Monday, June 25, 2007

It's all about image...

The recent MRO images coming out are absolutely breathtaking. There are many different images that show linear “design”. Artificial – a freak of nature – we won’t know until we can touch it. Personally – I think these areas are intelligent design…

…the intelligent design of a dying empire that is. Like I had stated to Robert before when he posted an article some time ago regarding “clouds emitting from the ground” (smoke stacks) – that this is the work of a dying people. The last remnants of their society trying to meagerly carve out an existence.

But, alas, we did survive...

Lets not forget the article that Richard Hogland presented to us some time ago:

In his absence someone else at least is taking up his role and looking, shifting through the sand looking for more evidence. You can find one of those websites here:

Where not the only ones talking about this stuff – here is another “thread group” doing the same thing – they may not be aware we exist…

Now – while the MRO is great – there are other images that I would like you to review – and they are not on Mars – so I would like to redirect you back to my favorite topic, Iapetus… (and the reading crowd says - - groan – here he goes again.) Now I have been known to harp on this subject – but now I have finally had the time to do the images justice that I have always wanted to but didn’t have the time. Now – keep in mind – the following images are images that I have taken from R. Hoaglands website – notably – part two of his Moon with a view series (

The images are thumbnails and clicking on the images should take you to a larger image hosted of site.

These images was prove positive to a lot of people out there that we where right all along. It’s our (Unit Sword, that is – not to mention NASA’s religious advisors… …) holy grail. We waited with great anxiety to see these images – and finally – that where beamed down by the Public Cassini. I simply do not think that my readers will appreciate the joy and elation we felt when we saw them. Without further yacking – here are the images and my analysis.

The image above is singulary the most important discovery in the whole solar system. The cydonia region really can't compare to what we have re-discovered here on Iapetus.

This was the image that I was looking for waaaayyyy back when – and still looking for a better resolution for now. As a matter of fact – I can not seem to find where Hoagland got this one in the first place. I have searched Cassini raw images and have not found the source.

Why is this area so important to me? Why – It’s not just important to me – it’s important to all, that are, what you folks call, The Powers That Be. None of these “anomalies” are “by-chance”, nor is it natural by any means what so ever. Iapetus is the source of all the other anomalies found in the soloar system – it’s the Ark that our real ancient ancestors came in.


Well, because it’s the front door to The Stronghold that is… … Iapetus. It’s the main entrance to every in the floating stronghold. It would be like waking into a large mall and having a “you are here” sign with a map of the entire complex laid out so you could find your way around. To put the images into context – this area is one of the walls of the largest hexagon found on Iapetus’s surface. That hexagonal area happens to be the main landing pad – with smaller hexagonal areas for “lifts” that would take landing craft into the interior. Let’s move on… …

In this one image you can see (however – not very clearly) the main through affair, statues lining the walk way (might as well call it a very wide street), the main gate entrance, and a “bust” like statue behind the main entrance. Least of all – lets not miss the large “X” to the left hand side of the image.

Now in the lower center, you will see “The path” and the “Statues” as labeled above. To get a perspective of what I mean I give you this image to the left. These statues are of course the Egyptian gods Anubis, Horus, and Seth (that are in the frame). All you have to do is put the staff in the left hand and clearly you can see a resemblance. While we can only see three statues in the above image, I would submit to you that there are more – just out of frame – lining “The Path”.

Now, let’s get a little closer and see what we can see…

This is a close-up of the single most important doorway your ever going to find in the whole dam solar system.

This is the area that I had lamented to Hoagland about years ago – loooong before the public Cassini ever arrived and started taking pictures.

To Unit Sword – this is – this place – is sacred. You see, where not really a new group of warriors – our linage is very, very ancient.

Also seen here is a better close up of one of the statues, the first one if you where to come out of the stronghold – and it is one of Horus. ( Horus oddily enough had one eye… …

In this labeled image we can see the “Bust” stature behind the gates, we can clearly see the raised first and arm and the head of the helmeted statue. Notice that behind the large bust statue the walls have a distinct arched and concave opening surrounding it from behind. This seems to have been left open to the sky and stars above it.

I have also pointed out and given a graphical representation of what I am talking about when I say a statue of Horus. You can see the head, the shoulder, and the outstretched left arm.

I believe that the statue below, extreme lower right it in the image is that of Seth. I don’t believe that because of what I see – I believe it from what we know. I would have to say that the last statue that is out of frame is more than likely that of Bast.

Now, to conclude, lets summarize:

Iapetus, is – in fact – an Ark – a fortified and armed Ark. This has been proven by Hoagland in his articles titled “Moon with a view” ( Debunkers can say anything they want, however – they cannot disprove photo graphic evidence of a twelve mile high concentric ring around the moon – nor can they debunk the fact that the moon has a geometric terminator – indicating and proven visually – that the planet has a multifaceted flat surface.

The close ups that Hoagland has aquired (love to know where – proably either the military Cassini aka: MitCH – or – the NSA/CIA Cassini aka: Cassini Eye or CHEYE) proves that millennia old Masonic records where right:

Iapetus is a religious artifact of extreme antiquity.

Now… …if the Sword troops out there could just get it jump started on time… we could use its massive drive to push that damm broken planet into the sun… …but that’s a story for another time…

Thanks for listening…



HHMSS Sword said...

Well, three are mistakes - and errors - but the editing feature just isnt very freindly to me today. I hope you guys get the drift of what I am trying to put forth... ...I just got tired of jerking around with it.


Anonymous said...

Lets try this - does this work - pass me a beer... test testr - burp...

IonTruO2 said...

hi, will leave the other comments posted at F-Shod so as not to clutter.
I welcome any thoughts you have to that thread of thought, though.


IonTruO2 said...

There is a book I read some years back called The Flower of Life- by Drunvalo Melchizidek. It is poorly edited, but it is good content. Amongst many things in it, they teach a 17 breath Merkabah meditation.

My main point Sword is that I recall in reading it that they alluded to Jesus having been a student at the Right Eye of Horus Sacred school in his earlier years

There is a site:

For what its worth to you...not sure if the reference is there though. Might have only been in the publication when I had a copy.

sososos said...


Good to see ya back and know you are ok. I hope all is well with you. I tried to post to your blog before but I see you were having trouble. Welcome back. I will look forward to reading you blog.

Ms. T

HHMSS Sword said...

IonTruO2 said...
My main point Sword is that I recall in reading it that they alluded to Jesus having been a student at the Right Eye of Horus Sacred school in his earlier years...

Completely of topic (sort of - the images dammit the images!) but I forgive ya...
Like I said before, Jesus was a Lion, genetically imbued with long life - and as we remember from history and the KJV of the bible - his family fled to Egypt with all the trade goodies given to them by the Wise Men...

Now from the Wiki:
"Horus united Egypt and bestowed divinity upon the pharaoh."
So why wouldn't the King of the Jews go to the best school available to him at the time?

For those interested in a good read:

Thanks Ms. T for the welcome - now what do you think of the IMAGES...


HHMSS Sword said...

BTW - this message goes out to all the Sword Proper out there.

I have a feeling that our wayward - duped SMAGE from OP's Thunder is going to make an appearance sometime soon... ...won't that be interesting?


SSL4000G said...

I'm following the story, the pic where you have the Horus graphic I can kinda see something but... I do see what you are saying about a doorway. I think the thing is scale. What is the scale I am looking at. It seems far away, but if what you are saying is there, the doorway is how big? 5, 10 meters?

Are there any new pics of Iapetus from Cassini?


HHMSS Sword said...

Wayne said:
What is the scale I am looking at. It seems far away, but if what you are saying is there, the doorway is how big? 5, 10 meters?

The exact scale I am uncertain - however - its enomous. This doorway - not a doorway in the sense that it has hinges and a lock - more of a open passage - where talking a couple hundred yards tall. (200 give or take)

Standing next to the bust statue you are are talking about three fifty from base (waistband) to the top of the helmet.

The "path" is really actually quite wide 150 yards...(?)

Now - I could be off - but the ancient texts and teachings tell us descriptions - but nothing in the way of length measurements such as cubits...

Don't worry Wayne, you'll seem - and you wont need pictures to see either... :-) ... ... :-X

No, sorry Wayne - no new public images are available of this site. Certainly the other two are constantly beaming down images. I'm certain that when the CRO gets there those images will be even better.

Don't forget folks - NASA does EVERYTHING... three's.

On that note - looks like I might have to go members only. Tim Feeble is at it again. Sorry for the trouble when it happens folks...

HHMSS Sword said...

Honestly Wayne - I would love to know how Hoagland got that site so perfectly. Did he just finagle with the current images available or did somebody up my chain of command tree give him something a little extra? I mean I am really dying to know.

When I saw that image finally - after having imagined it since I was a "little monk in summer camp" - it was breath taking.

