Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Freelance thoughts - no agenda...

- or -
...and the guy with the funny hat says... ...

...I got some free time - why not?
What’s T.O.P. going to do? Steal my keg-o-rator?
(I hope not) (its heavy and he’s old - and now i'm in trouble)

What’s going on lately - the time line is advancing - the trickle down effect of knowledge is quickly becoming a deluge - and everyone - all my blogging friends seem to be absent.
We live and die in the most astonishing - the most adventurous - and the most truth prevalent time of EARTH history ever put forth ... ... and well - where the hell is everybody?

I feel that I have been right about a great deal of things - in fact - I feel that I am 90% right about the number of things I have said - the other ten percent - I’m still waiting for to pass... don’t get me wrong - I am no prophet... ...just another old solider - who just happens to be spilling the beans. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield - “NO RESPECT, im telling yah, No respect.” I’d be twisting my tie if I knew how to ware one...

...Wellll... ...what in the hell have I been right about? The list is long and distinguished (like my Johnson ... ... sorry - - - couldn’t resist)... ...and seldom told - at least by anyone but me. More on that later I suppose...

When I started out in this blogging scene - I really didn’t know what to do.
I actually started out a website full of all sorts of cool stuff - way back in the middle of my third tour - perhaps 9th year in the U.S. Army. Few came - even fewer read the information. I was compelled however, by several of my men, that is, men in my command - that simply being and doing wasn’t enough. You see, they used my own words against me - for I said unto them: “The most precious commodity on the earth is not gold babbles - but the light of knowledge - that light of truth...” - so - they said - as we share the wealth among us - shall we not among our kin?

They had me - and I - with no recourse - had to agree.
So - - - what to do?
In one days time they had the answer.
“Share the wealth” - and with that answer they felt was a three pronged attack (insert flash back wavy visual effect) - what I called the trident... ...we used in a old game called “Command & Conquer” as actual training - now to you “Ol’ Skool boys” in dah nkow... C&C was the dope shit off the roach clip. Back in the day we didn’t have High Speed internet - we had dial up - and the internet was dial -up and you prayed for a 48 - 8 speed on the network server that McVay and the Captain set up with the ($$$)RAS (Remote Access Sever) ... ...and if you didn’t have the password - yo’! Your just entirely two square to hang with the big dogs...

Yes - as it seems - it was that long ago. Christ I feel old just thinking about it... - its C&C3 and you have to mortgage your house just to be able to afford a machine that can handle that game...
But I regress - drunken LAN (Local area network) parties of yes'ter year have nothing to do with sharing the wealth with our kin - that is - ALL of our brothers and sisters.

You see, a very special thing came from my Sunday preaching, for you see, not only am I one of the first combat astro-nuts - I am also the Chaplin & Captain (and sole leader, that is "Officer") of SFTG : Sword.
One day, a private came to me, Private First Class Brewer, who I had always assumed came from Texas - but really came from “Philly” started to privately ask me questions during confessions, and I must say his confessions made me feel like I was a victim of an inquisition - for so inquisitive and forthright he was... ...he knew no bounds, and my heart swelled with pride.

Eventually, Brewer, formed a coalition against me you see, and demanded that something - anything - be done to start telling regular, everyday, run of the mill - ma and pa folk like him - of the real deal, the truth of my teachings - for he was not casting doubt - indeed not - after showing him in many books beyond the “One book” of the truth - he was a true convert - a believer, of many books - like me. Brewer wished to become a savior among his people. Did I wish to stop him? Hell no! I became his champion.

Initially - I thought to myself - what needless work, for who - except our peers, would believe us? Yet - he persisted - and because of his fervor - a special project in my Platoon came fourth - and that project was:
“Project : Disclosure”

And thus - after a age - we found ourselves with Richard in our laps (and a gun to his face) - but that is a different story for a different time - that has already been told... ...and not responded to - yet cast away by officially saying "Need to know"...
(I don’t know why but the song “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap is now playing in my head... not the original - OUR version...)

