We see that number a lot.
It has evolved over the centuries to be just about everywhere.
In astronomy, there are three types of galaxies, in the constellation of Orion there are three stars in his belt. Earth is the third rock from the sun…
Three can be found everywhere – and certainly through religion and other symbolism – and most certainly within Masonic belief as well. Three is also a strong number in NASA, whom I have said all along – does everything in three’s. The facts of NASA’s shell game and three different locations and organizations are completely left to another blogg entry in the future.
To scratch the surface, however, is the meaning of this blogg entry.
Many of you have postulated the symbolism behind the NASA Mission patches. You are very, very correct to assume that the NASA mission patches indeed have great meaning behind them. The sequence of three shows up quite regularly. In fact a great deal of symbolism, strange perhaps could be found in all NASA mission patches – and that two will be left for another blogg entry.
For most Apollo era missions, there where three astronauts, the Apollo 13 mission patch depicted three golden horses. Three are three stars in the Apollo 17 patch, along with a ringed planet and a galaxy. However, it wasn’t until Apollo 14 that the symbolism of the three pillared star, with those pillars “haloed” – began to show in the mission patches. Latter it showed up again and again.
In a simple search I have found it in the STS-61, STS-121 and in another Shuttle mission patch where two astronauts actually seem to be lifting that halo up, however I can not seem to find what mission that belonged to.
I have not created this blogg as to tell you why this symbolism exists – but I do “know” this much. The star and its three pillars with its halo are found in the Army Astronaut device (pin and/or medal). Having seen the device close up (really close up) I can say to you that the images are really drawings depicting the device. The real deal given to Army Astronauts – the star has a slight more turn to the right – thus – the star really isn’t a star – it’s a pentagram…
Its symbolism is very old it seems… …I wonder what group could have come up with it in the first place?
Da-vinci isn’t the only one to leave hidden messages in his paintings…
Indeed not… ...
Someone made a comment and then immediatly deleted it. ???
Anyway - it seems that while I was touching up the new blog entry - several new posts made it onto the previous one.
To keep the convo going I cut/paste the following conversation:
IonTruO2 said...
Sword Can you tell a little more about JANUS??
--from your reply to me earlier re: the four faced establishment.
Sword said...
Besides being an anceint Greek god, a finical company (clue), a moon of Saturn (Hello!), a lake in Canada, and a BDSM group in San Fran - what else would you like to know?
I thought you would be interested in this to:
Clamy Toe gave us a brief sypnosis of who he is and what he's done - turns out he's "Boots" (What I call Army Veterans) as well.
If you want to check that out - its in the previous comments section and I felt that it was worth mentioning.
Oh, and clamytoe - The Korean DMZ is only considered a "hardship tour" if your married (and seriously married at that). If your a single "swinging dick" - oh my my - is Korea for YOU!
On the matter of mission patches...
I would love someone ELSE to do a blogg entry regarding the mission patches and there symbolism. On top of that - their are obvious UNIT and REGIMENTAL patches with symbolism as well... ...not to mention all the federal departments as well such as the Department of the Interior and the Justice department...
Thanks Sword.
There sure is quite the congregation of 'Moons' around Saturn! ...these days
I think the count hit 60 this past week with the discovery of "Frank'.
Frank is orbiting between the orbits of Methone and Pallene. But you know he is not as large as our local second moon here at Earth.
Frank is only about 2 km (1.2 miles) across, but Cruithne 3753 is 3.3km(or so). Funny ya never hear a peep about Cruithne whatsoever. Oddly I opened Baxter's Manifold-Time randomly the other day for the first time and the very first page was about Cruithne in the story. Go figure?!
O.k. fun trivia aside, I do find it valuable you alluded to that story "Pushing Ice" specially it being about moon Janus leaving orbit under its own power and essentially departing!
affirmation-appreciate that. :)
oh Oh! and looky that, these drivables are 'co-orbitals' JUST LIKE CRUITHNE. (thank you Wiki).
P.S. ..and while we are 'recognizing' things posted about previously. ;) lol
I appreciate, this information from your Blog. the Apollo 13 mission patch depicted three golden horses
...'i bet they were three wise horses' he he he
insight is amazing sometimes.
Ah well, off to calm my three wise ladies(mares) who are all twitter-pated about the new Black Stallion that just arrived across the road.
(sorry I'll return-more on topic)
Symbolism is in everything, seems NASA though is big on Egyptian symbolism.
The three stars=Orion's Belt=Pyramids. Does that also=Annunaki? Hmm, could be likely. TPTB would have the access to the archaeological info that most regular folks can only get through the likes of speculative authors, who are always being debunked by the main stream.
I have wondered which will come first, disclosure by humans or disclosure from outside the earth. So mote it be.
I was single on my first tour of Korea. Let's just say that I volunteered to do a double tour back then, but was denied. When they wanted to send me the second time, I was already married and had two kids. Besides, my wife is "Boots" also and she pulled a tour out before we met, so she knows what goes on over there...
Let's just say that she reeeaaalllyyy didn't want me going ;)
As far as your latest blog, I would really like to know what it is YOU can read from the symbolism in these patches. With me being an "outsider" it would help to know what it is that someone on the "inside" sees. It would really help nudge me in the right direction.
Thought you guys would like this:
I hope U.Sword eventually makes it on this list...
My theory on the 3's is easy. It's called triangulation. One of the earliest communications systems was called T.D.R.S.S. which required Compton, Hubble and Chandra in geo -stationary (Ion) orbit which could between all three, uplink communications and downlink anywhere on earth. This, then is the three pillars. World wide web...w..W...w.. private communications.
As it turns out, Compton was dusted (or so they say) and a more secure satellite (cloaked) probably has taken it's place.
The 5 pointed star at the pinnacle of the 3 pillars is a symbol of (just guessing)
pentagon..whitehouse...congress..senate..supreme court..
The symbol of the pillars between two points could be P and VP.
Symbols are there to assuage the fears of those that think they have been left out. Since a pic is worth a thousand words, a symbol can and does mean different things to different people. These different meanings prolly come down at 3 different levels.
The halo is a most interesting descriptor but it's not in the right position albeit it is the right colour to represent the height of knowledge, wisdom and power.
It is mostly circular but more like "orbital" than circular.
It represents a ring of fire in many patches. In that case, fire would represent defiance of gravity, defiance of God.
If I am not mistaken, the Apollo patch you show at the top of this blogg is the original design for the Apollo program, which was replaced by a different design, with a less in-your-face reference to Orion.
Still reading through the new blog and links...but the patch where the two astronauts seem to be lifting up the halo...
STS-64, Discovery; Richards, Hammond, Helms, Meade, Lee, Linenger; Sept. 9 - 20, 1994 (262:51:00)
To show one's age, I was working in Denver when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
on lift-off.
One of my co-workers came running in to our office and said, "the space 'capsule' just blew up!"
And we all knew what he meant.
Remember that old cartoon from the 70s(SchoolHouse Rock series) "3 it's the Magic Number"
The song was cool!
I read that Tesla had a personal thing for numbers divisible by 3. Not sure if this was before his Colorado trip - this is when he picked up signals/communications from Mars.
Sword - the "Patches" for the Airforce have common connections.
It's funny that yu have mentioned Tesla's Colorado trip, and its funny that I mentioned Janus.
did you know that the rocky mountain chain is one of the "most solid" mountain chains in the world?
BTW - Tesla did not die as many assume he would.
Unit Sword started out with some rather symbolic patches of there own.
The star, the masonry wall, the fort of the pentagram, the white buffalo...
Unit patches take the individual and makes him part of a group.
Green - those are excellent examples... ...thanks for the input.
the rocky mountain chain spreads its grace from Alaska to to Mexico... ...
Though the thunder may fall... these mountains shall endure whatever ravages the heavens shall put fourth onto us...
So, the ancient Celtic story I touched on previously that stood out in the book Uriel's Machine By Knight and Lomas-called The Sword, The Shield and The Harp now shows its instructional value in this time.
You SWORD we know about(your unit I should say).
HAARP we know about, that plays a different tune.
But I hadn't quite understood the element of the SHIELD til now.
A Venusian View is better than Home on Lagrange!
Currently, set of three or four Sentries in heliocentric orbits at the radius of Venus orbit is the baseline SHIELD architecture
Sentries must have a heliocentric distance of <1AU to efficiently locate ATEN type asteroids, which only cross Earth's orbit near their aphelion.
You once cleverly referred to orbitol Sentries(or was that Sentinels?) in a post a while ago, and as I am learning here there would be Soldiers, Scouts and Sentries
The best planet for "Scouts" would be VENUS, since it (and the Scouts accompanying it) has a shorter period of revolution (225 days) than the Earth, yet has nearly as much mass and similar size, allowing large bend angles at the VENUS swing-by to reach objects approaching from many different directions.
my note: considering VENUS spends about half her time opposite us behind the SUN, I see how she is a prime choice for observation in places we have a little trouble viewing easily.
I thought the solar Lagrange points L4 and L5 were good but this is superior.
You are sooooo right it IS all out there hiding in total plain sight.
What fascinates me most these days, is that utterly intuitive insight, I experienced previously, is now being confirmed rather exactly.
Re: Your original trigger about JANUS:
One last one I'll share, with details to follow later is: ARX IANICULENSIS :D lol "First(Original) Fortress-----On The Hill of JANUS"
AH YES!!!!! Now I get it dude!!!
An old book that 'crossed my path'----called-----THE SHIELD RING!!!!!!! (by Rosemary Sutcliff)
The Ring or Halo you are asking about in the logos is the SHIELD.
A shield a shield perhaps a forcing field. yuk yuk yuk. (no no I'm not on drugs its just all too funny when it makes such perfect sense ;).
o.k. so the link to the pdf is not effective.
Shield: A four fold defense system.
I've got logos for SPACE COMMAND, but I can't quite separate the graphic from its .pdf format.
I can email to anyone who is more savvy.
IonTruo2 - A screen shot should work for you.
IonTruo2 - Remember Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Meangreen, Thanks
I do recall Nick Fury and S.I.E.L.D.
An old friend during our younger years was a comic 'collector' and had many issues.
Here is the patches for SPACE COMMAND
The original was quite small from the pdf. So, apologies for the somewhat poor resolution when magnified.
Speaking further about the halo, Sword draws attention to in the Blog, I have also seen an image of a pretty extended "ring" out from the Earth in some of the Haarp information.
Haarping in the Right direction
Don't mean to be filling the screen here today.
Addressing the tendency towards 'threes' and trinities, here is the link to the image of the SHIELD 'sentries'.
SHIELD sentries three way view
So, when was that PDF written?
When was this put into effect?
Anything that the public sees the military has probably had for much much longer...
The pdf is included in material supporting the 2007 White Paper re: Planetary Defense Resources.
The basic 'concept' was developed in 1999 and that pdf represents the refinements and updates since then. Its not dated but it looks like the 'analysis' was probably compiled in 2006.
Which probably means we have had it since the Regan years... :-)
Back to the patches... ...there is an incredible amount of symbolism in the unit patches.
In many ways - what you wear on your shoulder is as important as what you wear on your chest as far as military medals go.
as with any unit - symbolism in my unit is very high as well. there isn't anything that we wear that doesn't have some sort of symbolic nature behind it.