I read with interest and growing satisfaction as Rich laid it all out there - article 1, then two, three, all the way to six and then seven... ...wait... ...where the hell is article seven?

Like a good showman he uses time delay as a way to gain interest and grow drama. Honestly - any other way and it would have been just another one of his articles ... and then forgotten about.

Nobody going to forget article seven, nobody.


MeanGreen said...


I followed along with your blog back in 2006 - very interesting!

This new blog has a "Hoagland" tone to it. Even from the get go, it comes across as an advertisement.

If there is a possible chance to help/prevent death to many people why not step up to your true calling and get on with the disclosure.

robert said...

Pixel resolution info...even if only rough is necessary to get any right idea of scale.

Sword good to see you back


HHMSS Sword said...

Thanks, Robert - Mean Green...

To everyone - the site will now go into members only...

To BU - I don't know who you are (I have a pretty good idea)- but your sick - sad - and exhausting...


MarsRevealer said...

Interesting questions Mean!
By the way... I think you'll like..
a new article part page. 5i.

This pages interesting concept of understanding THIS FACE... or meaning, to attribute connection to the things being seen or told behind the surface or between the lines that shows really amazing precidting phenomena.

Even when using words spoken. In the past. That seem possibly embedded also with a code lingo. Or BIT HITS... Primers if you will, so that the language of the code, can only be seen or understood when it is recognized?!

In this latest FACE.. or meaning attributing connection. It deals with RCH's INITIAL OFFICIAL Reaction to this face Of Mars Brothers new Faces in the topic his words are used. Now mind you they are used OUT OF CONTEXT!!! Strictly adding them to conceove another meaning or meanings being spoken that he written in a discussion about something else.

However, in BIZZARRE COINCIDENCES I feel & think even he will appreciate my Martian Madness,... It is Like I swear he is dorectly communicating to me & us all on that page there in that moment of me taking his words out of context & applying them because of his INITIAL OFFICIAL REACTION,.. That stated It was A TRICK OF CHANCE SUN LIGHTING!!

In this Bizzare means & way,... read this carefully.

In order to understand it fully, & better, is to read what all has come before. To be on the same understanding of the FACE.. Or the Meaning,... of this bizzarre coincidence on a string filled with them!

Thanks for invitin me to post. ;-)


HHMSS Sword said...

This is a reply to post found at ...
I had no wish to spam that blogg with my novel sized replies...

DarkWood said... (
Welcome back. You keep fishing around for comments leaving me feeling
somewhat obliged to reply, however I really don't know what I can
possibly add to your 'analysis'.

Sword says:
Fishing for comments? Sure – over the images themselves. As it turns out you do have a lot to contribute to this discussion.

DarkWood said...
It is obvious that you subscribe to a religious concept and are attempting to apply the anomalies of Iapetus in a way so as to support, or confirm, said religion and, to
be perfectly honest, I've made my stance on my considerations of the
importance of religion perfectly
clear, so again, I really don't feel what I can possibly add here.

Sword says:
Of course I subscribe to a religious concept. The attempt to support religion from the said anomalies of Iapetus isn’t really an attempt – it’s a fact brought on by the physical evidence that I have not presented – indeed the builders of the structure present those facts themselves.
Regardless of your personal beliefs – obviously the people that have built that large device had a strong cultural background revolving around their religion. Now, with that being said, when these people came, not only did they bring themselves, they also brought with them there entire cultural, scientific, and religious background. Our world wide societal spiritual belief systems are simply an extension of there own. Of course, like everything in life, it evolved – and created new “species” of different beliefs. Those "species" of course will battle it out for dominance and control.

DarkWood said...
I am also open to the possibility that we are merely rediscovering our
own lost history predating our current enclosure on this single planet
in which case an argument can be made that religions came about in an
attempt to pass down certain knowledge and science concepts that we
lost the ability to fully grasp intellectually somewhere along the

Sword says:
Well said!
Indeed we have lost a lot, and that is made evident by this seemingly nondescript moon. In a way, we can see how religion and science where one in the same to our ancient ancestors. This is made clear by looking at the precise way the Egyptians built the pyramids to coincide with the stars, or the way that the Judaic religion has encoded mathematics into there religious symbolism, or furthermore – how the ancient Sumerian's named there planets “gods” and described how they “fought against” each other in the heavens above them.

DarkWood said...
If that be the case [that we lost the ability to fully grasp] , however, then I would assert that it is high time we remove the veils of secrecy and cease and desist in making further mockery of ancient sciences through the ongoing insanity of what serves for modern 'religion' these days…

Sword says:
Oh, if only we could snap our fingers and all of society would shed there provincial ways and step up to the big picture of humanity. Wouldn’t that be nice? I would like to submit that we are going in that direction.
Indeed modern religion to most of the masses is more about fears and hate than it is about love and acceptance. But, how to change all that? Well the answer it seems would be to have some sort of world wide event that would unite everyone under one goal, one banner, and alas, one love. That one event is coming – whether we like it or not.
The concept your putting forth is completely obtainable – just not overnight. There is a method to the madness – a process if you will – and we/they are resolved to bringing this to fruit. Our destiny is the stars, for that is where we originated and where we shall be.

DarkWood said...
From: Darkwoods About Beliefs Monday, January 15, 2007
I would suggest that religion has very little to do with Spirit and quite a lot to do with control.
Karl Marx suggested that "religion is the opiate of the masses", and opiates don't just pacify, they are HIGHLY addictive. Some people seem to need their religion like a junkie needs that next fix.
My argument is not against individuals, but the very Institutions of Organized religion themselves that I hold to be intrinsically flawed and stained at the very core…[sniped]

Religion could be considered a tool in which to move society. It does not mean however that it means to move it in the right direction all the time. However consider the following:
Would it be easier to tell ancient Egyptians that the Pharaoh and his religious (scientific) advisors have commissioned the construction of a giant heat vent in order to cool and wash the city – OR – tell the uneducated masses (who wouldn’t understand the concept of thermodynamics) that the Gods have ordained it – only to feel “blessed” after its completion by the five degree temperature difference and the constant breeze now only felt afterwards.
Surely the Pharaoh is a god, they would say, all hail the Pharaoh!

Certainly it can be seen that a society, a people, would need there religion to explain the everyday miracles that they couldn’t explain through there level of reasoning. In a way – every member of society becomes enlightened, a part of that science they don’t quite understand.

DarkWood said...
As I've noted, we don't necessarily see exactly eye to eye, however I do not feel that necessarily means we cannot at least find some measure of civil debate. :)

Sword says:
And you said you didn’t have anything to contribute – HAH! I offer to you that your difference of opinion inspired me to debate your points. In that, I hope I have conveyed some of my beliefs.

Religion is a veiled science we can all understand and participate in. Religion is a science of moving a society towards certain goals. They may not be always the greatest of ideas, such as the crusades or the inquisition – but is in fact – the gears that move us along.

Thanks for your input, great post… …

HHMSS Sword said...

MeanGreen said...
This new blog has a "Hoagland" tone to it. Even from the get go, it comes across as an advertisement.

Sword says:
I'm not trying to advertise for Hoagland. I'm simply wishing he would get on with article seven.

MeanGreen said...
If there is a possible chance to help/prevent death to many people why not step up to your true calling and get on with the disclosure.

Sword says:
What do you think I'm doing right now?

robert said...

Pixel resolution info...even if only rough is necessary to get any right idea of scale.

Sword says:
A pixel resolution would be grand - but no such thing can be found with the images presented in "Moon with a view"...

HHMSS Sword said...

MarsRevealer said...
Even when using words spoken. In the past. That seem possibly embedded also with a code lingo. Or BIT HITS... Primers if you will, so that the language of the code, can only be seen or understood when it is recognized?!

Sword says:
Say whaaaaattt? Really...what in the HELL are you trying to say? I read that post three times and all I got from it was that your drunk.

MarsRevealer said...

Sword says:
Colored text makes my head hurt - and I'm certain it makes everyone else's head hurt as well. Your website is an extension of the madness your posting here and at FSHOD.
I can't understand a SINGLE concept of what your trying to convey.
Write your blogg entries and your personal website entries in a nifty program called MS Word.
When the text gets sqiggy green lines under it - that means broken and fragmented sentences that no one will understand. When the text you write gets red sqiggy lines - that means you misspelled.

At this point, all your conveying to me, with spoken words in the past - and present - is that Hoagland offered you a gig - and has now rescinded. Reading your WORK clearly shows me why.

Now Gary - I'm sure your a nice guy and obviously you have allot to say and contribute... ...but your making yourself look like a complete, uneducated, ass.

SOMEBODY had to say it - but don't get me wrong - I AM looking forward to your article Part 5, section K. I mean parts 1 - 5 where great, as where sections A through J... ...

Write on!


