12.25.2009 (Reprise of: 12.16.2005)
The Wise Men

Part Two of Three
"The Wise Men"
Matthew 2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
In the last article I focused on the star – its appearance made quiet a stir, everywhere. While I did focus on the star, I left a few things of importance out regarding the wise men – why? The star of course, is the most important element of the whole story – it takes understanding of its appearance and its meaning to truly understand and absorb the next portion of my article.
To recap the last article:
The star of course appeared in the east and led the wise men from the east to the west – where Jesus was born. Remember – it "…went before them…" – and in a manner of speaking – lead them along their path.
King Herod – Roman-appointed governor of Judah – wasn’t in Jerusalem – he was the king of Babylon – and was located in Babylon. Herod was one paranoid bastard. Even his Roman friend Augustus had to admit, "I'd rather be Herod's pig than his son" – alluding to the fact that he killed many for treason (to include his wives and sons) out of his paranoia that someone would usurp his power.
I have no references that I can site that state that Herod was in Babylon. I just know he was there. Now, Herod knew - through his own advisors, priests, and astronomers – that the star would be seen rising in the east and this star would foretell of the coming king. Why not set up shop in Babylon and get the jump on the star? – thus he could send out men to search for the child and have him slain. He wasn’t the only one to have this plan.
Let get down to it.
Again – all references come from the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible – and specifically the book of Matthew, Chapter 2
The book of Matthew 2
2:1Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
From the east they came, and they came upon the King, Herod, in Babylon. They asked him, Herod – where is the king? This is quite amusing. Herod is supposed to be the King, and the wise men – from the east (Persia) are asking him – where’s the real deal? – 'cuz you ain’t it buddy!
Concentrating entirely on the KJV only, there is no reference to their ethnicity, or numbers. History points to the fact that they came from Persia – which is east of Babylon. Persia is Iran - Babylon is Iraq. The western tradition is that there where three wise men (probably because of their gifts – numbering three different types) – Eastern tradition sites twelve as the number of wise men. In this matter I would say in the beginning of their quest – twelve is correct – the tradition is in the east, and they came from the east.
Also on this matter – being wise men – they knew better than to send large numbers. Think about it. Large numbers of astrologer priests would either "scare off" any contact they might have with the very protected messiah – or result in them being killed and never heard of again. Best to lay low and send a few emissaries.
The King Herod isn’t going to smite the wise men for asking such a blatantly insulting question (and start a war with Persia to the east when he has enough trouble keeping the west under control) – instead he is shrewd enough to play along because they know something that he doesn’t. Thus we have Mat 2:3
2:3When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
You bet he's troubled!
Wise men from the east have been waiting for this event – and being wise – and knowing that the stars procession has been earlier and earlier, have set watch. When they see the faintness of it in the distance of the heavens – they send out a lead team – who then comes to Herod the King in Babylon.
Jerusalem is troubled as well – the star' arrival is early, really early. Word would have spread quickly through the land. So Herod – trying to save face and eager to get on with his plan of killing the "new" king before he has a chance to grow up:
2:4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
2:5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,
2:6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
King Herod gathers everyone together, making a big show of it. He demands from the wise men of the east, where is the child to be born? Basically asking in his court – what do you know? They, the wise men, say to him that the child is to be born "In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written "by the prophet". Well who in the hell is "the prophet"?
Well, if the wise men where coming from the east – thus, Persia – would they not be, Zoroastrian? Zarathustrianism (also known as Mazdayasna "Worship of Wisdom" ) held many of the same beliefs: of heaven and hell, free will, AND the belief of a coming savior. The Prophet Zoroaster is perhaps the "prophet" that the wise men from the East are referring to?
In any event – men from the east – come to say that "we have the same information that you have" – the child is in Judea, specifically Bethlehem. So, hearing this, and knowing he’s getting no where fast, King Herod asks a more specific question:
2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
Okay, he wants to get to the meat of the matter. He asks the wise men who have arrived from the east, when did you first see it? This is to help him, through his own wise men (looking silly right about now) – to figure out when the child was born. This data is needed to figure out just how old he might be, for Herod – that dastardly villain – has a plan "B". He’s paranoid – not stupid. So, he starts the wheels turning; he’s held on to these men of title long enough and he’s not getting any new information out of them. Thusly...
2:8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.
I can see the wise men rolling their eyes now!
Herod was knowingly evil, and the wise men would have known all about him as well.
2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.
So the faint star that the wise men first spotted in the east is rising on the horizon – and their head start is paying off. There going ot be in the right spot at the right time for the big event. They of course follow the star as it goes before them to Bethlehem. Lets keep in mind that they followed the star from east to west – it had to pass over head at some point – right? :-) :-x
Now, almost out of place, as if the original writer of the Gospel had to add in something very important to the story of the wise men – the astronomers, so Matthew tell us …
2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
This verse above is by far the most confusing placement of a verse I have ever heard of. Maybe not…We KNOW that the wise men have SEEN the star.
So what makes this verse, off on its own in the bible (not attached to any other paragraph) so special? What is the writer trying to convey? Well let’s think about it… You’re an astronomer from a very elite caste of "wise" and very "learned" men. Your so damn smart and knowledgeable, that you are given a "Title" – such as a baron might. Now, you have been studying stars, and learning of all the wonders of the cosmos – and what’s this? The star of crossing from ancient lore... The star of prophecy, that is a timed event that happens once every two hundred and fifty generations.
Thousands of years ago, your peers wrote about it – and you have languished over every word. It’s the super-bowl of astronomy – and you just so happen to live in the time that it will be seen. As an added bonus – the half-time show includes the birth of a great leader – a king – a messiah that’s got ALL the prophets talking.
So, as you, a royal astronomer, bears witness to the star of crossing traversing the very heavens in seven days time, what are you going to do? YAWN? Hell NO!!!
You're going to rejoice with exceedingly great joy! Your witnessing something that many thousands of years before you many scholars, scribes, priests and other astronomers have written about – and that many thousands of years from now WILL write about – and you're seeing it happen before your very eyes. Imagine if you will, living your whole life reading about an event that happens only every 2.5 thousand years (and counting down) and being alive to watch a PLANET of elliptical orbit – literally FLY across the night sky in incredible celestial speed – progressing the entire night sky in seven days!!! At the end, the after party ends with the star slowing fading from sight over the house which is the end of their journey – the house of the new king, the messiah.
Matthew 2:10 – while seemingly misplaced – spells out the fact that as astronomers – the wise men - they had one hell of a "whoop – whoop" dar roof, dar roof, dar roof is on fire – PARTY.
2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.
So, their journey is over (sort of) – their destination found. Their reason for traveling now rests before them. The child, which many religions have ordained to be the king of them all lies before them. They have witnessed the star of crossing, and now they are in the presence of a living god. They fall to Jesus' feet and worship him, and present him with the gifts: gold, for his king-ship (college fund); frankincense, a incense used for temple worship (diapers are bad smelling); and of course myrrh, a balm used for embalming as a symbolic gift/gesture of his coming death (if you wipe it under you nose it smells better than the diapers)… …
2:12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.
