Friday, August 6, 2010

The Secret Half

Sunday Briefings.
… … …
    That’s why I insist that ALL my men can read a simple map. Take away the technology and most modern soldiers are weak. On bad days the technology means you end up bombing yourself. So…
…its pretty important, that given your location, that when your calling in an air strike, that you know your location from that of your enemy. Don’t just tell the fast mover that you want a 500 pound bomb on the location that your fucking GPS tells you. While your getting shot at you might have pushed a button on that thing. Maybe that god dammed wonderful device wants to die and forgot to tell you.
    Officers, know how to read a fucking map.
    The next time I hear, “I Dunno“, out of a single one of you when I ask, do you know where we are -or- nay you say Dunno to this question: Do you know what is going to happen next?
If I hear, Don’t know, I will personally put my boot up your ass so far, you will be able to tie my shoelaces with your lips. Do you understand?
    Again with the stupid nods and blank looks of acceptance because no one wants to think about that shit on a Sunday.
    Oh, sure, so called conventional warfare is grand gentleman because the citizen doesn't half to look his prey, and then kill, in the eyes, however, those men whom we hold as heroes in our media lore are but based of an illusion. Those men called in artillery strikes and air strikes based off of coordinates from a universal map.
    You gentleman are very versed in beating people up and wielding hatchets in threatening ways, this I know for I have taught you to do so. I have lead you against an enemy worthy of your talents, and you have persevered, but in quite a conventional manner. You, the dogs of war that you are, you where lead into that combat by me ...because I can read a map. Now, you young heros the least you can do right now is sit down and help me gain control of this room.
    Attention soldiers, I want your attention here.
    …Gentleman! Order! …
    …Order or I am kicking someone’s ass! … Why is there a woman in here, stop that … get out …let go of her solider … for Christ’s sake Sergeant…
    Thank You.
    Thank You Sergeant.
    …in any event, my people of the sun, its coming back again, in this era of terror, we tell our fathers… …this time it comes a back again, it’s a renegade of the Son.
    Why do I tell you men this? Especially when you men are so unsettled? So not yet un-used to my weekly verse. So used to fighting amongst yourselves. ...Not hearing a word I am saying...

     Knowing two schools, one strictly based of the teachings of martial warfare, specifically, the use of a sword, I have dismally found that the modern solider knows nothing of sword, nor of shield even…
only factory produced rifle that shoots pellet to kill.

     Now that I have your attention Gentleman…
     ...This solider to whom I have been speaking knows nothing of hand to hand combat except the few remedial steps taken in basic American combat training. He cannot sow the land, he cannot hunt game alone, this American solider given to me cannot build a house even ... he is naked in total outside of the American Environment ... that of which is air conditioned and orderly. To the American in general, resources not of want ... from hand. This is the apparent reward of our post World War Two's victorious society. The grand fighting world power of the U of S of A consists of a generation once removed from there grandparents, those forefathers, this a generation that has grown weak on the use of atari button in training for, and in the act of war, all with the punch of a button - the childish illusion that if we close our eyes or press a button the enemy goes away. This is not how it is - you must hunt that which hunts you with a weapon and butcher it before you. Oh lord help me, nary a boyscout among them...
     Yes Gentleman, I am speaking of you.
     Gentleman, this symbolism we ware on our shoulders speak much more than that of just some fancy trinket to make us look special in our class a's. Keep in mind gentleman that this Regimental symbolism in total is a conglomerate of many symbolic images…