SSL4000G said...

sword said;
"Don't worry Wayne, you'll seem - and you wont need pictures to see either... :-) ... ... :-X"

I know and I'm waiting patiently.


ericswan said...

Incredible Iapetus

by Doug Yurchey

Iapetus is the 17th of Saturn’s 33 known moons and the third largest. The astronomer Cassini first viewed Iapetus with a telescope. The satellite was observed to ‘disappear’ every 40 days, half of its 79-day orbit. Cassini noticed that the ‘winking’ moon’s entire hemisphere was vastly brighter than the other side and the moon was synchronously rotating.

Three hundred ten years later, on 11/14/80, NASA’s Voyager 1 transmitted the first clear images of Iapetus back to Earth. Cassini was correct. One side of Iapetus was ‘ten times darker’ than the moon’s other side. The satellite has been called the ‘Yin/Yang Moon.’

In our Solar System, a few rare oddities exist in a synchronic relationship. These are our Moon, Pluto and Charon and Iapetus and Saturn. From Saturn, the observer would always see Iapetus half lit and half in darkness. We must keep in mind that a ‘synchronic’ relationship is not the norm of the universe. An artificialness is implied, possibly the work of very intelligent creatures, every time there exists an in-sync relationship between planet and its moon. ‘Gravity-Lock’ is a myth and an unnatural situation.

Incredible details of this ‘exotic’ moon were revealed by the Cassini spacecraft on New Year’s Eve, 2004. The fly-by’s closest approach was within 40,000 miles. Iapetus ‘does not seem to be a perfectly round moon.’ Iapetus is visibly ‘squashed’ by at least 5%. Richard Hoagland stated that Saturn’s bizarre satellite should be round. The smaller ice worlds of Mimas, Enceladus and Dione are perfect spheres. Why not Iapetus?

Thank you, Richard Hoagland for these NASA (Cassini photos) and your ‘artificial moon’ theory on your web site. Examine the mile-high tower on Iapetus. There are numerous hexagonal craters on Saturn’s moon, including one very large one as you can see in the next photos. Was Iapetus an ancient DEATHSTAR that was once operational…but, now, must orbit in silence and decay?

A JPL news release from 1/7/05 stated ‘…a long, narrow ridge that is almost exactly on the equator of Iapetus, bisects its entire dark hemisphere and reached 12 miles high. It extends over 800 miles (nearly its diameter)…along its mid section. No other (known) moon has such a striking geological feature…surprising for such a small body as Iapetus.’ Here is the Great Wall of Iapetus:

Richard Hoagland has called the wall ‘a vast, planet-spanning, artificial construct.’ How can there be a 60,000 foot high, 60,000 foot wide, 4 million foot long ‘wall’ across an entire hemisphere? Remember that the feature corresponds with the odd-shaped satellite’s equator. Iapetus appears as a ‘walnut.’ Around its center, an ‘equatorial wall extends miles into space.’

How could massive towers, walls and other titanic architecture be constructed on Saturn’s special moon? One reason is Iapetus only has 1/40 the gravity of Earth. Earth rotates once in 24 hours. Iapetus rotates once every 79 days. Gravity is not a force, but a result of rotation or relative movement. We weigh little on Earth’s Moon because of its slow rotation. On fast-spinning Jupiter, we would weigh many times our normal weight. The towering structures in the following Cassini photographs are a distinct possibility on a body with very low gravity.

Iapetus is abnormal for numerous reasons beside the synchronic relationship it has with the ringed planet and being two-toned. The satellite’s orbit is nearly circular, not elliptical like most orbits. Iapetus is tilted 15 degrees from the other Saturnian moons. Also, for the planet’s third largest moon, Iapetus extends very far from the planet. It can orbit more than two million miles from Saturn.

‘…Iapetus is not one of the normal ‘moons’ of Saturn, but is actually a 900-mile wide, manufactured, ancient, world-sized spaceship…created under 1/40 terrestrial gravity.’

- Richard Hoagland

Look very closely at the following details from various sections on the surface of Iapetus. You may be observing the most fascinating ancient ruins in the Solar System! This is towering architecture that rises miles above the ground. Who built this?

Here are a few descriptions: ‘castle-like walls.’ ‘geometric architecture.’ ‘a terrestrial city.’

‘…intensely angular and repetitive, vertical, architectural geometry and rectilinear design extending across this entire region is unmistakable…and totally unnatural.’

‘Remarkable, highly ordered evidence of sophisticated, aligned, repeating architectural relief.’

Study the photos again and let your mind wander. The style, if truly constructed (alien) architecture, is marvelous. We can almost see openings in the tall, swooping castles of Iapetus. Was this another abandoned home of the gods? Experts have examined the photos and the conclusions were, ‘Iapetus’ surface is also foreign to any natural process.’

What has been called the moon’s ‘waffle pattern’ is more evidence the satellite is not a natural object. The spheroid (not a perfect sphere) seems to be coming apart at the seams. Examine close pictures of the large hexagon crater and other areas where it appears the moon’s guts are revealed. Like an old golf ball, we can see into its interior. Iapetus has an outer shell and within are more shells ‘exposing massive, inner, structural supports.’

Micrometeorites erode ancient surfaces on planets and planetoids without an atmosphere. Experts believe that Iapetus has been ‘battered to hell!’ This vast, ‘mega-engineering project’ is being exposed. ‘Rebar’ patterns can be observed on a massive scale.

Readers have not seen anything yet. THE ENTIRE MOON IS ARTIFICIAL AND THE PROOF IS IN THE PHOTOS! Examine the horizon…IT IS ANGLED! Examine the crescent Iapetus photo. We see the ‘6-sided, sub-module assembly model for…the entire moon.’

Iapetus is based on a geometric design. It is ‘the same geometry that defines a geodesic dome, a replicating tetrahedral pattern.’ LOOK AT THE ANGLED HORIZON.

Hoagland wrote that, ‘its overall shape is not spherical like Dione or Mimas.’ Iapetus has flat, straight (horizon) planes for a hundred miles then they angle in a geodesic manner. No natural, cosmic body is supposed to have hundred-mile-long FACETS.

The ancient orb of Iapetus may have started with a skeletal framework that would have made Buckminster Fuller proud. Surface materials seem to have been placed over the geodesic structure in layers. We can see a 6-sided, inner grid circling the spheroid.

Goldsmith and Owen, in ‘The Search for Life in the Universe (1980),’ wrote:

‘This unusual moon is the only object in the Solar System which we might seriously regard as an ALIEN SIGNPOST – a natural object deliberately modified by an advanced civilization.’

Hoagland has written that Iapetus is ‘a world-sized ship’ that is 100% artificial. He stated who was generally responsible for its creation. It was ‘a god-like technology a long, long time ago.’ Hoagland also believes the Iapetans were originally Martians. Did Martians colonize other planets as they fell to ruin? Iapetus could have functioned as an ark-ship, ‘a super engineering that once held together an entire world and for some reason, placed it in the Saturn system.’

NASA, of course, remains silent and blind to the images in their own space photography. Officials see nothing strange on Iapetus; just as they do not recognize other examples of extraterrestrial ruins. On September 10, 2007, the Cassini probe will be made to maneuver once again to incredible Iapetus. More high-resolution pictures will be taken. What will they not show us? Will they sabotage the mission? How will they attempt to change what our eyes see?

Doug Yurchey can be reached at:

For more phenomenon:

sososos said...

You asked what I think of the images. I am uncertain as to what I really think because there aren't any high resolution photos of it. I do see the geometric shapes but beyond that, it is hard to make anything out. I do believe there is more to the story for sure.

Thanks for the invitation.

Ms. T

MarsRevealer said...

Hmmmmm. Interesting.
Sword, ya said...
"Say whaaaaattt? Really...what in the HELL are you trying to say? I read that post three times and all I got from it was that your drunk."

Ha ha ha. Some & many say that about you in your shits. Ha ha ha. Sometimes I seen you really were. Ha ha ha. No not drunk today. That was the other day. ;-)
My [oint to the post was trying to explain how Captain's words used & spoken at a point in the past, taken from a conversation in the past, at his own conference forum,.. dealing with this topic of Face Of Mars Brothers,... He had given his INITIAL OFFICIAL reaction!

You understand that much what I am trying to say??

Now, when he said what he did then, only NOW when looking at it in a DIFFERENT LIGHT,.. & in TIME, do those words seem to literally jump up & yell directly to what I am trying to present now in the new Article Part page!

Although unorthodox, & using it OUT OF CONTEXT in which he spoken those words long ago, in his INITIAL OFFICIAL REACTION, to this PHOTOGRAPH.

Now mind you in the past, he was speaking about one of these new Faces of Mars images.

Yet in taking out of context his words spoken then, & APPLYING them to another context, in example, what I am trying to convey as being told in the code story I am seeing, I thought it consistent to at least apply, because it seemed like a prediction & a notice, to check his INITIAL OFFICIAL REACTION. To The subject he spoken these words long ago.

