Thursday, July 5, 2007

It’s all about image…

…or symbols to be exact. I live in a society where symbolism is everything. When I drive into a town that is unfamiliar to me – I always look at the city common sign, you know the one that lists whether or not there a moose lodge or a rotary club, or if there is a lions club international, or any masons in the area. I’m sure you have seen these before and wondered what they are and what they mean – well its just a friendly little signpost to anyone considering moving into the area; BEWARE
Besides those simple markings – within all sorts of media – there are symbols as well. I proved that in the last blogg post by simply showing you evidence that you can see fro yourself – the secret societies among you have there own media outlets in which to spread the news.

Now, we are on the topics of books… one of my favorite subjects as books have been a major part of my life. When you’re big, tall, and immature for your size – you tend not to go out much… No, you spend much time in your room reading or doing other child like activities. Books are a window into the outside world you so desperately want to be part of. So, when I got my hands on “Inherit the stars” – allot of things changed for me. The general synopsis of the book reflected much of what I had already learned (and was told to keep my mouth shut about) in other books that where put before me. But, this wasn’t one of those other books, no, this was considered leisure reading, fiction, science fiction – but – I lamented to my father – this book is much like the other leisure reading books I had been given – it hints at all the other things that we aren’t supposed to talk about. How is it that they can sneak around and almost tell the truth? My father just shrugged and walked away…

“Inherit the stars” was a startling book to me, it almost was a walk through of everything that was known to be true, and half of it had been proven already – now, we hadn’t actually found bodies in real life on the moon– so a book talking about that possibility was astounding. It was already common knowledge to me and my patient peers that some how, some way, astronauts had proven the ancient texts correct – that indeed there was structures on the moon, mostly on the dark side. The strange thing was that the book also told of these things. A number of similarities in the book astounded me – it was like hey where trying to tell the secrets and not tell the secrets at the same time.

Some of those things written, seemed to support other things that I was reading about such as entire cities and cultures wiped out in an instant, in there wake, radioactive ruins… In the book, “Inherit the stars” , it was told, that these moon men had giant solar powered lasers on the moon that they used to destroy these cities. Astonishing!

Then there was the theory of “Gods bracelet” (the asteroid belt) that was theorized and nearly proven to be correct that was a destroyed planet. We knew it to be true from the ancient texts, but couldn’t reach out and touch it yet to make certain. In the book, they also supported the theory!

Then there was the “True Ark” with its fifty oars to symbolize fifty heads of tribes – The Argos; the frozen and defunct ark that had a hole in it – at least that how it was described to me. Frozen because it’s cold in space because someone couldn’t fix the hole in the boat, just like Gilligan’s Island… ..they where stuck here until they either fixed the boat or someone came looking for them. In the end, they made there own new boat and left. In the book, they almost told the whole truth. In the book it was a frozen moon around Jupiter, but, we all knew it to be Saturn. In the book they find a being that is frozen asleep. That creature is humanoid in shape but has the head of an EAGLE – strangely enough, it’s a robot. This last part blew me away, no, not the fact that they almost told the truth about the True Ark – it was the eagle headed robot – which was a symbol found in many different books I had read, from children’s books to the real adult books.

Then, I was given a copy of the sequel to inherit the stars. I remember less of this book, probably because I either never finished it – our - I never got around to reading it – there was so much to read and leisure books don’t really get you anywhere anyway… But I’ll never forget the cover and what they where trying to tell us with it…

It was then that I as a young man started to realize that the outside world was like my inside world. Everybody knows – but everybody is afraid to talk about it.

We are not from here…



Anonymous said...

Sword said, "...well its just a friendly little signpost to anyone considering moving into the area; BEWARE" come I never got that feeling? WHO would feel they needed to "beware", Sword? I hesitate to come on your own blog and say that that's an outlandish statement, Sword, but in truth, I've never known anyone to feel the need to fear the Malice of the Moose lodge, the Revenge of the Rotatians, or the eye-popping Licentiousness of the Lions. Now, the Masons have had major religions stir up fear and even hatred against them...but the comuunity signs being a "Beware"? Please, you must substantiate that.