     Let  us dive right in. The first symbol we can attest to in our regimental order is that of the … so called … Iron Cross, here on the top left of the regimental crest. After today you men will no longer attest to this being a Iron Cross, ever.
     I know that you men are assimilated, and I do say assimilated… you men are assimilated to this symbolism already, this symbolism in our regimental order is that of bikers, surfers, and German Soldiers of yester-lore…
     I will attest to you men that this so called Iron cross does not mean nor imply anything to do with the Germans nor Hitler, nor Nazism in the context that this was created by then, no, the Nazi German war machine stold this bit of symbolism as well as others, however they did not start useing this war medal device during the last World War, but in fact much much further back. To quote and paraphrase some old texts:
A cross pattée also known as a "cross patty", "cross formy" or inGerman "Tatzenkreuz", is a type of cross that has arms which are narrow at the centre, and broader at the perimeter. The name comes from the fact that the shape of each arm of the cross was thought to resemble a paw...
     A paw gentleman - like yogi and boo-boo - they have paws - so do lions - so, keep that in mind that this was an article of symbolism that lends itself to royalty. First used publicly by the British crown, it was latter used by knights of the royal crown during the crusades, then even latter associated with the Knights of The Templar ...and... the Knights of the Maltese also known as the Hospital - Tier - Knights.
     However - today being the generation that it is, you spoiled young men, how we people lavish on you... it has associations with biker gangs, neo-Nazis, surfers, and every other type of hippie trouble maker you can think off. Wearing the same colors, symbols and devices as you men do, I can say that at least we all are in good company. For certainly I am named after an angel - but as many witness here can attest - I am no saint.
     I’ll tell you gentleman why the next image is a pentagon, and why is not... ...because the previous image, the cross, is a Mathematical structure, and so is this... ..this fortress here. This gentleman, to surprise those of you paying attention, is not a pentagon, while it is a pentagon. Nay, gentleman, in this regiment it is symbolic of a fortress. The mathematical fortress consists of mathematical ways of defense -rather than that of firepower... that against invading numbers, a group of determined people can defend themselves and repulse the enemy. This is a teaching of our little independent tribe, this command... ...and oh yes, yes gentlemen, you will learn to fortify.When that time comes I will teach you more of this subject. Now I will scramble your noodle... ...Pentagonaly... ...gentleman - always assume a vortex ...
     But-back to our cross for a moment…

     …some of you gentleman might be prudent to know that this cross is also associated with Firefighters and also and quite more importantly, The Knights... ...The Knights Hospitaller, other wise known as the Knights of Maltese that you have heard me mention before. The symbolism of the cross resonates strongly with them as well. The Knights Templar, Maltese, and a score full of others all have a very entwined and well documented history. The history of there duties and adventures are of course not in this briefing, That would take quite some time to explain.
     Understand this, us Knights and the fortress they and we shall build, and that defensive wall of choice- a masonary wall made by the hands of men...
     ...Now you men will put this wall up under magnifying lens, and say, oh, that could be made of trees, so many of you refusing to except what you already know. That our forefathers before us, many of them volunteers for Americas wars, joined a higher fraternity of man, distinguished all there own amoung themselves, sought brotherhood against all that preys on man. Royal Men, building fortresses - out of brick and mortar - masons as there night job - we cant fight forever men.
     The image, symbolic imagery if you will I speak of... ...of course is that of the Masonry wall. It is said that a people learn more about walls from there enemies than a man learns from his neighbor. You men will notice that military housing has no fences. Keep that in mind for that may change.
     The fourth and bottom emblem of course, to my understanding resonates more so among the men, is that of man of legendary spirit who commanded this regiment once before. I am speaking of course of a man known as “Wild Bill” … listen to me gentleman, for I want you to understand this, for it means a greater understanding of what we do and why we do it. Heed these words:
     …during the Korean war, a commander came of a sort - whom was so effective - and thus so loved by his men, a commander fond of blitzkrieg like attacks and guerrilla type tactics, that the unit as a whole was given the nickname … "The Thunderous Herd"... ...Or in referencing its commander "Wild Bills Murderous Herd"...
     That is gentleman, that this leader of the pack as it where, this commander…
     …made sure that you goof balls had clean socks, a clean rifle, plenty of ammo, and best of all, a mama-san to dress you, slap you on the ass and send you out to war. Everybody who was anybody in the Korean War wanted to be in “Wild Bills Thundering Herd”. Men of this regiment where well feed, well outfitted and armed well. One man was able to wrangle a unit of hundreds together and raise all holy hell on his enemies in Korea. This man among men held his own in what many refer to as "The Forgotten War".
     Prudent men will be conscientious enough to see that this is indeed a white buffalo, and will have some grasp of its symbolic message. To many native Americans, the white buffalo is big medicine. We can get into this latter gentleman... ...however be aware of this fact... ...A white buffalo was recorded at the U.S. Army Arctic Testing Center, Fort Greely, just a hundred miles from here. This buffalo was part of a herd that had been ...relocated... from Montana.
     Any man whom can bring me the date of this happening, will gain a four day pass... ...and I mean a pass gentleman, no more pass's when I call the platoon to run and i find out someone or ones have gone to Hawaii on a mac flight. Or worse yet, went AWOL. How you got through six border stations to marry your one true love, I still, and alarmingly still, cannot figure out how it was done. Yes you DePalma. You get a pass... ...stop shaking your head... ...yes...
     Anyway, you will get a pass if you can bring me information instead of wee-mon. Plenty of wee-mon around here boys.
     The sum of this whole here gentleman is the facts, Long before us our descendants in this regimental sized unit has fought in every American war and just about every war before that starting Crusading knights on a Holy mission, and of those men whom know fortresses... .. bringing holy omens to the lands beneath there very feet... ...and as an invading force of nature ... trample all that stands before them, like wheat to be sown before the scythe.