Any way that we can take a glimpse at your patch? If not here in public via private exchange? Say encrypted archive uploaded unanimously at a free hosting site like File Factory?
The red star of david.
The 6th infantry division. It has been modified since our inception - the new patch now has simple black sword in the center...
We still carry our regimental colors - but without the golden sea dragon.
While a part of the 17th infantry regiment - we where the 1st battalion - 17th regiment - thus 1-17th (a bible passage) 6th ID (symbolic all its own)...
Once we return to active duty - as a whole - we are unsure what the army will designate us as. We are certain to remain in the 6ID, as Sword - stationed at Ft. Wainwright - but as to what regiment (if any) we would be assigned to - I just don't know... ...
(Now - if this doesn't open some eyes - I don't know what will)
Sweet thanks for that info!
Now just as a side note, as I do more research, where you involved in "Northern Edge" as OPFOR during an 8 day exercise in March of '94 in Alaska?
You know it's funny. You always see movies where soldiers get sent to Alaska when they mess up. Now I see that maybe it was just a PsyOp campaign to eliminate any interest in going out there in the first place...
Sure the hell was - something tells me we got the same mud in our boots... ...wait - i think in NE 94' we where in Cuba during JTF 160 Operation: Sea Signal...
So maybe not at the same time.
I do know this NE 97' is when we ran off with the USARPAC Commander... ...that was awesome. I didnt think they could get Apaches up there that quick.
I gotta hand it to you man. I don't know how you do it. The coldest I've ever been was during Team Spirit in Korea and that is something that I really would like to avoid doing EVER again.
March in Alaska? Now that must have been a cold one for you guys! Specially when I hear Sword talking about life in Arizona etc.
How about -20F.......in the horse stable?
Up side of global warming is the winters are getting nicer here in the Ottawa Valley, but we still get slammed a few times a year.
33 eh: I'll take it.
After one winter you get used to it.
-75 below, before the wind chill - no problem. Try jumping out of a dam c-130 when the adjusted temp is something like -130 and exposed skin freezes in less than thirty seconds.
Everything freezes - water turns to stone - trees turn brittle - the very breath you enhail burns your lungs. The bad guys know no one wants to be out there - so they use the rivers as highway systems to bring in the drugs.
We used to call the winter "hunting season" which was counter intuitive - and always we where given more than a few raised eyebrows. One young private asked us during weapons cleaning - "What in the hell do you guys hunt during the winter - around here?!"
"Dummies", I replied.
Everyone git a good laugh at that.
O.k. Thats real damn cold.
Good story.
Me in Alaska, no way. Sorry if I gave that impression, but I've never been. Korea never got that cold, and that was cold enough for me. Most of my training was in the complete opposite environment. I lost count of how many times I've been to NTC in the Mojave desert. Try running around in that hell hole in the middle of Summer in MOPP 4!
Mopp sucks - and completely uncalled for. if you get hit by any type of NBC - your fucked - no other way around it.
That's true, the shot is just so that you won't suffer too much while you die.
I just re-read Rich's article:
Interestingly enough - it brought to my mind the symbolic nature of constellations in the Nasa/mil unit patches - the constellation of Torus...
Also - the article was published in 2000 - and Rich has stated in the article - that he "spent over three years of rigorous research"... ...which would have landed him right in our laps (Unit Sword) if you turn the clock back.
Question is - why would Rich be so interested in timelines, calenders and the anceint beginnings of the masons - starting in the winter of 97'?
I can see the "Torus" you speak of in the patches but that would be a constellation in a higher dimension than the other "Taurus" and will leave it at that.
I'm going to cut and paste a comment I read earlier that might be interesting to some but not necessarily appropos to the above. My apologies..
1862: American astronomer Lewis Swift discovers the presence of a large comet that will soon bear his name. Three days later, another American astronomer, Horace Tuttle, makes the same sighting. So this heavenly body comes down to us as the Comet Swift-Tuttle.
Based on their observations, and those of other astronomers who began tracking the comet's highly elongated orbit, it was calculated that Swift-Tuttle would make its next appearance during the 1980s. They were close. Japanese astronomer Tsuruhiko Kiuchi rediscovered the comet in 1992.
Aside from its unusual orbit, Swift-Tuttle is also significant as the host body of the Perseids meteor shower, one of the most prominent in the northern sky.
Oh, and there's one more thing.
Comets come and go, literally, but Swift-Tuttle's orbit is of particular interest to us earthlings since astronomers calculate that it is very likely to strike either the Earth or the moon on its next pass. They've even zeroed in on a date: Aug. 14, 2126.
We'll just have to wait and see
As promised by July's end:
My CommonSenseCentral website is back up. From checking I think close to 98-99% of ALL links work unless specifically stated otherwise...EXCEPT for a list of my favorite links which is VERY VERY long and I was more worried about the CSC content itself internally. Hope you folks find some interesting and fascinating things..even if the last 'new' stuff was more than 2 years ago.
Well things are quiet at the SWORD disclosure.
O.k. I will dare to offer some levity for today with an utterly sexist pic of the Denver Nugget Cheerleaders visiting Cheyenne Mountain!
Hope the Sword unit reading appreciates it.
A little sunshine at the cave
BTW - I posted some great little hints - and no one is biting.
Just for shits and grins:
NOTHING to do with what where talking about but still - interesting none the less.
sorry Sword, have missed the little hints.
Give another go.
Sword - Are you hinting about this JANUS?
Epimetheus was the son of Iapetus and brother to Prometheus and Atlas:
Epimetheus and Janus share the same orbit of 151,472 kilometers from Saturn's center or 91,000 kilometers above the cloud tops.
3rd of Saturn's known satellites:
The density of Prometheus has been estimated to be quite low, indicating that is a porous, icy body; however, there is a lot of uncertainty in these values.
meangreen Great pic, thanks for finding that!
The co-orbitol asteroid(moonlet) was my first notion as well and all that would include along the lines of asteroidal ships, but now I think Sword is pointing towards a 'syndrome', the Janus Syndrome itself. A two faced scenario or something.
Yes, it has NOTHING to do with what we are talking about. ??!?
Teeny tiny breadcrumbs, when a little pizza crust would be much better. ;)
My late uncle was an officer in the Air Force reserves. In Jan 1977 he volunteered to go to Fairbanks for Operation Jack Frost, to test joint forces cold weather operations. The whole time he was there the temp was in the 50s F above zero. "Meanwhile, back at the ranch" (in Kansas City and most of the midwest) the temp was 7-10F below zero with -50F windchill.
We always had a good laff about that.
What kind of drugs were being smuggled, and where?
Was this in "CRACKistan?" LOL
All kinds of drugs are being smuggled everywhere.
The type I dealt with was heroin - very pure - about five pound "sacks" the size of a briefcase. They where loaded onto ship, dropped off on the Alaskan shore, loaded onto snowmobiles (general type - sometimes racing modified) and quickly raced across the flat plains and then onto the rivers of Alaska. Using these rivers as highway systems the drugs made there way to Vancouver, then Seattle then everywhere in the United States.
That all ended after a series of operations I was in command of, Usually ending/starting with "Thunder".
That was child's play. Entry level OJT for the rest of our careers.
The sad part about it - we lost one man - and come to find out, there primary leader, the man responsible for setting it all up - was a Sergeant in the battalion in which we where assigned - on top of that - a Command Sergeant Major was paid off 50G to slip this man operational records of what we where doing and where we where doing it. The blood of one of my men is on his hands.
We even had a Colonel attached to my unit - disobey my direct orders and charged an enemy position... ...through five feet of snow and into my range fan. Four men died because he wanted a piece of the "glory".
Moral of the story.
The bad, the greedy, and the dumb - will all get you killed just the same...
It's pretty bad when a young up and coming captain and a group of men who have nothing in common except the fact that there all Lions can outdo "the best" the army has to offer - which was the corrupt and the stupid.
A platoon of men - my men - out did the entire god dammed division. Stand tall men - I have never forgotten our glorious past, our beginnings... ...I never forgot Barker...
I hope that answered your question.
Funny thing is - i was just going to say - read my previous stuff. I guess what prompted this is the fact that my younger brother is basically being harassed by recruiters in our home town. He definitely dose not wish to join and has not returned any of there calls.
That doesn't stop them from calling over and over - even coming uninvited to his home (this home) and telling him he was "recommended"...
I have yet to get involved - even though I can tell that my brother wants me to. at some point he has got to be man enough to handle things like this on his own - however - I do feel that he is being harassed.
Maybe the old flaming turd trick is in order... ...or two boots prints and a turd ornament...
Janus the moon as a ship is conjecture to me. It is not a primary target - only a target of interest. IF and WHEN we fire up that moon (big if and when) - we MIGHT see some interesting things happen.
It has been discussed that "piloet fish" ships might accompany our fortress moon - the same way cruisers or destroyers might escort an aircraft carrier...
the reason I say Janus has nothing to do with what we where talking about (mission patches - symbolism of three pillars and a halo) is because its something we should discuss latter as it is not on blogg topic...
Which is what gort dragged me into - going off topic...
So you are confirming that the moon is artificial and it is actually a ship? Does this mean that Iapetus is also the same? How many more moon ships are stationed in our solar system?
Well it could be ON TOPIC Sword.....if we subscribe to the BLOG "Of Threes"
Now you said: Janus the moon as a ship is conjecture to me.
It is not a primary target - only a target of interest.
IF and WHEN we fire up that moon (big if and when) - we MIGHT see some interesting things happen.
It has been discussed that "pilot fish" ships might accompany our fortress moon - the same way cruisers or destroyers might escort an aircraft carrier...
That's in harmony with the Blog topic when considered as you have said.
Meangreen chimed in with a couple of good hints.
he said: Epimetheus and Janus share the same orbit of 151,472 kilometers from Saturn's center or 91,000 kilometers above the cloud tops.
iontruo2 Co-orbitols!
Companioned with his other suggestion of Prometheus.
at his link: Prometheus is the third of Saturn's known satellites.
iontruo2-->In addition to his references this stood out as well.
Prometheus acts as a shepherd satellite for the inner edge of Saturn's F Ring.
Just my speculations here, but like the 'sentries' in the SHIELD program orbiting Venus, three is definitely a favoured number. ;)
"satellite" becomes the perfect definition for a treo of 'pilot fish' riding along with Iapetus.
Anyone notice that at this time the Official 'moon' count around Saturn has reached a tidy 60?
How nicely sexigesimal"!!!
So very Annunnaki...ala Sitchen
Clamytoe said...
So you are confirming that the moon is artificial and it is actually a ship? Does this mean that Iapetus is also the same? How many more moon ships are stationed in our solar system?
Sword says:
We "know" from records (and now photographic AND physical evidence) that our "Moon with a view" is in fact artificial. In fact a colony/fortress/factory... ...it has been speculated without any evidence in my group of peers that such a ship could have come accompanied with smaller ships and/or on arrival could have been manufactured. These ships would not have had the capabilities of interstellar travel on their own - rather interplanetary vessels - much like something we may have now...
If these where ships that came with the MWV (Moon With a View) it was speculated that keeping in orbit while in transit and keeping them powered would have meant a wireless transmission of power... ...thus - starting up the MWV MIGHT start a series of chain reactions all over the Saturn system...
