Media is defined as: the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines that reach or influence people widely…
Another tidbit of media is another movie event that is important to public grooming – it’s a recap of the “public model media” that we have been fed. The movie “In the shadow of the moon [the dark side … giggity]” All of the surviving members of the Apollo area recant the public wash of the discoveries of the moon, the “bold” era as it was put to me – it’s meant to get you re-involved in the moon – that is – the “discoveries” of the moon.. This movie projects itself on Sept. 7, 2007. Here is the link…
Now – as the scene drastically changes, and in the near future – the media will as well. The upcoming documentary coming to movie theaters pales in comparison to the big budget “Apollo” movie that is secretly in the works.
Its title, “Apollo” sets aside any public nuances you might be familiar with.
As a member of the Sword (understatement of the year), “Apollo” will be a seat of your pants discovery bonanza that will keep the water cooler a forum for discussion – for quiet sometime.
This movie – developed by the DOD (Department of Defense) and NASA – is very, very heavily CGI (computer-generated imagery, and very realistic CGI at that...) – yet – however! – It uses the REAL recorded broadcast audio of the Apollo astronaut’s discovery of things found on the moon, the secreted military channel audio the public was NEVER meant to hear – let alone see. This, in itself makes the movie experience – even though I am against the CGI and would have rather seen the chest cam of the whole ordeal – a real, honest to god –TREAT for the viewer.
Why would the government, which is, DOD, NASA, and all their pals want you to have a warm and fuzzy about the moon – and all of its wonders? One could ponder of this for decades – however – I would submit to you that a great deal of the public might be spending time there during the fall – thus – seeding you with this information through the great learning machine might help them in there cause – keeping you calm – and less prone to rioting (and all the other fun stuff I subscribe to…).
Now why would they want to keep you calm? Why – for the very calamity that I and many others have been discussing for quiet sometime – “The Fall” – the very incident that even Jesus himself spoke of. One must consider the implications of something held so profoundly that even our savior would lament on… …but that is not what this post is supposed to be about – indeed not.
This post concerns the implications of such things – and – the growing attention to the moon, the discoveries that have already been found by the Apollo astronauts – and the current reign of media surrounding it.
Within this media realm, of course, is the Coast to Coast crowd – and its media outlet – the radio show. Certainly, there seems to be a great deal of discussion regarding the “space patrol” – and the Apollo astronauts. Interestingly enough Hogland and Noory where in a discussion regarding this very subject, that is the Apollo astronauts, and their “forgotten” memories since their historic missions… I will no cover old tracks in this post – for one to catch up – one should read the previous blogg posts (all of them if you’re new).
New developments have since happened – right on time if you will.
What do I mean by that?
Well since the time that I have made such blogg posts regarding there obvious misrepresenting of the facts – it seems that Hogland and Noory have made it a point to get on the air as soon as (mathematically) possible to my postings to – how shall I put it – set their own record straight – and from this horses mouth – I appreciate it.
In that “impromptu” radio appearance – some things where different form the original radio media piece that “I” had such a problem with.
You see my reader friends – it is what was said, how it was said, when it was said and why it was said – that is important… … ….
I would submit to you – without much data to back me up (grab a calendar) – that the previous radio show that “I” had such an issue with (originally aired June 20th ’07 – called here “fix at NASA) was “bandaged” by the show that I am about to recant. The show aired August 6th, this year, which between then and “recanting show” is the period of 47 days, the difference between my post (June 17th ) and when the recanting show aired is… …19.5 days… depending on where you are in the world… …slick – and definitely a nod in “our” direction…
Here is the analysis:
The show – provided publicly by an unnamed, yet, valiant poster – broke the law and provided me and our reader friends with the goods. Take a bow unnamed friend. Get your cookies yet? Something tells me you have. :-X
Readers – I must apologize.
I only took notes of the recording – I did not in fact research things that where said to make evident (in links) of what was said. I know they are true. I just don’t have the time to find the evidence… …its more important to “I” that the radio show is addressed…
Hogland, in reference to the artifacts on the moon – stated that “Our model is that it is us”… …He couldn’t be truer.
Noory and Hogland make remarks regarding the astronauts that there responses are “programmed” – that something doesn’t seem quite right with there interviews. Well – this is of course residue from being there! They can’t obviously start spewing things that they are not authorized to talk about now can they? Oh, how the new generation is so different!
Now they make reference to the events during the academy awards in which Buzz Aldrin actually punches a man in the face when pressured to say something about his real findings on the moon. Honestly – I would punch him in the face as well. I remember this incident because I was asked to make an internal statement on the matter, that statement is the same one I just made.
I feel that what is going on with this show – that they are giving us “remember when’s” – supporting both the astronauts – and there own issue at the same time.
Now we get into the meat of the issue – the retract-meant and specification of the issue. This important dialogue can be found at 14 minutes into the third hour of the radio show.
Noory says: “Your not going to say Manchurian candidate are you?”
Hoagland: “I am going to come close…”
Hoagland Again: "We are dealing with a group of people who have had there memories selectively edited…” Found at 14:13 of the same recording. (And the apollo astronaunts are not the only ones... with this... problem)

Most interestingly – they bring out the big gun in this argument – Neil Armstrong’s movement from the silent to the silent whispering of the truth – in a speech during the Clinton administration, where he was said to have stated: “There are wonders beyond belief, their are truths to be revealed, if you can remove truths protective layers…”
Only the Clinton administration would let this pass on to the media (but really what choice did they have)… …And, I would also like top mention that Bill Clinton is probably the most down to earth man we have ever had the honor of drinking with. He was a man that my men could follow. He even came to our ad-hock headquarters – and downed a few – and for that I am grateful.
Now the retract-meant was made – will there be happy hearts? This is yet unknown to me. What’s going to be “make or break” is how he depicts MY OLDER BROTHERS in his new book. If he depicts them as “The Man” loving zombies – well – he can forget the ride promised to him. Plenty of scientists on the rolls would slit his throat to go to the places we are going to go…
In retrospect I certainly hope that the new DOD movie/propagation (not misspelled BTW) division does a good job on their “Apollo” movie… Lots of editing to do yet, but I’m sure with some of the “secret” talent they have working the issue over that it will be a TRUE and emotionally moving movie. When’s it coming out? – Soon enough is my answer… … …
You see, the DOD is going to be releasing a number of movies as part of their overall disclosure projects as the “The Fall” comes… All I can say is that they are going to introduce the public into some “characters” that are real, and closer to your heart than you realize… …unsung heroes if you will.
To all the men & women who have treaded in the sands that my (and my men & women) boots shall soon fall – thanks for being the pathfinders – thanks for being the first – now OUR time has come… …we shall not disappoint you – nor shall we, your vanguard, ever forget your personal sacrifice. …ever…
Godspeed discoverers – Godspeed to you…
[To TPTB: Rage against the Machine – Renegades of Funk]
{Eat my Hydrogen launched and powered dust!}
CPT M****** J. O*****
“The Headhunter”
(Images pirated from Alan Beans own website)
1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Yes,
I remember hearing them talk about this. I'll have to go get those two shows again.
If anyone else needs the shows, let me know.
Sword: you said: I would submit to you that a great deal of the public might be spending time there during the fall
iontruo2--> As they bring this story of the Moon and the Apollo missions out to the public, how are the people to be sorted, let alone 'gathered' for a withdrawal?
You know I have no fear for myself, but in light of this coming, society wide disclosure of the actual Apollo history and of course the impending near future, I find the numbers involved to be a little TOO VAST.
300 million in the U.S. and 30 million in Canada, if we keep it close to home.
So Jupiter is our 90 day warning point.
Even if we were freely chatting about the kind of larger scale craft you have mentioned, we are still looking at relatively small numbers compared to the whole of our two countries.
If this is too explicit, let me know.
O.k. as we have researched before there are many underground options already in place. But really the vast majority of society is out of 'the loop'.
So they will choose evacuees based on certain criteria, favoring the indicators of education or careers.
I see the necessity to presently contain the screwed up countries like Iran and North Korea etc, so they can not cause worse trouble "prior" to the Fall. We have also seen the internment camps etc for whatever the local public, decays into here.
But other than the revealing disclosure, which is great--- THANKYOU--- one is left here wondering to what end then?
All the knowledge amounts to little if one is not in 'the program'.
Now, Meangreen's link to the Freemasonry software source, seemed more like a good recruitment opportunity, but frankly times up.
The best of us will simply 'walk through it', plain ol, reality as it is, here's the real moment, something worse than rain and wind and bad weather.
What are the odds we would be alive here now for this? Let alone being a crew here that understand this already? The timing of my existence is what I find fascinating.
Me I have a front lawn seat to do my shamanistic mojo when The Fall occurs. Yes, I am remembering WHY I am here for this now. But that is not for public consumption.
So the sci fi revealing is really entertaining and a bit mind expanding, but after a while, it seems to me, a bit of a distractor. Time to take the story and look ahead, with a little less looking back. :)
Forgive my impatience.
On topic with the question of the Moon and its many secrets to tell: Sword alluded to the idea of the Moon facilities being used in the event of a large scale Earthly crisis.
I cannot understate the value of this document. Please note the conclusion.
A quote from Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks. Just prior to his death he stated to a small group after a lecture that: We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..." He further went on to say that, "anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."
There quite a bit more substance to the conclusion, worth a read.
I'm not sure that I can handle that "incidental smoking" thing. I've been trying to get my wife to quit ever since you told me that I have to smoke outside. There was a movie on a couple of nights back called "Tycho" which is the name of the comet that smashes into the moon causing the moon to shatter and wipe out everybody on the planet except those who went underground.
Makes me wonder who else has been in contact with the time travellers.
CPT M****** J. O*****
"You can't make this stuff up" is the colloquial expression that comes to mind. Are we in way over our head? NASA went to the moon. The astronauts saw things they didn't disclose to the public based on policies written years prior and supported by the Brooks report.
Well, nothing to see here...?
Next stop..We've changed our minds and now we're going to tell you the truth. Hmm..
Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia come to mind. Is it possible that China is forcing their hand with their declaration that they will remap the moon. And what about the Russians claim that the American disclosure failed to include a mountain range in their complete disclosure of the moon surface?
It would be nice to have a disclosure of just what cameras, computers, scientific instruments and experiments are going out to space. The fact that Apollo went on their missions with 128 Kb of RAM is really hard to swallow. Apparently the U.S. won't be revisiting the moon manned or not for 30 years. Intalek plans on going out sooner and Spain is planning for an interstellar hotel by 2012.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
-- William Butler Yeats, January 1919
Just like the movies that have dealt with an impact theory - your right - a vast majority of regular folks wont be underground or on the moon, or in any other form of protection.
Even my own people wont be in any of these government facilities - just the ones we have built ourselves...
...it's sad really however - only so much can be done. as long as the fighting arm of the "secret" space program does its job well - then it wont be as devastating as you think...
I may have posted this earlier this year. Maybe February or March. I saw the documetary "In the Shadow of the Moon," at the True/False Film Festival in Columbia, MO., and I highly recommend it. It is entertaining and nostalgic for us old space cadettes from the 60s. Much old original film footage never before seen by the public was used in the making of the movie. Some of the shots even have green scratches from the original film that got moondust in the camera and scratched the film.
I saw a commecial yesteday afternoon about five to seven times for a new DVD for kids from Disney called "Rocket Saves the Firebird."
Is that another Phoenix/Isis/Resurrection/Re-birth/Valley of the Sun/New Age reference?
I'm currently listening to the c2c0620-h4 broadcast and RCH just said something very fascinating. He said, that perhaps they should devote a radio show to the "Space Patrol"...
Looking at the last image that sword posted. It looks as if the astronaut is praying either to the sun, or maybe even "The Star of Crossing"...
SwordSuccinct that was. Tks.
Yet I find the more I know, the more confident I am, in the mitigation efforts. Layers of intent multiplying over the scale.
Forgot to mention RCH was on Coast briefly last night and announced tha web site for his new book is now active.
Gort: much appreciated!
The opening comments at their Blog are telling.
The Dark Mission Blog
There are two and they say enough to me.
Funny how they used some of the mission patches that Sword pointed out to us...
Yeah - funny...
Thanks for the heads up.
Sword - Thanks for the official invite, and for your continuing efforts to keep us in the loop so to speak.
When you first started talking about this subject, I remember being fascinated because you were dropping hints about events that I had no evidence of, yet understood/recognized from the beginning. I doubt that I will be around to visit the moon myself, but I sure am enjoying the ride!
I'll be around more often and hopefully I'll come up with something witty and informative soon.
Great big hugs to you all!
OMG! Just thought of it!
When I read the article about finding a star with a tail (or was it a dark star? hmmmm) coming around the back side of the sun....Well, You know what I thought!
This blog will prolly last a couple more hours before Pif starts in on them and BU and MR go in for the fait a complet
(add your own accents here)
This whole thing is getting curiouser and curiouser.
no... ...what was it that you thought?
Big welcome to Crazy - who is returning to us - if you forget to welcome her back you might get the beloved two boot prints and a turd on your hood!
This whole thing is getting curiouser and curiouser.