Now, the concept of secret societies having their own media outlets. hmmmmm...perhaps that could stand some detailing, too. If not mistaken, the Freemasons have had their own printing/publishing firms, but that would make sense because the membership of any organization needs to consider the desire of the members to study the subjects of their particular interests, to provide for whatever manuals and histories deemed proper and, no doubt, derive any financial boon considered appropriate. No evil in that.

Then you have the cases where members are situated in positions of influence, be they editors or writers or decision makers. Ever since Hoagland pointed it out, I've been curious about who was in charge of designing the mission patches, who selected the dates for missions and mission events, things like that. While not directly 'media outlets' there does seem to be a consistent hidden message. Is it just some clown being cute? Or is there a detailed plan? Or just a general policy?

I'd like to know!

Anonymous said...

Oh...those pesky "Rotatians", the occult group who insist that the Earth will stop rotating on 7/7/7 and everyone, once the brakes are figuratively applied, will slide off the surface of the Earth and be flung into outer space.

I, of course, meant Rotarians.


IonTruO2 said...

Sunking 7/7/7/?

Hey that's tomorrow!! o.k.o.k. may be tomorrow we should all jump at the same time and kick start it rotating again. O.k. o.k. that's been done already, last year I think.

Oh well, that would be a truly cool way to go. Sliding off the planet all together.

For a world that can't remember "prior unity"as always already the case, that would sure be a moment of ummm err ahhh 'togetherness"!! ;) yuk yuk yuk wise guy huh?!

sorry Sword, impertinent and off topic.

Back later with a proper comment...

HHMSS Sword said...

SunKing said... come I never got that feeling? WHO would feel they needed to "beware", Sword?
Please, you must substantiate that.

There all connected - that is - all those groups. If I was one of those people who knew of the masonic order, and there affiliates, and wanted to avoid them at all costs - I would know immediately that they had a strong presence in the community... ...not that we would have malice mind you - just a way of saying - if you don't like what we believe - maybe you should move along... With that being in mind - has anyone seen the sign posts of Wickenburg, Kingman or Boulder city? (Arizona, respectively)

SunKing said...
Ever since Hoagland pointed it out, I've been curious about who was in charge of designing the mission patches, who selected the dates for missions and mission events, things like that.

Of course its a very detailed plan. Its a plan thats been in effect since the birth of the country - got kicked into high gear around, oh, early 1900's... Sure we have our elected officials, sure we have our government - but behind it all is the masonic culture.
The masonic culture permeates everything in our society. We are every where - literally everywhere up and down the social/cultural ladder. A 33rd degree farmer or a 33rd degree astronaut have the same pull and say within our lodge. we are all working together for the same goal - saving our collective asses - and I don't mean just the masons - I mean EVERYBODY...

But back to the patches - yes - its a very detailed program - symbolism is creedo number one. Masons are taxpayers to. Considering that a vast majority of the government is masonic or affiliated - I find it kinda odd that you would even ask.

No one man makes up the patches or the numerology for the missions - its a collaborative effort between those lodges whose job it is to do that sort of work... other words - some lodges build the little go karts for the shriners, some lodges run the books for the Lions Club, some lodges run the extensive background checks for the shuttles ground maintenance crew...
... and some think up the symbolic, sometimes secretive (to the lambs anyway), mission patches.

All groups equal - all groups equally informed (through our media means) & all groups marching to the beat of the same drum...

Now - for shits and giggles... ...if anyone who has this years primer... whats the word from this issue of Popular Science? - or any of there sister publications? I know, I know - the men think I am such a mischiefing bastard... (We KNOW someone here who reads these bloggs has the primer - now don't we? Will he sing? Will he do ANYTHING?? Or was I wrong about him? Three major dates coming up real fast and not a whisper - not even a nervous fart... ...)

I hope that was elaborative enough...

Thanks for coming by Sunking and doing some dialog...


Anonymous said...


Glad to oblige. Thank YOU.