Which is why any anceint records obtained in the beginnings of the war in Iraq are so vitally important. If interstellar travel was available to them so was cryogenic sleep - and we don't want to wake anything up that is going to cause anyone problems... ...least of all us when we need the fewest problems possible.
The moon, mars, the asteroid belt - yes - those are all very interesting areas for the up and coming science of extra-planetary archeology - but all the "Fun Stuff" (solar system dominating technology) is still sitting, waiting - for someone to air up the tires, change all the fluids, and try to turn it over!
If only we could have advanced fast enough to get it rolling again sooner!
But again...
We don't have ANY evidence that their are other ships... ...even if we knew - they would not be of concern to us now - in this critical time line - to be explored or otherwise studied - we need ALL the help we can get.
Maybe after the fall we can use them as wranglers for all the loose "horses" in the sky... but until then - HANDS OFF...
But back to the unit patches...
Does this:
have anything to do with this:
The logo shape itself.
They are the same, and the comic book one 'peaks' at a pentagonal.
The two 'structures' of "fact and theory" "science and fiction" converging in ascension at the pentagon.
The writing pen conveys movement from the portion above to below (as above so below)
Both 'exist' turning THE gear, while the fact gear guides the pen that manifests the 'word' in the form below.
Notably the two bodies in the image are SATURN(companioned by four 'stars') and the cresent MOON (as we know it, companioned by three).
The pen leans towards Saturn yet its output or final drawing or conclusion of the writing is 'ringing' around the portion of the word 'fiction'.
addend: The ink of the writing pen conveys movement from the portion above to below (as above so below)
fyi: this image is a piece of steel art that crossed my path for a small penny very recently.
Here it hangs in my inner stairway. Even the colours seem somehow 'appropriate'.
Sword-you said:
but all the "Fun Stuff" (solar system dominating technology) is still sitting, waiting - for someone to air up the tires, change all the fluids, and try to turn it over!
If only we could have advanced fast enough to get it rolling again sooner!
So God helps those who help themselves.....by leaving a few "easter eggs" lying around? ;) lol
Son of 'Heaven and Earth', Son of Greek-Uranus and Gaia, Iapetus is like the family 'Camero' waiting in storage for the kids to be old enough to have the keys.
My question Sword is: If we found the Shem a hundred years ago(approx.) and we have been learning since, and we have been to Mars in the 69-70ish years and we have anti-grav etc, and your to tour over to the back side of the Sun with our 'existing' interplanetary large scale ships,
WHY ARE WE SO ELEVENTH HOUR HERE? (yes that is an 11:11 pun )
Timing is everything?
A MUSE with a dash of Cul.pepper: ;)
As we conceive, make believe, have fiction that is a 'figment', it thus is turned by the gear into form as fact, an 'arti-fact' scripted by the house of the old Father Saturn.
as below... is so above.......
Speaking of THREEs', how about the three pillars of humanity or the three 'Sun like stars'?
Have a look: Forbidden Starmap
Base 60:on your comment...
Nice catch.
Yes, as it seems the Vact factory AND the Washington Mall are not the only ones with symbolic messages hidden into there buildings.
When it all hits the fan - well - it might be there after the fall - who knows. When we rebuild its going to be real interesting to see what gets reconstructed - what gets remodeled - and what truly open messages will be imbued into our structures...
It's rigth there in front of everyones faces and yet - as it seems - someones got to get on television and tell the public that it is true.
Give me a break.
Maybe when there is no more television - people might actually give a shit about the world around them.
Build a church of your own taste out of stone and brick!
Never give up your personal freedoms to commercialism dominated society!
Trade bread for baskets and turn your swords onto scythes to reap what you have sown!
Back to the scheduled blogg entry...
It is early morning, and we are up before the dawn.
Horses are out, nickering happily in the coolness of the predawn twilight.
Even the darn flies haven't woken at this time of the day.
A simple peace and quiet as I sit with coffee here pondering your input Sword.
...and so the Blog crests 60 itself and the dialogue evolves.
When waves of our cynicism crash in our thoughts, we could not do this without these 'tool's', yet I care not for things. I care for beings.
....and now off to nurture pregnant wife. Peace.
So Sword we should ALL do this stuff:
Robert..didn't know you cared. I like the concept of "slow food".. Hard for the megalo multinationals to take it away from the grassroots like they've done to "organic". If you click on my profile for this blog, it will take you to fshodd, my slow food big package.
Sword..still think you missed the Tesla file and his instinct that his et's were in the interior of Venus.
There has been muckin about that the earth is hollow which does not claim to be "engineered" as far as I know. I don't think we will have enough time to evolve here on the surface to come face to face with reality. Too many forces busy cutting life short for that to take place.
While I hate to bring it up again - brainwashing - he's an excellent example of what I am dealing with - brainwashed individuals.
People who totally prescribe to the idea that we should nuke Iran immediately.
With the red star of David on my shoulder patch - i don't want these folks support... I'm don't want there anywhere near my people...
I guess no one caught the symbolism of the "compass arc" drawing out a third of a circle...
Sword said:
I guess no one caught the symbolism of the "compass arc" drawing out a third of a circle...
Some of us aren't 'wired' for symbols and secrets n codes hidden within puzzles n images n patches...some are.
I'm like most folks...tell me plain out the Burtal Truth...no fracking around about hints and 'staying tuned'. Some of KNOW the precious time each heartbeat takes of our lives.
And I haven't visited the Huffington BBS in well over a year and half or so. Political back n forth arguing is simply wasting my time in the ethernet void.
I've got a map to work on.
Cydonia Anomalies Archive Image Map
and a website to update and flesh out more than the nearly 1GB of stuff already there.
ericswan I am already a member of fhsodd.
Do you mean one of the links on the right is one your site?
Which link? or repeat here you url
OOps n one more point for those with more interest in Telsa and other anti-g stuff like making frogs fly:
Telsa n other nifty stuff
now to some work I have to do :)
Don't know if anyone saw this yet but...Terminator is now real...armed robots on the ground battle field.
Gun Touting Robots named SWORD
May be old news to some but was new to me.
Hey Robert..here's the link
Anyone see any documentation that the bridge was brought down using a Tesla accoustic weapon? I've heard the suggestion it has something to do with disrupting the largest Moslem pop in the U.S. and the only Moslem House of Rep. Ellison who has been calling Bush the antichrist.
I heard something to the effect from a talk radio show. Supposedly some Russian is saying that.
Sword - Sorry for not commenting on any of your posts, I've been caught up reading "The Janus Syndrome"...
Dont worry about it - but I will say this - if your a SCI-Fi fan like me - you do get some interesting book recommendations hanging around here.
Sword.. Here's a link to Ariz. anomolies, evidence of a comet over Canada and maybe a bit of your family history all rolled into one..
HHMSS Sword said...
Dont worry about it - but I will say this - if your a SCI-Fi fan like me - you do get some interesting book recommendations hanging around here.
2007-08-05 10.18.MD
Have you read any of the DUNE series started by Frank Hebert?
Man o man Sword..you should be listening to C2C RIGHT NOW!
RCH and Doug Yurchey talking about Aldrin.
"The astronauts cannot remember what happened to them on the Moon"
Mitcheal said "he couldn't remember his feelings, emotions, responses"
"was regressed by Gene Houston through hypnosis but couldn't get past ...thats not important..Noory..are we talking about Manchurian...Yes says RCH
"Neil Armstrong refused to be interviewed"
RCH said..."compared himself toa parrot and parrots don't fly very well. Armstrong then said...according to Rch "There are wonders beyond belief if one could remove Truth's protective layers"
RCH...continues to say that NASA has decided not to let us in on the biggest secret of mankind"
Rch plans to reveal the "truth" in his new book...
Hoagland and Noory have cut Yurchey out and plan on visiting the subject of "Mars".. I'm typing as I'm listening and they have cut for 10 minutes of commercials.
Anybody out there?
Richard wants to stick around.. Doug was supposed to be on for the full 3 hours but his cell phone went down during one of the commercial breaks and Noory went pouty potty mouthed about it so it looks like Richard is doing one of those unscheduled one hour shows.
Thanks for the heads up.
That snuck up on me.
My internet connection has gone down, up, down, all night.
If there any of you true blue pirates out there that can record this - please do so - a plate of my mamas cookies to you if you do it - and deliver.
Noory..lander on Mars next year...
We haven't been that successful with Mars..
RCH...NASA tried to do the incredible on the cheap..the Pheonix mission should get to the surface because it's a safer way to land..NASA spent the money...this mission will be slowed down from 12,000 to 700 mph with parachutes that cuts off at 700 feet? and retro rocket to surface.
Russian pix of buried cities (on RCH website) from the Phobos 89 mission hit something and was destroyed.. Van Flandern on Phobos 25 mile across and black. a spaceship is bright..the object that destroyed the Russian mission was very black like Phobos..the Russians didn't reveal that their mission was destroyed by other rocks around the moon Phobos
rocks around Phobos..all is not in a steady state around Mars..meaning somebody is there.
Phobos is one third hollow.. Sagan
It's lighter less dense..magnetic anomolies NASA not telling us the truth.
Will NASA tell the truth about the Pheonix mission? RCH..this is controversial ..Brookings..if you find life..don't tell..
You have to inculcate the public to get used to it.
We have got used to it...so..the Pheonix mission might just reveal what they find.
2012 we should be acclimated..by then
In my book...You cannot support the idea of alien artifacts without pix.. In the book we will show you the pix because NASA is leaking them on the web.
They won't pull the pix because people will notice.
We have pix of fossils on Mars..coming in the book..
The title of this chapter "you're backed into a hyperdimensional corner" Squires...book
The lie is different at every level. Only the top guys know what is going on..
RCH going to the "Wisdom Conference"
14,15,16 Sept. in San Francisco..RCH will sign his book even though he hasn't got the book written..(stickers)
click on the listen live..top right..
I have my own stream from KSRD (ha!) - now if only the connection stays on - which has gone off again since the last post...
It should retransmit - they always play the C2C show twice on my station.
Wisdom Festival after conference Ford Mason Centre...on 17th.
RCH will show pix of rainbows on the moon.
Phoenix is loaded to find organics.
landing 63 N. Lat. Mars... (same as Alaska) and will drill and scoop the soil,,bake out the stuff and mass spectrometer to find organics in the ice.
will land May 25..anniversary of JFK speech to go to the moon.
go to the phones first time caller ..try 1-818-501-4721
13 is an important number..hyperdimensional
2012 nexus point Mark Learner..the astrologer..2012 alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in line with the galactic centre in Sagistarius..all data points are connected..cyclic..Mayan has happened and will happen again...
Aw man,
I can't believe I missed this! That's what I get for going to bed early...
Noory..are we talking about Manchurian...Yes says RCH
...again with the Manchurian angle Sword.
Why does he keep playing that picture if as you say it isn't THAT way?
ericswan Rainbows on the Moon? That it interesting. Anything else on that eric?
My new avatar is Cruithne3753(1986TO) orbit visualized. A most beautiful orbital pattern. Extremely complex
Now Baxter is devoting a lot of space in his book, Manifold-Time, to this Earth mini-moon I was speaking much about last year.
More to read, but he definitely points to it being deliberately 'placed' there.