It only gets more and more interesting from here!
Funny how Rich sticks his toe back into the water with his researcher Mike Bara - who needs a photo update like good 'ol "John" did... ...what the hell ever happened to that kid anyway?
Sword, the closeup of the flag is here:
Okay, I found the afore-referenced Apollo movie with 'candid crew intervies and re-mastered NASA footage'. Cant wait to see it....
grumble muffle er. hope yer feelin like your old self again krazy by 4...
Gort said...
Sword, the closeup of the flag is here:
No refferances - no links - no high resolution imagery of the actual flag with ALL or its symbolic messages...
... amateur (not you gort)
Songs of note:
Disco inferno - The BeeGees
The joker - Steve Miller
I listen to music while trolling the bolggs. Im a hippie - sue me...
Seems like the "Dark Mission" Blogg is hot and fast - better get your comments in...
There's a vid of Iapetus that might interest you...
that link is to the video of the spaceship on the Earth-Moon and an interview with geologist Elaine Bickle.
P.S. Sword: seems the Cdn Troll is busy smearing his s''t...as usual. Aren't there restrictions on the mentally deranged?
Sword..I emailed a copy of the above pasted link to the Bickle interview by Doug. Have you looked at the pic of the Bucky ball in the middle of the crater. The link "talks" about it but did not include the pic. Bickle says she has never seen that pic before and I wonder if anyone else has seen it. Is there anyone out there who could tell us if this is a photoshop? If it's the real deal, I'm sure RCH would like a copy of it. Why don't you put it up and see how long it takes for the image to end up "somewhere" else?
Ion..if the vid is the moon, why is it so small? It must be a asteroid or some other feature. Just doesn't look like the moon.
That is the video of the apparently secret Apollo 20 mission, we spoke about very recently, which was to a location on the Moon of Earth.
Keith Laney has a section on The Hidden Mission site.
Subsequently inside the forum, the video from the apparent retired air force person was eventually, clearly proven to be hoaxed and the parties involved once found, had confessed it wasn't their intention to 'deceive'. ya right.
Hey, KB4K,
Great to hear from you again.
Hope all is well.
Yeah - I seen that BU is going nuts again - hopefully they can muzzle that dog.
He's already going after Bara calling him a jew and such...
That guy is an a-hole. I can't stand the beyatch, but I'm not going to waste anyones time clogging up the blog over there or here about him. DA (Dumb Ass) still thinks that I'm Sunking...
Looks like Hoagland has made his blogging re-ammergance...
...and a certain friend jumps on him about MWAV ART 7 right at the get go...
(Good Job)
It's that old military training. I had a clear shot and I took it.
I had a long reply posted yesterday for here...but ran into blogger problems...seems a lot of people did:
my trouble
and others are still expeeriancing trouble.
I just was able to post at Richard and Mike's DarkMission blog so I hope this goes through as well. though the DM blog needs approval before apearing.
I wanted to welcome the lady karzy again and would hand her a rose icon if I could find one guick. consider the thought behind the wish.
Congratulas Sword on getting a new blog up. I guess sometimes not ALL the bad guys win. :)
The documentary directed by Ron Howard looks to be exciting and Richard and Mike's book will be out in October. And you're saying the DOD and NASA CGI fellers have their own 'documentary/dream vision; coming out as well "soon".
I also would rather have the REAL chest camera images...supposedly THIS is EXACTLY what this is supposed to be doing:
Apollo Image Archive
So why wouldn't THOSE images be included WITH this archive. If as you say the REAL verbal exchanges, ALL OF THEM across ALL channels are to be included, then that will sort of vindicate a lot of us out here.
I've always said there was a North Pole Lunar Complex since ALL human plans for a Moon return talk about the South pole only. Is it because the
North Pole Complex
may already be inhabited?
With the MRO HiRise we FINALLY seeing some HONEST imaging and timely releases. I am hoping that with the MPL spot picked out they'll of course turn their camera to Cydonia and maybe acquire my Cydonia Smoking Pyramid
as the MRO is the ONLY instrument that can capture the thing in better resolution than we already have.
As far as music suggestions my favorite in this arean is "The Light" by Jefferson Starship on the Windows of Heaven almbum.
heck here's mp3 link:
Also Sword, with ALL these smaller various anti-g machines out there...it seems incomprehensible that someone can't take one for a quick ride...and pick me up along the way...wouldn't even HAVE to go to Cydonia...thoug I would like to...but just a trun around the Moon and back. :)
I still say it's possible to
Take a Ride
It's time humanity to:
Arise to our Destiny
...careful what you wish for...
...and careful what liability released docs you sign to...
Sword you know where to land at my place. Just look for the 65' circle(roundpen). ;)
You need free fast thinkers. No one trick ponies here. lol
I'm down for a ride as well, but my family will keep me grounded.
Dan who?
Who was talking about a dan?
Sword.. Could you explain the time designation that goes with the posts? I don't get it.
Dan Burisch of Project Stargate or Majestic or time travelling alien beings that he has been chanelling on behalf of your government????
Must ta bin some kinda minunderstanin...
Must ta bin some kinda mistake...
Bara/RCH took all of the comments off his site..
All I said was what kind of anomoly are we talkin about when it takes a committee with microscopes to identify an object as being extraterrestrial.
ericswan said...
Sword.. Could you explain the time designation that goes with the posts? I don't get it.
Just a timestamp - nothin more... ... :-)
Download McCanney Aug. 23 show free here..
How to power the planet with hurricane energy...
Sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out, thanks.
Man, I should offer my services to him for free! That site needs some serious overhaulin'
He's ramblin along on the radio as well. Hope he gets his ducks in a row soon...
I just want to wish a very dear and close friend of mine, Daniel Miller, God Speed and Farewell. Not only was he my best man, but he was also God Father to two of my sons. He died doing what he loved best, and that was serving his country as a career soldier.
Men like him are the reason why we enjoy our way of life. For that, he has my deepest thanks and gratitude. It has been a pleasure riding this rock alongside the likes of him.
Dan, I salute you!
condolences clamytoe.
Thank you for your caring comment in his regard.
2007-08-24 6.32.MD
Year Month Date Hour Minute Mountain Daylight Time
Thanks Ion.
So much behind the scenes that is so right, yet the story telling to the public majority is sooo bad. Thus the widespread misperceptions by us civilians.
Clamytoe, Godspeed to your friend Dan
and Baker... ... ...
Thanx Gort.. Who uses Mountain Daylight..???
Anyone know why I'm suddenly posessed to collect mirrors? I wonder if I'm building a solar stove and wifey tells me mirrors can cause fires. Is that possible? If I lined my shed with mirrors facing up, would it reflect the heat away?
Tonight - the moon was beautiful - aghast I was at its glamor... ...fort around eight o'clock tonight it positioned itself behind MY DOME OF THE ROCK - to you non-natives - "battleship butte"... ...I was amazed by the alinement's and went searching the this home for a camera to photograph the short lived event.
Even a coming lunar eclipse could not do justice to the spectacular event my mountain and the moon did for me this evening.
My mountains something special to me... ...holding so much secrecy that is unkown even to the inhabitants of my home town.
While sitting and enjoying a hard won beer - and smoking a smoke - I gandered at is show as it slowly lifted itself into the night sky - preparing itself for the lunar eclispe.
I gazed at the prize in my eye, knowing it was the bronze medal of my platoon. The hardest medal to be won in my eye. The testament to see if what I have been training them for - the unknown - actually holds them together as a unit. We won't be singing or dancing - but moving and hopefully not shooting - as a unit into the same deep tunnels we found on my mountain... ...only at about a third of the gravity...
But yet I think to myself - what is the silver? Leaving our bronze behind to seek footprints in the sand on a distant world unknown to us - to rattle the cages and kick anceint doors in? Is this our destiny? No.
The goal finds us somewhere else - so much further away - so much further from what we know. It finds us at a connection - a crossing of something so old as to almost elude us complete as what is really is - or future known full circle...
What wonders might we find? Will they go completely public? Will they broadcast our discoveries - real time? - will they understand the why? No, not my men - will the American public truly understand... ...the why?
These are the things I wish to wonder - and it is the why that drives me - it is the answer to all the wonder that drives me to the why...
I am glad that our "masters" left us here. I am glad that they felt hat we where not worth saving. I am glad that ultimetly - their is no harness on our backs.
We are Human - and shall be ever fourth our days. And no matter how hard they try - they can't stop us now. We shall inherit the stars - and those among those stars - will be our brothers...
And if I shall pass - it WILL be known - I led these souls from the front - always "at the point" of the spear...
My dying wish - a son - who would raise my sword in my stead - and lead the charge into the great unknown...
The "Renegades of Funk"!!!
YES - Rock On
I know, I took a 'little' snipe at the issue of the secrecy itself at hiddenmission blog.
But what came to mind in contemplating that, was that for these 'original' guys in charge, they knew this was .IT., the once in great cosmic huge timeframe to make it count or else. There could be no revealing because at this astonishingly rare three cross convergent cycle, there is only one chance. Nothing could obstruct that plan. And so, no release could not have been acceptable really whilst in the early preparatory phases.
The largest cycle, by my meagre recall is about 150,000 years. A simultaneous alignment of three great movements. Yet now it comes out as well that our solar system may not even be from here, the Milky Way in the first place.
In a breakthrough mainstream Science News Release out just this Spring, information obviating the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy as parent to OUR SOLAR SYSTEM rather than the Milky Way Galaxy as completely plausible was released evidencing our Solar System was actually formed in a whole different elemental galactic setting -- one of Aluminum --
[Dwarf Galaxy Genesis] rather than Iron -- [Milky Way Genesis].
The release [below] stated plainly breakthrough data completely contrary to what the Sciences previously understood or even thought possible:
further on at the http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=1207&i=2
-- MATTHEW PERKINS ERWIN -- a man simply ahead of his time --
-- made the Breakthrough Discovery on May 30th 2006 -- studying the 2003 New Star Map:
-- -- Our angle is clearly "off" 60 - 90 degrees to the Milky Way in the night sky "Because" -- --
"We are being pulled in from an adjoining galaxy and obviously now in the final stages of joining with the Milky Way..."
"This is exactly how the Milky Way got so big (200 billion stars) because it is the sum total of many smaller galaxies..."
ion--> That said, we are, for the very first time about pass through to dip and travel Below the galactic equator.
And what is to come of that change of galactic orientation? Alignment to the center will change, apparently a better one.
over at http://viewzone.com/endtime.html
The Galactic Alignment of December 21, 2012
Our solar system is part of a huge disc shaped collection of stars and planets called the Milky Way. We're located somewhere on the edge of the disc, slightly on top of the narrow disc. But very soon we'll be moving to the bottom of the disc. This change, from top to bottom, begins on December 21, 2012.
Yes, that's right. On the same day when our Sun is at it's solar maximum, something will happen that's never happened before -- the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way! [see star chart]
If you imagine our solar system as a bunch of peas on a plate, with a huge meatball in the center, imagine the Milky Way as a city-size pizza with the "Guiness World Book Record Meatball" in its center!
Prior to December 2012 we have been drifting on the top of the pizza, never really able to see the bottom. The plate and pizza are not parallel. They are moving at different angles. We've been drifting down, down, down... and on December 21st, 2012, we will be exactly level with the crust -- forming an "x" at the Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest. After 2012, if we are still here, we will be passing through the bottom zone, viewing the Milky Way pizza from the South.
Yes, there's even more!
By some amazing coincidence, not only will we be intersecting with the Galactic Equator, but we will be doing this precisely aligned with the center of the Galaxy where there is maximum mass! More mass means more gravity. More gravity means more influence from those barycenters in our Sun. That means exponential increases in solar disruptions -- all coinciding on the same day! Whew!
ion--> Where I am going with this Sword is that the outcomes aren't known, but there are key facts known and described in Astronomy. All of these coincident to this date 12.21.2012.
Thus as we approach this culmination this seemingly, single-event like date, I can see why know it is acceptable to disclose the truths that were concealed...and I can see why there would be a 'changing of the guard' as you have mentioned between the older leadership and the next key leadership within the movement. Time Is Up.
This one grand period will be surpassed (hopefully) and the bigger window(of time) opens up ahead for the next gen. to play their new roles.
So, now we will see how all this secreted advance knowledge does Truly 'benefit' all mankind...I am sure black knight, it will be way beyond on the desired conveniences of things and technology. ;)
P.S. ...AND on topic as it is a recantation
Sword said:
What wonders might we find? Will they go completely public? Will they broadcast our discoveries - real time? - will they understand the why? No, not my men - will the American public truly understand... ...the why?
These are the things I wish to wonder - and it is the why that drives me - it is the answer to all the wonder that drives me to the why...
I too wonder about that...but the answer is likely very simple...survival..."The Golden Path"...from the Dune epic.
I just posted quite a long reply to one your comments at the Dark Mission blog...and I want to re-ieterate here that the reply was, and is NOT meant as an 'attack' at, or on you or your units' deeds. At first it may seems that way...but it is not. It is simply a question trying to find a way to end this "Truth Embargo" ASAP.