So I went & dug up his INITIAL OFFICIAL REACTION, & placed it within the crosshairs to be studied. For the code tells us that:


So in order to see an understanding or meaning to that stement. We seem to be having to literally take it at it's words.

Therefore I went & Grabbed His Initial Official Reaction. Top see it & study it & see if the code was right what it is trying to convey.

Lo & behold,... It indeed appears to be highly telling, consistent, & directly attributed to the very issue & part page we are at now, in seeing His Inititial Official Reaction, that his words from back then, seem to connect, imply, & even COMMUNICATE direcltly to what is being conveyed, or thought about on article part 5i!

My point is in being that in the past, his own words, in another context, seemed to be scripted, or primed if you will, to another context that at that time, NO ONE would see or know. Unless & Until a time, or place came up, in which in another context altogether, show where & how his owrds spoken in the past, are almost perfectly fitted for this moment now. Rather then merely in the past in the context it all was taken out of from.

Bizzare string of coincidences, that predicts remarkable phenomena. This code structure is said to hold & have. Indeed, in this LIGHT, it sure fits.

But is that what it is after all?? A coincidence?? Especially for this FACE.. Or meaning, of what we were trying to see & study on Article Part5i!

You said..
"Sword says:
Colored text makes my head hurt - and I'm certain it makes everyone else's head hurt as well. Your website is an extension of the madness your posting here and at FSHOD. I can't understand a SINGLE concept of what your trying to convey."

Well.. As you say, as do I,.. IT IS A METHOD TO THE MADNESS!!! It is funny I will add, cause alotta your shit you say I also get this same consistencies & attributes to things I see & learned in my MADNESS crumb basket that telss a tale. More than one in Fact! I will not relate them. Especially here or now. But I thought I'd at least state that ON this subject.

You said...
"Write your blogg entries and your personal website entries in a nifty program called MS Word.
When the text gets sqiggy green lines under it - that means broken and fragmented sentences that no one will understand. When the text you write gets red sqiggy lines - that means you misspelled."

Well. Mr have issues with spelling & perfection issues himself, it is funny hearing that shit from you! Ha ha ha ha ha. Ya has to admit... It is funny! ;-)

The fact is, it is written together to be understood & followed enough. I NOT claim to be perfect. ;-)

You said...
"At this point, all your conveying to me, with spoken words in the past - and present - is that Hoagland offered you a gig - and has now rescinded. Reading your WORK clearly shows me why."

MR: 1st.. THAT aint what this is conveying here at all. This is detailing what it says about HIS INITIAL OFFICIAL REACTION! ;-) Which I brought out to convey. By taking it out from past context, & apply it to the present context that deals outright to that past context, because in FACT,.. It was/is HIS INITIAL OFFICIAL REACTION! Only in which case now,... Can be seen & taken into another context where it seems to apply & Imply direct communication. Yielding information & clues even. Maybe even his own awareness of what is going on?? Or that would be going on?? bearing in mind IF he knew & chosen well what he was speaking. That later, in time & in another context,.. It would be seen & directly connected & attributed?! But that would be impossible ay? Maybe. Maybe not. As he said.. WITH PHOTOSHOP,.. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

Not twist my words SWORD. Again, I do have doubts as your going back to that... again! lets keep that in emails if you wish to talk that shit ay? besides.. he NOT offered me a GIG! he set me up to make it seem like he was. But he was as they say... GIVING ENOUGH ROPE?? TO HANG MYSELF ON AS HE is the One who Holds it... until right moment to let it go??

Your the Pro at Opearative bullshit. Certainly you can apply my logic. Your trying to twist the facts around of what you think you may know or wish to think you know of the situation regarding his OFFER to me & in what circumstance or light it truely comes/came from.

My work as bad as it may seem,.. still shows a PHOTOGRAPH being shown that he nOT wished to be Photographed in, of something, that was NOT meant to be seen. Of Him... as well as to the Soviet Viking Illegal International Cooperation ALLEGEDLY risen up against HIM!

Which is by the way already being seen at that point when HE OFFEREDME THAT SET UP position. AHEM... I mean Job!! :-/

Your defending someone you think I am gonna simply roll over & be dead for, because he is important to you? Honor being attributed & attained of this guy screwin with you NOT simply retains to YOU to have a right to fight for only! He affected me as well. Therefore.. I am fighting for my right to the Honor & respect of myself, & of my family who he has dishonored & negatively affected! It AINT ALL SIMPLY ABOUT ME!!!

I aint taking into account what you say to defend him. I made it clear what is going to happen. One way or another. Payback will come. How he creates that to happen is up to him. All I want is some SIMPLE QUESTIONS for & on the record to things I want answerd. Then he can go screw himself. I need his TESTIMONY!!! For the work I am doing he tried earnestly to derail! After encouraging me to do this work. This SERIOUS.. LEGWORK!

You need to worry about your own issues with him. As I indeed will worry about mIne with him. Apparently your NOT fit to be judge nor are Judge to what he did to me & what & why I am doing what I am doing, & the ground I am standing against him in my own personal regard. That I wanted to make known enough that he set me up & to avoid having to be on the record to answer some simple questions. Or to BRIBE ME for doing something different. To leave out things that he sees or know would surface?
I will get these questions answered. A few he already has, that goes against him where OTHERS testimony already attests otherwise!

So this done agonst me or not, still arises a situation where it seems that SOMEBODY IS LYING! Either the creators of this documentary/s, or the one being Fingerpointed & Photographed... Captain Hoagland!!

I aint the Liar nor the POZER here!! So in all my bad grammar authoritarian skills,.. is MOOT!! Because it is clear enough that He is in the Target range sights to the makers of this program,.. as this even suggests, he is apart of THOSE BEHIND THE PROGRAM!!

It is regarding this I choose not to dialog with you about. As I have my own suspicions, & requests to show me otherwise. before I get into stating much about things you stated previously. It seems someone is just fishing & wanting answers to things they themselves wish to know what I see being said in that shit!

Your tone toward Hoagland seems to have dropped dramatically anyway.
he disrespected you & also me. I aint goin down without it being known & nor without a fight!

All I want again.. is simple questions answered on the record. That he wished to get mad at me that I wanted answers to, & chosen not to speak honestly about these answers. Plus steering me on his rope he offered unto me.. to tie knots in a noose so I cannot get untied. It was NOT for me to climb up. As he suggested.

So bearing in mind you NOT know about this. Let it be alone. I aint HARPIN on you to detail more info about your dealings with him. To which is more bizzarre bucket of crap than my TRUTH has to tell.

But I tend to believe ya, as his nature was seen & felt as you described. A was yours. Which seems somehow different now. But hey,... I am juss a Nuckin Fut! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Got that right!
yet some think your no prize neither.

So why judge me as harshly as you do?

You said...
"Now Gary - I'm sure your a nice guy and obviously you have allot to say and contribute... ...but your making yourself look like a complete, uneducated, ass."

really?? That may be so. But standing for the TRUTH alone in seeing it or knowing it makes me look the ass.. so be it! I aint trying to pussy up to OTHERS what THEY think!! I am more like... Ummm.. Leadin The Charge!! Even if of only ONE!!!

yet at the same time.. This uneducated ass,.. is smart enough to fetter the feathers of the powers that be?! Just imagine what I would or could do.. If Indeed I were educated??!! ha ha ha ha ha.

I NOT claim to be someone I am not! I have no face to save by HONOR & RESPECT being screwed with by deception & deliberate acts to keep me down & to stop my progression into my work & efforts from gaining speed or strengths.

I may be uneducated, but i n many ways, this message structure is educating me in many different fields that no college can teach me of all wrapped inside a hyperdimensional Hollow Planet with a hidden structure inside.

This aint about My LOOKS. This is about doing my work.. doing this INVESTIGATION wherw I am it's principal investigator. NOT HIM!! he is in fact... UNDER INVESTIGATION!!! & Under the Gun of the creators of this Program. Not by me.

Hmmmmmmm. yet he was also of you ay?? Seemed effective enough. To you to use ay? All he did was walk in a room like a Buttress Boy!

He screwed me over & set me up. Big difference Sword! That is all I am getting nto about that. cause this all aint simply about that Buttress being fingerpointed!


I intend to somehow solve these riddles & I will have to have faith My lord JESUS.. will ensure my victory against him & anyone who wishes me harm in this path HE put me on to walk!!!

I am trying to deal with that in concept. But fall short. So what do you care to defend him or act like you can speak for him? When he aint wanting or willing to answer the simple questions on the record himself that deals with HIMself to begin with!!??