Well, some lodge may decide on the patch (although I'm dubious), but still there has to be one guy who fuctions as the beard and submits that to some, presumably, unknowing chap at the front desk, then there must undoubtedly be some other rubber-stamp operator up the line. I wanna know who they are...and I've looked and asked NASA...and never get any definitive answer. I get the impression it comes from somewhere inside the Astronauts Office (forget the exact name of the place)..but that's as close as I get.

As to the other...that's all fine and good, but why would I want to avoid the masonic order? My Dad and grandad both 32* Blue Lodge, etc. Worst you could expect from Grandpa was rock salt from the barrel of a shotgun if you were out at night stealing his tomatoes. (And I don't blame him...they were damned good tomatoes!!!)

Gort said...

RCH stated awhile back on Art Bell's show(many years ago now) that during the early years of the space pogram and certainly during the Apollo shots, the launch and lunar landing schedules were created by President Richard Nixon's brother, who worked for or with an Egyptian man whose name I have forgotten.
All part of the secret astological ritual alignments RCH has associated with certain aspects of the space program.
These are most likely included in RCH's new book, Dark Mission, due out in Oktober. :)

SSL4000G said...

Thought I'd throw this out for everyone, since it is right up our alley. What's your take on this sword?
Classified Advanced Antigravity Aerospace Craft Utlizing Back-engineered Extraterrestrial Technology


robert said...

Sword says:
Now - for shits and giggles... ...if anyone who has this years primer... whats the word from this issue of Popular Science? - or any of there sister publications? I know, I know - the men think I am such a mischiefing bastard... (We KNOW someone here who reads these bloggs has the primer - now don't we? Will he sing? Will he do ANYTHING?? Or was I wrong about him? Three major dates coming up real fast and not a whisper - not even a nervous fart... ...)

I hope that was elaborative enough...


I HAVE read Inheret The Stars...but did not get to read the sequal.

As for "shits and giggles" I THINK the 'primer' is based on some SERIOUS effort by a father who lost a daughter...when it was UNNECESSARY...and he LIKELY KNOWS IT...and is also PISSED OFF by it...imho.

I saw the Aurora's contrail on History Channel going from Area 51 on the left edge of the planet ALL the way across the whole half planet in daylight leaving an absoulutely straight contrail ABOVE ALL CLOUD LAYERS on an imaging satelite without stopping, turning or deviation from their flight the very EDGE of space and air boundry...this father KNOWS there's BETTER ways to get humans SAFELY and RELIABLY and CHEAPLY and ROUTINELY into SPACE and BRING THEM BACK HOME SAFELY.

Now if the 'Masonic Timeline' can only ge given an ass-kicking to stop frackin around with this Iraq distraction and start the DISCLOSURE and DEPARTURE of HUMANS into SPACE on a PERMANENT basis...SOONER rather than ANY later than it already as been postponed...for all the WRONG reasons...imho anyhooo.


I get it right?


HHMSS Sword said...

Sword says:
Yeah, the beard is the guy who walks it from the lodge to the front desk guy who rubber stamps it - thats the AO (or compass - and resulting output)

SunKing said...
As to the other...that's all fine and good, but why would I want to avoid the masonic order?

Most likely from some of the older, more intimate practices of the order...

HHMSS Sword said...

I have been pist before - I mean really pist - now I am really pist...

My local radio station wont stream through Firefox - it will only shudder with (shudder) IE...

Microsoft shall burn - (dial) ring ring - "Sword Op's, Specialist Johansen here..."
Johansen! This is the Cpt - Burn Redmond Washington to the ground!
(if only)


ericswan said...

Yes the symbol of all things past, present and future is the chessboard. There is only one piece in the game, that can circle the square. All the other pieces are on the square. That piece is the player that wins.