Hey Ion..The Armstrong thing had the most impact on me. Noory and RCH both agreed that Armstrong came back from the moon and became a virtual hermit. Finally, when he did go public, he disrembered much of his moon experience and while speaking to a group of young students he compared himself to a parrot which both Noory and RCH gave a knowing nod in the "Armstrong has been programmed" mode and would only talk about that which he was programmed to talk about. They threw out a list of a half dozen astronauts that weren't very forthcoming and talked about Aldrin throwing a punch at the journalist who pressed him to swear on a bible that he had actually been on the moon.
IonTruO2 said...
Noory..are we talking about Manchurian...Yes says RCH
...again with the Manchurian angle Sword.
Why does he keep playing that picture if as you say it isn't THAT way?
I thought about that.
He either reads the bloggs and wanted to drive the knife in a little deeper - or - he doesn't keep up with the bloggs (which I doubt) and doesn't realize that the people who extended him a hand some odd ten years ago - can retract it as well.
he could be pissed off as well - regarding some of the things that I have not disclosed - that happened in the several days long initial meeting.
Time will tell.
Anyone get a recording of that show? Transcript's?
I heard most of the last part of C2C last night with RCH. Hoagland did a tap dance on the Manchurian Candidate thing. He was very careful in wording his answer to Noory this time. As if he had gotten some flak or feedback since the last time he and Noory used that term. :)
You really need to hear it yourself.
I nucking love to.
Oddily enough - my internet connection had ALL SORTS of trouble.
So - once again - if anyone had the show recorded - please - send it to me - ill send a plate of my ma's cookies.
I just know I am going to get some sort of comments about that - dancing...
Pack them cookies up buddy :)
After compressing the files the archive was over 50MB's so I've uploaded it to a file sharing site. You will need WinRAR to uncompress it.
file: Coast to Coast AM Aug 6 2007
pass: jFaTziAVDde2iWR
Thanx for link clamytoe
downloading was free no pwd needed.
Password is needed to extract the files :)
Those that do not have WinRAR can get it here. I did not share this one though, so make sure to check it for malware.
Now thats what I call ON TAP!
Top Shelf work Clamytoe - Top shelf!
Thanks - I'll get to it today or so...
Damm thats awesome - Dos attack my ass!
One of my contacts pointed me towards this interview of Benjamin Fulford over at www.rense.com. It's basically about the Asia Mafia going after members of the Illuminati. If you guys have the time, listen to parts 1 and 2 and let me know what you think.
Complete Fulford Archive Illuminati Threatened
By the way, you guys might have noticed that most of the links that I post are re-directed through an anonymous server. I do this to prevent sites from tracking us back to our blogs and to try and avoid DOS attacks and hacking.
If you guys want to do the same, just tack this portion before the URL of the site that you are linking to:
<a href="http://anonym.to/?
and then just close it as usual. Here's a sample one:
<a href="http://anonym.to/?http://fshod.blogspot.com/">FSHOD</a>
and it would work like such:
I downloaded the C2C show, then had to dl WinRAR, then copy pasted to password you gave to extract files and it gives an error message that the password is wrong. Any suggestions?
Awesome blogging everyone. Ya'll are keeping me really busy.
BTW, the "hebrewish" drawing that someone put up, I have the large version and there is more than one. I found them many months ago along with a "leaked" commentary. If anyone is interested, let me know. I have studied those drawings somewhat. The design seems so familiar to me and I can't put my finger on why. Anyway, just thought I would pass that along.
Ms. T :)
(((((((Iontruo2))))))) miss ya!!!
ms. t
Make sure that you are not adding a space to the end of the password. It's easy to add a space while copying it. Let me know if that was it.
I just copied the password by double-clicking it to select it and it does not work for some reason. If you manually highlight it and then copy it, it works. Not sure what else it might be copying by double-clicking it, but it's messing it up for some reason.
If you double-click it, although it doesn't look like it, it's actually gabbing an empty space at the end of it. If you do double-click it, just hit the backspace button one time after pasting it to remove it. :)
I saw your re-action to that Apollo image of the 'object' floating in orbit of the Moon.
Any thoughts? Looked like a 'platform' to me.
Why does everyone think we are only inclined to 'build' framework style stations or 'ships'?
Converted asteroids makes so much more sense. Heck it could be even easier if one is already mining the thing in the first place anyway. WIN WIN.
Supplies are built in(including volatiles),
shielding from cosmic and solar rays is better with original regolith,
natural cloaking/concealment is good too as a natural looking body just floating along.
Spherical volume is capable of larger loads and people. ;)
So, Sword what gotcha with that image?
Battle platform revealed perhaps? ...Or stable orbital supply Depot?
What is baffleing me about that image is teh fact that:
1 - Never heard about it. Never from the Knights before me - nor anyone else for that matter. Never seen an image of it. Then of course - with "the lie diffrent at every level" - I wouldn't be surprised if at the last minute TOP makes a social call with one of his "By the way, we thought you should know" rutines...
2 - It appears to be the crust of the moon - which is "loose" material. It would be like coating a battleship with loose sand and expecting it to stay on once moving.
3 - Based on the curvicture of the object - I would say that IT IS NOT a vessel - but a concave piece of glass that is reflecting the surface back again into the camera.
Size does matter in this aspect. If its a solid third section of a doom that was blown off into orbit - that matters.
I do not think that is a battle platform or a supply depot. I don't think its a craft at all.
Considering the amount of "glass" that WE DO KNOW is up there - I would conclude that this is a reflection off something floating up there.
Clamytoe - still haven't gotten to that audio yet - but I will - quiet possibly tonight. I haven't received the dubious anonymous email yet - I proably wohnt get one at all now that THEY know I am able to get info a hell of alot easier...
Probably will lead to a whole new blogg post.
That's cool. Just so that you won't waste your time, like I did sitting through the whole show, RCH shows up in hour 3. Not that the first two hours weren't interesting now, it just wasn't what I was looking for.
I thought about it and maybe what Richard was doing was more like backpeddling (backsliding?) than tap dancing. Or maybe walking a tightrope. Or walking a plank? :)
anyway he seemed to be much more careful about how he characterized the Apollo astronauts inability to remember certain tings about the moon landings.
Speaking of threes:
Did you ever notice the Flag of Tennessee. ?
Well, on the C2C matter - I haven't heard it yet - doing yard work - like I said before... ...he's either watching the bloggs - or he's getting flack from other channels.
I'd go with the latter...
...also - I'd like to state - Noory's illustration of a "stalker" may not be Crazy Gary (aka MR) - it just might be me - which would get interesting.
Does anyone else here "feel" like I may be "stalking" 'ol Rich?
I don't get that impression, are you even in the same state/city as him? Have you ever staked him out, bugged his home, car, or office? If not, then I would lean towards a big fat "Nah".
HHMSS Sword said...
Well, on the C2C matter - I haven't heard it yet - doing yard work - like I said before... ...he's either watching the bloggs - or he's getting flack from other channels.
I'd go with the latter...
...also - I'd like to state - Noory's illustration of a "stalker" may not be Crazy Gary (aka MR) - it just might be me - which would get interesting.
Does anyone else here "feel" like I may be "stalking" 'ol Rich?
2007-08-09 9.51.PD
Gary isn't after RCH...he's gpt enough other localized issues.
As for you...you've indicated frequently you, and 'TOP' are somewhat 'torqued' about his non-performance in doing something you folks expect him to do.
Just what EXACTLY is he supposed to be doing he's not?
Spilling the beans - right on schedule... ...I am "torqued" - or am I? - regarding his not posting the article seven of MWV... ...top and the rest of their side of the crew is probably laughing/shaking their collective heads.
"Stalker" was an inference by one of the posters.
The Noory Dream Story was that Noory arrived late at a Hoagland presentation, and there was a man being carried off in a straight-jacket. The man was kicking and screaming. Noory asked what was going on with the guy, and someone said the guy had been listening to RCH for nine straight hours.
It was supposed to be a joke about how long Hoagland's presentations are and possiby the "high strangeness" of his subject matter.
The guy went crazy from listening to RCH for nine hours. No stalker.
Although when I first was listening to it I did flash on the rambling MR. (for some reason)
Hey Gort...I was listening, typing what I was hearing in real time. I have only listened to a couple of C2C broadcasts in my life and I only listened to this one because Doug Yurchey wrote me and said he would be on for the full three hours. Noory cut him off after one hour after RCH arrived through the trap door in the second hour. If I had known that it would be an RCH show, I never would have listened to it as he is a regular and I get updates in print on what happens on C2C at the debris field blog.
What little I know of Noory is that he has a reputation as a pre-cog associated with the Montauk stuff. I could be wrong but from my take on the conversation, Noory said he had a "dream" and RCH was in it as was a for lack of a better term, a stalker.
Anyway, that Goro story and all the patches in it is amazing synchronicity. Goro draws alot of symbolism from the actual shape of the patch.
Clamy..It's cyber-stalking not physically stalking. Please post some more of those hotlinks to great pix when you have time. I have a problem navigating through all the stuff.
I'll go through some tonight and see what I can find. I did see a couple of images that seemed to have our little piece of floating crust in them, but from much further away. Unfortunately, I didn't write down the links. If you guys are interested, I'll go back through them and see if I can find them again.
That would be great - I'm interested to see what can be found as a collective for floating objects above the moon.
I'm set to be listening to the audio tonight - should be interesting.
Thanks Clamy - send me an address and I can get those cookies sent.
I just finished listening to that audio. They are definitely singing a different tune.
More on that latter...
errrrr ummmmm?! SWORD, I think that would now be two batches of cookies for clamytoe.
Sword you said: Spilling the beans - right on schedule... ...I am "torqued" - or am I? - regarding his not posting the article seven of MWV... ...top and the rest of their side of the crew is probably laughing/shaking their collective heads.
iontruo2 Do you think he is waiting for exactly 5 years as the penultimate point for timing to proceed?
Remember, the movie "American Treasure", is coming out this DECEMBER on the 21st--12/21/07.
ericswan-you said:Anyway, that Goro story and all the patches in it is amazing synchronicity. Goro draws alot of symbolism from the actual shape of the patch.
2007-08-09 6.10.MD
iontruo2 Interesting. And Sword asked us about the 'patch' crest logo from his Blog "Another Image" 06-29-07
Amazing Stories Comic
Here: HE had said: .....Maybe after the fall we can use them as wranglers for all the loose "horses" in the sky... but until then - HANDS OFF...
But back to the unit patches...
Does this:
have anything to do with this:
2007-08-02 9.23.MD
iontruo2 Hay! Missed that horse reference! ;)
While not one myself to try and take some credit, perhaps Goro is attuned to your Blog Sword?
I replied to your question: The logo shape itself.
They are the same, and the comic book one 'peaks' at a pentagonal.
The two 'structures' of "fact and theory" "science and fiction" converging in ascension at the pentagon.
That brings me to a thought about Richard's timing, which is perhaps bang on and not SO late.
Just prior to my input, ericswan had commented about the patches symbolism. (which could also include the Masonic 'Starmap')
He said The 5 pointed star at the pinnacle of the 3 pillars
I had followed with: They are the same, and the comic book one 'peaks' at a pentagonal.
The two 'structures' of "fact and theory" "science and fiction" converging in ascension at the pentagon.