Your not the one who is judge nor the one who is needed to testify on his behalf. He is the only one that can. Not you or anyone else.
I may be an ass,.. But better bein an ass than an asshole BUTTRESS BOY who THOUGHT... HE CAN DEFEAT THE GALACTIC GHOUL! Plus defeat me, the uneducated fool who he underestimated, & called HIS SON!!!

So that being said... Give that a rest please. You wanna discuss that... again?? reply to my emails. We can discuss it outta the way. It only is a DISTRACTION here. From the topic at hand. The Initial Offical Reaction!

You said...
"SOMEBODY had to say it - but don't get me wrong - I AM looking forward to your article Part 5, section K. I mean parts 1 - 5 where great, as where sections A through J... ...

Write on!"

Seems that you not understand the method to how I am puttig this together & are mocking me,.. or your being serious. I cannot figure. What you said to me contradicts what your saying now.

Did you really read them then, & think they are great? yet you not grasp the methods to my madness? or what it is conveying?

Thanks for reading I guess. That's cool though.

IonTruO2 said...

Sword, I hear you. In observing the prime detail of the statue of Horus, I saw a connector to the early life of the lion-Jesus, who was a Siddha Master, having previously passed through the Right Eye of Horus mystery school in Egypt.
Thus my association to your tale of the three wise guys and their 'three wise horses' ;) around the tale of the Star of Bethlehem you posted last year.

Apart of your disclosure of the lineage.

Others here might not have seen immediately the relevence of the Horus symbol in your latest Blog story.

So, I was OT, but I hear your nudge and return to the pictures, the pictures.

My question then: Is there a image of the area from a little farther out?

ie. near 'the walls of the largest hexagon found on Iapetus’s surface.'


MarsRevealer said...

That is Funny Ion. Because it is also IN THE PICTURES.. THE PICTURES... That MY Martian Madness is also dervided from & as telling us important information. The PICTURES created by a Cast Of Shadows. Using tricks of chance sun lighting even. ;-)

So a Return to The UFO DIARIES & A Return for Hoagland & His OMENS FROM THE PAST!

You can tell about Swords Cryptic lingo to that story & yet fail to see the message PICTURED in the crumb basket I am following?

After all, even that said & NOT done... It falls back to the Pictures.. of this Old yet NEW Data showing 3 new Faces of Mars.

By the way, anyone have a link for those wise men article posts? I misplaced the links. Dammit. :-/

Thanx in advance.


IonTruO2 said...




Meat and bones may be found in the comments from above said works of Sword disclosure.

robert said...

Hi Sword, thanx for logging me in.

I am using 2 different machines and both have issues. This one does not allow reading comments as they are all jumbled ontop of one another. FHSOD's Sunkning or another may help you add a link at bottom of article that s says 'link to this post'...on FSHOD this allows ALL comments to come out as a regular html page and ALL comments are readable.

Later I'll try from other machine. Having computer hordware and software issues again. :(


DarkWood said...

Sword said...
...Would it be easier to tell ancient Egyptians that the Pharaoh and
his religious (scientific) advisors have commissioned the construction
of a giant heat vent in order to cool and wash the city – OR – tell
the uneducated masses (who wouldn't understand the concept of
thermodynamics) that the Gods have ordained it...

All I can say to that is that evolution is never easy and it is this
very concept of 'uneducated masses' that galls me to the very core.
Why were they uneducated and why do the masses continue to be? Who's
fault was/is that? It seems to me that much of the problem we are
facing here and now has everything to do with mistakes made in the
past involving the separation of peoples into this false concept of
class. And yet, looking around at modern society I see no real
attempt to correct those mistakes and only witness a continuation of
the same!

If you wonder what it is that I believe in, I can only say in all
honesty that I believe in humanity. I truly do hope to see us break
free of the confines of this womb and (re?)claim a place among the
stars. But I look around and I feel like all I ever see is a dying
species on a dying world and it's as if too few people even care about
that to even try to make a difference. It quite frankly moves me to
tears more than I would really care to admit to think that we have
such a vast potential and are just completely squandering it on
idiotic concepts like materialism and elitism and what have you. I
just wish that I did not often feel that alone in dreaming of a world
in which there is no room for exclusion.

I know I'm cheating a little bit on this one by reposting part of an email I sent 'ya, but that particular bit was my intended response to the quoted comment and I really am interested in your response else I wouldn't have signed on for the other blog of yours much less this one.

HHMSS Sword said...

DarkWood said...
All I can say to that is that evolution is never easy and it is this
very concept of 'uneducated masses' that galls me to the very core.
Why were they uneducated and why do the masses continue to be? Who's
fault was/is that?

Sword says:
Why were? WERE?
No matter what happens in society - your always going to have couch potatoes, idiots, dumb-ass's, lazy miscreants - you name it. Your NEVER going to have a society where everyone is educated and only work white collar jobs. Otherwise - who in the hell is going to take out the trash and clean up the place?

Who's fault is that? It's all genetics fault - blame him.

The ideal "Star Trekk" society never showed Mel the maintenance man mopping the floors...

Its a part of ANY society to have different classes - however - this doesn't mean that there can not be balance.

I'm rambling...

DarkWood said...

Sword said...
Your NEVER going to have a society where everyone is educated...

Before I get started and potentially make an ass of myself (I dunno, too late? :D ), let me just say that I am inclined to agree with that assessment to a point. Having said that, however, is it not true that by dealing in absolutes we only limit ourselves and thereby fail to strive for possibility?

I agree in that there are always going to be those who just will not see the forest for all those damnable trees, but what does it about the rest of us that we can so casually write them off? Furthermore, and really the point I'm asking, how exactly does this justify flat out lying to those people and making shit up rather than being honest?

It is my assertion that more "couch potatoes, idiots, dumb-ass's, lazy miscreants - you name it" are created by the very forces that want to claim the high ground of intelligence, education and moral standing by the very act of deliberately misleading the 'profane' than would otherwise exist naturally. By treating adults as if they're children one creates the situation in which adults do think and behave like children.

Perhaps I am way too overly idealistic, but my ultimate point is that being a member of those 'unwashed masses' myself, I truly do feel as if I do not have the chance to truly meet my fullest potential simply because I have been so lied to and manipulated such that I don't even know what that is anymore. Regardless of my 'station', 'lot in life' or what have you, there is not a single, solitary person on this planet who is my "better". Certainly there are those more knowledgeable than myself, absolutely there are those whose advice I would seek out and respect, but I consider it to be a process of cooperation among equals as I fully hold that any such concept as a superior/inferior dichotomy only creates more problems than it appears to solve. If I accomplish nothing else in this life, I would still feel I had gained something if I could just wake more people up to that very notion.

True communication can only be achieved among equals.

MarsRevealer said...

Darkwood. You said..
"True communication can only be achieved among equals."

Spppppppppp!!! Nonsense!!

The fact I like to say is that communication can come in the form of an advanced higher than normal means of communication even unto an uneducated person. In which this uneducated person may be able to see it or receive it, & be able to... or TRY to be able to decipher it & understand it. At that point, of understanding or slow process of learning that message, communication can indeed be attained.

Kinda like my Martian Madness code structure I am tryin to deal with.
I am NOT as educated as those that created it that is for sure. yet communication is taking place. Albeit not in the way many educated people would interpret it.

Or even deciphering ancient languages written on walls. or other mediums. Until understanding the GIBBERISH can be ascertained,.... Communication lay in wait. An interesting point. Indeed.

The point is weather you feel or not I am onto something. The point remains the same. Communication is being addressed to us from Giant faces on Mars. Yet I not believe we are at the equal level of concept or education to truly consider EQUAL.

A dog & a man. Communication exists.

Birds & Humans... Communication takes place.

Etc etc.
Many examples can be ascertained.

The point is communication can occur on many varied levels of understanding or maturity of equal or even unequal forms of intelligence.
I am sure this sounds nuts to you also maybe.

Sword.. It sounds as if little emotion is maybe being put into the mop pushers of this world, & more focused on holier than thou types?

I agree then who will wipe their asses clean when no one is dumb enough to do it for them?

Seems that EVOLUTION was being hindered by EDUCATION of the masses about things that would balance the weights of the masses. Instead of falling on the ones with the PERFECT GENETICS?? Who may these be?? These may indeed be the same who NOT educated the masses as they should have??

Seems to be there aint No Place In Space for the Moppers or asswipers?

I am sure I am way off here to. I am a Nukkin Fut after all. Ha ha ha ha.

Ya gave me a new word I like. :-)
Grassy ass. ;-)

Phonetic spanish. Primitive, yet communication process. ;-)

HHMSS Sword said...

DarkWood said...
I agree in that there are always going to be those who just will not see the forest for all those damnable trees, but what does it about the rest of us that we can so casually write them off?

Sword says:
I certainly haven't written them off - to the contrary. I can lead a horse to water... While the lot of society goes about there daily lifes - I'm on the wall (or in a modified shuttle) pacing back and forth watching out for and protecting them from - the nameless hoards they don't know about that would rob them of there very livelihood's...