The above verse concludes the story of the wise men.
Knowing of King Herod's plans (I mean, he’s so obvious) and having no allegiance to Herod – they depart to there own country going the long way around.
In the end – they go with god – and stick it to the man...Truly,wise men.
As a side note – before I wrap this up and move on to trying to end it all with a bang (no pun intended) – I want to submit that the image starting the article out is a 6th-century mosaic in San Apollinare Nuovo, "Ravenna"… All three wise men seen in it are wearing Phrygian caps. Phrygian caps can also be found on The U.S. Senate seal – check it out:
http://www.senate.gov/ - and also The U.S. Army seal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:USArmySeal.png
(You can file that in the "Things that make you go – hmmmmmm)
Thanks for reading – stay tuned for part three – "The Savior – He cometh"
Your civil servant:
Having just posted with three wise men last night. (The Fool, Sword, Gort), I am grateful today for the thoughts and time people like you guys give to these efforts.
This morning having tweaked the new Blog a little, I am brought to reflect on Sword's remarks: Its nice to read blogs of yesteryear.
Kinda brings the blog back to the roots.
Perhaps it is sobering and thus not to many folk are clamoring to comment.
Yes, sobering, and humanly encouraging at the same time. Its almost game time, so lets see if the secret program is truly ready for the big cosmic test of humanity's sustainability.
Here is something NEAT
Check out this NEAT website
Be sure to check out all the links, maps, and services (including downloadable pdf files)
"... they saw a star in the east..."
And to reprise a comment from the first time this blogg ran,
"I (still) dig those Phryggin' Caps" !!!!
Sorry Gort: your links are blue but won't work for me.
The picture is here:
The wesite is here:
The map is here:
hope that helps :)
RCH now has "Nobel Torsion Message"
Part II up on Enterprise Mission.
We're closing in on the beginning of 2010. It's already Monday morning and New Year's Eve is Thursday night. ... Right after Missouri beats Navy in the Texas Bowl!
Checking in.
Old stuff is good stuff.
Read Hoglands stuff - its good stuff.
This is more good stuff - and completely off topic:
Blue moon on NYE:
Funny how I saiud harrp and then hoggie said harp... ...I knew he would.
Gotta run...
Checking in.
Not much going on around here - except me being busy with everything there is under the sun.
You'd think things would shlow down around here - not so.
I love it when the civillian world thinks teh cold war is over...
It was never over up there... ...at elast not perminetly.
Cold War really of 'who'?
A transnational cancerous cabal now coming to its end.
Disclosure Endgame
A highly linked and supported summary of what is happening right now and what has been the agenda of the factions. A 4 part E-Book(html. ....and yes it's free.
This is what Putin actually said:
"I think that we need certain rules on weapons limitation which could be equally understood, easily verifiable and transparent," Putin said. "The existence of those rules is better than their absence."
He repeated that offensive and defensive arms should be linked, because they are closely related.
"It was the balance of forces -- including missile defense, air defense and offensive weapons systems -- that preserved peace even during the Cold War," Putin said.
"Since we are not developing [our own] missile defense, there is a threat that our [U.S.] partners would feel totally secure having created an umbrella against our offensive systems," he added. "Then our partners might do whatever they want; the aggressiveness in real politics and economics would increase because of the broken balance."
In Soviet Russia, you make asteroid scared to come near Red Menace.
The Dr.
Those pesky Russkies have been at it since '45.
Same thought span - diffrent way of saying it...
In case anyone missed it...
...I certainly appreciate ION sending up the old blogs. Not a whole lot of comments considering the LAST time it was posted.
I willbe rewriting this whole series - more depth - more explanation of details.
It just wont be today, or tommarrow...
...or this year...
Re: Russians
yes, they have had 'divisions' within their nation, controlling(Bolsheveks) as much as America has been infiltrated by the Rothchild/Rockefeller cabals and we all have seen the corruption and the struggle amongst its apparent governing bodies.
Seems like Putin is the one who has booted the scoundrels out in this most recent times.
Sorry, about the Blog topic. I guess we are tuned to these other dynamics that have been discussed on going and are happening right now.
So Herod was in Babylon/Bagdad at the time the three wize guys came thru from Persia/Iran? And he consulted with his record keepers, who delved into their vast storehouse of knowledge.
By the waters of Babylon...
Here is my thought. Ok, so these Zoroastrian Wise Men knew and were expecting that celestial event to occur, and were stationed and/or on route to observe its 'passage'. That in and of itself is interesting to see that level of knowledge and understanding of the periodicity, but what I am most curious about is the expectation that there would be a birth in association with it?
I raised this question recently. What does the birth have to do with the 'star of crossing'? Is this a scenario much like the Buddhists whereby they were able to locate the re-incarnations of their Lhama's(advanced spiritual teachers). Notably the incarnations of the Buddha.
As Adi Da was said to be the karmic progressive incarnation from the master/Guru Vivekananda, I would like to know the deeper connection of the 'Star of Crossing' event with the expected appearance/birth of the Christ being.
They knew there would be a Divine Incarnation directly associated with 'brightening moment' of the passage.
That correlation is what Sword should describe for it is the whole premise of his three original stories. The Savior's Coming/The Three Wise Men/The Messiah's Birth.
So who was Jesus and why was he 'expected'? ...And expected with a signature like a basically celestial event which had occurred numerous times?
Does this come back to my early quip about the saying "I'll be there in a flash"?
Is this a means of entry into this manifest domain? All spiritual masters have described a premise of 'descent' or descending into form/or the body.
I have been musing about Nostradamus' brass tripod and compiling these thoughts with the 7chakras and the 8 pointed stars and compounding my intuition with the knowledge that Cygnus X-3 will soon line up with the galactic centre and leave us all naked to the gamma waves moving down the string to home sweet home.
This last link is to a radio program this afternoon.
Who knows what the shadow will bring.
2010 is not to be dismissed easily.
Russian scientists are reporting today that our Sun’s worst Deep Solar Minimum in 100-years has been broken by a newly discovered comet currently plunging towards its surface that has increased this past months Sunspot Number to 15.7, the highest it has been in Solar Cycle 24 since March, 2008, and has caused a massive eruption of C-Class flares for the past 16 days.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center had previously declared in 2008 about Solar Cycle 24 that it was “the blankest year of the space age”, a declaration he revised in 2009 when he stated “This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century”.
So powerful has this Deep Solar Minimum been during this cycle that scientists have reported a 50-year low in solar wind pressure, a 55-year low in solar radio emissions, and, most importantly, a 12-year low in solar “irradiance”; the sun's brightness which has dropped by 0.02% at visible wavelengths and 6% at extreme UV wavelengths since the solar minimum of 1996.
The critical danger to our Earth with the dropping of our Sun’s brightness lies in its “irradiance” levels being long associated with periods of Global cooling, including the catastrophic period between the 16th and 19th centuries named the Little Ice Age, a fact which American scientists have been accused of hiding from the public so as to further advance their now discredited theories of Planetary warming.
