Instead of reflecting on the reality of what has happened in the past and what is really going on now – it turned into a bitch fest. Everyone wants peace now, everyone wants the truth now, and everyone wants what they want without a clue or a thought of what it would mean to the society around them. I would submit to you that your all going to get what you want, sooner than you want. Before you know it – you’re going to have that truth – but it won’t lead to peace & prosperity. I have covered this time and time again – but I always seem to fall to deaf, selfish ears, who only want what they want – without a care to others. The truth that is out there will astound and devastate you – and you wish this on everyone else under the incredibly misguided idea that all of the sudden – at the snap of a finger – everything will be great… Gas will be twenty five cents a gallon, cats and dogs will get along – and Gilliagan will finally get off the island.
But back to the original topic:
Hogalnd & Noory have basically insulted those members of the space community, intelligence community, all the people who are “leaking like a skive” all those interesting discloser items. All the stuff Hoagland is getting from the inside – all these nudges in the right direction, etc, etc… …even the Apollo astronauts are nudge nudging – they want this information to come out to. It’s time everyone knew and not the secret society which lives and works right next door to you.
You response to my blogg entry – well – was completely predictable – it shows that the “public model” that the Brookings Report has been working off of – is completely correct. In this case I would say ignorance is completely bliss. We should be keeping the masses completely out of the loop of whats going on – because when a little bit of the truth comes out that you don’t want to hear – you attack them.
No one considered what I was trying to say – all you read was “not brainwashing” and you went ballistic – without any consideration to the actual facts. Many of you went off on tangents that have nothing to do with THIS topic:
Misconceptions of the public…
You proved “The powers that be” one hundred percent correct – the actual – torrid truth of the real efforts to save mankind will only be misconstrued and convoluted by you – the American public.

The whole point of the blogg entry that Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy are easy to have misconceptions about and you proved that point even more. The Apollo astronauts where told ahead of time what they where going to find, and that they would indeed have to be quiet about it – and that on returning they would have help “suppressing” that traumatic event. (Heaven forbid one of the astronauts slipped in a media interview...) No one commented on what these men would have gone through psychologically on a barren rock above the earth and touching – making evident – that we are not from here. That those factual evidence would crush society as we know it. What about how these astronauts are doing now – now that’s its all going to be coming out? Should we get a rope? Everyone else certainly seems ready to lynch anyone they perceive as not holding there best interests in mind.
But – its all about perception – which is also 9/10th of the law.
So – basically biting the hands that are feeding them – Richard Hoagland and George Noory certainly need to recant there previous statement and discuss the realities, the facts of what happened instead of marginalizing the experience into a naive cliché phrase.
But that seemed to elude you all.
Thanks for proving “The Man” right!
On that note I would like to say that these “three” bloggs – down to two now – have a much more heavily read “base” than anyone would imagine.
I am not the only one who, as witness you might say, wishes for the truth to come out. I am not the only voice for change. There are many like me. There are many like me who dare not be so vocal about all the “interesting” happenings at NASA and the Military community – but they read and cheer when things that they know to be evident come out. They hope that with this little Disclosure Project that soon they can come out and start spreading the word.
It’s kind of hard for them to want to do that when the blogg commenter’s themselves sound so completely naive and ignorant – and completely un-accepting of the realities to the world around them.
Consider this:
The truth is NOT hidden. Its just hard to find.
The truth is coming out. It has been slow at first, but now it is accelerating very fast.
Try to be more accepting of the truth when it is presented to you. You may not like it – but at least your getting it.
So – as promised I will reply to blogg comments…
Additional artwork blatantly ripped off from:
Keep in mind – I appreciate the feedback.
Kind of lets me know where everyone is intellectually on whats happening now… …many of you commenter’s I have come to know and love (and others hate outright). Some of you are new, and that’s okay. Some of you readers don’t respond at all – and that’s okay to.
It’s a shame there can’t truly be any ambiguity on the net these days – and even surfing over to us here on the blogg’s is a occupational hazard.
I hope in the coming year that will all be changed…
Now on to the main characters of the ongoing “drama”…
Then there’s Robert.
He’s smart, excellent with images, has the balls to tell the next VP that he wants the publicly available mars images – and – he’s got a coat hanger perfect for opening the doors of “shems”… that’s right, he wants to hi-jack an ancient starship and fly it around the world – he might just get his wish…
robert said...
Hypnosis = Brainswashing
It's as SIMPLE as that !!!
Sword says:
Actually, it is not that simple.
Are you saying that because initially my experience with Hypnotherapy has caused me to be “brainwashed? Now Robert, I know you are frustrated, by that is a highly ignorant comment.
robert said...
Well here's a BRIGHT idea...DECLASSIFY ALL DOCUMENTS, tapes, images, wreckage, lift secrecy clauses in contract for everyone and LET THE TRUTH COME OUT!
Sword Says:
And… …the effect would be… …what?
People dancing in the street singing hallelujah?
No, I think the effect would be quiet different from that.
The American public would demand that we have control over it – the Russians and Chinese would say the hell with that – and the real war of space that is currently going on would come out in the open. Then terrestrial World War followed by complete civil war in this country.
So, sure, you get your “truth” – but the ramifications of that said truth are evident.
It would become a war of who controlled that truth – and the technology – so that they could dominate the entire planet.
Here’s a bright idea – put up and shut up – you’re getting everything you want – just not the way you want it. I love ya Robert I really do – but I think your idea of the future is a little … …misguided. “Truth to all” doesn’t work the way we want it to…
robert said...
Sword says:
Ehhh, what?
Yes, I would agree, everything is brainwashing the people.
But who’s responsibility should it be to tell them to turn off there television and look to the stars? Who’s responsibility should it be to tell the entire world of the fantastic ancestry of the human being? The American Government? You already don’t trust them…
robert said...
[snipped]…X-PPAC and Bassett in the Washington Post
PRG's political action committee, X-PPAC, and executive director Stephen Bassett were featured in a front page article written by William Booth in the Sunday, July 8, 2007 Washington Post. This article is significant for a number of reasons:
- used the term "truth embargo" in the ET context
- used the term "disclosure" in the ET context
- placed Bassett or X-PPAC on the front page
- put Richard Dolan into a front page article
- put Dr. Roger Leir into a front page article
- referred to the abduction issue on the front page
Most important to PRG Booth brought up the "ET Ticket"
Sword says:
So, it looks like you are getting what you want – just not in the way you want.
Relax already – it’s coming out. The Americans “in-the-know” are pushing for it. It’s all coming together, right before your eyes…
robert said...
gotta do better imho Sword...TOPS' ego is hurtting...FRACK HIM...my nephew is hauling 60 pound packs PLUS ammo in the Texas 100+ heat heading for the Iraq slaugther house in a few weeks. If we can turn pimple faced teenagers into soldiers in 12 weeks...why can't we fo the same for Iraqii's after five frackin years and more than half desert and half or more of them join the enemy.
Sword says:
Don’t you dare even start lecturing me about soldiering.
Your Nephew is going into the folds of some very capable and tuff men.
Now for the sake of argument – which I’m sure there will be – lets say your Nephew goes through the “baptismal of fire” that many infantry go through. Lets say that he see’s “things” and experiences “things”, and subsequently comes home, emotionally scared. Unable to control himself emotionally or rid himself of the horrors of war – how does one mend a broken tortured mind? Would Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy be something you would be against? Or should the young man suffer because of your beliefs?
robert said...
I SAVE a LOT of things...which is why I want my website back...and SOON!!! Until then here is one tiny tiny part of what it was: The Secret History of USA
Sword says:
Pulling from previous conversations along long time ago…
A young army officer put that together didn’t he? I mean – I am certain that you have that saved from something that was originally posted in what – 1997? Certainly your not crediting as your own work are you?
Didn’t you have a brief conversation on the phone with that man?
Did you save the phone number?
Did you save the emails you had of correspondence with him?
Who is he? I would love to meet him! :-) ;-x
robert said...
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.
Sword says:
Ohhh Robert – I know – your sooo fond of saying that…
Have I not been over this before?
I would hope that my actions here – while lauded by the outsiders who don’t post – would show then others of my intent for the truth to come out. Are not these actions – my posting here – my nudge nudges to things such as Mimic data… Are not these actions proof of my intent?
Considering some of the very things YOU have been witness to – I am surprised you are still doubting me…
Then there’s Taco..dog… Don’t know where that online comes from but in any event she’s a wonderful artist with a wonderful little town and a wonderful little art expo… That got turned bigger than life not to long ago – but – oh – I could be wrong about that…She wishes for the world to be a peaceful place free of this strife… …as do I… She’s been around for a bit – and I hope that she’ll continue to post for sometime…
tacodog said...
Sword: I don't think it's selfish to ask that the Truth be known, It should have been known all along… but TPTB decided they should be the only ones with the truth, and it is TPTB that dictate we live in a lie that they've designed for us.
