This is nothing new to me.
The things that I post, myself, are of course – getting me in trouble. I have been incarcerated twice now in regards to some of the things I have been posting. They can’t really stop me, other than going out of there way to lock me up. So, getting the message those members of the military where getting concerned regarding perceptions was nothing new to me. I didn’t even mention it on the bloggs… However – it was the line …public perception… in the message given to me that made me so me curious. Oddly enough, getting thrown in the “cooler” is nothing new – but as it stands I am the unannounced leader of a cause that has much more respect, and reader following, than is actually presented here or anywhere else…
What could have been said on the radio that would cause such uproar?
The show I would like to mention is the “Fix at Nasa” –originally aired on June 20th of this year. This show consisted of three hours of Richard Hoagland and two other chaps, David Livingston & Rick Sterling, discussing the shell game (that I have mentioned before) going on at NASA. It was in this show that I suspect very firmly that the majority of dissension from the Mil-Family is being directed – directly at Hoagland & G. Noory …
Now, the meat of the issue – the misconceptions of RH and GN that will lead the public’s perception in the wrong direction…
Near the end of the second hour, RH states that the Apollo astronauts had actually “saw the structures to be on the moon” … (I know they put there hands on them – if not brief – but they did) … “and where subsequently made to forget that they saw them”… Richard said this (paraphrased) … Now comes the bad, ignorant part of the whole torrid short snip…
GN then says, “Like, Manchurian Candidate … …forget?”
RH then says “You got it.”
Lets get some things straight – for the record…
There is of course the reference being made: To the olden movie, called of course, “The Manchurian Candidate” … …found here on wiki:
This of course leads to a well documented Intel-Factory horror story of “Project Ultra”:
This will lead one to use the generalized term of brainwashing.
The definition of brainwashing from wiki:
Brainwashing (also known as thought reform or re-education) consists of any systematic effort aimed at instilling certain attitudes and beliefs in a person against his will, usually beliefs in conflict with the person's prior beliefs and knowledge. This is inconsistent to what process is really happening to American Servicemen, or what has happened to the Apollo astronauts.
This is the public perception that everyone (In Sword and in the MIL-family) is trying to avoid – but is being pushed on us, the public – no thanks to RH and GN
However the actual process involved here is hypnosis…
From wiki:
There is a common claim that no one can be hypnotized against his will. The counter-claim given by many hypnotists is that while you cannot make someone do anything against his will, you can change what it is that he wishes to do. This lowering in inhibitions is called disinhibition and can sometimes be found in the hypnotized subject and leads him to performing acts that he would normally consider socially unacceptable or simply would not do otherwise.
Put yourself in the shoes of the astronauts.
You have seen things that would forever change the human psychology. Being involved in this sort of activity would be traumatic at the least… Imagine if you will touching with your very hands ancient ruins – of ancient human construction …never mind the fact that you have to hold on to those facts and not say anything until your needed to do so… …just the facts alone are incredibly traumatic to the individual – not to mention the ramifications to world wide society…
Hypnotherapy is a term to describe the use of hypnosis in a therapeutic context. Many hypnotherapists refer to their practice as "clinical work"… …Psychologists and psychiatrists use hypnosis predominantly for the treatment of dissociative disorders, phobias, habit change, depression and post-traumatic syndromes. [Emphasis added]
I have had both processes applied top me. The medical use of hypnotherapy, first, and hypnosis latter – has kept the stitches together on the emotional wounds I have obtained. It’s kept me sane……it has also kept me from the street corner with a sign on my chest saying “the end is near”…
We do not wish to be stereotyped so that the American public believes that we are brainwashed zombies…
Many, many, American Veterans are going to be coming home – and they to will be given the hypnotherapy in order to “forget” the horrors of war. Many American veterans are going to be given the Hypnosis treatment… just so we can interact with society for a time – so that we may labor and pay the bills – so that we may be at peace with our families… …until the day comes (shudder) that we can speak of the things that we have seen – and be awake, and be knowing – and deal with them at a personal level.
We where not “brainwashed” – we where helped in not becoming emotionally unstable – the facts that are, bind us – however – the facts that are – will also unravel us…
Very insightful Sword, thanks for clearing that up. Unfortunately, I was not able to retrieve that particular show. I might just go ahead and subscribe, at least for the month so that I can create an RCH library.