Saturday Night Live.
Tomorrow you men will receive a briefing that is very important and I expect everyone, drunk or not - injured or not - to attend. Not only do I say so, the US Army said so, therefore, the Department of defense, to whom your ass contractually belongs, and ultimately your responsibility to the people - so help your dammed soul … gentleman … better be there.

Friday Fight Night.
     Alright you assholes, why in the hell are there more than thirty people in this room. The four wives non-withstanding! This is outrageous!
     I have been putting up with you assholes all week… Ladies, get out.
     No I am serious … Faster, get out … faster.
     Miss Tuten, and yes I said it that way, shue now, he has enough tape already. STOP kissing him. Enough of that! All four of you! Get out. Now! God Dammit! If someone doesn’t, all right then…
     …Today, Friday, We will split Quarters. We will not fight among ourselves today.
     Now, you book-worm-ish assholes to whom I have taken an axe of military knowledge and terminology and bash into your skulls are wondering who is moving and where. No.
     This is not how it will be.
     Tuten will bring down a list of things to be collected, they are close by.  After a small break basically what you men are going to be doing is actually swinging that machete I have had you carry around on your backs all week. Today gentleman we will cut down many trees. I will teach you how to be accurate and why.
     First... ...You ladies can make twelve and a half cent necklaces.

Lookout  Post / Yukon Charlie


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Gort said...

Zzzzzz :)


IonTruO2 said...

Looks like David Wilcock is your newest 'disclosure' media guy.

I said it before, he was a good choice.

His latest does a nice job with first words to showcase the program upstairs and The 'Knights Temporal'

An article that goes into some detail about the patches of Space Command and other MIL units. Not unlike a Blog Sword did a while back. hmmm

wake up SWORD, your agenda may move forward, perhaps just not with RCH at the front stage.

HHMSS Sword said...

Yeah - and where doing that on purpose - No chance for R. Chester H. after the embarrassing flesh light incident, TPTB aren't to happy with the New/old employee ... that is, unless he wants to do a special on "Ancient Astronauts" about what HE has seen...
...THEN - well, the world would be his oyster (until we left)... ...then he can just wave good bye like the rest of us.

Seriously where can he go? WHAT American network is going to take the chance on HIM when all the executives have word that he's a dirty bird? Don't say SyFi, which he has been on - its owned by NBC and as you can tell, they are not breaking down his door for something new either.
FOX? No, they have enough lies and speculation already. Cant fit ol' hoggie in between hate-filled hour and the ignorance group the next hour.
CBS, ABC - PLEEEZEE Christian nation Television east and west are never going to even allow him on because he's blaashimuzz....

So, whats a rouge "scientist" (and those are very loose quotes there) going to do when NO one will listen to him?

Premier radio networks is owned by who?
His publisher is owned by who?

Very quietly and very gently, and without getting our hands dirty at all - we can sever Hogland from his career.
And we will/are doing right in front of everyone. Plain view.

He just fades away into the sun.
Ol' RCH might be hearing right now that some universities are intending on buying all the current stocks of his books. Sounds great huh? There not going on the shelves people. There going to the campus incinerators.