Because as I pointed out in that reply...some of us HAVE been doing a whole lot and LOST a whole lot fighting against the "Truth Hidders".
What will it take to break free?
Even with several hundred from the DisclosureProject and X-pacc...I STILL remain convinced Hijacking a Ship is the ONLY way the TRUTH gets out ASAP. period.
EVERYTHING else has been tried and failed...even 'insiders' coming out with stories...and now maybe at the Dark Mission 'new' Moon images. But in the end will it be enough? I still don't think so.
It still comes down to HARDWARE.
Something to put if front of the TV cameras and allow people to touch and see, smell and hear...and taste the air as it hovers in front of them.
THAT is what it will take.
So again...that response to YOUR comment about DOING something was NOT intended as an attack on you but a litany of things already tried and failed.
Sword - Check this:
I knew there was a another reason why I like Harley-Davidson!
Robert - don't worry - getting some talk going is easier than you think...
Everything is almost in place and we have many methods to surf past this key moment in the solar system. With all the potentials that may occur during this time, like pole shifts and CME's and the debris field etc., are there any records of this having been done 'well' before??....or successfully beyond just species survivability?
Mars obviously suffered tragically. Some records showed 40 million+ lost and the planet itself failed and pretty much destroyed. Uranus is flipped on its side and Venus was once thought to be habitable.
...and with that last line of your text... ...is your record of survivability...
We/they are anticipating a pole shift - why do you think there is such a land grab going on in the arctic? Why is it that the Soviet Union (there baaaaccccckkkkk) is rising up to there old ways of cold war?
It's going to be the most critical time in the entire history of mankind. Everything will be on the line - all bets are off. If the soviets come through this with enough capability to strike us down - they'll do it. The funny thing is - they will have MANY allies...
...it comes down to who to save - and why...
I can imagine our "partners" in all this skipping by rocks that would hit us - and going directly for the ones that have the trajectory for them... ...its going to be a sad twisted nightmare up there.
The ultimate goal is to push all of that big sucker into the sun before it gets past. Even if a majority gets sucked into the gravity well - even one or two could wipe us out. Even then - if they manage not to hit the earth - the solar system will be a chaotic shooting gallery as we try to track all the debris going every which way but loose.
Even if we are successful - we'll never know fully if we have got them all. We will most definitely have to set up a "Space Guard" radar network to ensure longevity... ...but no one is going to argue about that.
You see, the end of the cold war - wasn't the end - it was like a boxing match - and someone dinged the bell - now its round three - OH and BTW - now its WWF tag team wrestleing - and ooops - we dont have anyone tag in and help us out...(because I mean really - what kind of defense force does Canada and Mexico have? )...
Its the same fight between good/evil - freedom/slavery - communism/capitalism - and - its going to keep on and on until its finally resolved - someone must be the winner.
Ding Ding!
Round three!
Sword..Oops almost spelt that wrong! I don't have a problem with your avaricious appetite for comix. I like them too. And your right when you say you're ruff and ready. Apparently, Americans have 90 guns per 100 citizens. I don't suppose you see a problem with that? But will you stay in your sand box or "kick the planet back to the stone age"?
And you can rethink your take on cold war Russia. They have you outgunned. Do a google on archipelago Bearden. That would be Col. Bearden to you.
I think that number of guns is actually higher than that.
My sandbox? What am I a kid? Seriously?
Who has who out gunned?
ericswan, might be a family member.
The Col was Thomas E Bearden.
Nonetheless, an excellent link. Very interesting story.
USSS? Chapel
O.k. I wasn't pulling that one out of ya Capt.
You spoke her name. I could've 'sworn' you've never mentioned a ship named Chapel before.
'although she was a hot nurse if I recall on Star Trek' ;)
oh sorry ,not that kind of chapel?!
Huh, well I guess you would call it a "dignitary" shuttle...
Imagine a normal shuttle, militerized, and when the cargo doors open - its dosen't open the cargo bay to the open void. The entire cargo bay is encased in very thick (polished) lexan/pyrex glass. The chairs rotate foe or aft and actually lay down as well. Near the rear is dais where a podium can be set up. Behind the dais is additional cargo space for the materials of whatever presentation you might be doing up there.
Sounds crazy? Easier to do than you think. Funny story - I was going through the channels of having our little organization build one of those on our own - when a week latter we got a call telling us not to reinvent the wheel - and not to waste our meager funding on retrofitting and patching holes in a decrepit shuttle ( I mean whats 150 million in parts anyway? ) They already had what I was looking for.
The Sword members who read here will remember:
on the first two training excursions - on return no one belived that we where up there - only the handful of officers and the Knight where allowed out of there seats on the racks to look out the two tiny little windows.
They said it was Disneyland - that it was a trick - that it was all a put on show.
While I couldn't trust them outside yet (space dementia)I had to come up with something.
So - after screwing around with engineers and getting a call from "TOP" - We loaded up - and I altered forever the minds of young charges.
I remember it clearly - it was a Sunday - and just to drive home what we are and what we where to do - I gave a sermon; Genesis (Specifically KJV Gen 1 thu 2:2)...
The sermon started with the shuttle doing a slight spin. Almost on que when I recieted the words "Let there be light" - we passed by the terminator and where blinded by our holy father - and the shuttle gently turned as the earth below us illuminated in our eyes.
What a glorious heavenly day that was!
Everyone thought that the whole spectacle was planned - we indeed it was not. With not a dry eye on board - I went up to the pilot and asked him if he planned that - he said that he didn't but he knew that it was going to be bright - so he brought "The Chapel" around. I put him in for a medal - and he got it.
Nice to reminisce - nice to let the men know I haven't forgotten everything - and that the writing helps - now - If only I could remember specific things I could get my ass back to my unit... so tired of this time...
On the term BGR - 30ft quantifies something as big - but not giant - everyone is going to think where running around in walking skyscrapers - which is silly because those would be easy to shoot at...
Wow, please keep talking. tks. Pardon my shift back to this Blog with that question of mine. Don't want to steal their thunder over at the darkmission. That book needs to do it's 'thing'.
So, while I can feel you just itch'n to tell more Sword, ;) , I do see now the reason of the delivery of 'what was'.
The real Apollo story.
It would be so preparatory, whilst instilling some great admiration of 'the people', in the truth of it.
Now I don't know if thats the fuller depth of their book, but I sure look forward to it in the movie you have mentioned.
O.k so 30ft. quantifies something as 'big' - but not giant.....yet huge.
SO, if it is a BGR, then what size is a 'big giant'....robot?
While I am impressed, it is starting to sound like a 'Mech Warrior' extravaganza. ;)
Pushing the fictional boundaries a bit. What powers these big things?
And now for something completely out of this world.
Because my Looong post over at the DarkMission about a different "Press Conference" wasn't posted...for whatever reason...I have shortened it a bit and give you a general idea of how the President mught answer the news media question without creating panic, allowing 'the rock' and 'other ets' to still be kept secret and also an answer to the hole 'Jeanne'..so I'll repeat here for you Sword:
HHMSS Sword said...
Hey Rober - surprised you didn't jump on this.
Remember the discussion we had regarding the "Cydonia Smoking Pyramid? Remember how I said it was a "Mo-Hole"...
This article is pretty interesting - as the image shows a secondary vent - a 500ft wide secondary vent...
Now - if your really into geology like I am - There is strong evidence that this could be natural - but without more - similar in things - this seems to me to be an isolated formation - which is like - what - hundred to one chance?
Take a long look at both images and tell me what you think - and if anyone can find the source images - that would be great...
Anything like this on the moon?
August 31, 2007 1:03 PM
Actually I had seen it. And all it shows is the same hole with the light higher in the sky.
The Cydonia Smoker HAS 3 images from THREE different sun emission angles...and guess what...you STILL cannot see INSIDE that 'hole/crater/vent'. PLUS...my Cydonia Smoker lies at the EDGE of a 90 degree ledge, slanted against the side of a pyramid, has a UNIFORM ring surround the SUFACE around the hole itself. It is NOT just a blank 'drop' into the ground in the middle of nowhere like this place is...NO comparison.
I've been following the 'development theories' of Jeanne, which is the name the MRO team picked (Another reason why the Caydonia Anomalies Archive Image Map is NEEDED ! ) when it first released.
Some folks had done some very interesting work with that first image. I don't think they are still on-line though.
Wait some are here:
More be there but I'm in a slight hurry here...btw...
I also had a looong reply to your news scenario that didn't posted here.
But in it instead of the President instead of saying "That's it no more questions"
He/She points out that there was a 60 year old 'Executive Order' put in place after WWII and work negan on these machines using the crashed saucer technology of Roswell. Now that the executive order has expired we can begin using these machines and this technology openly. First we will be bringing scientists of ALL kinds along with private aerospace industry engineers and mining experts to help fill out the outposts that are already there run by the military. We will also begin recruiting scienctists and educators to help establish a base on Mars that with this techonology we believe we can have a self-sustaing Mars base within 5 years. We will need experts and pioneers in every field as we move out into the solar system. the time factor has been cut by a large margin and resuply from the Earth to the Moon and Mars in well within hours to the Moon and a few weeks to a month to Mars depending on Mars position relative to Earth. We will likely have regular supply and 'settlement' equipment being ferried to Mars throughout the five year build up to self suffincincy.
Stock market ralley, rising interest in science and mathmatics at ALL levels of education.
And again..you can STILL keep the coming rock secret and even maintain that the Roswell crash was the ONLY crash retrieved and we are STILL not in contact with ANY alien ciivilizations...NO DOWNSIDE for YOUR BlackOps folks.
We get to see and benefit NOW from the Anti-g or Spacefleet...and you still get to keep some major secrets forestalling you're world-wide panic you belive will happen.
What I was hoping that you would pick up on is the second image of that article...
The hole is out-gasing...
Been listening to Dan Burisch and the latest video interviewing from June 2007 at his site Project Camelot.
Talk about "straight talk"!
While I know 'aliens' or simply 'off worlders' is not your 'area', I am curious to know what you think about Dan's disclosures about multiple timelines and treaties with the other beings.
A former MJ12 member doesn't get much loftier. Interesting to here the details about the 'other' world leaders..... and some of them and their stupidity.
Burisch is a supreme good intellect and moral being. Just what we need in dealing with these other portions of 'our' race who were much less so.
So, Iraq(Saddam)were really trying for the 'looking glass' technology for themselves and their future desires. I guess that could well have been alternatively described as a WMD.
Now the mission there makes supreme sense. You guys all rock, kudos.
As he said about the rules around the cube and the looking glass technology, "if push comes to shove", WE will Shove. So Bush was not quite so stupid, just a lousy rep to communicate what had to occur.
What was interesting to hear was his comments concerning 'the illuminati, leaders of old, and the so-called blue bloods' and their use and abuse of the means to look ahead. A look ahead at probabilities, but nonetheless useful.
Now the ethics are being redirected to the rule of the majority, a recognition of the real equality of all.
I am so proud, to see such higher level correcting of the world ethics in that area and the U.S. played it frigg'n brilliant.
Even with the treaties with the beings of the other timelines. What is interesting is they were not have as problematic as the damn humans of our world in the other countries.
typo: they were not half as problematic as the damn humans of our world
I'll try to get looking at that and give you my response.
I was thinking about doing a BGR post - however - everyone is going to think I am far more crazier than I already appear to be. The only images I have are of the Masonic level toys which represent the actual devices...
On the first matter - I am dubious that a MJ12 fella would be spilling the beans - at any level - these are the original MIB (Men in black) - and just like the movie eludes to - they usually end up as postal workers with hypnotic removal (not quite) of there memories...
Sounds goofy huh - that the Gov would do such a thing.
Try living through some of the shit American Soldiers live through - you might think differently...
HHMSS Sword said...
What I was hoping that you would pick up on is the second image of that article...
The hole is out-gasing...
2007-09-01 4.31.PD
I KNOW already that there are a WIDE variety of 'out-gassing' occuring on Mars.
Are you aware there are MANY varieties?
NASA wants us all to believe ALL of the following is 'out-gassing':
and this explanation is bullshit:
Dark pits on some of the Martian volcanoes have been speculated to be entrances into caves. A previous HiRISE image, looking essentially straight down, saw only darkness in this pit.
This time the pit was imaged from the west. Since the picture was taken at about 2:30 p.m. local (Mars) time, the sun was also shining from the west. We can now see the eastern wall of the pit catching the sunlight.
This confirms that this pit is essentially a vertical shaft cut through the lava flows on the flank of the volcano. Such pits form on similar volcanoes in Hawaii and are called "pit craters." They generally do not connect to long open caverns but are the result of deep underground collapse. From the shadow of the rim cast onto the wall of the pit we can calculate that the pit is at least 78 meters (255 feet) deep. The pit is 150 x 157 meters (492 x 515 feet) across.
flying from above the presvious image was also acquired at the SAME LOCAL TIME !!!