But to the greatest danger facing our World it is not from the horrific effects a massive Global Cooling event would have upon us, warn Russian scientists, but rather it is from the rising potential of our Earth being struck by, or “electrically interacting” with, a comet emanating from the currently destabilizing Oort Cloud from which these ‘space missiles’ are being increasingly hurled into our Solar System.
One such “electrical interaction” between these Oort Cloud “space missiles” plunging into our inner Solar System towards the Sun is occurring now, and offering further evidence supporting these Russian scientists claims after its discovery this week by Australian amateur astronomer Alan Watson who found this ‘new comet’ while inspecting images obtained by NASA’s STEREO-A's Hemispheric Imager. [Photo top left]
Important to note at this point are that Russian scientists stand adamantly opposed to their American counterparts over what constitutes a comet and defines their interactions in space. Where the American scientists state in their theories that comets are ‘dirty snowballs’ whose tails are formed by the ejection of an icy mass, Russian scientists ascribe to the theory of their being made of iron, and other such metals, and whose tails are formed by the electromagnetic interaction between them and the Sun. This is known as the Electric Comet Theory.
The comet currently plunging into the Sun whose arrival was ‘announced’ over a fortnight ago with the breaking of the Deep Solar Minimum and the mass ejection of solar flares supports the Russian scientist’s theories beyond all doubt, a fact, however, which the Americans will not acknowledge as their theories have never been designed for truth, but rather for the social engineering of their public to keep them as unaware as possible to what the future holds for our Earth.
And to what the American scientists fear above all else is their public becoming aware of the giant planetary body named G1.9 that is heading towards us and is now just 60 AU’s [1 AU=the distance from the Sun to Earth] from our Planet and growing in size.
Though not known to the American people about G1.9 is that since its discovery NASA has continued to maintain that it is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred about 140 years ago, an explanation deemed “absurd” by Russian scientists who point out, correctly, that for a supernova to have exploded in our own Solar System in the mid 1800’s it would have been not only visible to the entire Earth, it would have been extensively documented too.
Supporting these Russian scientists who state that G1.9 was never a supernova but either a new planet to our Solar System or a brown dwarf sun are their Spanish astrophysicist counterparts whose findings we can read:
“G1.9 was first identified as a "supernova remnant" in 1984 by Dave Green of the University of Cambridge and later studied in greater detail with NRAO's Very Large Array radio telescope in 1985. Because it was unusually small for a supernova it was thought to be young -- less than about 1000 years old.
But in 2007, X-ray observations made with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed that the object was much larger than the last time it was observed! It had grown in size by 16%. Puzzled by this observation, the Very Large Array repeated its observations of 23 years ago and verified that it had increased in size considerably. Knowing that supernova do not expand this quickly, unless they have just exploded, they explained that G1.9 must be a "very young" supernova -- perhaps not more than 150 years old. But no record of a visible supernova has been found corresponding to that historical period (about the time of the American Civil War).
Spanish astronomers have tracked this object with great interest because they were anticipating its appearance. Gravitational anomalies have been appearing in the Oort Cloud for some time, suggesting the perturbations were caused by a nearby object with considerable mass. The announcement that G1.9 had increased in size was no mystery to them. It is exactly what they would expect as the object moved closer to Earth.”
To the potential catastrophic danger posed to our Earth by G1.9 was evidenced in July, 2009, when the Planet Jupiter was hit by a large comet that entered its planetary zone unexpectedly, despite the efforts of astronomers to track these dangerous objects. Russian and Spanish astronomers contend that the comet that struck Jupiter was perturbed by the trajectory of G1.9, which until now, was not recognized and accounted for.
Though the Americans contend, also, that G1.9 has reached its closest approach to Earth in its orbit, Russian scientists couldn’t disagree more and point to the fact that NASA has so ‘continually failed’ in their explanations for this giant, and growing, “as yet unknown” space object as to have lost all credibility in any discussion of it.
And so alarmed have these Russian scientists become that this past week that Anatoly Perminov, head of Russia’s space agency, told Voice of Russia radio that they were ‘gearing up’ to protect our Earth from these ‘space missiles’, including the Apophis asteroid many believe could strike our Planet in the 2030’s.
Excellent find Eric!
Here's what I found this morning:
Just heard about the Henbury Meteorites field in the Northern Territory of Australia, a collection of over 13 small craters formed by a meteor breaking up before impact just over 4,000 years ago. Discovered in 1899. Biggest craters are close to 600' diameter and about 50 feet deep.
This is a really good example of a multiple impact scenario from fragmentation, hitting in a chain.
The meteor being iron-nickel and thus not tending to 'burn up' on entry like other types.
So this would have been a pretty huge event happening about 2000BC.
Funny thing is they didn't really research this site at all until the Karoonda Meterorite fell in 1930 and was witnessed. It was no big deal, but as we see with the recent fireballs of our past two years, it was described as "turning light into day".
One could imagine a meteorite like Henbury fragmenting in the atmosphere would have outstanding luminosity comparatively as it passed over and then the kind of effects from about 14 impacts!
This is pretty recent in Earth History. IT could not have been missed....and then a 'something' seen again some 2000+ years later possibly? Just surmising here. ;)
ericswan posted: Important to note at this point are that Russian scientists stand adamantly opposed to their American counterparts over what constitutes a comet and defines their interactions in space. Where the American scientists state in their theories that comets are ‘dirty snowballs’ whose tails are formed by the ejection of an icy mass, Russian scientists ascribe to the theory of their being made of iron, and other such metals, and whose tails are formed by the electromagnetic interaction between them and the Sun. This is known as the Electric Comet Theory.
Wow, good synchronicity there dude. Cosmic Winter(book) talked alot about the iron based 'meteorites' too and referenced this 'electrical' interaction.
Wow what a party! Whert day is it?
Monday! oh-shit
Where are my pants?
ION - birth in association with it?
He was orginally considered "THEE" messiah - but corrected everyone stating that he was not and that there would be another.
Of course - right now I don't have my notes - but he connected the "cowinkie-dink" of the star of crossing with this messiac/masonic/messy-ironic/iconic birth.
(Peace be with you! Where all going to die!)
Wiki the hell out of it...
ION, you can post your own blogg topic if you wish - as I will be busy for the next few days.
By Friday I will be removeing your admin rights...
Looks like everyone is as busy as I am...
Yes indeed, back to work etc.
Sorry..I don't have a Blog to post and frankly I would have liked to see more dialogue about this current one.
Having 'arrived' myself, on the day of a comet, I was hoping you would bring the three part story to some clearer point. It just sort of dangles with its vagaries.
Oh well....we're all gonna die!!!!
YUP Yupp'er...and ya never know quite when...and frankly half Fshod crew seem to have been facing death in health crisis for a while...so no biggy for me. Bring on the big show..here we go.
The Faces of Mars:
Don't Wanna Let You Go ‹
Preliminary Report Of The UfO Diaries-Faces Of Mars ‹
Another Face on Mars to Ponder ‹
It's another round of the Blame Game!
Thanks for the links ;-)
Look out! It's the Battle of The Album Covers!