We don't "rubb" American people out, we just remove them from history...
...far more effective tactic for a bunch of long term thinkers.

Rambled on and transcribed -

HHMSS Sword said...

ION said: An article that goes into some detail about the patches of Space Command and other MIL units. Not unlike a Blog Sword did a while back. hmmm

Discovery Networks just recently on Ancient Astro - owned up those same patch images I used in my blogg (nice tip'o'da'hat) and then came straight out and said NRO IS THE secret space program (instead of useing A). The first piece of oops...

Anyway - I'm on all that jazz - but I find myself particularly busy with my current project... 8ft by 2ft by 2ft "Aquarium"

HHMSS Sword said...

While I'm at it:
yeah that to, but -


IonTruO2 said...

I have less bone to pick than you have with RCH. :)
Perhaps he is the old bird now making room for a new one to sing the tune.(not unlike your comments about your tradition's lineage with the older members) RCH and Wilcock appear to be friends or know each other in some working way. Wilcock is younger, a very good presenter and might hold up better(health wise) in the media spotlight for this portion of the timeline. All good.

How goes that Blog? Sword. :) What's it take to get this Buccaneer talk'n?

IonTruO2 said...

I figure Hoagy had to still walk the fine line in disclosure during the recent decades as you guys surely did not guarantee his safety and it seems there are other factions that clearly have a tendency to 'neutralize' those that spoke too loud and said too much. All apparently part of the same country. mongrels and jackals, one wonders how the elite got along so along without being held to account by equally other forces.

Wilcock works similar but the times have changed and he does similar to you as well Sword. Even though he has some privileged info from insiders he uses the public domain etc to bring for the data points. Coached maybe? or just a good universal strategy.

HHMSS Sword said...

"one wonders how the elite got along so along without being held to account by equally other forces." - ION

THEY ARE held accountable. The "elites" as everyone calls them are the employees of the masons - and I mean blue collar masons...
...elites gain short term rewards...

Speaking of accountability and employees - I figure that if Richard "wanna-be" on television he better start getting his DISCLOSURE ready. Tic - Tock - Tic - Tock.

No one can replace Rich in this process. If he dosen't do the deed - doesn't really matter anyway. This blogg dosent help the world prepare for the end - at best its teh same six or seven assholes [me included] yip yapping about the same shit we where yip yapping about five - seven years ago.


MeanGreen said...

Preach on Brother! 2010 is just about OVER•

IonTruO2 said... assholes can produce alot a gas. Anyone want to go into business? (ha ha oh I kill me!)

riveting article here:

Seven assholes yapping(sung) years a passing...FIVE goldennnnn 'smoke' Rings!!
Four French Maids!Three Toronto Doves! umm sawry adlib.

Awright--> lighten up is the message. Ya its right there: we is lightening---> Up. ..and all the different "i's" or eyes in this 'point of view' experiential realm, will finally comprehend unity...or One 'I'. There is really only ONE that is.

So was Sword's exercise over all these years worthwhile? your cynicism is audible. I think it was and messages clearly cascade and multiple. Even Wilcock points to the premise of squaring...Sword. stuff those stats guys, they meter too much. What is the count that matters? :) Many crew still lurk. The Lion took twelve. Speak and be heard. Letters have power.

I said it a long time ago...its time for 7UP!! (Crisp and Clean!)(that says it all)

IonTruO2 said...

Same shit, new shit, how about dog shit, ya my dog ate my stash...and...oh forget about it! lol

Ya had to be there Cheech.

Nothing right now is same old shit...and we were yapping back then about a time called Now. And here it is. Arthur will wonder what they did in 2010, obviously f'all. Contact made in small bits and bites.
It surely can't all hinge on Richard. Really, there is so much more and now will blossom my Aquarian dudes. The Ages are the Ages.
The dots will connect and flash at some point and Wilcock will meet Sword will meet the mentor neighbors of the upper house.

SSL4000G said...

That article was intense ion. I read the two previous articles but didn't know there was an update. Thanks for the heads up!


robert said...