My first reaction at two in the morning after a loooong day is...BULLSHIT !
Hypnosis = Brainswashing
HotStove with finger=burnt finger.
It's as SIMPLE as that !!!
Sword states:
"This is the public perception that everyone (In Sword and in the MIL-family) is trying to avoid – but is being pushed on us, the public – no thanks to RH and GN "
Well here's a BRIGHT idea...DECLASSIFY ALL DOCUMENTS, tapes, images, wreckage, lift secrecy clauses in contract for everyone and LET THE TRUTH COME OUT!
Now you got me shouting like Gary Mr did and I did NOT intend to get that way.
Your "TOP" and others 'in the know' as you say WANT the 'truth' to come out...only on THEIR timetable...under THEIR conditions...only release WHAT they want released...and only allow the people THEY want to be in the forefront.
I just made a post at BlackVault that speeks to these issues and the political will with the cajhones and ovaries to back it up...to call folks before Congress and if no v]cooperation use the "Default Contempt" law to arrest and legally physically restrain peoplen, even TOP, until they decide to talk...sort of what happened to Judy Miller...only this is the entire House doing this. Harriet Myers may be the first to come under this in over a hundred years.
as for the post:
X-PPAC and Bassett in the Washington Post
PRG's political action committee, X-PPAC, and executive director Stephen Bassett were featured in a front page article written by William Booth in the Sunday, July 8, 2007 Washington Post. This article is significant for a number of reasons:
1) nothing makes it onto the front page of a major daily such as the Washington Post without being cleared by the front page editorial committee.
2) William Booth remarkably balanced the fun & games, serious core issues and some fringe thinking which made up the 60th Roswell Anniversary Festival. Notably, he showed he has been paying attention to exopolitical developments.
3) in PRG's view the article was a milestone for the Post because it represented the first time the paper:
- used the term "truth embargo" in the ET context
- used the term "disclosure" in the ET context
- placed Bassett or X-PPAC on the front page
- put Richard Dolan into a front page article
- put Dr. Roger Leir into a front page article
- referred to the abduction issue on the front page
Also of note, Booth referred to squestered ET technology, the black budget, special access programs, implants, failure of the mainstream media, the O'Hare Airport sighting, the French CNES sighting reports release, Richard Dolan's book UFOs and the National Security State, and much more.
Most important to PRG Booth brought up the "ET Ticket"
from an article recently published in UFO Magazine, Fate Magazine, the American Chronicle and at the PRG website. This article is part of a larger effort by PRG to bring the ET issue into the ongoing (and endless) 2008 presidential campaign. See "Fox and Friends" below
Post Article at Washington Post Article
"ET Ticket" article at ET Ticket-Hotest ET Disclosure candidates
Fox News Picks up on the "ET Ticket"
Two days prior to the Washington Post article, Bassett was interviewed on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" morning show. The "ET Ticket" was featured as per arrangement with the producer. Consequently, a graphic was up during the interview highlighting the point. PRG could not be more pleased.
Fox & Friends Interview >>> Fox Peckerheads (rhw title)
11th Hour Vacation Convention in the Yucatan
Stephen Bassett will be in attendance and a back-up speaker at an unusual conference in Mayan Riviera, Mexico, November 10-17. The event is seeking attendees who are working as researchers, activists lectures and leaders in various fields of alternative thinking to come and interact in rotating, small groups with the speakers. Bassett is slated to speak at the 2008 convention in Greece.
Conference Site >>>
Conference Site
Unless things move ALONG more swiftly I may begin to think that you and "TOP" are playing the 'Stay tuned' game with trick cards.
gotta do better imho Sword...TOPS' ego is hurtting...FRACK HIM...my nephew is hauling 60 pound packs PLUS ammo in the Texas 100+ heat heading for the Iraq slaugther house in a few weeks. If we can turn pimple faced teenagers into soldiers in 12 weeks...why can't we fo the same for Iraqii's after five frackin years and more than half desert and half or more of them join the enemy.
"We have MET the enemy...and he is US"
Lying and secrecy got us into this mess way back when...more than 60 years ago in the 'modern' era...a little less lying and overthrowing fledging democracies and socialists and putting in OIL and NATURAL MINERAL RESOURCE bully generals would have made a WORLD of a difference...so wouldn't TELLING THE TRUTH FROM THE BEGINNING of ROSWELL !!!