The sun shinning on the inside of the hole would have been seen even from directly above. The light would have lit up the other interior 'walls' when contrast enhanced. Did you look at the Yahoo site images I linked to?
more 'out-gassing' trying explain the 'spiders':
And I could go on and on and on...but...NONE explain either the Cydonia Smoking Pyramid or even remotely look like it...nor do they even remotely look like the REAL SPIDERS on Mars that 'may' be a biomass:
and "I was hoping you'd pick up on " my second point that there IS a VALID and REALISTIC way to bring these "Spaceships" into the open...show them IN-ACTIION over the next few years AND give the populace confidence in them...AND still keep the danger and other 'secrets'...secret.
No comment on that aspect???
Or are you and "TOPs" still satisfied with the 'civilain' advisors/puppets you already have?
You berated 'civilians' not doing their roles according to YOUR version of this "Golden Path" into humanity's survival...what if all your planning is WRONG? Georgie Jr and et al "TOPS" were certainly absolutely WRONG about what would happen with Iraq...and NOW were supposed to think they've all of a sudden have gotten better about pulling new solutions out of their ever-widening assholes???
Again....send me a quart bag of whatever you've been smoking, I could use some good stuff lately. The hyprocracy is aboslutely stomach turning.
you said: On the first matter - I am dubious that a MJ12 fella would be spilling the beans - at any level - these are the original MIB (Men in black) - and just like the movie eludes to - they usually end up as postal workers with hypnotic removal (not quite) of there memories...
Sounds goofy huh - that the Gov would do such a thing.
Try living through some of the shit American Soldiers live through - you might think differently...
2007-09-01 3.54.MD
iontruo2-->I would totally agree. A retired MJ12 guy?
But just watch him.
If its good theatre and false, its darn well done, but in my experience, the kernels of truth in it stand out.
What do I know.
Sword..The following 8 part vid interview by C2C Noory will explain just exactly what you've always wanted to know about Venus and Mars. You've always had a father you never knew now do something about it.
An informed opinion of the latest "disclosure" by Dr. Greer.
EricSwan - Joseph made some good points about Dr. Greer's take on the cover up/Disclosure Project.
I was thinking, what if a man from the medical field was asked to be a car dealer, how strange the transition would be.
Sword..Were you out on a mission last night?
No, only the Skeleton Crew is at there posts right now. The entire platoon, my platoon, is scattered to the four winds - and like me - awaiting recall...
My thoughts?
Anything coming out of a meteor shower would have suficent mass to make big waves.
A downed satillite? Burning "shuttle" wreckage of either soviet or Communist Chinese design? A downed SAM? A shot down spy sat?
Could be anything...
Santa Claus on a bad vacation...
I'm not privy to everything - but now I'm interested...
The east coast isn't my door to watch - but - I wonder and worry anyway...
you said: I was thinking, what if a man from the medical field was asked to be a car dealer, how strange the transition would be.
2007-09-02 10.46.MD
iontruo2--> Heck I know people with their doctorates, who are making pizza here in Canada because of our stupid failure to give 'any' credence to their professions from elsewhere.
Now our health care system is crying the blues because we don't have enough Doctors and nurses. DUH!?
...how about a 20 year exp Economist from Singapore who is now basically running a restaurant for a living.
'Welcome to the west silly primitive foreigner' with meaningless degrees and experience. (sarcastic humour) ;)
ericswan-Good pdf. (publicly released). ;)
Its about getting the MOST out of our little suitcase of tools up here in humble Canada.
Space Based Observation Of Satellites From The MOST Microsatellite
Alriiiight Sword, now that was a good tune up you gave to culteral captivity at the darkmission blog a few days back about Freemasonry.
But you really held back. I know I know, stacking stones was hilarious and really what does the Hiram Key really have to say , if I can get it for $5 bucks at Chapter's discount section? lol ;)
But in light of his superficial knowledge Sword, you could've at least dropped a mention of The Dionysiac Architects
(source-Manly P Hall)
Maybe that is too important to waste on someone who is not open. hmmm o.k.
...as well, I did now notice that the last "two" comment counts at Dark Mission have concluded at 33 when new Blogs have been posted up. Auspicious.
Once-in-a-lifetime meteor shower dazzles
The rare alpha Aurigids meteor shower appeared this weekend as predicted, sprinkling the sky with bluish-green "shooting stars".
Unlike the more familiar meteor showers like the Perseids, which return year after year, the alpha Aurigids had only been seen three times in the century leading up to this year's display. This rarely-seen shower is thought to be the result of debris shed by comet Kiess during its passage through the inner solar system about 2000 years ago (see Rare meteor shower to shed light on dangerous comets.)
Scientists predicted that the alpha Aurigids would return again this year, and they were spot on. This is especially amazing given the notorious difficulty of accurately forecasting this sort of thing.
A group of two dozen scientists observed the display high above clouds and haze aboard a pair of jets, in an expedition organised by the SETI Institute in Mountainview, California, US. The jets flew above Utah and California – the west coast of the United States was best situated for observing the event.
The researchers were rewarded with a fine display that peaked at around 1115 UT, 18 minutes earlier than predicted. At its best, the shower produced about 100 meteors per hour.
One ground-based observer recounts what he saw in a comment on a previous entry in this blog:
"The Aurigid meteor shower was brief but intense from Stagecoach, Colorado. In the five-minute interval from 5:20 AM - 5:25 AM MDT, bright blue-green meteors were raining down all around at the rate of 3-4 per minute. It was heart-pounding excitement for a few minutes, reminiscent of the 2001 Leonid meteor storm!"
The jet-borne scientists also reported seeing bluish and greenish meteors, as did observers in the shower's 1994 appearance.
The colours of meteors are related to the chemical composition of the debris that produces them. Blue glows can be produced by iron, for example.
The group took photographs of the meteor trails and measured their light spectra. This data should help scientists learn more about the debris that produced the display.
I'm sorry I didn't get to see this unusual event. I was here on the US east coast, where the display was not visible. If you witnessed the meteor shower, please post a comment and tell us what you saw.
Ion your pdf has a link to real time deep space satellite data. Don't click on it. hehehe
Gee Sword,
Still no comment on my alternative to "your" version of "a President" standing in front of the cameras and mikes and relating this new AreoSpace technology that's been "hidden" for the last 60 years? My way you still get to keep the major secrets but the populace would be enhanced with a rise in the Stock Market, a surge of exploration showing these 'new' craft in safe and repeated operation over the interveaning years between NOW and THEN.
Don't know what to think about the 'no comment'.
Still interested in Jeanne?
You know that "outgassing" MoHole idea NASA is trying to make everyone swaller?
This one:
Thanx to Woodlock for this link to ALL the EDR raw data from the Jeanne hole image...note that there IS data for a COLOR version of this "thing"....So now the question also becomes...WHY release ONLY a BnW image of the thing when you had the data for a COLOR release???
And NASA is again Fracking with the colors of the rovers, as usual. Besides what Richard posted even my 'odd rocks' did NOT have that "Red Haze" of Panama Red wafting over the images...again would you or NASA send me a gallon bag of whatever you folks at "TOPS" are smoking to think you fool people who pay attention to this stuff. As for the rest of the Sheeple they could care less if Mars looks like Arizona, California or the Gobi desert. Most are just trying to keep their jobs and homes like good little sheeple...ready to panic with NO long-term preperation for what is coming. THAT is 'leadership' also?
The hyprocacy and fish still stink...and the comments the present President made in his new book out...well let's just say the Keith Obermann said it best tonight in his closing statement.
People are supposed to have "confidence" in leadership after this idiot?
IonTruO2 said...
...as well, I did now notice that the last "two" comment counts at Dark Mission have concluded at 33 when new Blogs have been posted up. Auspicious.
Yes, indeed, an open mouth with beating feet to fill.
I to noticed the blogg count, interestingly enough - There was no changes that I could find in either blogg. Interesting.
Furthermore... ... ...'ol Rich has posted a new comment that states that its: "It's NOT a "rock" that's coming .... :)"
Furthering my cause? I dunno yet - but there definetly seems to be some scratch my back action going on.
On that matter I wish Hoagland would just go back to his blogg like old skool instead of using his "principle investigator" as a front man... ... ... I mean - what a wimp - He's a member of Sword (ONE of our wiz-ohs) whether he likes it our not... ...so having balls kinda means he was issued them.
I mean - any other mortal man would have been pissing/shitting and crying himself begging for his life. No 'ol Rich... ... ...
Not many regular Infantry we have done similar things to has held up as well as this skinny "old man" civilian scientist...
robert said...
Don't know what to think about the 'no comment'.
I didn't comment because it was generally off topic for the M.Bara blogg (shhhh - its RCH shhhh)
Because I just simply don't believe that scenario would work...
It's completely out of my hands...
If they wanted to do it the way you are describe they would have started that a decade ago... ...but they didn't... they went with the Bookings report ideal.
Now - I like your idea - hell - I would have been on magizine covers by now (with puppet strings) and it would have made the Legion far more recruitable and my ranks would swell.
But thats not comimg to pass...
Robert - on this path - timing is everything. They got this Revelational disclosure down to the letter - down to the move.
Don't tell me that there is no leadership on this impending doom that I have been (and some other noteables) have been talking about... ...things have been put in place long before either one of us where born just for this "problem"...
Just watch as the scene unfolds.
I still think that the ET ticket is going to be a McCain/Clinton ticket.
Just watch as the scene unfolds.
I still think that the ET ticket is going to be a McCain/Clinton ticket.
2007-09-04 9.44.MD
Okay I can buy that...thanx for the courtesy of a reply about that. I KNOW alot of this stuff is in the Bible which I have read about 5 times in my life front to back.
As for lol...McCain/Hillary...now I DO want a gallon bag LOL...:D
"staying tuned" as much as I HATE that aspect of this...again no disrespect intended for those who fight for all of us.
Revelational Disclosure
I like that. ;)
I watched a movie on mainstream TV called "Who killed the electric car" which is about GM's "ev1". This car had a range of 300 miles could do 0 to 60 in 3.6 seconds, plugged into any electrical outlet and was mass produced due to a mandate in California for electric cars. The end of the movie showed the ev-one being carted off by the hundreds to be crushed and shipped.
The movie has a website..
It may not be dead:
Patent No. 7,033,406 EEStor
Bio - Fuel Refineries online 2008
The era of cheap food is over. The price of maize has doubled in a year, and wheat futures are at their highest in a decade. The food price index in India has risen 11 per cent in one year, and in Mexico in January there were riots after the price of corn flour - used in making the staple food of the poor, tortillas - went up fourfold.
Even in the developed countries food prices are going up, and they are not going to come down again. Cheap food lasted for only 50 years.
Before World War II, most families in developed countries spent a third or more of their income on food, as the poor majority in developing countries still do. But after the war, a series of radical changes, from mechanisation to the green revolution, raised agricultural productivity hugely and caused a long, steep fall in the real price of food.
For the global middle class, it was the good old days, with food taking only a tenth of their income.
It will probably be back up to a quarter within a decade. And it may go much higher than that because we are entering a period when three separate factors are converging to drive food prices up.
The first is simply demand. Not only is the global population continuing to grow - about an extra Turkey or Vietnam every year - but as Asian economies race ahead, more people in those populous countries are starting to eat more meat.
Early this month, in its annual assessment of farming trends, the United Nations predicted that by 2016, less than 10 years from now, people in the developing countries will be eating 30 per cent more beef, 50 per cent more pig meat and 25 per cent more poultry.
The animals will need a great deal of grain, and meeting that demand will require shifting huge amounts of grain-growing land from human to animal consumption - so the price of grain and of meat will both go up.
The global poor don't care about the price of meat because they can't afford it even now. But if the price of grain goes up, some of them will starve. And maybe they won't have to wait until 2016, because the mania for bio-fuels is shifting huge amounts of land out of food production.
A sixth of all the grain grown in the United States this year will be "industrial corn" destined to be converted into ethanol and burned in cars, and Europe, Brazil and China are all heading in the same direction.
The attraction of biofuels for politicians is obvious: they can claim that they are doing something useful to combat emissions and global warming - although the claims are deeply suspect - without demanding any sacrifices from business or the voters.
The amount of United States farmland devoted to biofuels grew by 48 per cent in the past year alone, and hardly any new land was brought under the plough to replace the lost food production.
In other big biofuel countries, such as China and Brazil, it's the same straight switch from food to fuel. In fact, the food market and the energy market are becoming closely linked, which is bad news for the poor.
As oil prices rise - and the rapid economic growth in Asia guarantees that they will - they pull up the price of biofuels as well, and it gets even more attractive for farmers to switch from food to fuel.
Nor will politics save the day. As economist Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute says: "The stage is now set for direct competition for grain between the 800 million people who own automobiles, and the world's two billion poorest people." Guess who wins.
Soaring Asian demand and biofuels mean expensive food now and in the near future, but then it gets worse.
Global warming hits crop yields, but only recently has anybody quantified how hard. The answer, published in Environmental Research Letters in March by Christopher Field of the Carnegie Institution in Stanford, California, and David Lobell of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is quite simple: for every 0.5C hotter, crop yields fall between 3 and 5 per cent.
So 2C hotter, which is the lower end of the range of predicted temperature rise this century, means a 12 to 20 per cent fall in global food production.
This is science, so that answer could be wrong - but it could be wrong by being too conservative. Last year in New Delhi, I interviewed the director of a think tank who had just completed a contract to estimate the impact on Indian food production of a rise of just 2C in global temperature.