Again what I, Capt O'Toole or others here actually DO is up to us it's always been about how we REACT to Life's unfolding because there is no way that we puny energitic souls can hope to change the entire direction of the WHOLE of the population.

I am trying to acquire all the current wiki leaks stuff and am quite perterbed and troqued at Space Warfare Operational Research Division's hand in this ... if ANY at ... ANY ... small level.

There whould be a FLOOD of this stuff and openly archived and DISCUSSED by the population of the planet.

As long as the THREE (3) "Washington Rules" are in effect and the ELITE refuse to:

1. Learn history's lessons rather than trying to hagiograpgh it away.

2. Learn history's lessons that trying the same doctrine in a different way or country, population or methodology... is still a FRACKING FAILURE of a policy for "winning hearts and minds".

3. Get you heads out of your asses... being Elite only means your shit comes with perfume.

4. And as far as "telling secrets"... don't want you to break any laws Capt O'Toole ...

but we CANNOT move forward until we come to TERMS with HOW and WHY we are were we ARE.

If the Blog be it.
My Sites are ALL paid until August 2013. period.


IonTruO2 said...

Telling signs:


IonTruO2 said...


MeanGreen said...

David Wil-Cock-Dick Hoagland…What's Up with that!

If you get a chance, checkout FROGGYs - You're sure to find something you like ;-)

MeanGreen said...

The turning point for me with David was the video interview with Wilcock and Camelot and how he started crying…it seemed so staged/manipulative - What a cry baby!
All for the almighty BUCK! Maybe he will get that movie made ;-)

HHMSS Sword said...

I take it you guys don't like Wilcock either?

I have an idea - and it was written up and presented to acting TOP - well see what happens, especially in this age of "Disclosure" - anything can happen.


HHMSS Sword said...

and this - this :

Is so 1980's.


IonTruO2 said...

Ah Meangreen, that is pretty funny actually! lol

I like David's Blog for its dept and personally I found he is a good presenter. I frankly don't see him doing too much peddling for money. But hey, they have to be sustainable in some way. 85%-90%free is decent enough.

None of this stuff is easy, and frankly seems rather dangerous. That's why I'm here chillax'n at home right now and not on their stage mugging camera. Even Sword cares not to be the front man. Too many candy asses out there for a mil guy. (lol) bazinga!

HHMSS Sword said...

dept? he owes you something?

Cares not to be the front man? The members of Cheese Burger Ninjas [The House Band] would care to state otherwise.

I feel good today... ...for once.
Perhaps a little to chatty considering whats going on in the intelligance world.

Just getting the world ready for one nasty surprise after the next. Hey, the Masons didnt write the play, they just play those parts - written by the authour - the holy lord.

I wonder if ol' wiki-leaks a'Sassusage has anything on those ol' black op, red badged, sky fallin', ass kicken, name a'takin', mars pioneering... ...northern Alaskan Jews? [Hows that for a minority vote...?]

Also, I'm splitting the 3 numbered hare on ol' hoggie's bookface page...
...and I haven't been deleted.

That is a first, a press-see-dance, (same as his post at 1:17) in a number of years that I haven't been deleted outright by one power or another on Hoggies media outlets...

Blogg post on the way?
First I am being required to write several letters of intent. That takes priority.


IonTruO2 said...

pardon me....'depTH' ;)

IonTruO2 said...

Reading some VERY interesting Philip Corso these days, titled Dawn of a New Age.

Wow, just in something like exactly the first 33 pages(as of now) there are some distinct disclosures of just where they were with technology.

He spoke in the intro about the levels above Top Secret.

Philip J. Corso (Dawn Of A New Age)

I was granted operational clearances which could only evolve after the granting of the other clearances. For example, one and two were granted after a lie detector test; three, four, five and six were what was called the "Masonic Ritual", seven, eight and nine followed. ..........."pg29

This is some quality reading already rich with insights. Wow.

I consider Corso to be totally legit and he has received highest regard from Bob Dean, whom I also truly respect. The Ol Boys club just tells it like it was.

HHMSS Sword said...