Everything your Mil-Ind 'TOP' has done since is plain...
pure and simple.
Nothing PERSONAL against you Sword...you may be brainwashed yourself..you've mentioend being only 'half-awake' if you never KNOW what FULL AWAKE means...how will you know when you reach it?
I'll tell you how:
It's when people, ALL people, in government, out, mil, intel, and so many others live the following:
If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects or gag people or documents?
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.
It REALLY is that simple.
Bob... :D
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
Bob - I feel the anger/frustration and agree!
Sword - Disclosure - When?
Well - Robert makes an interesting point.
It's obviously coming out soon - or we wouldn't have the main stream media slowly coming around now would we?
All the subtle little hints are there... Yes its on their timetable and their way - I can't change that - no one can - but - it is happening...
Robert - I do however feel your frustration, but I seriously don't believe that "brainwashing" the public is the ultimate goal here - hell they do that all on their own just fine...
One enlightened person doesn't make it okay to shatter the world as many have come to believe... ...consider the social/cultural/theological aspects of what we are talking about here - mix in foretold global cataclysm and you have a recipe for disaster...
I really love this want it now mentality - extreme selfish attitudes and unreasonable expectations... ...Your right about disclosure - but your wrong about the process, dead wrong.
The good news is your going to get what you want - and sooner than you think...
Sword: I don't think it's selfish to ask that the Truth be known, It should have been known all along..but TPTB decided they should be the only ones with the truth, and it is TPTB that dictate we live in a lie that they've designed for us. Who is selfish here? Who is the Evil one? What do TPTB expect when they enslave the people with their lies? Look at where their lies have taken us. How many years have they known that this day would come? Do you not think that instead of spending all of this time on wars, greed, more greed, more wars, and on and on that we could have moved a lot of people out of harms way by now? The clock is ticking and time is running out..... and finally, at this very late date, TPTB think perhaps the Truth should be told....but not just yet.......but soon..... Perhaps TPTB fear the anger that would arise from their lies more than the chaos, so they wait until it is only people in chaos to deal with. Some people are living in a lie of hell. Some are so rich, well I guess their living in a lie of heaven. Then there are those of us who are just trying not to live in a lie and keep searching for the truth...for it is their Lies that enslave us all and it is the Truth that will set us all free. It is the divine right of every soul to be free. What holy Father would enslave his children through fear and lies? Whatever grievance mankind has with each other, I believe they would unite to save our world if given the time, but we aren't going to have that time and the TPTB that control us, are the ones that will be controlling our destiny as they have so many before us.
Long ago man learned how to enslave his people, and to this day, the slaves are still trying to learn how to be free.
Sword: You mentioned going to the brink a few times. Are you someone with very special gifts? I ask because those who usually don't do what the Tops like disappear. Or perhaps you are being more controlled than you think you are? How would you know? What if all of your memories were implanted, and not yours at all? How would you know? Technology has advanced to where I don't know, but I sure wouldn't rule out mind control ...and you are still trying to remember things...
Tacodog You raise some good points there.
My thought here is the whole shebang is already a true brain wash. From this world of appearances to entertainment to the root of the persona itself. Its all a perceptual play, rootedly 'self contracted' in the first place and thus being further programmed and clouded by all manner of 'other' input. Most of it materialistic consumeristic, cultish religionism, all flavours of power&control, you name it.
So the ego/self/persona has become about all we are thinking 'we are' at this stage and thus we languish in a self isolated individuated state trying desperately to fulfill ourselves and sooth this experience of self-being.
Because deep down we still intuit 'a greater something' that is whole and TRUE and inherently always 'a unity'. Yet we know this is not it being experienced here. Thus we carry on trying to gratify and "console" ourselves in this godless experience through each subsequent go around. Same half light, same shit, still just a self perceived seperate= unrealized.
Essentially humans are already sheeple at the base of their individuated existence here. So how does one shepherd, a whole society, of inherently unconscious beings, recoiling and reacting quite automatically?
Sword said: I really love this want it now mentality - extreme selfish attitudes and unreasonable expectations... ...Your right about disclosure - but your wrong about the process, dead wrong.
The good news is your going to get what you want - and sooner than you think...
Sword 2007-07-18 1.42.PD
iontruo2--> Exactly! Welcome to the west.