Checking in.
Yep - everybody is busy.
Looks I am going to be moving into the higher ranking dorms here this month.
Proably will take me away from the blogg a bit - no word on that yet.
heres something ya'll should read:
Havn't read all of it myself - but heres a snipet(s):
"...as the "inventor" of both magic and astrology..."
"...the notion that Zoroaster was a Babylonian..."
"...Asteroskopita (or Apotelesmatika), and which ran to five volumes (i.e. papyrus rolls). The title and fragments suggest that it was an astrological handbook, "albeit a very varied one, for the making of predictions..."
"...other elements of Zoroastrian tradition, particularly the names of supernatural beings..."
Its a good read, also:
Interestingly enough - our famous knights have a connection to "...Bronzeware script for wu å·« "shaman" in CHINA ...
Funny isn't it - and perhaps in relation to the HAT - Magi is connected not only to the KNIGHTS but also to theworlds most famous and addored:
and ... of course ...
...ch unimaginably states "Many scholars, seeing the Gospel Nativity stories as later apologetic accounts created to establish the Messianic status of Jesus, regard the Star of Bethlehem as nothing more than a pious fiction..."
So if this reading (if you salty dogs actaully READ this stuff) dosen't stimulate conversation - then perhaps finding conenctions to Summerian and Babalonion Planet of crossing will:
I can't just TELL you - you have to come to this understanding as part of your enlightenment...
Class is in session.
Dont forget:
Wiki dosent cover it all - nor does it readily explore the connections with Mesopotamia and teh bible...
...imperiacal scieance states that these two cultures are "loosely" realted when in fact it is just a continuation of the same facts.
Wiki is also a CHEAT - I had to look up all this lore through BOOKS and libraries that, at the time, DID NOT make all this knowlege readily available...
...so thank the internet readers.
Knowlege is more vaulable than gold. If the Masons can be accused of anything - it would be the hoarding of knowlege speciacally for how valueable it is...
Discuss - discuss...
I'm listening...
Found this - found it very interesting:
Guess who's backyard its in?
"...It has performed several important observations on astronomical phenomena, such as solar & lunar eclipses..."
A major univeristy Astronomica nammed NIBIRU that specializes in astronomical phenomena...
Discuss - Discuss
Why is the "Star of David" dipicted here between the two gents on the left?
I'm post happy today.
I really NEED to re-write this three part series.
Dont miss this:
This is funny:
Latest picture of insurgents:
Noththing but time on my hands today and a class room full of talk and not one te'cha' ...
Gentelman - good day.
Curious about your mention of St. Nick/Santa Claus.
His seat of power is up north. Some say the North pole, some say Lapp Land in northern Finland near the wild blue corkscrew and big spiral in upper Norway.
I've been a little busy recently with some independent studies myself, but still reading the posts and following up on most of the links.
Hope 2010 is a good year for all of us, as the beat goes on...
Little one just turned 2. Full weekend. Thanks for input Sword, will chase links and ponder the crumbs.
Well alright then...
Your detail is starting to appear more often Sword.
Quoted from material from Laura Knight-Jadczyk:
Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear state that they will accept total control and domination?
A: Open. But if so, will "flop".
Q: (T) Why?
A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have "glitches". 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other events may intercede.
Q: (T) Such as what?
A: Earth changes.
Q: (T) Am I correct in assuming that some of these hot-shot, big-wig guys in the government who have plans for taking over the whole world and making everything all happy and hunky-dory with them in charge, are just simply not in synch with the fact that there are some definite earth changes on the agenda? Are they missing something
A: Close. They are aware but in denial.
Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the arrival of the cometary cluster?
A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?
A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.
*note: comet cluster = nibiru according to her source
YES, cometary cluster= Niburu, takes the 33 post. Too funny. ;)
What connections do you have to the 1/2 of 1% who own 95% of everything?
The story of the resurrection is a fraud, so there has to be a different explanation for the 'gifts' from the Magi.
I tend to lean towards Laurence Gardner's assertion that the 3 substances identified Yeshua as a dynastic priest-king of the Grail bloodline.
It is the only thing that makes sense in the context of the story, given the supposed lineage of Yeshua, and his upcoming 'ministry'.
It is very likely however, that the lineage of Yeshua has connections to Nibiru, since the lineage goes back to Sumer.
I'm not convinced that 2012 will issue in death, destruction and cataclysm.
I am of the opinion that the pain that will be endured will be more like that of childbirth, and not of torture.
Alright , the Fool telling us what childbirth is like!
The 4th Wise Man ;-)
Death To All But Metal!
The Fool said...
What connections do you have to the 1/2 of 1% who own 95% of everything?
About 1/4 of the time I feel like i'm doing twice (2X) the work for the 10% of the population who actually KNOW whats going on while the 0.00001% of the population tells me I should be doing 110% percent of fixing everything beacuse they know 100% of whats going on and should really be in charge of everything when in fact they know 0.0% of the facts and base 100% of there research on such solid acidemic sources such as the internet.
I am the .05% thats owns everything.
I don't complain - I do.
Bitching gets you no revenue.
Actions speak louder than words - and my actions will echo through history - just not tommarrow.
What connections do you have to the 5% that dont own what the 1% doesn't?
Checking in.
The "older" barracks seem pretty good - free wifi - excellant wi-fi at that.
Now, if I could just wrest one of those lecturns out of a outgoing senior that would be great.
Found link - how many things have been OMMITED - like the search thingy you see near the funnies in teh papper:
That is all...
Re: the Iapetus link
Cassini correctly surmised that Iapetus has a bright hemisphere and a dark hemisphere, and that it is tidally locked, [always keeping the same face towards Saturn]. like the Moon around our Earth
Because of this distant, inclined orbit, Iapetus is the only large moon from which the rings of Saturn would be clearly visible; from the other inner moons, the rings would be edge-on and difficult to see. From Iapetus, Saturn would appear to be 1°56' in diameter (four times that of the Moon viewed from Earth). Nice place to check things out from ;-)
acidemic sources such as the internet
I certainly don't get all my acidemic sources from the internet, the place where you seem to direct everyone for 'tidbits'.
It's taken me a while, but I'm now comfortable with who I am, what I do and what I know. It's been quite a journey over the last 15 years and I've enjoyed studying a WIDE range of subjects, from philosophy to history to economics to metaphysics and I've discovered that they are all tied together.
I've also learned that there are a lot of people who decieve, either on purpose or because they have not sought have a broad enough knowledge base to understand the complexities of the human experience.
Sure I'm guilty of NET-picking...
I could site a refferacne to soem books - but who in the hell in this medium would have access to it.
My point is this:
"What connections do you have to the 1/2 of 1% who own 95% of everything?"
...sounds dusch-baggish.
I'm the top 1% of people actully doing, (and mispeliing)instead of talking...
...thats all I care about.
Back to my studies...
My question was legitimate, if you are who you claim to be.
Since you claim to be such a high level person, in the know, then you certainly would have connections to the 1/2 of 1%. NOTHING happens without it being dictated by them.
