The Saviour's Coming

The coming of a savior… Part One
"and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them"
Hello, this is Sword.
For our blogging community I would like to tell of a story that we all think we know through and through. It has been a story told for over two thousand years, and over the course of time, has changed, and perhaps, lost its meaning – and ultimately – its true meaning and understanding.
This story I wish to tell is the story of the coming of Jesus and the other two important elements of the story of his birth. I would also like to do this in three parts. Those two other elements of course are the star of crossing – or star of Bethlehem; and the three wise men. I will concentrate my references from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, specifically the book of Matthew.
The Star of Bethlehem
I will start with the element of the story that seems to be the most important, as it begins the story of Jesus arrival, that is the all telling star. Some have speculated that is was a conjunction of planets on the constellation of Pisces; that is of the FISH. Some have said that it was a comet, possibly Halley's comet, and others have even speculated that is was a super nova, first of course by our champion of elliptical orbits: Johannes Kepler. Much has been speculated about this star. However, let us reflect and concentrate as to what is reported in the KJV bible. To set the stage:
Matthew 2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the
king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,
2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star
in the east, and are come to worship him.
The above sets the stage. Jesus was born in the days of Herod (the dastardly villain), and then three wise men came looking to worship him.
Now, after the stage is set, things get interesting, listen:

2:3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him.
2:4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people
together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
So, everyone is in an uproar. Everyone is troubled. WHY? Something tells me that the star is early. Let us also remember that the star of Bethlehem has been depicted as a comet. That is, a bright "star" that has a tail. Thus, a fast moving celestial body.
King Herod gathered scribes, which is an important wording. Scribes would have access to all the kingdom records. Why would recorded events be of importance to the King during a time as this? Why would records be important to the "wise men" – also known of the time as astrologers or magi (those dealing in things magical)? Indeed, WHY?
The answer is staring us in the face.
The bible is taking into account that we, the reader, have an understanding that thousands upon thousands of years of historical records were kept by mankind in the ancient Summerian culture (and others) of the ever-important - and ever reoccurring "Star of Crossing". As told to me, the Bible is, "one book of many" – meaning – do not discount the others!
Thus: The king, the wise men (astrologers), and the scribes with all their astronomical recorded events are preoccupied with the star of crossing’s arrival.
2:7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them
diligently what time the star appeared.
Diligently! Diligently, on their backs so to speak – the king wanted to know WHEN the star appeared AND – while not mentioned in the bible (yet implied: "gathered all the chief priests and scribes") – HOW does this reflect on the previous records. The difference in timing makes or breaks the world in this aspect. All of the kingdom was troubled. Everyone can see it, witness it – it’s a tangible truth that can not be escaped. This was a timed event remember – that is, this star of prophecy – it was recorded and foretold to happen over and over - for thousands of thousands of years – and whether or not is was early or late was of GREAT importance to everyone – including the kings. The "wise men" – the astrologers, and the scribes would have a very keen interest in regards to the star being early or not. After all, it was an astrological event that would have happened every twenty five hundred years or so. The star, showing up quite early, in a precession of continually showing up early (as recorded) would tell them all they needed to know.
Remember: "…he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." We can understand why Herod would be troubled – for a new king was to arrive – but all of Jerusalem as well? Would this not be a time of celebration immediately? But no, it isn’t – everyone is troubled at first with the appearance of the star.
In Matthew 2:8 the king sends his astrologers out to follow the star to the location of the child’s birth, while he states he wishes to worship him – we all know – biased as readers by his previous actions – that he only wishes to slay him. But back to the matter at hand – the star. Let us see if we can really understand the key phrase here:
2:9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which
they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where

The key phrase of course is: "…went before them…". It literally led them along. Let us consider the location of the wise men – they where to the east of Bethlehem, east of Jerusalem, in Babylon. The rough estimate of travel distance between Babylon and Jerusalem is six hundred miles – to the West. Let us consider this fun fact: "Riding camels" can travel up to 100 miles in one day. For the wise men to follow a "star", over a distance of six hundred miles to Bethlehem west from Babylon, would mean that they would have had to travel day and night – until finally the star faded from sight and there journey was complete. If the wise men where to follow this star over a distance of roughly six hundred miles, they would have followed this "star" for six days, and on the seventh day…

2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with
Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had
opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and
frankincense and myrrh
As a side note, I love the above verse. It has nothing to do with the star of Bethlehem. It instills peace in my heart, for the following verse(s) show what witnessing the child could do to men of good hearts. Well discuss that in part two.