I find it funny how we banter about these 'topics' like casual chat and social discourse, yet THIS is astonishingly serious stuff.
Colossal matters that one can't just say "lets tell everyone and let the chips fall way they may!"
Most of this world is borderline on insane, all the time, currently. Its held together by a mere thread. Barely at that these days. Just read the news of the world.
We can not just reduce these matters of disclosure to 'words on a page'. I see now. Its too big.
Really, one can not trivialize the scope of this info, even in this little Blogland.
Re: brainwashing.
I can see the concern that someone like Hoagland is mis-representing the truth.
We have seen enough sad examples in recent years of soldiers and special ops people who have returned home, and had trouble. A few awful cases of family murder suicides etc certainly makes it easy for me to understand the relevance of 'appropriate' hypno-therapy.
How could the likes of Buzz Aldren and them 'carry on' with the media types pecking at them ALL THE TIME, trying to pull their teeth if they could?
It makes sense. I think the concern here is that there is potential for abuse without right oversight.
( But hey, the worst manipulators appear til now to be the religions and politics. OOPS, I guess that covers almost everything. ;) )
Sword, I think someone at your level needs to get Hoagland on the straight and proper. If is one of your own, so to speak, then why is he so undisciplined in this most important role?
Like the alarmist weather control gig he ran at the end of the Capt's Blog. WTF was that? What did it really have to do with anything like what is about to happen.
The suggestion of weather 'wars' and enemies etc. was trivial and a sidetrack from the ass whooping bigger picture we are about to walk through. Specially if it indeed does cause wide spread damage anyway here on Earth and the society changes radically from that.
If he was your point man, why is he busy with books and media efforts around topics of breadcrumb category? Busy talking all 'around' subjects and hinting and 'staying tuned'. It is starting to seem like fluff to me. Where are the serious reps?
o.k. o.k I'm losing focus now.
My last question SWORD. If your acting in an official capacity, of disclosure, then why are you landing in the 'clink' on a regular basis?
Even your work has taken a good two-three years to trickle out to us here, already attuned to these topics.
So your not exactly all rogue and that, blurting out the big picture all at once on the nightly news. Tell the TOP to chill out. Heck we are way past the "seven year itch", instead we have less than five years left.
Time is "nigh'
Well Sword.. I'm impressed. You've actually gone and broke code. Remember folks, that the easiest way to hide something is to put right out there for everybody to see. Here's a clue. When astronauts return from Mir, they often weigh 25% less than their actual weight and don't gain it back for several days. And what do they call this process that Sword is alluding to. What is that term where these people are pulled aside (they used to say it was quarantine???) but now what do they call it since no one really believes this nonsense about bringing back the celestial flue bug. What is it called, this little hiatus away from public view where only those in charge have access to those who risked their lives, spilt their blood and sweated bullets all in the name of "one small step". This is what Sword has revealed and it is indeed a powerful revelation. He has opened the big book and put his finger on it but none here can read the writing on the wall. All in plain sight and all in plain English.
It is called the debriefing.
BRAVO!, sir. You are the modern-day Marcus Porcius Catō...a thorn in Julius Caesar's side and a name synonymous with tenacity. In your case, I say it with the highest possible praise. You are absolutely correct.
And Sword...you are, in this light, starting to look like more a part of the problem rather than the solution!?!?! ;)
Go to your Blog's Edit Posts. I placed a post there but it's just to impart some blog mechanic information to you...definitely not anything for posting. You can keep it for reference or delete it, as you will.
You describe the process of hypnosis and hynotherapy, both of which the "subject" usually condones and which have actual medical uses; but you failed to cover the actual "brainwashing" techniques that are applied to the subject against his/her will.
I'm talking about sensory deprivation and torture. Where the subject is taken to the point where their mind can't take anymore and just breaks and opens up for any type of programming. I see no medicinal purpose for that type of technique. It’s not all as rosy and you make it to be. The illuminated do have a dark side.
Come on and draw that curtain back a little bit more; isn’t it getting a bit stale in there?
Nice on the rebuts ion and Robert. The proverbial shit is on the way to the fan. There are way to many things that are "squashed" and mis or dis info out on the airwaves, so to speak. The house of cards is millimeters away from falling if something is not done.
Ion said to just read the news. I believe all of us read the non MSM stuff, and there are some seriously disturbing things that have a high possibility of occurring. The white hats must win. Wanta.