I think perhaps the 'five year window' is the quintessence ;), of Richard's time 'table'. (quintillion-number table).
Its the quintus of quintile. ;) lol
mmmm! thats good hay.....high five!
How about a "Monty Python.esque" Meteor Stomp?!
Five Toe'd Fix
O.k. here is the coffee kid again, so please indulge me.
Having been 'sworn' to secrecy, here is my disclosure of our best solution.
Earth's Last, Best Hope
...it was all about 'Asteroids' and damn I was good it in the ol days.
correction: from: "Remember, the movie "American Treasure", is coming out this DECEMBER on the 21st--12/21/07".
its National Treasure-Book of Secrets 12.21.07
I found a quote the other day while reading a book about the Priory of Sion.
"In my estimation, I prefer the mythologist to the historian. Greek mythology, if one immerses oneself in it, is of more interest than the distortions and simplifications of history, because its lies remain unalloyed with reality, while history is an alloy of reality and lies. The reality of history becomes a lie. The unreality of the fable becomes the truth."
--John Cocteau
Cocteau, Journal d'un inconnu, p. 143
quoted in Picnett, Lynn, and Prince, Clive, The Sion Revelalation: The Truth about the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline. p.101-2
I think the same thing could be said about Egyptian mythology. :)
And about the mythology (hidden history) of the space program.
John Cocteau was a 20th century French artist, writer, poet, and film maker, and a reputed grand master of the Priory of Sion.
Shuttle Has a Gouge on its Belly
Help me out in this:
This weekend there is a Periseds(sp?) meteor shower... ...best site for info?
Also there is supposed to be a lrager meteor shower at the end of the month - what was the name of this and where can I find info on it.
In other news:
I have seen at least one Falling Star very night this week - in the direction of the west, specifically west by North West - interesting that I would see them in the same section of MY sky - and falling in the same general direction.
My constellation of Orion is rises over my mountain - nearly directly east. Tick tock tick tock... ... ...
New blogg post coming soon.
O.k. I'll bite.
We have the Leonids still to come...but just before the lion roar there will be THE AURIGIDS from the from the direction of the constellation Auriga.
A very unusual meteor outburst will happen in the early morning of September 1, 2007. Earth will encounter the debris of comet C/1911 N1 (Kiess), ejected some time in the century around 83 BC.
What: A 2-hour outburst of bright (-2 to +3 magnitude) meteors radiating from the constellation Auriga (Radiant at RA = 92, Decl. = +39, speed Vinf = 67 km/s).
Why: The Earth will travel through the dust trail of long-period comet C/1911 N1 (Kiess), shown in Figure 1. Comet Kiess was discovered by Carl Kiess, a post doc at Lick Observatory, only days after Lick Observatory was hit by a damaging earthquake (an aftershock of the 1906 earthquake that destroyed San Francisco).
With the comet back on its way out, when was the dust ejected that makes up the comet dust trail: During the comet's prior return of around 83 BC, give or take a century, 2000 years ago at the beginning of our year count. The dust has since made one revolution, some particles making a wider orbit than others and returning later. There is a continuous stream of dust particles passing by Earth orbit, but only when the planets steer that dust trail in Earth's path do we see a meteor outburst.
my notes:
The meteors will radiate with a speed of 67 Kilometers per second from the direction(called the shower radiant)
Right ascension=92 deg. with declination=39 in the constellation Auriga.
(Especially in California the radiant will be high in the sky just before the dawn on Sept 1st.)
There may be a million of them Sword but it appears they are 'little guys'. Nothing bigger than about 20 centimeters.
And? So?
Your request Sword for a "where" you can find info on it.
I know about the one tonight, but I couldn't remember anything but the date on the one coming Sept 1...
While a discussion of the number Three naturally preludes a study of the Interlaced Triangles, we feel that it cannot be entirely omitted from its natural sequence of position in the Divine Alphabet. For this reason this chapter will contain only those ideas necessary to preserve this continuity. The student is therefore referred to the later chapter of this book under the heading of "The Interlaced Triangles" for a more complete study. It will be impossible also to avoid certain repetitions of thoughts which seem equally necessary for the clarity of the subject under the headings of "A Divine Language" and "The Interlaced Triangles".
In all Nature the word "finale" has no place. The end of a day, a season, a year is only the pause before the entrance of a new day, season or year. And yet the "new" day or year is not new except in the sense of being another segment in the procession of time. There are no new causes which do not have their roots in yesterday's events. Cause and effect operate continuously on al levels from the mental to the physical. Each day is not a new bead, separate from others on an endless thread. Nature's books are not closed with the ending of each season. The countless seeds and dormant things only await the returning warmth to continue their halted careers. Each morning brings with it yesterday's problems - solved or unsolved. We merely turn the page of our book; the plot is unbroken. We play our parts in a never-ending drama whose gamut spans the extremes of tragedy and comedy. Life has no final curtain. The causes set in motion yesterday become today's happenings; and today's decisions become tomorrow's directions- whether tomorrow be a day or an incarnation. Someone once remarked that if the final curtain at the conclusion of a tragedy were to be raised again, the audience would witness a comedy - and vice versa.
These observations on the continuity of life and Nature are called forth by the realisation that the foregoing chapter of this book is in itself utterly incomplete; and this is because of the fact that the conclusions expressed therein are only half true. In that chapter nothing is settled, and the whole argument is left dangling in the air. It is as if in a play we rang down the final curtain on the second act instead of the third. This second act (chapter) presented merely the various threads of the plot (problem), not their solution. The intent of the present chapter will be to gather up these various loose threads and to indicate a direction and a purpose.
The statement that all manifestation is dual is only half the story. Duality is a truism only as it is a process which leads to a third state. The first state is unity or being; the second is duality, which is becoming; the third state of triplicity is fulfilment or completion. I think it may truly be said that everything in the manifested universe, from our highest concept of Deity to a grain of sand,follows a threefold pattern. The geometrical figure which represents this truth is the triangle; and we may conclude that the triangle is the sign which is the third letter of our symbolical alphabet. We shall expect,therefore,to find a definite relationship between the triangle and the number three,and also, we may suggest, with the letter C (or G- Greek "Gamma", Hebrew "Gimel").
Before continuing our search for these associations and relationships, we shall first pause to consider certain problems left unanswered in our previous discussion. We said that "In the beginning" God in His act of creation, divided (or polarised) His nature into spirit-matter. The One becomes two. As a result of that separation (in the truest mystical sense, the Divine Sacrifice) manifestation comes into being; and with that manifestation there appears on all levels an infinite host of dualities. And yet, all of these dualities, from the original duality "spirit-matter", are incomplete in themselves. If we examine these dualities we shall see that they are also triplicities; for on every level of manifestation we can think of no duality which does not possess a third quality or characteristic. Let us start with that first fundamental duality- so easy to talk about,so difficult to comprehend- spirit-matter. By the term matter we mean that primordial substance, which the scientist calls "aether"" or "source material", distributed everywhere throughout space. The ancient Aryans called it Mulaprakriti (Sanskrit), meaning "the root principle of matter". By the term spirit we mean that ultimate reality or life principle which we may only call "God"
The human mind can conceive of neither spirit nor matter as not possessing some kind of form or shape,however etherial that may be. Between these two poles of being there exists every conceivable type of living forms. It must be accepted that every form is the product of this union of spirit and matter, and without such union form could not exist. Occult science has taught, and modern science now confirms, that there is no form, however minute or dense, that does not contain some degree of spirit, in the form of energy or force. On the other hand, we can hardly think of life except that life be embodied in some form.
If we go through the entire gamut of dualities we find that each is complete only as it is seen as a triplicity. Take the dual concept of matter-motion. Each would be inconceivable without the third idea of space. And again, space-matter brings with it the idea of time. Again uniting the twin concepts space-time we have the relationship of measure. And the measure of time-motion must be expressed by a threefold definition as distance-direction-duration. We mentioned a while back that the duality, spirit-matter, becomes the triplicity spirit-matter-form. We have suggested that the union of spirit-matter, produces life. Now we have another duality, life-form. It is true that we cannot recognise or know life unless that life manifests through some form. It is only through the union of life and form that growth and evolution are possible. It is by the constant interplay of matter and energy or matter and spirit, that all substances become known to man. On the lower levels of manifestation the union of matter and energy produces awareness; on the higher levels the union of life and form produces the triplicity: life-form-consciousness.
The phenomenon of electricity illustrates this principles, requiring the union of its positive and negative polarities for its manifestation. Or again, the twin forces of attraction and repulsion or contraction and expansion result inequilibrium or law throughout the physical universe. In a later chapter, many of the triplicities both in Nature and in the spiritual realm are catalogued. The threefold pattern is repeated in the realm of consciousness. We say, "I am I", or "I am the Self"; and we see that world outside of us which we know as the "not-Self", between the "Self" and the "not Self", there is a continuous relationship which is "consciousness".
If we extend this idea to the realm of religion, we find that our highest concept of God fulfils this threefold pattern. The Trinity concept of Deity is as old as man's thoughts. However, since this idea will be the subject of a detailed study in a later chapter, we shall pass it by for the moment with the observation that when the Creator put down fragments of Himself into this world of manifestation to become the seeds of a future humanity, there was inherent within each of those "fragments" the desire or urge to reunite with its parental Source. In the early ages of the race this urge was but dimly felt and was expressed in primitive religious rites. In time this urge, this desire to unite with God, became an absorbing passion and the theme of every religion. The word "religion" itself (re-ligare) means to "bind back", and suggests the connotation that religion, in its highest sense is a relationship or covenant between man and God - thus completing another triangle: God- man - religion.
In every age and in every race the number three has been held sacred, associated always with the concept of Deity, spirit or life. References in the Bible to the number three are too numerous to be coincidental. The most obvious of these are the allusions to Jesus being "three days in the tomb". He Himself referred prophetically to His three days' burial as a sign or symbol. "There shall no sign be given [to this generation] but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the hearth of the earth." (Matthew 12: 39,40). Again He said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up". (John 2: 19) What Jesus really meant by these remarks (aside from a purely historical implication) has been the subject of endless conjecture. Among other things, may we suggest a reference to the three great stages of evolution of life upon our planet before that life emerged as man?
The life of God descending to earth enters first the mineral kingdom. Then for three long days and nights it lies literally buried in the mineral , vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Then on the fourth day (age), the life of God is "resurrected" in human form as the true divine image. Or again we might consider this "sign" of the three days of burial in a mystical sense as referring to the birth or resurrection of spiritual consciousness. During the infancy of the race, consciousness lies buried in man's physical nature. During the adolescence of the race, consciousness is associated with the emotions. As the race approaches maturity, consciousness is identified with the mind. Then on the fourth day, consciousness rises to its own realm, the awareness of its own spiritual nature. Like most symbols,this allusion to three days and three nights may contain other and more exalted interpretations. We may note in passing that according to the Biblical record, Jesus was only two nights in the tomb,His resurrection occurring on the morning of the third day, celebrated as Easter.
Other references to the number three in the Bible will readily be recalled. Jesus was 30 years old (3 x 10) when He began His ministry which lasted 3 years. There 3 sons of Judah who stood unharmed in the "Fiery Furnace". Three "Wise Men" sought the Christ Child. The three disciples with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration said, "Let us build three [3] Tabernacles". The 3 Christian virtues are listed as "faith, hope and charity".