So the Pope, yeah the guy with the funny hat that a good 1/3 of the world/nation revers as the almighty says:
Life on mars possible, aliens might be possible, and they are without original sin. (Like a slave master has no sin, ... my asss... ...)
The phoenix probe lands on ice...
The presidential election is months away...
Typhoons and earthquakes are destroying the orient and leveling the “playing field” in the advent of war...
Scalar technology is showing itself all over the world - and Swords hands are tied behind its backs...

All of the good stuff I have been talking about over these years is coming to pass and no one is listening... or at least remembering, or a minimum least oif all - posting about en mass. (Except maybe GORT - who has had some very excellent posts as of late!?! - hes probably one of mine...)
Its pop quiz time and you all FAIL.
Nuff said...

Discuss - Discuss


HHMSS Sword said...

No pictures - live with it...

Gort said...

sword, thanks for the compliment, I think !?!

I am not an insider, just an old hippie and ex-Air Force spook from the Viet Nam era. I did my duty in Key Waste (as we affectionately called it) because somebody had to keep tabs on the Cuban horde, while the major thrust of US military action was figthing the dominoes war SE Asia.

I heard Hoagland on C2C the other night. Interesting comment he made about the few months between now and the November election.
He said it will seem like we will have aged 10 years.
I don't think it will seem like the several months pased slowly, in fact I think the months will fly by.
I understood the comment to mean we will have a sudden 10 year advance in consciousness by November.

Once I get my wireless router problem figured out I may be back to a more regular blogging routine, but for now must use Mrs. Gort's machine when she lets me, which is seldom. :(

Wars and rumors of wars.... hmmmm.


Gort said...

oh, btw, I meant to ask you if you were familiar with a legend in the four-corners area of the SW about the "Sleeping Ute Mountain" ?

It seems the giant Ute told the native people that he was going to lie down and go to sleep. But there will come a time when the people will need his help again, and he will awaken and come to their aid.

Since there is often great truth in legends and stories, I now wonder how this fits in with the "shem" buried in the Grand Canyon?

Just another random thought and some more dots to connect.


IonTruO2 said...

Typhoons and earthquakes are destroying the orient and leveling the “playing field” in the advent of war...
Scalar technology is showing itself all over the world - and Swords hands are tied behind its backs...

You have alluded to this previously as well and with recent times you have suggested to watch the MIMIC data for China. Given that you are suggesting that someone, not you guys, made that 'happen', how do you feel being a 'Chaplain' of sorts?

100,000 people is a colossal amount of 'collateral damage'.
China may have needed a slap down, for their various evils(like Falon Gong and Tibet etc etc) but I am at a loss to see how an action like the Quake , consciously triggered can be justified?

Single event massive loss of human.civilian life in the 100,000's is true crime against 'Humanity'.
Who authorizes this kind of action? If its not your people, one can surely not say it is someone else acting in the name of any real God or Jesus Christ or Divine anything. What an absurdity that would be. If it is Monkey Boy Bush, then you had better grab your country back real fast, for truly we are all lost if mass murder becomes easily dealt in huge numbers in the cause of geo-politics.

And to think the Palestinians were cowardly for choosing to blow up a bus or cafe and kill and maim the innocent public rather than confront soldiers and targets of military importance. That was small peanuts compared to examples like China/Burma etc. Cowardly nonetheless. This is warfare today? What is the point of armies anymore of you don't confront each other in the domain of the people who are all about combat?

There is no moral or ethical boundaries at all anymore when we the world of humanity can so easily decide to kill now 100,000's of thousands of people at will.

Pop quiz: "Where have all the good people gone?"
(quote from a Sam Robert's song)

If you are the good guys Sword I hope your hands don't stay tied for too long......for truly this is an abomination on Earth if these events are 'man made'.

IonTruO2 said...