Sword says:
It certainly isn’t selfish to ask that the truth be known – it’s the right now tight here mentality that NO ONE – Roosters or Owls can get behind…
However it isn’t the powers that be that have designed this who’ll scheme, and they are not the only ones with the truth. I think what I have failed to persuade to everyone is that a vast portion of society knows all of the topics that I am talking about. Its only the “public”, the outside groups, those who are not Masonic in belief that this is becoming “news to them”…
I would submit to you that society has designed “the lie” themselves. The evidence is out there, right under everyone’s noses, yet, a vast majority of the “public” could care less… …there more interested in Ross and Rachael our who will be the “Ultimate Survivor”. It’s great that there are other people out there that share the views of the masons, the space community, and the other unnamed silent groups – but its just not enough. Great – we can handle the truth – but in the grand scope – no one else cares. All the “powers that be” must do is simply maintain the societal structure that created itself.
tacodog said...
How many years have they known that this day would come? Do you not think that instead of spending all of this time on wars, greed, more greed, more wars, and on and on that we could have moved a lot of people out of harms way by now?
Sword says:
We have known about this before recorded history. Our ancestors knew about this long ago – and the peoples that “created us in their image” knew about it long before that…
I think that if the “truth:” was common knowledge – we would have been wasting our time on wars and more greed.
I certainly don’t think that they are going to waste all the space they have underground and on the moon. I would like to think that a great number of Americans are going to be saved. However – that’s not my department. I have my own responsibilities of people and families under the command of Sword…
tacodog said...
Perhaps TPTB fear the anger that would arise from their lies more than the chaos, so they wait until it is only people in chaos to deal with.
Sword says:
Oh, it isn’t “perhaps” they fear retribution – they are planning on it. The problem is – by the time the American public feels angry enough to revolt – they will be deep underground like cowards. I will not be joining them, nor will I interfere with what the public, but I wont come to three rescue either, I will however – ensure that justice is done – if they survive “The fall” that is. (Going underground is D-U-M-B)
Americans for the most part have a very short memory – and there banking on the fact that “the public” that survives will forget, and that the ones that they saved in their underground bunkers and on the moon will be shell shocked into just going right along with the program.
That’s when things will change.
tacodog said...
What holy Father would enslave his children through fear and lies?
Sword says:
Whoa nelly!
God did not enslave us – those “who created us in their imag”e – and then left us behind – did. Step carefully around that one, taco, very carefully…
tacodog said...
You mentioned going to the brink a few times. Are you someone with very special gifts? I ask because those who usually don't do what the Tops like disappear.
Sword says:
I would like to think that my past is what makes me special. I thought about that question for a long time – and I really didn’t know how to answer it. I seem to have the strange ability to survive against all sorts of odds. My past military record gave me the honors of commanding the brilliant and valiant men I do today. But, in the end, they need me more than I need them. I have eluded to why that is in personal correspondence to one of the fellow commentators.
Besides, if they tried to make me “disappear” I would only show up somewhere else doing the same thing, and doing what I said I would do anyway. You see taco, I am just very hard to kill off…
tacodog said...
Or perhaps you are being more controlled than you think you are? How would you know? What if all of your memories were implanted, and not yours at all? How would you know? ...and you are still trying to remember things...
Sword says:
I think what makes me, me – and respected in the military community is the fact that I am very uncontrollable. If I don’t like something – I write letters to people who can do something about it. However – on the same point – I win where I fight. They know without a shadow of a doubt that where they send me and the boys – we’ll accomplish the mission. Being a rebel in the military has its rewards – being just another pushover/ass-kissing/yes man solider doesn’t get you anywhere. You got to make a name for yourself and push the boundaries 0- the trick is when to know your going to go to far…like rolling a MP jeep and taking the MP hostage for another keg of beer… (yeah-yeah-yeah – you “fellas” remember that one at Benning? – that was great!)
My memories implanted, false?
No, I think the problem lies in the fact that I have many memories – horrible ones along with the awesome ones, the defeats and the victories. It’s the fact that who I am and what I have done – the good and bad – that is reshaping how I deal with people… …on the outside…
…on the inside kicking ass and taking names is rewarded by medals…
…on the outside whooping a bunch of white supremacy hoonkies in a bar is rewarded by time in jail…
…I think that the powers that be that have to guide me and keep me from doping “things” worry about that.
…don’t worry Taco – I remember the important things… …I can remember the real things…
What the hell is a clammy toe?
I don’t know either – he’s new to the blogg arena. His comments have so far been fresh and to the point. Hopefully he’ll tell us a bit more about himself as we go along this wonder YELLOW BRICK road…
Clamytoe said...
You describe the process of hypnosis and hynotherapy, both of which the "subject" usually condones and which have actual medical uses; but you failed to cover the actual "brainwashing" techniques that are applied to the subject against his/her will….
…The illuminated do have a dark side.
Sword says:
There’s a dam good reason for that.
Public misconception.
Are there masons who are “black hat” – are there groups who are not against using what they call “fodder” to get things done – to move things the way they want – sure. Those folks are what I call the “Owls” – the “Bohemian Resort” types. I would like to say that those groups are few and far between. I would like to say that the “Roosters” are constantly in battle with those elements to do things legitimately – with honor. But we all know that society isn’t like that – you always have those dark elements in every organization the whole world over.
Clamytoe said...
When I was in the military, Top was a name reserved for the First Sergeant. When you say TOP, I get the feeling that you are referring to more than one person and that it's more about those above you in the chain of command. Do I have it right, or are you talking about just one individual?
Sword says:
Well, yeah, you are right.
We answer to one man.
He answers to a group of officers, a panel if you will that decides what missions we are to do and can or cannot handle – even what things they would like us to stay way from… …we call him T.O.P.. He’s the original baaaaddd-ass, the top of the food chain, the big cheese, thee…man.
He was originally a sergeant in the Special Forces when they “officially” formed in Vietnam. To make a long story short, he went “Green to gold”. Once he made officer and started going up the chain he made quite a name for himself. Probably the only man alive to have both punched a man in the face in front of a president – and told another to “eat shit and die, no one is getting left behind, Mr. President”… so he got noticed, and then put in charge of SWORD – which was either a blessing or punishment considering us from time to time.
I have never seen more well connected and powerful people sit up straight in their chairs and take notice when this man walks into the room. He’s a dam living legend (albeit quietly so…)in the Military community. It’s a god dammed honor to serve under him…
He’ll probably hate all this “up talk”…
Good ol’ wayne.
This cats been around since the beginning with his “what in the hell are the lines in the sky” accounts. He’s contributed perhaps more than many not only on my blogg but Sunkings and Hoaglands as well. He’s from Philly – and don’t dare make the mistake he’s from Texas…
Wayne said...
The proverbial shit is on the way to the fan. I believe all of us read the non MSM stuff, and there are some seriously disturbing things that have a high possibility of occurring. The white hats must win. Wanta.
Sword Says:
What about the yellow hats?
Gort said...
Two possibilities:
1.) The Apollo astronauts saw and touched ancient human-made ruins on our moon and were MADE to forget about that experience.
2.) The Apollo astronauts saw and touched ancient human-made ruins on our moon and were HELPED to keep that experience secret from the public (who paid for the trip.)
And helped to personally cope with the "cognitive dissonance" or trauma of experiencing such an extraordinary (to the prevailing pradigm)event.
Either way, we are not getting the skinny on what they really saw and did on the moon. Either way it is a cover-up. And well orchestrated, as well.
Sword says:
Well go with option two because it is fact.
Of course it was a cover up.
Do we all really think that during theheight of the cold war we need to be broadcasting to the world that there are giant structures on the moon. That perhaps there are technologies that can be reverse engineered? That’s great – push the big red button – just a little… …harder…
Darkwood has been around the bloggs for quite a bit.
We have had some interesting – although heated at times – debates. His contribution here is well welcomed. He has been contributing to the bloggs since the beginning. A virtual old timer…
DarkWood said...
Now, I said I didn't want to be outright accusatory (and I really don't), but let's face it, Sword, even you have admitted to utilizing methods of indirect communication and adapting a rather cavalier attitude at times as if this is all just some frackin' game.
Sword Says:
Anything but.
If you can’t laugh in the face of adversity – or Armageddon – what can you laugh at?
I have basically given the cusp of the truth – all the same things I have read are publicly available – and have been since time immemorial. It’s all right there! Yet – I have been basically ridiculed – and told to prove it… which I find so damm crazy – how can I prove something so well documented? I have come to the belief that even if all the truth does come out – no one would know what the hell to do with it – or – they would just consider it false – regardless of who was telling you.
Now I know how Hoagland feels – lead a horse to watter…
DarkWood said...
So go ahead, continue attempting to belittle and marginalize me and continue failing miserably to label me and have done. Me, I'll continue being somewhat patient to sit here and acknowledge your continuing prevarication and inability to just answer a straight damn question with a straight damn answer.