We have referred to the fact that ancient philosophers and mystics have taught an association between numbers and letters of the alphabet as well as with geometric figures. We saw that the number 1, the letter A and the point are related. Also we have presented evidence to show an association between the number 2, the letter B and the line. We shall not be surprised then to find evidences garnered from ancient sources to indicate that this series of relationships also follows with the number 3, the triangle and with the third letter of alphabet. We may point out that this very association between numbers, letters and geometric figures repeats our threefold pattern: its number expresses its power; its letter suggests its idea or wisdom; its form reveals its measure.
Since the triangle is one of the integral parts of the Theosophical Seal, we shall for the moment defer our study of this symbol until we consider the interlaced triangles (See Book V of this document). Let us take a look at the third letter of the alphabet, "C" (Greek "Gamma", Hebrew "Gimel") and examine its relation to the first two letters "A" and "B". If, as we have seen,Aleph represents spirit or activating principle, and Beth suggests form or generative principle, we may conclude that Gimel is the relationship between the two- the magnetic link which unites them. We may think of it not only as the force which unites the two but also the result of their union. In Nature it is the adhesive principle. It is the form or which in which spirit and matter are united. It is equally the infinitude of living forms which proceed from this union. If we may use a single word to express the intrinsic meaning of this letter it is "link" or "union". Using the human family as the living example of this concept, it is the "love" principle which unites father and mother; and it is also the child or product of this union. Expanding this idea, we may say that it is the link between personality and soul, between animal body and divine spirit. In a later study we shall follow these many relationships into the cosmic or divine realms where they reveal a universal pattern whose symbol is the triangle.
A little background from the Theosophy crowd.
I knew a better O. S. was out there:
Maybe we(public) will see this in 10 years!
O. S. Masonic/Masonic O. S.
It has a nice ring to it!
Hey Now:
Tech stuff:
Very do-able!!!
Efforts have been taken:
Did y'all catch this one:
Extrasolar Planet In Trinary Star System Discovered
Once again, it seems that whatever the imagination of human beings can create, the Universe will match it. Remember the suns of Tatooine, the home planet of Luke Skywalker from "Star Wars"? Well, it seems that something similar really exists out there, and a scientist from Earth has discovered it.
meangreen- you are bringing the tryotic treos man!
Your first link: http://www.isa.org/Template.cfm?Section=Technical_Information_and_Communities&template=/Ecommerce/ProductDisplay.cfm&ProductID=5439
A Design for a Futuristic Operating System Based on 3-Dimensional Communications - ISA TECH 1999
Murty V. Rama
concluding with:
A new proprietary 3-dimensional communication system for propagation of data is also envisioned.
From your link at http://xyzzy.freeshell.org/trinary/
Basic Trinary Algebra oyee! that almost sounds like an oxymoron to me?!
This was too funny not share with those who may not surf the link.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama(tv show)
meangreen re: Tatooine
So one could ask- What did George Lucas know and when did he know it? (ala Hoagland/Clarke)
Obviously with first Star Wars-he might have been telling us about 1977.
Ooh looky that, right about the same time Sitchen was publishing too! 12th Planet (3 squared)
correction: meant tryptic treos
Sorry for not being as active lately, I've been busy testing my hacking skills and adding more to them by going through the hacking challenges over at www.hackthissite.org. I've been able to get through all of the Basic Web challenges and am now on the 5th Realistic Mission. If there's one thing that I've learned thus far, is that most site are wide open...
Dont advertize playah...
My new blogg entry has been delayed indefinetly... ...phishin...
This just cracks me up, and I thought my home town was getting to crowded...
Delayed indefinitely? What's up with that?
Come on, what tru blue pirate/Buccaneer wouldn't want to talk about his ships or something else like that?
O.k. how about gardening? :)
Ya gardening the galaxy, I love that term!
One can start by clearing the rocks and boulders. Hey wait a minute, isn't that what you are already going to be doing? lol ;)
o.k. what comes next? (rhetorical)
Sword..I like being followed around by helicopters. It makes me feel "safe". Question for you..So far, you have disclosed more than anyone I read or consort with. Without going into detail, let us pick up the chase where you left off. The moon has artifacts. Members of the Apollo team are your source. Does the moon, earth, Iapetus, Orion have alien life or are the artifacts from time travelling earth beings?
Wait - what the hell are you... ...uhhh...
We ARE the alien life. There are no ancestral time traveling humans. Yes, there are artifacts - the solar system is "littered" with them.
The Apollo team is not my only source.
Don't know if that was a joke or what.
By gosh you stuttered Capt. :)
exactly, WE are the alien life.
We bridge all dimensions, yet we are so limited to really, only what is seen, and barely attentive to what we hear.
Not advertising, just wanted to see if I could garner some interest so that I can get a "partner in crime" to go on this journey with.
So is Dan Burisch full dead on? He does mention that the aliens are us, just from a different timeline.
"Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt."
Exodus 22:21 ;)
Good question Clamy. My POV is that time travel solves alot of the mystery we see on this planet. As far as hacking, I recommend you check out "Torpark". If nothing else, at least be anonymous when you're out there.
Thank you!
The key element in Baxter's book of Manifold:Time is the discovery of an 'artifact' on Cruithne3753.(yup, my favorite Earth moonlet!)
It is essentially (at this point in the story) being shown as a time portal that has allowed us a 'look ahead' across vast time. A gift of the bigger picture so to speak. Nothing fictionally theatrical, just a self evident viewing of what is to come across the galaxy over million of years.
You can understand the shocking eye opener it must be for human minds that barely can conceive beyond the next mere ten years let alone a lifetime of what 80-90 years, let alone massive cosmic time?
So Sword's point about the guys who walked into the structures/facility on our Moon( or even Iapetus) and realized humanity's hand from ancient times prior to us, makes sense. Instantly mind expanding and naive belief dissolving.
I talk about it - and then it ends up in the news...or on C2C
Links away!
Lunar "ark" proposed
Researchers at the International Space University (ISU) in France propose that NASA's planned lunar base should also include a "biological and historical archive" of human civilization. The idea is that this "ark" would preserve humanity's history if the Earth is destroyed by an asteroid or comet.
From slashdot:
"Neuroscientists have discovered that long-term memories are not etched in a stable form, like a 'clay tablet,' as once thought. The process is much more dynamic, involving a miniature molecular machine that must run constantly to keep memories going. Jamming the machine briefly can erase long-term memories." A few months back we discussed a similar removal of rat memories by a different method.
Now all you have to do is collect your fee. If you find yourself in a dream bearing a cup....
Scary stuff. Too bad that I don't have access to the second link.
I checked that link too, the first one, very scary stuff. Ain't it great to be proud of creating the ability to erase someone's mind? Real career goals there.
I see your pool vid made it to CNN as well. You're being watched (from afar and) followed.
Well get into that with the next blogg update - which should be very soon.
However - I really do not think that anything I am speaking off is being "followed"... ...except, perhaps, on C2C...
In preview... (what the hell why not)
So, what was said, how was it said, when it was said and why it was said.
Bones to pick up and remember...
Why would selective memories, hypnosis, "brainwashing", Apollo astronauts and there (in)actions, be relevant and/or have anything in common with Hogland?
Maybe the WHOLE story hasn't been told of Richards involvement with the Sword - and what exactly it meant - to be one of US... (insert creepy music)
Against my better judgment - blogg post coming soon...
Sword - you said:
"Bones to pick up and remember...
Why would selective memories, hypnosis, "brainwashing", Apollo astronauts and there (in)actions, be relevant and/or have anything in common with Hogland?"
MeanGreen -
MarsRevealer has a radio show titled "PICK UP THE BONES" remember...
"Hogland's(excellent-so true)" selective memories regarding the video "UFO DIARIES 3: CYDONIA CONNECTION" has something in common with the real truth not coming out. How did he not see the other "Faces of Mars"? RCH had a lot of things going on from '92 to '94, but when it comes to real research and the truth, is he our man?
Timing is everything.
MeanGreen said...
How did he not see the other "Faces of Mars"?
The same way every other person did not see the "other" faces... ...because they don't exist.
Your fixation with them baffles me. Where are the other researchers with there images? If this - "other faces" - do exist - where is the location - where are the real images - where is the raw data?
There is no data - because the only data resides in one mans imagination - a man who stated very clearly that he needed exposer - to get himself back on the air...
Crazy Gary had nothing, except a desperate need to be heard and put back on the air.
You asked on FSHOD if the radar anomoly off HI was normal or not. I have been watching radar anomolies for several years now. The anomonly in HI is a normal, regular anomally I have seen many times off the big island of HI.
Ms. T
This link is pure science with a white hat.
Ms. T:
Sure - I can accept that. Not everything we see is "black hat"...
I however do not look at radar anoms all the time. Just when I am up to no good.
However - It struck me as strange that when the storm got close to this radar image it seemed to move away from it. Thermodynamics/meteorology being what they are - the land would naturally pull the storm near it - would it not?
What your seeing might be black hat from ages ago (no marks on your age from this camp)... ...then again - what do I know?
:-) ;-X
Listen to Jim McCanney's explanation for why the hurricane misses Hawaii in his archived show from August 16; seems there is a scientific explanation for it. I would hate to try and repeat it, I would surely screw it up and it wouldn't sound reasonable anymore.
Ms. T said...
You asked on FSHOD if the radar anomoly off HI was normal or not. I have been watching radar anomolies for several years now. The anomonly in HI is a normal, regular anomally I have seen many times off the big island of HI.
Ms. T
2007-08-19 10.11.
Do you have any files over the several years to prove this statement?
...is that for me of Mrs. T?
Don't mess wit dah dames...
While the Blog is still "of three", it seems appropriate to continue with bits and bites of story that aligns to Swords latest theme.
Here is an interesting astronomical event.
TRIPLE CONJUNCTION-A triple conjunction is an astronomical event, where two planets or a planet and a star meet each other three times in a short period either in opposition or at the time of inferior conjunction, if an inferior planet is involved.
The visible movement of the planet or the planets in the sky is therefore normally prograde at the first conjunction, retrograde at the second conjunction and again prograde at the third conjunction.
O.k. thats cool you say, but so-what?
Might 'this' conjunction be of some importance when it does occur? Might it be of some magnitude in its effects as to cause an astronomical event?
The most historically important Triple Conjunction was that one between Jupiter and Saturn in 7 BCE-5 BCE, which is the most common explanation for the star of Bethlehem.
Triple conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn -- so-called Greatest Conjunctions -- last took place in 1682-'83, 1821 (only in right ascension), 1940-'41 and 1981. It will not occur again until 2238-'39
...In 1614, German astronomer Johannes Kepler determined that a series of three conjunctions of the planets Jupiter and Saturn occurred in the year 6 BC (7 BCE). [30] Although conjunctions were important in astrology, Kepler was not thinking in astrological terms. He argued that a planetary conjunction could create a nova, which he linked to the Star of Bethlehem.
Now that is on Topic and satisfies the "Closed Loop" in its return to the story, back when, from Sword of the "Savior's Coming"
Savior's Coming
...and guess what the date was of that posting?