Good Blog Sword,

This was what I was encouraging. Tell it like it is(or was) straight from the horses mouth. (..he he he had to slip that in there).

you said: You see, they used my own words against me - for I said unto them: “The most precious commodity on the earth is not gold babbles - but the light of knowledge - that light of truth...” - so - they said - as we share the wealth among us - shall we not among our kin?

Well said! I hear in your Blog, a subtle discouragement at the lack of larger scale response now and in your past efforts. Please keep in mind that some of the 'audience' and subsequent momentum of response might naturally be captured by others who are a little more well established ie. Open Minds Forum/Hidden Mission/Project Camelot/etc etc

The light of knowledge shines in the midst of the All Pervading Light itself....there is no quantity that would matter.
While you might at first think 'an amount' would validate the effort, my point is the exercise of this truth telling inandofitself 'is quantum' and will permeate.

At this point we are all just 'ghosts in the machine' here and all this after a fashion is just words on a page. Fiction/non fiction who knows?
No real evidence, nothing concrete, all just story telling from many of us. What makes the big ones stand out and ring? TRUTH...for it is self evident to those that can really hear and see and.... thus a ring of coherency in all the static dis-info.

Have faith, have hope. The charity of your gift of knowledge got out and previously was indeed read by very large numbers from firstly Capt's Blog to DryDock to F-Shod Blog over these years. After that, for many, that was ALL they needed to know.

HHMSS Sword said...

Don't pat yourself on the back too hard. You certainly are not the only one who has been talking about "an advancing time line".

That may be true - but I said it first...

Anonymous said...

Your doctor called and insisted on an increase in the dosage of your medication as it is painfully obvious delusion has fully set in.

HHMSS Sword said...

Check your facts before you make immature remarks.


robert said...

If you really want recognition in the 'mainstream' then I tell you with all sincerity that Hijacking Data or a Craft is the ONLY way to get this into CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Ny Times, Wash Post..etc.

As was Ion mentioned your little blog or even my tinier one and my website are doing NOTHING to get mainstream recognition of the "Truth"...whatever that "Truth" may be.

I still have that ftp site if YOUR hands are tied why not let Private Brewer upload a few PDF diagrams, videos, images or even better all those "lost" emails from the Bush Administration's Coverup of the Iraq War's REAL purpose.

Us out here could babble back and forth with until you get into your "Shems" and fly off and try to break apart a planet-sized object with non of the pieces hitting little ol home planet Earth. Won't change a thing without EVIDENCE. YOU and your unit are in a unique position to GIVE FREELY that evidence...costs nothing no 1's n 0's from the SWORD "bank"...just 1's and 0's through cyberspace to someone who DO something with REAL and VERIFIABLE data. As for verification I can get Stanton Freidman to help on that. Other than that I can put it out there as is without the "proof" it's real.

And again if you guys want recognition it means coming OUT from the SHADOWS in the LIGHT !

If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects or gag people or documents or loose emails violating Federal Law?

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.

ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.

It REALLY is that simple.

Bob... :D

HHMSS Sword said...

What Robert describes is whats called "High Treason"... ...but the message conveyed is heard...

I am just biding my time on that matter until someones else spills the beans a little further... ...then I will be wide open to do what I want.


robert said...

So the 400-500 ex-Generals, Admirals, Colonels, Sgergeants, etc...from the Disclosure Project who have come forward already are guilty of "High treason"?

Why isn't the DOD after them to put them in the brig?

Or how about our "beloved CIC" who led us into Iraq NOT because of WMD's but because of the neo-con war hawks and an old Iragii politician beating the drums of spreading Democracy by Gunpoint but lying to the American People the whole time about the REAL reasons why?

"High Treason" happens everyday in THIS erasing or shredding documents that are protected by the rule of LAW.

I submit to you Sword and to your "TOPS" in your unit that current Joint Cheifs of Staff of the DOD are committing "High Treason" following an insane policy from a religious fanatical zealot. Remember we are supposed to protect the American people from ALL enemies...foreign or DOMESTIC.