The answer, at least for India, was 25 per cent. That would mean mass starvation, for if India were in that situation then every other major food-producing country would be too, and there would be no imports available at any price.
In the early stages of this process, higher food prices will help millions of farmers who have been scraping along on very poor returns for their effort because political power lies in the cities.
But later it gets uglier. The price of food relative to average income is heading for levels that have not been seen since the early 19th century, and it will not come down again in our lifetimes
Gwynne Dyer
I know I let it run loose on topic here - but we started out with the recantation of Hoagland's remark at 19.5 days after my"I" complaint...
Now where talking about bio-fuel in a almost novel post?
What about the topic folks? ...seriously...
I surely thought that this would bri8ng about some serious conversation - but it seems to be lost to the wind...
What discussion?
So much has been posted here that has gone nowhere. A few days of silence and then a nice meteor shower. replies? where? mine are lost to the wind.
Serious conversation, is not so single word cryptic. Do I look like a dentist?
Other than the latest post being a good and meaningful 'statement' Blog, the only discussion point that now comes up for me is why the heck Richard's angle seems to be so conspiratorial?
Always this allusion to 'non-righteous' conduct?
...and thus your remarks that have perhaps brought about a recantation by them. o.k.
But in the end I say WTF? Manchurian Bullshit.
This is a small good example of why some of us bright beings would never do 'organizations', because their 'collective mind' is still cultish and not so rightly clear.
Talk straight, tell the virtuous story in truth. That's my message to the club.
They need to quit with the games and theatrics and trickling cryptic follow the cheese child's play.
Sounds like a quote from Robert.
Why is sober maturity such a rare thing in these cirles. Who the f**k do you people think you are disclosing to?
Yes we are more cognitive "than a fifth grader". Maybe not in the States, I don't know, but I grow weary of this dumbed down throw us a potato chip, kind of engagement.
The back flips needed to acquire that show or the audio archive you spent time referring to, were not worth the trouble for many people.
Even a simple downloadable transcript would have been fine. Thats just lousy media efforts and it shouldn't be...at this stage.
So before I really rant off on your asses for all this 'silliness' rather than seriousness, I'll go and have yet another coffee. ;)
P.S. glad you liked that dome.
Sword - "IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON" movie should be out tomorrow. Will this be at the theaters or DVD only? Do you think this movie will drop us some helpful clues?
I know people have to stretch a little to 'get it'. That is necessary for the 'ah ha' moment of some kind of realization. The little break throughs etc.
But the point is lost, when the method is too abstract or lacking fuller contexts. Notably too, when dealing with a wider audience of generally interested viewers who are not as involved and/or willing to 'do the work' of chasing tiny hints.
I speak this only as an input if the intent is to bring the disclosure to a larger audience as you go.
In my methods with regards to healing work, opening does occur and brain popping moments of insight still do happen, with out trying to be clever.
reception and response is the transcendental conductivity.
IonTruO2 said...
Other than the latest post being a good and meaningful 'statement' Blog, the only discussion point that now comes up for me is why the heck Richard's angle seems to be so conspiratorial?
Always this allusion to 'non-righteous' conduct?
Because perhaps it is his involvement in SWORD. Basically he was lured into a Lions den and left - not quite the same RCH than that of the man that showed up. You see, the story of our initial meeting - in all the detail I could muster - was just that - the initial meeting.
I didn't cover unfortunate happenings at his hotel - I didn't cover his sleeping on the "Tudens" couch for a night or two - and I didn't cover the darkening (the becoming one of us) he was subjected to - against his better judgment... ...certainly... ...he wants to disclose the whole story within article seven - but to just come right out with allot of stuff without setting some things up first will make him look like a bad guy - like one of the "powers that be" - basically a stooge...
...So one must wonder - why is it that he eludes to 'non-righteous' conduct?
...in the end - he will be judged by his readers/fans/public based on his actions.
People will ask:
"RCH - why is it that you where introduced to SFTG:SWORD and yet - as a civilian you where compelled not to disclose to the American public the coming disaster?"
...A simple "They told me not to talk about it" will not do. "I swore an oath..." - no one will buy that either.
...So people will ask - "RCH - What other possible explanation do you have for your silence on this incredible and cataclysmic issue?"
IonTruO2 said...
But in the end I say WTF? Manchurian Bullshit.
Indeed, bullshit - a means to an end. Now - why Manchurian - something so easy to relate to and something so easy to relate to in a wrong way. So why the big push in this new book of that topic?
...Easy... ...RCH is giving his readers/fans/public something to relate to that he to can relate himself to as well.
...Now why would he wish to relate himself to "brainwashed" astronauts? Why would he recant (19.5 days latter) calling it "selectively erased memories" and recall times when astronauts almost spilled the beans?
...Is no one else seeing the "set-up" unfolding?
...When readers/fans/public finally ask the question: "Rch - why is it that you knew of this coming calamity almost a decade ago - and yet remained silent?"
...The answer: "I was forcedly hypnotized into selectively forgetting and forcedly compelled by means of hypnotherapy not to speak of these matters - just like Apollo astronauts of yesteryear..." - now everyone can buy that - AND oddly enough - its the straight truth.
That wily scientist - after hearing everything that we where telling him - and showing him everything that we could do wanted to run - not walk or drive (it was 75 below outside) to the nearest television news outlet and start spreading the word - he wanted to get a hold of all his contacts at NASA and in every other news agency he could find.
Telling him that far more poeple knew about it than he thought - and that he had to keep his mouth shut - just for a little while - no dice.
Reminding him that he swore an oath and was basically under federal contract not to say anything - no dice - in fact his response to that drew a gasp from my assembled men...
"Holding" him down and using methods known to the Masonic order to cure him of his manic behavior that would only spell disaster for him personally/finically?
That did the trick.
Now - hindsight being 20/20 - I think whoever sent him to us for or Project:Disclosure knew in some way shape or form that he was going to go nuts on us and want to immediately start spilling the beans so to speak. But, in the end - he would have been just one crazy scientist who had gone mad - and - eventually - no one would listen to him and he would have been lost in the static ... or eventually "put-down" like a rabid dog for the simple fact that he knew to much - and couldn't keep quiet long enough for everything we had planed to come to fruit...
So... ...while everyone else is looking at this scenario with some skeptical eye's - I see everything clearly.
I saw that he didn't forget everything when in the beginning of his Cassini articles ended with: DISCLOSURE
I saw that he understood the messages when he posted that article about sending messages within messages. Everyone else took that with a grain of salt - I saw it for what it was.
I saw the meaning of "need to know" (a military saying) in his response to my yearning for his disclosure of his meeting with SWORD...
In the end - with his "return" to the blogging arena - I see what is going on now:
Richard C. Hoagland said...
It's NOT a "rock" that's coming .... :)
That's what I'm spending two and a half hours in San Francisco, at the Wisdom Festival the night of the 15th, explaining .... :)
Whats going on ? - where marching right along to article seven of MWAV... ...and DISCLOSURE...
BTW - I'm sorry that the audio links where so hard to get to.
This chap did some leg work for me and posted the entire show in question and put it together in youtube:
That is a serious response Sword. You've spoken that one out now, 'on the record' of sorts'. Woah, now that's candor.
Yes, as reflected earlier, Timing is everything on this one chance 'Moment'.
Perhaps mine and others' criticism is around the 'how' of revealing and the 'when', relative to the 2012 marker.
The point becomes moot, I know.
From the intro to Joshua 2012(pardon if error), the up coming DVD, I felt clearly his repose and intent as pure.
So, the doubt of Richard and his commercial motives falls away, in light of this being his real role. Everything would pale and be redundant in contrast to that key "Disclosure" to All, at the exacting time.
What befalls the civilization in that harmonically calculated moment? A reaction, perhaps tempered or shepherded by an understanding of the hyperdimensional physics and the most resonant timing to move through and past the "crux". ;) (a climbing term)
Now you say Sword, the key 'response' and word, conveyed in the known procedure by Richard, affirmed, Disclosure.
He says: "Its not a "rock" that's coming.... :)"
You Sword have said it is a "debris field"
For me what seems to be coming up over and over again is Mothership. Odd appearances of it, just there. The very word itself.
Prior to that it was numerous examples of the converted Asteroidal Vessels or Ships. Persistently.
My sudden thought here is that it is not really a debris field per-say, it could be better described as perhaps "A Fleet"?
A fleet riding the big orbit, the big closed loop.....for virtually free.
Not unlike the IPS we talked before about.
So, the questions that comet Shoe-Maker Levy helped determine is 'how small the asteroids have to be ,to be 'good craft' that do not get 'torn asunder' by the Sun.
What is that just right size? Hmmm? Lets consider the stability of Temple1 even after an impact? Hmmm? Lets consider the shape of Cruithne surfing perfectly with us(earth) in a sweet orbit. Better yet, what size is that nice body orbiting with Mars, sitting pretty in the near perfect Lagrange point L5 and named "Eureka!", literally.
Along comes Richard and he points at Iapetus, and its apparent complete artificiality in Moon With A View.
Then along comes Sword who speaks of "Janus", found to be a Saturn Co-Orbital. Obviously that kind of size works, specially riding in the comforting orbit of Saturn each time around . He has disclosed that they believe it is a 'companion'/supportive craft to Iapetus.
There are many options for size, of what can safely 'ride the wave' through each grand orbit I'm sure. Talk about a nomadic tour.
My question then is WHO is the prodigal one now? Us....or....them?
Ah, what a.musing.
Debris field or fleet? One in the same, perhaps.
What would Sword then really be preparing for behind the Sun?
A greeting?!... or a 'shoving match' of a different kind? Why else send a masterlevel soldier and the elite of the best? (One who described his skill at 'boarding' very well.)
Debris Field or fleet?
Friend or Foe?
Meteor or NOT.
..and I finish with some Led Zeppelin and a new package release called "Mothership"
Now - on to other things - in the last portion of those links I gave you - the whole "Dark Mission" C2C episode (which in these links is 8 sections... ...there was some other revelational tidbits that NO one caught on to...
In the last section in the last 30 seconds there was some interesting stuff that no one has commented on.
In the last twenty seconds Hoagland and Noory talk about how the government is spending money on other things like going to "the rock" and "well have to see what happens in 2008" - he did this sometime ago - and hes refferanceing it again his new blogg... ...
It's MY rock that he's talking about...
Whats happened to my scrutinizing crowd?
damm - hers the link to the last portion of that show:
Sword - Well reading more of RCH's connection with your group, I now can see why the "Dark Mission" book's cover looks like it does, as MarsRevealer stated -
"Youz ever hear of the saying??? NOT EAT THE YELLOW SNOW???
That is what the cover being printed now is. ;-) SYMBOLIZED even as the vover in colors, & in astronauts jigglin his nuts! AN INSULT I TAKE IT AS!"
Maybe that HypnoTrip really PISSED him off and now he wants to crash(payback is a bitch) your party.
He who fucks with my memory will feel the STING of the MeanGreen!
Thanks Sword for the links! Appreciate that.
IonTruO2 said...
Along comes Richard and he points at Iapetus, and its apparent complete artificiality in Moon With A View.
Then along comes Sword who speaks of "Janus", found to be a Saturn Co-Orbital. Obviously that kind of size works, specially riding in the comforting orbit of Saturn each time around . He has disclosed that they believe it is a 'companion'/supportive craft to Iapetus.
It definitely a possibility – but – however – I don’t think I said that their belief in that was absolute – just certainly a possibility to be looked into before we go flipping switches looking for the lights.
IonTruO2 said...
A greeting?!... or a 'shoving match' of a different kind? Why else send a masterlevel soldier and the elite of the best? (One who described his skill at 'boarding' very well.)
We all, that is everyone involved, every branch of the military and every nation has a specific mission to handle during this grand effort. I know what your eluding to – but we simply don’t think that is what it is. “Olden” records state that they left a long, long time ago. Radar composites from the “Major Tom” mission and images/other data show nothing of the sort.
IonTruO2 said...
My sudden thought here is that it is not really a debris field per-say, it could be better described as perhaps "A Fleet"?
Yes certainly it is possible that a significantly technological race could do such a thing as making solid enough asteroids into space faring vessels. The thing of the matter is – this local of space holds no interest for them. Soon – in space time concerns – this is going to be a very chaotic solar system with a lot of debris orbiting at every angle imaginable – and the last viable planet is infested with dirty slaves who just happen to be directly in the path of a long know physical conjunction…
If there are any hold outs they will more than likely be pushed in to the gravity well of the sun, nuked, or as a last resort – yes – be boarded and destroyed from the inside out. We will live free – or – die. We will not be enslaved again.
However – this is an incredibly remote possibility.
If they had planned on staying why go to all the trouble of creating slaves to build ships so that they could leave? Why not just restart on earth and build ships to deal with the problem when it came – wait – someone is doing that already… …
Sword - What's with the change, looks like the comments are in "PD" time stamp now.
BTW - Maybe that HypnoTrip("forcedly hypnotized") really PISSED RCH off and now he wants to crash(payback is a bitch) your party.