So, to recap:
A "star" appears, the star of prophecy – and all of the sudden the most powerful king of the land calls for his astrologer’s, priests and scribes. The fact that Herod called for astrologers is one thing, yet – to call for scribes indicates he was looking at historical records!
He sends forth the astrologers– and they follow the star from Babylon west to Bethlehem – roughly six hundred miles away. This journey, by camel would take six days, finally reaching their destination to worship the child on the seventh day.
What could be in the sky that would be illuminated enough for three astrologers to follow for six days worth of travel? Additionally, the star "went before them" – east to west!
What could possibly travel in the sky for six days traveling east to west?
A planet of elliptical orbit perhaps? Could it be the "Star of crossing" from ancient Sumerian lore?
Stay tuned for part 2… …The three wise guys.
Thanks ION for squareing that away.
Well, this was published orginally a long time ago - and was one of teh big pushes to WHY we aer all here.
I stated that the whole big issue with 2012 was the return of the star of craossing and all teh "fortold" things to come listed in the bible - most notable of course where the bible entries in Matthew.
I'm fairly certain that over the course of the three "CHRIST-MASS" bloggs I get into the meat of the issue.
I also stated years ago that we should be able to "see" this return. Still no evaluation of that ifrared item linked from google sky that for some reason was "blacked" out...
...come to think of it - Bara and company have revisted this "Star of Crossing" recently - still pushing the "brown dwarf" angle...
tsk-tsk... ...they know better.
ION - thanks again - and at this point I am thinking that part two should be posted on/about 25th - if you get the chance.
Thanks for saving all teh old stuff...
lets see if there anything happening in the media why I am here...
...spelling is horrible today.
I got my mind on my funding and funding on my mind. Mo' money...
Wallpaper of the week...
Wallpaper of the month:
From the Tesla files:
Now we're REALLY going to have to blow them up. OR...
Surgical strike with a BGR Squad...
Feel free to discuss the BLOGG TOPIC...
ya all in threes :)
Dan 12:12 ;)
Read this and weep!
Revealing the Star of Bethlehem
Glad to help. The second one was 'The Three Wise Men" and then the third was "The Messiah's Birth".
Then there is this:
Animation of Wormwood Orbital Path
Gilbert Eriksen was a guest on C2C last week and his webite is here:
The explanation is here:
The Wormwood Science
(An excerpt from The Millennium Prophecy)
The Physics of Destruction
(How the Wormwood Brown Dwarf Star Destroys Things When It Gets Here)
It's pretty good, and he had me going for awhile, until (spoiler alert!) he had the massive earthquakes and volcanoes predicted for June 2009.
I must have missed them.
Sword-em'd you.
Future Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying Spacecraft
(Orbital) – Company to Develop Fractionated Spacecraft Architecture that Could Transform Space Systems
– $75 Million Contract Award Continues Orbital’s Momentum in Innovative National Security Space Systems Market –
“System F6 has the potential to be a game-changing innovation in the way space systems are designed, built and operated in much the same way as the DARPA-developed Internet has changed many aspects of our daily lives,” stated Mr. Gregg Burgess, Orbital’s Vice President for National Security Systems in the company’s Advanced Programs Group. “System F6 is not just an incremental improvement in technology, but rather a fundamental transformation of the entire space community. Fractionated and networked architectures could be the answer to recurring problems that debilitate the space sector, including significant cost increases, late deliveries, launch mishaps and on-orbit failures.”
Re.reading the Blog I continue to be thoroughly confused.
Confused with a facilitating between the premise of 'a debris field', a progenitor comet that is fragmenting over time, and a 'planet of elliptical orbit' yet referred to as a 'star' of crossing?
A 2500 year orbit smells like a Sitchinesque Niburu, yet Comet McNaught amongst others have shown brightness that is described as star like or bright as the sun.
So Sword, while I know you are leading up to the larger picture of the story which is the birth of a being named Jesus who is 'from on high', I still would like to reconcile this 'Star of Crossing'.
There is obviously some lore about how beings take form, and enter into this human experience here.
Notably the tale of brighter more Divine consciousness appearing through moments like you have just described.
How about Jim Morrison too? (thanks to scarletm for this lead)
“I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then- whoosh, and I'm gone...and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me- ever.”
So how about that Sword? The story tells of seemingly two thoroughly different premises. An object 'star of crossing' and a birth/incarnation of a being of a whole different 'nature' than most here.
Is it rightly hidden in the common phrase "I'll be there in a flash"? lol
a birth/incarnation of a being of a whole different 'nature' than most here
I believe his Mission was to show that his 'nature' could be (ultimately WILL be) ours.
Yes, I agree. Better said. Tks.
