Where the hell have I been?
None of you bee’s wax… … har har har arrrrr – you scury dogs!
Seriously however – I am back.
I have done a rather deep review of the happenings of what’s been going on in the TEM structured bloggs. Richard is still writing his new book, and Sunking still thinks I am a fool. That’s okay.
I have also noted that a certain man by the name MarsRevealer is going nucking futs over some of the things I have posted. I am interested in what he has to say – why he seems to be in trouble – and why he seems to want to have an audience with me of all people. Why don’t I start the new blog space out with some old “replies to posts” like I used to do and then I can go about cleaning up the blogg space so it doesn’t look so thrown together.
And off we go!!!
MarsRevealer said...
I have No idea who SWORD is still, & who TOP is. Seems that I maybe not wanna know that then ay? ;-)
Sword says:
You would have to ask ol’ Richard about that one…
MarsRevealer said...
Again, each time I asked him about who SWORD was or is,.. He would reply... "YOU MEAN MICHEAL SWORD???" I still call out to SWORD!!!! I have some riddles to answer & I request an AUDIENCE! I am sure he reads here. SWORD I am sure would have MUCH TO SAY!! Again.. I am calling out to SWORD TO REPLY TO ME!!!
Sword says:
Capital letters make my head hurt. So here I am – what do you want to say?
So Richard knows my first name – how is that possible I wonder – I don’t think I have ever mentioned my first name ever in the public realm – so him knowing it would be damming wouldn’t it?
Someone else now has my first name – and a great deal of other information to go with it. Giving away some of the most deliectable bread crumbs to find out who I truly am (not that I embellished anything else but fact) is my way of testing character. What the individual will do with the information is yet to be seen.
MarsRevealer said...
I need to speak with SWORD!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!!
Sword says: To what exactly?
MarsRevealer quotes me:
"Why do all that?
Well, because sticking to the man while he's trying to stick it to you has its rewards - especially when the man finds out your on his team - only doing it at a fraction of the cost, a fraction of the man power - and having 150% more effectiveness than whatever they could come up with? ... ...
(Somebodies gonna get Pinned for manuvers today - I swear it!)"
Hmmm. somehow that last line sounds like an onimus threat. A violent death?? some bbodies??? Gonna get pinned??? That cant be a good omen neither! :-(
Sword says:
No. Getting pinned is military slang for getting a medal. The fine work of the men that day deserved some recognition.
MarsRevealer said...
Then who the hell is Micheal Sword?? When I asked RCH about sword,... & me wanting to know some things,... He said “You mean, Micheal Sword Gary” ??? I said how the hell do I know?? I asked if that was his name. He said he not knows of any sword, nor remembers no such person… [snipped]
Sword says:
Its called plausible deniability Gary… …geeezzz
MarsRevealer said...
For instance this one.. from the katrina blog of RCH.
"Rich said:
The "defending technology" looks a lot more primitive ... and leaves
neat "fingerprints" -- as if it was "kluged together" by a group who JUST learned they're "in a war" ... and they're not very good at defense, yet. :)
Sword says:
I’ll wager on that to.
Leaving fingerprints doesn’t mean it was “klugged together”… …
Why would you hide the fact that against all odds, still, someone
managed to bust some chops and do something, and MADE SURE you could see it. Dashing? Ball-zee? We’ll never know."
[snipped]But this was MONTHS... before I even got inside the message structure. I never even seen this before.
Sword says:
It was meant to be seen. He was giving me crap because we could not effectively twart the HARRP-I-cain with our “naturally occurring” power source versus the gov’s unlimited power supply.
Funny thing that you mention “message structure”… …
When the blog was running full steam – Richard posted an article on his website (not in the blog – nor mentioned in the blog) regarding people who would write letters of correspondence – and in those letters was a cryptic message. All you had to do was know the PRIMER… … and then you could decipher the letter. Its simple cloak and dagger shit that I learned in grade school. Richard figured that out… …and was able to start reading the REAL posts – that are right before everyone’s eyes.
MarsRevealer said...
The things I see sword saying is helping, even more so since I found my OTHER VIDEO ATTACHMENT to piece together with this one, where YOU will ALL LEARN THE RELEVANCE of swords wise men & Savior story hints he was trying to get you all.. especially ME... to see!!!
Sword says:
I actually felt like the review of that three part article was received with a bit of a ho-hum attitude. I would love to see your views of it.
Sword says:
Then there’s my good blogging buddy “Eye on the truth too”, at least that’s how I think I should interpet his liscense plate like screen name. Thanks for updateing the old site while I was away.
IonTruO2 said...
mars revealer,
You said: The question I have is why would he hold out on the TRUTH of these matters if he is all about the TRUTH??? WHY would he be keeping secret these OTHER areas with Faces & structures?? What does he know??? Why is he hiding it from the people???
iontruo2--->Like many others before him, did he not have apparent 'heart troubles'? Those seem so often mysteriously described with regards to people in the sensitive positions who stray from the silent code.
Even Sword had revealed he was being handled by 'others'referred to as the 'TOP' and was angry with his circumstance.
Sword says:
Even this new blogg space is most certainly being monitored. Sort of like the who’s who of who knows what. I might add that when he was having heart trouble (which I seriously doubt had anything to do with US or anyone else for that matter) is when his expensive math books got stolen… …gee I wonder where they went… :-X
IonTruO2 said...
Mars Revealer you said:
He said he not knows of any sword, nor remembers no such person. yet on his very own blog,... I find simple dialog & small pokes at RCH by sword that sometimes,.. RCH fires back,.. in ways that catches my eyes. If he does not know sword,.. or remember him,.. how does it seem to be possible that these 2 are cryptically speaking to something I feel familiar or related to in understanding something... tween the lines!
iontruo2-->EXACTLY! They were and they did, and then the RCH line went dead. Sword carried on for a while, and outright complained and bemoaned the fact that he had to play this communication role for which he had said he was not well 'suited' or qualified for. Obviously being that he in many ways sounded like a Sgt. Rock.
So, there was, in numerous places frustration, at the circumstance and also about RCH choking-clamming up-hesitating and not 'fulfilling' his role.
Sword says:
SLAM! I bet you where just NASHing your teeth to drop that line, that only I would know, huh. You scurvy dog. That be no cowinki-dinkie… … arrrr
SunKing said...
Mike Sword? Could be this guy? Sounds like someone a guy like RCH would know.
Sword says:
This guy has nothing to do with US – however – he’s going to want to change his website before to long…
So how much time do we have?
What like five years before we see the thing from terra firma?
Deja vu all over again.
I really miss youse guys. Reminds me of a Supertramp album cover.
Sorry Wayne - dumped your legit comment with the trash.
The good word is - Good.
Glad to hear from you again. I will be taking the comments to the "only invited guests" realm once again...
AND - I was hopeing that you - eric there and perhaps IONTRU02 could help me generate a guest list...
I don't have any emails of the previous posters - and we seem to have to get rid of the "posers" if you catch my drift. (Like that Tim Feeble guy)
Anyway - I'm back - and as it seems - in time for the MRO pictures.
Now - why "recon" mars - I only thought the millitary did that... ...?
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