Sword Says:
When in the hell have I ever belittled you? Or label you? My inability to answer a question? – what question? Seriously – what question? Where’s the clear and concise question I should be answering?
Then there’s Ion, who once said that if I wasn’t the real deal he’d seek me out and cut my nuts off … …or something to that effect. He’s been contributing to the bloggs since the beginning as well. His comments are thoughtful – clear and concise – most of the time. Sometimes I think he thinks he’s the dali-lamas reincarnation from the future and his posts get way to flowery – but what’s life if you can’t sniff the flowers, eh?
IonTruO2 said...
In ref to:
Sword said: I really love this want it now mentality - extreme selfish attitudes and unreasonable expectations... ...Your right about disclosure - but your wrong about the process, dead wrong.
iontruo2--> Exactly! Welcome to the west.
I find it funny how we banter about these 'topics' like casual chat and social discourse, yet THIS is astonishingly serious stuff.
Colossal matters that one can't just say "lets tell everyone and let the chips fall way they may!"
Sword says:
A plan has been made – and they are sticking to it. Regardless of anything else – three going through what has taken thousands of years to achieve. Someone mentioned cavalier attitudes. I would say a cavalier attitude would be to just let everything out in the open and the let the chips fall where the may. … … …it’s just incredibly irresponsible.
IonTruO2 said...
We have seen enough sad examples in recent years of soldiers and special ops people who have returned home, and had trouble. A few awful cases of family murder suicides etc certainly makes it easy for me to understand the relevance of 'appropriate' hypno-therapy.
Sword says:
So, by count of the opinions here – dammed if they do – dammed if they don’t.
IonTruO2 said...
How could the likes of Buzz Aldren and them 'carry on' with the media types pecking at them ALL THE TIME, trying to pull their teeth if they could?
Sword says:
Wasn’t it Allen Shepard, hell it might have been Buzz himself, (and here’s where some of Swords peers are going to want to give me a boot in the ass) on that show “Frasier” – where there for a few minutes he was going on about things he found on the moon. Great comedy – hidden agenda stuff. Humans naturally laugh at things that make them uncomfortable as a means of expressing discomfort in a socially acceptable way.
The Apollo astronauts want to tell you the truth – it’s the STIGMA that has been attached to the actual truth that is holding them back.
IonTruO2 said...
Sword, I think someone at your level needs to get Hoagland on the straight and proper. If is one of your own, so to speak, then why is he so undisciplined in this most important role?
Sword says:
Yes – your right – he’s pissing of allot of people – especially with all the anti-shuttle talk – and especially with his cliché remarks.
He’s not really “one of my own” – he’s the fellow that the “dark side” of NASA sent to be the public “outer” of a majority of the information. Me – who the hell am I? (I can feel the cut and paste right now…) Richard Hoagland – well – he used to work for NASA, him and Cronkite used to chase broads together – he’s got a book…
Then there’s the time frame issue. Which he’s sticking to – albeit because he’s right to do so and still sore about how he got introduced to the group…
Ultimately – he’s a civilian who was asked by a military unit to tell their side of the story at the time that was right… …keyword – civilian.
IonTruO2 said...
If he was your point man, why is he busy with books and media efforts around topics of breadcrumb category? Busy talking all 'around' subjects and hinting and 'staying tuned'. It is starting to seem like fluff to me. Where are the serious reps?
Sword says:
Well, reps, more like props.
He’s got enough time to pump out a few books before the shit hits the fan. And for him – that’s a good idea.
Money… …
He doesn’t get paid by NASA – or Unit Sword – so how’s he going to pay the bills? Honestly – its good showmanship and effective management of assets. When all this interest starts to grow into a fever pitch of what’s out there, who’s going to have books with pictures and analysis and all these things that the public is going to want – Richard – and only Richard. And, he will be the only one to have them already on the shelf ready to buy, well ahead of all the other tag along’s that want to sell a book or two to cash in on the fever.
He’ll have the clout to say he once worked for NASA, hung out with Cronkite, and is basically a stand up dude.
Once you start to understand how the dominos are stacked – you see how they will fall – in his fiscal favor.
IonTruO2 said...
My last question SWORD. If your acting in an official capacity, of disclosure, then why are you landing in the 'clink' on a regular basis?
Sword says:
I wouldn’t call it regular – just twice.
Declaration of military activities classified as secret – how can they be classified secret if there in a Canadian newspaper…?
Declaration of secretly classified military hardware – how can it be secret if there mentioned on a widely watched television program…?
I was basically told the first time that I could discuss THIS – but not THAT. I squalled saying that this was directly related to that. Doesn’t matter we’ll handle that you handle this. Well, my guys knowing me… …I did it my way. Eventually I disobeyed orders and left the state to set up my own operation somewhere else – only to get dragged back and summarily thrown back in the cooler… …The second time was just to prove a point., that they could do it to me anytime they wanted. I could run – but couldn’t hide…
At this point I can’t really talk about anything else that would get me in trouble because the things that would get me busted I just threw out there anyway. I’m going to be very careful once the final motion is put into play because then a lot of things I DON’T want to talk about will be in the open as well… …
On top of that – they could take me to court – but then I would howl to the MOON about everything. I’ll overturn all the rocks and watch all the people run for cover…
Besides – “Project Disclosure” – brain stormed by one of my own men – approved by NASA, TOP, the Pentagon, AND the god dammed NSA – and – listed along with me and my unit in the FOIA archives - can’t be about keeping EVERYTHING secret now can it?
Then there’s another caption.
We’ve butted heads before – but his contributions weigh as much as anyone else’s – leader of the ship called FSHOD he drops in time to time to keep me honest and legit – even if he does think I’m full of shit…
SunKing said...
And Sword...you are, in this light, starting to look like more a part of the problem rather than the solution!?!?! ;)
Sword says:
Only to those OWLS who want to hide in there hidey holes am I more part of the problem than the solution.
But thanks for the jab anyway…
I still have to read your reply above Sword.
In light of that, I was going to post this as a message to you, but feel it acceptable to just post here as a general statement.
Yes, I have seen the mood swing inexplicably like that
before. The 'unintentional' poisoning pill, right there, was Robert's
post at the beginning of comments and then the
cynicism cascades after that. (no disrespect to Robert)
I can appreciate for many, this domain does very
little to inspire 'belief'. Its all just words here,
no proofs, and with your immensity of topic, many will
be profoundly reluctant to 'accept face value'.
It could all just be an elaborate 'fiction', to many.
Please be patient, a 'spoiler' comment can nudge
things in the wrong direction very easily and the
somewhat sublimely frightened members will grasp at
any disqualifier, to persist at denial.
I think when they are saying "NO", oddly they are
saying 'yes' tell me more. Its just "resistance" as
they go, speaking it out in various bla bla ways.
It is easy for us to forget there may be a MUCH larger
audience viewing or a specific group observing. Hey,
that's 'self' for ya.
The root is "fear".
is triggering and firing reactions dynamically right
Yet they are glued to your next word and your next
Blog post at every turn. They are glued to your input
Weighing back and forth between "Nah can't be" and "
wohaa-that's amazing and mind blowing!",
accept-reject, turn towards-turn away. Doubt always
Just 'reflex'.
SO, the ears aren't deaf, just
Rain has gone Biblical up here over night. Non stop
very heavy in Ontario. Flooding fields-- on a hill?
One more thing:
Clamytoe made a comment the other day that got surfed past in the flow of things.
I think he touched on a good truth with this remark:
Oh before I forget, do you know what steganography is? If you do, is that something that I should be looking at as far as the images that you've used on your blogs?
2007-07-18 4.39.MD
Clamytoe that word hit me good, and I looked up its definition.
Good 'question', and now I am looking at those images with crossed eyes and open mind.
Take a close look at the reflection in the visor on the second Alan Bean painting.
Also observe the hole in the flag.
(click on the image in the blogg to enlarge)
Are there giant carnivores on the moon?
I also digg the "bunny ears" in the group shot (third picture)
Sword et. al.,
Any person who goes into the military is subject to 'brainwashing'. It's how you get disparate individuals to think and function as a team. It's also how you turn some 18 y/o kid into a killing machine, to wit. the US Marines.
Gort's 2 Possibilities and, to me quite valid. The groundwork was well laid with these men. Not only the brainwashing they received when first entering the military, but also in their subsequent flight training, career and in astronaut training. If anyone on this earth would be ameanable to brainwashing and/or hypno-therapy, it would be they.
But I digress...if there is any truth to what you say (And I've always had and continue to have grave doubts) you, Sword, have also been subject to the same forces and on a considerable level. I point that out, just for the record.
I can take a lot of examples from the past 2 days, but let me be succinct....you said, "You response to my blogg entry – well – was completely predictable – it shows that the “public model” that the Brookings Report has been working off of – is completely correct."