THEY are the power brokers, not some Secret Society, not some Secret Elite Military Unit.
THE 1/2 OF 1%.
So, you are either a pawn or an agent.
It's fairly simple. And either way, it's shameful.
Nothing dusch-baggish about it!
I think perhaps there is a real stretch being made there to attribute a person like Sword to the half of 1%.
So, if he is in the secret space program and also is a Mason, that hardly places him next to the 'Elite' or 'Illuminati' shits.
My dad was a 50's fighter pilot and said he was in the 1% of the population but was nonetheless a citizen of his country bound to chain of command within the RCAF.
Sorry Fool to be contrary with you, but I don't get the extension of Sword into direct service as agent or pawn to factions like Rockefeller's and Rothchild's or the rich and shameless.
It's always been an easy conclusion that the space program was a fascade of mediocrity for the public with the leading edge unseen. Why are we brow-beating this guy time and again here like he was George Bush himself or something?
Sure lets keep vetting him and checking his back story to see if he stays true, but other than a now narrowed scope of story-telling, he appears to be simply a Captain who is under limitation now and sits where he is doing what he can to bring knowledge to light as the say.
No, I not a 'fan boy'. But my own research compounded with the Sword tale has gotten pretty weird and direct. Nothing dangerous though. But his tidbits he has been 'allowed' to let out have been re-inforced through other channels.
I'll take DAvid Wilcock for the big picture tie it all together kind of stuff, but at times I feel damn near like Martian Revealer. F'ing amazing stuff correlating to me. That's all I'll say.
Anyway dude, sorry didn't want this to be a defense for Sword, just a general thought that came out from your post.
I did not (or tried not to) connect Sword directly to the 1/2 of 1%.
What I did say was the 1/2 of 1% dictate ALL that happens. It is NOT dictated by Secret Organizations in and of themselves. Anything those Organizations do, is at the behest of the Elite. Sword is either aware of that, or not. If he is not, he is a pawn.
I'm not a huge fan of internet posting, because dialogue is extremely difficult for me in this medium. I excel at real time conversation and when I can't utilize it, I can be a bit unclear and disjointed, I'm also QUITE skeptical about secretive internet persona's.
I guess in hindsight, it's not necessarily shameful to be a pawn, if one does not realize it. One could actually think they are making a difference, for the common good.
You certainly don't have to apologize for anything you say or believe. I have great respect for you my friend.
F'ing amazing stuff correlating to me
Understandable, since EVERYTHING is connected, NOTHING has inherent independent existence.
You're just evolved enough to see the correlations.
I'm drawn to the idea that that material plane is a school of learning. But some are in Kindergarten, while others are working on their PhD's.
I know we are not in blog topic but this dialogue really speaks to the heart of some of what is occurring for some of us....in these days.
I see Sword's presence more subjectively... in the midst of an enlightening phase learning the knowledge of the cosmos. I'm sure it might be similar for you "Fool". Your knowledge range is extensive, and I have seen it over the years with the Shod crew topics.
So...more than merely just taking the Sword poster at face(or NOT Face) value, I find the symbology and powerful coincidence's and correlations becoming obvious to me. People like Jason first brought forth the premise of 3 33 333 as Divinely significant. Other pentagonal attributes etc already there and just not..noticed.
Whose signature? Masonic or Masons', I don't know. My father was a solitary Rosicrucian. I in many ways considered myself a shaman mystic, having moved through many studies. It was just a descriptive more so than a 'title'. Shaman essentially meaning, self realizer.
Yet here we are, same circle, information is flowing and sprouting spinning off small triggers here and FSHOD.
I am fatigued, but the varied info just keeps blasting in at me all the time. Not merely the Net, everywhere.
Anyway, too hard to get the thoughts out clearly. Big ditto on your remarks 'Fool'. Text and typing sure constricts.
Just had this thought. The pawns that can be pivotal for good, would not reveal themselves at all until just the right time to act. We all see the situation of the world in some measure now, but we don't see who are the beings who snip off the end games of the evil... at the absolutely perfect time.
Full-flat Map image of Iapetus(2.5mb)
good detail for viewing.
I don't remember if I posted this before, but this may have something to do with the Norway spiral, or not.
Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating ... Bernard J. Eastlund et al
Patent number: 4712155
Filing date: Jan 28, 1985
Issue date: Dec 8, 1987
Same guy who invented haarp...
One percent of 7 billion is 70 million and one-half of that is 35 million. That's a pretty big cabal!
The problem is not with the people who own everything, it's with the even smaller group of people who control everything.
And you don't really have to own to control...
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
I dont really care about money.
We have had this argument before - and I not going to get back into it.
Looks like I am moving up in the world. Cahngeing dorms just before OUR new semester(training period)...
Shortley there after I should be geting a new lecturn and the blogg posts will be getting better.
Right on. Looking forward to it.
Congrats on the new digs. Hope you have some privacy.
Speaking of which - time for a new blogg post...
...not today and not tommarrow...
Interestingly enough:
More interestingly enough:
Ahhh - yesteryear - and no one had/has a clue!
The most interestingly enough - enough already:
The dentists here must be sadists...
S&M crowd...
Nuff said
I saw this link off your dyansoar link:
I didn't know neil armstrong was a dynasoar pilot...
And let the Spin Begin:
Norway Time Hole “Leak” …
Fleet of Three UFO …
1 minute to midnight.
Gort - that DeepCold site is COOL, you know it has been up and down at least 10 years now - Zorgon helped get that back online, great QT movies for back in the day ;-)
Sword - I had my own session with a SkullSrapper this past summer - "Little Miss Perfect" she was - she wanted the follow up X-Rays just to make sure!
What a Dragula ;-)
Checking in...
Yeah - seems alot of sillyness is going on.
Today in class brought a new topic for a blogg post.
We are researching what was brought to colonize teh new world - and reflecting that on what WE are bringing to reinforce teh current trial blazers.
Interesting stuff - and will prably be the next blogg post.
So - get thinking.
If your going to colonize mars - the hard way - what do you bring with you?
Hey Meangreen, that Norway article by the Pak Times is the same as a recent Sorcha Faal article.
Hydrogen Gas Cannons Could Launch Payloads to Orbit
Hunter explained to Universe Today via phone interview, "So here's what happens: I started back in 1985 at Livermore and I was fresh out of grad school and they hired me to build electric guns which I could have done pretty straightforwardly. But I ran into a guy at a cocktail party, believe it or not. He knew I was working on post-production coil guns and and he said, 'John, those are great because you can get 12km/s where we can only get to like 9 km/s with these gas guns.' I said, 'What's a gas gun?' That's what started this whole ball rolling. As it turns out, the electric guns only get to 5.5 km/s and gas guns get to 11km/s."
the escape velocity of the Earth, is 11.2 km/s (6.95 miles/s).
Now if that bit of disclosure trickling out as something 'new' wasn't intriguing...this word play here sure did.
The record setting cannon for altitude of a projectile was the High-Altitude Research Project (HARP) cannon. It was built by the United States Department of Defense and Canada's Department of National Defence,
Another iteration, developed by Dr. Hunter himself, was the Super High-Altitude Research Project (SHARP, an homage to the original cannon) in the late 1980s by Lawrence Livermore University
A HARP Cannon? ...and a SHARP Cannon?!?