12.12.05 -twin squared trinities
Sword said..So, to recap:
A "star" appears, the star of prophecy – and all of the sudden the most powerful king of the land calls for his astrologer’s, priests and scribes. The fact that Herod called for astrologers is one thing, yet – to call for scribes indicates he was looking at historical records.
The bible is a compilation of every pagan and antedeluvian religion circa 4th century Nicea and compiled by many self interested mind controlling PTB of that time. The KJV as it comes to modern man is based on that council of Nicea compilation. Constantine was solving political problems and not revealing the word of God. The bible was intended as 4th century mind control to the benefit of a large number of disparate Christian religions across Europe. The intent of this council was political and intended to provide a framework for the NWO of that time. It is and was a form of mind control of the masses. (not that there is anything wrong with that). The KJV includes the old testament because it was making public to Gentiles for the first time, the workings of mind control of the Jews.
The bible is a tool to neutralize the power of disparate groups of Christians that had many different traditions. The bible "Jesus" was a Jesus with super powers and much bigger and better than any other "Jesus" known at the time. He was made super to set the bar as high as possible so that the PTB wouldn't have to deal with any other prophets that came along that could disrupt the state or the church. The real Jesus was lost in the shuffle. This is not to say that he has been lost forever.
Sword said:
However - It struck me as strange that when the storm got close to this radar image it seemed to move away from it.
Ms. T says:
I guess I should have clarified my statement a bit more. Yes the times I have seen this anomaly, it has repelled the weather.
Ms. T
Ms. T. Was the anomoly associated with a coastal condition? We know that the wind blows off shore when it is daytime warmer than the water and onshore when it is night and the water is warmer than the earth. I think the anomoly is most unusal when you look at Dean for instance, there is no deflection as it plowed through several islands in the past couple of days not including Jamaica or Haiti.
It looked like a shield to me and I wonder what would cause such a change of speed and direction as to "deflect" a cat 3 without hitting land.
In the great traditions of all the world, there is a 'lineage' of 'realizers'. Jesus was 'one' of them.
I have read teachings from a master that show that Jesus was a Fifth Stage Divine Realizer. When one gets truly in touch with the higher being, they either transcend and do not return, or they return to serve mankind in profound ways.
A lineage.
In that lineage there are numerous transcendent realizers of various degrees from various traditions of understanding.
I agree in regards to the 'Jesus' contrived for the masses and published for the politico 'religious' cultish agendas. The 'spin' factory was already working well even back then.
Most truly ascended masters are not really public or popular figures, yet they do what the karmic mission requires in the midst of the pattern here in this realm of highly conditional existence.
Beings who have realized 'the unconditional' tend to be appear miraculous in their abilities, but really that is frankly because the rest of us here are merely self limited and somewhat functioning in the mundane.
So,if eric's comment arises from my post of an 'event' that ended up correlating to the birth of one such as Jesus, I do not think that 'savior' was a choice word.
Jesus was an arising in the midst.
Made opportune by highly specific event oriented alignments of the greater cosmos.
Yet is was a moment they already knew and were expecting. Part of a understanding, part of a lineage.
But, how about that event!!! (Rock Star Super Nova!).
Now that had to be grand to be so called "Greatest Conjunctions".
(only occurring with the 'superior planets'.
Triple conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn -- so-called Greatest Conjunctions -- last took place in 1682-'83, 1821 (only in right ascension), 1940-'41 and 1981. It will not occur again until 2238-'39.
That said: in the same piece I read they said: There is no obvious period for the occurrence of greatest conjunctions.
iontruo2: YET they seem to know well enough in advance?
Ericswan said: "It looked like a shield to me and I wonder what would cause such a change of speed and direction as to "deflect" a cat 3 without hitting land."
Go here: http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/
here for the August 16 show archive:
explains how an electrical field effects hurricanes
Thanx for the bone Tacodog. This would suggest Ms. T's comments are correct according To McCanny's suggestion that island building through deep sea volcanism is responsible for the deflection based on the electrical nature of both systems. Very interesting indeed. McCanny's weekly radio program live or MP3 is on my agenda in the future.
The Electric Universe theory that McCanny subscribes to has a perfect explanation for the reason that Flossie was deflected away from the main island with the discharging of it's ionospheric energy from the hurricane to the island forming volcano below the surface. My question would be is this the way that pyramids were foreseen by ancient cultures as an electrical grid that worked worldwide. I get the feeling that the Gulf of Mexico was actually geographically formed by hurricanes over millions of years and that the Cancun and various other pyramids were constructed to discharge the energy and save lives much like the underground mountain forming off the coast of Hawaii. The shape of the pyramid is simply the easiest way to raise the height of the edifice. Would the ley lines and world grid of pyramids and natural geologic formations protect inhabitants from what may have been a highly charged environment based on much higher periods of solar activity? We don't have any evidence that electricity was used by ancient man but we do see what may have been his grounding rod I'm sure that the ancients would have seen pyramids taking lightning strikes more often then anywhere else which would have protected them from forest fires etc.
Ericswan: Great Question!!! Makes a lot of sense to me.
We don't have any evidence that electricity was used by ancient man ...
Sword says:
Are we forgetting the Bagdad battery?
I feel compelled to say that I find it interesting that folks are starting to look at the older implications of anceint weather modification... ...carry on!
Blogg update coming soon. (24hrs give or take...)
President says - "You don't look like combat astronauts..."
The captain says - "You wanna get your ass kicked?"
President says - "But - you certainly sound like combat astronauts"
Question Sword, I went back and read some of your older stuff and something struck me that needs clarification. Are you a direct descendant of Jesus?
Since this blog is about symbolism and 3's, I started to reflect on some things about Catholicism. I'm not well versed, but a few things that jumped out at me were:
The Holy Trinity, 3 days to resurrection, and ... hmm. I had more, but it is late and I must get up in about 2hours for work. I can't think straight at the moment. I'll come back to that one.
Certainly you are referring to the fact that I am a lion.
My "Lioniszm" comes from rape - that is - a man raped my mother - and his seed produced me.
I have spent a great deal of my life hunting him down - which lead me to the SF - which he was in the Vietnam war...
Answer your question?
Good enough, thanks. I hope you found him.
Patches for classified missions can sometimes provide otherwise-unavailable insights into the nature of those missions.
Secrets and signs
by Dwayne A. Day and Roger Guillemette
Monday, January 7, 2008
One of the biggest movies currently in theaters is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Like its predecessor, the movie is a lot of silliness and ’splosions, a nonstop chase as the hero travels around the world to decipher clues leading to a city of gold underneath Mount Rushmore. Much of the plot hinges upon the Freemasons, a secretive society that has left symbols with mysterious meanings, and that some people believe actually controls the American government and even the entire world. One symbol commonly attributed to the Freemasons is the “all seeing eye”, or “eye of providence”, often depicted over a pyramid. This symbol appears in the movie and is even featured in the movie poster, but is most familiar to Americans because it is on the back of the one-dollar bill.
Those obsessed with Freemason conspiracy theories would probably go into orbit after learning that in 2000 the secretive National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) launched a satellite into space whose official mission patch featured a symbol nearly identical to the one on the dollar bill. While this was probably not a Freemason satellite, the “all-seeing eye” was undoubtedly intended to serve the same symbolic function as an observation satellite does in reality. More interesting to those obsessed with the NRO is the fact that the patch also features four stars hovering in the sky. Independent observers claimed that the classified satellite launched into orbit was actually the fourth of its type. Four stars. Four satellites.
Military patches and logos—simply the latest examples of heraldry dating back thousands of years—are by definition symbolic, so it is no surprise that they contain symbols. What is surprising is that these symbols often reveal information about the satellites’ identities and missions that are otherwise classified.
It is no surprise that these patches contain symbols. What is surprising is that these symbols often reveal information about the satellites’ identities and missions that are otherwise classified.
It turns out that this hidden symbolism in the patches produced for classified spacecraft launches is far more prevalent than previously believed. Although many official patches for classified missions do not offer any clues to their payloads, there are nearly two dozen mission logos, rocket launch patches, and/or accompanying payload patches that contain hints about the mission of a classified payload. The most common symbolism is a correlation between the number of stars in the patch and the number of satellites of that type launched into orbit over many years. Also common are Latin phrases referring to surveillance or watchfulness. But other features include indications of the satellites’ orbits, their construction, and even their tortured history to get off the ground. Although the first time that the media noticed this symbolism was in 2000, and to date only three examples have been reported in the press, the practice possibly dates as far back as 1977 and includes far more examples than anyone has previously recognized.
Fellowship of the dice
When an Atlas 5 rocket thundered aloft from its launch pad on Florida’s sunny coast on December 10, 2007, reporters knew that the sponsor of the launch—the agency that owned the payload—was the NRO. They also received updates about the launch’s progress right up through four and a half minutes into the flight, when the payload fairing separated. At that point, the Air Force stopped releasing progress reports to prevent disclosure of the spacecraft’s secret mission and orbital parameters. But although the NRO and the Air Force officially replied with a “no comment” to any questions about the payload, there was a glaringly blatant hint plastered on the side of the rocket’s nosecone. A big circular logo was affixed to the side of the payload fairing bearing the constellation name “Scorpius” and a graphical representation of the constellation. This was not that unusual: for nearly a decade now several NRO launches—but not the payloads themselves—have been named for constellations. The important hint was below the constellation.
Below the stars of Scorpio the logo featured an image of the Earth surrounded by three red satellite orbits. One of these circled the Earth at the equator, symbolizing a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, and the other two were in highly-elliptical, highly-inclined orbits, often referred to as HEO or, more traditionally, “Molniya” orbits after the early Soviet Union satellites that pioneered this path around the Earth. Those two types of orbits are occupied by a class of American communications data-relay satellites originally known by the name the Satellite Data System, or SDS, and that one source states was later named Quasar. Also painted on the logo was the Latin phrase Caveo Noster Morsus, which, loosely translated, means “I gather up our little bites”—a perfect description for the SDS mission.
Image copyright 2007 by William Hartenstein. Used with permission.
With this big hint painted right there on the side of the nosecone, it was thus no surprise that the rocket lifted off its pad, and then headed northeast, in the same direction as previous satellites—including SDS satellites—launched into Molniya orbits. The Centaur’s ascent was observed along the Eastern Seaboard as far north as Quebec, and amateur satellite observers noted that the payload entered an initial parking orbit before being boosted to a much higher final orbit.
One challenge for determining what clues these patches might contain is that some of them are filled with arcane and “inside jokes” known only to those who worked on the program itself, or on the launch vehicle that placed the satellite in orbit.
It turns out that another patch similar to this was produced some time ago, apparently for the launch of the seventh SDS satellite, placed into a Molniya orbit by a Titan 34D rocket in February 1987. That patch features the lettering “OD-4/DH” and the words “C’Mon Seven.” The “OD-4” stands for “Operating Division 4” of the Satellite Tracking Center that used to operate in the famous “blue cube” in Sunnyvale, California. The meaning of “DH” remains unknown. This indicates that the patch probably was not produced for a launch crew, but rather for an operations team involved with checking out the satellite after launch.
But there is another intriguing aspect to the patch. The two Molniya orbits are occupied by dice. The dice are apparently a reference to the drinking game “7 & 11”, and the SDS program apparently was originally known as Program 711.
