Media is defined as: the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines that reach or influence people widely…
Another tidbit of media is another movie event that is important to public grooming – it’s a recap of the “public model media” that we have been fed. The movie “In the shadow of the moon [the dark side … giggity]” All of the surviving members of the Apollo area recant the public wash of the discoveries of the moon, the “bold” era as it was put to me – it’s meant to get you re-involved in the moon – that is – the “discoveries” of the moon.. This movie projects itself on Sept. 7, 2007. Here is the link…
Now – as the scene drastically changes, and in the near future – the media will as well. The upcoming documentary coming to movie theaters pales in comparison to the big budget “Apollo” movie that is secretly in the works.
Its title, “Apollo” sets aside any public nuances you might be familiar with.
As a member of the Sword (understatement of the year), “Apollo” will be a seat of your pants discovery bonanza that will keep the water cooler a forum for discussion – for quiet sometime.
This movie – developed by the DOD (Department of Defense) and NASA – is very, very heavily CGI (computer-generated imagery, and very realistic CGI at that...) – yet – however! – It uses the REAL recorded broadcast audio of the Apollo astronaut’s discovery of things found on the moon, the secreted military channel audio the public was NEVER meant to hear – let alone see. This, in itself makes the movie experience – even though I am against the CGI and would have rather seen the chest cam of the whole ordeal – a real, honest to god –TREAT for the viewer.
Why would the government, which is, DOD, NASA, and all their pals want you to have a warm and fuzzy about the moon – and all of its wonders? One could ponder of this for decades – however – I would submit to you that a great deal of the public might be spending time there during the fall – thus – seeding you with this information through the great learning machine might help them in there cause – keeping you calm – and less prone to rioting (and all the other fun stuff I subscribe to…).
Now why would they want to keep you calm? Why – for the very calamity that I and many others have been discussing for quiet sometime – “The Fall” – the very incident that even Jesus himself spoke of. One must consider the implications of something held so profoundly that even our savior would lament on… …but that is not what this post is supposed to be about – indeed not.
This post concerns the implications of such things – and – the growing attention to the moon, the discoveries that have already been found by the Apollo astronauts – and the current reign of media surrounding it.
Within this media realm, of course, is the Coast to Coast crowd – and its media outlet – the radio show. Certainly, there seems to be a great deal of discussion regarding the “space patrol” – and the Apollo astronauts. Interestingly enough Hogland and Noory where in a discussion regarding this very subject, that is the Apollo astronauts, and their “forgotten” memories since their historic missions… I will no cover old tracks in this post – for one to catch up – one should read the previous blogg posts (all of them if you’re new).
New developments have since happened – right on time if you will.
What do I mean by that?
Well since the time that I have made such blogg posts regarding there obvious misrepresenting of the facts – it seems that Hogland and Noory have made it a point to get on the air as soon as (mathematically) possible to my postings to – how shall I put it – set their own record straight – and from this horses mouth – I appreciate it.
In that “impromptu” radio appearance – some things where different form the original radio media piece that “I” had such a problem with.
You see my reader friends – it is what was said, how it was said, when it was said and why it was said – that is important… … ….
I would submit to you – without much data to back me up (grab a calendar) – that the previous radio show that “I” had such an issue with (originally aired June 20th ’07 – called here “fix at NASA) was “bandaged” by the show that I am about to recant. The show aired August 6th, this year, which between then and “recanting show” is the period of 47 days, the difference between my post (June 17th ) and when the recanting show aired is… …19.5 days… depending on where you are in the world… …slick – and definitely a nod in “our” direction…
Here is the analysis:
The show – provided publicly by an unnamed, yet, valiant poster – broke the law and provided me and our reader friends with the goods. Take a bow unnamed friend. Get your cookies yet? Something tells me you have. :-X
Readers – I must apologize.