IonTruO2 - Thanks for the link. It almost seems a little(Dr. Rick) Two-Good to be true ;-)
What a trip - One of the first rockets that I had was a "Water Rocket"!
You might say, "A gun to shoot stuff into space? That sounds like something out of Jules Verne!" And you'd be right: in Verne's "From the Earth to the Moon" a giant cannon called the Columbiad was used to propel three of the characters in the story to the Moon.
"Jules Verne got it right, he just had to pick the correct fluid, "
From the video:
"Hydrogen guns have the world record for velocity (11.2 km/s set in 1966), and work due to hydrogen's low weight hence high sound speed."
How to Build a Water Rocket £§Âª
"Hydrogen guns have the world record for velocity (11.2 km/s set in 1966), and work due to hydrogen's low weight hence high sound speed."
Wayne - Not sure where this Sorcha Faal is coming from, but looks like EricSwan knows something:
"ericswan said...
Sorcha Faal turns out to be a nom de plume for David Booth, a retired computer programmer from New Hampshire who stirred up limited controversy in conspiracy circles with the promotion of his book ‘Code Red: The Coming Destruction of the United States 2004.’ Booth claimed the book originated in a “consecutive ten day dream he alleged he experienced in 2003 in which he saw a large sized planetary body pass close to Earth causing an explosion. This was then built up into the story about ‘Planet X’ a heretofore unknown planet in our solar system on a very long, elliptical orbit. In May 2003, it was alleged by the lunatic fringe that the non-existant “Planet X” would pass close enough to the Earth to affect it in some way, causing it to flip over (what many call a "pole shift") and spur many other huge disasters. The end result was solemnly predicted be the deaths of many billions of people. There are a large number of web pages, chat rooms and books about Planet X and its horrible effects on the Earth. So the question is, does this planet exist, and did it come close enough to Earth in May 2003 and cause great catastrophes? Did an atomic bomb explode over downtown Houston, Texas, on December 25th, 2004 by orders of Paul Wolfowitz? Many internet readers were breathlessly informed of this by a Canadian masquerading as the “German Guy,” a purported senior intelligence official in the German BND. Houston still stands, undamaged, and as far as
April 8, 2008 1:24 PM
Rocket Queen ;-)
Hi Meangreen,
This story: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1319.htm
Same as Pak Daily you linked to.
It all depends on who you talk to as to who Sorcha Faal is. The site ways one thing, we see ericswan's take, Christopher Story says she's a cia disinfo agent in Va. I guess the list could go on.
Anyway, I look at all that material and try to find the 'balance', if there is one.
Lotsa airplanes today sword. ;)
Hi Meangreen,
How many years ago did Sword tell us about doing silent launches of 'shuttles' or 'dyna-soar'(get it!) hotrods out of the mountain?
Now I think he talked about a compressed 'air' launch, and not exactly a hydrogen premise but hey potato potato.
Hunter meeting the guy 'at a cock.tail party' sure smells like a fishy story. ;) I figured this was again a little leak for disclosure wrapped in an obviously cheesy story. Show what your 'starting' to work on, even though 'someone' has already done it...ten years ago. lol
Thanks for telling the truth Sword. It just takes time for your little disclosures you were allowed, to finally get validated in the lower rung of media.
Sorcha Faal: Sorry I have seen many obvious plain incorrect stuff from 'them' so I don't follow much anymore. Ericswan's post doesn't look like his own words to me. Perhaps its a copy/paste without a link source?
the quote: This was then built up into the story about ‘Planet X’ a heretofore unknown planet in our solar system on a very long, elliptical orbit. In May 2003, it was alleged by the lunatic fringe that the non-existant “Planet X” would pass close enough to the Earth to affect it in some way, causing it to flip over (what many call a "pole shift") and spur many other huge disasters.
Now really ;)
Sitchen published The 12th Planet in 1976 within which they had decoded from their prior 35 years of research, the story of the Epic of Creation etc, which pretty much spelled it out. Other than small variations over time, planetX anything is not a new theme from 2000+.
The funny thing is the guys like Sitchen were not 'the lunatic fringe' in fact totally the opposite...they were the classic academia. Sitchen was one of few who could translate ancient Hebrew, and they were key in the decode of 40,000 Cuneiform tablets and other cross references like Egyptian-Hieroglyphs and ancient Greek. The whole off planet premise was arrived at from the clarity of no prior intent. It just became obvious from many references on the tablets that the knowledge was from the 'outside in' not from Earth looking out as history seemed to imply.
Big question is: Is this what remains of Kingu after so very many orbits now. The debris field of Sword's tale? Also referred to in a number of sources as 'niburu'. Torn asunder over time and now a mess coming through the Taurid Stream?
How about that...66th comment. (33-33). :)
The funny thing is the guys like Sitchen were not 'the lunatic fringe' in fact totally the opposite...they were the classic academia. Sitchen was one of few who could translate ancient Hebrew, and they were key in the decode of 40,000 Cuneiform tablets and other cross references like Egyptian-Hieroglyphs and ancient Greek. The whole off planet premise was arrived at from the clarity of no prior intent. It just became obvious from many references on the tablets that the knowledge was from the 'outside in' not from Earth looking out as history seemed to imply.
Big question is: Is this what remains of Kingu, planetx, after so very many orbits now. The debris field of Sword's tale? Also referred to in a number of sources as 'niburu'. Torn asunder over time and now a mess coming through the Taurid Stream?
How about that...66th comment. (33-33). :)
The funny thing is the guys like Sitchen were not 'the lunatic fringe' in fact totally the opposite...they were the classic academia. Sitchen was one of few who could translate ancient Hebrew, and they were key in the decode of 40,000 Cuneiform tablets and other cross references like Egyptian-Hieroglyphs and ancient Greek. The whole off planet premise was arrived at from the clarity of no prior intent. It just became obvious from many references on the tablets that the knowledge was from the 'outside in' not from Earth looking out as history seemed to imply.
Big question is: Is this what remains of Kingu after so very many orbits now. The debris field of Sword's tale? Also referred to in a number of sources as 'niburu'. Torn asunder over time and now a mess coming through the Taurid Stream?
And he posted it three times.
So - yeah - air(hydrogen) luanched space craft.
The military has been doing this for decades.
I first entered the blogging realm with that tid-bit years ago.
I know of it beacuse I have riden on it. We call it the happy go pukey...
"THEY" have to acknowelge its exsistance into the mainstream media now so that latter they can say that the general public was made aware of it previously.
It works - and - it fits into HOW its all trickleing out.
Yeah - it is nice being - whats the word - verified? I dunno.
Around here we are having whats called the storm of the century - lots of snow and rain. Sure has shut things down around here.
Got the topic for the next blogg post - so I'll be working on that - but alas - my nmove is this weekend so don't expect a change this week or next until things settle down ans we dig ourselves out.
...I'm moved.