ION - Confused with a facilitating between the premise of 'a debris field', a progenitor comet that is fragmenting over time, and a 'planet of elliptical orbit' yet referred to as a 'star' of crossing?
I dont have alot of time today.
I touiched on this earlier.
During this time - telescopes being the equivilant of billions of dollars worth of production - it would be seen as a "star".
On closer inspection - this star would have appered as a grouping of comets in tight formation. Imagine a "star" roughly cigar shapped - illuminated by its ejecta - just like a normal comet - just more of them and more massive.
They would have seen it as a star - we would have seen it (with our tech) as a debris field.
What we see of it today of course is ejecta free asteriods in tight formaiton - due to its close approach to the sun doing its last transgression through the night sky.
I hope that helps - more on that latter (remind me)...
Off to check the mail.
Its snowing. The landscape looks like mars in the winter around here.
Yes, thank you very much Sword.
We know that the Gospel of Matthew is not an original document, but an amalgam of at least 2 different sources.
The whole story of a 'Savior' is much in doubt, at lease the crucifixion and ressurection.
What is the bottom line on all this, since EVERYTHING that occurs in the material has Spiritual significance?
Frankly this feels like Phillip K Dick's UBIK and we are the ones being in the 'half life' or one cold well call this a hell world. We are not far up the mandala and much of this experience here is highly conditional and filled with heartache and disillusionment ultimately. So one sure has to wonder about the premise of those that are 'divine incarnations' here or even those that are apparently 'realizers'?
Yes, I 'm sick(head cold bronchial) and feeling demoralized and rich with a sense of frustration. Not sure what that is all about. Just a powerful mood. Anyway, strange days these are, and one foot in front of the other seems to be the method of the moment.
Stumbled upon:
Since pictures of Iapetus from the Voyager mission 30 years ago confirmed its intriguing color scheme, scientists have puzzled over whether Iapetus' dark-light contrast was the result of external debris hitting some of the moon, or whether the dark dust was the result of internal activity. Now they know the dust came from elsewhere.
Using pictures taken by Cassini, particularly during a September 2007 close fly-by, the scientists assert that Iapetus' darker half, called Cassini Regio, is the result of the planet's leading side getting bombarded by dusty debris from another Saturnian moon, Phoebe, which orbits in the opposite direction beyond Iapetus.
It is a longstanding theory, but in a paper published in the journal Nature in October, three Cornell-trained astronomers announced the discovery of an enormous ring of debris -- 10,000 times the area of Saturn's famous main ring system - around Saturn, near Phoebe's location, pointing to it as the ring's source. Burns calls this ring the "smoking gun" supporting dust hitting Iapetus and other moons around Saturn.
"The ring of collisional debris that has come off Phoebe and its companion moons is out there, and now we understand the process whereby the stuff is coming in," Burns said. "When you see the coating pattern on Iapetus, you know you've got the right mechanism for producing it."
titled: Dark side of a Saturnian moon: Iapetus is coated with foreign dust
Merry Christmas fellow Blog friends.
As per Sword's request...NEW BLOG APPEARING TOMORROW.
Hope everyone is doing some chill'n today.
Have a few friends in Kandahar- thinking of them and their families.
We are not far up the mandala and much of this experience here is highly conditional and filled with heartache and disillusionment ultimately
The Dark Night of the Soul bears Fruit.
strange days these are, and one foot in front of the other seems to be the method of the moment
I know that you know, that one foot in front of the other is all that there ultimately is: The Now.
That's all that one can live for, and live in.
Continue to work "up the mandala". You owe it to yourself, and to those closest to you.
You are a Magician. Work Magic in your World.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
HO HO HO !!! YO HO HO and a bottle of RUM!!!!
Sword, I hope Santa brings you your lectern.
PEACE on Earth....and in the Heavens....!
Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice!
This next Solar Cycle will be a Grand One, with much to learn about ourselves, Humanity and The Universe.
Be Magicians, not Mystics.
Its nice to read bloggs of yesteryear.
Kinda brings the blog back to the roots.
Perhaps it is sobbering and thus no to many folk are clammouring to comment.
Media check in:
Now this is funny:
Cassini stuff - animated:
Just wait untill "everything" lines up:
We've been doing this for years:
As a matter of fact - one of SWORDs anti-fuckery sat's uses this tech already...
Me in my early years:
John Carter of Mars News?:
Damm button...
anyway - thanks again to ION for posting the bloggs as I am up to my nips buzy...
I THINK I have desceided to rewrite this entore three part post...
...and add it to the other two large posts I want to write...
More on that latter.
The Fool, many thanks and your wisdom received.
Gort & Sword Let Christmas brighten us, let this night enlighten us. Peace distant friends.
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