I only took notes of the recording – I did not in fact research things that where said to make evident (in links) of what was said. I know they are true. I just don’t have the time to find the evidence… …its more important to “I” that the radio show is addressed…
Hogland, in reference to the artifacts on the moon – stated that “Our model is that it is us”… …He couldn’t be truer.
Noory and Hogland make remarks regarding the astronauts that there responses are “programmed” – that something doesn’t seem quite right with there interviews. Well – this is of course residue from being there! They can’t obviously start spewing things that they are not authorized to talk about now can they? Oh, how the new generation is so different!
Now they make reference to the events during the academy awards in which Buzz Aldrin actually punches a man in the face when pressured to say something about his real findings on the moon. Honestly – I would punch him in the face as well. I remember this incident because I was asked to make an internal statement on the matter, that statement is the same one I just made.
I feel that what is going on with this show – that they are giving us “remember when’s” – supporting both the astronauts – and there own issue at the same time.
Now we get into the meat of the issue – the retract-meant and specification of the issue. This important dialogue can be found at 14 minutes into the third hour of the radio show.
Noory says: “Your not going to say Manchurian candidate are you?”
Hoagland: “I am going to come close…”
Hoagland Again: "We are dealing with a group of people who have had there memories selectively edited…” Found at 14:13 of the same recording. (And the apollo astronaunts are not the only ones... with this... problem)
Most interestingly – they bring out the big gun in this argument – Neil Armstrong’s movement from the silent to the silent whispering of the truth – in a speech during the Clinton administration, where he was said to have stated: “There are wonders beyond belief, their are truths to be revealed, if you can remove truths protective layers…”
Only the Clinton administration would let this pass on to the media (but really what choice did they have)… …And, I would also like top mention that Bill Clinton is probably the most down to earth man we have ever had the honor of drinking with. He was a man that my men could follow. He even came to our ad-hock headquarters – and downed a few – and for that I am grateful.
Now the retract-meant was made – will there be happy hearts? This is yet unknown to me. What’s going to be “make or break” is how he depicts MY OLDER BROTHERS in his new book. If he depicts them as “The Man” loving zombies – well – he can forget the ride promised to him. Plenty of scientists on the rolls would slit his throat to go to the places we are going to go…
In retrospect I certainly hope that the new DOD movie/propagation (not misspelled BTW) division does a good job on their “Apollo” movie… Lots of editing to do yet, but I’m sure with some of the “secret” talent they have working the issue over that it will be a TRUE and emotionally moving movie. When’s it coming out? – Soon enough is my answer… … …
You see, the DOD is going to be releasing a number of movies as part of their overall disclosure projects as the “The Fall” comes… All I can say is that they are going to introduce the public into some “characters” that are real, and closer to your heart than you realize… …unsung heroes if you will.
To all the men & women who have treaded in the sands that my (and my men & women) boots shall soon fall – thanks for being the pathfinders – thanks for being the first – now OUR time has come… …we shall not disappoint you – nor shall we, your vanguard, ever forget your personal sacrifice. …ever…
Godspeed discoverers – Godspeed to you…
[To TPTB: Rage against the Machine – Renegades of Funk]
{Eat my Hydrogen launched and powered dust!}
CPT M****** J. O*****
“The Headhunter”
(Images pirated from Alan Beans own website)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 223 of 223ericswan said...
...a straight elf transmission of even spaced and equal energy...
TS and ELF doesn't sound like "Microwave" energy to me.
Now is "elf" where i can change a large spread of polarity on the surface above and below? Or is that advanced Tesla?
Didnt I mentiopn something about HPION drives a long time ago?
Didnt I mention the fact that they where going public with that?
Check this out:
What? I got ESP or something? - or - Am I just well informed?
On a standard 289 engine - if you replace the heads and teh crank mounting bolts - with a few extra minor parts (like a four barreled carb) and you have a "HP289" (High Performance) a very respected Ford Block.
Now - lets say you give this ION engine to a bunch of damm space cowboys with unlimited tools and supplies.