There should be a new blogg post soon.
Interesting? Or old passed as new?
Check the pic on the right:
So we had a strange revolt the other day...
...damm janitors..
In case you missed it:
That Space Suit kinda looks like the Major Matt Mason ones :-)
Spies inside a MOLe - Just doesn't sound right. Hey, what's going on here?
"No records were found for the other suit, with the intriguing identifying number 007. It still belongs to NASA, and the agency's plans for the suit are still being determined.
Other historical treasures found in the room include old film canisters, one flown shuttle main landing tire, electrical equipment, and various miscellaneous boxes.
The MOL program left other legacies to NASA, as well. When the program was cancelled, seven of the younger astronauts were transferred to the agency's human space flight program and went on to have standout careers. Among them were Robert Crippen, pilot of the first Space Shuttle mission, and Richard H. "Dick" Truly, who later became NASA Administrator."
I've moved to Space Station #5, see you next time around ;-)
When they say abondoned - I always think - moved to different people/responsibility...
Its all over the news.
The rover is perminetly stuck...
Until it "moves"...
Checking in - boy it seems dead - most must be busy - as I am.
Yet - I labor over the next few days to bring a new blog post.
This looks vaguely familiar:
for a larger picture of above:
It reminds me of:
Satellite signature suppression shield
United States Patent 5345238
PDF of patent (with drawings) is here:
Description is lower part of this page:
Yep - your pretty close there Gort
I'm up to my nipples in work - so - I apologize that the new blog post has not come to pass as of yet.
...thought this was a rumor - certaijnly has alot of heads spinning around HERE:
(there are more links than this - but this one has more info)
If he/why/what?
Will Mil-Fact countinue as planned? Certianly - but at what level? Weird.
Well - thats the buzz around here.
Hogland will more than likely be saying something about that I'm sure.
Hoagland was on c2c briefly wednesday night saying his inside sources had a different take on the NASA budget/Moon exploration. The NASA administrator is giving a big speech on Monday and Hoagie will be back monday night with an update.
He was also on C2C for the last hour on monday night, previewing the part III of the Norway Spiral series, among other things, with a possible tie in to the Haiti earthquake.
We "knew" all that though difnt we?
What was this up in Canada?
Now there's a cow-link-dink...
Interesting and all the rage (and rage it is) around here.
The civillian side is going nuts - the military side is wondering whats next - and if some of the really interesting mil-fact projects are going to go through (when they where not before) ...
Another bit of interesting:
More interesting than that:
Can't someone go up there with a tractor beam and pull out some of the orbiting space debris (black) and orbiting dysfuntional satellites (grey)? Or are the grey "black" ?
No longer used by the people who put them there?
Or take some big Glad trash bags...
Yes the grayed out amount is the dysfunctional amount - Russia by far as much more than anyone else.
However - I dont think there dysfunctional at all. Just floating bullets waiting to be used.
Somebody floated this around today after the "annocement" early realting to gays in the millitary:
Space gets nuts within days first theres no news - then nuttin but.
We knew this was coming:
Some more on that:
Sell-out w/hidden message = No sell out? Can YOU spot the hidden message?
Near 55:30 he breaks down:
Another spin:
There is ALOT of very SERIOUS talk around here. Military space travel is still going on in force - however - the DELAY of moving the global social conscious forward is ending up in some very serious debate.
RCH will be on C2C tonight first two hours to talk about NASA new direction/budget and more about the Norway Spiral.
Zecharia Sitchin was on C2C last night, fourth hour.
"Suspected Asteroid Collision" - if you flip the image 180 it kinda looks like the phoenix rising from the ashes ;-)
I think the hidden message is the Moon is off limits!
Check this area of Mars - much to see!
Re: the "break down", check out the (Alien-Bald-Head looking) dude to the left that flips off(Time Stamp-55:48) the reporter.
Love to watch Her Strut ;-)
Correction: RCH was on the LAST two hours of Coast to Coast AM last night/this morning.
PART III of the Norway Spiral is up on Enterprise Mission dot com and it's long and involved.
The short of it is the Russian Bulava rocket was grabbed in mid flight by some kind of advanced technology that stopped it in its tracks and spun it around like a pin-wheel. The third stage was moving across the sky at 200 to 400 miles per hour, instead of the 9,000 to 12,000 miles per hour it was supposed to be doing.
He also talks about the tetrahedron over the Kremlin, the radar anomalies in various places including recently over Australia, the HAARP, and EISCAT projects, Ian Flemming, Nazi advanced technology after the end of WWII, the earthquake in Haiti, the pulverization of the Twin Towers, and a secret war up above. Oh yes, and the sudden end of return-to-the-moon.
It's a doozy!
Thanks guys for the good inputs. ;)
Stay away from me pot of gold!!! And grab me some single malt scotch while your at it!!!
From the Enterprise Mission link that Gort posted:
My hi-light copy/pastes(for those that may not digest the whole article.
An obvious spaceship of--
"The Secret Space Program!"
Two overwhelming ... torsion-based ... weapons/space technology demonstrations--
Completely confirming what we could only speculate about in Part I.
"the Floating Anti-Gravity Tetrahedron over the Kremlin"--
it should come as no surprise that our own first thoughts regarding the ultimate "creators" of this obviously "Tetrahedral Warning" was--
The Secret Space Program!
An "over a half-century-long Program" ... completely hidden from all public view ... the REAL Space Program ... based not on "primitive and dangerous space technologies, like rockets ..." -- but on deep-black, cutting-edge, Nazi-WWII-developed HD/torsion technologies--
Which brings us to--
The current, increasingly provocative manifestations of "some kind of HD/torsion war... currently going on upstairs!"--
A war strongly supporting the idea that there are (now ... after some ~60 years) probably increasing, warring, factions among these Nazi-derived off-world colonies --
As we count down to "2012" ....
And one of those (apparently ...) has now chosen to confront the two largest "conventional" military powers on Earth --
Via "the Norway Spiral" ... and "the Moscow Tetrahedron."
The war is escalating ....
This incident (and many more ...) form an unmistakable pattern now, allowing us to trace the potential origins and escalation of this War -- from the Truman Administration ... forward--
Information that, fortunately, is now on DVD ... the remarkably prescient model I was able to present at the Secrets Conference, in November -- which includes uniquely-verifiable, official evidence of exactly "who" murdered President Kennedy ... in light of this new evidence, in part, because he threatened this 'Secret Space Program.'"
Information that will become a much-needed "backgrounder" (if we are right ...) on what is looking to become a heck of a 2010--
"The Year We Make Contact."
With memories of my now-departed friend, Sir Arthur C. Clarke ....
A War obviously "continuing to escalate" ... occurring, perhaps, between some "rebellious faction" of the (in our model) "Nazi-derived Secret Space Program" ... and the "real world" political and economic infrastructure of the rest of this entire Planet ....
Wow Sword, so Hoagland is finally starting to come out with it. Finally. The inquiring questioning element to it is just for show.
Bring it on now Sword. Time to tell your tale. You have said in the past there was a space race and you guys won and surpassed them(Russia) in the end. So if there are rogues now as you yourself hinted many many months back....it doesn't look like you guys hold the 'upper hand'.