The American buck devalued by more than one percent in one day against the Canadian dollar. That was yesterday. Today, Canadians have been informed that our Conservative government is floating the trial balloon of selling the AECL or 49% of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to General Electric. Apparently, GE has not been able to penetrate our heavy water reactor technology so they offered to buy it for $350 million. AECL is a crown corporation so we're talking here about giving yet another government agency to a private corporation. This is putting the fox in the henhouse or how to ensure the demise of independence in a world where corporations move freely and at their ease while citizens must have both feet nailed to the slaughterhouse floor.
And for one last nail in this coffin, the government of British Columbia has offered up free hydro generation to all comers with over 500 corporate applications to generate electricity on every stream or watercourse in the province. It's a sweet deal. They get to sell that power back to the citizens and the government turns it's collective back on the environmental consequences of their corporate greed. One last little kick at the can. This link opens many doors of perception with the primary goal of "expanding" the timeline as to participate in the long view. I particularily see Shrub in the midst of this dichotomy and one last thing..

Dale...that was a great post. I would like to hear more from you.

MeanGreen said...

Sword - quit your whinning, expect problems when using a MS-Operating System, try a UNIX OS.

Is there any truth to the "Ancient Arrow Project" that took place near Chaco Canyon in New Mexico and this BST(specific form of time travel). I remember reading in RCH's book that he had taken a trip to Chaco Canyon, something about how he figured out how to use Sat. images for ID of ruins.

HHMSS Sword said...

Never heard of it...

MeanGreen said...

It is from a post on FSHOD - "Numb and Number(s)"
Thought you might have checked that out.

IonTruO2 said...

Two things:

Unix OS= 'Apple' Mac OSX (Tiger with Panther out soon)

I bought a basic MacBook Intel duo core 2 and it's been a breath of fresh air. Easy configs and fast video.
note: no anti-virus programs etc needed, that tend to take away processing resources.

final: Didn't Sword send Richard on a specific little fact finding trip to the Grand Canyon last year?

ericswan said...

There is an early warning system that often goes unnoticed. It's the sun and Robert has a link up at FSHOD that puts this in perspective.

IonTruO2 said...

Sword, Take note

re: my earlier postulating about Stephen Baxter as a discloser, and Sunking's subsequent drawing of attention to Baxter's direct collaborations with Arthur C. Clarke. Notably Sunking's latest Blog book review of Sunstorm at F-Shod

An interesting news snippet here from Baxter's personal site.

30 Jan 07 - Stephen Baxter Signs New Contract

Stephen Baxter has sold the worldwide rights in two new novels to Gollancz Publishers via his agent PFD. Baxter says that ‘Flood’ (to be published in autumn 2008) and ‘Ark’(autumn 2009) will be ‘stories of a global convulsion and its aftermath’. Gollancz’s UK editions will be the world first.

HHMSS Sword said...

I have read some of his work...

Looks like the "Club" is getting bigger.
The first rule of book club is - don't talk about book club...
The second rule is - get ready for a massive market shift to interest in your subject matter...

Dose not anyone else see the "happenings"... ...the real "whats up" - everyone is writting books about "disclosure" - hell - even Hoagland is trying to rush out his book before his deadline with the Sword "Project Disclosure"... He's part of teh club now - and - well - what else to say - all the signs are there - and NO ONE is KEYing in on it...


IonTruO2 said...


robert said...

well - what else to say - all the signs are there - and NO ONE is KEYing in on it...Sword


So I guess my link to this month's Popular Science cool cover about 'SpaceDiving' wasn't the "key" you were looking for?

btw...the July 7 2007 version is up:

Cydonia Anomalies Archive Image Map

Just to keep you in the loop. :)


HHMSS Sword said...

No, but it might explain some interesting photographs Hoaglands got...


robert said...

So what was the 'key' I missed?
And WHAT images Richard may have?

HHMSS Sword said...

The KEY... ...well, think of Ben Franklin... ...and then think of the invasion of America by the British in 1812... Where a hurricane doused the fires in Washington, and then directly behind it, a tornado came and finished driving the British out of Washington - thats KEY...

I have been dropping that information for sometime - no one is connecting the "weather war" we are currently having with all of he other historically interesting - well timed - weather in the past.

You guys act like weather control is something new... The only thing new is that we are using much more technology than before...

As for the photographs Richard got - well, maybe he does. I was told from the "inside" that he has some really interesting photographs of some "tagging" done on some of NASA's equipment...

We'lll seeee...


Anonymous said...