Do you get HP?
Damm right you do.
Rita and Katrina were not part of the campaign. Lightning in those storms was detected by means of long-distance sensors on the ground, not the ER-2, so less is known about their electric fields.
TS and ELF doesn't sound like "Microwave" energy to me.
Tesla experimented with the sw (microwave) and the elf (longditudinal wave) and where he forced the energy of one into the other, he created ball lightning. Later in life, he was quoted as saying that he had perfected his technique of merging the two wave forms at a distance and to a diameter of one one millionth of an inch with a range of 250 miles.
This is Tesla's missing weapon that could fuse any aircraft within that specific range. But I digress. You're right Sword. It appears as that MIMIC phenomenon that we saw had nothing to do with TS or ELF and was prolly microwave.
If in your last sentence your talking about the most recent mimic anomoly - then I dont know what the hell that was...
Stale -
- time for a new blogg entry...
I had thought you were thinking of doing one about your grandfather and related events....which is why I posted my story about MY Grandfather way back up there somewere. I went to Lunch with my Mom and Dad today and at 81 his Alzhiemers is better but he still repeats things he said only 10 minutes or so ago...we just listen and act as if we had just heard it...hanging on every word.
Sword, you asked on Dark Mission blogg about an article abou 9-11 on Enterprise Mission.
Try this one:
HHMSS Sword said...
IonTruO2 said...
Take note, Sword, at the Cassini site they reference in the Captain's Log Dec 29 2006, A Year of Surveillance...
They are only showing you the civilian side.
Where is/millfact adn teh intel community?
Nasa veterans come out, my ass.
Friday, October 05, 2007 1:11:00 AM
Sword I told ya before...
Packed and ready and waiting for my ride.
Mike Bara and Richard Hoagland on C2C tomorrow night (tuesday).
I pre-ordered the book form, but it will be in bookstores tomorrow.
Japan "Kaguya" (SELENE) moon orbiter now in orbit of moon, scheduled to start taking pictures October 19.
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
January 18, 1950
Editorial Department
The Macmillan Company
60 Fifth Avenue
New York II, N.Y.
I have heard a rumor from a source that should be reliable that possibly Macmillan Company will not proceed to the publication of Dr. Velikovsky’s “Worlds in Collision.” This rumor is the first item with regard to the Velikovsky business that makes for sanity. What books you publish is of course no affair of mine; and certainly I would depend on your expert judgment rather than on my own feelings in the matter. But I thought it might be well to record with you that a few scientists with whom I have talked about this matter (and this includes the President of Harvard University and all of the members of the Harvard Observatory staff) are not a little astonished that the great Macmillan Company, famous for its scientific publications, would venture into the Black Arts without rather careful refereeing of the manuscript.
The Velikovsky declaration or hypothesis or creed that the sun stood still is the most arrant nonsense of my experience, and I have met my share of crackpots. The fact that civilization exists at the present time is the most profound evidence I know of that nothing of this sort happened in historic times. The earth did not stop rotating in the interests of exegesis.
This note, of course, is not for publication or any further use than to report that to one reader of Macmillan’s scientific books the aforementioned rumor is a great relief.
Sincerely yours,
Harlow Shapley
What is this? (last post)
I cry dead post - and instead of s9me enlitenment - Worlds in collision will not be produced by Spielberg, s/e not done by ILM.
I guess i'm not always right...
2012 The Future of Mankind
Interesting stuff. I still haven't seen the whole thing though, it's over 3 hours long!
Did you guys catch c2c's show, Nasa's Deceptions, with Hoagland and Bara last night?
Sword, you might as well just go ahead and send me a crate of them cookies ... ;)
Yo know - my mama's got to cook those... ...
But a link would be great to the show.
I was sleeping because my civilian side job / which is now my own personal business / pet project is really taking off.
Link anyone?
The link is there my young padawan. Need any help with your pet project?