Two possibilities:
1.) The Apollo astronauts saw and touched ancient human-made ruins on our moon and were MADE to forget about that experience.
2.) The Apollo astronauts saw and touched ancient human-made ruins on our moon and were HELPED to keep that experience secret from the public (who paid for the trip.)
And helped to personally cope with the "cognitive dissonance" or trauma of experiencing such an extraordinary (to the prevailing pradigm)event.
Either way, we are not getting the skinny on what they really saw and did on the moon. Either way it is a cover-up. And well orchestrated, as well.
I was in high school, the sumer between junior and senior yar 38 years ago this friday when Buzz and Neil stepped on the moon.
I watched all the Mercury and Gemini launces in grade school and junior high on tv.
My youngest brother was delivered on the day John Glenn was the first American (that we know of) to orbit the earth, and only after the doctor was sure that Glenn had splashed down safely!
I have the greatest admiration and honor for the brave astronauts and the men and women at NASA and other contractors who helped achieve the American space dream, as it was. And I think Richard Hoagland and George Noory feel the same way. RCH has often stated his utmost respect for the astronuts and the "good guys" at NASA. His problem is with the "dark side" of NASA.
nuff said for now,
As for our brave veterans, they must not be stigmatized for any help they get coping with what they are being made to endure in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
The head of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs resigned yesterday.
cheney and bush should be impeachd for the illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional invasion of
Congress should get some cojones and ovaries and end the war.
(Gort, tell us what you really think... ;) )
Hey Sword,
When I was in the military, Top was a name reserved for the First Sergeant. When you say TOP, I get the feeling that you are referring to more than one person and that it's more about those above you in the chain of command. Do I have it right, or are you talking about just one individual?
Just going over some of the stuff that you've said before.
Oh before I forget, do you know what steganography is? If you do, is that something that I should be looking at as far as the images that you've used on your blogs?
Heeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeee's Johnny....
July 31, 2004: “More info about Ashcroft’s desire to put us all in camps for “reeducation as loyal Americans and true Christians.” I mentioned Ashcroft’s “ideas” about “neutralizing” evil influences in the United States. Here is more. Special U.S. Army units are trained for putting down any kind of civil insurrection. These units are small, very well-equipped and are considered to be the most elite units the Army now possesses. They have not seen any foreign combat duty: They are designed solely as domestic control units. I can give you some interesting specifics and there is a lot more where this comes from.
There are centers around the United States where these units are based. For instance, Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois is one such base. These units have an interesting form of rapid deployment command centers. These consist of what appear to be commercial tractor trailers with such things as the names of well-known moving van companies, or other major corporations such as Wal-Mart or Radio Shack on the sides. These units are not for transporting goods but are prefab command centers. The special units can move these via the highways in perfect safety from a base of operations to a “hot” area where “domestic terrorists” might be operating. These “domestic terrorists” might be peace groups, irate farmers, angry union workers and so on. The mobile command centers move into an area disguised, as I have said, like standard commercial vehicles. Then, when a defense perimeter has been established, the units are put together in squares, four to a side, and these are, in turn, linked together, forming a large, fully-equipped Army center, complete with all electronic gear needed to supervise the command of troops that will be airlifted into the secured area by helicopters. Targets in the “main areas of resistance” will have been identified previously and the incoming troops will be directed to these areas, preferably at night. I want to point out that there are sixteen such bases throughout the United States to include Hawaii but not Alaska. There are standing orders on file, and some have been leaked, as to how to deal with “civil disobedience” in general. Specific orders about individual targets are prepared on an as-needed basis.
Also, “Regional Detention Centers” have been designated and prepared for use if and when they are needed. These lie in remote areas such as northern Maine, west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana and eastern Washington state. There are eleven such Regional Detention Centers now prepared for immediate use with prefab barracks, wire perimeters and military positions constructed on any approaches to these very easily supervised camps. Urban areas have been excluded from this program because civilians are under no circumstances to be aware of their existence nor will access from the civilian sector be easy or permitted. (Here, I am quoting from an official overview but minus the weird military terminology) I may move to Israel if this keeps up! Now in all objectivity, merely setting these things up does not mean they will be used…but they can if the circumstances warrant it and Ashcroft and other are bending the President’s ear about this. Not everyone is happy about this sort of thing and probably the strongest detractors are, oddly enough, the professional military. That is why Bush is having so much friction with the Pentagon people and others. I am sure Powell doesn’t know about this or he would resign. There are many decent men among the military and a very significant number of the senior ones do not like Bush. For one thing, having a Commander in Chief who was a chronic drunk and druggie does not go over very well and Bush has not been making things easier by hectoring and harassing his senior military people. Right now they are complaining but that
I wouldn't worry about Ashcroft - I would worry about the Air Force built - and maintained to this day - CAMPS already in waiting in southern Arizona, New Mexico and Texas...