Thank you for addressing some points of my free form consideration there. Appreciate that.
A. musing mine was, but your points make good sense and bring additional input.
Sword For you.
Be true to your native heart.
'On the night of August 17th, 2007, a meeting of freemasons and elders met at the Manitoba Legislature for a ceremony of peace on the night of the Venus inferior conjunction of the sun. Lyna Hart, a Cree elder sang the Moon Song to honour the return of the sacred feminine in all of our lives.'
Moon Song-Cree"
Link is bad:
testing 4th time
All that just to get one poem into the mix at fshod where you talking about Martian Hermits:
I wish to repeat Iontruo2 wish that some OTHER "Golden Path" was unfolding faster than it is. Especially with the ability as you say to have already set up folks on Mars who might have gone 'native' and may be hanging out on that ledge of my Smoking Pyramid having come out for some scenery from the doorway at the end of the path that leads from the 'Smoker" up into the hillside...underground.
The Martian Hermit
Sooo... yesssss... I wanna take a ride.
Actually no - while I don't know the locations - they are far from anything perceived as important - or rather - anything that might have martin natives.
Somewhere along the line - those who can made the decision not to force anything on anything they didn't know. so - the "camped" on the outskirts. No so close that they would be perceived a threat and not so far away they wouldn't be noticed.
Its got to be a very lonely existence - but from time to time they can link up and be sociable with one another.
Word is that they have found remnants of anceint civilizations everywhere - scattered - but no ones home apparently...
Glad to see you can post again Rob - don't know what that was about... ...but i have my theory's.
Zeb..(FSHOD) has been processing a few pics of a UFO that I took on July 22. I managed to get the object into 4 different pics but the scary part is that what I could see was a dot on an 8x11 sheet of paper. No more and no less. With all of the photshopping in the world, all we are getting is a bigger dot.
Meangreen you asked if the pic that Doug Yurchey sent me which subsequently "disappeared" was this one. It's not Ion's pic but it looks like it must be the one that you linked from Doug's website.
EricSwan - I was thinking about RCH and his HypnoTrip, maybe he had a Total Recall moment and is now making his plan of attack to bring down TPTB.
As long as he doesn't try to stick it to SWORD - I hope he goes full montey...
Which 'powers that be'?
"the Fall" is a term than can probably be expressed across a number of scenarios.
I recall an essay I read by a spiritual teacher whereby he said: " our prior-unity is remembered, when we all lose face together".
So, I ponder here, that the dimensions of this event like period, span more than just the physical 'turbulence'. Thus exampled this phase of zealotry occurring in conjunction.
The magnetic field is .5 gauss compared to the norm of 2.5. Me thinks a shift of all sorts is wrapped within "The Fall". Time for a new direction.
SUPERTRAMP "Fool's Overture"
History recalls how great the fall can be
While everybody's sleeping, the boats put out to sea
Borne on the wings of time
It seemed the answers were so easy to find
Too late, the prophets cry
The islands sinking, lets take to the sky
I thought when I first heard it and again now, that RCH said " like going to Iraq."
But he pronounced it with a new england accent, like "I-rock".
I decided to post the pix of the UFO object that Zebo processed for me. I think you will see a resemblance to the objects in Ion's video posted at FSHOD. Interesting thing about this dot is that the photos were taken within a 40 second period and that the object changes shape, seems to have an aura about it and in one pic looks like a skull and bones to the imaginative mind.
Its a bird...
NO! - Its a plan!
NO - wait!
... ...its a flying mason!
C'mon now...
U.S. Astronauts reveal encounters with apparent Extraterrestrials and UFOs
Peter Tremblay
The Canadian
Sat, 08 Sep 2007 05:30 EDT
Rumors have persisted for years that the astronauts -- nearly all of whom are military officers susceptible to being silenced under orders -- may have seen something more on the Moon than rocks and dust.
According to transcripts of the technical debriefing following the Apollo 11 mission, astronauts Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins told of an encounter with a large cylindrical UFO even before reaching the Moon, U.S. investigative journalist and researcher Jim Marrs documents. Mr. Aldrin further officially presented his encounters with apparent Extraterrestrials on CNN's Larry King Show.
Jim Marrs further presents that Mr. Aldrin said, "The first unusual thing that we saw I guess was one day out or pretty close to the Moon. It had a sizable dimension to it". Aldrin said the Apollo crew at first thought the object was the Saturn 4 booster rocket (S-IVB); but, he added, "We called the ground and were told the S-IVB was 6,000 miles away."
Mr. Aldrin described the UFO as a cylinder, while Armstrong said it was "really two rings. Two connected rings". Collins also said it appeared to be a hollow, tumbling cylinder. He added, "It was a hollow cylinder. But then you could change the focus on the sextant and it would be replaced by this open-book shape. It was really weird."
Even more strange was the experience of Mr. Aldrin and Mr. Armstrong, after they reached the Moon.
According to an Associated Press story of July 20, 1969 published in the San Bernardino Sun-Telegram, the astronauts sighted eerie lights inside a crater near the point on the Moon where their lunar lander was due to touch down the next day.
On their first sweep around the Moon, Armstrong described a mysterious bright light on the inner wall of the crater Aristarchus, located north of their flight path. "It seems to have a slight amount of florescence to it. The area in the crater is quite bright," he reported.
"That area is definitely brighter than anything else I can see. There doesn't appear to be any color involved in it. It looks like an eerie sight," confirmed Aldrin.
Two astronauts who appear to have broken ranks are Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper. On The Oprah Winfrey Show on 19 July 1991, Mitchell hinted that all information regarding UFOs has not been released, saying, "I do believe that there is a lot more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is available to the public right now [and] has been for a long time... It's a long, long story. It goes back to World War II when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff."
On Dateline NBC in 1996, Mitchell was even more candid. "I have no firsthand experience, but I have had the opportunity to meet with people from three countries who in the course of their official duties claim to have had personal firsthand encounter experiences... with Extraterrestrials," he said. Jim Marrs says that "Mitchell flatly stated that some advanced military craft use technology derived from alien spacecraft that have been collected by the U.S. Government."
Cooper, in a letter read during a 1978 meeting at the United Nations to discuss UFOs, stated, "...I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet form other planets, which are obviously a little more advanced than we are here on Earth."
Also that year, Mr. Cooper wrote a letter to the ambassador of the Mission of Grenada to the United Nations supporting a UN initiative to study UFOs. In his letter, Cooper stated that astronauts "are very reluctant even to discuss UFOs due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents, abusing their names and reputations without hesitation. Those few astronauts who have continued to participate in the UFO field have had to do so very cautiously. There are several of us who do believe in UFOs and who have had occasion to see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane."
Cooper's mention of a "UFO on the ground. apparently was a reference to his own experience at Edwards Air Force Base on May 2, 1957. In 1993, Cooper gave this account of the incident: "I had a crew that was filming an installation of a precision landing system we were installing out on the dry lake bed, and they were there with stills and movies, and filmed the whole installation and they came running in to tell me that this UFO, a little saucer, had come down right over them, put down three gear, and landed about 50 yards from them, and as they proceeded to go on over to get a closer shot of it, it lifted up, put the gear in, and disappeared in a rapid rate of speed.
"And so I had to follow my directions as a military... I had to look up the regulations on who I was to call to report this, which I did, and they ordered me to immediately have the film developed, put it in a pouch, and send them by the commanding general's plane to Washington, which I did. And that was the last I've ever heard of the film."
It is interesting to note indicates Mr. Marrs that, "despite the continued protests that there is no government secrecy regarding UFOs, there is no public report on this incident. Although the event was listed in the Project Blue Book index, a full report and clear photos are suspiciously absent."
Yet Mr. Cooper, who reported the UFO landing, was selected as a Mercury astronaut only two years later. In a 1996 interview, Mr. Cooper said he discounts any conventional explanation for his experience. Asked his thoughts on UFOs, the astronaut said, "Well, I figured it was somebody coming from some distant place to visit us."
Steve Omar, another investigative journalist and researcher, indicates that J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald Keyhoe, Timothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret) suggest secrecy about UFOs and Extraterrestrials. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was Director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation "after" he left his work at NASA:
- ASTRONAUTS NElL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: "Those are giant things. No, no, no .... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!"
- MISSION CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): "What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you?"
- ASTRONAUTS: "They're here under the surface."
- MISSION CONTROL: "What's there? Emission interrupted... interference control calling Apollo II."
- ASTRONAUTS: "We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments."
- MISSION CONTROL: "Repeat your last information."
- ASTRONAUTS: "I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up on the other side of the crater."
- MISSION CONTROL: "Repeat...repeat!"
- ASTRONAUTS: "Let us sound this orbita ..... In 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything... what then?"
- MISSION CONTROL: "Have you picked up anything?"
- ASTRONAUTS: "I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film."
- MISSION CONTROL: "Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the U.F.O.s. over?
- ASTRONAUTS: "They've landed there. There they are and they are watching us."
- MISSION CONTROL: "The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?"
- ASTRONAUTS: "Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out."
There is an unconfirmed report, also documented by Steve Omar, that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the Moon, he immediately saw a transparent etherical being staring at him outside. Welcome to the Moon?? Allegedly, NASA Director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions. To prove it is the truth, hundreds of independent CIVILIAN radio operators with powerful VHF equipment separately reported hearing the AME spaceship report from the Apollo moon-walkers!
"Soviet radio operators also picked it up and published it in Moscow. Another mysterious radio message from the Moon was broadcast on French public television only one time before it was censored AFTER it leaked out. That transmission appeared to be a mysterious clearly spoken ALIEN LANGUAGE," further reports Steve Omar.
The famous French historian and author Robbert Charroux published the transmission which has been suppressed in the U.S. It came from U.S. astronaut Worden who transmitted it to NASA, and expert linguists have been unable to translate the message
Some source material would be great - otherwise - I dont buy it.
I would say that yes - the astronauts did see things on the moon - however - they where structures - and that, and that alone - is the big secret.
No aliens.
No operational craft.
Nothing actively moving around...
Sword.. I thought you would have watched the vid that Ion posted. The entire conversation between mission control and Buzz Aldrin was recorded in that video and is available for your perusal.
The link above..."There is an unconfirmed report, also documented by Steve Omar, that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the Moon, he immediately saw a transparent etherical being staring at him outside. Welcome to the Moon?? Allegedly, NASA Director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions. To prove it is the truth, hundreds of independent CIVILIAN radio operators with powerful VHF equipment separately reported hearing the AME spaceship report from the Apollo moon-walkers!
is confirmed in it's entirety by the video...
All things considered, the Steve Fossett story is leading some researchers into the realm of shapeshifting megalomaniacs about to launch www www. sometime this week. check out the "whole" story. It is truly shocking..
Nothing is confirmed until I can slap it on the ass...
And no - I havn't seen the video yet...
However - coming from my position - sounds silly. You mean top tell me - of all those hundreds of indipendant listeners - no one recorded this?
I mean - if someone could produce a tape - great - but if five or more indipendant tapes show up - then you got something...
From my video, you should hear the guy sword. Regular fella, smart as it gets.
No drama, no men in black, but empirical footage in volume.
Seems the sphericals and the 'light flashing' super fast ones, appear to be 'critters' or were termed that along with original reference to "fireflies".
What level of intelligence? don't know, but this fish tank looks a busier than the ordinary perception has 'assumed'.
Edgar Mitchell on C2C Tonite.
I probably missed it.
Someone said - on the planet x stuff hear recently...
Billy Joel - She's always a woman to me...
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Christ I'm an old man...
LT J.N. Meyer - I miss you.
Come home to me...
My S-Shop's supply closet.
Sword -
or opening page: http://www.returnofplanet-x.com/
Sword, you may have missed this post to you at the darkmission from the 'skull image post'.
Admin said...
Actually Sword this is Rota. I'm just a simple man surfing the World Wide Net trying hard to not blow my cover and letting the world know that I'm too dumb to figure out why Rota won't show up as my nic instead of "admin".
Never the less, I have no doubt that there will be a DNA link back to us. If and when it is disclosed I'm sure there will be massive pressure from the average joe to do whatever it takes to get up there and check it all out. Heck, from what I have read Hoagland would be front and center leading the charge.
At that time I will feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness saying: "hey guys....maybe we need to slow down and think about this for a few minutes".
Of course no one will listen to me, being the humble unsophisticated man I am. Maybe at that point I'll have to pull out my ace in hole and disclose for the first time that I once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. They'll have to listen to me then......right?
September 7, 2007 9:25 PM
I think there might be something to read there?
For what it is worth, I just finished the book, The Hidden Records- by Wayne Herschel.
It is astonishingly well done and he kicks academic butt. The revelations in his book are spot on and may be helpful.
web-site http://thehiddenrecords.com/index.htm
No I didn't miss that blogg entry of "Admins"...
What I do miss however is my blogg entry I submitted last night.
Looks like they will filter whatever they want - when they want - just like the mass media they so complain about...
133 for me
o.k. I just posted links to videos about 2012 at F-Shod.
I have believed you all along Sword, but recent revealings and today THAT video, says you were straight up bang on the money with your disclosures.