DarkWood said...
Furthermore, and really the point I'm asking, how exactly does this justify flat out lying to those people and making shit up rather than being honest?

Remmeber Orson Well's "War of the Worlds" radio sketch? A perfect study (a very well planned and thought out study) of how people might react to knowledge that they couldn't handle.
Now I have said it before - and I'll say it again... Pandemonium, chaos, lawlessness, unbridled horror, mass suicides - all the fun stuff of Revelations - will be the outcome of the public finding out whats going to happen to them in the near future.

Now - if we do it right - (and we HAVE been doing it right) we can control this mass "enlightenment" and cushion the blow so to speak - maybe - after we rebuild - we can have a better society such as you wish for and describe.

As ION described it - in BIG TIME - eventually society will forget what they have learned and will revert back to its original balance of class separation. You'll have the wise, learned men who know the "old ways" and pass them on - - and the guy who cleans the john's...


MarsRevealer said...

I hope with all this education goin on,.. I will get to be around & teach & NOT be the one washin the johns of the future.


MarsRevealer said...

Sword said..
"Remmeber Orson Well's "War of the Worlds" radio sketch? A perfect study (a very well planned and thought out study) of how people might react to knowledge that they couldn't handle."

My best friend... & I spoken on that issue of Orson Wells radio show in that office, that he even said it was obviously one for OPERATIONS & OPERATIVES. This was on the PICK UP THE BONES SHOW.

You may like to hear that one if you have not.

This sucks. As I miss talkin to that Ol Slickster. :-(

But we obviously see what he thinks or thought of me. :-(

A shame. Cauuse I know I coulda learned much more from him. I wanted to help him. Nevamind...
My bad. Off topic.


HHMSS Sword said...

MarsRevealer said...
Sword.. It sounds as if little emotion is maybe being put into the mop pushers of this world, & more focused on holier than thou types?

Sword says:
My father, after his notorious service in the Army during the Vietnam era - went back to his old job - as a plumber.

His favorite saying:
"As long as there are assholes in the world... ...I'll always have a job."

You see - I came from the "unwashed masses" - perhaps I had a little help from the "fraternity of man" - but I got my education (early) and became "enlightened"...


BTW - Gary, your text is becoming far more fluid and intelligent sounding, your starting to become someone who seems to have a little clarity.
Now if only we can get you to sound like that on the air... ...

I do understand what your saying about the face on mars.
Why would a society build a giant face looking up to the heavens? Because latter, waaaayyyy latter, there future offspring might come back, and they might have forgotten who they are (we didn't) - that is - a nomadic herd.

Its a sign post, its like walking around a public place and seeing a booth with a sign that says "information"... ...

There are two things I want to find on Mars, and not evidence of previous intelligent design - its proven, and recorded in ancient history... ...I want to find a library, and genetic DNA - those two things are invauble... but well see what we can dig south west of the face... :-) ... ... :-x


PS - anyone want to show me how to make these damm HTML tags work? I get this message "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed"

DarkWood said...


I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree in regards to "social engineering", as it were, but I am curious as to some of your word choices.

Sword said...
Pandemonium, chaos, lawlessness, unbridled horror, mass suicides...

Why is it that chaos is necessarily equated as negative? It seems to be the case with "those in the know" that primary focus is maintained on the order/chaos polarization with order being necessarily desirable and chaos being necessarily undesirable. And yet if we consider in terms of a negative/positive polarization then it seems we can find interesting examples of negative order and positive chaos.

Example: In George Orwell's book, 1984, he describes a dystopic society in which order reigns supreme at the cost of oppresion of the individual sometimes in quite brutal fashion. Definitely order and yet a fairly negative fantasy that I truly hope we do not have to see played out in our reality.

Contrariwise, I would suggest that the very diversity of life itself can be a very chaotic and positive display.

It would seem to come down to a very basic outlook. The optimistic individual looks at life as a grand challenge, or even game, and determines to enjoy to the fullest despite the occasional and inevitable setback whereas the pessimistic individual sees demons, danger and death around every corner and has great difficulty finding any level of enjoyment for fear of the proverbial hammer just waiting to fall. Which one is correct? Decent argument could be made for either, I'm sure, but my opinion is that neither are entirely correct but that the best course is to seek that balance between the two being wary that there are obstacles to overcome and dangers of which to be wary but not completely missing out on the rewards life has to offer as a result.


Honestly, it's rather amusing to me that you can so easily dismiss something I put forth as "Nonsense!!" when you display a major inability to put forth a coherent thought. You ask if I think you are seriously ONTO something? My honest reply is that I still don't know as I still have difficulty following your stream of thought posts with any comprehension. It does, however, leave me to wonder whether you are just ON something. (Try and understand that is intended as a joke. Seriously, you need to try and lighten up 'cause your current line of study seems to be pushing you 'round the bend. Not everything is meant to be taken with deathly seriousness.)

DarkWood said...


I have tried before and found it near impossible to demonstrate how a link tag should look here due to blogger's disallowance of the appropriate bracket unless it is actually being used for something.

However, you can find an extremely in-depth and easy to follow HTML tutorial here. More to the point of exactly what you're needing, that answer can be obtained here. Specifically, on that second link, you will want to be looking at the section labeled The Anchor Tag and the Href Attribute which is the first section of real substance on that page.

Hope that helps.

HHMSS Sword said...

MR said:
This was on the PICK UP THE BONES SHOW.

Sword Says:
Send me the link I would love to hear that show.

MarsRevealer said...

Sword said...
"My father, after his notorious service in the Army during the Vietnam era - went back to his old job - as a plumber.

His favorite saying:
"As long as there are assholes in the world... ...I'll always have a job."

Ha ha ha ha ha!! Plenty assholes... plenty Job Security!
My Old Job is The MARTIAN REVELATION! Wish I can have that back. :-/

Sword said...
"You see - I came from the "unwashed masses" - perhaps I had a little help from the "fraternity of man" - but I got my education (early) and became "enlightened"..."

Hmmmmm. I heard that similar terms as of late. More Bizzarre coincidences.

I not know exactly what those things are. But if it is good for MAN, & woman. I am glad ya did it. ;-)

But maybe your own self nature may hold a place in what that enlightenment shall dictate of over fraternities? I am ignorant & not tryin to pry your personal shit. But I feel a story in all that. Somehow. Now wouldn't that be an interesting show? I would love to hear it & the listeners call in about that as well.

me,.. I like input. Data. Info. I like to imagine. I am a visonary that has a failed opposed Vision, I KNOW could have made a difference. Maybe that is what I am trying to say to you. Your inner nature, which takes what you learned, for hopefully betterment of Humanity. A dreamer & a visionary, & someone who cares. A good heart I guess,.. can do amazing things in a washed state then ay?

Ignorant I know. :-/

Sword said...
"BTW - Gary, your text is becoming far more fluid and intelligent sounding, your starting to become someone who seems to have a little clarity."

That is because I am OVERWHELMED alot. Much more then I should be. I'll leave it at that. But I pray, & have hope.. & focus still on what is left of me & my work to help me settle down & be calm. I like to still feel I have a purpose in what God given me as my work. That NO ONE else likes or wants me to have, be, or succeed in. AS IF IT IS THEIRS TO DECIDE!!!

In anything I done or could have been...., NOTHING satisfied me with filling a purpose, or path, then finding my niche. My work in which this shit is I been doing is apart of who & what I am. I am part of my work & vicer versa.

My work however as you know, not lets me be what I am or do in society to be paid or in demand. God gave me a no pay highly important job. Which I feel alot I failed him. As well as my family. Because my faith & prayers to God that he will lead me to whatever it is he has purposed for me in this work, I figured & felt he would provide & see us through at least with all necessities to take care of them.

I was learning & learned much of my trade. As I work it still is educating, & amazing. Even fun.
Nevamind... That is one of my flaws also I am sure youd point out. :-/

I aint perfect. Nor anything special. That is why I hold onto what is of me, because it is something. For my children & thier childrens futures I think about. Ok, Plus me seeing some kewl shits. ;-)

Sword said...
"Now if only we can get you to sound like that on the air... ..."

I spoke to soon. :-/
Again, I aint perfect, nor no Art Bell. Experience comes a show at a time for me. My lacks never made me stop pursuing I know what god given me to do. I figured I would be molded. As I grow in it. After all it is my vision & my creation,.. that God Gave me for ME to have as my life & work.

But that is the key point... I NEED to BE ON THE AIR. To become to sound like anything on the air.

I had listeners. Even in my faults, they knew where I stood, where I am at, & I appreciate each & every one for still listening & all the MANY positive words & comments vs. the negatives. Positives outweighed the negatives.