You said that, you think that, you believe that....and that re-inforces exactly what Robert blasted you on yesterday. You ARE the enemy!
You asked what we could possibly gain or have gained had the truth not been hidden about all these hot-button topics that concern us? Perhaps we would not have lost so much faith with those who govern us. Perhaps the infrastructures would not have been in place that made it easier for such no-goodnik things to happen like the JFK Assassination, The Vietnam Conflict, Watergate and similar activities that were never disclosed. Your mindset has made it easier for crimes to be performed by our government, fortunes to be made by those working hand in hand , countless lives lost, morals shattered, hope squashed. And that's just the US...add to that the impacts on other countries.
A small group of people made these decisions. A small group of people continue to do so. Your words reflect your attitude...and that fact that your brainwashing at the hands of the minions of this small group, works well on minions lower down the line where you sit, eargly supporting their false ideals.
And THAT's only if you are telling the truth!!! If you are total BS, there's no telling who you represent of what you are.
You challenged Darkwood about "where are those questions"...well I for one have asked you for plain-spoken truth many times and never received any whatsoever. So he and I could no doubt go back thru the archives and drege up something...but to what end. Let's start anew!!!
You said, "The Apollo astronauts where told ahead of time what they where going to find, and that they would indeed have to be quiet about it – and that on returning they would have help “suppressing” that traumatic event."
- What were they told they would find?
- Who told them?
- What form of 'suppression'?
- How do you know this?
- How do you know the source of that information is reliable?
You embedded this fantastic claim in your blog. Your words. Now back up this claim...PROVE IT!
More comments need to come in, so I'll be brief
Re: your remarks to me---Points taken. tks
Re: Richard: Appreciate your view there.
"stand up guy" it is. Has to make his basic living + make his mark in this history as well.
Sword you said: Then there’s Ion, who once said that if I wasn’t the real deal he’d seek me out and cut my nuts off … …or something to that effect.
I did? That would be a bit over the top.
Surely something like that would be more my danger than yours. ;) I plead misquote and STM.
re: Sometimes I think he thinks he’s the dali-lamas reincarnation from the future and his posts get way to flowery – but what’s life if you can’t sniff the flowers, eh?
iontruo2-> ah, its just my famous poet ancestor, blarney stoning through me, when I get writing or typing.
Just a frivolous civilian forgetting there might actually be 'an audience'. Or that gives a crap, about such free form musings. no longer
Your introspective 'free-form musings' and "Dali Lama"-esque thoughts have always been insighful and, at least many times on FSHOD, a source of great comfort and imparted a stablizing effect.
Don't ever stop doing that!
Sword: Off topic, but in answer to the handle "Tacodog".
Tacodog was a terrier/poodle cross, physically/mentally abused during his first 6 months on Earth. Broken jaw, broken rib, bald spots here and there where fur should be due to malnutrition. The family who kept him (poor wife and kids - for the dog wasn’t the only victim of abuse) contacted me (through a friend of a friend) and asked me to take him away. I did. Being female, he took to me right away. He had a problem with males. With much love and understanding this little guy turned around in three months. He learned how to talk and win favour with everyone, even dog haters. He was the best judge of character I have ever come across. If you were an a-hole you would likely find dry dog doo doo in your shoe. I never knew where he got the dry doo doo from. If you were really a bad ass, it would be fresh. Believe me, he was right all of the time, no discipline was ever necessary when he did that. Tacodog was with me for almost 8 years until a Rocky Mountain female coyote lured him away to his death. He was unique to say the least and sorely missed, hence the handle Tacodog.
-“ye have no faith in humanity” yet I keep the faith that humans will one day prove themselves worthy.
- my comment regarding the holy Father – a one liner that should not have been a one liner…being brought up Catholic, I was taught to fear, obey = love. “Created in their image” Now Sword – that is as straight forward as one can get and we are in agreement there. Interesting read: “The Origins of Evil”…Tsarion
- I am not too worried about the fall, nothing I can do to stop it, no going underground for me. I’ll be as high up as possible on this island, or submerged. I don’t know why I am obsessed with the search for Truth….it would be easier to just say what is, is and what will be, will be…but I can’t.
- The owls and the roosters – if I missed it before, I apologize for this for you made it very clear to me now who the owls and the roosters are.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Do try to make the next annual art show ;)
The two "Camps" of Masonic belief
Owls = Keep it quiet - gather data - pursue our greater enlightenment...
Roosters = Tell everybody - use all data for enlightenment of all...
SunKing said...
Any person who goes into the military is subject to 'brainwashing'. It's how you get disparate individuals to think and function as a team. It's also how you turn some 18 y/o kid into a killing machine, to wit. the US Marines.
The groundwork was well laid with these men. Not only the brainwashing they received when first entering the military, but also in their subsequent flight training, career and in astronaut training. If anyone on this earth would be ameanable to brainwashing and/or hypno-therapy, it would be they.
But I digress...if there is any truth to what you say (And I've always had and continue to have grave doubts) you, Sword, have also been subject to the same forces and on a considerable level. I point that out, just for the record.
Sword Says:
To label the necessary mental conditioning, the emotional hardening, the training of military personnel – lumped all together into one cliché word such as “brainwashing” – well isn’t anything new. However – it is incredibly – not the actual case.
An eighteen year old kid who wishes to be a Marine doesn’t start out being Mr. Lovey dovey – touchy feely – petting little kittens kind of guy… …no, he has to want to the job he wants to do in the maries – which is kill, aggressively, effectively and without remorse.
This young man then gets on a bus and goes to get TRAINING to do so. Brainwashing, hardly, that boy, now a man, wasn’t forced into doing anything against his will– now was he?
Now of course the group dynamic of course comes into play, and the mob rules – but you wouldn’t want it any other way. Without the group dynamic you have a bunch of individualist grab ass ding dongs doing there own thing – when what you want is a string cohesive unit capable of doing the things they must do.
To call military personnel “brainwashed” is simply irresponsible – ignorant – and arrogant – especially coming from a man whom has never served in the first place – or am I wrong about that? You speak so knowing about the military experience it almost seems as you where there, with your boots on…
SunKing said...
I can take a lot of examples from the past 2 days, but let me be succinct....you said, "You response to my blogg entry – well – was completely predictable – it shows that the “public model” that the Brookings Report has been working off of – is completely correct."
You said that, you think that, you believe that....and that re-inforces exactly what Robert blasted you on yesterday. You ARE the enemy!
Sword says:
The enemy?
All I said was that the “public model”, based of human response to stimuli (simply paraphrased here, it was in fact a much wider base of study) – which the brooking report used – was being proven by the responses to the blogg. Trust me – I wasn’t happy with the responses – it just proved them right. I was hoping for something a little bit more understanding and perhaps intellectually stimulating conversation rather than simple distrust and abhorrence…
You are proving it right now with your insistence that all military personnel are brainwashed.
SunKing said...
You challenged Darkwood about "where are those questions"...well I for one have asked you for plain-spoken truth many times and never received any whatsoever.
Sword says:
I give you the “plain spoken truth” and you call it bullshit – so what the point?
SunKing said...
You said, "The Apollo astronauts where told ahead of time what they where going to find, and that they would indeed have to be quiet about it – and that on returning they would have help “suppressing” that traumatic event."
- What were they told they would find?
- Who told them?
- What form of 'suppression'?
- How do you know this?
- How do you know the source of that information is reliable?
Now back up this claim...PROVE IT!
Sword says:
After we had been the singing and dancing boy scouts as we where called, and after we had done some criminal hunting of our own, and after we had done some action in the vacuum – we where sat down with some incredible men, decorated military men older men – for a briefing. It was in the basement of the Divisional headquarters, in one of the lavish air raid shelters built decades before.
In this briefing they told of there experiences out there – how things where different – how you didn’t half to worry about the communist, how everything was so very new and exciting – but not quiet as deadly in the combative way.
They talked about how they where sent not only to gather data but to prove that something else was on the moon besides rock and dirt. Some talked about touching first hand actual structures, and standing in a doorway a perfect height and width for a human to go through – and knowing right there and then – that our ancient ancestors had built it. They talked about the tears of joy, of fear, or spiritual awakening…
They talked about the absolute silence of there brothers beside them as stood there aghast, weeping, being completely awe struck and dumbfounded…
They talked about how it bound all of them together like a brotherhood… …that they knew what they knew but they couldn’t share it with anyone – not even there families. They talked about how before and after how much their higher ups stressed that keeping this secret was of the utmost importance. The American government couldn’t go to war with USSR in a fight to control the moon – they weren’t ready for a space war – couldn’t afford it…
They talked about how some of there more spiritual brethren had an extremely difficult time coming to grips with the facts – and some of the others just couldn’t hold on to reality after seeing it for themselves. As brothers, they all agreed, together, to have “the treatments” from a man in NASA they all knew and trusted.