Domestic Enemies

Our military is decimated, our troops wore thin and ragged, or equipment is barely sustainable and we are NOT ready to take on any other conflict, except maybe another Grenada...but even then it would put a strain on our readiness as the JCOS say themselves from their own mouths.

SOME kind of precedent needs to be made to protect our military command structure from being swindled by another insane religious fanatic ordering a first strike and who keeps firing people who say no the same way Bush keep firing generals who told the truth which is NOT what Bushie Jr or Dark Lord Cheney wanted to hear.

THAT, my friend is "High Treason" !


Anonymous said...

My facts?

Here is a fact. You are either delusional or a chain yanker!

Talk about ORME's and show what you know, Captain!

Gort said...

...the network server that McVay and the Captain set up ...

That wouldn't be Timothy McVay/McVeigh?


robert said...

From The Hidden Message Forum about the grand Canyon ISIS find...was this your "SHEM" site?

ISIS in Grand Canyon Link 1

ISIS in Grand Canyon Link 2

ISIS in Grand Canyon Link 3

ISIS in Grand Canyon pic 1

ISIS in Grand Canyon pic 2

Thanx to Keith Laney for this Information...bow and thanx.


HHMSS Sword said...

The Fool said...
My facts?
Here is a fact. You are either delusional or a chain yanker!
Talk about ORME's and show what you know, Captain!

Here's what I know:
The top level search from google dropped three sites related to what your talking about: (yeah - THAT site again...)
and of course:
from which I quote:
"Between August 1895 and October 1933, Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society conducted clairvoyant studies of the atomic structure of the elements."

They what?
From Wiki-"In this context, theosophy holds that all religions are attempts by the "Spiritual Hierarchy" to help humanity in evolving to greater perfection, and that each religion therefore has a portion of the truth."

Sounds like Holistic Theology to me...


Gim'mie a break.
I'll tell you what I know - if your garnering all your "knowledge base" from these three sites ... ...your wasting our time...

No on to the facts - I WAS the first one to mention we where on a timeline that was set/laid/planned in the bloggs - AND THEN - Rich started using it... ...thats a FACT.

Now on to Robert...
Yes - you are right - they ARE tressonits bastards - and completely out of my range of responsibility...
...I get the feeling sometimes - that you think I have more power and influence in my organization than what really is.
Sure, I lead the ONLY reconnaissance platoon that has astronaut wings - but that is the limit of my control.
I'm still a soldier so I still got to be rank and file - doesn't mean I can't come here and spill a few beans at a time...

I am a religious fanatical zealot as well...
You are getting what you want Robert - just not when you want it...

In link two - the image of the tunnel/cave opening is a fake...

Pic 1 shows the most heavily guarded space of land and air space in human history - makes the security at the fabled Area 51 - or the white house look incredibly woeful...

Funny thing how ancient native sites draw out the constellation of orion and the belt of orion lines up the Isis temple - interestingly enough the constellation of orion on the map of Arizona is upside down!


HHMSS Sword said...

That wouldn't be Timothy McVay/McVeigh?

Ahhhh - NO.

robert said...

LOL...if we couldn't laugh at the reality around us we'd all go mad.

I have NO 'delusions' about your own situation in the heirarchy of command. I KNOW you could not yourself order a nuke attack...Georgie Jr/Dark Lord Cheney can and I had always thought you agreed that the current assemblage of TPTB that we KNOW about in mainstream were wonkers of the worst kind.

My fuel bill for this past winter was $4,000 on a $1,700 month SSI income for my wife and I. Even the social worker I saw today is having hard times on HER salary. What do you expect electing oil men to run the country. Well I didn't elect them...and it looks like I will NOT be able to vote for Hillary for President after all. Too bad. I think she would make an excellent one.