Sword said, "You guys act like weather control is something new... The only thing new is that we are using much more technology than before..."'s where the Poo Factor comes into play!

Pray, tell us some other examples of WX control and Please DO tell us how they did it!?!?!

ericswan said...

And then there was Washington crossing the Delaware in the fog..

I wonder who or what killed off the rocky mountain locust in 1875. North America is the only continent that doesn't sport locusts with the last known infestation numbering in the trillions. All gone. Just lucky I guess.

robert said...

HHMSS Sword said...
The KEY... ...well, think of Ben Franklin... ...and then think of the invasion of America by the British in 1812... Where a hurricane doused the fires in Washington, and then directly behind it, a tornado came and finished driving the British out of Washington - thats KEY...

And THIS was in this month's issue I was pursuing while getting groceries in Hannaford's???

I would have thought the SpaceDiver's suit to be the COOLEST thing in the issue. To be honest I only glanced at the other budget wouldn't allow me to buy the thing.

As to Richard getting 'inside' images...I've chimed in on this before in your Iapetus thread and think I THOROUGHLY debunked the idea that the image he used in "The Moon WIth A View" was an 'inside' image since I found it in the PDS through HOURS of wasn't easy to find...but it WAS there.

Now again...not to get confused and miscontrsued or quoted out of context or convey a meaning I am NOT meaning to convey...

I am NOT saying Richard, or other folks out here, do NOT get and HAVE images that were 'leaked' to them...AND these leaked images are NOT available to anyone else outhere with ANY amount of searching. I KNOW for SURE of one instance where this has happened...and the fellow just about immediately put it on the web after processing it for everyone to view...FOR FREE.

So Richard MAY INDEED have images no one else in the general public has or can get access ANY normal matter how well or how long you search...I just don't KNOW for sure.

Back to your defintion of 'key' the Masons were doing their 'Sex Majik' to help of General George beat the British???

If so...maybe George Jr and Dark Lord Dickey should start an orgy to help the troops and my nephew in Iraq...they could use some 'Majik' there.


MeanGreen said...

Just saw the "FreeMasons Underground" on the History Channel, a lot about the Ben Franklin(Master Mason) and how he helped defend America from the British.

Not sure how much of a spin the History Channel put on it, still interesting.

Clamytoe said...


C2C is having free streamlink access this weekend starting with Friday. Perhaps you can find that one show that you were asking for before...

HHMSS Sword said...

Thanks for that tip, clamytoe!

Now - does anyone know how to save that material - or are they, whats it called - podcasts? that I can play at anytime?
The reason I ask is because I was trying to catch hogland on C2C in Roswell last Friday? - when I had some "Adult" company show up and dragged me away from the show - allot of talk about disclosure... ...its like he's setting up the community for what I have been talking about (constantly talking about) Article Seven, his new book "Dark Mission" and of course - the grail of it all - "The Disclosure Project"
Previously as well - Hoagland was talking about "the other nasa" - and how they where not using rockets anymore - now - you guys know me - Where in the hell do you think he came up with that idea? - did you hear that ? - - yep - its me tooting my own horn...

Hoping to use that material to write a blogg post regarding the current trends of C2C vis-a-vis "the bloggs"

And to SUNKING who said in regards to weather tech not being new: "'s where the Poo Factor comes into play!"

I would submit to you that the most tangible evidence to weather modification by man is the pyramids - yes - those devices... I can't stress it enough (or maybe I haven't stressed it at all) that the whole religious aspect of their construction was the cover story to get it built. Its a thermodynamic machine that lifts hot air and pulls in fresh, cooler air.
Thats just the beginning... ...

Not calling you out for PARLAY (duel with wordS) - just trying to have some interesting dialog...

(Its actually neutrally buoyant on the ground to...)
:-P :-) :-X


Clamytoe said...


If I remember correctly, the archived shows are all in mp3 format, so you should be able to right-click them and choose to save them.

For a while I had a program that could automatically record streamed shows at whatever time and length that I set it to and I used to save C2C every night with it. It quit working one day and I couldn't get it going again, so I uninstalled it. I'll see if I can find it and give it another go. If I can get it working again, I'll hook you up with it.