So props to you SWORD. Now it starts in earnest, the disclosure through many sources.
Produced and hosted by Marshall Masters, a former CNN science feature field producer, it is an ideal Planet X / 2012 primer for those new to this vital topic.
As the co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide, Marshall believes that 2012 will be a survivable, evolutionary event.
MM tells me a lot.
That is highly symbolic, well beyond Da Vinci Code fiction.
original link "surviving the flyby"
(I know Sword, they are referring to a brown dwarf, otherwise all the same information and details)
Maybe it will look like a small brown dwarf star - when we can see it - from where we stand...
I haven't gotten the chance to see the video yet.
Hey - strange questions - how do I get a PDA or something such that I can connect to the internet with an RJ45 connector...
Something that small would have to either have a wireless connection or connect to another device, such as another computer, via a USB/Firewire port or some sort of other docking station. I'll look around though and see if I can find anything.
I use a Nokia N800 internet tablet. It uses wi-fi for the net, has blue tooth and will connect to PC and appear as a USB 'drive'.
Maybe it is possible to merely get a USB connection 'adapter/convertor' to RJ45 from The Source or Radio Shack etc.. then you could use the latest pda.
..or go wi-fi. Wireless is pretty inexpensive these days. I can even sit outside on the lawn-chairs with my tablet and have good connection. The Nokia's neat because you can zoom your screen(iow-magnify to suit). If I use a pen, it knows and I get a tight keyboard on the screen. If I use my fingers at first, it recognizes that and brings up a much larger keyboard suited for just finger input. I think in the States its about $299 these days . My preference over i-phone for now. Even have Skype with video conferencing and voice.
o.k. sorry, you can tell I'm loving this new device.
Nope - it has to be RJ-45.
I fully understand tel-com wiring - going to RJ-45 will help me out alot - but I will also be using RJ-11, and alligator clips.
Those who are "in the know" will be raising their eyebrows...
My new civilian job pays very well, and I have the skills - but now it is time to dazel... ...most other blookes take a laptop - thats over kill for the application involved.
Plus - I could update the blogg via el' mobile...
Guess what - my blogg post still wasn't posted on hoggies new blogg...
RJ-11 fits into an RJ-45 port. What are you trying to do, perhaps I can find some info on how to do it. I have some contacts that might be able to help as well :)
Email me if you don't want to discuss it here. If you don't want to use gmail, let me know and I will send you a different address that you can contact me at.
It's really not as "007" as you might think. I need a device that can conenct to the internet.
This device needs to basically be a small handheld computer that can access teh internet when I connect it to an internet source. The RJ-11 and Clips are going to be a program of my own design...
So a PDA with a lan/modem would be great...
How about a normal wireless PDA along with a wireless router? You tap into the network by pluging the RJ-45 to the router and gaining access that way. Just look for the smallest router you can find. Hell, even just a wireless hub would work if you don't need all of the functionality of a router.
You may be right - I'll throw up some picks of whatever I find and put together...
Now they tell you:
Below is an INDEPENDANT panorama of that Sol 120 by Spirit pancam images...since only 3 VIS greyscales were taken for each of the four positions shown it is fairly easy to download and combine them into a true color RGB. There has been NO...repeat NO...messing with color values on any of the four images. All I did was rotate to align...my first attempt isn't as perfect as I would like but the following are right on the money.
Again...it is NASA who is blowing the red "foo foo dust" over images.
The raw data does NOT show that redness.
Just like the 1998 infamous 'CATBOX' of the FACE.
The RAW data showed eyes, ridge line for nose, two nostrils, mouth, eyebrows, headdress and a chinny-chin-chin all mounted on a uniform platform raised ABOVE the plain.
Here's my photorama of Spirit's SOL 120:
RHW Sol 120 Photorama True Color
I forgot to mention RCH on C2C briefly in the last hour after Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on Wednesday night. Hoagland will speak at the National Press Club in Washington on the 50th anniversary of Sputnik and officially release his (and Mike Bara's) book, Dark Mission.
Mitchell said he didn't see any artifical structures on his walk on the moon. Hoagland says he has the photos.
Bob, that's wild! (the sol 120 trueclor panorama) Looks like Colorado! :)
Gort - you have come fourth with the goods before right?
Got a do0wnloadable link?
BTW - I have abandoned RCH new blogg space do to the filtering...
Robert - excellent work - looks like a little prosperity has come your way - and it looks like those new hi-speed machines are working out.
...Hows your wife?...
Ready to fly?
I'm thinking about a new blogg post...
Where should the topic head this time?
[Not like we stay on topic anyway.]
I'd like to say some things about the moon, yet, I loath to add to the scientists pockets - he's got enough by OUR standards.
Perhaps I should lament on the Aircore, or the Mortar team... ... ...
I dunno...
I have finally seen the video series you where talking about.
Good stuff - not a star - but a planet - there is no mention of "star of crossing"...
Jeremiah is mentioned yet - they didn't drop the 33:3 bomb of Jeremiah...
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."
Sword... ... ...
Anyone want to take the numerical value of 33.33 for a spin?
How do you divide 100 by a third?
What about 50?
you said...
How about a normal wireless PDA along with a wireless router? You tap into the network by pluging the RJ-45 to the router and gaining access that way. Just look for the smallest router you can find. Hell, even just a wireless hub would work if you don't need all of the functionality of a router.
2007-09-15 10.08.MD
iontruo-2-->that's what I am talk'n about. I think I saw a wireless Lynksys Router the other day for $89 which included four RJ-45(ethernet) plug ins, in combo with the wireless capability.
Posted at F-Shod Sword, but had to share it here.
Reminder's of 'arx Iapetus', perhaps?!
Original stronghold?
Sword...New blog topic..Moon with a View a retrospective..RCH comes clean...
Man - I have covered that so many times - I'll just sound like I am whining again...
Why not whine?
I do it all the time.
Sqeeky wheel get the grease and all, right?
I'm ALWAYS ready to fly.
On the spot...on the dot.
I've been in the in-between.
While not 'embracing' death.
I am not afraid of it.
Besides...I don't think your ride would kill me.
It just might awaken me.
You ever think there are 'civilian sleepers' like your own situation only now becoming half awake and wanting more?
The wife's air cushion seat has a leak I need to get fixed tomorrow in town. Well it won't be fixed tomorrow...but Ill drop it off at the shop that takes care of her wheelchair parts. Other than that...same ol same ol...like most wives and husbands.
So...should I pack a light bag?
How long would I be gone?
PS...since you are boycotting DarkMission I just posted about encouraging more folks to HIJACK STARSHIP and HIJACK DATA if they are afraid of coming forward for testimony.
Don't care how many tripwires it keeps tripping...maybe someday someone will have the courage to do what is needed.
I see Greenspan admitted Iraq was ALWAYS about the OIL...same as the first IRAQ war...both BUSH's are OIL barons...they can't think beyond their oil boners.
I don't have C2C Streamlink. :(
Here is the C2C program recap page.
I find that if I' not logged in to Blogger as Gort, and I try to submit something to DM Blog and type in my account and password on Dark Mission, the post does not go through.
If I am already bloging as Gort on Fshod or here, then go to DM to post, it sometimes goes in, then I have to wait for the boss to approve. But even then, sometimes, like tonight, the post still gets lost in the netherworld. :(
It would be good to talk about Iapetus. Seems she is in the news more and more these days. Tricklings of info.
ie: Saturn's two-faced moon Iapetus appears to have flaking paintwork.
Bizarre Saturn moon mottled like a Dalmatian
and there was the other recent strange one at Iapetus about the 'cosmic ray' that gently caused a power switch to trip and severed control for 12 hrs. Hmmm? Oh yes, and it will be "a week" before they can get her back to normal. Sounds more like one of those many 'timely' SOHO moments. Gosh they have been 'baked out' more than I have!
No peaking we're tweakng!
Iapetus is really a time machine. We're looking back at a really old surface," said Cassini scientist Torrance Johnson of JPL.
O.k. Sword, so you can't talk about the Moon because of the book coming out, you can't talk about Iapetus because of Part 7, you won't reply re the sunny resort at Phobos, I have heard nothing nada zippo about Cruithne, our real moon with a cruising view, and no one is coughing up anything about the L5 point(too strategic), so what do ya wanna talk about? ;) lol
While I like the idea of the underground cities/bases, I am most interested in the societal model planned for after "The Fall".
If there are ground based survivors, do they stay where they are or will they be 'gathered up' to make more cohesive communities rather than be remnants scattered about.
Your comments previous about building things and hands on work , much like the farmer, working with the land. Helping ones' fellow community etc rising to the forefront again with what matters.
A complicated time, yet made somehow simpler by the 'restart'. Do we go old style village like, or is the plan to implement the futuristic developments that have been modeled? Do we go ultra-tech ala Star Trek or strip it back to the bare basics?
Those are my Blog questions today of the Mason Model. Maybe that might be a Blog Topic?
Remember the picture I sent you? Consider it like a "somewhere over the rainbow descriptive". Perhaps a better image than simply 'what's around the corner'. The event gets lived real time. Crisis management 101. Sunking and Scarletm live that stuff often, in the areas of seasonal hurricanes and places of swarming tornadoes.
So the rest of us will surf this crappy climax and it might be helpful to know a little more beyond just martial law as to the next step....
Did you really "see" my reply to you back at fshod with a date stamp of Friday, September 14, 2007 11:34:00 PM? Take a good look again, and let me know if you or anyone else here is interested in any other dates.
Big Brother is watching us all
If this technology is being talked about openly, I guess we can be assured that it already exists in a much more advanced form...
and there was the other recent strange one at Iapetus about the 'cosmic ray' that gently caused a power switch to trip and severed control for 12 hrs. Hmmm? Oh yes, and it will be "a week" before they can get her back to normal. Sounds more like one of those many 'timely' SOHO moments. Gosh they have been 'baked out' more than I have!
Could have been anything - then again - it could have been someone tryiong to take control of all three probes instead of just the Mil-Fact one...
Never know...
Those are great questions - and while I don't have allot of time right now - I can say that the government has the "continuity" in mind - that is the same as it every was - like it never happened.
Some people are planning various different things, different forms of governments, different ways of taxing...
...and thats when its going to get nuts...
Looks like 'ol Richs blogg is getting the cold shoulder.
Our bald astronaut with a microphone is getting allot of comments. So far the total number of comments is 1.
Its ericswan telling him to get lost...
I find it strange that others are getting filtered out as well on 'ol Rich's new blogg...
Something tells me if I posted a response it would disappear as well - so why even bother!?!
someone digging at you Sword and co..
just an fyi: troll minds don't deserve replies.
C'mon ION, we saw that coming.
This fruity bastard is nipples deep in shit he don't know about. Problem is - he won't admit it to himself.
Probably one of those "educated" types who never built his own house, never lifted a finger... ... could never understand 3,5,7...
PS:What is he advertising? I never seen it secpt for you...
Sword Says:
ION, you going to hate me...
But - I did in fact stop by and see the blogg in question. From first look - its him and BU as most of teh posters to the three diget blogg count. Birds of a feather... ... ...do what?
Below is an account of everything I said in the "Place" (obviously a hastened blogg stop...)
+++ +++ +++
Sword said in some hole in the wall:
Wow - quite a blogg - and a nice ... place ...
One of my folk sent me over here to have a look around.
Looks like Cultural Captivity and Biological unit are giving each other "reach arounds".
Anyway - I noticed in your blogg how you stated that I "called you out" and failed to give a response; below is the following factual evidance:
Cultural Captivity said...[in his blogg]
After I pointed out these facts, Sword gets upset and says, "I call you out". So, I inquired about how he explains the 400yr gap in his timeline and he replied that he didn't know why I was calling him out. Huh ? But, but, but Sword is the one who said, "I call you out". Oh well, Sword is on drugs, or, he has fluff for brains. Sword, apparently, doesn't know that all-male Insititutions don't "survive" like a family compact. There is no consanguinity between his band of brothers, so there are no heirs to re-emerge onto the world stage in a different generation. Man-on-Man sex does not produce off-spring.
Cultural Captivity said...[in a blogg post]
At the end of the Astronaut Blog, Sword failed to bridge the 400yr gap in his link to "ancient" origins for the Freemasons.
HHMSS Sword said...[in response]
Cultural Captivity said...
How about elaborate (just a sentence or two) on why there is a gap in the timeline of the theory ? Specifically, between 1307 and 1717 ?
Boy, you are new. And speaking of things you still haven't done any research. So heres a sentence or two.
Isn't this the time where the Knights Templar - the continued extension of the Masonic Order - had to go into hiding do to the persecution of King Philip,and Pope Clement?
They went into hiding - and rose again "officially" in 1717... ...this is simple history that has nothing to do with conspiracy theory's or anything else along those lines of thought.
Now how is it - you rookie - that you can call me out saying that "I" failed to explain a gap in the timeline of the Mason...
During this time - the Knights expanded the order and even built there own temples for research and study...
Cultural Captivity said...
How about it Sword ?
Maybe the skull extends the Freemasons history off-planet ?
The "Skull" doesn't extend Freemason history to the planet - it only shows one of many SOURCES...