They all knew that the secret must be held – and that no man among them should become desperate enough to go to the media – that if any one man needed help – that they should meet together and work out there issues. They stood together in the face of extreme knowing and where sworn to secrecy…
Knowing that there fantastic missions would eventually come to light they agreed – to sworn secrecy – until the time was right. They have held that secret for decades, and now that secret is coming out.
Those men where Apollo astronauts – and they wanted to meet the new breed – and we where put before them “on bended knee” and received them as Knights…
That, while not giving away to much, is the plain spoken truth.
It will probably be called bullshit by you sunking, that’s okay – I could give a rats ass if you do or don’t…
Just don’t embarrass yourself – and ridicule them – these great, valiant men – by calling them “brainwashed enemies of the people”…
You may be right that the choice of the reference to the "Manchurian Candidate" by Hoagland and Noory may have been misfortunate or lead to a misperception.
BTW, the 1962 B&W version with Frank Sinatra is a classic and all should see it. i have not seen the recent remake.
HHMSS Sword said...
Keep in mind – I appreciate the feedback.
Kind of lets me know where everyone is
Glad you do...otherwise what's the point?
Then there’s Robert.
He’s smart, excellent with images, has the balls to tell the next VP that he wants the publicly available mars images – and – he’s got a coat hanger perfect for opening the doors of “shems”… that’s right, he wants to hi-jack an ancient starship and fly it around the world – he might just get his wish…
Thanx...Nice to know one is not only remembered for what one has done, but the reason...and the future dreams.
btw...in a previous statement you stated Hillary wasn't going to be the VP you said President with McCain as VP...someone screw someone over and now she's been demoted to VP???
...and ahhh yes..."The Starship"...Paul Kanter and I would have a WONDERFUL time and well...to be honest...we might just not return it either once we had it... :) :) :)
Sword quoting me:
robert said...
Hypnosis = Brainswashing
It's as SIMPLE as that !!!
Sword says:
Actually, it is not that simple.
Are you saying that because initially my experience with Hypnotherapy has
caused me to be “brainwashed? Now Robert, I know you are frustrated, by that is a highly ignorant comment.
Actually it IS as simple as that. Read your OWn blog talking about how the astronauts were told what to expect and that they would have to "cleanse" their minds of it when they got back.
from YOUR blog:
"The Apollo astronauts where told ahead of time what they where going to find, and that they would indeed have to be quiet about it – and that on returning they would have help “suppressing” that traumatic event. (Heaven forbid one of the astronauts slipped in a media interview...) No one commented on what these men would have gone through psychologically on a barren rock above the earth and touching – making evident – that we are not from here. "
So Sword...was their mind's "cleaned" when they got back?
What does the term "washing" mean to you?
i.e....make something 'dirty'...CLEAN again.
Hence if you had something dirty, bad, unsavory, unhappy, traumatic,
maddness, sciopathy, murderous, vilianany, rapists,excessive lustiness, gluttony, greediness, slothiness, vengance, enviousness, pridefullness,
wrath, or soon to come to America...unpatriotic furvor...then one would certainly need your brain to be 'cleansed...i.e "brainwashed"...the 'devil' is in the details and in the definitions...AND their contexts...even the Devil can quote from the Bible and make you believe it's the Almighty
So...it is NOT so an 'ignorant' comment. It is a FACTUAL comment on what Hypnosis does. I KNOW I have hypnotized people myself...made their arms numb enough to take a knife point and press hard without their feeling ANYTHING...now I also KNOW not everyone responds in the same manner to hypnosis...I might not be able to that with other folks...but those I did...I succeeded. Never tried messing with their own memories or WHO they were though...that very idea...when it DID cross my mind...was repugnant to me.
Now again...I KNOW...there ARE VALID and useful clinical uses for
hypnosis...but in THOSE cases...it REALLY is "brainwashing"...you are
'cleaning' the mind of things that are 'irratating' it...like getting rid of a stone in your shoe.
Believe me I already KNOW your meaning and intent...I just don't think you knew MY meaning and intent on the term...'brainwashing'.
btw...I am making this comment-reply long because it may be some time before
I can give a longer reply as days pass...my 'brain' is about to be 'washed' with a switch of 'magic' :) :) :)
Sword quoting me again:
robert said...
Well here's a BRIGHT idea...DECLASSIFY ALL DOCUMENTS, tapes, images, wreckage, lift secrecy clauses in contract for everyone and LET THE TRUTH
Sword Says:
And… …the effect would be… …what?
People dancing in the street singing hallelujah?
Then terrestrial World War followed by complete civil war in this country.
So, sure, you get your “truth” – but the ramifications of that said truth are evident.
It would become a war of who controlled that truth – and the technology – so that they could dominate the entire planet.
Well we, the USA...TPTB...Masons...Skull n Bones...Knights Templar...well exactly WHO??? controls this "Truth"?
There's a question from me I would like answered. Is the name "The TOPS"?
Majestuc 12? Bilderbergers? or just really really rich and powerful folks?
Answer me that one and we'll work on the aspect of WOrld War III and "Civil War" from that point on.
As for "Civil War" that might start tomorrow when Dark Lord Dickey Cheney becomes PRESIDENT for a few hours on the day Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out...seems Scooter might not be too happy about loosing his law license and a pardon from Dark Lord Dickey might be JUST THE TICKET to get it back...then give back the 'reign' to Georgie Jr. after his ass-probing tomorrow. And while it may SEEM I am making fun of Bush's probing...let me say it here that in my last stay in the Hospital from April 15, 2007 to May 12, 2007 I had 16 'scopes' from both ends trying to find out where I was bleeding internally...I had 14 pints of blood during that time frame...so I KNOW how it feels to be scoped without the PROPER 'drugs'. not good ;-/
But Cheney giving Scooter a pardon while George is 'out' is likely. And THAT will start an "Uncivil War" in America.
Sword quoting me again:
robert said...
[snipped]…X-PPAC and Bassett in the Washington Post
PRG's political action committee, X-PPAC, and executive director Stephen Bassett were featured in a front page article written by William Booth in the Sunday, July 8, 2007 Washington Post. This article is significant for a number of reasons:
- used the term "truth embargo" in the ET context
- used the term "disclosure" in the ET context
- placed Bassett or X-PPAC on the front page
- put Richard Dolan into a front page article
- put Dr. Roger Leir into a front page article
- referred to the abduction issue on the front page
Most important to PRG Booth brought up the "ET Ticket"
Sword says:
So, it looks like you are getting what you want – just not in the way you want.
Relax already – it’s coming out. The Americans “in-the-know” are pushing for it. It’s all coming together, right before your eyes…
I've SHAMELESSLY re-copied that to re-introduce those ideas into the 'minds' of the readers...something 'clean' to fill those 'dirty' synapses with :) :) :)
Sword says:
Don’t you dare even start lecturing me about soldiering.
Your Nephew is going into the folds of some very capable and tuff men.
You're right I've never been in a firefight...though I have had a sawed-off shotgun put into my mouth in Mexico once without shitting my pants because some crazy fracker said I looked like someone who fracked him over once...took a lot of squabling back n forth where I didn't understand a word of what was being said...but...in the end...I'm still here.
The 'thing' I have about my brother and nephew about Iraq is that BEFORE he was called up...BOTH were all over Bush and Co over this war of lies...now that he HAS been called up...both my brother and my nephews' heads got 'soaked clean' of all that 'unpatriotic' bullshit...if THAT isn't a clear and present danger of 'brainwashing'...I ain't seen a better one.
Sword quoting me again"
robert said...
I SAVE a LOT of things...which is why I want my website back...and SOON!!!
Until then here is one tiny tiny part of what it was: The Secret History of
Sword says:
Pulling from previous conversations along long time ago…
A young army officer put that together didn’t he? I mean – I am certain that you have that saved from something that was originally posted in what – 1997?
Certainly your not crediting as your own work are you?
Didn’t you have a brief conversation on the phone with that man?
Did you save the phone number?
Did you save the emails you had of correspondence with him?
Who is he? I would love to meet him! :-) ;-x
I would love to meet him too.
The 'Introducory FrontPage' I had made is missing from this collection. In it I EXPLAIN CLEARLY...that I did NOT put this thing together...completely...what I HAD to do was save EVERY page and then CHANGE the HTML code so that it would work as well and as completely as possible WITHOUT the Internet access to get MOST of the information and pictures in as many pages as possible. So I DID do a lot of 'background' work to make as many links as possible work whether one was on the web or not...some direct weblinks I couldn't copy ALL so I left as is. The Woodstock Link in 1969 was just the one I happened to pick as an example...part of who I am..though I never was there in person.
Sword quotes me again:
robert said...
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
ACTIONS are PROOF of intent.
ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.
Sword says:
Ohhh Robert – I know – your sooo fond of saying that…Have I not been over this before?
I would hope that my actions here – while lauded by the outsiders who don’t post – would show then others of my intent for the truth to come out. Are not these actions – my posting here – my nudge nudges to things such as Mimic data… Are not these actions proof of my intent?