Oh and if you guys don't know, C2C is streamed here every night:

570 KLIF

Just click on the "Click here to listen to KLIF online" link.

Anonymous said...

Aye, Aye, the interesting dialog bit.

OK...How are the pyramids (is it the pyramids...or just The Pyramid?) evidence of WX mod? What evidence is there that the pyramids can impact WX?

IonTruO2 said...

Pyramids? How funny.

Our dear anti-grav 'hobbiest' super genius JLNaudin is using an 'equalateral pyramid' design now for his "The Lifter-Craft v1.0.

Good pics.

So I wonder if I guy like that could scale UP his models in 5 years?

Hey! Time to get off the kitchen table, Jean Louis!!! lol :P

IonTruO2 said...

...and now for a 33 moment. Deeep Breath.

refreshing wasn't it?

O.k back to JLNaudin. Haven't visited there in a while. Gee their having fun with those models.

My favorite is the new idea of 'Modular Thrusters

Cool spec from Naudin.

Concept of a Lifter Panel 1m square built with 75 Lifter-Cells(1m x 1m)
THRUST = 675 G , PAYLOAD - 300G
POWER= 825 watts(DC not pulsed) or 275W (DC pulsed- 0.55 hp/kg)

ericswan said...

There is something to the weather mod thing going back through the millennia. I think the best reporting is by Doug Yurchey. His claim is that there are natural and manmade objects in 13 separate and distinct triangular sectors on the globe that have at least one interesting module for weather modification. The one for North America is on the Alberta, Montana border but the actual pyramid hasn't been found yet.

IonTruO2 said...

Seems more like general weather 'tempering' and 'taming', more so than 'manipulation' or 'control' per say.

Do you have any co-ordinates for that North American one ericswan?

HHMSS Sword said...

Sooo... three is free downloading of the podcasts on C2C?
Maybe I am on the wrong time zone or something - But as of 1:30 my time I cant get it to work...
Wants my credit card info first...

Is there a work around? Or is it just not time yet?


HHMSS Sword said...

It will probably be next week before I get a reply but I tried this anyway:

Mr. La Douceur:

Me and some of my fellow listeners, bloggers, are very interesteed in this weekends free streamlink...

Could you give me the "skinny" on how this will work? What would be the link to the simple instructions page which we can view - and subsequently download the podcasts?

Thank you
Sword & "The Bloggers"

MeanGreen said...

Sword - Checked C2C, it is streaming free for me right now. The link is at the top middle of main page, just needs your email for activation.

MeanGreen said...

Also -
RealMedia streams working and downloading MP3s at over 1Mbps - sweet!

Clamytoe said...

So did you guys have any luck with the C2C archives last night? I was only able to download the mp3s from the eight shows that they designated and Thursday's podcast.

On the upside, I was able to find my program to record streams and get it working. It's not easy to do, but you if guys are computer savvy and think you can figure it out, I'll pass it along. It's called WM Record 11.0.

ericswan said...

Sword.. Here's a link to your incoming..

I wonder about this site having the exact date of this comet. Maybe Robert might take a look at the tech being considered for the evac..

HHMSS Sword said...

I can get the podcast to play - but I cant get it to save - anyone have any ideas?


MeanGreen said...

Sword - Come on Man!

Put some PIRATE into it! There are many programs for recording streams, ClamyToe is all over it. This will same you time, you only have till Sunday night.

Clamytoe said...

Aye matey! I earned my pirate's patch many moons ago. Argh...

Use this link to open the podcasts in iTunes:
(sorry blogger won't let me make that clickable)

If you've registered then you already have the username name and password to access the podcasts for the freeweekend. I would post it here, but you've made them aware of our presence here.

Once you've logged in click on Podcasts link on the left side menu. Then expand the "Coast to Coast AM Podcast" entry on the right so that you can see all of the available shows. Then just click on "Get All" button to get them all, or you can download only the ones that you want.

Once downloaded they will be in your My Documents folder under the following path:

\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\Podcasts\Coast to Coast AM Podcast\

They will be in mp3 format, so you'll be all set.