Asccroft is a face card player - nothing more...
Thanks to Clamy Toe - the comments link is now at the top...
...now on his doorstep a plate of mama's fresh cookies will be placed...
BTW - I'm not ignoring the posts that obviously need to be replied to - I was waiting for more responses... ...so flame me away!
It has never been my intention to flame at 'ye (nor is it now), however I must concur with Robert's position. How, exactly, is it selfish behavior to demand an END to the secrecy and outright LIES that have been in place from the very beginning by those who claim leadership via "enlightenment"? How, exactly, is it selfish to demand EQUAL consideration and treatment in this society of, allegedly, EQUALS?
Of course there will be much dissonance when the "truth", whatever the hell that even is anymore, finally breaks out. Nevermind the fact that dissonance will be aggravated and AMPLIFIED by the very actions and policies of those so desperate to cover their own asses!
Now, I said I didn't want to be outright accusatory (and I really don't), but let's face it, Sword, even you have admitted to utilizing methods of indirect communication and adapting a rather cavalier attitude at times as if this is all just some frackin' game. It seems to me that fun and games should pretty much be out the door when real lives are at stake and real harm stands to be done. Of course, death is a fact of life and that's gonna happen no matter what, but why accelerate that? Perhaps is just my own utopian naivete getting in the way (again), but the concept of "acceptable loss" is absolutely unacceptable to me particularly when life itself is the consideration.
This really is the very crux of my own anger and frustration, the notion that some are somehow "better" than others. I neither accept nor believe this one whit. We are all of us human and we are all of us fully capable of operating on similar levels of understanding. The only thing separating us, that I can see, are illusory and FALSE notions of "have" and "have-not". And don't even get me started on on the despicable and inflammatory viewpoint of "useless eaters".
Fact is, the leader/follower paradigm is officially broken and useless. Our own leaders are currently demonstrating this fact almost triumphantly. Is that the point? I kinda hope not because I fail to see how that intends to avert blood and tears before all is said and done and I still maintain that, if actually done PROPERLY, violence should never be necessary. Conflict is not the ONLY means of progress and I would suggest that it isn't even preferable.
And so I go, continually beating my (apparently) dead horse.
That is much better. Really comes in handy with the longer blogs.
Boy - if only EVERYONE ELSE - was as benevolent, kind hearted, believing in truth and freedom, as all you are - wouldn't the world be a better place? ...sure would.
Face reality - the number of people lining up to come over the wall and slit your throat for a fistful of dollars or a belly full of rice is multiplying geometrically - by the
Hear that - its the - wahhhhh-bulance...
I will get to replies eventually...
DarkWood - I heard once that Masons live for the GAME!
Also don't beat it too much, you might go blind.
I KNOW there are BILLIONS across the planet wanting our way of life....BUT....I don't think you FULLY understand my comments on how things would have been DIFFERENT if the US hadn't poked their rifle-noses into other people's business in FORCE.
This little "Golden Age Egg" saved from the little older version of the 'netwatcher MIB crowd' is quite a comprehensive list of the misdeeds of the US.
You think we got ALL the 'dirty dusty deeds' in the recent CIA meaculpa...want to buy realestate on Mars I'll sell ya :)
The WHOLE section goes to what I was saying...to the FACT that I 'know' with nearly 100% certainty that Dark Lord Dickie Cheney is the HEAD TASSLE SKULL in this little game of "Who Rules the World With Impunity". Anyhone who thinks Georgie Jr is "it" is just way off meds...or taking too many of the wrong ones.
The following starts us off in Central America...after we had gotten all the Mexican land within the 'US Borders' and it gets better from there.
I SAVE a LOT of things...which is why I want my website back...and SOON!!! Until then here is one tiny tiny part of what it was:
The Secret History of USA
Enjoy everyone...brought back from the web deadzone of those who had once squashed the site.