Considering some of the very things YOU have been witness to – I am surprised you are still doubting me…
Yes I am fond of saying these little quippets or words I have thought up myself and keep repeating hoping to spread the usage far and wide and in many
many venues and manners and circumstances...be nice if I get credit...but my next heartbeat doesn't depend on it so I don't worry about it.
I am glad to see the B5 term 'frackin' useage getting more milage since I started using it more and more often in more and more places through the years. :)
Nudges to Mimic...doesn't impress me. Sorry.
Bring me to the Starships' front door...THEN you'll have my attention :)
Doubt you?
Do YOU think you have given me reason to doubt you?
Do YOU think I doubt you?
If I REALLY did doubt you...would I have just spent a CONSIDERABLE amount of my precious heartbeats answering your blog and posts to it?
And at THIS point I am going to cut it off here and read the rest of your responses and come back at a later date when others have chimed in.
I too feel that MORE people should be chiming in.
And I DO have to say one thing about what Gary MR posted at FSHOD...YOUR bitching about Hoagland now...the SAME thing you booted Gary from here for as far as I know...seem fair to you?
Still...cheers to you :)
btw...reading further on...if TOPS and you are so pissed off at Richard as "The Civilian" to be the "front" person for this whole shebang...get someone else...lead me to the front door of the Starship and I can recruit a TEAM of REAL ROOSTERS that will calm the populace with Brutal Truths...in GENTLE contexts...trust me...isn't doing the same thing over and over and expecting
the SAME results the definition of insanity???
Then change the civialians in front. Richard and the others will STILL have their books, DVDs, papers, and such to sell to a "PoTTER hungry" public. :)
A better team...in the media LEAD...can do wonders...and they play such great music too. :)
Lets Just Cut Through the FBS!!!
I Know you are listening.
You are a LEECH RCH!
Ever heard of Walter Hain? He has a book(We from Mars) that was published in 1979. RCH did not even credit Mr. Hain for what Vladimir Avinsky(RipOff) claims. I thought (at one time) RCH was all about the research and original ideas - how did he/I miss this, too busy maybe?
Journalist looking for a story - Nuff Said!?!
Follow(Research) the (REAL)story of how this FOM came about and consider where we are now with that story.
Sword - This whole blogg is looking more like a advertisement for RCH and also now C2C and Noorny. I hope this is not the CASE.
Well we, the USA...TPTB...Masons...Skull n Bones...Knights Templar...well exactly WHO??? controls this "Truth"?
Not to make a long blogg longer, to get to robert real quick:
Robert says:
There's a question from me I would like answered. Is the name "The TOPS"?
Majestuc 12? Bilderbergers? or just really really rich and powerful folks?
Answer me that one and we'll work on the aspect of World War III and "Civil War" from that point on.
While everyone would like to think its the Bush & Boys at the evil hand - thre not. Screwed up administration - maybe.
But there not the ones who control the truth.
A large group meets - lets say the size of the senate - represented by lodges. This senate decides what is - and basically you could say - they control the truth.
With that being said - there not really the "evil" dark hooded guys you might think they are...
MeanGreen said...
Sword - This whole blogg is looking more like a advertisement for RCH and also now C2C and Noorny. I hope this is not the CASE.
Hell no.
Is August 12 a date we should keep an eye out for?
There's been some rumors that the Queen/Pope will be going underground possibly then.
For good?
Wouldn't that be great...
I haven't heard anything - then again - unless its in the news the Queen inst my problem - thats GHOST territory...
"To call military personnel “brainwashed” is simply irresponsible – ignorant – and arrogant – especially coming from a man whom has never served in the first place – or am I wrong about that? You speak so knowing about the military experience it almost seems as you where there, with your boots on."
Yes, I was. Maybe not boots, more like boondockers...USN 72-76.
Not arrogant OR ignorant. Sure, there may be some desire there, but if you've ever seen a lad fresh out of Parris Island (and I've seen quite a few) and compare him to the lad prior...the change is startling, if not disturbing. It IS brainwashing!
In this case, I am not equating that with being 'sinister'. As I indicated originally (in fewer words than you) it's about teambuidling. But it does lay a behavioral foundation that obtains, even after seperation from the military.
US Navy training was less severe than Marine training...but it was brainwashing, nevertheless.
With regards your Brooking Report statements and some others: I think the response you're getting is because I, and perhaps others, sense a smirking, condescending attitude behind those words. You may not have intended that and/or we may have read something into it...especially in the "– well – was completely predictable –". It was like you were saying you had predicted that we would be so lame to respond as we did. That and the fact that you seem to think we should be so grateful at being given bread crumbs. I guess we should, to some degree, but Robert stands on the moral high ground by noting that it should never have come to this to begin with. Yet your words and the 'attitude' that I am reading behind them, indicates that you think everything was done properly. I vehemently disagree. But to you, that makes me arrogant and ignorant. There's that attitude again.
Sword says:
I give you the “plain spoken truth” and you call it bullshit – so what the point?
What a blatant cop out! I see a lot of people making such sweeping, incredulous statements but make no attempt to qualify or quantify them or even give the merest proof. The trouble is, such statements are then often used as a basic assumption for other equally incredulous statements. When you are asked about such things and you avoid to asnwer, or answer with even vaguer references...what is one to think, Sword? Alas, that is your pattern...and I'm not the only one to see it.
Finally, I would not call the Apollo astronauts "brainwashed enemies of the people". Altho YOU have indicated that they were, essentially, brainwashed by agreement...well, ok...hypnotherapy? Note that my 'Enemy' statement had to do with those who think is was right to hide information from the people.
Well, you did not answer my questions, per se. Some Apollo astronauts told you. Huh. The grand story you told may or may not be fiction. It still doesn't answer the questions of WHAT they were told they would find or WHO told THEM and HOW did they know?
You told a story, but did not answer my questions. Ze pattern again, eh?
OH...BTW...that BS you were spreading about how 'they' couldn't kill you because you were that good?
"The one thing history teaches us is that ANYONE...can be killed" - Michael Corleone, The Godfather II
IF you were that man...If you were THAT kind of man, Sword, you would damn well know better...and you would know the fine line between confidence and hubris...and you would probably not be fiddling about on some Blogspot blog.
SunKing said...
Well, you did not answer my questions, per se. Some Apollo astronauts told you. Huh. The grand story you told may or may not be fiction. It still doesn't answer the questions of WHAT they were told they would find or WHO told THEM and HOW did they know?
Sword Says:
Simply put - the NASA Heads at the time didn't know what they would find either.
They knew that a culture of people had inhabited the moon - but not to what extent - and to what grand pourpose. Ancient records simply stated that "a people dwelled there" - the best they could tell them ahead of time was there would be "structures"... ...it wasn't until one fateful apollo mission that everyone started to understand the immensity of what WAS.
SunKing said...
OH...BTW...that BS you were spreading about how 'they' couldn't kill you because you were that good?
Sword says;
Perhaps that is my ego talking. (And the Knight would be doing his cough coughing at the back of the formation)
But, I do have a surprising knack for survival - even tho my body bears the horrible reminders - I aint getting any younger...
I failed to mention it in all the fuss:
Yesterday was the anniversary of the first landing on the moon.
In only two (2) more years...
4 decades...
History could have been so different...
If only we had more input from better civilians...
You may admit that THIS Administration doesn't "control" the "Truth"...:
While everyone would like to think its the Bush & Boys at the evil hand - thre not. Screwed up administration - maybe.
But there not the ones who control the truth."
You MUST admit these folks have been behind the reigns of power since college days and their fathers since theirs...likely each son on each father's lap with " a story
to tell you."
Much the same way most 'secret turths" are passed on...why was the granddaughter of the Head of the Louvre in Paris so important? Literature is history written under
the brutal pressures of brutal regimes made up of (usually men) totalarian rich groups of people who usually don't take kindly to critism from "civilians/outsiders".
How can "Brookings n et al..." REALLY have a true grasp of what ALTERNATIVES might be possible if they don't embrace at least SOME ideas that come from outside their
own inner circles and groups and their own pet "Focus Groups"?
TOPS n et al...may have their "Timetable"...their "Gameplan" and "Players n Sides" all chosen...frack if they didn't even have the referees on the "Inside" then they
wouldn't be half as smart as I think they are. BUT...when the plan falls to shit..."Who do you call?"
A College Basketball coach was recently arrested for 'fixing' games.
An 'insiders' plan got shot to shit..and a few fellow conspirators.
Who YOU folks going to call when the plan IS falling to shit around your ears?
A few more enlightened and persuasive CIVILIANS could make a difference...if WE knew what YOU knew.
We can't offer you any better solutions about being torqued at Richard Hoagland, George Noorey, Art Bell, George Knapp or anyone else who is NOT "With the program and
ON the schedule they're supposed to be" without a more COMPLETE knowledge and briefing than simply 'nudging me to MIMIC'.
