all the water news.
GORT said: arrows for water ice at the north lunar pole had a big missing gap at the center (the north pole itself)
Oh boy, this will surely inflame the hollow planet premise to a new level. They are hiding the hole in the donut!!!!! :)
SWORD said: Anyone leaving- at least on our end - wont be coming back for a long long time.
...internet infrastructure is becoming important...
??Yet they say publicly that Mars can be done now in 39 days. Guess that is still 'a tour'. Now Ceres, Saturn, or Iapetus might be what? six months.
SWORD: NSA CANADA CAM???? Hmmmm Would've thought it might be CSE or CSIS but hey its all in the family.
Now....that might be my beer, but my pickup truck is a rusty red gmc and considering I install ceramic, muck stalls, and huck rugs, my gut is not like THAT. :P ...and god that's Winnipeg....pleaaase.
Now here in Ontario...this is how we trim our hedges Canadian style!
Thanks for the laugh.
ROFL! That ION find was awesome! Hahahahaha.
One question about the Luna Juice, I skimmed through all of those articles and none mentioned anything about us mining it. They did suggest using it for oxygen and drinking, but that was it. Where'd you hear/read about them "lifting" it?
ION said:
??Yet they say publicly that Mars can be done now in 39 days. Guess that is still 'a tour'. Now Ceres, Saturn, or Iapetus might be what? six months.
Exactley, six months, one way - no "hibernation" required...
Speaking of trimming the hedges, how about mowing the lawn?
Mow the Lawn
Sword said:
Anyone leaving- at least on our end - wont be coming back for a long long time
Now what might he really be saying here? hmmmm
Is the story going to be emerging soon more and more about the 'Earth like planets' we been 'finding'? Destinations perhaps a little further than local thinking? Ah just sudden questions in the wind.
I'm off to contemplate the theme/subject flow of Sword's recent links. Sometimes the full content is not the point. oops did I guess that out loud?! lol
..and speaking about 39(days)....I found the "Mason-Dixon Line" popped up for me tonight.
an east-west line at Latitude 39'43' 19.92216"N
Curious bit of something pretty organized beyond on the surface idea.
Hoagie could probably see some hyperdimensional math to it. Anyway, just had to share a spontaneous brain fart. ;)
IF, and that is a big IF - we find some sort of "habital" planet - technology is at this point - NOT possible to get there within reason - so it is NOT in the MIL-FACT pipe to smoke.
Yes, indeed, messeges inside messeges - something to NASH your teeth on...
Data is back from the skimming of phobos:
And we got some holy-moon story:
clamytoe: ;)
nothing I love better than manicuring a 'lawn'. Tks for link.
SWORD: Tks for affirming that. So many smoke blowers these days.
Uncle Hoagie has changed the face of TEM again. Now plugging the upcoming Alienevent New Hope for Humanity conference in LA. RCH to give keynote address: New Data on the Real Agenda of the Secret Space Program".
Thursday night on C2C was an intersting discussion. I missed the final hour with phonecalls, but I hear Hoagie saved the best stuff for that hour..
Real Agenda.
Fleets are for 'something' and not just for driving around the neighborhood feeling all armada. :p
Braking news (although this won't happen until April 15th -- Tax Day!
Obama to talk future of space program in Florida visit
RCH on Coast to Coast AM 03-04-2010
The Future of NASA
Part 1/15
The last hour starts during part 12/15
PHOBOS? Hollow? Ancient Martian space station?
ION said:
...driving around the neighborhood feeling all armada. :p
HA HA HA hehe
They see me armada'in - they hate'in...
Thanks for the link Gort - make sure to post that at the Shod...
...sure wish some guy on the interent spent hours doing transcription...
...still a NO video bandwidth sucking zone here...
Read the end of this article if nothing else:
Did you REALLY think we where getting rid of the shuttle?
Wallpaper of the ...err... ...can somebody tell me what the fuck this is?
Re the "China to Launch Space Station Module in 2011" link
-China’s “space station programs have clearly won out in government planning priorities over the lunar aspirations.”-
The way I read this - Stay away from the Moon, we will allow you to orbit the earth.
COOL wallpaper - It's all there - MATRIX!
Time to call in the CLEANER(Chuck) ;-)
Yeah - I read it the same way...
...I was pointing out that the China Gov is stating that the the "new" war is space, and proably has been for some time.
Bruce Lee and Pele are there sword.
I wonder how the Chinese found out it was orbit only?
Speaking of manicured lawns:
Not only that, but her ex-hubby grabbed the wheel while she DIDN'T work the brakes! On the way to meet her boyfriend. LMAO
One of the things RCH referred to was the site:
which has a link on enterprise mission
Lots of good info about the future of NASA and human space flight.
Working new blog post...
...its long and distinguished - just like my - hey now!
I wonder if underground hidey-holes and off-planet colonies have anything to do with info in this transcript:
Bill puts an optimistic and hopeful spin on the end of it if enough consciousness and awareness is raised. The alleged conspiracy is pretty horrendous, and almost unthinkable except it is plausible.
BTW, I love that painting of all the famous people, but I have no idea what or who is behind it. Are they all "stonecutters"?
I'll look at that here soon...
...the new blogg post is really going ot end up as a five or a six parter...
...I think you guys will get a kick out of the first part...
...it illustrates a point I am trying to make...
I think that new post is comming pretty soon...
Gort: Speaking of manicured lawns:
Not only that, but her ex-hubby grabbed the wheel while she DIDN'T work the brakes! On the way to meet her boyfriend. LMAO
LOL, that story got ruined when they showed her picture...
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