Newspaper links won't work of course but you should have enough information to go to public or college library and go through microfishe and see that EVERYTHING THERE IS FACT !!!
Reasons???...well they're are as nebolous as Iraq's WMD's...anyone see any lately? If my nephew could find even ONE (1) he might be able to angle that into a trip home with a hero's welcome instead of the body bag I fear he'll come back in...all for money based on lies and twisted-truths.
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
PS..yes I know 'histroy' is spelled incorrectly in folder of file name...but the link works and I don't have FP yet to rectify it everywhere it needs to be for my FULL site...at least it works mostly for now...remember it's old...some links no longer work for eith outside web or inside web...one that STILL does is the Woodstock link in the Year 1969...for a bit of "Free Love"...check it out.
Robert - Dark Lord Dickie Cheney is the HEAD TASSLE SKULL in this little game of "Who Rules the World With Impunity"
Not quite, remember whose daddy put GW in place - the CIA Director of the 1960s, never finished the job, thinking he knows what’s best for the U.S. This is an OLD Man looking for payback in some weird/lame ways!
Robert in ref to:
The Secret History of USA
You didn't actually write that stuff didn't you?
Didn't you get that from someone off the net - before it was pulled of the net?
Didn't you have short conversation on the phone with that individual?
Wow - the blogg site hasn't burned down yet... he he he ...well I guess I will be getting to responses sometime tomorrow...
Do believe that the 'ones' responsible lie in deeper, darker hidey holes, but you are absolutely correct Robert is pointing at Cheney. Dubya is the 'beard'. In 2000, Republicans were very shaky about Dubya, even with Papa Bush's support, meangreen...it wasn't until Cheney was announced that there was a figurativly collectve sigh of relief.
Look closer at folks like Cheney and Rummy, who have been on the leading edge of the wave, but not on the crest, for decades, sheparding things along 'their' path. Even when their party, FWIW, was not in power, people like this have made the best of things by merging with M/IC and our beloved think tanks, guiding policy and strategy. Papa Bush did the same, for awhile, but once they had bamboozeled the American public with grandfatherly Reagan (yet another beard, in all reality) the chance was seen to put someone in power the had more meat on his bones. Long-term planning and patience paid off. And is still the game being played. These fuckers are the Wormtongues of American history. And it has nothing to do with whether you're Rep or Dem.
Well said.
Sword said "BTW - I'm not ignoring the posts that obviously need to be replied to - I was waiting for more responses... ...so flame me away!"
Sword said...
Hear that - its the - wahhhhh-bulance...
I will get to replies eventually...
Sure 'ya will. Why not just be honest and admit that it's easier to poke fun and marginalize than it is to directly answer honest questions like somebody with a pair?
Obviously I have already gotten all the answer I ever expected to begin with. Call it 'bleeding heart bullshit' all 'ya want, I still call it honor and integrity and I can continue my own life knowing I have not (and will not) sacrifice mine own.
Yah, now I'm just taking a few easy shots meself. And why not? Is apparently the only way to get a point across to some folks.
DarkWood said...
Sword said...
Hear that - its the - wahhhhh-bulance...
I will get to replies eventually...
Sure 'ya will. Why not just be honest and admit that it's easier to poke fun and marginalize than it is to directly answer honest questions like somebody with a pair?
I figured to give yall some time to blast away - to say what you have to say...
...in some way I am amazed - and in some ways I am not - to the ignorance of the "panel".
But, alas - I will do replies - just waiting for the licks to stop being thrown - for everyone to say what they will... ...everything said so far is a prime example of why we/they haven't released any information to anyone as of yet - and on that - the information has been revealed - its right there in front of your faces!
Who are you waiting for? Santa Claus? Jesus? Juan Pablo?
Who must reveal what has already been revealed before you "Americans" do something about it? You vote right?
Get involved - beyond yacking it up on a blogg - I certainly did - I spent my entire life and career preparing for this "event"... ...the best I have seen so far is bleeding heart "Americans" wishing for the "Age of Aquarius" to start all over again... ...where everyone is "free" and everyone is "enlightened" and everything is so carefree... ...wake up!
Even if the whole damm world was aware of whats out there we'd be fighting over that to... (and we are)
Get off your ass's and do something besides bitch at me about things that neither you - nor I - have any control over...