You KNOW that ain't REALLY going to cut it with some of us. I LEARNED A LOT fixing up this thing:
The Secret History of USA
And I haven't been 'brainwashed' or 'hypno-soothed' with my fallen faith in my fellow man. It's real and justly come by.
In my own new blog...which you may or may not know I wrote a while ago only kept the thing as a draft for a looong time...which is now up...I state a simple Brutal
Truth...after all...it is in my inherent ability I trust that I see the "Brutal Truths" in my world around me.
I didn't even touch on the slaughter in Africa, the evil machinations of Communism, or any of another billion evils out there in the hearts and minds of each soul on
the planet.
But I think I did come to one final fact...
Sometimes the bad guys do just win.
But...there's more that I didn't say with hope in it.
I'm also waiting to see if at least SOMEONE at the "TOPS" level has enough heart to care enough to change the "timeline"...
There IS a better future out there...each heartbeat is a switch into a new Universe of a different timeline.
We've all seen Armegedon, Deep Impact, The Day After Tomorrow, etc...
How about the Day after 40 Years Ago?
Spun glass domes on the Moon. Habitats on Mars, Colonies in the asteroids. A NEW kind of human species conceived, born and raised in zero-g.
It ALL could have been...if only SMARTER CIVILIANS had been "in on the SECRET".
Is the CURRENT vision you have STILL available on a messed up timeline?
Go through the "Secret History of the USA" again.
How much change would there be if there had been no US-Backed Saddam, or Shah or any of the other despots we put in power for all the wrong reasons. "THEIR MASONIC
I don't REALLY think so.
I think it's time you had a new cadre of "Civilians".
I promise not to shit my pants...eaten a gun barrel before and walked away with clean underwear.
Like you, I too am getting old and the living and survival process take it's toll.
But in the heart of your soul...you KNOW...somehow...someway...there's something worth fighting the "Bad Guys" for...no matter the odds...BUT we NEED the right
tools...we NEED the right personnel...like V-GER...WE NEED THE CORRECT INFORMATION.
PS...I haven't even OPENED my new Potter book at all yet. Wonder of wonders...I am finding MARS more interresting tonight.
Been reviewing your last Blog to better understand what you were trying to convey....at that point on the 17th.
If I may address some elements that stood out for me.
Sword said: The whole point of the blog entry that Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy are easy to have misconceptions about
iontruo2--> O.k. case in point. Success,
perfect reflection of the concept.
Why is that a shocking problem? Really?
This group rolls fast. But they contemplate,
and are not necessarily stuck.
Yes, they have anger and frustration, some well placed, at other known 'levels' of societal governance, that have indeed proven poor intention/irresponsible/selfish incompetence.
Thus the impulse in the first place to more knowledge and the demand for essential Truth---thus F-Shod.
One good example of that very point is your main characters of your Blog.
Insiders no less!
Sword said: Now, the meat of the issue – the misconceptions of RH and GN that will lead the public’s perception in the wrong direction…
Near the end of the second hour, RH states that the Apollo astronauts had actually “saw the structures to be on the moon” … (I know they put there hands on them – if not brief – but they did) … “and where subsequently made to forget that they saw them”… Richard said this (paraphrased) … Now comes the bad, ignorant part of the whole torrid short snip…
GN then says, “Like, Manchurian Candidate … …forget?”
RH then says “You got it.”
iontruo2-->SO, who to "listen" too? When the media rep's themselves(Your media Reps) are peddling the bullshit in the usual 'product form' of fear and intrigue. THAT's the key right there.
A good story can be told and the listening attentive audience 'grabbed' with its topic, with out the distorting to the 'Negative'.
Thats what pisses me off. It is the persistent twist to the dread and fear and suggestion of conspiracy and hidden 'enemies'. How truly cheap. :(
Sword said: So – basically biting the hands that are feeding them – Richard Hoagland and George Noory certainly need to recant there previous statement and discuss the realities, the facts of what happened instead of marginalizing the experience into a naive cliché phrase.
...It was in this show that I suspect very firmly that the majority of dissension from the Mil-Family is being directed – directly at Hoagland & G. Noory …
iontruo2-->I maturely recognize that you guys don't have control over everything.
We have all seen examples of really bad government and the layers around it.
Heck in Canada, we have been watching a number of 'revealings' of misconduct at the heart of the previous party that had leadership and even the RCMP is stinking bad these days with various scandals and foibles now exposed.
My point is, some of the members here are not completely off base in their convictions. Those truths are also out there.
Sword said: Robert - I do however feel your frustration, but I seriously don't believe that "brainwashing" the public is the ultimate goal here - hell they do that all on their own just fine...
iontruo2--> No the program.
That reflects in examples like The Media, notably Richard Hoagland and others, are the 'manipulators'.
Lets be serious here and see the shit for the shit.
Darkwood spoke similarly about generic media and its 'feed'.
Sword said: One enlightened person doesn't make it okay to shatter the world as many have come to believe... ...consider the social/cultural/theological aspects of what we are talking about here - mix in foretold global cataclysm and you have a recipe for disaster...
iontruo2--> Excellent Exactly! I commented on 2007-07-18 6.20.PD to that effect as well.
Sword said: Your response to my blogg entry – well – was completely predictable – it shows that the “public model” that the Brookings Report has been working off of – is completely correct. In this case I would say ignorance is completely bliss.
iontruo2--> NO, it is not bliss.
What the report really should have said is: The Media is behaving as a deviant agent in many respects. The public is being 'willfully' lead to focus on the wrong people for input an information.
Input and information that is presented and widely accepted as 'authoritative and true'.
The deck is stacked, and the responsibility sits with people, like you just described so well. Example: R. Hoagland and G Noory
Ignorance is not bliss, and that is why this angry bunch of bees here stung you to say "no more organized bullshitters-see how they are deceiving us all"....."see where we are AT, because of it".
The media characters of your Blog are the problem. Lack of clarity is the symptom, ignorance is the outcome.
Forgive us for persisting with the big question: WHO SPEAKS THE TRUTH?
correction: TYPO
Sword said: Robert - I do however feel your frustration, but I seriously don't believe that "brainwashing" the public is the ultimate goal here - hell they do that all on their own just fine...
iontruo2--> No! The Problem:
That reflects in examples like The Media, notably Richard Hoagland and others,
is the 'manipulator'.
When the medium of specific choice is audio "radio" or voice based broadcast, then "what is heard" is all about exactly "what is said".
In that: precision is absolutely necessary.
So, the lines: GN then says, “Like, Manchurian Candidate … …forget?”
RH then says “You got it.”
become a much bigger 'mistake' that makes a deeper 'imprint', in this medium than something 'glanced at', like in a visual medium.
iontruo2-->SO, who to "listen" too? When the media rep's themselves(Your media Reps) are peddling the bullshit in the usual 'product form' of fear and intrigue. THAT's the key right there.
My media reps?
Certainly you must mean Hoagland.
I wouldn't call him a "media rep" just someone whom we could take along for a ride or two, and given his knowledge of the subject matter, explain far more throughly exactly what in the hell is going on.
Now I will admit, his stacking the fiscal dominoes is a bit "commercialism" - can you blame him? I can put him on the payroll while he's active within the unit but that doesn't give him a sustainable income.
The other side of it is the inside scoop that he is giving the other people in his realm of media - IE Norry and however else he is saying things to. Certainly there is allot of inside discussion. This is what irritates me.
I think this precluded by the fact that that I am early on the timeline - much to the irk of Hoagland, and all the others who had depended on me to stay "straight & narrow" - disciplined and measured... ...
iontruo2-->I maturely recognize that you guys don't have control over everything.
We have all seen examples of really bad government and the layers around it.
Try working in it.
It's muck.
On one hand, I have the original bad boys - no-nonsense warriors who want to act and on the other I have pencil pushing backbones less politicians who want to dig holes and hide. Within those two groups are two other groups, one who wants to stay quiet and the other who wants to scream bloody murder about everything.
All of those groups are controlled by a four faced establishment that no one - in any of those groups wants to come out to public light.
Except me - I want it ALL on the table.
While all of that is going on - I still have to maintain the cohesion of a military group to its parent government that was founded by the people for the people - that is currently dealing with so much infighting between its public and private establishment that ridiculous doesn't begin to describe it.
Like I said - its muck... ...and theres not a damm thing to do to stop it. The way I see it, maybe whats going to happen is a good idea. There's no way to stop that either.
Clean the slate - and let the people rise up (which they will) and start anew... ...
Even if we built a society around saving our own asses, with all the truth known - the public would become far to dependent on the government - and we would be right where we are right now... ...fighting and squabbling over the scraps and shedding of society that would be left.