Now as for the image - it could be anything - a skull - the head of a statue - hell it could even be - dare I say it - a rock...
...however - i will state this:
Mars was a Habitable planet - it had a very advanced culture - do to the cataclysmic event that effectively destroyed it - its cultural artifacts are strewn all over the face of the planet. Its basically a gigantic archological digg...
But - YOU should know all these things - your so smarvvy - why call me out only to have me show you as a silly douche?
Arguing with me on these matters is getting you no where - fast - however - out of respect for this blogg - catch me at:
September 6, 2007 5:20 PM
Any questions you douche?
Again - you can sign up for my blogg at http://hhmsssword.blogspot.com/
- or -
You and BU can keep snuggling up to each other here - in you "place" (shudder)
What a douche bag (military slang FWIW)... ... ...
I didn't realize all the smack talk going on behind closed doors.
Yet - its only this dim-wit CC and BU going at it like two gay college freshmen.
Thought you said ION, that trolls don't deserve a response?
New blogg topic set - "AM - Grandpa and me..."
Anyone have issues with my new blogg post idea?
I hope not - instead of cookies - a flaming bag of dog shit - and they make 50g bags - and WE have alot of dogs.
I love my dog.
To bad shes "making friends" long term in the white mountains...
So whats on C2C:
Dudes who can swear they have died from lighting strikes, multiple times, and yet - keep coming back on soem sort of mission...
Why in the hell isnt Robert - WITH ALL the good stuff he knows to be true - on the AM?
Just going to read all your input Sword.
Yes, I knew it was coming and wanted you to be aware of the trash talk there. Not that it bears 'any' weight.
I have a golden retriever, speaking of dogs. Will try and put up a pic of her later.
She was a trooper. Had 27 pups (10-8-9) before I adopted her...and before she was barely 2. Now 'retired', she is the ultimate den mother, watching the young barn cats and keeping eye on the horse pasture.
white mountains eh? Sounds like a nice space. Will have to look that up.
Sword said:
So whats on C2C:
Dudes who can swear they have died from lighting strikes, multiple times, and yet - keep coming back on soem sort of mission...
Why in the hell isnt Robert - WITH ALL the good stuff he knows to be true - on the AM?
2007-09-19 10.21.MD
Hell I would LOVE to be on C2C for the full set with RCH who said he would try to make it happen back when I was fired from CCC. Only Stephen Bassett from X-PACC who also promised air time got me on the "Strange Days Indeed" With Erol Bruce Knapp for an hour.
And I have so so sooooo much more now that I would between RCH, myself and callers we could fill the four hours easily....and I would make sure to adjust my sleeping schedule to be at the top of my game for it. ESPECIALLY not that I have my own wensite I can update at anytine in the middle of the show.
I won't be bold enough to re-propose it myself...but if asked...like going for a ride...I won't say no.
As far as Gandpa's. I only remember the one from my father's side. I used to have arecurring nightmare about him a long time ago after his death...but that's gone though I remember the details.
My lasting memory AND physical aberation is from a 'minnow trapping' pick up in a small stream outside of town. He had set the wire mesh minnow traps the night before with bread on the inside and we were going with a minnow bucket (which is a bucket with holes inside a bucket with no holes) to gather our catch for fishing the the next day.
On coming back I was being chased by a very very persistant hornet/wasp and set the bucket down and tried running to the car and had to jumo over the ditch...well I fell wrong on my left ankle and off course broke it. I had to hobble to the car on my own by his orders ( He was a Master Sergeant in Supply at Plattsburgh AirForce Base which was closed aganst Pentagon wishes since the thing could serve as emergency laning for the shuttle on polar orbits).
Getting HOME FIRST was his priority to put the minnows away in the tanks he had near the chicken coop and he told me to hop into the the house to show my grandmother and mother my busted flopping ankle and foot. So I hoppped in and back out into the car while I was THEN driven to hospital to have the thing 'fixed'.
Well it never did 'fix'. And when I lied about it when I joined th Army in 1971 I got along fine until one day coming back from the rifle range the ankle gave out from under me, as it is won't to do from time to time even today, and I fell. I immediately got up and told Drill Sgt Fox that I was okay and could finish the jog back to the barracks. he called for a jeep and a medical checkup.
That fracked me up good with the Army. I was put on Barracks Watch Command for evening shift. One night some feller with stars on his shoulders and ribbons on his chest was screaming and pounding on the door for me to let him in....no way I said...the drill seargeant is across the compound go get him to let you in I stated ( as ordered to do of course ). he stood there cussing and threatening even pulling his 45 out of his holster and pointing it at me tghrough the door and I remainded steadfast....go see the drill sergeant. Eventually he went away and the next morning Sgt Fox recommnded me for job well done. Seems every other barracks watch let the guy in and were dressed down a big one...I was that stuck with the orders that no-one comes through the doors with Drill Sgt Fox's visible permission on-site.
Anyhooo a month after that I was called into some Major's office with a WHOLE BUNCH of papers on his desk...each page facing me. He stated "Mr. Williams you lied to us about your physical condition about your ankle and you are gong to sign ALL these forms on this desk where the X's are and you are going to do it now. We are giving you an Honorable medical dischage. I started to say I didn't want a discharge...he said Mr. Williams you are leaving the Army...sign and leave honorably or we'll court martial you for lying about the physical. So I signed and I left with only about 30 days left to go in boot camp.
End of Army days...my 'guaranteed profession' I choose..."Image Interpreter" over tour of duty choice that was being offered at the time.
'nuff said about that.
So a blog about your own Grandpa would be interesting and a starting point for other stories.
Are any of you gamers? Even if you are not, I would highly recommend digging around this site:
BlackSite: Area 51
Some of the topics covered in the plot are right up our alley... Oh and sword, does that logo of theirs look familiar? From your description, it's only missing the upside down triangle to represent the star of David; that and the added skulls. *shrug*
Games have always been a propagation of societal needs.
Got secret society? Great, make video game that trains children to you bidding....muh-hah-hah.
Im a big fan of counter-strike, command and conquer, Civ - and oddly enough - Americas army - a free game, a great game, provided to you - by your tax money - to you - the citizen.
Shoot black hooded op-for and win points to be able to do the really cool shit.
I'm not kidding - the usgov for free via the world of the internet and computer technology teaches young kids/currently active duty/veterans(old men)... ...to move shoot and communicate.
Try the game out, and then try ... ... ah hell - im yappin.
Superheros always have there bgining...
Anything that can be done we already know how to do.
Six months - you can get furthger than mars in that time.
.....like maybe Saturn?
I like this line in that story.
The proposed technology enables the production of thrust at high efficiency, hopefully allowing drastic reduction of interplanetary travel time. According to calculations performed by AS&T, this type of propulsion system can produce the same thrust as the Space Shuttle Main Engine, with 50 times more efficiency.
50 times more efficiency? Wow. Now in most respects we just use that main thruster for launch, so does that mean, ignoring the 'other' undisclosed launch methods, that this concept could very easily handle ground launch then?
I haven't played AA in a long time, hell since it first came out. I remember doing the basic training missions and marveling at how accurate the M16 qualification range was. I'll have to check it out again to see what they've added.
O.k. SWORD, as per email, I'm on to ya!!!!
Police recover stolen Moosehead cans, but bottles still on the lam
Fri Sep 21, 5:06 PM
By The Canadian Press
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. - It appears the thieves who made off with two tractor-trailers of Moosehead beer from a warehouse in Mississauga, Ont., prefer bottles, not cans.
Police recovered the two trailers on Friday after they went missing Wednesday.
While one trailer with 70,000 cans of Moosehead Lager appears to have been untouched, 44,000 bottles were cleaned out of the second trailer.
A company spokesman advises Moosehead drinkers to stock up, because it could be next week before their beer supply is replenished.
You see, the secret to good Canadian Beer is in the glass bottles. Sure we do cans up here but anybody who studied BOB and DOUG Mackenzie, knows where the best flavor is, eh hosers?
yes, utterly irrelevent Sunday babble. twist, pop, phzzzzsss. Damn another meeting with ...?
Geeeze those sword unit guys sure are good pranksters.
The secret to a good moltoz cocktail is its container...
Sword... Care to comment on the military aspects of this vid???
I haven't watched the vid.
I have read the sypnosis.
What are we asking - can ufo's be military - that is our military - then the answer is yes to both.
He's a question, and BTW, this si on the front of yahoo:
There saying that the holes are cooler by the day and warmer to the night.
Sounds like a man made mo-hole. Just like I have been saying - the whole time.
I love being right.
Hey Y'all.
I thought you would be all over this:
"Ms. T said...
Check this shit out:
Talk about anomoly from hell:
franscisco....what do ya think????
Combat, not our focus here but this vid sure would cause one to shit pants. (no deaths)
Holy Crap
Damm, thats both some real nutty stuff.
Road blowing up? Nope, never been on a road and have it do that - But I would guess that was a buried mortar shell.
Now as for the Mimic data - thats nuts. But what could it be?
It seems to me after only watching it a few times - the circular bars seem to heat up the atmosphere - that is the clouds - hell it could even be creating the clouds... hard to explain what I am thinking on such limited time...
Sword.. The vid you might look at is part 1..http://projectcamelot.net/bob_dean.html
I directed the question concerning military as Mr. Dean claims to have been a veteran with vast access to top secret docs which he discloses in part 1 and part 2.
Again, my question to you is not written on the page but is contained in the video. Is it logical that this guy would have the access he claims he had?
Not sure if this link has been shared:
Another hint of what can be done?
"Scientists are devising creative remedies for global climate change, including
manipulation of the environment itself. Some space-based approaches would
involve power-beaming microwave energy from satellites to weaken storms, or
launching millions of small spacecraft that would shade the planet from sunlight
to offset global warming. Such projects face major obstacles, however, including
concerns that unforeseen consequences could make matters worse."
Richard was on C2C last night, for the bulk of the first half-hour.
Talked about the ridiculous plan announced yesterday by head of NASA to put men on Mars in 2027.
Sugested it is a cover story to fake out the other countries who want to go there. Make them think we aren't interested in a space race, then quietly go there using secret black-ops military spacecraft. ha ha! Surprise!
Yeah _ missed skinny bones... to bad I can't find an audio clip.
I'd like to see some more thought on the Mimic anomolie I seen, I dont have alot of time - but I have been thinking about it.
When I was yappin about the statlietes and the drones (hive mind programing) and saying that we where responsible for the previous hurricane anomolie - via oscoliating wave form - I KNEW what that was.
Whats this new shit?
There is some "breaking" noticable in the image - I don't remember any "breaks" in mine - but then again - I didn't save the java.
Could the MilFact figured out something new? Dunno - maybe.
Where in science can I slip/clip my energy from the source into neat partitions - how are the breaking the energy and where is the negative dump?
HHMSS Sword said...
Yeah _ missed skinny bones... to bad I can't find an audio clip.
Hmm, where did you last see it? You know I can't seem to be able to find my cookies either...
For those interested I have created two ascii text files that should be viewed and/or printed in LANDSCAPE mode which lists ALL the Cydonia MGS MOC HiRes NA filter image files from the brginning to the end of the entire mission, the second file is just the same data only from the last dump from vol 1464 to the end of mission.
Have fun.
Final Dump only:
Final MGS dump Cydonia NA
If you have other coordinates and would like list that the pds can't provide, which they do a pretty good job of with links and all...these don't have links...I shall try and accomodate requests for lists of other spots.
And again a VERY BIG THANX to Keith for the head's up on the data dump where he said it here:
You'll have to know how to open and process MOCs to see them however.
FTP access ONLY
scroll down, the unreleased volumes are MGSC 1464 through MGSC 1578
Again...Thanx to Keith Laney for the heads up of the data dump.
Nice pic
My bad. The NASA "massa" said man on mars by 2037, not 2027.
I'll be 87 by then, God willin'
My bad again. I just added two years to my life. I'll be 85.
Gort (I can't drive fifty-five!) :)
Its called transition - where there already - and apparently no one is home.
(Enter Sword for a "Sweep and Keep")
Its a general guidance for the American public to let them know - where up there...
Still no talk about or Mimic anomoly
Sword, Did you see my link to the Italian Astronomers' video of the (ufo) "doing patrol" over the Moon?
Looked like a pretty nice slow cruise with a sharp left turn and diagonal double back.
Sword.. For that grid to be there at all, it had to be seeded with chemtrails. When you see the TS forming up the very hazy looking cloud cover slowly gets sucked into the vortex but never gets an intensity of red that would suggest high temps or high wind speed. The other part of the anomoly was different from what we have seen in the past with the egg beater aspect to the pulse. This one looked like a straight elf transmission of even spaced and equal energy.
Here's a link to what NASA found in the storms that we know were harppicanes..
Sword.. How are the Mason going to celebrate the 700th birthday of the cause on October 13?
Swerdlow has a new book out called 13 Cubed.
One more masonic link to 13 and I'm done for the day. This is actually new stuff so don't pass it by again as this is your last chance to catch this train.
With the 700 club?
The secrets of Mardi-grass?
Don't smoke out in the crowded allies.
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