HHMSS Sword said...

I'll probably just pony up and pay for the shows...
...its turning into more hassle than its worth to "pirate" the material. I have enough stuff to work off of anyway. My idea for a blogg post is that current things being talked about on C2C are being influenced by these bloggs - mine, Sunkings and Hoaglands original...

Just wanted to state that before anyone goes and thinks I'm stalking the man... (Rich)

I find it funny that we are disclosure this - disclosure that - and he has yet to even whisper his own disclosure... But we have had those little hints that are slipping through...

Oh well - at least I am going to be able to listen to the shows I missed him being on...


IonTruO2 said...

So, Capt. Sword, the civilian RCH is now following our lead? Wouldn't that be a hoot.

Received a copy from out of nowhere of an old book called "Our UFO Visitors" 1977 by John Magor. Quite sober and nicely done, before the real era of cheesy ufology.

Couple of key items.

1: Didn't know that the Apollo mission 12 in 69 when leaving, the ascent stage crashing back to the moon.....made seismic vibrations that lasted for an hour and subsequent heftier test by a later crew vibrated for more than three hours.

"In effect the Moon was ringing like a giant gong"

Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, of the Soviet Academy of Sciences were perhaps the first to promote that the moon was in fact an artificial, a spaceship itself, hollow interior.

They said: "It is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, the interior of which was filled with fuel.....and all manner of other words, every thing necessary to enable this "caravelle of the Universe' to serve as kind of Noah's Ark of intelligence, perhaps even as the home of a whole civilization envisaging a prolonged existence and long wanderings through space."

Interestingly Sword, Professor Bellamy and Dr. P Allen, as well as a Scholar name Hans Hoerbiger all seem to date the moon's coming into orbit around the Earth at about 13,000-->13,500 years.

Sound like a familiar number as time frame?

What stands out for me from your earlier comments about the ARK/Stronghold 'Moon' Iapetus, is that it was the 'original'. Our quite unique oversized (Earth) Moon being perhaps the main Ark that followed?

What motivated the 'migration'?
"caravelle or caravele" is an apt word they used to describe this object, and frankly, Iapetus equally well.

caravel: was a fast sailing ship---> eh pirate guy?

2: The book focuses on an intriguing area called The Rocky Mountain Trench

Any thoughts on this locale, Sword?
Seems close to your area. And it is notably a hotbed of activity.

Gort said...

On a recent C2C RCH mentioned the seismic experiments on the moon during Apollo that that made it ring like a bell, suggesting a hollow moon.
But, he added that he doesn't believe our moon is hollow, and he thinks there is another possible scientific explanation for the reverberations of a non-hollow moon that would simulate a hollow ringing.
However, (as usual), "stay tuned... :)"
It probably in his new book, due out in Oktober.
Dark Mission.
Request it at your frindly local pubic library.

HHMSS Sword said...

The subsequent mission was called "Chapel Bell" - this was to find out why it rang "like a bell"...

Is it wirhin the realm of possibilities? Sure - but not my area of "focus". I have bigger moons to fire up...

I always pronounced it Kah-vell...


MeanGreen said...

IonTruo2 - Here is a link with some info you might be interested in:

Apollo 17 - Chapel Bell is still classified!

IonTruO2 said...

I don't follow C2C, so that is funny to hear that having come up in his recent comments!?! ;)

Much possibility swirling about these days. For sure "WE" will be staying attuned um Stay Tuned.

Meangreen Thanks for that link. going there now.

P.S. my thought about the Moon, is hollow or not, as Baxter wrote about in Manifold Space, why not just make asteroids the ship itself....and ride it.
Ride it with propulsion anywhere.
Naturally surf the "Interplanetary Superhighway"(IPS-aka invariant manifolds(The Tubes)
For virtually free.

Earlier thoughts I mentioned included the 'cloaking' this natural body affords the beings 'piloting' it. Thus "hiding in plain site" looking like everything else.

robert said...

Larry King just had a 'Disclosure' show Friday night I believe. I recorded to my RR box and just watched this afternoon.