I "know" in my gut that "some" Disclosure is coming...but after so many heartbeats and trips into the "inbetween" can understand my fervor to just get the frackin thing going and damn the consequences. Because I REALLY REALLY think that the whole Brookings Report mentality was to protect NOT the average citizen...but to protect TPTB...and to keep us all the grid and meter...that monthly bill we all have to WORK to pay. THAT was their intent...imho anyhooo.

Besides what's wrong with "spilling a few beans here and there"? We eventually get enough to make a nice caserole and pour some honey maple over them with a bit if chili sauce, roast some dogs and burgers and pop open a few beverages and mixers.

The folks at HASA are shitting bricks right now with their lander dumping soil samples that look "too interesting". They only have 8 shots at analyzing a sample...after that...they're fracked on that new clip to reload and retest.

And the color scheming their doing is downright almost dishonest, as always, they have NO TRUE BLUE normal human eye color is NOT easily done.

Bah...I've said this all before and many more higher than me, including Richard has said so where does that leave things?

You say this "timetable" was 'recently' organized in the "bloggs"???

Now THAT I do not undestand. Seriously what does a few folks at RCH's blog have to do with the unveiling of all this that we want out there?

I ask again is Richard the central figure and who decided? Grab me up, fly me to Alaska and give me the same treatment and information. I guarantee I wont shit or piss my pants or even frackin panic.

I also guarantee to get the information out there and can likely give "TOP" a more reasoned and common sense point of view that we are ON THE WRONG TIMELINE !.

If you've never read the DUNE is ALL about timelines and single source economic basis. I've read the 14 and soon to be 15 book saga 3 times in my life and the original 3 DUNE books at least 6 times.

I've said before are you sure you have the correct Kwisatz Haderach?


HHMSS Sword said...

You say this "timetable" was 'recently' organized in the "bloggs"???

Now THAT I do not undestand. Seriously what does a few folks at RCH's blog have to do with the unveiling of all this that we want out there?

If recently means several years ago - when this whole RH blogg scene went live and I started in - then yeah - recently... ...and no - it wasn't planned in the bloggs - I jsut started talking about it - and 'lo and behol' - it became RH new tag line...

...The "Dark Mission" blogg - isn't really a blogg. A blogg should have energy - it should dance - it should sing... ...DM:blogg is stagnet - its pondwater... ...however - back in the day... was a huge service to me. All teh leg work I was going to have to do - all the convincing I was going to have to do - all the explaining I was going to have to do - was done FOR ME...

Richard actually made it so much easier for PD to come into light - and hit the ground moving... ...Having Sunking give me the boot to set up my own blogg - was a godsend as well... just really moved things forward.

Like I said - your getting what you want - just not when you want it...

...and be careful what you wish for...

Bob said:
I've said before are you sure you have the correct Kwisatz Haderach?

I wouldn't give him that title. If anything he is one of my three "Wiz-00's" (Say... Wizzzz-oohhhh)... Richard is no where near a Mentat...(can't believe I remember that one)...

I did not select him - he was sent... ...and I keep thinking to myself... ...who in the hell was the final decision maker on that?


My gut sank when I was on the phone with NASA heads laughing there ass's off at "the sit" - I was thinking to myself... ...who in the hell is this guy? AND WHY would they send him up here unannounced - KNOWING full well how we handled "biz-nez"... ...I thought to myself - who is the joke really on? Him or me?

This "shot-gun" wedding - isn't going to end well at alllll......

Kwisatz Haderach.............................. ...

Peace Rob

IonTruO2 said...

Mysterious Masons let their secrets out

The new exhibit at the Idaho State Historical Museum - Brotherhood

IonTruO2 said...


What Do You Do If Someone Blows Up Your Satellite? Call a Space Lawyer

Space Lawyers

Michael Dodge from Long Beach, Mississippi, graduated last weekend with a special distinction with his degree from the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law, University of Mississippi. This marks the beginning of a new era for the legalities in the space travel as Dodge is the first ever US space lawyer.

IonTruO2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.