As the dice example illustrates, one challenge for determining what clues these patches might contain is that some of them are filled with arcane and “inside jokes” known only to those who worked on the program itself, or on the launch vehicle that placed the satellite in orbit. Some of the symbols really have nothing to do with the classified satellite program, but refer to events or incidents during preparation of the rocket on the pad. In fact, some of the patches are almost overtaken by little symbols and cartoons. Although one should be careful not to over-interpret the symbolism and become involved in a da Vinci Code-like search for symbols and meanings, because these patches and logos are intended to be symbolic, it is a safe practice to assume that every object they contain was put there for symbolic, and not artistic, purposes. The people designing these symbols have often exhibited a devilish sense of humor, practically daring outsiders to figure out what they are doing.
The golden compass
Occasionally the hints that the intelligence community uses in these logos and patches are both obvious and subtle. Take, for example, the launch last summer of a pair of ocean surveillance satellites.
On June 15, 2007, the NRO launched an Atlas 5 from Florida. Like the Scorpius launch, this one also had a logo on the side of the payload fairing. The logo depicted the constellation Pyxis, the compass—featuring a compass rose—and showed a satellite flying in a high inclination orbit around the Earth. The logo contained other more telling details. Most notably, it depicted a sailing ship, thereby hinting at a naval mission. But this was not simply a generic sailing ship image. The ship looks almost exactly like the ship on the official seal of the former Naval Security Group Activity in Denver, Colorado. This organization is now known as Navy Information Operations Command, and one of their jobs is tracking ships at sea. The logo also contained two stars on its edge. Amateur observers who track classified satellites with binoculars have noticed that for the past several years American satellites they suspect are used to track ships at sea travel in pairs.
Image credit: www.spaceflightnow.com. Used with permission.
The logo also contains some obscure bit of Latin: Non est ad astra mollis e terries via. It is a phrase from the philosopher Seneca the Younger that means “The trip from the Earth to the stars is not an easy one.” Unfortunately, this bit of Latin phrasing proved to be more prophetic than philosophical, because it was soon reported that the rocket’s upper stage had underperformed, placing the satellites in a lower orbit than planned.
The owls are not what they seem
Perhaps the most well-known example of a launch logo revealing the mission of a classified spacecraft occurred in 2000, with the August 17 launch of a Titan 4B from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The rocket was designated B-28. (Titan 4 mission nomenclature is somewhat confusing. Initially, all vehicles were labeled with the letter K designation; after the Upgraded Solid Rocket Motors were introduced, vehicles were designated either as A (original model) or B (SRMU equipped), yet a few of the later missions carried both designators, such as vehicle A-20 K-17 or B-41 K-30).
The NRO produced a patch for the launch that was depicted on the Florida Today newspaper’s Space Online website and quickly caught the attention of Canadian satellite watcher Ted Molczan. Molczan posted his suspicions about the patch to the space watcher list-serve See-Sat.org, and his comments soon came to the attention of the Washington Post, which published an article on the subject.
Molczan stated that he had suspected that the launch would be a new radar imaging satellite. Over the years such satellites have had the designations Lacrosse and Onyx. He also suspected that the launch would go to either a 57 or 68 degree inclination orbit, based upon previous Lacrosse launches.
Upon seeing the patch, Molczan noticed several things. First was that the patch depicted four wing-shaped symbols circling the Earth in two different orbits—analogous to the 57 and 68 degree orbits occupied by previous Lacrosse satellites. Of those four symbols, three were white and one was red. Molczan knew that of the four Lacrosse satellites launched to date, the first spacecraft, launched aboard the Space Shuttle in 1988, had been deorbited.
The patch also contained some other notable elements. A pair of owl eyes hovered at the top of the logo, and the eyes were surrounded by a mesh. Could this be a reference to the wire mesh dish of the Lacrosse spacecraft? At the bottom of the patch was the phrase “We Own The Night,” a reference both to the owl and likely to the fact that one of the strengths of military radar satellites is that they are unaffected by nighttime conditions.
Although this one patch contained a number of hints, it was actually one of three produced for the launch. A second patch is similar to the first. In addition to references to the rocket, as well as the launch pad and Vandenberg, it also includes the owl eyes and four stars, apparently symbolizing the four satellites. But it also depicts a polar view of the Earth covered with what could be either satellite orbits, or the spokes of a dish-shaped antenna.
The fact that the NRO continued to produce logos like that for Pyxis and Scorpius seven years after the owl patch received a lot of attention in the press is a clear indication that this activity has the approval of NRO security.
A third patch developed for the launch was the “all-seeing eye” patch mentioned earlier. Although the eye over the pyramid symbol is often attributed to Freemasons, the symbolic eye itself can be traced back to ancient Egypt, and in the United States it was first included on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States in 1782. Clearly whoever developed the design for the patch took the symbol from the dollar bill and adapted it, intending it to symbolize the same thing as the owl eyes on the other two patches—the ability of the satellite to see regardless of day or night. The logo also contains the launch number B-28 written out in Roman numerals, and letters representing the NRO, the 2nd Space Launch Squadron, and Lockheed Martin Aerospace.
The fact that the NRO continued to produce logos like that for Pyxis and Scorpius seven years after the owl patch received a lot of attention in the press is a clear indication that this activity has the approval of NRO security. Perhaps more interesting is the fact that this was not the first time that a Lacrosse launch had contained a hint in the mission patch. Another patch that contains a key similarity was produced for Titan 4 K-18, which was launched on October 23, 1997 from Vandenberg. That patch also contains an owl’s head. That was the third Lacrosse launched into orbit. There are three stars on the patch. Three stars. Three satellites.
Enter the dragon
Whereas the owl patches demonstrate an obvious pattern, a more intriguing example of patterns in the launch patches is provided by the launches of Titan 4’s B-25 and B-36, and several similar patches that are apparently much older, and all of which contain images of dragons. This appears to be a clear indication that the dragon is a symbol for a class of high altitude signals intelligence satellites originally developed under the name Rhyolite.
On September 8, 2003 a Titan 4B launched from Cape Canaveral’s Complex 40 to place a satellite into geosynchronous orbit. The rocket was equipped with the largest payload shroud built for it, a 26.2-meter (86-foot) long monster that obviously concealed a massive satellite, which independent observers claimed was a signals intelligence satellite. Two patches were produced for this launch. One is rather jumbled. It depicts the silhouette of a B-36 Peacemaker bomber and the word “Peacemaker” at the top. It also depicts references to the Third Space Launch Squadron, Space and Missiles Command (SMC), the NRO, and Lockheed Martin Aerospace. The patch also features the Latin phrase Vos Intuebor, which means “to look at attentively,” or alternatively, “to gaze at, consider, to admire, contemplate, observe, or look upon.”
But far more intriguing is another patch developed for the launch. Unlike the first patch, this one is simple and abstract. It contains no letters or numbers of any kind, just the image of a dragon with the Earth in its talons. The dragon is holding a diamond with its tail. This patch probably symbolizes the rocket’s payload. But could a dragon somehow be symbolic for the program itself? Alternatively, could the diamond refer to the name of the program?
It turns out that this is not the first time that a launch patch has featured this symbolism. Five years earlier, on 8 May 1998, Titan 4B-25 launched from Cape Canaveral. Like B-36, the Titan also featured an 86-foot launch shroud and flew to geosynchronous orbit, and independent observers speculated that both launches carried similar signals intelligence satellite payloads.
The dragon is a symbol for a class of high altitude signals intelligence satellites originally developed under the name Rhyolite.
Once again those involved in the launch produced two patches, apparently one for the launch team and another to symbolize the payload. The launch patch featured another Air Force bomber, this time the B-25, and also a rising sun logo, symbolizing the famous 1942 B-25 raid on Tokyo. The patch shared other similarities. The names “Jack” and “Walter” also appear on the patch, as does the phrase “You Don’t Know Jack.” It is common for Titan 4 rocket patches to carry two names on them, symbolizing the Titan rocket (in this case, “Jack”) and its Centaur upper stage (“Walter”). Another common symbol for Titan 4 patches is an ice cube, symbolizing the cryogenic-fueled Centaur, and containing the number of the Centaur.
There are other elements of the patch that are still mysterious. For instance, the patch has 15 stars on the left side. It also contains a series of dots underneath the phrase that is possibly some kind of code. And the number “7” appears to be below the bomber (although this may simply represent a bit of terrain).
However, like the B-36 launch, the payload patch for this launch is also more tantalizing, and more mysterious. This patch has two dragons holding the Earth in their claws. It also has the Latin phrase Altitudo cum habitus, which literally translates to: “To consider with height” or more commonly “To consider from on high.”
The patch also features eight stars around the Earth, two up high to either side, and six others, including two that uniquely have streaks coming from them. When the satellite was launched, independent observers speculated that it was another in a series of satellites originally developed to monitor Soviet missile launches. Those satellites initially had the name Rhyolite, later changed to Aquacade, with later satellites known as Orion and then Magnum. These observers had speculated that the B-36 launch was the eighth launch of a satellite of this type. Eight stars. Eight satellites.
Upon closer inspection, the dragons’ wings are gold in color and ribbed. Removing the dragons’ bodies from the patch leaves only a pair of golden fan-shaped objects, very suggestive in shape, structure and color to the large collapsible dish antennae reported to be the most obvious feature of these signals collection spacecraft.
The dragon symbology apparently goes much further back than 1998, possibly to the early years of the effort to place this type of satellite into orbit. Two other patches have surfaced sporting dragons and stars—one depicts a dragon with four stars in space, another featuring a dragon with three stars.
These patches have not been definitively identified with a specific launch, but considering that the number of stars depicted in other patches often correlates with the number of satellites of the type that have been launched, it seems reasonable to conclude that these patches depict the third and fourth launches of these satellites, then known as Aquacade, in 1977 and 1978.
Two mysteries remain, one probably meaningless and the other much more curious. The B-36 dragon patch has a starfield containing fourteen stars. Does this symbolize anything other than the American flag? The number does not match with anything that independent observers have been able to determine about these types of satellites, and it could simply be artistic license.
The more intriguing question concerns the dragon patch for what was probably the fourth satellite of this type launched into space, in April 1978. The patch features two streaks rising up from the Earth, one culminating in a star that undoubtedly represents the payload. But the other streak leaves the patch’s frame entirely. Does this represent a secondary payload that was boosted into an even higher orbit?
There is also another singular example from a different signals intelligence program known as Mercury. On June 24, 1996, Titan 4 K-16, named “Sweet 16” on its rocket patch, launched into orbit carrying what independent observers determined was a signals intelligence satellite. Independent observers have determined that the United States has long operated three different classes of high altitude signals intelligence satellites. They speculated that this was of a different class of payload than the Rhyolite type represented by the dragon (one major difference was that the Titan 4 used a different launch shroud). These satellites had originally started with the name Canyon and later versions had the names Chalet and Vortex and finally Mercury. The K-16 launch was the fourteenth launch with the characteristics of these satellites. Fourteen launches. Fourteen stars.
The patch featured a pretty girl sitting atop the world—a reference to a girl’s Sweet 16 party. But the girl was also holding a gold parasol. Erase the girl from the image, and the parasol forms an umbrella shape similar to the large dish antennas that independent observers believe is used by signals intelligence satellites—and coincidentally, similar to the golden “dragon wings” on the B-25 payload patch.
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