The issue really is... If ONLY WE... Can get You BACK ON THE AIR! To grow & morph & become what it needs to become. NOT Just me. But the vision I bring. Which is apart of us all. Now! THE MARTIAN REVELATION! But even as a Nukkin Fut... My heart & my balls are in it. At least in where I feel I can go with it &/or take it & who knows what else to add or attribute from it. A better world I was hoping & shooting for. As well as for my family & me, & helping others in thier visions & dreams & work. Which many play a part in the Martian Revelation & are not aware. Or find it hard to make a difference. I can go on & am getting excited. So I will continue replyin.

So yes.. IF ONLY... I agree.

Sword said..
"I do understand what your saying about the face on mars.
Why would a society build a giant face looking up to the heavens?"

Ha ha ha. Well, It would NOT be to camoflauge the Fact now would it?

You said...
"Because latter, waaaayyyy latter, there future offspring might come back, and they might have forgotten who they are (we didn't) - that is - a nomadic herd."

Hmmmmm. The future...OFFSPRING?! But I take it you mean people whom originated from there?! A Nomadic herd?! Humans? Or selected... what? SHEEP? Both are the same. In tones of My KING Jesus' lingo.

You said...
"Its a sign post, its like walking around a public place and seeing a booth with a sign that says "information"... ..."

Ohhh yeahhh..! All over the artscapes it sits upon also! There be lots of screamin details I see coming from that surface. Information is an understatement what it says. ;-)

You said...
"There are two things I want to find on Mars, and not evidence of previous intelligent design - its proven, and recorded in ancient history... ...I want to find a library, and genetic DNA - those two things are invauble... but well see what we can dig south west of the face... :-) ... ... :-x

Intelligent design is beyond questioning. I agree.
Ahhhhh. A Library. You sound like My Best Friend now. I agree with him there as well. I was hoping to help him get it. :-/ Plus cause I also wanna see it. Think of me as Like an Uneducated Daniel Jackson. ha ha ha.

But a Libray ay?? How about a DIARY? Why I say this, is because a DIARY apart of a LIBRARY of videos put together on Earth, shows me in one particular book
called CYDONIA, THE EARTH MARS CONNECTION,.. I think I am being led to believe that DNA has already been found?!

Let me explain in Nukkin Fut mode a moment. Please humor me.

Ok. In it, tells me a tale of history. Indeed. A History it is seeminglyattributing to me. Or seems to lead me to wish me think so, that (this is gonna sound exterme) But it tells me that those who helped make this along with some Fraternity of Man folk, & some unknown intelligent beings (wink wink)... Had some help. Help by it is being steered to be fingerpointing to the MARTIANS themselves.

Going back in time. (now this is the nukkin Futs part) But they say they went back in time,... & before I was born, they came upon my Former Mother. Did some stuffs with or to her. To add a gene or some additional something t the soup that made me. Which I was obviously born later after the fact. 9 months later. It then details how these same MARTIANS, came back to me when I was 6 years old. Mapped me. I guess that means x-rays, fingerprints.. Physiologically & pshychologically.

Now Before you call me a lunatic... That is the story being portrayed as ONE of these FACES OF MARS. (aka meanings.)

NOW... Of course normally one would immediately discount this. However,.. My Mother had told me of a few EXPERIENCES of her & OTHERS with her, having UFO's Follow them around. Before I was born. I had no reason to disbelieve her. I told myself any normal person would have suggested she get help. But for some reason, it fit. We were nuts anyway. ha ha ha.

My mom even before she died, like 2 weeks..not even, before she died. She reiterated a couple experiences. Always the most profound one she would reflect strongly on. The one with the others that were with her as witnesses to the facts of history.

Only later, when I decided to get into the video & what I know & see is a code, did I learn the possible signifigance. I myself,.. had certain experiences, where I also could NOT rule out or downplay what the message was telling me. But I admit, it must be impossible. But so is much of what I am seeing inside that message structure. Yet... well ya know. :-/

But it is also funny as you said...

Sword said...
"but well see what we can dig south west of the face... :-) ... ... :-x"

I bet you mean the D&M Pyramid. Am I right? or warm??

This message code also attributes me to that Pyramid. By saying me as an Identity... of that pyramid.. as being a 19.5!
That may be in size, shape, & position, to that massive structure.

I aint saying it is connected to what your trying to say at all. or is even connected. Not get me wrong. I am just saying it is yet another... BIZZARRE STRING of coincidences.

So Obviously the D&M Pyramid is a focus for finding Libraries of past history as known to them?

I only hope & pray it is information that humanity can & will benefit from & NOT just a few who do evil & will use this against us. or has it been already???

If Martians helped make my Martian ass,...The it is no wonder I feel my niche in my work as I do. Then I must consider the seriousness of the message implied. because if I see it,.. then someone esle does as well. That maybe not wants me to see, think, or know this?

Nukkin Futtin again. I know.
But just usin common sense.. in these bizzare MARTIAN REVELATIONS!!!

Now I wonder why that NOT freaks me out if that story is true or not. Aint that weird???
No. I am. But that is what makes me a good charectar to do my thing. Like for the show. I'm the right nut for it!! ha ha ha ha ha.

Ok. It is late. early. 5:51 am now. Been up all night. SEEKING THESE NEW FACES!!! Serious legwork shit. If I am serious I was told by my best friend, that I must find. I has to geta couple hours sleep at least. Who knows what tomorrow brings. But before the fall,... I must keep trying to find them. I know they are out there someplace.

By the way,.. I'd wish you email me your impression how I did by the way?? You asked. I replied. Probably correctly. But I'd appreciate your private reply to me about it. I think. ;-)

But now you have me thinking & itchin again. Gettin on the air.
Why'd ya have to say that?! :-/
I wanted to sleep good. For a change. Makes me think of all negative shits. I aint lettin it. I am off to sleep.


MarsRevealer said...

Cool deal.
This was the show I did with RCH on April 7, 2006.

I had a long pause since my last show, cause I was mourning my mom's death. November 11th, 2005. Things turned to shit then. I just not wanted to do anything. For a while.

The music is right on topic also. Especially the last sone. At the very end you can hear I like to visualize is the sounds of Mars. The Breath Of The Death.
Hope you listen & think it's cool.


MarsRevealer said...

Lemme try a code link. see if this works. If not, please delete. ;-)

DarkWood said...


That link works fine, friend. And try and believe that I'm really not your enemy. I just get short on patience sometimes. We ain't none of us perfect. :-)

SSL4000G said...

Inequality (hidden under the guise of equality) is formented by the few. As is hate, bigotry and all other things that define the haves to the have nots. IMO, people are capable of living with each other, it is the "educated" elders, so to speak, that instill the divisions of "us and them". Children don't care about race, creed etc. Children provide lessons to us and we ignore them. Personally, I don't have the time nor the energy to spend on negative emotions. I find it much easier to "buck the system" by accepting all.


IonTruO2 said...

Sword --Great stuff, keep on.

This is a place(earth) for us, where there is a process. A rise much like the sun, a rise to full brilliance, thus the name illumination, or enlightening, or to brighten Up. That said, if there is a process in this place that All are involved in then there will be those that are just beginning to rise and do not yet see the 'direction'.

So it is a place of all stages intermingled . I must say having been the floor mopper in the past, and now later in adult life having graduated to being the zoo keeper, horse poop scooper that it can be astonishing Zen! :)
So the most humble appearing tasks have hidden in them a clarifying meditative form of function. Now I repair persian rugs, install ceramic, do healing work, serve people-serve animals. A farmer of sorts 'out.standing in his field' lol :) .....or is that a shepherd? hmmm

Sword said:
Remember Orson Well's "War of the Worlds" radio sketch? A perfect study (a very well planned and thought out study) of how people might react to knowledge that they couldn't handle.
Now I have said it before - and I'll say it again... Pandemonium, chaos, lawlessness, unbridled horror, mass suicides - all the fun stuff of Revelations - will be the outcome of the public finding out whats going to happen to them in the near future.

Now - if we do it right - (and we HAVE been doing it right) we can control this mass "enlightenment" and cushion the blow so to speak - maybe - after we rebuild - we can have a better society such as you wish for and describe.

iontruo2-Valid point Sword, I get ya there.
New Orleans was also a recent time example of how basic structure and coherency can collapse so quickly with a radical 'event'.

Sword said:
There are two things I want to find on Mars, and not evidence of previous intelligent design - its proven, and recorded in ancient history... ...I want to find a library, and genetic DNA - those two things are invaluable... but well see what we can dig south west of the face... :-) ... ... :-x

iontruo2--> O.k. shneeky shneeky!

Keep a talk'n Sword! South West of the Face. IS it the pyramid or a something else?

That said, finishing On Topic, I knew from previous, you were looking for something with regards to Iapetus.

WHY was it an entrance that you were hunting for Sword? Is there a source for it in your lore that you can share?