Where is there?
My dog was going nuts at the front door. I looked out the window and saw the UPS truck fleeing.
On the front porch a package from
It's the book.
Dark Mission, the secret history of NASA.
Christmas came early this year.
Iapetus image: good one
Yes's awesome. The elevations look extreme. Can't see anything that looks homemade...
Top Air Force Official Dies in Apparent Suicide
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Published: October 15, 2007
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15 — The second-highest ranking member of the Air Force’s procurement office was found dead of an apparent suicide at his Virginia home Sunday, Air Force and police officials said today.
The official, Charles D. Riechers, 47, came under scrutiny by the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this month after the Air Force arranged for him to be paid $13,400 a month by a private contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute, while he awaited review from the White House of his appointment as principal deputy assistant secretary for acquisition. He was appointed to the job in January.
The Washington Post reported on Oct. 1 that the contractor, Commonwealth Research, registered as a nonprofit organization in Johnstown, Pa., paid Mr. Riechers for two months as a senior technical adviser, though he did no work for the company.
“I really didn’t do anything for C.R.I.” Mr. Riechers told The Post. “I got a paycheck from them.”
The Air Force has disputed The Post’s portrayal of Mr. Riechers’s role and said in a statement today that he was “employed in a scientific and engineering technical assistance capacity to the Air Force and made recommendations that were instrumental in engineering our acquisition transformation and continuing the Air Force’s modernization of our aging fleet.”
Specifically, the Air Force said that Mr. Riechers, a retired Air Force officer and master navigator, provided technical advice on several programs including converting commercial aircraft to military using and modernizing the C-130 transport plane. Loren Thompson, an expert on the military at The Lexington Institute said it was unclear whether Mr. Riechers’s suicide had anything to do with the inquiry. However, he said that Mr. Riechers’s death would cast a further shadow over the Pentagon’s beleaguered procurement system.
Commonwealth Research and its parent company, Concurrent Technologies, have extensive contracts with the Pentagon, intelligence agencies and other Federal departments.
A year before Mr. Riechers’s appointment, the Air Force was mired in scandal. The Pentagon canceled a $23 billion deal to lease 767 tankers from Boeing after the disclosure that a former Air Force procurement officer, Darleen Druyun, was found to have favored Boeing in contracts before being hired by the company.
At a hearing by the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this month, Senator Carl M. Levin of Michigan said far too many weapons acquisitions had been plagued by “cost increases, late deliveries to the war fighters and performance shortfalls.”
Senator Levin added that 25 of the Pentagon’s major defense acquisition programs had overruns of at least 50 percent. And he expressed concern about an “alarming lack of acquisition planning across the department.”
“The root cause of these and other problems in the defense acquisition system is our failure to maintain an acquisition work force with the resources and skills needed to manage the department’s acquisition system,” Mr. Levin said. “The Pentagon and Justice Department are currently conducting criminal investigations into some $6 billion in contracts to supply essential supplies to American troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait.”
In May, Mr. Riechers told the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association’s Northern Virginia Chapter that restoring credibility to the Air Force was a priority for the Air Force. He said the Darleen Druyun scandal was an “aberration,” that was not representative of the Air Force’s acquisition system.
Mr. Reichers was a retired Air Force officer and master navigator specializing in electronic warfare, with 20 years of operational, acquisition and staff experience, according to the Air Force. He flew more than 1,900 flight hours, with 90 hours of combat and combat support time in B-52G and EC-130H aircraft.
Sword -Time to share some more. We prefer your first hand experience and candor. Why not tell us some more about the original Temple at Iapetus?
It was an "arx' after all.
Hoagland and the others' will have their popular media time.
Even if this Blog or dialogue is the informal manner of project "disclosure", compared to the other strategies underway, surely you have a vault worth of topics to convey? ;)
Of course I do - but I have gone into shush mode - check the latest blogg post I have made...
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