So - Hoggie has declined to comment on the article I posted on his wall/page/face.
Interestingly enough, sandwiched between his wife and his-self - NO one has commented on it. NO one has so much clicked liked or disliked.
Quite strange if you ask me...


MeanGreen said...

Not BookFace again!

robert said...

HHMSS Sword said...
So - Hoggie has declined to comment on the article I posted on his wall/page/face.
Interestingly enough, sandwiched between his wife and his-self - NO one has commented on it. NO one has so much clicked liked or disliked.
Quite strange if you ask me...


19 December, 2010 08:10


Really ? I just looked ... really looked and could not find ANY post of yours ANYWHERE recently on his wall ... nor a SINGLE UNIQUE post on his wall rather than just a 'comment' on one of HIS posts ... either way ... your post isn't showing up under any name I know you by.

So if you have a link ... changed your name or anything ... give it up here.

As I stated previously "THIS" is NOT about pesonallities to ME. It may be such the case with many others in this 'disclosure' process ... but I have made it clear from the git-go I am NOT in "THIS" for the money, fame or recogniztion or prosterity. Even paying for my sites Until Aug 2013 I realize that USA E^3 could shut down my sites with an email.

But, at least if they don't what I put up will last after I am dead hopefully.

I saw your 'reasons' for no new blog and a "Stay Tuned...." answer.


My Common Sense Politics

IonTruO2 said...

remember Hoagland has two different Facebook pages.

robert said...

No I do not remember. I press the Hoagland facebook name I have with my friends in MY facebook and I get MY Facebbok sending me to a page showing the Wall with BOTH his and OTHER people's posts to HIS wall.

If you have a different link then please supply BOTH since you know both.

Maybe MINE is a 3rd one no one knows about yet?

Wikileaks has already 'bamfed' me on some shit and how THEY used my Tweet for them to use the Bittorrents to spread the packets.

So I have seen more than 4 types of 'dispersion' of the #CableGate stuff AND am comparing notes with others who tried jumping down this "Rothschild's" supported leak of Julian.

I don't have TIME to deal with rch and every incarnation of the latest "Stay Tuned..." tidbit gets the next $kaching into paying his dialup connection into his backcoutry home.

Nor do I have time waiting for Cpt O'Toole to decide his TOPS have stabbed not only HIMSELF ...

But the American Dream Itself ...

911 and JFK and many many other "events" have no basis in morality of Duty and Honor.

My Common Sense Politics

IonTruO2 said...

As requested Bob:!/profile.php?id=100000007072905!/RichardC.Hoagland

robert said...

The bottom one worked and I replied to his post.

"Staying tuned ... " RPFLMAO

What about our "Independant Senator" in a Synogue on Building 7

9/11 Joe Lieberman - WTC 7 Did Not Occur

My Common Sense Politics

HHMSS Sword said...

I must have missed something above - sure I will figure it out after a couple of readings...

Remeber the little ol link I posted on hoggies facebook page :[] or specifically :[]

Well, it wasn't touched by anyone since i posted it.
Nor was it deleted.
Numbers where being thrown around.
So what was the game?

Tonight on coast to coast - Richard (of course, dramatically played during a very important time in the sky) with this as the promo from c2csite:
blah, blah,blah ... "the field of astrobiology and what passes for good science."

Wouldn't be the first time that this blogg has effected what was aired on C2C.

Listen live if you want to via the tubes of the interwebs:


HHMSS Sword said...

SOme one dial 3425 - 79673 . . . and clear the southwestern sky...


HHMSS Sword said...

forgot to slap this up from nasa's own website:

This lunar eclipse falls on the date of the northern winter solstice. How rare is that? Total lunar eclipses in northern winter are fairly common. There have been three of them in the past ten years alone. A lunar eclipse smack-dab on the date of the solstice, however, is unusual. Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory inspected a list of eclipses going back 2000 years. "Since Year 1, I can only find one previous instance of an eclipse matching the same calendar date as the solstice, and that is 1638 DEC 21," says Chester. "Fortunately we won't have to wait 372 years for the next one...that will be on 2094 DEC 21."


HHMSS Sword said...

I wonder if this gadget will show the hole in the sky my fellas punched for me last night...


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