Further I hear your descriptive of the 'three' statues HORUS-SETH-BAST
Will research that to better understand.

Finally: Don't think WE missed your comment here.
Sword said: BTW - this message goes out to all the Sword Proper out there.

I have a feeling that our wayward - duped SMAGE from OP's Thunder is going to make an appearance sometime soon... ...won't that be interesting?


2007-06-26 4.01.MD

iontruo2-->O.K. standing by for that Sword. Very interesting indeed!

IonTruO2 said...


In light of your mission that is to come, of which you have detailed much for us previously, are you at liberty to tell me about the mission code named "Major Tom" that your team has?

You mentioned it before and said that you had already gone into great lengths about it with Robert---yes our 'hi-jack the ship' Robert.

late in that posting back then after you mentioned (groan!) the Major Tom mission for your which your team was tasked, you said this: America’s motto is to never leave ANYONE behind. Alive or dead.
I just hope that beacon lasts as long as it was designed to, for a promise has been made.

I Know I know, a little bit back in our story together, but hey I'm sure you don't forget missions like Major Tom so easily.

This came up for me as I contemplated the state of the Ark/Stronghold Iapetus.
So the stronghold suffered a fate like the SSMinow and couldn't hold strong, but if the Star of Crossing destructed into seven great filaments and the old ARK was no longer servicable, then how did your brethren 'move on?"

You had way back said essentially this is a dialogue with me: Consider the S.S. Minnow (Gillgan’s Islands) – it had a three foot hole in it that no one could fix. Regardless of the fact that the professor could create a nuclear reactor out of a coconut to keep a radio running – they couldn’t fix the dam boat.
In comes Lapetus.
I believe that when Niburu/Marduk (which one of those is the star of crossing is STILL up for debate) got destroyed – for whatever reason – there boat got a three foot hole in it in the process – rendering it a floating carcass. In comes Mesopotamian history – with the star of crossing.
The star of crossing is THEIR ARK, the last vestige of THEIR culture/civilization – and in which then they created US in THEIR image. We did the dirty work – they created their own rowboats and paddled away – and left us holding the empty bag.
Why leave?
Because they knew that the solar system was going to be so shot out by debris from THEIR last planet that it would be far better for them to leave than deal with the after math. Consider the unmolested debris as it throws itself into a fanning orbit through the solar system. Its going to be cosmic bowling and comets galore after it passes through “gods bracelet”… …
Hello humanity – Goodbye Humanity.
There is some “Truth in ancient solar system history 101” for those who are listening.

iontruo2--->There is some truth in the history lesson, but to what extent is there 'answer'?

It does seem we are wholly unprepared for the scale of things to come unless there is one heck of a program hidden that is ready to rock in the pinball alley on a grand scale.

IonTruO2 said...

yes thats me, just playing with a new profile pic.

maybe this might feel more RIGHT.

HHMSS Sword said...

IonTruO2 said...
In light of your mission that is to come, of which you have detailed much for us previously, are you at liberty to tell me about the mission code named "Major Tom" that your team has?

Sword Says:
That was a geological mission done long ago - near the birth of the Apollo program. Once they new they could get a capsule up there and function - they went for the gold - a suicided mission to gather DATA. Nothing is more important to the OWLS (and Roosters in this case) than DATA.
These guys understand "Large Time" - with data - radar, photo, geologic - they can better prepare.

What I think everyone is failing to realize - no matter how much I hint and scratch at the truth - that there is not just one space program - but THREE. A public (NASA), The Military, and the Intelligence (DARPA) programs. I guess I would fall into the "Intelligence" side of things. Our group figures out how to do things on a dime.

Where the big three are a fully functioning, fully funded, high tech lab/factory... ...we are essentially the "Monster Garage". When the big three says they can't spare us any fuel - we build a giant pressure tube and jam a shuttle into it... When the big three says don't touch that - we steal it, reverse engineer it - and put it back before they ever knew we had it. When the big three says don't get involved - we launch our own countermeasures and go to great lengths to make sure everyone can see that we are nipples deep in there shit... AND they LOVE it.

iontruo2--> O.k. shneeky shneeky!
Keep a talk'n Sword! South West of the Face. IS it the pyramid or a something else?

Sword says:
MR asked basically the same thing. If you understand symbolism as I have been trying to show everyone, then you will understand the basic mathematics of that D&M. If you take the outer points - and use them as vertices's or points if you will - and then take a ruler to intersect them you end up with... ...a pentagram.
Now a pentagram has always indicated knowledge - its a ancient symbolic way of saying "we get the math" - so with that being said... ...I am thinking that the Cydonia regions Libraries and scholastic ventures would be centered around this area. The four sided areas would be industrial, and everything else social cultural. A cryptologist, a mathematician and a anthropologist walk into a bar, on Mars... ...while the security detail waits outside.. and Houston says...

Anyway - I'm rambling, again, when I should be thinking about the next post - which will be a doozie. MR thinks his head is exploding from TRYING to figure out the primer and messages encoded within the messeges... He he he...

Maybe its time for a little lesson in mass media for the secret societies - a little lesson I learned as a little boy...



robert said...


got the new machne sorta working again. Still have issues with PSPro XI...maybe I'll do what Ithreatened the tech support guy and ask for a retern merchandise number...send me an email telling me to shut down ALL the background programs running in my brand new vista premium...NFW!!!

Sword said:
There are two things I want to find on Mars, and not evidence of previous intelligent design - its proven, and recorded in ancient history... ...I want to find a library, and genetic DNA - those two things are invauble... but well see what we can dig south west of the face... :-) ... ... :-x


PS - anyone want to show me how to make these damm HTML tags work? I get this message "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed"

Last things html tag must be opened then closed.

open: url or WORDS describing URL

the greaterthan &/a> is the ending and close portion of the tag.

note the url between the first < and the > and after href= MUST be in quotes " "

the above may be scambled because of the tag

I'll check after posting and see if I can do something else if you can't get the idea.

As for a library or DNA I am sure that the entrance near my Smoker 'Mohole' goes down DEED into the underworld of Cydonia and down there can be found everything you want...might even find some Roosters and Owls down there along with some 'spooks' :)


robert said...

PS Sword...disregard the email I just sent ya...I figured out the fracking problem...was an ending html tag with no opening tag.

html works like this I am going to us G ib caps to indicate a > grater than sign and a L for lessthan sign..okeydokey.

La href="yrl you want to use"GdescritionwordingL/aG

the above is a whole html can reuse the url itself instead of descriptionwording so that peole can see where they are going to go before clicking and going there.

Hope this helps.


HHMSS Sword said...

Robert said:

As for a library or DNA I am sure that the entrance near my Smoker 'Mohole' goes down DEED into the underworld of Cydonia and down there can be found everything you want...might even find some Roosters and Owls down there along with some 'spooks' :)

At least somebody is connecting the dots. If your going to archive for future generations a vast amount of info - where would you put it? Talk about vertigo - the staircase going down is/will be pretty scary...

IonTruO2 said...

While you have previously spoken about the current underground 'fortresses' in America , I think your use of the word 'Stronghold' here in your Blog about Iapetus, really describes that best.

It must be a strong.hold for a special 'Ark.ive'. hmmm

Pentagonal mapping as much as X can mark the spot, 'perfectly' leads the great grand kids ;)

Brilliant!!! My oh my, how we(mankind) could benefit from that 'inheritance'. Even if 'just in time'.

IonTruO2 said...

reminds me of the well at Sintra.

Photo-in profile pic.

robert said...

Sword or anyone else.

Anyone know the pixel resolution on Sword's image?


PS I know you stated you got it from RCH's site and can't find the raw data in the PDS...but I doubt that RCH got anything on the sly that isn't in the PDS...imho.

tacodog said...

The coming of the asteroids is not for a number of years yet (2012?), I think if the people were aware, humanity would come together and work together. Imagine, Putting everything else aside, a united peoples working together? If you keep the people in the dark until the last minute, then of course you are going to see the chaos you speak of. (War of the Worlds)
There is time now for people to prepare, there is no time if the TPTB save this info until the very last minute, unless of course, they are out only to save their own butts anyway. And if this is the case, what type of leaders are they that sacrifice so many for so few? All the corruption, bloodshed, lies, cover-ups, on and on..... all in the name of who’s righteousness? Humanity has become compliant, lazy, selfish, you name it, because of all of the lies fed them from birth. It is time for Truth. Truth could be the power that lifts the veil, cleanses the soul, and saves Earth. Humanity may just surprise you if given a chance and enough time.
Ok, feel better now. Back to work. Great blogs all. Will try to keep up to date.

tacodog said...

Are these relics from the past, or the future? Interesting interview from a fellow, can't remember his name, I am sure a FSHODDER will know who I am talking about. This fellow was working with Visitors from the future, different timelines.