I think a big surprise is better - shake things up a bit. Let the rich politicians know that they can't hide in expensive homes, where real people out here with families. Let them live as us. Let them farm. Let them lay brick. Let them plumb, and perform carpentry, let them defend there country with a rifle in foxhole instead of with a pen behind a desk. And, oh, they most certainly will do these things.
Without rich industry to back them and pay for their helpful little lies, without television to "spin" there yarn - who would listen to them.
I'm just as frustrated as you all are. But, like a hostage, I am bound - gagged - and only now do you hear these little muffles coming from me. Our shining moments of glory you have not seen - nor will you be told of them - yet... ...
Sword said: Your response to my blogg entry – well – was completely predictable – it shows that the “public model” that the Brookings Report has been working off of – is completely correct. In this case I would say ignorance is completely bliss.
iontruo2--> NO, it is not bliss.
[in ref to:
Sword said: Your response to my blogg entry – well – was completely predictable – it shows that the “public model” that the Brookings Report has been working off of – is completely correct. In this case I would say ignorance is completely bliss.]
What the report really should have said is: The Media is behaving as a deviant agent in many respects. The public is being 'willfully' lead to focus on the wrong people for input an information.
Input and information that is presented and widely accepted as 'authoritative and true'.
This is very much reality -- a reality I cannot change.
Of course, we as a society, are going to use the media as a authoritative and true source of information. It almost seems as we where breed to do so/ Perhaps this is why the FCC has sooo much control over all aspects of broadcast. In the "olden" days - knowledge passed much slower. If a certain town or city was attacked - it took days, weeks, months, before anyone knew of it - now, in modern times - it takes seconds - and you can watch it live on television. Of course we, as a society, are going to revere this technology, as well as those who reside in it, and use it to their advantage.
Those groups that use media as an advantage - the government. Who sent Unit Sword there champion for truth - the government.
Who was this champion?
Richard Chester Hoagland... "...the biggest pain in the ass NASA... -(and all its sibling groups)- ...has ever had to put up with...". Not my words by the way.
What really pains me, is we gave him soooo much. We gave him the whole plate, with extra helpings... ...and he couldn't stop from "psst-psst"ing his buddies behind the scenes? Why couldn't he just write his new book and wait and watch what happens? Then again - here I am "psst-psst"ing the whole damm world.
The thing that I REALLY wanted to comment on was the fact that I have been in conflict with the findings of the "Brookings Report". I truly have. I have gone one way, of the "rooster" - to grow into an "owlish" outlook once I was active in the military - to being persuaded into ... "Project Disclosure" ... and finally coming into this myself - this full tilt anything goes spilling of the proverbial guts - airing of all the "dirty" laundry.
I was distressed when making that comment [brookings was right]. It wasn't written to sound brash or smug - it should have sounded depressed and beaten. The I told you so's - written, verbal, and silent (and those I dread most)completely defeated me. The responses to that first blogg rebutting Hoaglands and Norry's cliche - made me feel as if I was letting a silent elite down. I was in fact failing my peers who had blazed trails in places that Sword dreamed to retracing. I let my heroes down... ...
Maybe because I'm tired of being gagged, maybe because I'm tired of being the silent elite, maybe its time we trumpeted seven horns... ...maybe because all my life I have fought for a better life for children whom would ever know me... ...maybe its because of the children I remember - Maximilian, Tony, and little Morgan and Emma. Their are many more children of the men and women of The Sword, but all the names elude me...
Those boys are probably nearing their twenties by now, and those two little girls, why, their probably eleven or twelve by now - and driving their parents nuts.
Their future lives depends on US and so much of what I do.
Some days - I just don't know if I can look them in the eyes ever again - are we going to be okay?
I just don't know...
Will the new future be better for them than it was for us?
I just don't know...
Who speaks the truth ION?
The children do.
What we do today is what they will know of us tomorrow.
AMEN brother.
Thanks for your honesty and candor.
That was the heart of it.
I've got to tend my horses now, with much to contemplate.
I'll save a reply for e.mail to keep Blog space clear.
Be at peace, man. Your working it harder than anyone I know. You've let no one down. The task is great.
In fact your dedication here is obvious. Obvious even in the face of a bit of blizzard of 'generalized' anger from posters.
But you know its not personal and its not your personal burden to carry all its responsibility.
Let me put a few words in your mouth Sword.. Read Alternative 3 and if you don't have it, I will send it to you.
Save seeds and compost.
Consider that Sword's reluctance to spill the beans has something to do with timelines. Time is not just another dimension, it's another sense just like touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. The proverbial "let them who have ears..."
And from my POV, there is a higher power and He serves no one.
Hello all! It’s been about a year since I’ve posted and it’s also been about a year since I’ve read any of the blogs…believe it or not. WOW, a lot of stuff going on since then. Anyway, my absence was not intentional; life just had other plans for me. It is good to be back.
Sword, interesting posts and I thank you for the invitation. Sorry, but no beer. :)
I do understand where everyone’s coming from with the disclosure. It’s hard to be on this side of the fence/game…whatever you want to call it…waiting for information to be released. But then I know that you, Sword, understand the position we’re in. It’s quite evident as you described your feelings as you waited for the pics of Iapetus. You said, “We waited with great anxiety…” Not much different than what we’re going through today…waiting. We too desire our information and confirmations and all we can do is wait. It’s not such a fun position to be in, is it?
Hypnotism, hypnotherapy, programming…we’re all constantly being programmed or at least attempts are being made to influence our thoughts. Came across the following video and thought it quite interesting. It’s wild to see the subliminal programming in action.
I mean really, what thoughts are truly our own? We are all constantly being influenced by movies, books, commercials, our surroundings and even blogs!
And speaking of hidden messages….have you seen the Meerkat Manor commercial for the new season? Saw it on TLC tonight. I tried to catch all that was said, but may have some of the wording a bit off, but I think you’ll get the idea.
If we could see into the future, what would we see?
New family?
New journey?
Forbidden romance?
New home?
Another war?
And some of us may not survive?
Something’s coming.
I can feel it in the wind and in every beating heart around me.
And the time is now.
Interesting commercial/message, don’t you think?
Sword, looking forward to the next post AND more disclosure.
All current media is FULL of that sort of thing...
Hi guys,
Sorry I haven't had time to read the posts yet, but I noticed something of interest while saving the images for this blog's topic. I know that some of you are really into numerology, so I know that you'll get a kick out of it.
Blog topic images
Here's a ball of wax you ain't gonna believe..
Well, it looks like the dam is about to break. Gosh there is a whole mix of stuff at that page to see. Thanks ericswan!
New blogg post coming soon...
Sword Can you tell a little more about JANUS??
--from your reply to me earlier re: the four faced establishment.
Besides being an anceint Greek god, a finical company (clue), a moon of Saturn (Hello!), a lake in Canada, and a BDSM group in San Fran - what else would you like to know?
Oh - new post made - teaser? I duuunnnooo...
I thought you would be interested in this to:
Sword said:
What the hell is a clammy toe?
I don’t know either – he’s new to the blogg arena. His comments have so far been fresh and to the point. Hopefully he’ll tell us a bit more about himself as we go along this wonder YELLOW BRICK road…
Sword says:
Hahahaha, well it’s not what most might think. When my first born was little, he used to have really sweaty feet that everything used to stick to; mostly my magazines, newspapers, printouts and such. So I used to say to my wife that he had some clammy toes. When I went to create my gmail account, my normal Internet handle was taken, so I decided to use clamytoe instead.
You’re right; I am green to the whole blogging thing. I’m the one that used to make fun of people that “blogged”. Especially my wife’s husband, I swear his mom is the only one that visits that one! He’s always asking me if I’ve read his latest blog. After several, “Dude, I don’t even know the address”, he quit asking.
Anyway I’m getting off topic now. About me? Not really much to say. I did a stint in the California National Guard (’89-’93) as an Avionic Electronics Tech and was even activated for now famous Operation Garden, Plot during the L.A. Riots. I grew bored with the Guard and joined the Army full time as an Automated Logistical Specialist, which really mean supply. Did a tour in Korea and then spent most of my time in Fort Hood in an FSB for the 4th ID.
I had orders to go to Air Assault training, but I re-enlisted to remain at hood since I now had a family and had bought a home. I soon came down with orders to go to Istanbul, but those got replaced with orders for another Korean tour. As you might be aware, Korea is considered a hardship tour, so I would have had to leave my family for a year, and that I just couldn’t do, so I worked the system to remain in country until my time was up and got out in ‘01. Towards the end of my tour I was working at DISCOM in charge of the division’s supply data system.
I now work as a Systems Engineer for a national bank chain, maintaining their IT infrastructure. My real interests have always been in web technology and multimedia though, so I do that stuff on the side. Boy, I feel as if I’ve just been through an interview, you hiring? My job here isn’t going to last longer than four more years, if my hunches are correct. Ha, that was probably more than any of you wanted to know.
Nice to have another pair of boots on my deck.
New post folks...
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