Break your TV, kill your computer, burn your gas consuming car - quit your job and buy a horse and a mule and start farming - the come and bitch at me how the whole world is brainwashed. Your "brainwashing" yourselves!
I will get to responses, sometime tonight...
You mentioned "deeper, darker hidey holes". Well if these pictures are real, it's really not that dark down there and just going by the size of the roads, it sure as hell is a lot bigger then I ever imagined it to be.
Underground Tunnel
I will get to responses, sometime tonight...
More of the "staying tuned..."?
Bah...I AM doing something...many things...my nephew is doing things...my brother-in-law, my brother is running for counciman...we ARE getting involved...
Who is America waiting for to "wake up"?
For someone anyone to say that what Dark Lord Dickey Cheney and Friends are saying, seeing and believing actually IS that infamous "Swamp Gas".
PS did I get post '33' again?
My secret "masonic" harmonic connection with the cosmos?
notice the 19.5 also:
2007-07-19 5.58.MD
Clamy..sort of looks like the trucks that I linked above don't it?
Sword said...
Break your TV, kill your computer, burn your gas consuming car - quit your job and buy a horse and a mule and start farming - the come and bitch at me how the whole world is brainwashed. Your "brainwashing" yourselves!
Perhaps we just might be getting a little closer to an attempt at communication...maybe. Allow me to clue you in on me as I can speak for no one else. I watch less than two hours a week of television, EVER. It's nothing but crap pablum, fake "news" and 24/7 fricking advertising. I cannot look out my window without seeing a goddamn billboard. I cannot hardly speak to another human face to face without getting a rundown of all the "best" commercials out there. I can, and DID, turn OFF my radio and television once it dawned on me that both contained twice as much commercial advertising as anything else. Hypnosis and/or "brainwashing", like "magic", has one basic requirement: Invoke often. When you have a commercial replayed 3 to 5 times within a 10 minute period, you have exactly that going on, near constant invocation designed to manipulate the masses into allowing themselves to stay mesmerized by the reigning consumerist culture.
Yah, so I play on the 'puter a bit much. Nobody's perfekt, dammit. :)
I bike or walk three times more often than I drive, period. If I personally spend more than $40 in a single month on gas, then I have seriously screwed up somewhere 'cause it rarely ever happens.
I'd just as soon not even discuss jobs right now as my previous employer called me up last Sunday morning to tell me not to bother coming back in as the company was closing its doors, so forgive me if I do seem a touch more bitter than normal 'cause I surely am.
And, fwiw, my number one response as a (rather precocious) child to the never ceasing question: 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' was typically 'A hermit'. Thirty years later and my mother still chuckles to tell that one and the sad fact is that I would still much rather just be left the hell alone more than anything and a farmer's life becomes more of a fantasy for me nearly every year. Of course, dropping out and roughing it is next to impossible these days here in the 'upper 50' especially if you expect to have some land that's worth a damn (just ask the Natives!).
And yes, I do sometimes bitch a bit much at just how easily led those masses are and it does sometimes piss me off to no end. I happen to be at something of a loss as to what I can possibly do, however, as any attempt I make to discuss any of this with folks usually just get me looked at kinda funny and ignored. So, at this point I'm just about bitter enough to be content to just wait it out for the whole shebang to blow up in everybody's faces as that's about the best outcome I can possibly see based on the evidence of my own senses and should exactly that happen then I will be hard pressed to suppress a giggle as, at least in my neck of the woods, I'll be about the only one who seems to be expecting it.
So go ahead, continue attempting to belittle and marginalize me and continue failing miserably to label me and have done. Me, I'll continue being somewhat patient to sit here and acknowledge your continuing prevarication and inability to just answer a straight damn question with a straight damn answer.
Sounds like they are getting ready to kick into gear that Police State that Alex Jones has been warning us all about.
We're in the Beginning Stages of a Police State
And with the new Executive Order that Sword posted, they now have the means to do it...
Sword.. You didn't respond to my comment on the doublespeak that "you" figured out and I expanded. When you here the word "debriefed" does that mean you have been tuned or stuned?
Clamy.. It was always a question for me whether the widely reported Halliburton prison farms were for "aliens" or "disidents". The underground complex with the big rigs proves that the camps are for dissidents and not aliens. The fact that the trucks are "camoflaged" makes my point.
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