My bigger question is, who ARE the rogues? A schism from within America's secret program or Soviet Russia's previous effort?
You call your group M33 'Pirates' but I recall it more rightly was 'Buccaneers' which has a different connotation altogether. You said to us that Navy has leadership of the 'Fleet' at this time and that 'everyone' was up there(including Air Force/Army/Intel etc).
SO if Hoagland again is fanning the flames of conspiracy and drama and linking the Tetrahedral craft over Moscow to it.....how does that relate to the biggest/fastest ship in the 'legitimate' fleet we have heard rumored to be a Tetrahedral(pyramid) style?
Where is 'your' authority? Haiti should not have happened, nor should China's quake(I suspect).
IS this really 'Star Wars' being mimicked...again. Funny how history repeats itself eh?
WTF is this?
My last post went defunt - maybe I put something in there sensitive?
Oh - now I remember - "How to hide an airplane factory" maybe that was the link...
...maybe I should have called it - "how to hide a moon/mars base"
Gort said...
stopped it in its tracks and spun it around like a pin-wheel.
Yeaah - we can't do that...
If it WAS stopped in its tracks then it wouldnt look like a pipwheel it would be a doughnut of smoke...
Its "harp'ish" technology - next gen if you will.
ION said:
Where is 'your' authority? Haiti should not have happened, nor should China's quake(I suspect).
Or SHOULD it have?
Anyway - I make alot of reffreances and I post alot of links. Some 'refferances' are already known and just point to remind ya'll. Some links are put in place beacuse I know something will happen - and you diggers find the goods without me spelling it out - and getting my @$$ in trouble.
As for the refferance as to the rouges - I could have been talking about US, SWORD. I'd would have to see teh context. If anything however would be close to the truth - my platoon could/should/has been - considered "rouge".
It's funny where on the outside of the inside, the white of the black, and the loudest of the silent...
The US has been on the inside track since the early 1900's. We just descided not to tell anyone about it. Russia has been trying to catch up since then - spending magic money like it didn't really exsist (it didn't) and literlly wining the propogando war of the early space race.
Ultimetly - we have more in common, and do more jointly than anyone could imagine... ...On the civillian side...
Its the military rivalry that is pissing me off and coosting lives and equipment. Some of you have heard some of these tales, sometime soon I will get the list of missions together and tell the WHOLE tale - BUT - only when I'm on my way and my ass can't be nibbled off.
The problem with all this next gen tech and propoganda wars is this - WHEN - NOT IF - WHEN - the REAL space treaty is broken - all bets are off and the shit will definetly hit the vacum...
What treaty? OH - that ALL civillian space equipment is OFF LIMITS to the rivalry.
As you might rememeber - this was recently "toyed" with by our Soviet "freinds"...
Anyway - the space war, which I have been elluding to and talking frankly/in depth of - LONG before anyone else - needs more than one blogg post to sum it up.
I still have my mind set on the next blog post - and the secrect space war will not be it - I have a direction in mind - and elements of that have already been hinted at...
Interesting - anything about the MIL-FACT in there?
For ION (for whom I will never run out of canada links)
Wallpaper of the week
Did you see the recent Cassini photo of Prometheus? (One of Saturn's smaller moons)
Description here:
I've seen it now.
Lost in space?
Sorry fellas, still havn't had time for the new blogg post - titled "Self Sufficent"...
Ala' Kim Stanly Robinsons Red Mars. If you read the book - you'd know this was "foretold"...
And GHOST lets out a huge sigh of relief...
That is all.
So easy a Big Baby can do it ;-)
Prometheus: Over Easy
Looking for all intents and purposes like a celestial egg after a session in Saturn's skillet - Krack that baby open, let's see what's inside!
Re: - How To Hide An Airplane Factory
So that's where Cheech & Chong got the idea from in Nice Dreams - Cool!
Dreams I'll Never See ;-)
Checking in - while I can...
Looks like the Moon is strictly Millitary ONLY.
More on that latter..
Checking in.
Either everyones busy or shocked that the moon is "unofficailly" millitary only...
More life leaks:
"All these worlds are yours..."
Funny - the copy of 2010 I have actually lists Hoggie - by name...
fyi Sword: There is accountability.
CFB Trenton commander charged with murder
Col. Russell Williams accused of killing 2 women, sexually assaulting 2 others
This is an important base in Canada.
...sorry to heat that.
Some of the training they have us doing here is getting out of hand:
Wallpaper of the week:
That ryanschude pic begs the question:
now what could possibly go wrong with that?
and: was there alcohol involved?
Not sure how to interpret or react to your latest news about the moon.
Nobody from around here has been going there anyway lately. I guess it will be interesting when India or China try to go.
The Moon is a distinctively good 'shield', so its inclination to military only kind of makes sense. Even for an ARK project.
At this stage of the 'real technology' I think the Moon is not actually that useful. The Lagrange zones are far better for ship building, asteroid corralling(mining), base building. I see the point now of the next emphasis being more towards Mars being that it has been disclosed in public now that we are technologically capable of the trip in a third the original time and it is now 3 month's( we know even better don't we Sword).
They talk about Mars, but there was leeks previously that seem to suggest Venus was the first focal point, but hey maybe THAT already has been done. ;)
Really, why would anyone bother building bases and cities on the Moon when its job is to take the brunt of most incoming bombardment? Its evidence is obvious and it has taken a beating.
Ya Gort! Can you do the math and trajectory on the equal and opposite reaction?! lol
Hollywood stunt air bags have quick release panels on the sides so the energy is transferred laterally...
They use a hook-and-loop closure (aka Velcro (r) ) to keep the air in until it is needed to be released.
That's part of the magic of Hollywood. The ancient Druidic "wise men" (wiz.ards) made their wands out of holly wood. They may have had some connections to the magi. Bringing back the original blogg topic ... ;)
Ay Dios Mio!!!!
Little further North, I might have been able to see it, being in So Cal.
Dr. V
Iontruo2 said:
Really, why would anyone bother building bases and cities on the Moon when its job is to take the brunt of most incoming bombardment?
Yeas - why bother building something already there.
DR: We shoulod worry when radio and otehr telecommunications stop transmitting from that area.(via war of the worlds)
On a note - I was wrong when I said that R.H> was wrong about it being a "held" missile. I had the chance to read - peruse if you will - teh article (PIII) and he of coruse states that it is a beam weapon...
...which is correct - concentrated harrp. Like I said before I have seen this before - but on a much smaller scale...
Saturn area news:
According to this more recent article, the "meteroite" has been determined to have been a Russian satellite considered "Space debris."
Satellite fell between Puebla and Hidalgo, according to scientists; rule meteorite
Location Google map link:
30 meter diameter crater. Ouch!
More on the impact in Mexico:
Russian company eyes offensive military satellite
Protonex could power robotic exoskeleton
Ihave a surprize for you guys latter today...
Working,lurking,present to heear. Digg,n deep these days. cough hack.
Do tell Sword.
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