With the two X-conferences coming up this Fall and spring...I can hope that Like Stanton says..hopefully within my lifetime.


Gort said...

From the description of the first photo on Keith Laney's page on Apollo 17 mision (general area of landing site):
"The image center is 19.5N -30.9E, and was taken from altitude of 112 km with the sun coming from the east at about 35 degrees above horizon"

19.5 N sun about 35 degrees (33.3 +/-) love those numbers!

Clamytoe said...

Hey Sword,

Quick tell me which shows you want and I'll see if I can get them before they cut off access to the free streamlink weekend. I have detected a problem with their server and I have been able to gain access to certain files ;)

Give me the dates of the shows.

HHMSS Sword said...

No need my friend...
Ni need...
I have what I need - I took some notes...
There wasn't allot of content - no need for a "log" of everything said..

But - the storm is brewing... can feel the electricity in the air...


IonTruO2 said...

you said: Is it within the realm of possibilities? Sure - but not my area of "focus". I have bigger moons to fire up...

I always pronounced it Kah-vell...


2007-07-15 2.09.MD

iontruo2 This I understand. It's pretty 'super' that you knew the term.

I like your pronunciation "kah-vell".

My point was, supportive to the 'Moon With a View' (Iapetus), in that as we go I am seeing many potentials being hinted at that the whole area may have numerous 'objects' parked in orbits.

Maybe you could do a Blog in the future and call it "Pimp My Ride2', or better yet "Pimp My Moon".

Phobos is just plain weirdly 'unnatural' and with all those 'Trojans' now found conveniently sitting at the perfect balance points called "Lagrange L4 and L5, notably around Jupiter and the nice one called 'Eureka!' sitting at Mars, one has to wonder how much longer they can keep the lid on 'all' the signatures of 'artificiality' here at our little solar system truck stop.

Clamytoe said...


I must admit that when I saw your reply last night I exhaled a sigh of relief. It was already about 0130 and I get up every morning at 0500, so I was tired. I did manage to procure some stream data from a few days ago all the way back to mid April. Now that the streamlink weekend is over, I'll have to do a few test to see if it was worth it.

HHMSS Sword said...

On our moon:

What would be the effect of gravitational forces on liquid water on mars with our moon in its orbit?
Would the marinas trench be able to be carved out with our moon in its orbit?
Personally - I have never heard that our moon was ever a "sibling" of any other planet. As far back as Summerian/Mesopotamian culture - our moon has been our moon. I don't believe that any of the terrestrial records report it being moved... - those records are what I am going off of.
Now - hollow? I would venture to say - not entirely... ...perhaps large holds are there... for alot of people. IF we could get the support systems running... ...but I digress...
I was always under the understanding that WE knew of structures on the moon - but - behind that curtain - we may find that those structures are far more elaborate than we ever realized...

With all that being said... ...I am working up a new blogg post. Richard has seriously insulted the Apollo astronauts - my platoon - and myself... He may have even put this insult into his new book - which I hope not - but we will find out.
I simply can not believe that he would error in this way - at least not on the air - and certainly not in print.

clamytoe - thanks for your help and concern... ...i was told, from above, to pay better attention to what was being said on the primer radio network... I still hadn't gotten the sand out of the crack of my ass when I was getting the "look"... ...I would point your attention my friend to the show that aired on June 20th/07 - for I certainly hope you have that one "recorded"


SSL4000G said...

I've read a few articles that speak of a time when there was no moon. Here's one;
Earth Without A Moon

It may offer some leads to other info.

One more, refers to some biblical sources;
The Earth Without The Moon

I think these articles are referring to time prior to the Sumerian civilization. That didn't "officially" come into existence until 3800BC, plus or minus a few years. See what ya think. Maybe lead to something you need.


HHMSS Sword said...

...and then there was brewer, a maker of takes and ... beer ...

nothing of course to due with you... ... Wayne - I have saved the sites - and I will read them - but at the moment I have a case of the miller that must be dwelt with (burp - hick)...

excellent reads... ...

SSL4000G said...

No problem sword, enjoy your libations.
